3.15 EB - BP - DR

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

I’m also convinced that every server has a [WAR] WvW guild except ours. We did have one, but they were annexed. Keeping up with all the different [WAR]s is starting to get difficult.

Do we have one on DR?

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

I’m also convinced that every server has a [WAR] WvW guild except ours. We did have one, but they were annexed. Keeping up with all the different [WAR]s is starting to get difficult.

Do we have one on DR?

Do you?

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

No one is going to mention the ADQQBsty ‘Zamboni of Death’ from last night?! ><

FINE! I hate you all =*(

Sorry man on BP the only AD I noticed were the ones we ran over while fighting Sekz and Pk. We would have braked for your Zamboni, but then we would have been hit by Sekz mac truck – plus the ice is further north not outside of hills.

Fun fights in BP bl with Ebay there’s a really impressive engineer in Pk – Human think he was wearing crafted gear used every ability at some point – and in CoT – Charr used flamethrower, and gear shield from what I saw.

Also think I ran into Archer if it was your mesmer darn you can spam confusion. Couldn’t figure out how to take you out without killing myself – well solo.

We got split up and got sandwiched by Sekz/whatever borlis were there. I was playing on my terrible guardian. The ones that got us were Sekz. Don’t be taking credit for their work!

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Soul Evil.2734

Soul Evil.2734

Some what holding un-upgraded breakout towers and a supply camp or two does not constitute a very good “hold” in my book…..

it wasnt it was hills, bay and dawns + all but 1 of the supply camps thanks and i dont really care what’s in your book lol

I thought you were talking about the weak push on Ehmry Bay map =/

Didn’t you get the memo that DR is just spectating in this matchup? Who cares if you take their keeps.

Step up your game big boy.. stop rustlin’ jimmies.

Kääos – Collectors of Souls [CoS]
Ehmry Bay

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Monty.8263


Ya, sorry for adding to the confusion. At one time Borlis Pass had 3 “[WAR]” guilds. Now I believe we have 2 but one is a one person guild I believe. Ascension our main guild operates two other guilds as well we use for various things. One of those other two has [WAR] as a tag as well.

Here is more confusion…..blanking mesmers! Btw I hear mesmers are getting a buff soon gratz.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Aoreias.6384


As for Borlis Pass, we are a true pick up group server. We have some organization but not all the time, because organization is the enemy of chaos. I enjoy WvW much more when it embraces the chaos that makes it so much fun for me. As a server we are starting to focus on the fun, which is always a good thing.

I would agree that BP is a PUG server, and as such we’re pretty reliant on having a blue hat in our BL and EB at all times to keep the PUG going. Keeps the fairweather players playin’. I notice a huge difference in what we keep when even an average to mediocre commander is available.

Commander Acraina – 80 Elementalist
Borlis Savers [BS]
For the Pass!

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Soul Evil.2734

Soul Evil.2734

AD/QQ/BSTY are one of the few groups you need to take seriously when you see them, solid players and good coordination.

I remember when we encountered AD when we originally transferred to NSP while we were still running small man, not somebody you mess around with.

Cmon son.. let me get my troll on!

Kääos – Collectors of Souls [CoS]
Ehmry Bay

(edited by Soul Evil.2734)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

I’m also convinced that every server has a [WAR] WvW guild except ours. We did have one, but they were annexed. Keeping up with all the different [WAR]s is starting to get difficult.

Do we have one on DR?

Do you?

You never know there is a new one every hour or so.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I’m also convinced that every server has a [WAR] WvW guild except ours. We did have one, but they were annexed. Keeping up with all the different [WAR]s is starting to get difficult.

WAR and GOD/S. Cuz you know, Guild Wars is all about war and everyone is gods at PvP.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Ya, sorry for adding to the confusion. At one time Borlis Pass had 3 “[WAR]” guilds. Now I believe we have 2 but one is a one person guild I believe. Ascension our main guild operates two other guilds as well we use for various things. One of those other two has [WAR] as a tag as well.

Here is more confusion…..blanking mesmers! Btw I hear mesmers are getting a buff soon gratz.

