3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Prince Moonstar.7654

Prince Moonstar.7654

Some people’s egos just do not allow them to believe thatthey are winning from anything other than their own skill. The fact that SF registers a very high population to the other two servers high should be enough to in the debate right there but common sense seldom trumps an ego.

Fahlen Moonstar. Always willing to help even on the suicide missions.

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


That coffin is going to be my tomb if I can’t stop laughing as hard as i am ..


Oh and talk of commitment from SF player….please spare me the details LOL

@rat – you do realise i wasn’t whining in that and making an observation…2hours of constant attacks on our BL from both sides while your BL had no red and FC had no green for 2hours or a single contest raised eyebrows….

Either way i enjoyed it last night, killing both sides and….sadly RTLing off cliffs again (nerf cliffs)

So no whining for me, i was fighting when posting that btw (multitasking ftw)

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


Some people’s egos just do not allow them to believe thatthey are winning from anything other than their own skill. The fact that SF registers a very high population to the other two servers high should be enough to in the debate right there but common sense seldom trumps an ego.

Some people don’t seem to understand that during reset the population in WvW is equal… your people stop showing up afterward, that doesnt make it our problem. I guess common sense seldom trumps self pity

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Pod.2769


Some people don’t seem to understand that during reset the population in WvW is equal… your people stop showing up afterward, that doesnt make it our problem. I guess common sense seldom trumps self pity

I don’t post on the forums very often and I (hopefully) realize you’re just trolling for kittens and giggles but the population is not equal on reset nights. I do not have any self pity; I enjoy the uphill battles.

The populations are not balanced and saying nut-uh everyone on FC and ET just suck is ridiculous. Don’t flatter yourself.

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


That coffin is going to be my tomb if I can’t stop laughing as hard as i am ..


Oh and talk of commitment from SF player….please spare me the details LOL

@rat – you do realise i wasn’t whining in that and making an observation…2hours of constant attacks on our BL from both sides while your BL had no red and FC had no green for 2hours or a single contest raised eyebrows….

Either way i enjoyed it last night, killing both sides and….sadly RTLing off cliffs again (nerf cliffs)

So no whining for me, i was fighting when posting that btw (multitasking ftw)

I never said anything about that just by the time I logged in there were multi-colors on all the BL’s and eventually our’s went all blue and you guys took SM from us for a while too.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


Some people don’t seem to understand that during reset the population in WvW is equal… your people stop showing up afterward, that doesnt make it our problem. I guess common sense seldom trumps self pity

I don’t post on the forums very often and I (hopefully) realize you’re just trolling for kittens and giggles but the population is not equal on reset nights. I do not have any self pity; I enjoy the uphill battles.

The populations are not balanced and saying nut-uh everyone on FC and ET just suck is ridiculous. Don’t flatter yourself.

Just go through the forums and you’ll see people who lose, from every tier whining about numbers. It’s your server, and your responsibilty. Get your people together or stop crying about it and switch servers. For example someone on T1 whining about population. Really… one of the highest populated servers has the same sob story as you guys? What a coincidence. L2P


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Prince Moonstar.7654

Prince Moonstar.7654

Most the self pity people transfered along time ago. I was in one of those guilds i left it when they said they were moving. That being said skill alone would not allow you to constantly control most of the map from to opposing forces. The reason sf gets attacked on reset night is to try and buy time for our own borders before you run us over. Just stop being a sore winner no one is mad at or blaming sf its not their fault we are in this spot. you may be as good as you say but truth is we will never know with our numbers lol

Fahlen Moonstar. Always willing to help even on the suicide missions.

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


That coffin is going to be my tomb if I can’t stop laughing as hard as i am ..


Oh and talk of commitment from SF player….please spare me the details LOL

@rat – you do realise i wasn’t whining in that and making an observation…2hours of constant attacks on our BL from both sides while your BL had no red and FC had no green for 2hours or a single contest raised eyebrows….

Either way i enjoyed it last night, killing both sides and….sadly RTLing off cliffs again (nerf cliffs)

So no whining for me, i was fighting when posting that btw (multitasking ftw)

I never said anything about that just by the time I logged in there were multi-colors on all the BL’s and eventually our’s went all blue and you guys took SM from us for a while too.

I know, I just wanted to make sure nobody grabbed the wrong end of the stick

also, we must have logged in at different times..

I must have went offline at around 4am my time (GMT) which is..uh..8pm PST? idk my timezoning thingy is not good (hm..must leave house soon .)

either way though I really enjoyed reset night, considering it took me almost 30 minutes to type that out last night lol.

now onto more pressing matters:

@Alchemist – so you know how our server works and how much commitment we put in? I think not.
We work day & night, even become a night crew for a day or two missing that precious sleep, and we work well together.
In fact, we are taking these opportunities to train our newer WvW members on certain things like siege placement, how to know your limit etc.

so do not give us that “Commitment Issue” or “L2P |issue” BS, it only makes yourself look bad as you have no Idea how our server works.

Edit: I just realised how Ironic some of your posts are..
you say instead of whining play the game….yet here you are

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


I am the winner!!!! Not only do I have my own thread but the most thread responses and I am the most read about topic on the ET forums. Lol…I got 200 kills the other night from a server with population problems, so all the stories just makes me laugh.

Thank you for posting the link to your forums on here though, guys. don’t know if the person was trying to embarrass me but had the opposite effect.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


I think I’m talking to nothing at this point

I guess, there’s always an excuse for the losing teams.

being severely outmanned is pretty legit.

Severely being the keyword… other than Fridays and on our own BL, I’ve never had to queue for WvW. You guys should make a video and record how long you have the outmanned buff on your characters to show us first hand on an average day how out manned you are. If you notice a difference of 5-10 people does not give you the outmanned buff. Unless you have that buff on – it’s L2P and trust me,m I’ve fought many of you guys and I don’t regularly see that buff on.

Anet released a statement saying the buff was broken, not sure if it has been fixed yet

Link please? (not insinuating that you’re wrong, I just haven’t stumbled upon it yet and would very much like to read it)

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


I am the winner!!!! Not only do I have my own thread but the most thread responses and I am the most read about topic on the ET forums. Lol…I got 200 kills the other night from a server with population problems, so all the stories just makes me laugh.

Thank you for posting the link to your forums on here though, guys. don’t know if the person was trying to embarrass me but had the opposite effect.

I’m sure you’re just simply flattered.

I’m going to have to make that forum regular reading now. :p

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

(edited by Manoa.5897)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Venn.7623


Things are gettin heated here

Score update


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


I am the winner!!!! Not only do I have my own thread but the most thread responses and I am the most read about topic on the ET forums. Lol…I got 200 kills the other night from a server with population problems, so all the stories just makes me laugh.

Thank you for posting the link to your forums on here though, guys. don’t know if the person was trying to embarrass me but had the opposite effect.

I’m sure you’re just simply flattered.

I’m going to have to make that forum regular reading now. :p

The trash talk and insults make me laugh cause I just look where they are coming from….but the fact that I am the most talked about think on their server makes me so happy, they just can’t stop thinking about me.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


I’m going to have to make that forum regular reading now. :p

all are welcome to come read.

i’m glad you didn’t decide to lock down your own forums… good for the occasional LOL about the assumptions made

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


Link please? (not insinuating that you’re wrong, I just haven’t stumbled upon it yet and would very much like to read it)


third post, Habib says it’s bugged and gets stripped on death

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


I’m going to have to make that forum regular reading now. :p

all are welcome to come read.

i’m glad you didn’t decide to lock down your own forums… good for the occasional LOL about the assumptions made

Oh, we have our sekrits, you just can’t see ’em.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

(edited by Manoa.5897)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Link please? (not insinuating that you’re wrong, I just haven’t stumbled upon it yet and would very much like to read it)


third post, Habib says it’s bugged and gets stripped on death

Sorry, am I missing something? I don’t see a post from Habib in that 6 month old thread.

EDIT…But I did track this post from Habib down. Good to know. I like keeping updated on this kind of stuff, so thanks guys for the heads up.


Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

(edited by Manoa.5897)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Link please? (not insinuating that you’re wrong, I just haven’t stumbled upon it yet and would very much like to read it)


third post, Habib says it’s bugged and gets stripped on death

Sorry, am I missing something? I don’t see a post from Habib in that 6 month old thread.

EDIT…But I did track this post from Habib down. Good to know. I like keeping updated on this kind of stuff, so thanks guys for the heads up.


habib also made a post somewhere in this forum, i too recall seeing it…


here is the correct post, not sure why the other is what it is aside from copypasta fail, although the 3rd post is also relevant in it!

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

(edited by insanemaniac.2456)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


Link please? (not insinuating that you’re wrong, I just haven’t stumbled upon it yet and would very much like to read it)


third post, Habib says it’s bugged and gets stripped on death

Sorry, am I missing something? I don’t see a post from Habib in that 6 month old thread.

EDIT…But I did track this post from Habib down. Good to know. I like keeping updated on this kind of stuff, so thanks guys for the heads up.


meh. that would be because i linked the wrong thread somehow. >.>

and as for secrits… we have ours too ;-)

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Venn.7623


Fun times in FC


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


excuse me sir, pls get down from there :s


Basic Banjo

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


What’s funny is that a good 85% of the fights I’m a part of in WvW (SF player) generally involves the following:

— Enemies totaling x2-x5 the size of my force
— Both ET and FC attacking just SF locations at all times (because apparently they need two servers to take back 20% of a map for an hour before we take it all back)
— The ET or FC zerg wiping (90% chance)

I mean kitten guys, when 4 SF can kill an entire ET zerg (35+) after the wall goes down (with no siege to help), that’s sad. Very sad. And this is not an isolated event, myself and a few others do similar battles (and win) on a daily basis.

And seriously guys, failing 70% of all SM raids when there is an entire server knocking at the northern AND another server at the South-eastern gates … wow.

I’m not saying SF is good (we’re in bottom Tier, so obviously not), we’re just not as bad. Please train your people. Thank you.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I’m impressed with the current change in power in ET, you guys are providing at least some resistance lately. Which cannot be said for FC, sadly.

If server transfers didnt cost money, I’d switch over just to see why the other two servers are whining. Last night half of our…..

Lol, you won by 300,000 because of skill.

Because of commitment, and skill. There’s more than one factor in winning. You guys seem to think numbers is the only thing that counts which is sad

My goodness. Between Alchemist and GambitsEnd, I’m surprised we can move out of spawn at all. Obviously, there is so much raw talent with those two on SF, the idea that they outman their competition is, indeed, naive on our part. A farce. It seems so clear, now. The other toons in Sorrow’s suckle on the teets of Alchemist and GambitsEnd, like mewling puppies at the belly of their mother, their milk endowing them with Skill and Hyper-Intelligence. Thus the armies are born, fierce, strong, proud, elite, the cogs in the finely tuned engine that Alchemist and Gambit fuel, the machine known as Sorrow’s Roflstompmonster.

Now we know. Not a coverage issue. Not a WvW pop. issue. It’s because ET and Ferg just don’t know their kitten from a hole in the ground. I submit myself, humbly, before the mighty titans of Sorrow’s Furnace. Please, endow me with the skill and strength to play. Grant me a taste of the pure Talent milk. I’m so embarrassed that all this time I’ve been Doing It Wrong. My God, it’s all… it’s all been for nothing. My existence in Guild Wars 2 is revealed to be nothing but a hollow shell, a man going through the motions, but not capable of true enlightenment.

No. Nooooo! Nooooooooooooo!!!

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Dagger.2035


Had some fun in FC. I’m starting to worry that the on going Quaggan discussion is going to affect SF’s participation this week.


Human Thief [DOA]
Sorrows Furnace

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


I’m sure you’re just simply flattered.

I’m going to have to make that forum regular reading now. :p

Stop on down and enjoy the forums.

Since attention is what some of you seek, If you would like I can make a topic about you as well, if you want.

In fact, if anyone wants us to devote a topic just to them, let me know, I’ll be glad to oblige. In fact, if you need it, for all the talent you all bring to the game, I can start your very own sub forum just for you guys.. and it looks like I just might have to.

The ET forums can be found here : Eredon Terrace Forums

I already knew that the the resident SF rat was reading them, when he copied the info from my Bio to these forums. You can read all about your little topic that is pretty much all about me Sorrows Furnace

Meh. Tell me something I don’t know in the future.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Capped dawns tower yet SF?
Oh….no…no you haven’t…
Our last remaining tower (focus us first…bring us higher morale) and you cannot even cap it LOL

Edit: tower nane

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

(edited by roostapro.9827)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Since attention is what some of you seek, If you would like I can make a topic about you as well, if you want.

I wouldn’t want you to go through all that trouble. And I’m sure such a topic wouldn’t be nearly as interesting.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: BlUeMoNsTeR.7145


Is that what i think it is? Us fergs camping SF spawn…. B…B..But how?


80 Ele Fire Cryer 80 Thief Deathlyblade 80 Necro Pale Three
Long time MAV member FC

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Venn.7623


Server down :/

Update from 2 pm pst :x


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: wyther.8372


Who the hell is TLC? That’s a lot of bragging for someone no one knows. Until a couple days ago I was out there commanding a heck of a lot and if I don’t know your guild tag by now, you are pretty much meaningless in WvW as an opponent.

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Venn.7623


Capped dawns tower yet SF?
Oh….no…no you haven’t…
Our last remaining tower (focus us first…bring us higher morale) and you cannot even cap it LOL

Edit: tower nane

Shouldn’t taunt SF lol. Just be glad they haven’t brought their hell zerg of the CoSA guilds, KING, and PVP. Those numbers are just tremendous when they’re all working together.

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


24h without posting… Did yall miss me?

BTW I skipped all the trash talk above… Looks like another person from SF is trying to say that SF doesn’t outnumber the oposition, and i’m not going unto this topic again.


Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


Capped dawns tower yet SF?
Oh….no…no you haven’t…
Our last remaining tower (focus us first…bring us higher morale) and you cannot even cap it LOL

Edit: tower nane

And after it’S capped you read QQs about our numbers in ET mapchat. lol. You know ET had even number with us this whole afternoon and maybe more?


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: BeBlunt.4793


OK i just want to say that i have been on ET for a long time and to the SF players here’s my take on it.
Yes you guys do have some really good players but the fact remains you outnubmer both the other servers in T8 and you know you cannot deny it. I wonder if you guys have a que for EB on reset nights i think once i seen that in ET.
It’s amazing to see you almost always say we whine, the fact is i seen many 30+ zergs running around capping towers when another zerg the same size is capping other ones on the same map and to think that the same is happening on other maps at the same time tells the story pretty well.
I really hope you guys get enough points to move to T7 not to get rid of you but so we can have a change. i’m personally tired of you guys claiming that your just better no matter the numbers. if thats the case why are you even in T8 if your that good?

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


QQ ?
No, we were giggling in map chat on how bad your offensive was..
And we had less numbers and siege placements to pidgeonhole you guys at certain points near the tower, 3 eles blocking your treb shots and great defending by our side.

No QQ on our side, your assumptions are wrong

Btw, i was the guy placing golems….I seriously cannot believe you guys fell for the Lure (free disposable siege) your commander must have raged…..

Glad i got to test the siege lure tactic on you guys, was fun killing you albeit, might not do the siege lurer for another while yet, needs some refining :P

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


To break up all the who has the bigger kitty talk, here is some footage of last night in SF BL with my guild, TAC (Tactical Terror), holding out against a larger force and able to push back to us eventually taking the majority of SF BL.
(At this time, the video is still processing, so the quality may be crap, I also may have to reupload it and resize if youtube won’t let me)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


Who the hell is TLC? That’s a lot of bragging for someone no one knows. Until a couple days ago I was out there commanding a heck of a lot and if I don’t know your guild tag by now, you are pretty much meaningless in WvW as an opponent.

We miss your leadership Gilkin. You are one of a few commanders that can really get the ball rolling. You dropping your Tag (from what I gather from rumors) is a blow to our forces. Yes, we still have some good commanders but losing even one in our situation against a larger force almost cuts us off at the knees.


If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


QQ ?
No, we were giggling in map chat on how bad your offensive was..
And we had less numbers and siege placements to pidgeonhole you guys at certain points near the tower, 3 eles blocking your treb shots and great defending by our side.

No QQ on our side, your assumptions are wrong

Btw, i was the guy placing golems….I seriously cannot believe you guys fell for the Lure (free disposable siege) your commander must have raged…..

Glad i got to test the siege lure tactic on you guys, was fun killing you albeit, might not do the siege lurer for another while yet, needs some refining :P

You know you had as much numbers as we had? and you were defending the easiest tower there is to defend?

That tower allows you to defend every destructible gate/wall with unhittable siege. So with equal numbers all you could do is defend 1 tower while we capped your whole BL, dont tap on each others back on something that’s not even close to an accomplishement.

I also called your golem sites as bait and that’s why i soloed the 2 first and an other commander soloed the 3rd, nobody really cared.


(edited by Pizz.3698)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


Also, it’s kind of sad that on a saturday night, prime time. If ET faces any sized group they just leave their BL and wait for it to turn green and for most of SF to leave before coming back with enough people to create orange crossed swords. Do you like PvDoor that much? Dont give me that ‘’you guys outnumber us’’ b.s. we didnt create any sword while you guys did.


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


Also, it’s kind of sad that on a saturday night, prime time. If ET faces any sized group they just leave their BL and wait for it to turn green and for most of SF to leave before coming back with enough people to create orange crossed swords. Do you like PvDoor that much? Dont give me that ‘’you guys outnumber us’’ b.s. we didnt create any sword while you guys did.

orange swords pop when 25 people are fighting. doesn’t matter what side they are on. if 10 meets 15, orange swords. if 20 meets 5, orange swords.

i’ve been fighting all kitten day. and all kitten day i’ve been outnumbered at every turn, in every borderland. don’t frikking tell me i’m imagining it. i really REALLY should start taking screenshots of this bullkitten.

good night

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: TheAltarBoy.3176


Do you like PvDoor that much? Dont give me that ‘’you guys outnumber us’’ b.s. we didnt create any sword while you guys did.

Do you realize why this is a stupid argument? Just because you didn’t create crossed swords and we did doesn’t mean you don’t outnumber us.

This issue, that is often the case, is that SF can have 3 groups of 20 players running around which wont cause swords. So while there may be a fight where we have 25 people and SF has 20 you might be outnumbered but we are often outmanned.

We can fight in one location while you guys fight in three.

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


QQ ?
No, we were giggling in map chat on how bad your offensive was..
And we had less numbers and siege placements to pidgeonhole you guys at certain points near the tower, 3 eles blocking your treb shots and great defending by our side.

No QQ on our side, your assumptions are wrong

Btw, i was the guy placing golems….I seriously cannot believe you guys fell for the Lure (free disposable siege) your commander must have raged…..

Glad i got to test the siege lure tactic on you guys, was fun killing you albeit, might not do the siege lurer for another while yet, needs some refining :P

You know you had as much numbers as we had? and you were defending the easiest tower there is to defend?

That tower allows you to defend every destructible gate/wall with unhittable siege. So with equal numbers all you could do is defend 1 tower while we capped your whole BL, dont tap on each others back on something that’s not even close to an accomplishement.

I also called your golem sites as bait and that’s why i soloed the 2 first and an other commander soloed the 3rd, nobody really cared.

If you called bait..then why get lured? lol

First 2 golem sites was not soloed..10 of you guys went out (lured) and destroyed them while we killed you..

and NO, we did not outnumber you one bit nor was the fight close to equal, Overtime though I guess both sides started losing interest.

anyway, I enjoy your hate but I shall be the better person and say GG, was a very well fought battle and I enjoyed every minute of it (the golem lure tactic….I have always wanted to do such a thing..worked out sorta OK..but I need to find something cheaper & more disposable than a Golem…free siege ftw..SF shall be my guinea Pigs /Evil Laugh)

as said, “Assault on Dawnstar” (Hollywood..make a movie of this NOW) was enjoyable and a well fought GG for both sides.

EDIT: spelling

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


orange swords pop when 25 people are fighting. doesn’t matter what side they are on. if 10 meets 15, orange swords. if 20 meets 5, orange swords.

I forgot to mention they were created while ET fought a champion in an empty tower.

This issue, that is often the case, is that SF can have 3 groups of 20 players running around which wont cause swords. So while there may be a fight where we have 25 people and SF has 20 you might be outnumbered but we are often outmanned.
We can fight in one location while you guys fight in three.

You never see 3x groups of 20 in borderlands, 2x group of 20 is possible but it still doesnt explain why you guys are getting wiped off the map on 2 sides, so fast. And one of the big reason why you can get outmanned if because you dont even try to fight. Today we’ve capped Hills with a waypoint and the garrison with a waypoint and nobody defended them.


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


If you called bait..then why get lured? lol

First 2 golem sites was not soloed..10 of you guys went out (lured) and destroyed them while we killed you..

and NO, we did not outnumber you one bit nor was the fight close to equal, Overtime though I guess both sides started losing interest.

anyway, I enjoy your hate but I shall be the better person and say GG, was a very well fought battle and I enjoyed every minute of it (the golem lure tactic….I have always wanted to do such a thing..worked out sorta OK..but I need to find something cheaper & more disposable than a Golem…free siege ftw..SF shall be my guinea Pigs /Evil Laugh)

as said, “Assault on Dawnstar” (Hollywood..make a movie of this NOW) was enjoyable and a well fought GG for both sides.

EDIT: spelling

I went to kill the sites so the zerg wouldnt. 10 people didnt go up to the site, they invited a bit past the wall. Your ’’lure’’ wasnt really effective since nobody actually died, at least not more than they would without sites. And yes you did have as much as we did during the assault on Dawn. If you’re telling we add that much more than what you can see there, I want actual proof. Dont forget there’s probably more still culling on those screenshots (it’s the same fight but 1 screenshot didnt include your whole group) and that was while some of us were at the supply camp fighting more of ET.



3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


hmm, I remember 10 :S

I’ll go check my SS folder (great…need to look over 400 screenshots this week ._.) to see If i was wrong

not unless If i am thinking about the 2nd time I placed them and you pushed out towards tower maybe?

or maybe something else, so much fighting SF today I have lost count of so much stuff

even at that Pizz (unsure…what..trying.to spell) I enjoyed all the fighting today, a big thumbs up to all the SF i fought..

now if people only knew how to stop hating each other ._.

btw tell your guildie I hate him..I hate him because of Final Curse…nothing good ever drops my way /cry

EDIT: I was actually wrong…What i was saying about the 10 push was a completely different scenario during today, sorry for being wrong about that, but much killing does this to a person :P

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

(edited by roostapro.9827)

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


Oh, im not saying i didnt enjoy the fight, i was happy ET finally decided to stand up and fight, and we had tons of fun.


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Parktou.4263


Probably the worst reset for SF tonight.

But hey, love you guys, fergs included, focusing on our BL and we are still 2nd place while you are both on our BL (and leaving each other bl alone) so cute <3

Also SF…may wanna check your own BL…its full of blue

Only makes us stronger =]

Sorry try again nobody was teaming up on you guys. Seems like you guys had more than enough huge zergs out there to put to rest the ability for ET to put out the numbers when they want. You were able to hold your own in your BL, take our BL, and have a zerg of at least 40 people in EB at the same time. Maybe these people will show up more often after the update.

This is the point I’m trying to make… during resets they do fine, then whine about population.

During reset night the score is usually something similar to 10K-3k-2k, you call that doing fine? most of the time if we have a 40 man group(never seen this imaginary creature, but ok) it just hops from one map to another quickly making it feel like we have the numbers when really were just being efficient with the numbers we have.

Ya know, the bottomline is that if SF really wanted out of T8 all they would have to do is wall off our WPs with seige and then defend it whole-heartedly for one week. The funny thing is, that if you really wanted to you could do that, but instead you guys just throw your hands in the air and give up. You guys really do outnumber us that badly, that even if we tried to push past that seige, we wouldn’t succeed because you could simply do enough damage with your zerg. I blame the aoe cap limit for larger groups beating us, if my aoes hit everyone who walked through them, zergs would be far less effective, at least raise the cap to 10 Anet.

Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalyptica.4587


I read these threads day in day out and I see alot of people complaining about one thing or another. Most of it is between SF and ET. Yes one server has more people in WvW than the other, so what!? I have seen small groups hold off big ones but recently for the ET Commanders when they are over-run, they seem to just retreat to another map even when there are people identifiably still trying to defend against what is viewed as the impossible zerg, but really isn’t. ET does still have good people in there trying their kitten hardest but it doesn’t help when people are ignored and then over spoken by Commanders who don’t even want to consider helping defend when they can just go to a seemingly empty map because it is easier. So what happened to defense against the odds? We can do it, we have done it and we can do it again but people don’t want to. I have seen the Garrison held for four hours against an SF zerg much like one I just saw, it was done with very little preperation, very few people and the reason for so few people that one time was because of a login glitch. The difference between now and then is those people believed they could do it and they not only did, but pushed back.

Now all I see is, lets go to another map and come back later when they(SF) have gone.

Added Note: I see this happen alot, not just this once.


3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Parktou.4263


I hate that too, but some people just wanna run exp/karma trains. Hell, sometimes I hop on one of my alts and join em lol. Fact is it’s a strategy that almost always works, even if it is somewhat cowardly. Also seeing 5 alpha golems and an Omega for a garrison that hasn’t even been upgraded yet, is one of those fights that will simply be a waste of time, unfortunately. Seriously, WHY SOOO SERIOUS SF? lol and then they dance on your corpse as if it was some magnificent victory, classic Sorrow’s.

Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Paper walls/gates aren’t really a defensible position against a force larger than yours… You’ll lose the attrition wars eventually…

However it’s really annoying see “Hey, lets go to FC BL while SF is distracted here” over and over… I’m usually trying to make people help recapping EB, so SF will (or not) send some of their players at us and lighten things for a possible defense (that’s when there are people commanding ET BL already), but when i look at the map again the only things i see blue is Bluelake and Bluewater… It’s somewhat disheartening…

Still i keep fighting… Like i’ve tried to capture the southern part of SF BL a few minutes ago (kudos to [Gore] for holding us off), while we had 2 commanders (no names here) at ET BL when i left it…

Here is the score now that i’m taking a break after the defeat in SF BL:


Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Pizz.3698


ET playing Hide-N-Seek again. We’ll play all night, kittens.
