Good old Days [GD] Elona
26/10 Blacktide vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Elona's Reach
Good old Days [GD] Elona
This thread epitomizes what WVW is about. Screw the score it’s about great fights and friendly banter.
An american abroad.
It’s cos we all have a respect for each others. Blacktide and Enora Reach are both powerful opponents without NA support. I just hope you guys will get proper chance to fight in t1 without 2000 yankees jumping your doors while you sleep.
However Desolation has quues and transfering there would increase those. That is the strength of Blacktide. between 6pm and 11pm gmt it is easy to get into a battleground on Blactide.
You also make the distiction between the pvpers and the casual players. This echoes my earlier point. Your loyalty is not to the casual or indeed the server name it is to the players who put in the real effort. Those same people can be on another server.
If those people moved with FSP be the same server since it is the guilds that matter not the ‘server’ per say?
Project Blacktide 24/7
We are guild of 370 members and we all respect BT and ER but as long as i have power and influence in this guild Far Shiverpeaks will be our home. Even we drop to tier5 there will be people and server to fight with. The point is to sense a bitter taste of defeat as of the sweet victory. War is not just about wining, there is a time when we all have to face with stronger enemy and lose a battle.
You did a great job with BT and i can wish you all luck in the future.
(edited by Vukanigia.5496)
I just noticed we will have the same matchup next week.
Project Blacktide 24/7
No, there is still 36h to go and Riverside is on the same amount of points as FSP.
Riverside +35504
Far Shiverpeaks -39650
Only if we start leading this match and Riverside start loosing we will stay in t2. I’m not sure if that will happen.
Yeah, a few of the larger guilds publicly said on forums they’d allianced to fight Deso lol.
but, its 3:20am, time for sleep
Hope the rest of your week is good for all 3 servers…
and… come on Elona… step it up a bit and push Arbo back down
We certainly would love to do so. Unfortunately, we will have no chance to gain enough rating on BT and FS, as their current rating is not high enough to push us.
Will take us at least another week to get there. But, to me, it is only a matter of time until we will be back to T1.
I had a pleasure fight in this match mostly on EB against Elona ( last weekend ) and on ours FS borderlands ( several hours in weekdays-nights ) and thx for good fight to all opponents.
and I have a Q to Blacktide –
U have a large Polish community on Ur server ( what should give U a evenings “EU time” cover on battlegrounds ) but I didn’t notice thy significant presence on WvW … So where thy are ?
Just wondering …
Gah, I don’t want to see FSP drop to tier 3 after the amazing fights you’ve provided us with so far. While I am certain Riverside are pretty decent, I have no doubt in my mind that FSP provides us with better primetime action than they can.
Oh well, good luck FSP!
@Belfagor Diabolos:
I would say that polish community is more pve oriented (that is why Blacktide has high population, but short queues in wvw).
very THX … & good luck
In the last few weeks i have been in a lot of match ups, of those teh servers that impressed were Elona, FSP and Desolation. may tough fights and lots of fun
Interestingly the opponents that that were good didnt bother to troll forums, some of the servers on a downward spiral were however full of trolls. Those servers continue on their way down too.
Many predicted our demise in this bracket, I was quietly confident,
Snort 1 Trolls 0
Project Blacktide 24/7
It is quiet amusing is it not? In fact I see they are still up to their same old tactics but against a different server this week.
I have enjoyed fighting everyone here this week as I’ve picked up some good tactics and maneuvers from both sides.
An american abroad.
Good day today nice fights.
Seen Nug on BT if they are the real deal then i want to thank them for the efforts they put into making FS what it was. We have shown we still got it xD
Also, get out of my SM!!!!
A lot of big guilds on Blacktide passed up FSP territory today, if not outright ignored FSP groups. We did this out of respect for the great skill of FSP guilds, who do not deserve to go down to T3. You guys belong in T2 just as much as we do.
We will continue to monitor for developments.
Thanks to NUG, GF, VcY, and other FSP guilds for teaching us many valuable WvW lessons in this match-up, next week will be interesting.
Good fighting and fly safe FSP brosefs, don’t doomsday your own server by transferring.
Nug, GF, ZD, DZ, WoTU, SWE, EpiC, MTM, RL, RR, eMoa, SFRJ, DeeP, DiE, BT, NoX, SA
I’m sure I’m missing some but credit needs to be shared.
Nug, GF, ZD, DZ, WoTU, SWE, EpiC, MTM, RL, RR, eMoa, SFRJ, DeeP, DiE, BT, NoX, SA
I’m sure I’m missing some but credit needs to be shared.
DW <3
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
Oh btw guys:
Gratz BT on using our opening for taking over Garrison on Elona Reach this morning.
We opened the door for you as 4 people with 2 golems. Unfortunately our communication wasn’t clear enough and we ended up wiping our golems on the lord the first try, the second time you came at us from behind.
Non the less WE HAD FUN!
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
I must say that the attitudes of servers towards each other in this weeks matchup has been a refreshing change compared to all of the completely inane bs that the SFR server insisted to spout out during the whole of our last weeks matchup resulting in to several locked threads.
That said… I would like to offer a /salute to both Elona Reach and Far Shiver Peaks servers on my behalf from both good fights in-game and from staying class act on the forums as well.
Oh btw guys:
Gratz BT on using our opening for taking over Garrison on Elona Reach this morning.![]()
We opened the door for you as 4 people with 2 golems. Unfortunately our communication wasn’t clear enough and we ended up wiping our golems on the lord the first try, the second time you came at us from behind.Non the less WE HAD FUN!
yea, that was fun, i never thought we could go so far with just 4 people, if we had 1 minute more, we could have taken garrison.
Some awesome moments from last night at Eternal Battlegrounds. Red Guard guild from BT show up with some really impressive moves. We were outnumbered after 23:00 but still there was some nice fights and we managed to keep up and stand in a fight. Good defense in lord room after we brake in central room and kill the lord, you guys come in last minute and wipe us.
There was a good pressure on us so we were not able to keep attacking the north towers like we did in last few nights. Also, response time after we took Anzu tower was awesome, big respect for you guys. Blacktide got a lot with you. I couldn’t get enough people to follow and face you in direct combat, you just have superior man power.
Adding DW and LSL to the FS guild list.
Also want to thank CiR, ThUn, RG, DT, War Inc, NI – again feel like im missing a few.
I did not add Xoac because they just rely on numbers and brute force.
(edited by Sird.4536)
Yeah, we had a lot of fun after moving to EB in WvW! Some very impressive fights and massive battles, thanks for bringing it. We had a few close calls when coming back for SM defense, but the other BT people in the zone did a good job of buying us some time. It’s a shame if we sometimes had pretty large numbers when fighting you, but we did have people tagging along fairly often.
We fought the massive Elona group a few times as well with just [RG] – some insane fights inside the little Delve dungeon bit to the SW of Anzalia’s Pass. We also had a really great fight near Aldon’s Ledge against some 50+ Elona where we got overrun in the end.
Many thanks for once again giving us some excellent fights.
I realy liked this Bracket it was nice to play FSP and BT, and i really think u2 deserv to be in t2 BUT i won´t stop killing you or try to get ur towers etc. because in my opinion all servers deserv fair scoring and Riverside made a clear stand in t3 and got ahead and it would be unfair to them if Elona or anyone else just stops fighting to keep the actual bracket. I really hope we will face again soon.
Maybe next time it will be t1 :-)
Alana Twain – Guardian
Elona Reach
I think this week told us alot of things.
Elona Reach is probaly the best server i have ever played againts and they belong in tier1 and i will be cheering for u guys!
Blacktide is also very good and deserve to be in tier 2, they have some amazing guilds especially RG, my god they are good, they rly reminds me of GF on our server.
For my own server (far shiverpeaks) then it might be a good for us to drop down to tier 3 for a week, for the last couple of weeks it have been nothing but loss and the players of the server deserve to win for once. I hope we will be back in tier 2 in a week even better and with more players
Seafarer’s Rest
The solution for FSP may be a server move to a server with space in your Primetime and cover outside. Blacktide is the only EU server that fits the bill, a few US server may too.
The process of creating a server is laborious.
Please, just please, think a bit before posting a “solution for FSP”.
How does it solve any issues with FSP WvW attendance, coverage and PuG morale? Please tell me how this will somehow save FSP from the situation we are in?
It would be a solution for the players that cant stand losing until we regain control or get back on our feat. Outside of that all it would do would be to cripple FSP even more. If we move it wont be FSP, it will be “add random server name”.
let me explain, You havent loyalty to the piece of hardware your on or to the Software it runs. Any server loyalty you have is to those you play with In WvW.
As it is you have an issue, no night coverage. You either accept it or deal with it.
How do you deal with it, you recruit in cover or move to a place that provides that cover. If you move in the EU to a server that has cover for when your weak there is only one server that you not face a huge queue for battlegrounds(that has slots available at a time convenient to you). Blacktide.
Moving to a different shard on possibly the same physical server is not a real change if you bring those you play with across to. For all intents and putpose it would still be FSP.
That is why I was suggesting it as a solution to your problems.
Nope doesnt solve any server problem. All it solves would be personal problems. Just like every server jumper that cant take a loss. Just joining the strongest server at every new match up and such.
Maybe you dont feel any loyalty to the server, that doesnt go for everyone. It just happens to be how this system is designed with the free unlimited server transfers, no factions and all, people lose all sense of loyalty.
The way i see it.
You play the game for a reason, within that game, you aim to do certain things.
If your server deteriorates to the point that you can’t play the way you like anymore, there’s no reason to stay. While it’s sad because you went there for a reason, friends community or whatnot, if that reason is gone and the server can’t accomodate your playstyle, whether it’s social, pvp, pve, anything – leave.
However, I don’t think FSP is even remotely close to that point, despite some rumblings about people leaving, it still seems like a good and strong server, and I do hope you guys keep going and kick kitten img src="/include/images/smilies/smile.png" />