12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC
Why do you all have opinions and have to post about them online?
Score update:
BG: 177,883 with +495 potential
SoR: 114,610 with +160 potential
TC: 104,551 with +40 potential
(edited by Tari.6825)
That’s BG 177k not 117k.
Sorry I’m half asleep. You’re right and I edited the post accordingly ^^
I think if/when Blackgate finally pushes into Tier 1 it will dominate.
SoS lost PRX and most of Merc, SBI lost all of its asian guilds, JQ has been bleeding guilds for months. The only reason they stay in Tier 1 is because they’ve fallen together.
Player population census says Tarnished Coast #1 and Blackgate #3 for overall populations. TC has its RPers, SoS (#2) has its oceanic PvErs, BG has a bunch of WvW fanatics. I really think you guys have the largest WvW population and I believe Sanctum of Rall is #3 perhaps behind Sea of Sorrows.
JQ and SBI have no business being in Tier 1, they haven’t been Tier 1 worthy servers for months but they stay there thanks to a very poor scoring system. I can’t wait till SBI falls back to Tier 2 and we tear them apart, hopefully it happens next week. I know I am saving all my superior siege for that matchup.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
I think if/when Blackgate finally pushes into Tier 1 it will dominate.
SoS lost PRX and most of Merc, SBI lost all of its asian guilds, JQ has been bleeding guilds for months. The only reason they stay in Tier 1 is because they’ve fallen together.
Player population census says Tarnished Coast #1 and Blackgate #3 for overall populations. TC has its RPers, SoS (#2) has its oceanic PvErs, BG has a bunch of WvW fanatics. I really think you guys have the largest WvW population and I believe Sanctum of Rall is #3 perhaps behind Sea of Sorrows.
JQ and SBI have no business being in Tier 1, they haven’t been Tier 1 worthy servers for months but they stay there thanks to a very poor scoring system. I can’t wait till SBI falls back to Tier 2 and we tear them apart, hopefully it happens next week. I know I am saving all my superior siege for that matchup.
You overestimate our coverage, and our WvW population. While we do have a lot of dedicated WvW fanatics, they make up a minority compared to the high population of PVE players that happen to see us winning and hop into WvW. We’re a solid server, but if we ever actually get into tier 1, it will become clear where our coverage gaps lie.
Server Traversing Nomad
I think you overestimate the populations of the Tier 1 servers, they have all fallen dramatically. There’s a reason the Tier 2 thread has 450+ replies every week and the Tier 1 thread only has 125.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
I think you overestimate the populations of the Tier 1 servers, they have all fallen dramatically. There’s a reason the Tier 2 thread has 450+ replies every week and the Tier 1 thread only has 125.
Indeed. That said, every server is gonna run into spikes, particularly in a Free 2 play game.
Take for instance a guild of 100 take a break from their server and comeback 3 months later, what exactly have they lost? Absolutely nothing.
A Treaty won’t save SoR/TC your servers honestly don’t have the round the clock coverage that blackgate does. Recruit more Oceanic WvW’rs. Coming from a blackgate original I was there when the server went to t1 and it wasn’t pretty, the zergs were bigger the exploits were way more often. I’m honestly quite happy staying in the t2 bracket. So Sor/TC you want to make a treaty maybe you should make a treaty to throw in the towel and ensure blackgate moves up a tier cause we got no problem leading t2 bracket week after week, and this isn’t because we are more skilled it is just a numbers game in our favor.
Don’t drown us in your bravado, you’ll be losing points next week. We don’t even have to do anything for that to happen, as you’ve done it to yourselves.
Edit: In fact if you had been patient you’d be moving up to Tier 1 after next week with the way SBI has been falling after getting hit by a transfer exodus, but instead you’re with us for another two weeks at least. Maybe more if SBI gets some reinforcements.
I find it hilarious you continue to refer to a server with hundreds of individual WvW players as if it has one consciousness. You guys haven’t noticed less major guild zergs later in the week? Most of the top NA guilds at least (can’t speak for Oceanic as I’m sleeping) are taking breaks. Sure we log in to mess around, but we aren’t turning on our serious voices, or using superior siege. All of this and the stomp continues.
This is what happens when a server is truly ready for tier 1. The good guilds and commanders lead the way early in the week, work hard for our gain. And the pugs and commanders in training take up the torch later in the week to let the big boys rest up. This is how we don’t get frazzled out.
When we make it to tier 1, I think people may be surprised how well we do. Again, as for myself, we’ll make it when we make it, at this point there is no rush, and our server is having fun right where it is.
BeastGate for life.
Score update brought to you by Feisty:
Happy New Year!
A Treaty won’t save SoR/TC your servers honestly don’t have the round the clock coverage that blackgate does. Recruit more Oceanic WvW’rs. Coming from a blackgate original I was there when the server went to t1 and it wasn’t pretty, the zergs were bigger the exploits were way more often. I’m honestly quite happy staying in the t2 bracket. So Sor/TC you want to make a treaty maybe you should make a treaty to throw in the towel and ensure blackgate moves up a tier cause we got no problem leading t2 bracket week after week, and this isn’t because we are more skilled it is just a numbers game in our favor.
Don’t drown us in your bravado, you’ll be losing points next week. We don’t even have to do anything for that to happen, as you’ve done it to yourselves.
Edit: In fact if you had been patient you’d be moving up to Tier 1 after next week with the way SBI has been falling after getting hit by a transfer exodus, but instead you’re with us for another two weeks at least. Maybe more if SBI gets some reinforcements.
When we make it to tier 1, I think people may be surprised how well we do. .
LOL. Aside from Blackgate, I doubt any of the other servers care what you do in Tier 1.
Score update:
BG: 190,333 (665)
SoR: 117,091 (20)
TC: 106,820 (+15)
These aren’t numbers befitting of “tier 2”…these are numbers when many players start to not show up, at least during this oceanic window/NA early morning timing.
It seems like a tier shake-up is in the making…a couple weeks back matches were fairly balanced across most tiers other than the bottom few, this week it seems nearly every single bracket is turning into a blowout, but the servers aren’t moving due to how the ratings work.
Edit: Correction. The blowout brackets this week are tiers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. In particular, Blackgate, Dragonbrand, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng seem to be servers that need to move up, and all of them are in fact doing so other than Blackgate which might need another week or two. I’m no expert on the glicko system but tier 2 atm is fairly stale, with Blackgate clearly much stronger than the other 2 servers. Not too sure on how the T1 servers are doing, but perhaps we are having the old problem of having 4 “tier-1 ready” servers but only 3 slots in tier 1? Maybe we’ll go back to the old days where tier 2 is the place for whoever fell out of tier 1 to have a week of faceroll, and then the top 4 servers sort of take turns dropping down for freewin vacation weeks while the other 2 tier 2 servers just take the beating from different servers week after week. That would be amusing, but in a sad way for us
(edited by ykyk.2740)
Good show BG on TCBL this morning. Was a hard fight. Learned a lot.
score update
highest score made by BG in tier 2 for the whole weeks we have been here since we left tier 1.. 670ppt.. goodjob Beastgate..
(edited by SlasherX.5198)
Score update:
BG: 190,333 (665)
SoR: 117,091 (20)
TC: 106,820 (+15)These aren’t numbers befitting of “tier 2”…these are numbers when many players start to not show up, at least during this oceanic window/NA early morning timing.
It seems like a tier shake-up is in the making…a couple weeks back matches were fairly balanced across most tiers other than the bottom few, this week it seems nearly every single bracket is turning into a blowout, but the servers aren’t moving due to how the ratings work.
Edit: Correction. The blowout brackets this week are tiers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. In particular, Blackgate, Dragonbrand, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng seem to be servers that need to move up, and all of them are in fact doing so other than Blackgate which might need another week or two. I’m no expert on the glicko system but tier 2 atm is fairly stale, with Blackgate clearly much stronger than the other 2 servers. Not too sure on how the T1 servers are doing, but perhaps we are having the old problem of having 4 “tier-1 ready” servers but only 3 slots in tier 1? Maybe we’ll go back to the old days where tier 2 is the place for whoever fell out of tier 1 to have a week of faceroll, and then the top 4 servers sort of take turns dropping down for freewin vacation weeks while the other 2 tier 2 servers just take the beating from different servers week after week. That would be amusing, but in a sad way for us
Holidays ended for some of us already, I’m already back at work so I can’t help fill the gaps left by our lack of Oceanic coverage in the morning. Could help explain some of the numbers difference, as I don’t recall Blackgate having this much of a lead at this point of the week in previous match ups.
You are right, it may be another week or two before BG moves up, unless something changes next week. I’d be interested to see how things go before the February update to WvW.
SoR has a lot of diehards that suck it up and keep fighting despite a +35 tick, I am not one of them. I have spent a whooping 45 minutes in WvW this week because Blackgate has spilled enough of my blood.
I am tired and am going to stick to hunting Jormag until they go away.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
at 0945 CST this today, SoR BL had at MOST 50 defenders. at this exact same time, BG had a que not only in our BL, but TC’s as well. SoR had no more than camp capping grps in all other maps combined. if anyone ever says BG is “lacking players” for oceanic coverage, keep this in mind.
SoR – Iconic Guild Commander
“They are to our left, right, in front, and behind us. They cant get away this time!”
I don’t anticipate that even with changes the tiers will ever balance out. The free server transfers pretty much ruled out that there would ever be stable (balanced) long-term match ups in any tier. Yes, there are some guilds/players that will remain loyal to the server they are on (e.g. I have been on TC since the first beta and will always be), but there are too many players who will transfer at the first sign of greener grass elsewhere.
I saw several guilds last night that were on FA just 2 weeks ago and on TC 4-6 weeks ago, who are now on BG. The funny thing is, the servers that are winning their tier, don’t even need to recruit, because people would rather win than lose (kind of human nature I guess – not to mention getting 100% map completion to get the gifts for legendaries).
I hope that Feb. is a complete redoing of the tier ranking structure, and that they get rid of the server transfer. Sadly, I wish we had a real persistent WvW zone, that was not server based (old frontier style). I won’t hold my breath, but I can always dream.
Te Nosce [TC]
at 0945 CST this today, SoR BL had at MOST 50 defenders. at this exact same time, BG had a que not only in our BL, but TC’s as well. SoR had no more than camp capping grps in all other maps combined. if anyone ever says BG is “lacking players” for oceanic coverage, keep this in mind.
Now there is no queue in any map. The only queue we had is when our oceanic guilds combined force to stomp one particular BL. And that queue only last 5minute. Still plenty of space for Oceanic, We also need more for tier1.
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
at 0945 CST this today, SoR BL had at MOST 50 defenders. at this exact same time, BG had a que not only in our BL, but TC’s as well. SoR had no more than camp capping grps in all other maps combined. if anyone ever says BG is “lacking players” for oceanic coverage, keep this in mind.
Now there is no queue in any map. The only queue we had is when our oceanic guilds combined force to stomp one particular BL. And that queue only last 5minute. Still plenty of space for Oceanic
, We also need more for tier1.
lol more for T1? T1 must be an absolute zergfest 24/7. Sounds fun…
I find it hilarious you continue to refer to a server with hundreds of individual WvW players as if it has one consciousness. You guys haven’t noticed less major guild zergs later in the week? Most of the top NA guilds at least (can’t speak for Oceanic as I’m sleeping) are taking breaks. Sure we log in to mess around, but we aren’t turning on our serious voices, or using superior siege. All of this and the stomp continues.
This is what happens when a server is truly ready for tier 1. The good guilds and commanders lead the way early in the week, work hard for our gain. And the pugs and commanders in training take up the torch later in the week to let the big boys rest up. This is how we don’t get frazzled out.
When we make it to tier 1, I think people may be surprised how well we do. Again, as for myself, we’ll make it when we make it, at this point there is no rush, and our server is having fun right where it is.
BeastGate for life.
I for one find it hilarious that you speak of a server with dozens of WvW guilds as if you represent them. It might be a good idea to tone down the bravado. Not only does the way you chose to phrase your comment make you sound like an kitten , it makes us all sound that way.
It seems like you genuinely love being on Blackgate like many of us do, so please, try to ensure what you say doesn’t come at the expense of this server’s reputation. We already have enough people doing that.
I get it, sure. Words like stomp may have been in poor taste. Maybe Im just sick and tired of the weeks and weeks of constant hate. Its good to see us show it in the score.
Im not speaking for the server as a whole, Im speaking from my personal observations when I refer to taking a break in the back half of the week.
I dont think its bravado to point out we are ready for tier 1, especially after so many week after week posts calling us out as weak, or that if we truly deserved to be there we wouldnt allow SoR to keep it close. Then this week, people start telling us we are winning wrong, not being patient, not knowing how the glicko system works, winning by too much. Pointing out the hypocracy is all Im after.
Sure Ive got server pride, thats the only thing to fight for with the current reward system. If anything the server pride I show does represent the dozens of guilds in blackgate, because we all share it.
I get it, sure. Words like stomp may have been in poor taste. Maybe Im just sick and tired of the weeks and weeks of constant hate. Its good to see us show it in the score.
Im not speaking for the server as a whole, Im speaking from my personal observations when I refer to taking a break in the back half of the week.
I dont think its bravado to point out we are ready for tier 1, especially after so many week after week posts calling us out as weak, or that if we truly deserved to be there we wouldnt allow SoR to keep it close. Then this week, people start telling us we are winning wrong, not being patient, not knowing how the glicko system works, winning by too much. Pointing out the hypocracy is all Im after.
Sure Ive got server pride, thats the only thing to fight for with the current reward system. If anything the server pride I show does represent the dozens of guilds in blackgate, because we all share it.
I would just stop letting it get to you. It gets to me sometimes too but I bite my tongue and close my browser most of the time.
The fact is, this is competitive PvP, and logic and good sportsmanship doesn’t always prevail. When you win my a little you lack skill and don’t have what it takes. When you win by a lot you’re nothing but a huge mindless zerg and only win because of greater numbers (duh). There’s always a reason that seeks to make your team look better than your opponent. It’s human nature. The ugly side of it.
[KnT] – Blackgate
When you win by a lot it actually does prove that your server has superior numbers, that is just how W3 works. Yes that is logical because it is true. As far as mindless or lacking skill goes, well remarks like those are clearly baseless. Of course I’ve never seen t1 so maybe there is a point where this is no longer true but I haven’t seen it yet.
(edited by Forsaken.2167)
I think you overestimate the populations of the Tier 1 servers, they have all fallen dramatically. There’s a reason the Tier 2 thread has 450+ replies every week and the Tier 1 thread only has 125.
I remember the days when BG was supposed to take T1 by storm. Just so you know, T1 has gotten stronger since then (I’ve been there then and now week 2 of release to be exact… JQ has more coverage NOW than it did then…nice dig, though). The only server that has gotten weaker is SBI because WM left.
Onto the thread argument. Sure, you can make that claim. But on Guru SOS/JQ/SBI has a thread going on 13 pages; 341 posts…this match up? 16 replies.
My point is, thread/page count is a horrible basis on server population. Not to mention most really don’t post any more as they have learned trash talking doesn’t accomplish much.
I’m only here because I logged out, skimmed through and saw this post.
[FIRE] – Jade Quarry
My joke with Sparta was infractioned… Just wanted to say that…
Back to business. Scores for 4pm on GMT -3 (10am PST)
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
My joke with Sparta was infractioned… Just wanted to say that…
Back to business. Scores for 4pm on GMT -3 (10am PST)
I got infracted for saying — “This.. Is.. Sparta..” I think it was you I quoted.
Thank you for the scores as well
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian
Onto the thread argument. Sure, you can make that claim. But on Guru SOS/JQ/SBI has a thread going on 13 pages; 341 posts…this match up? 16 replies.
My point is, thread/page count is a horrible basis on server population. Not to mention most really don’t post any more as they have learned trash talking doesn’t accomplish much.
I was just going to post the same reply. I think it really has more to do with where each server usually hangs out. Again, the T1 thread on the Guru forums is 12 pages while the T2 thread has 16 replies and it was the thread posted for LAST WEEK. T2 doesn’t even have a post for this week’s match on Guru.
One thing I’ve noticed over the past 2 months is SoR players rarely post on the Guru forums, which I think has a lot to do with the T2 match threads getting very little action there.
[KnT] – Blackgate
We head out there to have some fun.
If this was really the case, some of your oceanic guilds would transfer off. For the life of me, I don’t understand how PvDoor can be fun for anyone.
My joke with Sparta was infractioned… Just wanted to say that…
Back to business. Scores for 4pm on GMT -3 (10am PST)
I got infracted for saying — “This.. Is.. Sparta..”
I think it was you I quoted.
Thank you for the scores as well
Aww, but it made me laugh so much. Humor is lost.
Anyways… who wants some popcorn? munches and watches threads
Media Officer of Imperial Coalition
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I get it, sure. Words like stomp may have been in poor taste. Maybe Im just sick and tired of the weeks and weeks of constant hate. Its good to see us show it in the score.
Part of the hate you get on the boards are due to the chest thumping you do when you constantly point to the score board. Then the complaining you do when people respond by telling you its coverage.
Just something for you to think about.
I dont think its bravado to point out we are ready for tier 1, especially after so many week after week posts calling us out as weak, or that if we truly deserved to be there we wouldnt allow SoR to keep it close. Then this week, people start telling us we are winning wrong, not being patient, not knowing how the glicko system works, winning by too much. Pointing out the hypocracy is all Im after.
Hypocrisy. Before pointing it out in others, you should be free of it yourself. Its good advice to follow.
(edited by covenn.7165)
What is up with this post, I cant edit it.
We head out there to have some fun.
If this was really the case, some of your oceanic guilds would transfer off. For the life of me, I don’t understand how PvDoor can be fun for anyone.
Because that coverage is necessary to compete in T1, and most are willing to PvDoor while keeping their sights on the big picture. I see some people missing this point in the BG recruitment thread as well. BG isn’t recruiting for T2.
[KnT] – Blackgate
We head out there to have some fun.
If this was really the case, some of your oceanic guilds would transfer off. For the life of me, I don’t understand how PvDoor can be fun for anyone.
Because that coverage is necessary to compete in T1, and most are willing to PvDoor while keeping their sights on the big picture. I see some people missing this point in the BG recruitment thread as well. BG isn’t recruiting for T2.
So you admit it isn’t about fun then? That is the only point I was making.
The fact is, this is competitive PvP, and logic and good sportsmanship doesn’t always prevail. When you win my a little you lack skill and don’t have what it takes. When you win by a lot you’re nothing but a huge mindless zerg and only win because of greater numbers (duh). There’s always a reason that seeks to make your team look better than your opponent. It’s human nature. The ugly side of it.
I am not so sure that is fair when it comes to this game. I honestly have no idea if BG is a mindless zerg or skilled players outside of my play time. Aside from a couple of guilds, being frank, the BG I do fight typically get outmanuvered and seem to fold under hard pushes, BUT they are competitive and good opponents.
What I don’t get is the need to chest thump about the scoreboard when the reality is that at 10am eastern time in the morning on most days, there are a whopping 15 people across all the WvW zones from SoR. That is why I log out at night with a large PPT advantage and by midday the next day BG is ticking away at over 500.
It isn’t the fact that you have better coverage that is getting you hate on the boards. It is the chest beating that is done because of that better coverage. Of course people are going to get defensive about it and point it out to you, because it is the reality of the situation. We all know it.
There’s always a reason that seeks to make your team look better than your opponent. It’s human nature. The ugly side of it.
This. +1000 Like. If you getting tired of this kind of forum responses, i say you better go pwn people in WvW instead!
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
The fact is, this is competitive PvP, and logic and good sportsmanship doesn’t always prevail. When you win my a little you lack skill and don’t have what it takes. When you win by a lot you’re nothing but a huge mindless zerg and only win because of greater numbers (duh). There’s always a reason that seeks to make your team look better than your opponent. It’s human nature. The ugly side of it.
I am not so sure that is fair when it comes to this game. I honestly have no idea if BG is a mindless zerg or skilled players outside of my play time. Aside from a couple of guilds, being frank, the BG I do fight typically get outmanuvered and seem to fold under hard pushes, BUT they are competitive and good opponents.
What I don’t get is the need to chest thump about the scoreboard when the reality is that at 10am eastern time in the morning on most days, there are a whopping 15 people across all the WvW zones from SoR. That is why I log out at night with a large PPT advantage and by midday the next day BG is ticking away at over 500.
It isn’t the fact that you have better coverage that is getting you hate on the boards. It is the chest beating that is done because of that better coverage. Of course people are going to get defensive about it and point it out to you, because it is the reality of the situation. We all know it.
a very nice post that explain the hate the BG gets, good job dude.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
Because that coverage is necessary to compete in T1, and most are willing to PvDoor while keeping their sights on the big picture. I see some people missing this point in the BG recruitment thread as well. BG isn’t recruiting for T2.
So you admit it isn’t about fun then? That is the only point I was making.
Everyone has their own definition of “fun.”
The difference between what I say and (some not all) sor say, is that I dont call your server trash, or mindless zerg, or say how you are outmanuvered. In fact, ive repeatedly complimented choo and several TC guilds on their organization and effectiveness.
What I dont do, is allow posters to make untrue statements unchallenged. Is coverage a major factor in our score? Of course, I see no one denying this.
What I have an issue with is the assumption that we do not deserve our wins because of it, or it is somehow cheap tricks. SoR has just as much opportunity to recruit and build their guilds into multiple timeslot coverage.
Strong, dominating servers that have good coverage are always going to be called “zerg servers” by bitter players from the losing sides. It happens in every tier, and it’s never nice to have your server denounced as “skill-less zerg”… but for the people on the receiving end, they are going to notice the big numbers and coverage before anything else comes to their mind. Everyone likes to think they can win if all other factors are equal.
Please ignore the trolls is all I can say. I think most sane people understand that BG is where they are by virtue of not only numbers (which they do have), but also experience and tactics honed by playing in the top 2 tiers since pretty much forever.
The difference between what I say and (some not all) sor say, is that I dont call your server trash, or mindless zerg, or say how you are outmanuvered. In fact, ive repeatedly complimented choo and several TC guilds on their organization and effectiveness.
My favorite logical fallacy is how BG gets “outplayed” by SoR in NA primetime. Nevermind the fact that SoR has possibly the strongest NA force across all servers. But somehow that doesn’t equate to SoR zerging.
But should BG outnumber their opponent…oh boy, you better build some additional Pylons because those Overlords are at max capacity.
I guess zerging, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
But should BG outnumber their opponent…oh boy, you better build some additional Pylons because those Overlords are at max capacity.
Haha, I love this reference. To stay on topic, yes, every server zergs. It is a strategy in itself, you send in the cannon fodder to soak up damage and tire the enemy out, then you strike in force. It’s basically the sole purpose of the zergling.
Score update:
BG: 190,333 (665)
SoR: 117,091 (20)
TC: 106,820 (+15)These aren’t numbers befitting of “tier 2”…these are numbers when many players start to not show up, at least during this oceanic window/NA early morning timing.
You have to remember that while the holidays are now over, today is the first day back to work for many people. Those that played mornings/afternoons over the last week or so may not be able to any longer.
That which yields is not always weak.
All I can say is if or when BG ever moves up to tier one and SBI moves down to tier two. SBI might just get that fire lit under them again and that is scary indeed, for TC and SoR that is.
oPP – Blackgate
Because that coverage is necessary to compete in T1, and most are willing to PvDoor while keeping their sights on the big picture. I see some people missing this point in the BG recruitment thread as well. BG isn’t recruiting for T2.
I’m curious, what will happen to Blackgate once you do reach Tier 1? Assuming you beat SoS after a couple of weeks you will have won GW2, will you pack your things and try your hand at the Euro League? or Will you all disperse and start again on a mid-tier server? All hypothetically speaking of course.
No malice intended, I’m honestly curious
The difference between what I say and (some not all) sor say, is that I dont call your server trash, or mindless zerg, or say how you are outmanuvered. In fact, ive repeatedly complimented choo and several TC guilds on their organization and effectiveness.
What I dont do, is allow posters to make untrue statements unchallenged. Is coverage a major factor in our score? Of course, I see no one denying this.
What I have an issue with is the assumption that we do not deserve our wins because of it, or it is somehow cheap tricks. SoR has just as much opportunity to recruit and build their guilds into multiple timeslot coverage.
Jared, you repeatedly point at the scoreboard. Then you repeatedly try to justify it by explaining that your server is magically doing something the other servers are not. When you do that, you are not only being fallacious, but demeaning. Your server isn’t doing anything the others arent. SoR cultivates its people too, you arent alone in that. Stop trying to pretend you are.
Put yourself in your opponents shoes and how do you expect them to react to that nonsense. Of course you are going to get flamed bro.
My favorite logical fallacy is how BG gets “outplayed” by SoR in NA primetime. Nevermind the fact that SoR has possibly the strongest NA force across all servers. But somehow that doesn’t equate to SoR zerging.
Who ever said SoR doesnt zerg NA prime time. Of course they do.
There is a difference in the evening though NA, Zergs are fighting zergs instead of doors. Huge difference.
Personally, it is far more fun for me to fight actual players. Win or Lose.
Because that coverage is necessary to compete in T1, and most are willing to PvDoor while keeping their sights on the big picture. I see some people missing this point in the BG recruitment thread as well. BG isn’t recruiting for T2.
I’m curious, what will happen to Blackgate once you do reach Tier 1? Assuming you beat SoS after a couple of weeks you will have won GW2, will you pack your things and try your hand at the Euro League? or Will you all disperse and start again on a mid-tier server? All hypothetically speaking of course.
No malice intended, I’m honestly curious
And I’m being completely honest when I say this … I haven’t the foggiest idea. But I would be a bit surprised if we beat either SoS or the newly revitalized JQ with our current coverage. I know that may sound crazy to someone on SoR, but T1 is a different animal altogether. Not only will our NA crew be pushed to it’s limits, our off-hour coverage will have a constant battle as well. BG’s only spot where it may have an advantage against SoS and JQ is during EU primetime, which BG may have the strongest WvW playerbase currently. However, I’m excited to see where BG stands against the current T1 servers. It’s been a long time since we’ve been tested there.
The last time we were in T1, we took 2nd place in the first match then got throttled by SBI two matches in a row and passed in rating by SoS. JQ was having some morale problems and were mostly a non-factor during those three matches, other than doing just enough to stay in the #2 spot. However, JQ seems to be surging, judging by their likely victory this week and reclaiming the #1 spot.
We shall see. I know it seems like BG is a behemoth, but only in T2. In T1 we’re the underdog. Either way, we’re not going anywhere. We’ll give each match our best, continue to try to improve our participation and coverage, and continue to have fun, whether it’s T1, T2 or wherever.
[KnT] – Blackgate
My server, TC got utterly destroyed last night why? Because our Oceanic defenders have only known to defend TCBL. As soon as EB became all green I knew all those EB players would either swarm TC or SOR BL and eventually it ended up with us.
Our people tried to defend to the best of the capacity but we couldn’t hold onto our BL with the EB+TCBL zergs of BG.
I think during that time if that ever happens again, yes we do need some defenders but how do you seperate a larger force and make the tick not reach an all time low? Guerilla warfare. Go where the zerg is not and capture points. We needed some people in EB running capture and runs just to seperate a big force into small groups of coverage.
Sadly our force piled up in TCBL and got romped head on. I am not a commander but I wish I had that book at that time. To any commanders on TC reading this we needed to change up our Defensive night strat next time that happens.
Erm. Anyone else get booted from EB and now cannot access?
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast