2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


You’re not the first to do this, you’re just red guard copy cats.

I’m willing to bet that just because you dropped that name, you have watched videos and read things to make yourself a better player.

I’m willing to bet you have used some of the information others who play this game have posted online to tune your build and improve your game.

So, why would you debase yourself in an attempt to degrade your opponents for using … tactics? If they’re as you say, Red Guard copycats, why aren’t you countering their ‘highly predictable’ tactics with some brilliant maneuvers of your own?

To summarize, I don’t think it’s right to suggest that learning from others is a bad thing.

I probably read the same forums that guild does. Wow, here we both are on the same forums. I never called BT unskilled, I did call them copy cats and they are. I have played against them several times now. In the past match up’s they played allmost nothing but thiefs, they ran a pack of them who would sit in camps and insta gank. This was the OPed tactic of that time in the game, or so it was believed. Now there is a better tactic that has been found, by another guild, and they’re doing that.

Now one of that guild called everyone other then the few guilds he wants to jump ship to his server in this match, “unskilled zerg”. “Unskilled zerg” coming from a copy cat, irony. A few of them are now kitten because I have pointed that fact out.

If they dont want people questioning thier posts, then I would say stop posting like they are doing something that hasn’t already been done, by someone else and use a tactic that Anet hasn’t already acknowledged as being an issue that will be nerfed in the upcoming patch.

I don’t understand,
You seem to be under the assumption that as soon as one guild develops a tactic for wvw, no other group of players in the game is allowed to use that same tactic?

There is no GW2 patent system for battle tactics.
Calling them copycats is completely ridiculous.

As ridiculous as calling people “unskilled zerg”? if they dont like the title, then dont title others, right?

But that’s what zergs are… Unskilled.
That’s why they’re called Zergs, and not Armies, or Large Groups of Players.
But Zergs.
Because they rely on number in lieu of skill.

At most, calling someone an Unskilled Zerg is redundant.

1. How dare you say that about stephano, whose sponsor kindly hosts the score tracker.

2. WvW is about comps, working as a group, and using builds that compliment a group rather than a 1v1 setup. If this isn’t your thing, you might want to reconsider your time investment in WvW.

3. Talk to AoN for ideas about how to deal with groups larger than your own. They’re on your server and stuff, and they might be the best WvW guild in the world at picking the right engagements.

I think you missed something very significant in my post, or greatly misinterpreted my tone,
I have no idea what you’re talking about on all three points, they don’t seem to relate at all to anything I said.


2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


1. BT has 20 guardians and 20 eles in our ~30 people online most nights. As everyone knows, 20+20 = 30. Clearly our eles and guardians are also capable of changing our profession logos, wearing medium armor, wielding pistols, bows, axes, etc. and creating portals.

2. All “20” of our eles use dagger/dagger, which are capable of producing water fields and lightning fields.

3. BT and redguard are apparently the only 2 guilds who use tactics instead of running facefirst into an enemy with no buffs as a slow stream of individual players.

4. BT won’t be able to stack might in a month because ??? assumed nerf to our 3-5 d/d eles somehow magically stops every profession from using fire fields and blast finishers.

5. Might cap is 50 on Yak’s Bend.

6. BT used to be 100% thieves.

I probably missed something here though, I apologize in advance.

Read first sentence of 2 posts above your oringinal post, thanks in advance!

Are you referring to yourself, or someone else? My post was sarcastic (summarizing things you have said, and pretending they were true to highlight how absurd they sound). None of your posts have been sarcastic. Hyperbole (a.k.a. exaggeration) and sarcasm are not the same thing.

Sarcasm would be subjective to the person who is doing it. Just because you chose to take it as fact or just an exaggeration, doesnt mean that I wasnt well aware of what I was typing when I did so, and it has gotten the exact response I was looking for. It was sarcasm to the fact that it doesnt realy matter what the cap for might buffs is, your abusing it. This will get nerfed as well, enjoy while you can.

What then? Will your guild continue to run a gimp build of AE dmg with minimal buff stacks? Or move on to the next Op’ed build that someone else finds?

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Must be a boring matchup already when zergs will move off the road to chase down a solo player for 5 minutes just so they can vaporize him in less than a second once they get close enough to chain-spam immobilize. XD

To the random OTG that ran over to try and help, Wuv you! Though I can imagine you must have been a victim of culling and thought there was only a small group chasing me with the way you charged into the middle of them, lol

To the DB zerg circling the map, errmerrgerrd u r teh tenacious!