I just thought it was funny is all. It’s a popular tag. I never thought [GH] would have the issue of conflicting tags with another guild, but we’ve got one running around as well. They are transfers and the leader is already regretting the decision just because the similar tags are confusing and we are often called by our tag in map chat. I can only imagine what it was like when there were three [WAR]s for you guys lol.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


shrugs I logged in noon CST 6 people in DR border land… 15+ BP our weakest times haven’t changed since the inception of the server.

i like to call it coverage we may not have the numbers we used to but we have a half decent night crew

Well when I got up at 5am Cst our BL was pretty much ours… some back and forth fighting lost a few things but mostly it was ours… I went to work come back at noon… nadda… everything in the south is toast.

That time period has been DR’s weak point since the server started most likely will be our weak point till the server dies. NA prime time we do well… night time (cst) we usually hold our BL, morning (cst) we lose it all typically.
BP and EB have much better all around coverage than we do… that said I think we do alright with have a 5-6 hour window with pretty much zero coverage.

Hopefully we fit in well in the next tier down… but im afraid we are going to be another .5 tier… to much for 1 not enough for the next higher.

edit: By the way… Burn Folks… you don’t need to be so mean… im just a widdle ranger cant hurt nothing… let me feel like im doing something before you sneeze and paint the walls with my innards.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

(edited by irishhaf.1692)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


I have seen lots of great BP players on. SS has a nasty engy/guard combo that is a pain to deal with for a casual player.

So proud we got a mention

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


No one is going to mention the ADQQBsty ‘Zamboni of Death’ from last night?! ><

FINE! I hate you all =*(

Sorry man on BP the only AD I noticed were the ones we ran over while fighting Sekz and Pk. We would have braked for your Zamboni, but then we would have been hit by Sekz mac truck – plus the ice is further north not outside of hills.

Fun fights in BP bl with Ebay there’s a really impressive engineer in Pk – Human think he was wearing crafted gear used every ability at some point – and in CoT – Charr used flamethrower, and gear shield from what I saw.

Also think I ran into Archer if it was your mesmer darn you can spam confusion. Couldn’t figure out how to take you out without killing myself – well solo.

Just wondering, are you talking about the time when you killed us while we were fighting SEKS? Or the time prior to that where we killed 20+ as you were falling back from a SEKS group? Either time you are talking about was after 10 of our group logged for the night and there was 9 of us left.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

By the way… Burn Folks… you don’t need to be so mean… im just a widdle ranger cant hurt nothing… let me feel like im doing something before you sneeze and paint the walls with my innards.

Ranger is a good class! Imagine 20 rangers with their stupid looking pet murellows charging a zerg with Entangle at the ready. Yeah, I just squeeled a little too.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

AD/QQ/BSTY are one of the few groups you need to take seriously when you see them, solid players and good coordination.

I remember when we encountered AD when we originally transferred to NSP while we were still running small man, not somebody you mess around with.

Cmon son.. let me get my troll on!

According to Unicorns, let there be moar drama!

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: namkaeng.8452


Enjoy it =p


Paradise is where I am. – Voltaire

[ B Sty ] WvW – vs All Roaming – Videos

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Insane Pancakez.9182

Insane Pancakez.9182

Let me explain the issue I have with BP:

1) You guys have the night time population of a high t4/ low t3 server
2) Your NA population is very similar to Ehmrys (Mid to low t4)

You should be destroying this tier but instead are being destroyed. When you (Borlis) decides to attack, you use the most plain methods possible. Be it either golem rushing or attacking when there is no opponent. You don’t use trick play, coordination of several attacks on different objectives, or even ninja attempts. Just like last reset on Ehmry borderlands, all you did was bounce between the different keeps hoping something would work. I consider that terrible gameplay.

We on Ehmry respect those who are good. Whether it is ADQQSTY who will beat the kitten out of you or Maguuma of old whose coordination of their whole server was downright scary. Borlis Pass just does not have much going for it.

Likely very true. To be honest though I don’t think it is a priority for BP to “be good” or to try and compete with you “elites”. We don’t have any “gank” groups and as far as I know most on the server treat WvW as a fun pastime.

My guild, WFD, has a very good leader. We go out probably 5 times a week. Members always ask…what class should I bring ? The answer is always bring what you have fun playing. Level ? Doesn’t matter. Class ? Doesn’t matter. Spec ? Doesn’t matter.

So keep patting yourself on the back for how much you have “accomplished” in a game. Make sure to leave the basement once in a while to tell grandma how much you rock peoples world in GW2. I’m sure she is very impressed how you beat up all the “bads”

You rock cool guy !

Mind if I save this excuse for when i’m losing, Forzani?

