2/8/13 EB v IoJ v DR
No queue for any map in DR and massively outnumbered as per usual. So what was accomplished with the reset/no reset/new math/ no new math?
Great fights in DRB, E Bay (pK and FTF out tonight). Here’s to another week!
No queue for any map in DR and massively outnumbered as per usual. So what was accomplished with the reset/no reset/new math/ no new math?
Good fights.
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.
Wow Ebay using asterisks to stand out? That’s some dirty forum PvP.
Really enjoyed the fights out in IOJ at garrison and Dawn’s tower.
(edited by Jhardeen.3076)
Wow Ebay using asterisks to stand out? That’s some dirty forum PvP.
Learn you must my padawan
Wow Ebay using asterisks to stand out? That’s some dirty forum PvP.
Meta-Gaming it.
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
To ensure the guilds/people in DRB tonight had an excellent fight we all prayed to our pineapple god just before reset. Holy hell did we have a good time. Thank you to all the wonderful guilds and ppl who came to hang out in DR BL tonight. How many golems did we down EBay? That had to start costing a pretty penny. We did enjoy the alpha and omega you left as a gift to the pineapple god at the bottom of the lake tho, he was very appeased by this!!! Hellofa time tonight.
Yak’s Bend
Just wanted to shout out that its been a fun reset, i’ve wiped some zergs and i’ve gotten wiped. All in all good fights. Even beyond the glaring population differences that our servers have. Next matches are going to switch up the servers, SBI is going to probably drop down, and i expect them to be alot more managable in terms of size at the moment.
Keep fighting, see you on the battlefield.
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
Just wanted to shout out that its been a fun reset, i’ve wiped some zergs and i’ve gotten wiped. All in all good fights. Even beyond the glaring population differences that our servers have. Next matches are going to switch up the servers, SBI is going to probably drop down, and i expect them to be alot more managable in terms of size at the moment.
Keep fighting, see you on the battlefield.
You would still be the first person I’d kill if we could kill our server mates
I only came to this thread because of the ~asterisks~
No queue for any map in DR and massively outnumbered as per usual. So what was accomplished with the reset/no reset/new math/ no new math?
Lesser of two evils. If they went with the reset we would have been playing against Maguuma or Dragonbrand. Now they need to work on stagnation.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Great fights at DRbl EB.
The golem rush on hills was fun to fight but really a bit of an overkill:-)
Your push on bay really broke us a few times, but people there gave you a good running fight.
Ioj, ty for taking se tower. The timing was great. We literally cheered for you:-)
Great fights at DRbl EB.
Man, awesome stuff last night with LOTS of awesome peeps. DRB was a blast and I thnk we did a good Job holding Ebay into the SW corner during prime. Eventually as the night went on the sides of the map began to fold in on us. I recall seeing 3 orange swords on Hills alone at one point last night. Fantastic job holding hills. Much Sexy.
Got to game with a lot of great new people last night.
Tip of the hat to the Tauren Guardian from FTF. Great rumble down the NE path from Camp to Sentry with you.
Yak’s Bend.
Aww. they took our awesome asterisks away :/
“Get off my Lawn.”
ADQQSTY shouts out to IoJ for good fight at garrison in IoJ BL this afternoon. The four of us had a great time fighting all the mans, including the few E-bays.
My ears are still tingling. <3
This match up is poopy and stale. WTB new opponents. No offense to IoJ or DR but im sure you can agree that fighting the same people over and over again isn’t enjoyable
Plus this Forum lacks necessary trollish drama to be interesting on any level. Too much good sportsmanship and back patting.
This match up is poopy and stale. WTB new opponents. No offense to IoJ or DR but im sure you can agree that fighting the same people over and over again isn’t enjoyable
Plus this Forum lacks necessary trollish drama to be interesting on any level. Too much good sportsmanship and back patting.
But good fights?
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.
WTF they took me flavor!
It was mag who got them to take our asterisks! They always so jelly of ebay
This match up is poopy and stale. WTB new opponents. No offense to IoJ or DR but I’m sure you can agree that fighting the same people over and over again isn’t enjoyable.
It would help if ANet’s ranking system was more responsive, but in general I will take balanced matches over new opponents any day. The bottom line, though, is that if server populations are reasonably stable and if by some miracle the ranking system was accurate, we will always be playing pretty much the same enemies over and over again. You can’t have stability, accuracy, parity, and variety all in the same package of ranked matches.
Plus this Forum lacks necessary trollish drama to be interesting on any level. Too much good sportsmanship and back patting.
Well, I didn’t want to say anything but I have noticed that Ehmry Bay pets seem to leave more poop behind on the battlefield. At least I think it comes from the pets ….
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Who’s down for some fight club since this match up is currently boring?!!? Hit me up in game and we’ll get something going
nevermind. AD/QQ/STy made things fun again! <3 you guys
Yes, some ridiculously intense fights there. We had to move to Eternal BG when the rest of FTF came in to the zone. No point in dying repeatedly, would have stayed otherwise.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
and then we ran into you in Eternal >.<
and then we ran into you in Eternal >.<
Must have been after I logged off.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Possibly. We’ve had a few good fights either way and then a zerg will show up for either side and it turns into craziness
Welp, got bored and held onto a camp or two in EB BL for a few hours. At one point both sides were just dicking around, and we even allowed an enemy in quaggan form into our camp. And then this silliness happened.
Leader of Nameless Accord [NA]
It has been fun, and you guys have all been great sports for the most part. I fear that whole Kaineng incident just prior left us frothing-mad… O,..,o
With all due love respect, Ebay.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
It has been fun, and you guys have all been great sports for the most part. I fear that whole Kaineng incident just prior left us frothing-mad… O,..,o
With all due love respect, Ebay.
We did* get roflstomped by their numbers *, and they still had the audacity to claim it was superior skill. We’ll most likely be moving up to t4 next week and it will suck.
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.
(edited by Archer.1658)
We also got roflstomped by their numbers too, and they still had the audacity to claim it was superior skill. We’ll most likely be moving up to t4 next week and it will suck.
You’re talking about Kaineng too, right? Superior Skill? Pah! I was picking off their lone skittering thieves left and right singlehandedly. THIEVES, mind you! It took a few good ones from IoJ and DR to restore my humilty, lol!
Especially that one from IoJ that took on six of us for nearly thirty minutes alone before we managed to corner and kill him. If you’re reading this, you know who you are I’m sure, lol.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
We also got roflstomped by their numbers too, and they still had the audacity to claim it was superior skill. We’ll most likely be moving up to t4 next week and it will suck.
You’re talking about Kaineng too, right? Superior Skill? Pah! I was picking off their lone skittering thieves left and right singlehandedly. THIEVES, mind you! It took a few good ones from IoJ and DR to restore my humilty, lol!
Especially that one from IoJ that took on six of us for nearly thirty minutes alone before we managed to corner and kill him. If you’re reading this, you know who you are I’m sure, lol.
Yeah, i misread the your post xD, but yeah I can say Kaineing did leave me bitter about how WvW score/winning truly is a numbers game.
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.
Yeah, i misread the your post xD, but yeah I can say Kaineing did leave me bitter about how WvW score/winning truly is a numbers game.
Good gracious me! Were you referring to us?! Not humble lil ol’ Ebay! D=
I jest of course… I’m sure we have our share of unabashed braggarts. We’re okay I guess. I mean, I love us of course, but saying so is rather biased. We have our moments, both good and bad. Like to think everyone does.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Looking forward to fighting Ebay again
You should note that our fight nights have been turning into brawls lately lol
So be sure to bring some back up!
Looking forward to fighting Ebay again
You should note that our fight nights have been turning into brawls lately lol
So be sure to bring some back up!
Some of the ones I’ve seen have been downright standoffs for ten or more minutes at a time lol. It’s gotten downright nasty a few times.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Great early morning run through Ebay. Zoned in, asked if anyone was out and about, and was invited to a 4 man of random peeps from [fire] [RED] [HoD] and the 4th guild escapes me, sorry.
We popped up and down the East and West and eventually made a full sweep on the south. By the time we got to the SE tower there was probably about 5 more DR peeps who joined up. 5 people. non zerg. it’s without fathom.
Yak’s Bend.
Looking forward to fighting Ebay again
You should note that our fight nights have been turning into brawls lately lol
So be sure to bring some back up!
I wonder why they have been turning into brawls..possibly because everyone hates OG.
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.
Fight clubs suck.
IMHO solo roam
Some fights from a few hours in EB on 2/7 including a really fun extended fight in the dredge caves.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Fight clubs suck.
IMHO solo roam
Fight club is good for people who want to do 1v1s in a WvW enviroment but lack the mobility and escapability to roam. Cut them some slack. :P
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Fight clubs suck.
IMHO solo roamFight club is good for people who want to do 1v1s in a WvW enviroment but lack the mobility and escapability to roam. Cut them some slack. :P
Every class has option to spec for high mobility.
Problem is fight club is just a place for people to run 1v1 or sPvP builds. Those same builds fall flat out roaming tho.
Everyone I know on Mag uses their roaming build in fight club. If you like running into 1v1’s in the field, it’s like a concentration of 1v1 roaming fights.
I said mobility and escapability. Not every class has that. Have you tried solo roaming as a necro? I have. :P
When you get 3+ on you in the open field your only way of surviving is to kill them all. There is no escaping.
I agree on the dueling builds comment, however. Dueling builds don’t always translate over to good roaming builds.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Everyone I know on Mag uses their roaming build in fight club. If you like running into 1v1’s in the field, it’s like a concentration of 1v1 roaming fights.
Not all mags.
Hell ive seen solo tower huggers from mag running spvp kitten
whats a duelist build.
dont you bring your WvW build to a duel to test it? i thought that was the point
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
I said mobility and escapability. Not every class has that. Have you tried solo roaming as a necro? I have. :P
When you get 3+ on you in the open field your only way of surviving is to kill them all. There is no escaping.
I agree on the dueling builds comment, however. Dueling builds don’t always translate over to good roaming builds.
Every class does have escape options…some are better at it.
whats a duelist build.
dont you bring your WvW build to a duel to test it? i thought that was the point
Not really. There are some builds that just aren’t made for 1v1.
I wouldn’t dream of dueling with my glamor mesmer, staff ele, or condition necro because all of those builds are built around being in a specific team environment.
Hell, even bringing them to a 5v5 would be ill-advised. Too easy to focus down. Would have to change the specs around at the very least.
When you get 3+ on you in the open field your only way of surviving is to kill them all. There is no escaping.
All of them………..
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "