3.15 EB - BP - DR

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



I didn’t mean it wasn’t effective. It’s a good build in WvW.

Maybe I’m used to be an engineer, but seeing the video and the guardian just running around, waiting to be in range, and use mostly the same skills all fight long.

Doesn’t seem really dynamic no? Especially since there no weapon swap.

But I see them in every roaming group now, so it must be worth it.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856



I didn’t mean it wasn’t effective. It’s a good build in WvW.

Maybe I’m used to be an engineer, but seeing the video and the guardian just running around, waiting to be in range, and use mostly the same skills all fight long.

Doesn’t seem really dynamic no? Especially since there no weapon swap.

But I see them in every roaming group now, so it must be worth it.

Weapon swapping or not weapon swapping has nothing to do with hammer and has everything to do with the player. He does use staff later in the movie IIRC.

I would defend hammer more, but maybe it’s a good thing if people think it’s boring to play because they aren’t getting the most out of it.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Don’t be defensive about it, I only wanted to get more informations, to knwo if I missed something.

If you like it so be it! It’s just not my style!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


How is it you are on page 9 of the forum matchup thread when the AR one is barely on page 2? Miss the classic banter

There are more AR in this thread than in your thread.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Since we lost BP and NSP, our thread is so boring. It lack any kind of emotion or actions.

So I think half the ART poster transfered to your thread or NSP thread.

Broliss Rock for ever <3

DR, If you fall to T6, bring your coffee. This match up is boring as hell ahaha.

P.S : Please stop making points, or we are going to be stuck in T6 snooze fest for another week.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Luzano.6983


Shoutout to Richard Z Rhal from BP [BURN] for the nice duels in eternal tonight.

HI KALKZ, good kill on the yak LOL.

[GF] / [Guam] Alaiii – Jackie Lautchang – Luzano

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: ekleenex.1654



I didn’t mean it wasn’t effective. It’s a good build in WvW.

Maybe I’m used to be an engineer, but seeing the video and the guardian just running around, waiting to be in range, and use mostly the same skills all fight long.

Doesn’t seem really dynamic no? Especially since there no weapon swap.

But I see them in every roaming group now, so it must be worth it.

Weapon swapping or not weapon swapping has nothing to do with hammer and has everything to do with the player. He does use staff later in the movie IIRC.

I would defend hammer more, but maybe it’s a good thing if people think it’s boring to play because they aren’t getting the most out of it.

Tag with staff, smash with hammer… that is how I like it. This is why I love AD and company so much, he said synergy and blast finisher… Anyone running into these BA’s are in trouble. :p

Fun messing around in BP last night, we decided to run some smaller numbers then we are used to, it was nice to have BP/DR smash us a few times so we would wake the kitten up.

sociablegnomes / ekleenex / swághili [Rekz]
“dodging saves lives.”

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


-when playing a support role using staff/hammer, no point to switch weapons so much mid fight to staff.
-WAR was the ones out numbered by ECHO, just your people were dying so quickly, it would instantly turn into a 5v1 as the rest of your 6 dudes were dead somewhere.
-And ECHO, this video isn’t an attack on you, your crew just happen to be the people we steam rolled constantly last night, i’m thinking nearly 100% of the time we engaged each other with that melee train, you guys were pretty much dead.
-At the end of the recording we took out like 15-20 players that were beating down the door on our tower.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


-when playing a support role using staff/hammer, no point to switch weapons so much mid fight to staff.
-WAR was the ones out numbered by ECHO, just your people were dying so quickly, it would instantly turn into a 5v1 as the rest of your 6 dudes were dead somewhere.
-And ECHO, this video isn’t an attack on you, your crew just happen to be the people we steam rolled constantly last night, i’m thinking nearly 100% of the time we engaged each other with that melee train, you guys were pretty much dead.
-At the end of the recording we took out like 15-20 players that were beating down the door on our tower.

I wish i was there

I heard about it after finally getting off of the work day.

Do you run anytime closer towards 7pm PST?

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


P.S : Please stop making points, or we are going to be stuck in T6 snooze fest for another week.

No idea on the math but perhaps you could gain points.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Kiliaan.1934


[VIDEO] Ascension [WAR] does melee train!

featuring ebays [ECHO]

I got to join in on a few of those fights, that was great fun!

Its true were outnumbered but we typically head straight into battle vs double our numbers or more. That is the kind of fighting ECHO lives for, and I have to give it to WAR they made us reconsider our strategy vs heavy guardian groups. So much CC and aegis our melee players were very ineffective.

Good Fights! Hope to see you out there again.

Xeviel [GF] – Ehmry Bay

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Luzano.6983


Hammer Guardian is ridiculously good. AOE protection on 3rd auto, Blast Finisher, Zealot’s hold/cc, Knockback for even more cc and to stop rezzing, Ring of Warding CC and area denial.