Edit: OMG are you guys just looking for solo roamers at camps or what? Go take a keep or something zerglings! lol


Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

(edited by Braxxus.2904)

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Some of you fail at sarcasm and comprehending it. Not everyone copies Red Guard, BT did though. Those who are the “unskilled zerg” probably dont. Maybe your somewhat new to that guild? We havent played them in a couple months now. But I’m 100% positive that BT ran a Thief squad the last time we played against them. I personaly ran into the wrong end of it a couple times.

Some apparently fail at reading and comprehending signatures. Just to be clear I am not in BT, nor am I even on the same server.

I guess so, where im not even sure at this point you were involved in a match where I would have been playing against BT at an ealier stage of this game, I guess your opinion on what they were or were not doing doesnt hold relevance any longer.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Some of you fail at sarcasm and comprehending it. Not everyone copies Red Guard, BT did though. Those who are the “unskilled zerg” probably dont. Maybe your somewhat new to that guild? We havent played them in a couple months now. But I’m 100% positive that BT ran a Thief squad the last time we played against them. I personaly ran into the wrong end of it a couple times.

Some apparently fail at reading and comprehending signatures. Just to be clear I am not in BT, nor am I even on the same server.

I guess so, where im not even sure at this point you were involved in a match where I would have been playing against BT at an ealier stage of this game, I guess your opinion on what they were or were not doing doesnt hold relevance any longer.

I have been fighting BT/FA for over a month, I was on FA for over a month and a half and fought with them, and before that I fought FA off and on. Relevant enough?

~ AoN ~

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Squibbles.8724


Can we have our Maguuma forum warriors back please, instead of this guy? Honestly, his posts make my head hurt.

Hey pal, at no point did anyone single you out as being unskilled. They just said the obvious: an organized zerg against an unorganized one provides little to no fun, because the result is practically pre-determined. Your over-the-top reaction to this neutral comment actually singles yourself out as being typically part of an unorganized zerg, aware of the fact, and raging against your inability to be more successful. Because the healthy thing to do in the face of a challenge is rage, and not, you know, adapting to the challenge.

While no one singled you out as a terribad, due to the content of your posts and your incessant raging, you actually do sound like a terribad. So, good job on that. Please continue posting and proving what I already know.

Squibbles – 80 Engineer. Littles – 80 Guardian. Ripples – 80 Necromancer.
[VL] & [RET] of FA

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


I’m pretty sure that I’m not the person who typed your original post that called everyone not abusing the mechanics that I pointed out an “unorganized zerg” that would be you and just because you “can” do something doesnt mean its not being abused. You’re not the first to do this, you’re just red guard copy cats.

You want to impress us and get someone to jump ship? run around with a bunch of necro’s an ranger’s and be something more then an “unorganized zerg”. Not ele’s and guard’s. You guys do this and I’ll personaly come to your server.

It was a pretty big shock to our server when we first made the jump to T3 and were welcomed by BT in Maguuma borderlands at reset. It was the first time we had encountered a group as large as them that were very organized with a solid team build and they promptly kicked our kitten over and over.

It was frustrating for sure, but it just made us put more thought into our encounters with them. What makes them so effective? How do you mitigate their strengths? Put as much thought into fighting them as they have into their team and you will have some great fights.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Can we have our Maguuma forum warriors back please, instead of this guy? Honestly, his posts make my head hurt.

Hey pal, at no point did anyone single you out as being unskilled. They just said the obvious: an organized zerg against an unorganized one provides little to no fun, because the result is practically pre-determined. Your over-the-top reaction to this neutral comment actually singles yourself out as being typically part of an unorganized zerg, aware of the fact, and raging against your inability to be more successful. Because the healthy thing to do in the face of a challenge is rage, and not, you know, adapting to the challenge.

While no one singled you out as a terribad, due to the content of your posts and your incessant raging, you actually do sound like a terribad. So, good job on that. Please continue posting and proving what I already know.

Exactly, we on Maguuma (at least on the public mumble) get pretty excited when we see BT show up because we know things are going to be interesting. I’d say the only times it isn’t fun for us is when we are being overwhelmed by other large FA guilds showing up at the same time and I’m sure you guys are aware of those times because they aren’t much fun for you either.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Can we have our Maguuma forum warriors back please, instead of this guy? Honestly, his posts make my head hurt.

Hey pal, at no point did anyone single you out as being unskilled. They just said the obvious: an organized zerg against an unorganized one provides little to no fun, because the result is practically pre-determined. Your over-the-top reaction to this neutral comment actually singles yourself out as being typically part of an unorganized zerg, aware of the fact, and raging against your inability to be more successful. Because the healthy thing to do in the face of a challenge is rage, and not, you know, adapting to the challenge.

While no one singled you out as a terribad, due to the content of your posts and your incessant raging, you actually do sound like a terribad. So, good job on that. Please continue posting and proving what I already know.

Shhh…currently they seem to be in a love fest on their forum. Same people who kittened last week saying how they love this week.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Is it bad that I actually LIKE BT? o.O

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


Is it bad that I actually LIKE BT? o.O

We love you so hard

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Is it bad that I actually LIKE BT? o.O

I got nothing against BT either.


2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Some of you fail at sarcasm and comprehending it. Not everyone copies Red Guard, BT did though. Those who are the “unskilled zerg” probably dont. Maybe your somewhat new to that guild? We havent played them in a couple months now. But I’m 100% positive that BT ran a Thief squad the last time we played against them. I personaly ran into the wrong end of it a couple times.

Some apparently fail at reading and comprehending signatures. Just to be clear I am not in BT, nor am I even on the same server.

I guess so, where im not even sure at this point you were involved in a match where I would have been playing against BT at an ealier stage of this game, I guess your opinion on what they were or were not doing doesnt hold relevance any longer.

I have been fighting BT/FA for over a month, I was on FA for over a month and a half and fought with them, and before that I fought FA off and on. Relevant enough?


2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Can we have our Maguuma forum warriors back please, instead of this guy? Honestly, his posts make my head hurt.

Hey pal, at no point did anyone single you out as being unskilled. They just said the obvious: an organized zerg against an unorganized one provides little to no fun, because the result is practically pre-determined. Your over-the-top reaction to this neutral comment actually singles yourself out as being typically part of an unorganized zerg, aware of the fact, and raging against your inability to be more successful. Because the healthy thing to do in the face of a challenge is rage, and not, you know, adapting to the challenge.

While no one singled you out as a terribad, due to the content of your posts and your incessant raging, you actually do sound like a terribad. So, good job on that. Please continue posting and proving what I already know.

You could always just leave the forums?

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Hey here’s an idea… instead of kittening about BT, why not find a way to counter them?

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Perphection.8209


One thing I’ve learned over the years is that you should always treat forum trolls like Gremlins.

(1) No bright light (Never give them the time of Day!)
(2) Don’t get him wet (Trolls get off on you feeding.)
(3) Never feed him after midnight, no matter how much he begs!!


Moose Man Jones [vT]
- Charr Warrior
- Charr Necromancer

(edited by Perphection.8209)

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

They’ll discover the secret Omega Golem Portal bomb eventually, don’t worry.

Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


They’ll discover the secret Omega Golem Portal bomb eventually, don’t worry.

BT hard counter, take notes

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Can we have our Maguuma forum warriors back please, instead of this guy? Honestly, his posts make my head hurt.

Hey pal, at no point did anyone single you out as being unskilled. They just said the obvious: an organized zerg against an unorganized one provides little to no fun, because the result is practically pre-determined. Your over-the-top reaction to this neutral comment actually singles yourself out as being typically part of an unorganized zerg, aware of the fact, and raging against your inability to be more successful. Because the healthy thing to do in the face of a challenge is rage, and not, you know, adapting to the challenge.

While no one singled you out as a terribad, due to the content of your posts and your incessant raging, you actually do sound like a terribad. So, good job on that. Please continue posting and proving what I already know.

I am the leader of the unskilled zerg. It was a good guess on your part. I can see there is no fooling you! Can I have some winning lotto numbers now, please?

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: UberLander.8326


Thanks for the support of the community. Hope to get some time to log on.. Inventory weekend at work.

Did I mention I’m a Ranger?

Uber Lander
Black Talons

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Squibbles.8724


You could always just leave the forums?

People like this guy makes people like me just feel really good at just being, you know, better.

Better PvPers, better players, better sportsmanship, better human beings in general…Gosh, the list just goes on!

So, thanks for that, it made me smile.

Squibbles – 80 Engineer. Littles – 80 Guardian. Ripples – 80 Necromancer.
[VL] & [RET] of FA

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Had a guest in DB citadel today


2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


One thing I’ve learned over the years is that you should always treat forum trolls like Gremlins.

(1) No bright light (Never give them the time of Day!)
(2) Don’t get him wet (Trolls get off on you feeding.)
(3) Never feed him after midnight, no matter how much he begs!!


Aren’t you friends with some fat kid who does back flips, who mind you has been part of my unskilled zerg before?

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


You could always just leave the forums?

People like this guy makes people like me just feel really good at just being, you know, better.

Better PvPers, better players, better sportsmanship, better human beings in general…Gosh, the list just goes on!

So, thanks for that, it made me smile.

You’re so good at life, I’m sure thats why you’re playing video games on a weekend and commenting on these forums.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

Your name is oddly fitting.

What started all this ruckus? A few bad encounters with BT?

Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Thanks for the support of the community. Hope to get some time to log on.. Inventory weekend at work.

Did I mention I’m a Ranger?

Where were you when I needed ya?

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Your name is oddly fitting.

What started all this ruckus? A few bad encounters with BT?

Your obvious trolling will not work with me. Do some reading and maybe the answer will reveal itself.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


Your name is oddly fitting.

What started all this ruckus? A few bad encounters with BT?

I think he’s mad because he wasn’t mentioned as a worthy opponent. So like a small child who doesn’t get what he wants, he is throwing a tantrum…. on the internet.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Your name is oddly fitting.

What started all this ruckus? A few bad encounters with BT?

I think he’s mad because he wasn’t mentioned as a worthy opponent. So like a small child who doesn’t get what he wants, he is throwing a tantrum…. on the internet.

I think im mad because a zerger called zergs unskilled? I have been defending the unskilled zerg all day here!

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

Defend them out in the field, not in here.

Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Please, please, please. Dragonbrand and Yak’s Bend, hit FA as hard as you possibly can.

We want the challenge, we want the practice, and you would both increase your scores.

Meh FA is all numbers, takes a bunch of you to kill a small group. Even using portal bombs for smaller numbers. At the end you see DB do what you couldn’t.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Your name is oddly fitting.

What started all this ruckus? A few bad encounters with BT?

I think he’s mad because he wasn’t mentioned as a worthy opponent. So like a small child who doesn’t get what he wants, he is throwing a tantrum…. on the internet.

I think im mad because a zerger called zergs unskilled? I have been defending the unskilled zerg all day here!

As I tried to point out before, but it seemed to get lost on people because I didn’t spell it out exactly: There is a difference between a zerg and a large organized group of players.

Zergs are unskilled.


2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Thanks for the support of the community. Hope to get some time to log on.. Inventory weekend at work.

Did I mention I’m a Ranger?

Says your a level 80 Ranger in your signature.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Thanks for the support of the community. Hope to get some time to log on.. Inventory weekend at work.

Did I mention I’m a Ranger?

Says your a level 80 Ranger in your signature.

I saw that this time as well!

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Your name is oddly fitting.

What started all this ruckus? A few bad encounters with BT?

I think he’s mad because he wasn’t mentioned as a worthy opponent. So like a small child who doesn’t get what he wants, he is throwing a tantrum…. on the internet.

I think im mad because a zerger called zergs unskilled? I have been defending the unskilled zerg all day here!

As I tried to point out before, but it seemed to get lost on people because I didn’t spell it out exactly: There is a difference between a zerg and a large organized group of players.

Zergs are unskilled.

Eye of the beholder. Being now the Unskilled Zerg Leader, I could make a judgement for you, if you wish.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: crystalpink.2487


Had a guest in DB citadel today

That same troll thief was also trolling in FA citadel a while ago.

Euphemia Hime (Elementalist), Pinky Pearl (Mesmer), Avicenia (Ranger), Vanille Morgana (Necromancer)
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Quenta.2978


I think people’s definition of what a “zerg” is changes from post to post and conversation to conversation. From what I understand of what a “zerg” is:

1. Any group of players that has more people than you.
2. Any group of players that has more numbers and kills you.
3. A large amount of players.
4. A large amount of players moving around together.
5. A large amount of players that has more people than you and moving together.
6. An unorganized group of a large amount of players that has more players than you.
7. A title to indicate a save-face term that helps you feel better when you die to a large number of players that outnumber you and have more people than you that move around in either a coordinated or uncoordinated fashion which always implies your death was to a bunch of zerging unskilled people.
8. A bunch of people on your screen because you can’t count.

Basically, that is what a zerg is, from what I have read over the years of gaming. It always changes from person to person.

A zerg can zerg a zerg and move better than another zerg while being zerged by a zerg and defeat a zerg in a coordinated better zerg. And if you get zerged its because a zerg is bad and you are better because a zerg is always bad but because you die its not your faults its because of a zerg.

So you can feel better dying to zergs because you are better because you are not in a zerg when you get zerged. Unless it is a coordinated zerg that meant to zerg.

Make sense?

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


Had a guest in DB citadel today

We at Yaksbend are aware of them Blix…They are not part of the WvW team here on YB Alliance and we never see them on the field. Same guild and they do this with all servers we play and always the same 4 or 5 [DISC]players off and on from what we can tell.

But to be honest they don’t hack, or we have never caught them. All they do is sneak into the Citadel from pictures we have seen from other server’s. If any one see’s anything other than that please let us know. But as I said they really don’t do anything of import as hacking go’s and we cant seem to find them in battle.

We have tried lol, as long as they don’t play unfair we have to leave them be. We have all decided in out Guild/Team leader meeting’s that they must just like having thier Picture taken while they are lying down.

It could be a center fold attention need of some sort…. he he

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/Yaksbend.com
“Winter is Coming”

(edited by Honnor.6295)

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Ruru.1302




[Mada] Apocryfia

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


This thread needs more BT

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Bleergh.1938


From what I’ve seen and remember from last time we were in T3 BT have gotten much better at what they do. Last time they weren’t too much of a problem to deal with from my POV. Now though everytime i see a group of BT my first reaction is “oh kitten”

On a completely unrelated note, I wish you could have the option to turn off swearing filtering.

Shal Greenhaven
Yak’s Bend

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


Well I think truthfully its both, we have gotten much better and have taken a new direction as a guild, but also its numbers. Last time we fielded like 12 ppl peak nights. Now with the influx of some very good players we get 20+ on a regular basis, and we have worked our kitten off to make it cohesive.

From a yaks perspective we aren’t the same entity though, I think we were kitten good with 10 ppl as well. but that type of play has a low ceiling.

[BT] Black Talons

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


I just want to say, HOLY COW YB… I didn’t want to pick on you, but with how built up Ogre Watch was, I had to bring balance to the force between Dungeon runs. I think my count was 1 treb, 2 canons, 4 ballistas, 4 arrow carts, 2 mortars, and a catapult destroyed, just at OW. Plus 8 yaks or so.

Good lord you guys love your siege. I hope that rubs off on us FA’ers. Brother can’t get an arrow cart built for the life of me.

Tired of OP [ET] Thief

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


I ran with an unskilled zerg last night and we took YB hills and garrison in 30 minutes. We had no plan, no commmunication and no rams. Unskilled zergs ftw!

Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Thanks for the fights tonight everyone, lots of fun had by all.

~ AoN ~

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


People complain about being outnumbered, yet don’t come out and play…

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: LOCO.1785


I ran with an unskilled zerg last night and we took YB hills and garrison in 30 minutes. We had no plan, no commmunication and no rams. Unskilled zergs ftw!

You don’t need plans, communication or rams when you outnumber your foe so significantly. I experienced a few good fights with Yaks, but most of the time we just steam rolled them with sheer numbers.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480



Some servers simply do not have a large population of WvW players during specific time frames. I am sure FA complains about being outnumbered for various parts of the day as well. It is completely understandable as few if any like to be run over time and time again by sheer numbers. I suggest treating the posts as venting frustration rather than whining.

Sure are plenty of them out there when we’re winning.

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Most of us have been on both sides of a “zerg”. Playing out manned gets particularly frustrating when players get wiped back-to-back-to-back. People just stop playing because it isn’t fun thus perpetuating the cycle.

In my opinion folks need to stop worrying about dying back to back and instead focus on what they can do differently the next fight. Do it often enough and you will stop dying back to back, regardless of being out manned.

~ AoN ~

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843



Some servers simply do not have a large population of WvW players during specific time frames. I am sure FA complains about being outnumbered for various parts of the day as well. It is completely understandable as few if any like to be run over time and time again by sheer numbers. I suggest treating the posts as venting frustration rather than whining.

Sure are plenty of them out there when we’re winning.

FA is the same way I assure you.

We need more hardcore WVW guilds who play every single night

Love you

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood