Tarnished Coast
Tarnished Coast
I’ve been reading all the talk on here about people blow smoke up WM’s kitten so it brings me great joy to send you this picture of a portal bomb into our spawn by those almightly players. LOL
Uh, that’s not your spawn. If you don’t have the invuln boon (which you don’t), we can just run up there – as you just found out. Simple as running up a hill, dude.
Lol genius I wasn’t in the spawn, all of those players just jumped out of the invulnerable zone up on that ledge. You can pretend all you want but i watched it happen. Just curious how the mesmer got up there.
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12
Thanks, Kaineng zerg. You just had to show up and destroy the good duels that were going on >:O
Sooo…not that I approve of breaking up Duels…But I see no announcement anywhere except the one saying WM should bring their zerg killers. While I do get it as being a joke…the implication to most people(particularly non-native English speakers) is that there was a zerg preparing to attack. If you want duels…try announcing it in the Forums and asking us to post about it in Map Chat.
For those talking smack about Jang and others’ typing in English…type just 1 full sentance in his native language without looking it up or Google Translator or such…Even if you DID look it it up or Google it, guarantee there’ll be parts that are grammatically horrible to a native speaker. Talk down about their game skills, about their zergs, whatever…But these guys can communicate with us, no matter how poorly, in our native tongue, do NOT demean that.
I have to ask, why would a large maguuma zerg 30+ attack the north gate of hills in Kain bl. When they own nothing on the whole map, not a camp or tower. They know we were watching since they fought our camp first. What was the strategy, what was the plan or did you just decide Hey, They have not lost that all weekend why not give it a shot? I do not ask sarcastically i genuinely wish to know why would you do that?
[EA] Elephant Ambush
Me Kaineng robot. Do not understand enjoyment. Run on raw points for fuel. How does feel fun?
For those talking smack about Jang and others’ typing in Englikittenype just 1 full sentance in his native language without looking it up or Google Translator or such…Even if you DID look it it up or Google it, guarantee there’ll be parts that are grammatically horrible to a native speaker. Talk down about their game skills, about their zergs, whatever…But these guys can communicate with us, no matter how poorly, in our native tongue, do NOT demean that.
You’re really good at attacking things that don’t exist. Also, we can’t talk about how bad WM is, because the mods delete and infract those posts in minutes. Maybe this one will survive: WM is bad at PvP and the reason they left t1 is because they got tired of wiping. They will leave Kaineng if it ever gets to t1.
I have to ask, why would a large maguuma zerg 30+ attack the north gate of hills in Kain bl. When they own nothing on the whole map, not a camp or tower. They know we were watching since they fought our camp first. What was the strategy, what was the plan or did you just decide Hey, They have not lost that all weekend why not give it a shot? I do not ask sarcastically i genuinely wish to know why would you do that?
Because kitten you that’s why. :-)
But DB still had most of their BL, so I don’t understand your complaint. If it’s a T8 strategy then you should have no problem beating it, right?
Sorry, not a complaint at all. An observation. And as for beating it – it’s very effective small-scale. We used to give Devona’s Rest fits at single points on the map. Thing is, we still lost overall, because we didn’t/couldn’t do enough anywhere else. Kinda like what’s going on here.
Edit: We used to even make the same excuses… No talent zergs, only numbers, we win when it’s equal… We still lost tho. I learned early on in my WvW career that excuses don’t win.
Remember 2 of the guilds that made up the bulk of Kaineng’s T8 fiestiness are now on Dragonbrand for 2 months… DB has plenty of people from back in the day when Kaineng was stuck in T8 with DR and Fergs. We dont need history lessons we were there. We’ve been using the old T8 Kaineng strats on the new Kaineng 2.0 and its funny seeing all the new Kaineng falling to tactics that we developed while on Kaineng when Kaineng earned its rep as a tough little cookie.
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com
Thanks, Kaineng zerg. You just had to show up and destroy the good duels that were going on >:O
Sooo…not that I approve of breaking up Duels…But I see no announcement anywhere except the one saying WM should bring their zerg killers. While I do get it as being a joke…the implication to most people(particularly non-native English speakers) is that there was a zerg preparing to attack. If you want duels…try announcing it in the Forums and asking us to post about it in Map Chat.
Good idea. What happened was a couple of DB and I chanced upon a duel between someone from Kaineng [RE] and someone from Maguuma [WaR], and discovered there were a bunch of Maguumans around, so we stuck around and hung out. Maybe half an hour later or so, a group of Kaineng, maybe 20~30 came and stomped all of us _
Hence, I was a bit annoyed. Then again, some people were doing the Spider Challenge so maybe they thought we were fighting?
I have to ask, why would a large maguuma zerg 30+ attack the north gate of hills in Kain bl. When they own nothing on the whole map, not a camp or tower. They know we were watching since they fought our camp first. What was the strategy, what was the plan or did you just decide Hey, They have not lost that all weekend why not give it a shot? I do not ask sarcastically i genuinely wish to know why would you do that?
We were looking for a fight and some fun.
We got both.
Except we didn’t just hold on our east Keep in your BL. We flipped your garrison twice that night and your northeast tower twice. So I don’t get this mentality that it’s all we held. There was a reason why you had a wooden garrison most of the night.
Yeah, we used to do that in T8 too. Just couldn’t hold it. Again, just like now. :-)
Remember 2 of the guilds that made up the bulk of Kaineng’s T8 fiestiness are now on Dragonbrand for 2 months… DB has plenty of people from back in the day when Kaineng was stuck in T8 with DR and Fergs. We dont need history lessons we were there. We’ve been using the old T8 Kaineng strats on the new Kaineng 2.0 and its funny seeing all the new Kaineng falling to tactics that we developed while on Kaineng when Kaineng earned its rep as a tough little cookie.
So, you’re agreeing with me. I mean, that’s just a paraphrased version of what I posted from the get go. xD We used those exact same tactics. Won the small battles, lost the war. Just like now.
Welcome (back???) to T8.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Dhampyr.2104)
Except we didn’t just hold on our east Keep in your BL. We flipped your garrison twice that night and your northeast tower twice. So I don’t get this mentality that it’s all we held. There was a reason why you had a wooden garrison most of the night.
Yeah, we used to do that in T8 too. Just couldn’t hold it. Again, just like now. :-)
How do you not defend a garrison when the bodies are there?
Fine, that works with me. I personally am not good at 1v1 or 5v5, however, I do have a few sPvPer’s that would love your challenge.
lol see this is what I was saying yesterday, I do not know which guild you are from cause you either don’t have a tag or I didn’t give enough of a kitten to check it. Either way Kaineng has horrible players who blob together and can’t do jack solo. To what I said in another post a few pages back… the only wm I’ve seen in the little bit I’ve been able to play so far was the 3 players I ran into and beat 1v3… great guild ya got there. When the 1v1’s are over I’ll edit this to make it server.
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing
I’ve had a lot of fun in wvw in the relatively short time I’ve been at it. It’s been interesting to see the crazy encounters where we are horribly outnumbered or happen upon others that we outnumber, or even(ish) numbered battles, and the clever efforts with siege or maneuvering players, etc. from all servers. I’ve been learning a lot, and still have a lot to pick up.
Many of these sweeping generalizations about ALL players on this server or that, though, are silly lol. Oh wait… I feel the troll robot in me kicking in… I c-can’t stop the transformation… I-…
Bleep bloop. Need points. Not programmed for skill. Points behind door. Must hit door until points happen. Beep buzz.
Its sad nobody on Mag is on, this Kain zerg at our NW tower is the easiest badge farm ever
Wow Mag so kitten at losing. This is top tier qq’ing ill give you that.
You’d smash the glicko rating if it was based on forum warriors.
Respect to DB. A fine server and with true lessons to teach us. I bow to your defence of Hills.
Congratz to kain for getting ur hills back, i would be curious to know how many omegas you have used to accomplish this as i have personally seen 15 go down not counting the assault that won it for you. Hehehe u should thank mag though as they softened us up considerably for you.
[EA] Elephant Ambush
blah blah blah KAIN SUCKS blah blah blah WM BOTS blah blah blah
Pretty much sums up this whole thread.
Very disappointed with the overall attitude of our opponents this match. At least TRY to be respectable?
For those talking smack about Jang and others’ typing in Englikittenype just 1 full sentance in his native language without looking it up or Google Translator or such…Even if you DID look it it up or Google it, guarantee there’ll be parts that are grammatically horrible to a native speaker. Talk down about their game skills, about their zergs, whatever…But these guys can communicate with us, no matter how poorly, in our native tongue, do NOT demean that.
You’re really good at attacking things that don’t exist. Also, we can’t talk about how bad WM is, because the mods delete and infract those posts in minutes. Maybe this one will survive: WM is bad at PvP and the reason they left t1 is because they got tired of wiping. They will leave Kaineng if it ever gets to t1.
I don’t care. WM is bad, this isn’t the same WM that won those championships, right? I know we never had the coverage to hang in scores but I went to EB expecting something much more fearsome. Fighting the Zerg is like bullfighting. As long as you know potential approach angles or control which direction they can attack from they become declawed kittens.
Play their veil, mass invis., and portal game back at them and they will seek out softer targets, like a properly glorified Karma train (which they are.)
Congratz to kain for getting ur hills back, i would be curious to know how many omegas you have used to accomplish this as i have personally seen 15 go down not counting the assault that won it for you. Hehehe u should thank mag though as they softened us up considerably for you.
Too bad they are smart enough to wait 2 hours and then they could have DPS’d hills and took it with no siege. But keep in mind it was mostly [RE] and they still think they know how to fight. One day you guys will step up to big boys league. Until then, it will take you hoards of golems to take objectives.
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12
PLUS, Abbish – I’m complimenting mag… who we are currently spanking. Technically, WE are the captors… Stockholm Syndrome does not apply in this case
I was kidding. I know you love DB and you do an awesome job there.
I have had the worst lag today. I keep losing fights because my character decides to just stand there while all the CDs blink forever. >:( Enjoy the loot from that, everybody else.
We’re doing better since Friday. Before people jump my kitten for being critical of Kain, I am never talking about score or that one guild who used TS/vent/mumble that one time when I am saying these things. And it’s also not about being double teamed or the secret Draguuma Empire or whatever everyone thinks is going on. It’s all about how you respond to it. Are people defending supply camps when our keeps are so obviously being choked out, placing the correct siege, having a plan before they rush a keep they just spent 20 minutes knocking the walls down, responding to attacks with the appropriate amount of people, prioritizing locations, etc. That’s what I’m talking about. We still can’t defend camps or break a camp camping (is that what it’s called) to save our lives but I am seeing more of the other things that just weren’t there Friday night.
Now we will learn some things this week and go right back to unbalanced matchups starting next week so we will forget it all. Oh boy!
And lighten up forum Kains. You really gotta let people telling you that you suck go. It’s a good real life strategy. Haven’t any of you grown up with siblings or rivals?
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
Congratz to kain for getting ur hills back, i would be curious to know how many omegas you have used to accomplish this as i have personally seen 15 go down not counting the assault that won it for you. Hehehe u should thank mag though as they softened us up considerably for you.
Too bad they are smart enough to wait 2 hours and then they could have DPS’d hills and took it with no siege. But keep in mind it was mostly [RE] and they still think they know how to fight. One day you guys will step up to big boys league. Until then, it will take you hoards of golems to take objectives.
Im sorry are you inferring that YOU are in the big boys league? I have yet to see any “pro” tactics from anyone on either of your servers. Getting real tired of reading posts like this. If they used 15 golems they were obviously just doing it for fun. My god I cannot believe how negative you people are.
Congratz to kain for getting ur hills back, i would be curious to know how many omegas you have used to accomplish this as i have personally seen 15 go down not counting the assault that won it for you. Hehehe u should thank mag though as they softened us up considerably for you.
Too bad they are smart enough to wait 2 hours and then they could have DPS’d hills and took it with no siege. But keep in mind it was mostly [RE] and they still think they know how to fight. One day you guys will step up to big boys league. Until then, it will take you hoards of golems to take objectives.
Well at least they took Hills back sooner from you guys than we CD did. But then again, we also had to deal with an almost 24/7 FJ zerg holed up in Bay. Kinda curious. How did their assault on Hills compare to ours 2 weeks ago?
Silly Kaineng; imitating the EVOH beaver. This is the correct emblem/colors.
It was posted in the forums, it was clear what we were doing, and there were even Kain players there participating.
blah blah blah KAIN SUCKS blah blah blah WM BOTS blah blah blah
Pretty much sums up this whole thread.
Very disappointed with the overall attitude of our opponents this match. At least TRY to be respectable?
I can’t have respect, I have never seen a server with more disorganized zergs
Congratz to kain for getting ur hills back, i would be curious to know how many omegas you have used to accomplish this as i have personally seen 15 go down not counting the assault that won it for you. Hehehe u should thank mag though as they softened us up considerably for you.
Too bad they are smart enough to wait 2 hours and then they could have DPS’d hills and took it with no siege. But keep in mind it was mostly [RE] and they still think they know how to fight. One day you guys will step up to big boys league. Until then, it will take you hoards of golems to take objectives.
Im sorry are you inferring that YOU are in the big boys league? I have yet to see any “pro” tactics from anyone on either of your servers. Getting real tired of reading posts like this. If they used 15 golems they were obviously just doing it for fun. My god I cannot believe how negative you people are.
Maybe you were just asleep when the pro tactics happened. That seems to be when all the super MLG pro play happens in this matchup.
Im sorry are you inferring that YOU are in the big boys league? I have yet to see any “pro” tactics from anyone on either of your servers. Getting real tired of reading posts like this. If they used 15 golems they were obviously just doing it for fun. My god I cannot believe how negative you people are.
i was referring to the [RE] guild specifically, we know them well and I’m sure the fact they bandwagoned along to Kaineng from DH makes them feel all the better. I have to say every time we run into a fight we try to check the numbers v. numbers game, and when it is RE we all laugh and push in regardless of how many of them there are. So they got lucky and caught hills when we had 10 people there after being attacked by the mag zerg a few minutes before. You can pound your chest all you want on the forum but it doesnt make the massive numbers of thieves, eles, and guardians in your guild any better players. Fotm is the only way to roll I suppose. Good luck out there and I look forward to farming badges for the rest of the week.
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12
Im sorry are you inferring that YOU are in the big boys league? I have yet to see any “pro” tactics from anyone on either of your servers. Getting real tired of reading posts like this. If they used 15 golems they were obviously just doing it for fun. My god I cannot believe how negative you people are.
i was referring to the [RE] guild specifically, we know them well and I’m sure the fact they bandwagoned along to Kaineng from DH makes them feel all the better. I have to say every time we run into a fight we try to check the numbers v. numbers game, and when it is RE we all laugh and push in regardless of how many of them there are. So they got lucky and caught hills when we had 10 people there after being attacked by the mag zerg a few minutes before. You can pound your chest all you want on the forum but it doesnt make the massive numbers of thieves, eles, and guardians in your guild any better players. Fotm is the only way to roll I suppose. Good luck out there and I look forward to farming badges for the rest of the week.
Im not pounding my chest im just tired of reading negative posts. Just gona report them all at this point. Maybe a mod will be kind enough to do some cleaning here.
Congratz to kain for getting ur hills back, i would be curious to know how many omegas you have used to accomplish this as i have personally seen 15 go down not counting the assault that won it for you. Hehehe u should thank mag though as they softened us up considerably for you.
But Edgar that’s impossible everyone in Kain still thinks were in a super secret alliance with Mag. Mag couldn’t have possibly attacked us according to them.
Except we didn’t just hold on our east Keep in your BL. We flipped your garrison twice that night and your northeast tower twice. So I don’t get this mentality that it’s all we held. There was a reason why you had a wooden garrison most of the night.
Yeah, we used to do that in T8 too. Just couldn’t hold it. Again, just like now. :-)
The question still remains how could you have not defended two attacks that worked when you had the numbers to do so. The answer is simple you guys had 0 supply in your garrison from dumping them into tons of Omegas that were getting wrecked by our full supply and fully sieged Hills and on top of that you guys defend horribly. Try this against a T1 and T2 server and you will never hold on to your garrison.
(edited by Skapocalypse.5236)
Hi! Please stay on topic and don’t fight each other. We had to moderate this thread several times. Continued behavior of this sort, will only lead to this thread beeing locked.
Thanks for your understanding.
Mag! only 12 pages in this thread and not even a mod warning?? This is very unlike you <3 Where’s the fury? Where’s the drama?? I kinda like the new you
It’s cause the ones who attract the mods are already banned :/
Edit: looks like they beat me to the punch.. :o
[DERP] [iRez]
Mag’s forum warriors seem to be sleeping, thread still hasn’t been deleted yet. Even though FA isn’t in this group, I’ve still been following this thread, just cause I know Mag has the fiercest forum warriors.
Seriously, this thread needs shut down.
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Mag’s forum warriors seem to be sleeping, thread still hasn’t been deleted yet. Even though FA isn’t in this group, I’ve still been following this thread, just cause I know Mag has the fiercest forum warriors.
I dunno, I had trouble keeping pace with FA’s forum warriors last week. It was an epic fight!!
Post videos. Ain’t nobody reading all this crap.
Good duels at the windmill boys from Kaineng [WM] – although it sucks there weren’t more people to challenge me
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
I have to ask, why would a large maguuma zerg 30+ attack the north gate of hills in Kain bl. When they own nothing on the whole map, not a camp or tower. They know we were watching since they fought our camp first. What was the strategy, what was the plan or did you just decide Hey, They have not lost that all weekend why not give it a shot? I do not ask sarcastically i genuinely wish to know why would you do that?
What started as a karma train (to help feed my karma gambling addiction) became a kill everything train. Did you miss our orange Xs in the skritts, centaurs and quaggans? Thanks for all the loots and badges today. Time to go gamble away all my karma too!
[DERP] [iRez]
I have to ask, why would a large maguuma zerg 30+ attack the north gate of hills in Kain bl. When they own nothing on the whole map, not a camp or tower. They know we were watching since they fought our camp first. What was the strategy, what was the plan or did you just decide Hey, They have not lost that all weekend why not give it a shot? I do not ask sarcastically i genuinely wish to know why would you do that?
What started as a karma train (to help feed my karma gambling addiction) became a kill everything train. Did you miss our orange Xs in the skritts, centaurs and quaggans? Thanks for all the loots and badges today.
Time to go gamble away all my karma too!
RIP DER|P, now a PvE guild
alright Kaineng people, let Mags and DBs waste their time venting their frustration here. get back to the battlefield and let the scoring do the talking…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
This thread is great, just keep it positive. Good job defending west keep in WMBL. Seems like you’re learning a bit!
Score doesent say anything about how good you are~~~
I think Ive hit a record for posts deleted in one day
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Why would anyone have respect for a server whose entire reason for ‘success’ is mass transfers from bored tier 1/2 guilds and resultant bandwagoners?
Kaineng has showed they are able to move up to Tier 2 that is all that was all that was needed .
however i do wish our night crew could have performed a bit better on opening night. after looking at last nights PPT gains it would have been nicer to see Kaineng with 10K less and DB with 10K more.
the week is not over and we will see how things continue to play out.
DB forever!!
Except we didn’t just hold on our east Keep in your BL. We flipped your garrison twice that night and your northeast tower twice. So I don’t get this mentality that it’s all we held. There was a reason why you had a wooden garrison most of the night.
Yeah, we used to do that in T8 too. Just couldn’t hold it. Again, just like now. :-)
Remember 2 of the guilds that made up the bulk of Kaineng’s T8 fiestiness are now on Dragonbrand for 2 months… DB has plenty of people from back in the day when Kaineng was stuck in T8 with DR and Fergs. We dont need history lessons we were there. We’ve been using the old T8 Kaineng strats on the new Kaineng 2.0 and its funny seeing all the new Kaineng falling to tactics that we developed while on Kaineng when Kaineng earned its rep as a tough little cookie.
So, you’re agreeing with me. I mean, that’s just a paraphrased version of what I posted from the get go. xD We used those exact same tactics. Won the small battles, lost the war. Just like now.
Welcome (back???) to T8.
Umm no I never disagreed with you. My point was to please spare us the history lesson of what Tier8 was like. We were there. [RE] was not.
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com
I actually kept track of my 1v1 2v1(their favor) situations this matchup. Im 17-0 in 1v1 with Kain, 7-1 in 2v1. Im 11-5 in 1v1 vs DB and 4-7 in 2v1. What do you think this says? I really wonder if there is a single good player on entire server of Kain. Only server maybe with worst players Ive ever seen was Eredon Terrace and I saw maybe total of 4 players from their server entire matchup.
It’s been more than 24 hours that we lead in ppt. So what is the next excuse?
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro
It’s been more than 24 hours that we lead in ppt. So what is the next excuse?
Some of us don’t overcompensate in video games like Kaineng does…