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


By the way… Burn Folks… you don’t need to be so mean… im just a widdle ranger cant hurt nothing… let me feel like im doing something before you sneeze and paint the walls with my innards.

Ranger is a good class! Imagine 20 rangers with their stupid looking pet murellows charging a zerg with Entangle at the ready. Yeah, I just squeeled a little too.

I enjoy it… even as a bow ranger… cause when I do win a fight… its like I hit the lotto.
They aren’t a bad class just half broke kind of like the engineer.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Stone.6751


I try and play WvW as much as I can but have only been playing for a few months. With that perspective ill agree with what some have stated: BP is primarily pick up groups reliant on having good commanders on the map to guide us. Many nights I’ve seen good groups completely disband when the commander logs off, and groups fail to materialize without a blue hat on the map. I’ve been one to jump maps if there is no leadership; and I get why PUGs do it.

I too often get frustrated by seeing our potential lost due to poor coordination; camps constantly flipped while our zerg is beyond its needed size, or towers left unmanned, or dolyaks not escorted. It’s the stuff I dream to see eventually as our WvW players mature and organize, but I’d have none of it of it took away from the enjoyment. And right now its very enjoyable, even if Ebay annoys me.

Penny Royalty – Level 80 Guardian
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


No one is going to mention the ADQQBsty ‘Zamboni of Death’ from last night?! ><

FINE! I hate you all =*(

Sorry man on BP the only AD I noticed were the ones we ran over while fighting Sekz and Pk. We would have braked for your Zamboni, but then we would have been hit by Sekz mac truck – plus the ice is further north not outside of hills.

Fun fights in BP bl with Ebay there’s a really impressive engineer in Pk – Human think he was wearing crafted gear used every ability at some point – and in CoT – Charr used flamethrower, and gear shield from what I saw.

Also think I ran into Archer if it was your mesmer darn you can spam confusion. Couldn’t figure out how to take you out without killing myself – well solo.

Just wondering, are you talking about the time when you killed us while we were fighting SEKS? Or the time prior to that where we killed 20+ as you were falling back from a SEKS group? Either time you are talking about was after 10 of our group logged for the night and there was 9 of us left.

It was 12:08 AM EST if that helps.


Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

(edited by Merkenary.9860)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Krelkain.5418


Sorry man on BP the only AD I noticed were the ones we ran over while fighting Sekz and Pk. We would have braked for your Zamboni, but then we would have been hit by Sekz mac truck – plus the ice is further north not outside of hills.

Zamboni reference was to our activity in Eternal Battlegrounds, where we had quite a time fighting BP and Emmy Bays. Charrkat Larks drove Zamboni.

In BL, different story. Some people went to beds, Charrkat went to dream of pancakes and cat treats* and I took the keys. I’m bad at all the video games and did poor strategeries with new group composition, but they are lessons learned. Team members not to blame for my limp ears of leading fight-mans.

I give gold sticker-star to Sekz for push and killmurder of our faces. I feel they had a bigger part in our going to Valhalla (where we had juice boxes and fruit snacks), but that is my perspective and that doesn’t mean BP didn’t contribute in some way. They were on both sides.

*Loot bags for Charrkat


AD/QQ/BSTY are one of the few groups you need to take seriously when you see them, solid players and good coordination.

I remember when we encountered AD when we originally transferred to NSP while we were still running small man, not somebody you mess around with. ;)

Thank you and much leg hugs <3

When we hit you guys that second time near the shore in BL last night, there was clear coordination and much pleasure from being burned and smashed. Not greatest idea to hit such numbers with 9 mans, but badder idea to hit such clearly coordinated mans straight on who can party with flinging dismembered limbs and strawburry sause.

I hope my ears look good on a necklace of macaroni and fruit loops. Feel free to glue and glitter on them, because that is pretty.

Jezri | [NoQQ] Earmentalist & Guardkat
[NoQQ] Videos
Devona’s Rest

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Scourge.1563


No one is going to mention the ADQQBsty ‘Zamboni of Death’ from last night?! ><

FINE! I hate you all =*(

You’re in the wrong forums bud, this is the Ehmry vs Borlis thread! We are just the spectators in this!

And wow that poster above from WAR is the most humble post from Borlis, thanks for not being a total jerk

Heyyyyy I’m not a total jerk our guild does not talk trash we let our gaming talk for us and if you are a good player we don’t even bother stomping just keep on getting on. We always give respect were it is due.

Naz Gul-Necro/Witch King-Revenant
Watching you Bleed makes me smile…………
Titanium Horde (TANK)(Borlis Pass)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Syktek.7912


You’re in the wrong forums bud, this is the Ehmry vs Borlis thread! We are just the spectators in this!

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn’t belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you’re absolutely…right!

All I can think of from reading that.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

(edited by Syktek.7912)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

You’re in the wrong forums bud, this is the Ehmry vs Borlis thread! We are just the spectators in this!

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn’t belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you’re absolutely…right!

All I can think of from reading that.



3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: ekleenex.1654


Sorry man on BP the only AD I noticed were the ones we ran over while fighting Sekz and Pk. We would have braked for your Zamboni, but then we would have been hit by Sekz mac truck – plus the ice is further north not outside of hills.

Zamboni reference was to our activity in Eternal Battlegrounds, where we had quite a time fighting BP and Emmy Bays. Charrkat Larks drove Zamboni.

In BL, different story. Some people went to beds, Charrkat went to dream of pancakes and cat treats* and I took the keys. I’m bad at all the video games and did poor strategeries with new group composition, but they are lessons learned. Team members not to blame for my limp ears of leading fight-mans.

I give gold sticker-star to Sekz for push and killmurder of our faces. I feel they had a bigger part in our going to Valhalla (where we had juice boxes and fruit snacks), but that is my perspective and that doesn’t mean BP didn’t contribute in some way. They were on both sides.

*Loot bags for Charrkat


AD/QQ/BSTY are one of the few groups you need to take seriously when you see them, solid players and good coordination.

I remember when we encountered AD when we originally transferred to NSP while we were still running small man, not somebody you mess around with.

Thank you and much leg hugs <3

When we hit you guys that second time near the shore in BL last night, there was clear coordination and much pleasure from being burned and smashed. Not greatest idea to hit such numbers with 9 mans, but badder idea to hit such clearly coordinated mans straight on who can party with flinging dismembered limbs and strawburry sause.

I hope my ears look good on a necklace of macaroni and fruit loops. Feel free to glue and glitter on them, because that is pretty.

Haha, I’ll keep the glitter in mind…

Yeah, we definitely had the numbers on you in that fight, BP had more then both of us combined, but even with waypoint they couldn’t really do much. You should know that you guys are the only ones that get our full attention, the rest of the guild starts getting super nerdy when we see you guys.

sociablegnomes / ekleenex / swághili [Rekz]
“dodging saves lives.”

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

You forgot to mention that 8 people knocked down the water gate with two rams, ran away for 15 minutes to flip supply camps, and it was still never repaired.

I feel BP would be doing a whole lot better if they had people willing to scout or keep an eye on uncontested towers while everyone else is focused somewhere else. I don’t see you guys ever walking dolyaks either.

Our pugs don’t do that sort of thing either… so we always have to leave those duties to our guilds (even then it’s 90% of the time Kaaos or Goldiy – two of our most adamant homeland commanders). It’s not a fun task, but it’s really necessary if you guys want to avoid keeps suddenly turning green while your back is turned. I don’t even want to join in on the numbers game debate going on right now, but there’s always room for guilds to improve – on both of our servers. You guys have more than enough players to defend properly in your home borderland if nothing else. Even when outmanned in others, that’s one thing you shouldn’t be losing ground on. Don’t take this as an insult but rather constructive criticism from an outside party.

Step up your defense BP, and you shouldn’t have a problem farming EBay badges.

Thank you very much for the constructive and civil post. I can’t help but agree. To be honest, the points you mention have been active topics of discussion on our internal forums for quite some time. The fundamental thing holding us back, though, is our lack of sufficient numbers of disciplined individuals to carry them out. And that gets at Borlis’ inherent issue, as mentioned by Monty; though we may not necessarily seem to lack for numbers, we DO lack for numbers in terms of coordinated players that think beyond themselves to the larger objective at hand.

As stated before, I can’t fault them for it. Since this is a game, people will play as best “rustles their jimmies” (can’t say I ever heard that phrase used so often as I have in these threads … is it a T5 thing? lol), and that often does not involve many of the tasks critical to quality WvW’ing. There are only so many of us “willing” participants to go around, and to cover yak escort and better fortification monitoring would draw us away from other tasks that pugs tend to shy away from and we currently do when we can … such as defending home BL, or mounting an offensive in EBay BL.

Classic “robbing Peter to pay Paul” scenario :’(

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145


Is it called ECHO cause you repeat the same kitten that he said? Should be called FOTM or BOTM or better yet ABOTM. If you figure that out let me KNOW KNOw KNow Know know…..

See what I did there?

Because of the game? Nope, never. I just like to find the egos and troll them.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Is it called ECHO cause you repeat the same kitten that he said? Should be called FOTM or BOTM or better yet ABOTM. If you figure that out let me KNOW KNOw KNow Know know…..

See what I did there?

Because of the game? Nope, never. I just like to find the egos and troll them.


Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Archer.1658


Is it called ECHO cause you repeat the same kitten that he said? Should be called FOTM or BOTM or better yet ABOTM. If you figure that out let me KNOW KNOw KNow Know know…..

See what I did there?

Because of the game? Nope, never. I just like to find the egos and troll them.

You can’t troll people when your personal skill level is that of t8 sir. Perhaps you would like to vacation to FC or ET for the week, I feel they might be more suited to your level.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

This is a great thread.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Amins.3710


[ECHO] Is bad. Everyone knows this. Our leader likes to remind us every day. No biggie. There is just so many jimmies being rustled in this thread… But I can rustle my own Jimmies because it feels so nice.

How bad can you really be with a roster that looks mostly like 90% mesmers & Eles?

This is hilarious.

We recently haven’t even been running with 1 Mesmer (reset night we had ZERO mesmers.)

As for typically group setup (usually consisting of 8-12 players), we try to run 2 mesmers and 1-2 Ele’s, 2 thieves, 2 guardians as our core ‘beef’, then round it out with Warriors/Rangers/Necro/Engi.

Plenty of video’s out there of us.

But nice troll post anyways.

Is it called ECHO cause you repeat the same kitten that he said? Should be called FOTM or BOTM or better yet ABOTM. If you figure that out let me KNOW KNOw KNow Know know…..

See what I did there?

Nope. I don’t have over a 3rd grade comprehension level. Can you please spell it out?

All I see is… wha wha wha, we get owned.

Is that what you meant? Cuz I’m confused.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

be prepared for elite small group tactix ebay here is ARs top rated 5 man squad no chance at all how scared are you


Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


If their rockin the mullets, they should be feared. Mullets > skill

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

i am the one in the red sleeveless

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


[PK] Way of getting BP Hills :
1- Get to BP BL with 20 PK zerg
2- take some towers while sending few to ninja Hills
3- Get wiped 20 – 30 times
4- Lose everything You took in BP BL
5- Hide in spawn for 15 – 20 Mins and Wait for all BP to feel safe and leave their map
6- Go for hills again, Oh kitty hell we got spotted
7- Hide in Spawn again, repeat for 3 – 4 hours

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

(edited by Kalkz.5297)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


i am the one in the red sleeveless

Also the only one without sunglasses. Is that Liam Neeson on the right?

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


be prepared for elite small group tactix ebay here is ARs top rated 5 man squad no chance at all how scared are you

I bet those guys have some epic lyrics

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


So im back and just wanna say I’ve had some good fights.

Just seems DR/BP in general hate thieves…..even in light of that and all the drama ive had fun.

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Syktek.7912


[PK] Way of getting BP Hills :
1- Get to BP BL with 20 PK zerg
2- take some towers while sending few to ninja Hills
3- Get wiped 20 – 30 times
4- Lose everything You took in BP BL
5- Hide in spawn for 15 – 20 Mins and Wait for all BP to feel safe and leave their map
6- Go for hills again, Oh kitty hell we got spotted
7- Hide in Spawn again, repeat for 3 – 4 hours

Still a better love story than Borlis Pass.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

To the [Love] thief; I didn’t mean no trolling when we killed you earlier, I simply wanted my friend to tag you first.

Good fight!

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


ADQQSTY versus FTF/Sekz on reset night 3/8. This is what WvW should be like, not that zergball versus zergball crap in T1 and T2.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Is it called ECHO cause you repeat the same kitten that he said? Should be called FOTM or BOTM or better yet ABOTM. If you figure that out let me KNOW KNOw KNow Know know…..

See what I did there?

Because of the game? Nope, never. I just like to find the egos and troll them.

You can’t troll people when your personal skill level is that of t8 sir. Perhaps you would like to vacation to FC or ET for the week, I feel they might be more suited to your level.

Really very interesting as I have barely been able to play this week. Nice troll. t8 Zerg some more.

t8 zerg beating your server? ouch

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: haiimbelle.3401


ADQQSTY versus FTF/Sekz on reset night 3/8. This is what WvW should be like, not that zergball versus zergball crap in T1 and T2.

love love love it you guys target me in it i feel special you guys are amazing and we love fighting you

hai im belle #1eleNA


3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: tiramisu.8706


ADQQSTY versus FTF/Sekz on reset night 3/8. This is what WvW should be like, not that zergball versus zergball crap in T1 and T2.

Thanks for posting the first video of us eating dirt in open field with about even numbers. We got too used to just running into unorganized zergs in tier 6. After that night, we now know when fighting a skill group, treat it like a skill group even when they got numbers. Good games that night. Fun stuff.

Wokfoo, Rokkasaurus, Not Daddy of [Rekz]

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: CrowndClown.1702


Why don’t Omega Golems drop anything nice? I got a blue and a spike…? Really?

The Weather Girl – Champion Arrow Cart – Ressea – Points Per Tick
Less Talkin More [Sekz]
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] PEE PEE TEE #GetGud

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


By the way… Burn Folks… you don’t need to be so mean… im just a widdle ranger cant hurt nothing… let me feel like im doing something before you sneeze and paint the walls with my innards.

Ranger is a good class! Imagine 20 rangers with their stupid looking pet murellows charging a zerg with Entangle at the ready. Yeah, I just squeeled a little too.

Admittedly we are better in packs, yes. We’ve got pretty good mobility, but when push comes to shove, we are pretty squish’ums. Be nice if we had a little more AoE too… don’t get me wrong, Barrage is REALLY nice though. Especially with towers, and more importantly, the siege atop their walls.

Never understood the lack of any real stealth on a ranger though. As typically in reality a seen Army Ranger is likely a dead Army Ranger. Not asking to be as exclusive as Thieves or anything, but a limited stealth would make sense. Maybe a better camoflage ability that only functions if the player remains still. Or better yet, a ghillie suit skill! Hear that Anet? I want to become a bush! Now imagine a 20-man zerg of rangers all disguised as randomly placed bushes in an otherwise open field. Let the hilarity ensue!

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Dear Borliss Pass,

According to rumor, you have apparently acquired copious amounts of something called “Bad” or “badness.” If we may, where did you get it? Is it difficult to attain? Does one even want it? Does it have a taste or smell? Does it spoil if not refrigerated?

Cordially yours,
The Borderland across the pond.

(Completely tongue in cheek btw! I’m poking fun at the redundant “U guys er bad!” followed by “No u!” posts this thread is generating so profusely. XD )

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

(edited by KStudios.2850)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


Pepper your angus ebay


Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


Is it called ECHO cause you repeat the same kitten that he said? Should be called FOTM or BOTM or better yet ABOTM. If you figure that out let me KNOW KNOw KNow Know know…..

See what I did there?

Because of the game? Nope, never. I just like to find the egos and troll them.

You can’t troll people when your personal skill level is that of t8 sir. Perhaps you would like to vacation to FC or ET for the week, I feel they might be more suited to your level.

Really very interesting as I have barely been able to play this week. Nice troll. t8 Zerg some more. I love all your talk of skill. ALL YOUR ENTIRE SERVER DOES IS ZERG! PERIOD, END OF STORY. AND THIS “T8” SERVER BEAT YOUR kitten LAST WEEK. SO when you talk to me about skill you had better bow, kiss the crusty big toe on my left foot then ask permission to speak.

Mm I cant taste the mad in this post, amazing. Sometimes I just outdo myself.

You make PAXA look like angels.

Thank you. I’ve never heard of PAXA, but they must be small fries compared to me apparently.

No they can post just as much as you.

Out of curiosity how big is echo I notice a lot of ftf/echo so figured it was a small skill group but there seemed to be a lot of you at BP NE supply last night.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


Dear Borliss Pass,

According to rumor, you have apparently acquired copious amounts of something called “Bad” or “badness.” If we may, where did you get it? Is it difficult to attain? Does one even want it? Does it have a taste or smell? Does it spoil if not refrigerated?

Cordially yours,
The Borderland across the pond.

(Completely tongue in cheek btw! I’m poking fun at the redundant “U guys er bad!” followed by “No u!” posts this thread is generating so profusely. XD )

At bad mart of course. I thought everyone shopped there.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass