3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4
lol.. lost garrison and the rest… our NA coverage must be very bad….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
there was a kind of funny talk, let us Kaineng lose for a week….. see how it goes.. not sure if it was taken seriously though…. lol
Call it pride or self-respect or whatever; but I’d rather win a week because we fought for it and won, rather than the enemy deciding to try something new and lose purposefully. It wouldn’t be a victory for us, it’d be a big slap in our face in fact, and yeah all those “riding/sucking your whatever whatever” accusations from the 3rd server. And given the fact that it won’t change anything for the next week due to 13 rating gap between TC & KN at the moment, it won’t make sense. I’m sure most of TC can agree with me. I’d rather have us give our best against the toughest odds, and lose than have victory handed to us on a platter. Atleast we could smile that we did our best, than grab a easy-mode victory.
To whoever is planning to do anything similar to this (if there’s anything like this in plans)- please don’t embarass us as your opponents. Let’s not defeat the purpose of WvW.
While I can certainly empathize with your point of view, the fact is that shaking things up a little / taking it easy occasionally offers too many benefits to – not – do it regularly. Especially, as you said, where it doesn’t make much of a difference for the final outcome. Some of our more experienced commanders are turning off tags to allow newly – minted commanders to step up to the plate. I see WvW – regular guilds trying out the Super Adventure Box. As someone mentioned earlier, some of our guilds had some fun with GvG yesterday, etc.
So, really, I wouldn’t say that as a server we’re trying to lose purposefully, more that constant, serious WvW with no rest and no time to take it easy ends up being detrimental to a server’s long term player retention/development. It’s the equivalent of a real – world furlough, more for our own sake than for someone else’s benefit, really.
lol.. lost garrison and the rest… our NA coverage must be very bad….
NA coverage? That garrison fight lasted from about 2:00 am until ~5:00 am EST. Pretty late for PST too. It was one hell of a fight though. My favorite part was us at west inner with all you guys across the bridge then BAM, omega golem is between us. It surprised a good amount of our group; I’d assume it did your’s as well.
I’m also proud to say that I only went down twice during that and actually died once. That was only because I was trying to destroy whites and greys because my bags were full >.<
Quaggan-Cheng Derp Squad
Tarnished Coast – [DIS]
ah.. nevertheless , good fight this week from everyone….. hopefully FA can step up further next week (starting tomorrow’s reset) to bring the match up as close as possible for all the 3 servers….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
(edited by azizul.8469)
I love defending garison when it’s all open in lord room. If i could stay longer i would do everything to hold it 3more hours if needed and I would :p Well you sent enough bodies as death tribute to finally deserve to get it ^^
Titan War (your favorite warrior warbanner soldier from KN :p )
PS: I love T2 and if TC wins this time its shorter the gap then we will stay here forever yeah !!!=> T1 is lame I have seen it myself so now I know we are good where we are)
GJ for this match TC
FA is falling apart
(edited by Titan.3472)
i defended from the beginning of that whole KBL garrison fiesta funtimes. it really did last hours. now my eyes and my brain feel like smoldering, smoking pieces of charcoal.
lol.. lost garrison and the rest… our NA coverage must be very bad….
NA coverage? That garrison fight lasted from about 2:00 am until ~5:00 am EST. Pretty late for PST too. It was one hell of a fight though. My favorite part was us at west inner with all you guys across the bridge then BAM, omega golem is between us. It surprised a good amount of our group; I’d assume it did your’s as well.
I’m also proud to say that I only went down twice during that and actually died once
. That was only because I was trying to destroy whites and greys because my bags were full >.<
Seriously, Mumble wet itself.
“Bringing an omega golem to you.”
Wait, what? Yeah, she’s gotta be joking.
Eh, forget it, too much fighting.
And so an omega golem appeared between our two zergs in what was ultimately an absolutely brutal fight.
Thank you, Odinzu for spending your day setting up for this beautiful screenshot, and also to Deyja (and Kradysaur) for making the final Garrison capture a success.
This is for you, Odinzu <3
Thank you, Odinzu for spending your day setting up for this beautiful screenshot, and also to Deyja (and Kradysaur) for making the final Garrison capture a success.
This is for you, Odinzu <3
Hope Jadon has made it to Harpy and Wurm kills. He would be very upset if he hasn’t.
Tee See
Everyone in EB for the last 2 hours or so from TC has done really well. You should all be proud of yourselves
Likewise, I need to thank FA for flipping KN’s tier 3 SM while TC took all KN’s towers. I was willing you to succeed (I even said so in map chat as I watched you from inside SM >.>)
A rare instance of FA and TC leaving each other alone in EB to achieve a goal they should be invested in more often (the weakening of KN before their SEA primetime).
I apologise for the 10 or so TC who randomly decided to take OW. >.> We entirely deserved to have PRO and the rest of the FA zerg respond by taking Durios. Again, said so in chat :p
Was nice to see PRO again, though. Hi Maniac! ^^
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and Rank 6 Slayer of Nothing)
Didn’t die once taking KN garrison, had to leave eventually the first time as we’d lost our southern half of the map minus bay, took about 15 minutes to recap then finish off garrison, was a fun couple of hours.
Nice great wall of FA in EB or should i say great ram of FA
See, we can all be friends! ^^
Hey that’s me sitting down in the middle haha
Fort Aspenwood
nice rams is it to celebrate FA week results?
FA is falling apart
What gives you that impression?
nice rams is it to celebrate FA week results?
What do you mean by that?
Looks like some T1 players are bringing their bad habits over to T2
lets keep this thread friendly k
It’s a question ! Why would you build these for else then?
Great late night fights this week! Hope it keep up after reset
[LEV] Leviathan Corps
Tarnished Coast
It’s a question ! Why would you build these for else then?
FA were outmanned at the time, so they built them for fun/amusement after successfully flipping a tier 3 SM from KN around an hour earlier.
This Burts kid cracks me up. Please keep the posts coming. For the record, I think you picked the perfect server for your personality.
But he has a point. Kaining has been letting us win. We really don’t deserve to be in t2 as much as FA if you look at the evidence:
Kaineng has time after time let us win by running past our groups and letting us flank them or jumping off the ramp at hills so we could face them at half health.
We have knowingly and willingly participated in pvdoor by taking towers and camps while enemy forces were somewhere else instead of nobly letting even numbers in to man the seige. I’m even ashamed to admit that commanders asked me to cast line of warding to keep people from going into towers!
We knowingly and egregiously participate in zerg tactics. I witnessed as a well-known and respected commander refuse to count our numbers or face the enemy with a valiant frontal assault with even numbers. He instead charged them from the side with more people and even told them to dodge the static fields our opponents generously laid down for us.
I can’t live the lie anymore! The shame is too great! We’re in T2 because we’re a bunch of cheating zergers that Kaineng has chosen to give mercy which we clearly do not deserve!
TC did pretty well this week with some newcomers help. I am not agree with you datawais TC is good in T2.
TC did pretty well this week with some newcomers help. I am not agree with you datawais TC is good in T2.
Hahahha I think he’s joking. Yeah, TC did really well and if you guys keep first place then I believe a round of applause is in order. You guys earned it.
TC did pretty well this week with some newcomers help. I am not agree with you datawais TC is good in T2.
Hahahha I think he’s joking. Yeah, TC did really well and if you guys keep first place then I believe a round of applause is in order. You guys earned it.
Holy Pickle, great name. I for one hope you never become a demigod, I refuse to kneel and worship a pickle.
Tarnished Coast
TC did pretty well this week with some newcomers help. I am not agree with you datawais TC is good in T2.
Hahahha I think he’s joking. Yeah, TC did really well and if you guys keep first place then I believe a round of applause is in order. You guys earned it.
Holy Pickle, great name. I for one hope you never become a demigod, I refuse to kneel and worship a pickle.
EDIT: I would like to mention that after looking at your account name, my character includes a very stylish white beard.
(edited by Andy.9137)
KN why you no like our fireworks
Us in FA who were at Ogrewatch loved your fireworks so much that we stole them and proceeded to fire them off ourselves.
Good, because i tried to get close to your zerg and drop them but you guys would try to hurt me, my only option was to drop them while we were getting chased by you guys :P, good to know you guys picked them up and hopefully had as much as we we were having
Falling apart? It’s spring. We’re springing apart. Ahead. Sprung somewhere. Sproing. That’s an awesome sound. Ooo… cookie. But general ranty time, yay!
What’s all the fuss? Win some, lose some. Results are tied to effort. You can try harder, your guild can try harder, but unless you and yours is the entire server pop, all YOU can do is try YOUR best. And hope your server mates, buddies, friends, acquaintances and inbred folks you try not to talk to at family reunions show up and help effectively.
And crying about zergs? If it’s so effective, try it yourself. Oh, if you can’t get the numbers to, um, well do what you can and live with it, or waypoint, or wait for a revive, whichever is applicable in your case.
All the T1 (great movie), T2 (awesome movie), T3 talk, so what? We’re here, in this Tier, because our servers played their way here. There. Tier. Less Tears. If your best is better than someone else’s bad week, you go up. If your bad week is passed by someone else’s good week, you go down. Just do your thing, wherever you end up.
And the 2 on 1 thing… You’re telling me none of you ever wanted to be in a threeway? Most fantasy things are about being the 1. Not like that. I mean, the hero, the one struggling against the odds, all that.
What did you think I was talking about? No one ever understands what I’m thinking out loud. Maybe I should have gotten mesmer with it instead.
Cookies. Dolyaks. All that. Enjoy, less blah blah whine.
I’m teh SEALvari! Killing your lakey nodes!
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Falling apart? It’s spring. We’re springing apart. Ahead. Sprung somewhere. Sproing. That’s an awesome sound. Ooo… cookie. But general ranty time, yay!
What’s all the fuss? Win some, lose some. Results are tied to effort. You can try harder, your guild can try harder, but unless you and yours is the entire server pop, all YOU can do is try YOUR best. And hope your server mates, buddies, friends, acquaintances and inbred folks you try not to talk to at family reunions show up and help effectively.
And crying about zergs? If it’s so effective, try it yourself. Oh, if you can’t get the numbers to, um, well do what you can and live with it, or waypoint, or wait for a revive, whichever is applicable in your case.
All the T1 (great movie), T2 (awesome movie), T3 talk, so what? We’re here, in this Tier, because our servers played their way here. There. Tier. Less Tears. If your best is better than someone else’s bad week, you go up. If your bad week is passed by someone else’s good week, you go down. Just do your thing, wherever you end up.
And the 2 on 1 thing… You’re telling me none of you ever wanted to be in a threeway? Most fantasy things are about being the 1. Not like that. I mean, the hero, the one struggling against the odds, all that.
What did you think I was talking about? No one ever understands what I’m thinking out loud. Maybe I should have gotten mesmer with it instead.
Cookies. Dolyaks. All that. Enjoy, less blah blah whine.
I’m teh SEALvari! Killing your lakey nodes!
Wyldcat, in that particular post I could almost detect three different personalities struggling within one body.
I’ll just say this.It’s been a lot of fun win, lose or draw.I for one don’t think FA is falling apart with the huge fights that have been going on the past few nights.It’s all good.
Tarnished Coast
Maybe it’s my inner mesmer clones trying to get out…
I’m having fun. I just don’t know about everyone else. Then again, I should come here first instead of after hitting the sPvP and Thief forums first. I get all soggy from the crying of others.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
nice rams is it to celebrate FA week results?
FA is not going to instantly ride into T2 and start taking first place. T2 is way different then T3 and it takes adjusting to get used to the fight styles of opponents. Besides the guild I run with gets less and less fights because people keep running away. Sure you might say WvW is not about fights, but when you realise were going to be in T2 together for a couple more months there is no reason to go cut-throat PPT. I wish we could all enjoy the fights in the weeks ahead instead of sit on keeps and towers spamming Arrowcarts till the tower falls or enemies back off.
Until then keep fighting Kain and TC i know FA will do the best we can.
I think it s more accurate to say we are going to be alltogether in T2 forever.
The matchup will last a while unless one server blows out the rest. Whoever moves up or down will get trounced or do the trouncing. Tier 3 was being blown out by FA and if we were to move down, it would be boring. Likewise, if TC or Kain move up, they’ll get stomped by the 24/7 coverage that is Tier 1. Add queue woes and I think they’ll gladly drop back to Tier 2 where there isn’t the supergiantz e r gballs 24/7. Occasionally this tier puts out those giant masses, it’s too bad there’s so much pvdoor’ing.
I started that. Me and a ranger named W H Y Y helped build those first two trebs for stish and giggles. And defended them against 2 or 3 counter-trebs.
Then I had to go to bed.
Anyone want to give me a run-down of how it went?
From TC’s perspective, I ran up to the vista to watch your trebs’ progress on the walls and to help TC continue their push into KN’s 3rd of the map while KN were occupied with SM. You were pushed out initially, but came back determinedly 10min or so later, and I was fleeing from my spotting position outside the lord room and over the outer wall as you capped it
Meanwhile TC had taken all of KN’s towers and had the outer keep gate at about 10% (although FA also had WC at one point).
I’m sure an FA-er can give you a better blow by blow
Was a great night for both servers in EB (and likely KN too – even though they were hard pressed, that has to be a refreshing change of pace from the usual scenario, although admittedly it came at a bad time PPT wise).
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Ah, that makes me happy to hear. I wish I could convey to my server how important it is to apply pressure, even if you know it’s not likely to succeed.
With KN sitting on a fully upgraded, fully supplied SM, it’s literally and figuratively a fortress. A failed attack (which is probably what I’d consider the first push) that drains 1000+ supply is a success.
It probably also helps that I kept contesting SM + the KN Keep. Those guards hit hard =( I should send someone a repair bill.
Awesome job TC guys this week. So proud of our server, and so happy to be playing alongside a lot of good-natured and friendly opponents. Still loving this matchup.
To TC, looks like you guys are going to win. Congrats! Now if you guys can do it again this week, its safe to say that your coverage is really better than us now. Also im seeing your militia is getting better and better.
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro
Whatever happened with QL in EB last night?? Mayoken was deadset on making that his Alamo but I got bored leveling my alt and went off to KBL ~10 PST. Most TC I’ve ever seen in one place though, that whole circling through Danelon thing.
TC I hope you guys got this! Sounds like you do! Excellent show, you deserve it. Maybe I will draw you a victory picture in MSpaint today. :0
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
TC deserves to win. Their coverage was impressive yesterday and their willingness to bunker up in Jerrifers and Klovan last night kept Kain way down in points for several hours. They used the three way battle to their advantage last night by focusing Kaineng and letting FA have Stonemist.
At the same time, I think Kaineng could’ve done better and in general needs to consider putting more focus on maximizing points. As TC was proving to be the bigger threat, we should’ve focused more on taking away TC points. All too often we were deep in FA territory. Also, it’s pretty obvious we need to get better at defending our wider holdings, not just our key keeps.
Anyhow, congrats to TC on the strong showing. You wanted it more this week and you took it.
Guardian – Commander – Officer of Rethesis [RE] Tarnished Coast
Maybe I will draw you a victory picture in MSpaint today. :0
Do it, do it!!
To TC, looks like you guys are going to win. Congrats! Now if you guys can do it again this week, its safe to say that your coverage is really better than us now. Also im seeing your militia is getting better and better.
Thanks, but it will definitely be tough to pull it off two weeks in a row….
Fully expect KN and FA to both come out swinging at Reset and press all week long, but “Zombie Coast” will do its best to get there!
Well TBH i was there leading the people when we took SMC. But at that time i just arrived in EB when we took down its walls. So i decided to push in with the people fighting there. Then we moved to a gate and started ramming it down but when we opened the gate.. the lords room was almost empty less than 10 kain inside. I was expecting huge kain zerg to get ready to eat us but oh well. Good fights this week Kain and TC. Good luck to everyone on reset
Uh oh TC. Your own popularity could get you in trouble. Too many transfers and T1 might become your new destination. Hehe
That is still a little ways away though. We need another month of this matchup before anybody goes anywhere.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Man reading this is way more fun then reading tier 1 posts. GG TC!
Uh oh TC. Your own popularity could get you in trouble. Too many transfers and T1 might become your new destination. Hehe
That is still a little ways away though. We need another month of this matchup before anybody goes anywhere.
If you look at the way the rating system works, TC would have to SERIOUSLY beat KN and FA combined with SoR or BG doing simultaneously pretty bad in order for us to get to T1.
I, for one, hope it never happens. I don’t want my beloved TC to become a T1 server…and all that comes with that.
Grats to TC. Some serious effort there; you deserve what you get.
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
Uh oh TC. Your own popularity could get you in trouble. Too many transfers and T1 might become your new destination. Hehe
That is still a little ways away though. We need another month of this matchup before anybody goes anywhere.
If you look at the way the rating system works, TC would have to SERIOUSLY beat KN and FA combined with SoR or BG doing simultaneously pretty bad in order for us to get to T1.
I, for one, hope it never happens. I don’t want my beloved TC to become a T1 server…and all that comes with that.
You do not want to go to tier 1 it is a long line of blowhards crying about nothing and every little thing is Drama bait, but it is good to see that the fight is more equal then before because that means if we should drop down we can have some fun fights down there. After all BG might have won in our old match up’s, but every one still put up a fight and with us being a bit weaker not tier 2 could be a blast.
(edited by Waage.2047)