I can’t count how many times I’ve been Judge Intervention bombed by 5 Million ADBStyNoQQ Guardians to be Ring of Warding’d and just spammed knockdowns and holds. AND THEN ANOTHER GUARDIAN just loling at the doors to towers with another Ring of Warding. Fun times.

If you ever need practice with your stunbreaks/blinks/invuls/condition removals/defensive cooldowns, look for those guys to smash you :]

[GF] / [Guam] Alaiii – Jackie Lautchang – Luzano

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: ExVoodoo.7586


-when playing a support role using staff/hammer, no point to switch weapons so much mid fight to staff.
-WAR was the ones out numbered by ECHO, just your people were dying so quickly, it would instantly turn into a 5v1 as the rest of your 6 dudes were dead somewhere.
-And ECHO, this video isn’t an attack on you, your crew just happen to be the people we steam rolled constantly last night, i’m thinking nearly 100% of the time we engaged each other with that melee train, you guys were pretty much dead.
-At the end of the recording we took out like 15-20 players that were beating down the door on our tower.

I’m not a part of ECHO, but by watching the video. The first two fights against them, they were clearly out numbered. There was only four of them, counted them in the first fight and in the second fight it was the same exact group, it’s not too hard to count. I didn’t pay much attention after the first two fights, as it was mostly pugs after that.

May I ask why you were running Hold the Line and Retreat? Retreat gives Aegis but it’s got a terrible cooldown for just that, swiftness isn’t all that fantastic mid fight. Hold The Line isn’t too bad I guess, but the duration on it only makes it good at stopping spikes (Though if you’re speced into shouts turning conditions into boons, then those two skills would work great, especially with Soldier’s Runes). JI probably would have done much better for you since you were using a hammer though, combining that with Ring of Warding is very good, especially if your team is trained to collapse on and nuke a ring when it goes down. Staff is good to switch into mid combat as well, the 12 stacks of might plus the 2k+ heal is good at keeping your people alive and increasing pressure on the enemy, line of warding can really keep them scattered if placed right and Orb of Light is another good heal and AoE damage. As a guardian myself, I rely on my team to get the kills while I lock the enemy down and keep my team alive.

Though in the end it all comes down to playstyle, if it works for you, then by all means keep it going. Just thought I’d give my two cents.

(edited by ExVoodoo.7586)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


It is the same group.

The asura engi switched to the char guardian and the human warrior switched to the human mesmer.

Still in the beginning, i only counted 4 Ehmry and 6 BP, a 4v6 shouldnt have given them all that much trouble. But they didnt seem to be going into it with much forethought against all the melee/CC/Boons/Stability.

In the 2:19min mark fight it was actually fairly even, its just they didnt coordinated a retreat. One pushed in all alone, while one was completely trapped by CC (why u no stability/invul) and then 3 more we’re just single streaming into the fight. No group up, no invis, more just balls to the wall zerg diving lol probably just trying to have some fun.

Personally, bravo You guys seem like tough customers for BP, dont see many that can put up a solid fight or even bring a strategy with them.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Ya I just hate fighting a group of perma CC trains

Always interrupting my stomps….

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: ekleenex.1654


The following is just my opinion of the WvW match for these three servers.

Ehmry has the skill, and organization of a T2/3 server. But the “active” population of a T4/5 server.

Devona’s has the skill, and organization of a T4 server. But the “active” population of a T6 server.

Borlis Pass has the skill, and organization of a T6 server. But the “active” population of a T3/4 server.

Having spent a considerable amount of time in T3/T4 I can say this. Ebay does not have the server organization of a T3 server. It may feel like it down here but aside from some specific guilds they like to skirmish way too much. They don’t seem to organize their guild zergs but rather go with the flow.

DR are straight up zerkers (not zergers). I liken them to a rabies infected dog. They attack in every direction almost randomly. They seem to have no server wide goals and I am pretty sure most of them could care less about the score. Jumping on a pack of them seems to either be “these guys suck” or “what just crushed us” and it is almost impossible to know until its too late one way or another.

BP… whew. The commanders try but the server is just full of people who are distracted too easily and virtually nobody runs group oriented builds. Even on reset night portal bombs are rare and during siege actions most don’t show up with any supply. Population wise, they are well below EBay at least during NA Prime. Midnight EST on the last reset we were running out manned on every map but our BL. There is virtually zero cross guild coordination.

I think BP was trying to practice portals last night in their BL, it was kinda funny.

Also, kudos to [WAR], they are just about the only guild in BP that will consistently man up and not just keyboard turn and run to the nearest burger eating tower. Keep it up guys, loving the fights!

sociablegnomes / ekleenex / swághili [Rekz]
“dodging saves lives.”

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sage.5843


I can’t count how many times I’ve been Judge Intervention bombed by 5 Million ADBStyNoQQ Guardians to be Ring of Warding’d and just spammed knockdowns and holds. AND THEN ANOTHER GUARDIAN just loling at the doors to towers with another Ring of Warding. Fun times.

We have so many Norn Guardians/Warriors that I call them Space Marines.

Last night we had at least 3 Guardians and 1 Warrior that I can think of instantly.

Member of [DAWN]
NA Dragonbrand Server

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: ocelep.1563


To all of the Ehmry Bay that were in Eternal Battleground for the last few hours, amazing fights. I can’t remember the last time I had a fun long fight like that. First time commanding in eternal, couldn’t ask for a better time! Oh and to the Devona’s Rest in there, the times you showed up, even though you were outnumbered, were fun fights as well. Finally ran into ADBStyNoQQ, you guys know what you are doing and i give you props for running into our zerg and trying to take us out. Looking forward to more fun fights out of you all!

Member of [WAR] ~ BP
Commander Brave Ocelep

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


The following is just my opinion of the WvW match for these three servers.

Ehmry has the skill, and organization of a T2/3 server. But the “active” population of a T4/5 server.

Devona’s has the skill, and organization of a T4 server. But the “active” population of a T6 server.

Borlis Pass has the skill, and organization of a T6 server. But the “active” population of a T3/4 server.

Having spent a considerable amount of time in T3/T4 I can say this. Ebay does not have the server organization of a T3 server. It may feel like it down here but aside from some specific guilds they like to skirmish way too much. They don’t seem to organize their guild zergs but rather go with the flow.

DR are straight up zerkers (not zergers). I liken them to a rabies infected dog. They attack in every direction almost randomly. They seem to have no server wide goals and I am pretty sure most of them could care less about the score. Jumping on a pack of them seems to either be “these guys suck” or “what just crushed us” and it is almost impossible to know until its too late one way or another.

BP… whew. The commanders try but the server is just full of people who are distracted too easily and virtually nobody runs group oriented builds. Even on reset night portal bombs are rare and during siege actions most don’t show up with any supply. Population wise, they are well below EBay at least during NA Prime. Midnight EST on the last reset we were running out manned on every map but our BL. There is virtually zero cross guild coordination.

I think BP was trying to practice portals last night in their BL, it was kinda funny.

Oh I think I saw that. They did that to my guild last night. My guild was going to bay and I asked the guys to stop by the sentry in front of refuge coz I was gonna look at bay’s defense first…Then I said, “guys, bay is undefended and everything is paper, let’s go!” . Then I heard, Noice! they were hiding! They portal bombed on us come quick!. I said , Oh kitten! hold on try to hold em il be there! Wth! something’s immobilizing me! I can’t mooooove! I keep trying to remove it but it keeps on coming back. Then a few seconds later…Noice they wiped..and I went..oh ok xD

That fight at bay last night. We were waiting the whole time for a portal bomb or for you guys to do something to our catapults and you guys never did. You had over 20 people defending that inner bay. When inner gate went down, you guys just gave up and over half of you were gone. You took hills right after that so I guess it’s ok? But where’s the fun fights on that? That’s also the same Saturday when we were defending bay and the outer wall facing garrison is down the whole time. You had a full 40 man zerg ready to take it and when we’re about to attack and get close to you, you all turned back and never bothered to fight back

I noticed that most of your server’s players are from random guilds. You all should create bigger more organized guilds to lead your server’s attacks and defenses. Pugs just give up too easily when losing but members of an organized guild usually stay and fight. Ehmry Bay currently has 3 guilds(gh,ftf,pk) that can hold a borderland by themselves and when sekz decides to start commanding and hold a borderland, we can cover all 4 maps on resets. We do have some guilds that can rally decent amount of people, but not at the 45-60 member range unlike the first 3, that band together to hold a borderland and that works too. The guys who went to DR borderlands last reset were 2 decent sized guilds that can rally averaging 15 members each. I think that was [HIGH] and [SWAT]. We only asked them to at least hold bay but they took the whole borderland instead lol. They got the job done. very nice.

I guess it’s mostly about communication.

DR on another hand would bravely fight even outnumbered. Good fights by anzalias last night DR! Props to that treb driver on your keep.That was some accurate trebbing you did on our catapults last night without any spotter

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

(edited by Noice.8730)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018



-i run shout condition conversion(soldiers) / self heal on boons on allies.
-the first fight was perhaps a 4v4, and some extra pugger showed up at the end.
-the follow fights after are just cut shorter, as there was much kiting happening on the other players that were murdered.. not fun to watch, and i don’t like speeding up fight footage.
-Perhaps maybe your guys were not running a tight group, and were to staggered thus why it appears you were dying 1 at a time vrs our group.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

It is the same group.

The asura engi switched to the char guardian and the human warrior switched to the human mesmer.

Still in the beginning, i only counted 4 Ehmry and 6 BP, a 4v6 shouldnt have given them all that much trouble. But they didnt seem to be going into it with much forethought against all the melee/CC/Boons/Stability.

In the 2:19min mark fight it was actually fairly even, its just they didnt coordinated a retreat. One pushed in all alone, while one was completely trapped by CC (why u no stability/invul) and then 3 more we’re just single streaming into the fight. No group up, no invis, more just balls to the wall zerg diving lol probably just trying to have some fun.

Personally, bravo You guys seem like tough customers for BP, dont see many that can put up a solid fight or even bring a strategy with them.

I don’t put much stake in a 4v6 for the same reason I don’t put much stake in 1v1’s. I play with a shortbow even in duels because it’s what fit my role in AD and our 10-15man groups. I have no intention of respeccing or buying new gear simply because they would be stronger when running solo or in small groups. If it so happens that I get wiped by a group who consistently run ~5man groups, props to them for doing a good job, but I personally couldn’t care less.

Granted, ECHO seems to be running a lot more 1v1-oriented builds, and your D/D eles / mesmers / thieves are slightly more suited for the job.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


It is the same group.

The asura engi switched to the char guardian and the human warrior switched to the human mesmer.

Still in the beginning, i only counted 4 Ehmry and 6 BP, a 4v6 shouldnt have given them all that much trouble. But they didnt seem to be going into it with much forethought against all the melee/CC/Boons/Stability.

In the 2:19min mark fight it was actually fairly even, its just they didnt coordinated a retreat. One pushed in all alone, while one was completely trapped by CC (why u no stability/invul) and then 3 more we’re just single streaming into the fight. No group up, no invis, more just balls to the wall zerg diving lol probably just trying to have some fun.

Personally, bravo You guys seem like tough customers for BP, dont see many that can put up a solid fight or even bring a strategy with them.

yeah agreed, a 4 v 6 shouldn’t have been a problem. There was no teamplay on the echo guys on this fight. Some of those [WAR] guys are pretty good. I think I 1v1’ed a [WAR] warrior before and neither of us could kill each other. He’s decent with a good amount of survivability and offense. He was a char…don’t know his name though. I was the d/d FTF elementalist that sat and stopped attacking after 10 minutes of fighting to signal that it’s a draw but you kept attacking me so I got my guildees to kill you, then you called your guildees for backup then it’s chaos from then on HAHA!

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

(edited by Noice.8730)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dr Acula.3496

Dr Acula.3496

[VIDEO] Ascension [WAR] does melee train!

featuring ebays [ECHO]

We were outnumbered vs you. 4 of us… Plus we kept single streaming in against you instead of trying to coordinate. We were simply out played and we underestimated your melee pain train.

Depressed Unicorns – Necro [Agg]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

I noticed that most of your server’s players are from random guilds. You all should create bigger more organized guilds to lead your server’s attacks and defenses. Pugs just give up too easily when losing but members of an organized guild usually stay and fight. Ehmry Bay currently has 3 guilds(gh,ftf,pk) that can hold a borderland by themselves and when sekz decides to start commanding and hold a borderland, we can cover all 4 maps on resets. We do have some guilds that can rally decent amount of people, but not at the 45-60 member range unlike the first 3, that band together to hold a borderland and that works too. The guys who went to DR borderlands last reset were 2 decent sized guilds that can rally averaging 15 members each. I think that was [HIGH] and [SWAT]. We only asked them to at least hold bay but they took the whole borderland instead lol. They got the job done. very nice.

I guess it’s mostly about communication.

Pretty much this. I’ve seen BP have massive numbers at random times throughout the day, so I don’t believe EBay necessarily outmans you guys all that much. We just get the appearance of having a ton of people because our guilds will send people where help is needed even if it means halting a siege or losing half of our force for a short time on a map. We all work really well together and know a lot of each other by voice. Our pugs are just like yours… they rarely attack something successfully on their own, and they NEVER organize in large numbers without a commander’s icon or a large group of similar guild tags to follow. If they wipe, they give up just as easy as your pugs. I really feel the biggest difference in our servers isn’t our population sizes so much as the availability of WvW guilds and the extent that ours work together compared to yours. BP relies more on golem rushes than coordination, but you guys could do so much more than that – you’ve proven it before.

Anyways, again I look forward to good fights. It’s a little disappointing to see your large groups of players disband so quickly after a wipe, especially when you are pushing us so hard. We’d be in a whole mess of trouble this week if our zergs gave up so quickly every time we all die (I’ll admit we’ve all spent our fair share on repair bills). Still, I can’t blame you guys for the seemingly massive number or fairweather players on your server.

I don’t have much to say to DR. You guys are an enigma. I haven’t seen much of your server in our borderlands this week (where I spend 90% of my time), but when I have they’ve come out of nowhere and steamrolled me and whatever small group I may be roaming with before disappearing into the sunset never to be seen again.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dr Acula.3496

Dr Acula.3496

To all of the Ehmry Bay that were in Eternal Battleground for the last few hours, amazing fights. I can’t remember the last time I had a fun long fight like that. First time commanding in eternal, couldn’t ask for a better time! Oh and to the Devona’s Rest in there, the times you showed up, even though you were outnumbered, were fun fights as well. Finally ran into ADBStyNoQQ, you guys know what you are doing and i give you props for running into our zerg and trying to take us out. Looking forward to more fun fights out of you all!

You guys had a boatload outside of SM. Was fun skirmishes there.

Depressed Unicorns – Necro [Agg]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


To all of the Ehmry Bay that were in Eternal Battleground for the last few hours, amazing fights. I can’t remember the last time I had a fun long fight like that. First time commanding in eternal, couldn’t ask for a better time! Oh and to the Devona’s Rest in there, the times you showed up, even though you were outnumbered, were fun fights as well. Finally ran into ADBStyNoQQ, you guys know what you are doing and i give you props for running into our zerg and trying to take us out. Looking forward to more fun fights out of you all!

Yeah, it was tough holding SM and all our supply camps through the upgrade with no “Blue Dorritos” on the map. Luckily we had some great communication and superawesome PuG power on our side this afternoon.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Skynet.7201


To all of the Ehmry Bay that were in Eternal Battleground for the last few hours, amazing fights. I can’t remember the last time I had a fun long fight like that. First time commanding in eternal, couldn’t ask for a better time! Oh and to the Devona’s Rest in there, the times you showed up, even though you were outnumbered, were fun fights as well. Finally ran into ADBStyNoQQ, you guys know what you are doing and i give you props for running into our zerg and trying to take us out. Looking forward to more fun fights out of you all!

Thanks for getting the gate nearly down at Bravost for us.

But yeah, good fights today.

We created the perfect infiltration machine.
Join 9K+ GW2 players: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GW2Gamers/
All are welcome!

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


I don’t put much stake in a 4v6 for the same reason I don’t put much stake in 1v1’s. I play with a shortbow even in duels because it’s what fit my role in AD and our 10-15man groups. I have no intention of respeccing or buying new gear simply because they would be stronger when running solo or in small groups. If it so happens that I get wiped by a group who consistently run ~5man groups, props to them for doing a good job, but I personally couldn’t care less.

Granted, ECHO seems to be running a lot more 1v1-oriented builds, and your D/D eles / mesmers / thieves are slightly more suited for the job.

Theres stake in everything imo. Even if of no concern to anyone else, to me its a personal stake against myself.

1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 10v10, or XvY (where X < Y ) are all aspects of the game that outcomes can be effected by such small reactions. Whether it be through pacing attacks, properly dodging burst dmg, proper pacing of condition removal or cooldown management. Its all skill based and can all be improved upon.

And for a group 4v6 to come out fairly unscathed fighting through most of that i feel watching it from the other angle, alot can be improved upon. I especially love videos on us from the enemy perspective because you can see the opportunities the enemy has to attack and how one deals with that attack.

As for 1v1s, Fight Clubs, and all that jazz. I really dont understand why people wouldnt want to do that more if your so interested in WvW. When PPT doesn’t give you anything but some pie-chart to brag about that represents how many npcs and doors you’ve killed. Nothing worthy anything in that aspect of the game imo. Not when this games tiers are dominated by night-capping and population differences.

As for what ECHO runs in terms of builds…. Whats a 1v1 build? I have no idea what people talk about when they say this. We all actively discuss and theorycraft our builds and positions on the field. Just because someone doesnt particularly run all the traits that say “give allies etc” doesnt mean he doesnt have a vital role in the group set up.

I guess you we’re refering to more “self-fish builds”. As to compare the Shout Warrior with a bulls rush, bolay, etc etc etc damage warrior. They have different field positions and uses. The bursty warrior excels and keeping the downed underpressure, especially if you get a couple downed grouped up in the same spot, a high dmg hundred blades could be all you need to make sure those 3 people are not coming back into the fight. Which they allows the team to advance and push the line beyond the focus-point, or the “bomb”.

I understand some builds to be more oriented for focus being on allies rather then yourself. But running 10 people that all do that, doesnt necessarily mean thats better then the people who run a mix, and doesnt actually count out the dps warriors from actually bring in “team support” with the dmg he can provide.

Heres a fun fact, we run our thieves (made the switch a week or so ago) in near full Clerics and Boon Duration gear, completely stealth builds. They run shortbow 90% of the time and are responsible for pick up team mates when downed immediately with SR cover.

While we usually run our elementalists with Dagger/Dagger to keep them up in front with the melee to provide constant boon support and refreshment. As well as having (well i do) runes of Altrusim on my armor and Ether Renewal to get the most AoE might/fury to allies, since ER has the fastest cooldown of all the heals.

Combined with my boon duration. Im giving out 10sec of protection… every 10 secs. Combine the D/D ele with a dps warrior, since the warrior has little access to protection and you’ve got yourself a wrecking ball right there.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


DR are straight up zerkers (not zergers). I liken them to a rabies infected dog. They attack in every direction almost randomly. They seem to have no server wide goals and I am pretty sure most of them could care less about the score. Jumping on a pack of them seems to either be “these guys suck” or “what just crushed us” and it is almost impossible to know until its too late one way or another.

Cant speak for anyone other than me… but yea that’s pretty much us from my view point… when we suffered the mass exodus it went from we want to advance to we want to fight.

We do actually have some pretty good coordination and goals but when you know you will lose everything most days in a small 4 hour window you learn to not worry about it while you focus on fighting.

I prefer to defend our BL which has made the last few days frustrating seeing EB and BP take turns sending 40+ man zergs at us while hardly touching each others BL… But Meh… it happens we don’t have the coverage. most days I prefer a target rich environment.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I don’t have much to say to DR. You guys are an enigma. I haven’t seen much of your server in our borderlands this week (where I spend 90% of my time), but when I have they’ve come out of nowhere and steamrolled me and whatever small group I may be roaming with before disappearing into the sunset never to be seen again.

Most of DR will just go where the fighting is the best. We are losing our entire BL to some newbs who would rather PvD an empty BL than fight actual players? Cool, I’m not gonna give a kitten about it though, and neither will our pugs (who make up about 80% of DR’s WvW pop).

That’s why you don’t see us in EBBL, there is rarely any action in there so we only really go there when BP is pushing because Larks is happier when two servers feed him cat treats rather than one.

I think some poster above said it very well.

DR does not have any server goals.
DR does not care about points.
DR only wants to smash red things.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

I prefer to defend our BL which has made the last few days frustrating seeing EB and BP take turns sending 40+ man zergs at us while hardly touching each others BL…

You would have enjoyed watching BP’s borderland last night then. They had a random 40-50 person zerg that took turns squashing us and being squashed before completely disappearing within a matter of minutes. 20 minutes later without seeing a single defender, three keeps were no longer blue, DR still had most of their stuff back home, and BP was left with several superior flame ram shrines and a Box o’ Fun.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


pugs for every server is what makes most of the wvw population. It is the duty of the organized guilds to get the pugs’ morale up. Get your pugs happy and destroy the pugs’ morale of the other servers…you’ll win this points battle.

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

(edited by Noice.8730)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I don’t put much stake in a 4v6 for the same reason I don’t put much stake in 1v1’s. I play with a shortbow even in duels because it’s what fit my role in AD and our 10-15man groups. I have no intention of respeccing or buying new gear simply because they would be stronger when running solo or in small groups. If it so happens that I get wiped by a group who consistently run ~5man groups, props to them for doing a good job, but I personally couldn’t care less.

Granted, ECHO seems to be running a lot more 1v1-oriented builds, and your D/D eles / mesmers / thieves are slightly more suited for the job.

Theres stake in everything imo. Even if of no concern to anyone else, to me its a personal stake against myself.

1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 10v10, or XvY (where X < Y ) are all aspects of the game that outcomes can be effected by such small reactions. Whether it be through pacing attacks, properly dodging burst dmg, proper pacing of condition removal or cooldown management. Its all skill based and can all be improved upon.

And for a group 4v6 to come out fairly unscathed fighting through most of that i feel watching it from the other angle, alot can be improved upon. I especially love videos on us from the enemy perspective because you can see the opportunities the enemy has to attack and how one deals with that attack.

As for 1v1s, Fight Clubs, and all that jazz. I really dont understand why people wouldnt want to do that more if your so interested in WvW. When PPT doesn’t give you anything but some pie-chart to brag about that represents how many npcs and doors you’ve killed. Nothing worthy anything in that aspect of the game imo. Not when this games tiers are dominated by night-capping and population differences.

As for what ECHO runs in terms of builds…. Whats a 1v1 build? I have no idea what people talk about when they say this. We all actively discuss and theorycraft our builds and positions on the field. Just because someone doesnt particularly run all the traits that say “give allies etc” doesnt mean he doesnt have a vital role in the group set up.

I guess you we’re refering to more “self-fish builds”. As to compare the Shout Warrior with a bulls rush, bolay, etc etc etc damage warrior. They have different field positions and uses. The bursty warrior excels and keeping the downed underpressure, especially if you get a couple downed grouped up in the same spot, a high dmg hundred blades could be all you need to make sure those 3 people are not coming back into the fight. Which they allows the team to advance and push the line beyond the focus-point, or the “bomb”.

I understand some builds to be more oriented for focus being on allies rather then yourself. But running 10 people that all do that, doesnt necessarily mean thats better then the people who run a mix, and doesnt actually count out the dps warriors from actually bring in “team support” with the dmg he can provide.

Heres a fun fact, we run our thieves (made the switch a week or so ago) in near full Clerics and Boon Duration gear, completely stealth builds. They run shortbow 90% of the time and are responsible for pick up team mates when downed immediately with SR cover.

While we usually run our elementalists with Dagger/Dagger to keep them up in front with the melee to provide constant boon support and refreshment. As well as having (well i do) runes of Altrusim on my armor and Ether Renewal to get the most AoE might/fury to allies, since ER has the fastest cooldown of all the heals.

Combined with my boon duration. Im giving out 10sec of protection… every 10 secs. Combine the D/D ele with a dps warrior, since the warrior has little access to protection and you’ve got yourself a wrecking ball right there.

Yep, it’s all personal, which is why I said I personally don’t put too much stake in those battles. If you do it, then that’s fine. If the ECHO in the video don’t, then that is also fine. It was merely an attempt from my side to explain why a lot of ECHO players seem unimpressed by what happened in the video, while you seem impressed.

We can argue about what different builds bring to a team all day long, but you can’t argue that a Staff ele would do better in a 1v1 than a D/D ele. Objectively speaking you do run a lot of thieves / mesmers / D/D eles (who traditionally do well in 1v1’s), where AD would run guardians / staff eles / hammer warriors (who usually don’t do as well in 1v1’s). However you did say you have no idea what I meant so I will give you a pass on this one.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Brando.1374


I don’t put much stake in a 4v6 for the same reason I don’t put much stake in 1v1’s. I play with a shortbow even in duels because it’s what fit my role in AD and our 10-15man groups. I have no intention of respeccing or buying new gear simply because they would be stronger when running solo or in small groups. If it so happens that I get wiped by a group who consistently run ~5man groups, props to them for doing a good job, but I personally couldn’t care less.

Granted, ECHO seems to be running a lot more 1v1-oriented builds, and your D/D eles / mesmers / thieves are slightly more suited for the job.

Theres stake in everything imo. Even if of no concern to anyone else, to me its a personal stake against myself.

1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 10v10, or XvY (where X < Y ) are all aspects of the game that outcomes can be effected by such small reactions. Whether it be through pacing attacks, properly dodging burst dmg, proper pacing of condition removal or cooldown management. Its all skill based and can all be improved upon.

And for a group 4v6 to come out fairly unscathed fighting through most of that i feel watching it from the other angle, alot can be improved upon. I especially love videos on us from the enemy perspective because you can see the opportunities the enemy has to attack and how one deals with that attack.

As for 1v1s, Fight Clubs, and all that jazz. I really dont understand why people wouldnt want to do that more if your so interested in WvW. When PPT doesn’t give you anything but some pie-chart to brag about that represents how many npcs and doors you’ve killed. Nothing worthy anything in that aspect of the game imo. Not when this games tiers are dominated by night-capping and population differences.

As for what ECHO runs in terms of builds…. Whats a 1v1 build? I have no idea what people talk about when they say this. We all actively discuss and theorycraft our builds and positions on the field. Just because someone doesnt particularly run all the traits that say “give allies etc” doesnt mean he doesnt have a vital role in the group set up.

I guess you we’re refering to more “self-fish builds”. As to compare the Shout Warrior with a bulls rush, bolay, etc etc etc damage warrior. They have different field positions and uses. The bursty warrior excels and keeping the downed underpressure, especially if you get a couple downed grouped up in the same spot, a high dmg hundred blades could be all you need to make sure those 3 people are not coming back into the fight. Which they allows the team to advance and push the line beyond the focus-point, or the “bomb”.

I understand some builds to be more oriented for focus being on allies rather then yourself. But running 10 people that all do that, doesnt necessarily mean thats better then the people who run a mix, and doesnt actually count out the dps warriors from actually bring in “team support” with the dmg he can provide.

Heres a fun fact, we run our thieves (made the switch a week or so ago) in near full Clerics and Boon Duration gear, completely stealth builds. They run shortbow 90% of the time and are responsible for pick up team mates when downed immediately with SR cover.

While we usually run our elementalists with Dagger/Dagger to keep them up in front with the melee to provide constant boon support and refreshment. As well as having (well i do) runes of Altrusim on my armor and Ether Renewal to get the most AoE might/fury to allies, since ER has the fastest cooldown of all the heals.

Combined with my boon duration. Im giving out 10sec of protection… every 10 secs. Combine the D/D ele with a dps warrior, since the warrior has little access to protection and you’ve got yourself a wrecking ball right there.

dont forget the poor little necros

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Yep, it’s all personal, which is why I said I personally don’t put too much stake in those battles. If you do it, then that’s fine. If the ECHO in the video don’t, then that is also fine. It was merely an attempt from my side to explain why a lot of ECHO players seem unimpressed by what happened in the video, while you seem impressed.

We can argue about what different builds bring to a team all day long, but you can’t argue that a Staff ele would do better in a 1v1 than a D/D ele. Objectively speaking you do run a lot of thieves / mesmers / D/D eles (who traditionally do well in 1v1’s), where AD would run guardians / staff eles / hammer warriors (who usually don’t do as well in 1v1’s). However you did say you have no idea what I meant so I will give you a pass on this one.

I kind of agree with Wiz that all fights are important since there is always something you can learn from them or something you could have done better… even the fights where you get overwhelmed with numbers.

ECHO does tend to run more of the “self-reliant” classes than we do but their class composition is pretty balanced when they are running 10ish. I’d say the main difference is that we have quite a few staff elems (and they have a pretty huge impact on how fights play out and how well we do).

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: ocelep.1563


Thanks for getting the gate nearly down at Bravost for us.

But yeah, good fights today.

unfortunately i was not on at the time but i had fun once i got back on with the huge zerg Dtc produced.

Member of [WAR] ~ BP
Commander Brave Ocelep

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


To all of the Ehmry Bay that were in Eternal Battleground for the last few hours, amazing fights. I can’t remember the last time I had a fun long fight like that. First time commanding in eternal, couldn’t ask for a better time! Oh and to the Devona’s Rest in there, the times you showed up, even though you were outnumbered, were fun fights as well. Finally ran into ADBStyNoQQ, you guys know what you are doing and i give you props for running into our zerg and trying to take us out. Looking forward to more fun fights out of you all!

Ya, was lots of fun fights last night, especially around Wildcreek Run in EB last night. We put together what we have from our three guilds and give it our all. Be it 3, 5, 8, or 13+ (doesn’t happen too often on the last number) and fight like heck. Look forward to more fights with you in the future.

Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
(ADBSTYNoQQ Alliance)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


I prefer to defend our BL which has made the last few days frustrating seeing EB and BP take turns sending 40+ man zergs at us while hardly touching each others BL…

You would have enjoyed watching BP’s borderland last night then. They had a random 40-50 person zerg that took turns squashing us and being squashed before completely disappearing within a matter of minutes. 20 minutes later without seeing a single defender, three keeps were no longer blue, DR still had most of their stuff back home, and BP was left with several superior flame ram shrines and a Box o’ Fun.

Yup would have loved it for the change of pace if nothing else… alas when I get to play Im on the punching bag side of things.

edit: free tip BP if you want to make up ground on EB hitting us isn’t the way to do it.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

(edited by irishhaf.1692)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Someone needs to hook me up with a full set of clerics gear

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Someone needs to hook me up with a full set of clerics gear

Use rares, only a few g and pretty effective (for me atm, still win most outnumbered)

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


Always a “PLEASURE” running with you Namkaieng & BSTY/AD. If I knew I was going to be in all of these video’s I would have done my hair!!!!!!! Our little group had some good fights and thanks to all of the enemy who put up some darn good fights! Fun times.

Group Makeup

M Black
Crank King

If I missed you I’m sorry but not intentional. I’m an old man blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other.

Stylii Elementalist (Slyvari)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Petrel.7618


pugs for every server is what makes most of the wvw population. It is the duty of the organized guilds to get the pugs’ morale up. Get your pugs happy and destroy the pugs’ morale of the other servers…you’ll win this points battle.

Terribly pug-brained player (I know….get out!) who transferred to BP for map completion and hadn’t tried WvW….thanks to the BP commanders who made the week so much fun that I ended up involved anyway. Notably Rui Rui for porting us all through EB JP (is this not an excellent way to stock pugs with siege and gratitude), Dtc for the dance parties and mostly patient clear instructions and Kalkz for mostly impatient clear instructions Zara for the encouragements (amazing how rare a well done or thank you is). I guess there is group of you who take turns at ‘pug duty’ but generally its work well done

Back on DR and it’s a quiet place at NZ prime time…TRON are trying to put me to work…gawd help them.

Devonas Rest
[FN] Ahiahi

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sanguina.2675


I love ADQQSTY too! I follow them no matter where they go! : P

[Sekz] [Rekz] [qT]
Thief – Krystina – Night Shîft [NS]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


I love ADQQSTY too! I follow them no matter where they go! : P

Yes…yes you do, lol

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Asuka Shikinami.5462

Asuka Shikinami.5462

Shoutout to Richard Z Rhal from BP [BURN] for the nice duels in eternal tonight.

HI KALKZ, good kill on the yak LOL.

Hahaha you too man, though getting up this morning was painful.

Next time I see you, it’s staff vs staff. Though that may go on forever with our builds. :P

- Richard

After I’m elected, bribing me will be considered a “gold sink”
- John Smith

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

I love ADQQSTY too! I follow them no matter where they go! : P

Well now I know who you are! :P

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Soul Evil.2734

Soul Evil.2734

Score update:


Kääos – Collectors of Souls [CoS]
Ehmry Bay

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: CHAO.7956


Nice job out there today everyone! Thanks for following me as we took back our land and gave DR some pain!

-General Michael

-General Michael

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Asuka Shikinami.5462

Asuka Shikinami.5462

After I’m elected, bribing me will be considered a “gold sink”
- John Smith

(edited by Asuka Shikinami.5462)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: itohead.2749


Had fun skirmishing along side a Mesmer on my server, against a few of you BP guys northeast of Bay, I think it was in your boarderland. was really fun and challenging. I was the asura engineer from Sekz

80 Ele 80 Engi
one man guild