WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Fyi…6:00-10:00am cst Thai/ND/urge hits SoR bl with about 60-90 and when I say up to 90 im not joking. Please SoR be ready unpug TS up be one step ahead!
He’s serious… We even get a Queue on SoR BL at this time, and we are usually outmanned there…
He used
(tiny jump that looks weird) looks like either a dodge or another shortbow
HeartseekerThat’s only 3 short bows at most, plus heartseeker at the end to close.
So you said four possible ports, I see him only using three, then he switched weapons to dag dag and had enough to use heartseeker. Is there also not a dodge to initiative? There are several dodges in that line as well.
Myth Busted
So, SOR admits to having spies on our servers, and we talk about short bow jumps?
Am I the only person here who thinks this conversation is one sided?
The heart seeker animation is completely different from Shadowstep and infiltrators arrow and is very noticeable, mainly because it is less of a teleport, and more of a long jumping motion. As a previous poster pointed out, even Infiltrators arrow has a visible animation to see (the black smoke).
Also, I only pointed out a 5 second window there. If you watch the subsequent 6 or so seconds, he does it all over again. It’s just not possible that ALL of his initiative was regained and Shadowstep was off cool down again.
Of all the “Hacking” that is going on, this is clearly a minor gripe, but to wave it off when clearly there is something wrong is just ignorant. Maybe if it was one video by one player, but it is two that pretty much show the same guy.
The fight has been great so far. but after seeing hat Little asura mesmer at 12:30 pst wearing flame legion armor from icoa Guild trying to jump glitch in to our keep. that kinda makes me hope that doesn’t keep going on. BG you guys should Probably do something about that bad apple i would hate to see it ruin your reputation
I would like to use this post to introduce myself. I am the new Relations Officer of ICoa. While I neither deny or legitimize this post, I assure you I will personally look into this matter. Thank you for bringing it to light or attempting to troll us yet again. Good day.
Just wanted to let you know. we found it happen a second time a Black haired human Mesmer same guild Wearing the Low Tier looking armor “kittenty skirt” and we killed them before they had a chance to port people in. If you guys care or not its fine but just putting it out there for you all
Give me a break with these accusations… We have proof of SoR doing it waaay more than once. The difference is that we report the issue instead of crying about it in forums. Please do the same and don’t single out any guild or slander its reputation. Thanks!
Ive already taped it and SS’ed it sending it in To A-net but that also “slanders” your guild quite well. But not like i can message you in game to explain the situation so you can Kick them out before they Smear the rep of your guild all across the Game
lol sorry we forgot to warn TC….. dont bother with the ICoa “leaders”
As someone from TC, who was sitting in 2nd by only a few hundred points 12 hours ago…what the heck happened last night? o.o
I don’t mean this as infalmitory or anything, I’m genuinely curious what happened.
That’s the famous blackgate night push! Get used to it ;p
As someone from TC, who was sitting in 2nd by only a few hundred points 12 hours ago…what the heck happened last night? o.o
I don’t mean this as infalmitory or anything, I’m genuinely curious what happened.
I was on from 12-2:30 am and we had no commanders on and no queues for any of the maps. Everyone just went to bed I suppose.
The fight has been great so far. but after seeing hat Little asura mesmer at 12:30 pst wearing flame legion armor from icoa Guild trying to jump glitch in to our keep. that kinda makes me hope that doesn’t keep going on. BG you guys should Probably do something about that bad apple i would hate to see it ruin your reputation
I would like to use this post to introduce myself. I am the new Relations Officer of ICoa. While I neither deny or legitimize this post, I assure you I will personally look into this matter. Thank you for bringing it to light or attempting to troll us yet again. Good day.
Just wanted to let you know. we found it happen a second time a Black haired human Mesmer same guild Wearing the Low Tier looking armor “kittenty skirt” and we killed them before they had a chance to port people in. If you guys care or not its fine but just putting it out there for you all
Give me a break with these accusations… We have proof of SoR doing it waaay more than once. The difference is that we report the issue instead of crying about it in forums. Please do the same and don’t single out any guild or slander its reputation. Thanks!
Ive already taped it and SS’ed it sending it in To A-net but that also “slanders” your guild quite well. But not like i can message you in game to explain the situation so you can Kick them out before they Smear the rep of your guild all across the Game
lol sorry we forgot to warn TC….. dont bother with the ICoa “leaders”
Your seriously going back to the one real problem ICoa has had 3 weeks ago, one that we dealt with swiftly and has NEVER happened again?
It is no coincidence you post this old taken care of news when we retake the lead.
Again, there are PLENTY of officers and leaders information on these forums. If anyone has an issue they can be contacted.
Stop posting this old news, that is specifically targeted at flaming up a specific guild. Beat us on the battlefield.
As for the thief issue. I admit the heartseeker animation is off. With 425 members, and probably 3x that many characters as many of us have up to 3 toons, it will be hard to track down one thief, unless any of us see this mysterious new porting hack.
On a brighter note, TC, super fun pulling an all nighter against you in EB. Sm had more walls down than up. We got it repaired and full of supply for the morning crew though
BTW, where would you go after taking RQ? We think you ported back every time. It was like chasing a ghost.
Good times.
As someone from TC, who was sitting in 2nd by only a few hundred points 12 hours ago…what the heck happened last night? o.o
I don’t mean this as infalmitory or anything, I’m genuinely curious what happened.
I was on from 12-2:30 am and we had no commanders on and no queues for any of the maps. Everyone just went to bed I suppose.
TC doesn’t have 24/7 coverage which is why some people were a bit worried about the move into T2. But when we do have presence, we fight hard. Regardless, TC never gives up.
@JaridKincade They probably inside jobbed you and never left the sneaky kittens.
Honestly, if TC keeps playing the way they do, between them and SoR, BG is never seeing T1 unless a current T1 server just flops completely. It’ll be more of a situation of a T1 server moving down than a T2 server moving up.
They just don’t have what it takes to get enough points away from both of us. Right now, the SoR “wall” is almost negligible because we’ve been fighting for 5 matches, They gain about 10 ELO for every 20k points ahead of SoR, with you guys moving up, the closer you keep to them in points, even if you don’t beat them, they will lose a huge rating.
The way things stand they would have to out score you(TC) by almost 100k to even off set their loss and break even. Otherwise BG is losing rating this week guaranteed but so may SoR, just not very much. 2nd place has the advantage of not having any huge swings atm cause we’ve been in the spot for about 8 weeks now.
(edited by Indo.8629)
“As someone from TC, who was sitting in 2nd by only a few hundred points 12 hours ago…what the heck happened last night? o.o”
I was on EB last night for a long time. SMC was contested by SOR and BG, so while they were busy we went and took some of BGs stuff. This action was barely keeping us beteen 200 – 220 ppts. The BLs was having quite a few issues. Our own BLs only had 2-3 red dots on it, as well as the rest of the BLs. We just didn’t have the coverage. Tough night for us. A bunch of us went over, we managed to take hills back, but that lil red water camp UGH. I hate it. It flips like a pancake.
Score update … massive fighting on TCBL by BG guild .. well done, you’ve kept us busy!
“As someone from TC, who was sitting in 2nd by only a few hundred points 12 hours ago…what the heck happened last night? o.o”
I was on EB last night for a long time. SMC was contested by SOR and BG, so while they were busy we went and took some of BGs stuff. This action was barely keeping us beteen 200 – 220 ppts. The BLs was having quite a few issues. Our own BLs only had 2-3 red dots on it, as well as the rest of the BLs. We just didn’t have the coverage. Tough night for us. A bunch of us went over, we managed to take hills back, but that lil red water camp UGH. I hate it. It flips like a pancake.
That’s really what distinguishes higher tier server and lower tier servers is the will to fight day and night and I believe our community will keep fighting no matter what.
We have very dedicated guilds and commanders
“As someone from TC, who was sitting in 2nd by only a few hundred points 12 hours ago…what the heck happened last night? o.o”
I was on EB last night for a long time. SMC was contested by SOR and BG, so while they were busy we went and took some of BGs stuff. This action was barely keeping us beteen 200 – 220 ppts. The BLs was having quite a few issues. Our own BLs only had 2-3 red dots on it, as well as the rest of the BLs. We just didn’t have the coverage. Tough night for us. A bunch of us went over, we managed to take hills back, but that lil red water camp UGH. I hate it. It flips like a pancake.
Nights will always be tough, just come to accept it :P.
BG is the heavy server in this tier matchup and you should expect them to take your things when you’re sleeping.
That just means you have to put in that much more the next day to make up for all the losses from the overnight. From what I’ve seen so far, you guys will be fine. I mean BG and SoR has been fighting for 5 weeks now, and neither is making any progress against the other. Blackgate came in as a 2026 server is now 2011, SoR started as a 1924 server and is now 1964.
And if you maintain as you are, then BG will drop to around 1980 and SoR will drop to around 1956.
edit: Which now that I think about it, may put BG in a precarious situation. They will be within 24 ELO from us, and if you repeat next week, SoR may take 1st place because BG’s drop will be significant again just by default. TC has the potential to really shake up this matchup if you keep the scores close.
(edited by Indo.8629)
We dont have 24/7 coverage that is the problem, you can just push us when we have less numbers than you. Tc has more than enough skill to be in this tier we just dont have the numbers to match your intensity or enough to keep you at bay for extended periods of time.
If we could get some help EST 4am 1pm slot we would be in a better position. imo this matchup is a blast and makes me have to step up my game for sure.
We are a different Tc then the last times we met you guys and imo a server other people should be looking into to help, if they want to succeed on a server without drama and maturity and friendly guilds. Go Tc
So BG commander Kingrpg likes to spam laughs at me, then log out just as I down him, and when I asked him why, respond
“don’t cry baby”
Stay classy BG. Thanks for the badges kingrpg
Thanks for the funny services. /laugh /laugh /laugh /laugh
I just wanted to take a moment to show my appreciation for all my fellow TCers, for keeping their heads straight on the field and in these forums! Its a hard fight, and there’s much glory to be had no matter what the outcome! But the way you all have shown your class has made me so proud to be on this server. And remember, if you get the itch to fall prey to the flame, remember the sublimely recondite verses from the illustrious Southern poets Willie D, Bushwick Bill and Scarface (A.K.A. Geto Boys)
“Dayum it feels good to be a Gangster.
A real Gangster- a$ —-—- plays his cards right.
A real gangsta-a$ —-—-never runs his f——— mouth
‘cause real gangsta-a$ —-—- don’t start fights.
And —-—- always gotta high cap
Showin’ all his boys how he shot em.
But real gangsta-a$ —-—— don’t flex nuts
’cause real gangsta-a$ —-——- know they got em.”
For the Toast!
“As someone from TC, who was sitting in 2nd by only a few hundred points 12 hours ago…what the heck happened last night? o.o”
I was on EB last night for a long time. SMC was contested by SOR and BG, so while they were busy we went and took some of BGs stuff. This action was barely keeping us beteen 200 – 220 ppts. The BLs was having quite a few issues. Our own BLs only had 2-3 red dots on it, as well as the rest of the BLs. We just didn’t have the coverage. Tough night for us. A bunch of us went over, we managed to take hills back, but that lil red water camp UGH. I hate it. It flips like a pancake.
Nights will always be tough, just come to accept it :P.
BG is the heavy server in this tier matchup and you should expect them to take your things when you’re sleeping.
That just means you have to put in that much more the next day to make up for all the losses from the overnight. From what I’ve seen so far, you guys will be fine. I mean BG and SoR has been fighting for 5 weeks now, and neither is making any progress against the other. Blackgate came in as a 2026 server is now 2011, SoR started as a 1924 server and is now 1964.
And if you maintain as you are, then BG will drop to around 1980 and SoR will drop to around 1956.
edit: Which now that I think about it, may put BG in a precarious situation. They will be within 24 ELO from us, and if you repeat next week, SoR may take 1st place because BG’s drop will be significant again just by default. TC has the potential to really shake up this matchup if you keep the scores close.
BG always loses on the weekend, cmon man. You know SoR has lead this matchup 4 of the last 6 weeks at the end of the night on Sunday.
It’s never been the weekend where the NA prime lose, it’s during the week when everyone returns back to work/school and the 24 hour coverage shows its effect.
Is EB bugged atm? Max seige but several has been destroyed yet none can be replaced.
This screen shot is cute, there were about 30 Thai waiting outside waiting no siege just waiting for the glitch pulled back as soon as they were seen. Thai smarter than Icoa with hacking just not by much…found 2 bg night before last climbing up from the water into water gate O.o dont ask me how.
I have to say KnT and HB are pretty solid guilds and seem to be 100% lagit.
1v1ed a few bg 80s on my 50 today “Friendly Recommendation”: Dont fight us unless you outnumber us
This video shows HB kind of behind the scenes before a port bomb even tho they are not as much of a pain since port nerf. I thought Id got the HB mes but it was someone else though with where HB was stacking the top port must have been a chain. In the end HB ported back up and ran to flank the SoR pugs at the door because they were not on coms and did not read map.
(edited by Kanji Maki.1695)
This screen shot is cute, there were about 30 Thai waiting outside waiting no siege just waiting for the glitch pulled back as soon as they were seen. Thai smarter than Icoa with hacking just not by much…found 2 bg night before last climbing up from the water into water gate O.o dont ask me how.
I have to say KnT and HB are pretty solid guilds and seem to be 100% lagit.
1v1ed a few bg 80s on my 50 today
This video shows HB kind of behind the scenes before a port bomb even tho they are not as much of a pain since port nerf. I thought Id got the HB mes but it was someone else though with where HB was stacking the top port must have been a chain. In the end HB ported back up and ran to flank the SoR pugs at the door because they were not on coms and did not read map.
Icoa doesn’t hack. They’d be removed from the guild if they did.
But the bashing on Blackgate and ICoa is to be expected. We’re at the top. Microsoft, Android, Apple, they all get hated on because they’re successful.
Aside from the score, that’s how we know we’re doing a good job. keep it up.
This screen shot is cute, there were about 30 Thai waiting outside waiting no siege just waiting for the glitch pulled back as soon as they were seen. Thai smarter than Icoa with hacking just not by much…found 2 bg night before last climbing up from the water into water gate O.o dont ask me how.
I have to say KnT and HB are pretty solid guilds and seem to be 100% lagit.
1v1ed a few bg 80s on my 50 today
This video shows HB kind of behind the scenes before a port bomb even tho they are not as much of a pain since port nerf. I thought Id got the HB mes but it was someone else though with where HB was stacking the top port must have been a chain. In the end HB ported back up and ran to flank the SoR pugs at the door because they were not on coms and did not read map.
Icoa doesn’t hack. They’d be removed from the guild if they did.
But the bashing on Blackgate and ICoa is to be expected. We’re at the top. Microsoft, Android, Apple, they all get hated on because they’re successful.
Aside from the score, that’s how we know we’re doing a good job. keep it up.
What was that video posted yesterday? of another Icoa hacker that little blink hacking thief? Give it up man uninstall…whenever I see Icoa or thai I try to make sure my fraps is loaded.
And who is this? This was last week even in our guild.
Hey Black gate sorry if im wrong in these situations but your server has a load of hackers…this has been proven going to take a lot to get that bad rep off your backs.
I noticed that me and all others in the zerg last night were lagging hard when we were BG’s area.
We didn’t have THAT many players… and BG certainly didn’t have a lot on at that hour.
We’ve had more on both sides fighting without these issues when we were in T3… and it doesn’t happen in SOR’s area… there were times when it was an 8v8 or less just clearing out a small group from a supply camp… and it was still locking people out of their skills. Anyone know what was/is causing this?
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I noticed that me and all others in the zerg last night were lagging hard when we were BG’s area.
We didn’t have THAT many players… and BG certainly didn’t have a lot on at that hour.
We’ve had more on both sides fighting without these issues when we were in T3… and it doesn’t happen in SOR’s area… there were times when it was an 8v8 or less just clearing out a small group from a supply camp… and it was still locking people out of their skills. Anyone know what was/is causing this?
It’s been happening to us too recently. Attacks would would be going off right on cue for a while, then take 5 or 6 seconds to activate, seemingly at random
Dear BG Thai guild,
We hear you knockin’ but you can’t come in!
Also, three times with the NPC commander? lol cute.
Hitting the road for xmas break, have fun not being hit by me and may Santan the Dark Lord of Consumerism bring you lots of loot both in-game and out.
It took a while, but we finally got that Bay keep in BG BL
(pretend anger)yo blackgate! tell your commander to stop glitching through our wall at greenbriar. it isn’t enough that he comes and craps out a bunch of siege and then covers them with invincible bubbles, and has about 6 bajillion HP and hits for 15k. nooooo. this sleazy kitten has to exploit his way through the terrain as well.
seriously, pull this NPC aside, and give him a stern talking to. get your guilds together to let him know that this kind of stuff won’t be tolerated and is only giving your server a bad name. if he refuses to listen, excommunicate him.
screenshot below to prove i’m not making false accusations. (/pretend anger)
seriously though, it was pretty hilarious, and actually worked out to our advantage since we were able to just burn him down in the courtyard. though, given the tone of my joke post up there, i’m waiting to get banned for “naming and shaming”…..
(edited by Phantom.8130)
Short lived as it may be finally TC took SM
And its gone…. LoL great fun tho!
(edited by katanah.8431)
I noticed that me and all others in the zerg last night were lagging hard when we were BG’s area.
We didn’t have THAT many players… and BG certainly didn’t have a lot on at that hour.
We’ve had more on both sides fighting without these issues when we were in T3… and it doesn’t happen in SOR’s area… there were times when it was an 8v8 or less just clearing out a small group from a supply camp… and it was still locking people out of their skills. Anyone know what was/is causing this?
It’s been happening to us too recently. Attacks would would be going off right on cue for a while, then take 5 or 6 seconds to activate, seemingly at random
I’m kinda wondering if the long physical distance between US players and Thai players is causing the lag… like… does the server wait for the opponents to register the first attack before it allows us to do another? Did they change something with the servers that wasn’t in the patch notes?
Where is everyone on BG? Jeez…
Where is everyone on BG? Jeez…
Reporting for duty
Where is everyone on BG? Jeez…
We got our 1k lead and went to bed till Wednesday.
Score Update for the Holidays
This screen shot is cute, there were about 30 Thai waiting outside waiting no siege just waiting for the glitch pulled back as soon as they were seen. Thai smarter than Icoa with hacking just not by much…found 2 bg night before last climbing up from the water into water gate O.o dont ask me how.
Err can SoR please stop flamming us? What i can guarantee you that we will not glitch the wall jumping out to portal and get in your castle illegally. We always enforced our member not to do it and we’re not supporting any glitch play. If one did use it, and you guys seen please msg our commander in game and press report to that player for Arenanet. That’s our stance. AND obviously We were not waiting for the glitch to be pulled. That’s just a bullkitten SoR.
I’m sure that all your castles/towers that been demolished by Thais for several weeks, we were never using any glitch play (wall jumping, etc) to obtain them. Stop that nonsense flamming please, SoR.
(edited by Tajz.9826)
Dear BG Thai guild,
We hear you knockin’ but you can’t come in!
Well, good hold there to be honest TC. We’ll try again on weekday. Keep up your guard! Oceanic TC
Can’t we all just stop for one moment please?
Christmas is 15 hours away at my time. You guy should rest. Happy holidays everyone! Spread the love!
Christmas trench party on EB!
Merry Christmas BG and SoR awesome way to end the year! Cheers!
(pretend anger)yo blackgate! tell your commander to stop glitching through our wall at greenbriar. it isn’t enough that he comes and craps out a bunch of siege and then covers them with invincible bubbles, and has about 6 bajillion HP and hits for 15k. nooooo. this sleazy kitten has to exploit his way through the terrain as well.
seriously, pull this NPC aside, and give him a stern talking to. get your guilds together to let him know that this kind of stuff won’t be tolerated and is only giving your server a bad name. if he refuses to listen, excommunicate him.
screenshot below to prove i’m not making false accusations. (/pretend anger)
seriously though, it was pretty hilarious, and actually worked out to our advantage since we were able to just burn him down in the courtyard. though, given the tone of my joke post up there, i’m waiting to get banned for “naming and shaming”…..
Ooh! Ooh! There’s me in the pink to the right! Gosh I hope I didn’t have anything stuck in my teeth! I also find it wildly funny and mildly appropriate that there’s confusion over my head.
The whole thing WAS hilarious. we’d burn down the npc + bg attack …. Then start doing repairs and whaddya know? There’s our buddy the npc commander again!
I think he glitched (hack! Hack! I’m kidding!) into the courtyard the what? Fourth or fifth time in a row, lol, I lost track.
But it was fun!
The merriest of holidays to you all! Hope your religiously or non-religiously affiliated gift giver brings every one of you something special!
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Proud of fellow Toasties, is all I could say! And thanks for making W3 fun and challenging again BG & SoR! Keep up the good fights everyone and Merry Christmas to everybody!
still a close fight everyone! with the little time i got to play over the weekend, i jumped in on some more WvW instead of the usual PvE stuff. and it was FUN! well done to both BG and TC – the few skirmishes i’ve had against you two.
looking to play a bit more over the holidays, family events permitting ; )))
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, Blackgate, Tarnished Coast, and my very own Sanctum of Rall!!!! bringing the festive spirit to the battlefield.
Dear BG Thai guild,
We hear you knockin’ but you can’t come in!
Love,Well, good hold there to be honest TC. We’ll try again on weekday. Keep up your guard! Oceanic TC
Smooches. Can’t wait!
Where is everyone on BG? Jeez…
relax and enjoy Christmas. Seen so many times BG caught up in last 3~4 days, before that happen they just keep pace with less than 20k behind
What the hell is happening at BG BL? it’s full and still it belong to SoR…
What the hell is happening at BG BL? it’s full and still it belong to SoR…
Just because it’s full doesn’t mean people are smart enough to do anything
What the hell is happening at BG BL? it’s full and still it belong to SoR…
Choo, TID, CDS is what is happening in BG borderlands BG barely holding on to garrison
Where is everyone on BG? Jeez…
Reporting for duty
I read this in the Starcraft 1 SCV voice.
Dear god the lag has spread to all of EB…
Even auto attack is lagging if I go anywhere near SM -.-
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