Tarnished Coast Server
3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4
Tarnished Coast Server
FA is falling apart
What gives you that impression?
If I remember correctly, Titan was on Crystal Desert. Go back a few months and you’ll remember that right after FA and IoJ merged, we absolutely crushed CD and a lot of their guilds that had been talking big game immediately quit the server and moved to places like TC, KN, and BG. He apparently moved to KN.
Anyway, it may not be his fault and this statement could just be a result of how he views WvW. Based on his actions at CD, it seems like community isn’t a big deal. Couple that with the fact that he moved to KN after it had already proved itself as a top notch server so he hasn’t helped to create a server either. As a result, it could just be in his nature to find the next greatest thing and also assume people will immediately transfer in the face of defeat.
I wouldn’t get too upset by it.
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”
I may/may not have had this planned ahead of time.
Totally Awsome!!!!
I may/may not have had this planned ahead of time.
I love it. O-O
Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian
Score/map update?
close game again. good job TC on keeping us, KN, on our toes all week. had some fun fights, and im looking forward to this upcoming week!
(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.
I may/may not have had this planned ahead of time.
I <3 you so much right now.
Score/map update?
close game again. good job TC on keeping us, KN, on our toes all week.
had some fun fights, and im looking forward to this upcoming week!
TC: +290
KN: +165
FA: +240
TC: 211,443
KN: 204,435
FA: 179,104
Keep it up Zombie Coast. My bet is on you
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
Whenever you gather this many people who just enjoy playing the game and don’t care about all the other stuff under one roof, great things are bound to happen. I’ve known TC was a very special place for a very long time and I’ve watched us grow every single week since I joined way back when in Tier 3. I’m extremely proud of the Coast, not because we won this week, but because of the awesome destination we’ve become for anyone who loves wvw.
We may not win next week, but I guarantee you can never count us out.
(edited by Sunspots.9861)
Keep it up Zombie Coast. My bet is on you
Yeah, the math is with us at this point. KN would have to hold close to a +200PPT lead from now until reset to pull ahead. “Possible,” but highly “improbable” since this isn’t KN’s primetime.
…Tier 1 is where servers go to die.
As long as I get their loot bags. ^^
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
You guys did a great job this week TC. Fun fights all around. Especially the 3 way we created when we came across you guys fighting KN. That was a long fight and finally used our tactic and came up behind us to wipe us when we thought we were coming up behind you. That was great fight.
I’m proud of TC this week. We fought REALLY hard at some ridiculous hours in the night/morning to hold off servers with more Oceanic/SEA players. There were nights I was only getting 3 hours of sleep before work, ’cause I was staying up to defend points, or countercap supply camps.
Nightlight, Deyja, Odin, Kitty, Azel – You folks are awesome commanders (and on at the same time as me.) I’m sure all the commanders who run when I’m not there as just as good, but I don’t know your names.
FA and KN – Holy -expletive-! Good fights everywhere all the freakin’ time. Very competitive tier, and it’s a pleasure to wipe (and be wiped by) you. May your loot bags always be full of exotics.
Score/map update?
close game again. good job TC on keeping us, KN, on our toes all week.
had some fun fights, and im looking forward to this upcoming week!
Translation: Bring the Lube next week
I am scared :o Kaineng is going to go boss on us next week.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
Translation: Bring the Lube next week
Isn’t that one of the items in the standard engineer’s kit, along with bubblegum, baling wire, duct tape, and alcohol (the drinky kind)?
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
To TC, looks like you guys are going to win. Congrats! Now if you guys can do it again this week, its safe to say that your coverage is really better than us now. Also im seeing your militia is getting better and better.
Thank you. This is a result of our entire Commander team putting in extremely long hours and communicating/responding to intell asap.
As for the militia, we’ve been training everyone as we go I’m really glad it wasnt just my wishful thinking that it has been paying off. People are listening quite well and FINALLY giving into my “Please get in mumble!” speeches. Fun times in KN BL yesterday, btw. FA kept trebbing us in Hills while my zerg showed you our fireworks.
Thug life
lol.. lost garrison and the rest… our NA coverage must be very bad….
It isn’t. Don’t fault your NA crew. There’re a lot of people doing SAB, I’m sure.
Grats to TC. Some serious effort there; you deserve what you get.
That sounds very… erm… ominous.
(edited by Usagi.4835)
Score/map update?
close game again. good job TC on keeping us, KN, on our toes all week.
had some fun fights, and im looking forward to this upcoming week!
Translation: Bring the Lube next week
I am scared :o Kaineng is going to go boss on us next week.
War Machine W does make me a little scared when I see their full power rolling in towards us, full of hammer warriors and confusion mesmers. Grit your teeth and take it in the face. Fight to the last and pop all your cooldowns.
I may/may not have had this planned ahead of time.
Translation: Bring the Lube next week
Isn’t that one of the items in the standard engineer’s kit, along with bubblegum, baling wire, duct tape, and alcohol (the drinky kind)?
Nope they N-erfed lube in the latest patch.
Also, I am having a blast playing vs KN, and FA when they are out in force. (The latter usually being hilariously timed flooding into an open keep behind my zerg.) But that isn’t a shot at you, opportunism is a trait all commanders should have in their arsenal. Example: I love it when we’re already getting pushed out of SM and regrouping on outer walls, checking my flank to see a mass of Red pouring into SE SM gate haha. I immediately prep a hit on green’s third. Good fun. Without events like that, wiping in SM with golems wouldnt be as fun!
Thug life
I may/may not have had this planned ahead of time.
And stop drawing things using MSPaint at work! That aside, YOU ARE THE BEST.
I may/may not have had this planned ahead of time.
I want this on a tshirt!
(sorry, I don’t give much wxp)
GG TC. We will get our revenge next week.
Where did you guys get all those extra manpower this week btw? Internal recruitment or guild transfers?
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
Combination of both. TC has a huge PvE population, so the WvW patch probably helped us out more than other servers.
As opposed to Kaineng with almost none.
member of [RISE]
GG TC. We will get our revenge next week.
Where did you guys get all those extra manpower this week btw? Internal recruitment or guild transfers?
Yes (as in all of the above plus individual transfers and people returning after the Culling Patch).
Also many people putting in some long hours this week… hopefully not enough to cause burnout next matchup but we will see how things go.
I may/may not have had this planned ahead of time.
lol, that’s hilarious
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
And stop drawing things using MSPaint at work!
I don’t know what you’re talking about nope what me I would never do such a thing
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
And stop drawing things using MSPaint at work!
I don’t know what you’re talking about nope what me I would never do such a thing
I am feeling so happy for this Matchup right now. TC won and everyone is congratulating them with genuine intentions. On the other hand, when BG won 2 weeks ago, it was full of “BG Is cheater serber”, “you should be ashamed of yourselves”, “how do you sleep at night” posts and the people who actually guested to BG to flame the server. I hope we can continue to have fun here
(edited by DKNS.2135)
Apparently TC is confident, proud to win and be greens this week and that’s good because their numbers increased significantly but this new week with pressure on Kain, what would happen? because normally were doing tag team vs FA .
Now the largest and most powerful clans of Kain shall turn their eyes and all his power in TC, but may do so?, They can go to TC territory and conquer all?
KAIN The big question is, could regain its glory once again? or fall under the shadow of TC??
this week will reveal many things like:
TC shall have the power and the desire to get on Tier1??
Kain can regain its glory??
TC will withstand the pressure of Kain?
Kain can beat TC?
Do not miss this week in Guild Wars 2.
I thought we’d be able to hold on but I guess it didn’t happen. I knew TC was going to beat us eventually, but I couldn’t have imagined it would happen like this. I don’t think I’ve ever played in a WvW match that was decided in the last 48 hours before. I’m not happy with with happened this week, but congrats TC.
Want to say kudos all the Kain leadership for all the genuine compliments, done with class, and only making your server look like the fantastic people you are —- both on the forums and in game. Other servers out there could learn by your example. You are a credit to your server.
That said, we all know when Kain gets motivated almost nothing can stop them. Next week should prove an interesting match.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Si hoc Legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
No, no I do not but I do have a natural curiosity to find out what that meant.
Tarnished Coast
this week will reveal many things like:
TC shall have the power and the desire to get on Tier1??
Ewww. No thanks. I’m very, very happy with our current match-up. Close fights, even teams. FA can certainly bring the pain when it wants to – [PRO] and [AVTR] are both showing huge amounts of spirit during my time-slot – and KN is a tough nut to crack (but it looks like we can just about do it.)
KN why you no like our fireworks
Us in FA who were at Ogrewatch loved your fireworks so much that we stole them and proceeded to fire them off ourselves.
Good, because i tried to get close to your zerg and drop them but you guys would try to hurt me
, my only option was to drop them while we were getting chased by you guys :P, good to know you guys picked them up and hopefully had as much as we we were having
Oh, you dropped them on purpose? I figured we took them off the bodies of those who didn’t make it to Pangloss.
What’s the latest score?
Si hoc Legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
No, no I do not but I do have a natural curiosity to find out what that meant.
IT doesn’t take a brain to spit on the veggies?
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
What’s the latest score?
A of 25 minutes ago.
TC 214,750 – 290
KN 206,759 – 185
FA 181,320 – 220
Tarnished Coast
Si hoc Legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
No, no I do not but I do have a natural curiosity to find out what that meant.
IT doesn’t take a brain to spit on the veggies?
WyldKat, I’m not sure what you meant by that by I know for sure that I wouldn’t want you to make my dinner.
Tarnished Coast
GG TC. We will get our revenge next week.
Where did you guys get all those extra manpower this week btw? Internal recruitment or guild transfers?
A lot of people just plain quit WvW’ing due to culling. Quite a few have come back. And while there is some complaints over lag…most seem to no mind the lag as much as culling. So, maybe that accounts for some of the extra manpower….I know several folks who are now playing WvW again.
That or they just haven’t had time to get tired of the lag.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
(edited by Raf.1078)
Wow, I am impressed at you all in T2 this week. Extremely close!
Looks like TC is going to take first spot in Tier 2 over Kain if they keep it up. The scores are extremely close between them for overall points.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Well everyone, with SAB out and done, the fun little sidecapades I’ve gotten to do, the good people who add such value to the t2 community… it was indeed a great week.
I want to thank both opponents, TC and FA for the fun and enjoyable battles. TC you guys had a goal, and reached for it. I respect that, we could see it all week. It didn’t change our gameplan, we’re having a good time, and tbh I wanted to see just how hard you guys could push. You all should feel proud, and know the work put in reflected well on the battlefield. Many times I saw (SM in particular last night) both FA and TC charging in through that one hole to see who could take advantage during opportune moments. Good play, and was handily nice to have such battles.
FA, you’ve grown respectfully over time both in manner and it was pleasant to see the numbers posted on the slow grind on SM. You never gave up, and the strikes worked out well along the course of the evening. We felt like firefighters running back and forth last night.
KN, we have a fun week ahead. Pretty sure we all know this. And it will be nice to sit in another keep, my skin grows wrinkly from all the parties in the big pool of green keep. Time for a nice change of scenery. We all know what we can do and will have a riviting fun time this coming week. We will be coming, not just for TC, but for FA as well. You can count on my hammer.
PS… to the TC members who finally took our gar, I was that hammer up top on 3rd floor, enjoying the view. I only regret not letting my banner down on our GL in time, but overall, it was a blast.
~ X [RE], of HurriKain
… the storm is brewing far off … slowly building
(edited by Hexin.5603)
Well done this week Tarnished Coast! Whatever happened on your server this past couple of weeks has sure worked in your favor. Keep the fun coming both KN and TC!
Once again congrats TC. Here is the WvWvW video from Kain:
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro
Congratulations to TC.
You guys have effectively won the numbers game
Fort Aspenwood
^^^ yay numbers game~! There was lots of fighting involved too. ^^^
I may/may not have had this planned ahead of time.
You are my favorite non-hydro person on these forums. <3
(edited by Urrid.4593)