After patch current top 3 wvw classes
thief, warrior,necro
mesmers have only 2 viable builds left as the confusion nerf destroyed every other build and made us completely up(i dont even feel like logging into wvw anymore..and if i do ill sit on arrowcarts
eles got hit extreemly hard too
engis took a bad hit aswell currently 1 viable build left
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Before: 1# Thief (as always) #2 Mesmer (glamour builds) #3 Elementallist (superior AoE)
After: 1# Thief (still haven’t nerfed heartseeker -.- ) #2 Guardian (superior healing) #3 Mesmer (badly nerfed)
Why it changed:
Thieves are still overpowered and will stay because they denny that heartseeker spammers are completely easy to counter (steal- 3k heartseeker- 3k, 4k, 6k, 6k), apparently isnt overpowered. The steal nerf was good, but that other skills are far too powerful. Cloak and Dagger should have a nerf too, its a source of stealth, enemy vulnerability, AND deals 6k damage on crits.
Mesmers had a HUGE nerf which ruined every confusion build as of its damage is crap now, losing their zerg popularity.
Elementallist had a HUGE nerf as well which stuff RTL up for zerg travel, and skills while in mist form and many other things.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Henrik.7560)
Before: 1# Thief (as always) #2 Mesmer (glamour builds) #3 Elementallist (superior AoE)
After: 1# Thief (still haven’t nerfed heartseeker -.- ) #2 Guardian (superior healing) #3 Mesmer (badly nerfed)
Why it changed:
Thieves are still overpowered and will stay because they denny that heartseeker spammers are completely easy to counter (steal- 3k heartseeker- 3k, 4k, 6k, 6k), apparently isnt overpowered. The steal nerf was good, but that other skills are far too powerful. Cloak and Dagger should have a nerf too, its a source of stealth, enemy vulnerability, AND deals 6k damage on crits.
Mesmers had a HUGE nerf which ruined every confusion build as of its damage is crap now, losing their zerg popularity.
Elementallist had a HUGE nerf as well which stuff RTL up for zerg travel, and skills while in mist form and many other things.
lol are you serious? Confusion was never a problem for me but it was justifiable why it needed nerf. Eles NEEDED a nerf imo. and i don’t think this is enough to hurt them that much. They still have the best burst heals and consistence in dmg and surviving along with mobility. And I do agree with you that thieves need another c+d nerf because in truth, it’s suppose to be a survibility skill.
That being said thieves, mesmers and eles are still top 3. lol. I’m not going to give them their rank because their classes are situational that makes them outshine each other.
did this patch make rangers any better?
did this patch make rangers any better?
No, it didnt remove the pet. Sorry.
Before: 1# Thief (as always) #2 Mesmer (glamour builds) #3 Elementallist (superior AoE)
After: 1# Thief (still haven’t nerfed heartseeker -.- ) #2 Guardian (superior healing) #3 Mesmer (badly nerfed)
Why it changed:
Thieves are still overpowered and will stay because they denny that heartseeker spammers are completely easy to counter (steal- 3k heartseeker- 3k, 4k, 6k, 6k), apparently isnt overpowered. The steal nerf was good, but that other skills are far too powerful. Cloak and Dagger should have a nerf too, its a source of stealth, enemy vulnerability, AND deals 6k damage on crits.
Mesmers had a HUGE nerf which ruined every confusion build as of its damage is crap now, losing their zerg popularity.
Elementallist had a HUGE nerf as well which stuff RTL up for zerg travel, and skills while in mist form and many other are you serious? Confusion was never a problem for me but it was justifiable why it needed nerf. Eles NEEDED a nerf imo. and i don’t think this is enough to hurt them that much. They still have the best burst heals and consistence in dmg and surviving along with mobility. And I do agree with you that thieves need another c+d nerf because in truth, it’s suppose to be a survibility skill.
That being said thieves, mesmers and eles are still top 3. lol. I’m not going to give them their rank because their classes are situational that makes them outshine each other.
no mesmers are only needed for portals and the nerf of 50 per cent wasnt needed. it nerfed us to kitten!i am up now as i used condition builds and if it needed a nerf 15-25 percent would have done the trick
Isle of Kickaspenwood
no mesmers are only needed for portals and the nerf of 50 per cent wasnt needed. it nerfed us to kitten!i am up now as i used condition builds and if it needed a nerf 15-25 percent would have done the trick
Hey I’ve heard null field and veil are pretty useful.
- Any profession that can man an arrow cart.
- ?
- ?
Mesmers are fine. My Confusion build still kills, it just takes literally one to two seconds longer to kill people in a 1v1 situation, and instead of a few Mesmers killing a Zerg, now it takes up to six to kill the Zerg.
I can not comment on the Elementalist because it is one of the few classes I havn’t played.
Thieves have a new toy to play with that is actually fun, and counters bunker/boon builds rather well, but loses to other builds just like a pecking order should. I switched to this new build on my Thief, and I am enjoying it.
All in all the top three classes seem to have remained, well at least for the good players who actually know how to play them. I play two of the three, the Thief, and the Mesmer and I’m having fun on them, and still feel the power.
However the best thing to happen this patch was breaking up the Zerg for now, until they get smart enough to counter Arrow Carts with long ranged siege, and counter siege tactics. Until then the zerg will just bellyache because they now have to use better tactics.
Yay for the arrow cart.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
(edited by jkctmc.8754)
For our small guild groups its probably:
Hammer Warrior
Support Guard
Staff Ele
Although mesmers are still needed for timewarps, veils, feedbacks and nullfields, so they get on 4th place
Post patch? Easy.The ones that can drop an arrow cart faster and run suply fastest.
this is like asking which is best, rock, paper or scissors.
it’s clearly rock.
Post patch? Easy.The ones that can drop an arrow cart faster and run suply fastest.
Obviously thieves then. Shadow steps + hs spam for travel and haste for building. =P
Post patch? Easy.The ones that can drop an arrow cart faster and run suply fastest.
So true so its elementalis, thief, mesmer, maybe warior
Ranger is no needed in wvw at all arrow carts took there job and do it 80% better
It is so fearsome, brutal and agile, that no one say it’s name out loud.
They are afraid of their wrath so just call them DeX. But the real name is Dexterity Overload.
Before: 1# Thief (as always) #2 Mesmer (glamour builds) #3 Elementallist (superior AoE)
After: 1# Thief (still haven’t nerfed heartseeker -.- ) #2 Guardian (superior healing) #3 Mesmer (badly nerfed)
Why it changed:
Thieves are still overpowered and will stay because they denny that heartseeker spammers are completely easy to counter (steal- 3k heartseeker- 3k, 4k, 6k, 6k), apparently isnt overpowered. The steal nerf was good, but that other skills are far too powerful. Cloak and Dagger should have a nerf too, its a source of stealth, enemy vulnerability, AND deals 6k damage on crits.
Mesmers had a HUGE nerf which ruined every confusion build as of its damage is crap now, losing their zerg popularity.
Elementallist had a HUGE nerf as well which stuff RTL up for zerg travel, and skills while in mist form and many other are you serious? Confusion was never a problem for me but it was justifiable why it needed nerf. Eles NEEDED a nerf imo. and i don’t think this is enough to hurt them that much. They still have the best burst heals and consistence in dmg and surviving along with mobility. And I do agree with you that thieves need another c+d nerf because in truth, it’s suppose to be a survibility skill.
That being said thieves, mesmers and eles are still top 3. lol. I’m not going to give them their rank because their classes are situational that makes them outshine each other.
no mesmers are only needed for portals and the nerf of 50 per cent wasnt needed. it nerfed us to kitten!i am up now as i used condition builds and if it needed a nerf 15-25 percent would have done the trick
I’m still not convinced. The mesmers are still killing w/ confusions and misc conditions. Most of their utilities are just so useful to pvp. they offer the most support and gameplay change than thieves and eles. Like I said earlier each class has their situational moments.
Post patch? Easy.The ones that can drop an arrow cart faster and run suply fastest.
So true
so its elementalis, thief, mesmer, maybe warior
Ranger is no needed in wvw at all arrow carts took there job and do it 80% better
Try convincing Fort Ranik please, tired of their ranger armies :p
I’m not sure if we’re talking about roaming but if we are I still like Ele a lot. Thief and Mesmer seem to be in a relatively good place as well, I’m currently leveling a thief.
The patch made me have to reexamine my ele spec but tbh i think it’s still really strong d/d and staff. It also helps ele that confusion got nerfed since that was probably one of the best counters to ele.
(edited by Israel.7056)
In groups of 10 or less:
- Staff Guardian
- Hammer/warhorn(OP) Warrior
- Staff ele
- D/D Ele
- Glamour mesmer(for utility now more than ever)
- Spam shortbow2 Thief
- Condition spam necro(maybe would be higher up if AoE limit was removed)
…umm are there any other classes?
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
- Any profession that can man an arrow cart.
- ?
- ?
Stick a condition necro with maxed wexp ranks in siege damage and the ac line on a superior arrow cart, and watch the entire Zerg melt under the bleeds.
My top three:
Mesmer or necro
Tarnished Coast.
Eles are still OP.
Thieves good roamers as always, but (still) contribute nothing to zergs.
Even though glam mesmers are dead, mesmers overall are still the best zerg utility class (veil/portal)
Warriors/Guardians are rock solid in their respective roles.
Necros are still the not-Ranger class.
Engineers almost had their breakout moment but Anet crushed it fast, back to the niche box they go..
Rangers are still trash.
Current fotm in wvw for guild groups and zergs
10+ Guardian
10+ Warrior
10+ Staff Ele
2 Mesmer
2 Nek
rest mans arrowcarts
My first Video:
Guard necro ele engi mesmer then the rest
Os guild
To Anet devs.
Hope you are happy, everyone discussing how unbalanced the different professions are.
You are so far away from the guys that have made GW1. I can’t recognize the previous quality anymore.
In groups of 10 or less:
- Staff Guardian
- Hammer/warhorn(OP) Warrior
- Staff ele
- D/D Ele
- Glamour mesmer(for utility now more than ever)
- Spam shortbow2 Thief
- Condition spam necro(maybe would be higher up if AoE limit was removed)
…umm are there any other classes?
You have absolutely no clue how to play a necro then.
For roaming, i’d say:
1. Mesmer/Thief
2. Elementalist
3. Engineer
To Anet devs.
Hope you are happy, everyone discussing how unbalanced the different professions are.
You are so far away from the guys that have made GW1. I can’t recognize the previous quality anymore.
Me personally as a thief, it didnt really affect me. I do personally think they shouldn’t have attacked our steal skill and just go and nerf backstab directly. That being said, im pretty sure most thieves are happy with the 3 secs reverted.
Depends on what you are doing.
Zerging: Guard Mesmer Necro/Elementalist tie
Solo: Thief Thief Thief
Small group roaming: Elementalist Ranger Warrior
Camping JP: Engineer Mesmer Guard
Ele, those water fields are great.
Mesmer, veil, portal, null field, timewarp(yes evennow its useful).
Guardian, line of warding, might, stability, wall of reflection, sancturary.
You can see that i value group utility and support as the most important thing in wvwvw.
If you value other things, your list will differ, obviously.
There is not absolute best.
did this patch make rangers any better?
No, it didnt remove the pet. Sorry.
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
The #1 profession is arrow carts. The #2 profession is irrelevant because arrow carts will kill them in a matter of seconds while taking no damage because they’re out of vision range.
Eles are still OP.
Thieves good roamers as always, but (still) contribute nothing to zergs.
Why doesnt anyone ever look at venom share and give it the respect it deserves in large scale combat :*(
After the patch there is only 1 class I want to be…an arrow cart
Necros and engis still underrated though they are great when used right
Os guild
- Any profession that can man an arrow cart.
- ?
- ?
more like
1. any class who can man a superior AC
2. any class who can man a superior ballista
3. any class who can man a normal AC
[MM] recruiting currently
Before: 1# Thief (as always) #2 Mesmer (glamour builds) #3 Elementallist (superior AoE)
After: 1# Thief (still haven’t nerfed heartseeker -.- ) #2 Guardian (superior healing) #3 Mesmer (badly nerfed)
Why it changed:
Thieves are still overpowered and will stay because they denny that heartseeker spammers are completely easy to counter (steal- 3k heartseeker- 3k, 4k, 6k, 6k), apparently isnt overpowered. The steal nerf was good, but that other skills are far too powerful. Cloak and Dagger should have a nerf too, its a source of stealth, enemy vulnerability, AND deals 6k damage on crits.
Mesmers had a HUGE nerf which ruined every confusion build as of its damage is crap now, losing their zerg popularity.
Elementallist had a HUGE nerf as well which stuff RTL up for zerg travel, and skills while in mist form and many other things.
Heartseeker was nerfed for all formats and CnD nerfed for sPvP:
Heartskeer: Reduced damage of the 100%-50% threshold by 20%. Damage thresholds changed. Old: 100%-66%, 66%-33%, 33%-0%. New: 100%-50%, 50%-25%, 25%-0%
Assassin’s Signet: This skill has been updated to grant 15% damage for 5 attacks rather than 50% damage for one attack.
Pistol Whip: Reduced damage by 15%
Dancing Dagger:This skill’s damage has been reduced by 50%
Tactical Strike: This skill’s damage has been increased by 10% in all formats. This skill’s daze duration has been reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP.
Cluster Bomb: This skill’s damage is reduced by 15% in PvP.
Cloak and Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.
Spider Venom, Devourer Venom, Ice Drake Venom, Skale Venom, Basilisk Venom, Assassin’s Signet
The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or Invulnerable.
*Stealth: The duration of Revealed has been increased to 4 seconds when coming out of stealth via an attack.
Quickness: Reduced from 100% attack speed to 50%. (All professions)
Caltrops: Reduced duration from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.
Basilisk Venom skill: No longer immobilizes targets in addition to stunning them.
Mug: Can no longer critically hit.
Trick Shot: First arrow is no longer heat-seeking.
Stealth: The duration of Revealed has been reverted to 3 seconds in PvE._
Eles are still OP.
Thieves good roamers as always, but (still) contribute nothing to zergs.
snip.Why doesnt anyone ever look at venom share and give it the respect it deserves in large scale combat :*(
Because speccing in venomshare (which is great for the group) is very dangerous for the thief. He often dies when doing that and dead people are very useless.
I love getting venoms from the rightly specced thief but it is rare and I can understand why.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
did this patch make rangers any better?
No, it didnt remove the pet. Sorry.
Pet pathing, HP, and responsiveness were all vastly improved. Ranger brings a good mix of healing, aoe vigor, survivability, aoe chill/cripple, yet powerful dps from the pet (or utility, your choice). Ranger is a solid wvw profession, no doubt. Rangers have a huge water field granting regen, condi removal, and aoe vigor each on 3 s pulses with 50% uptime. Run healing power and your zerg will love you.
(edited by Chopps.5047)
I’m surprised by these lists…
Thieves #1? They don’t offer anything to the zerg (and that’s all WvW is these days). They make reasonably good scouts, but no better than Rangers (unless you honestly think a 100% stealth thief is scouting in stealth at a snails pace). Really outside of roaming the thief doesn’t do much of anything except take small camps or keep swords up on gates which the Ranger can do just as well.
Mesmers are downranked? I know confusion was nerfed and all, but do you find most mesmers running confusion builds outside of when they’re roaming and dueling? Most I run into are running full tank non-condition builds or shatter.
And Eles are somehow downranked when 99.9% of them ran staff in zergs? They still bring all the fields which zergs rely on.
I’d expect the list to look closer to this:
Warrior and Ranger value is kind of dependent if you put more value in AE stuns or Water field I suppose. Engineers are hard to kill and provide blasts but little else but they could swap with thief too.
It really depends on what you’re doing. Roaming is probably still thief/mesmer/ele, 15ish vs 15ish group fights are probably necro/guardian/ele.
no mesmers are only needed for portals and the nerf of 50 per cent wasnt needed. it nerfed us to kitten!i am up now as i used condition builds and if it needed a nerf 15-25 percent would have done the trick
Hey I’ve heard null field and veil are pretty useful.
Unfortunatly that is all mesmers are good for now and they are extremely rare in WvW now. Lol I got hit by confusion last night and it was hitting me for 65. The only purpose they serve is portals/veil. Unfortunately there are no mesmers in wvw anymore so no more portals/veil.
WvW was the most fun I have ever had in a game. I have never seen it near empty on my server and it was near empty last night during NA prime time. I hope it is not ruined.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
In groups of 10 or less:
- Staff Guardian
- Hammer/warhorn(OP) Warrior
- Staff ele
- D/D Ele
- Glamour mesmer(for utility now more than ever)
- Spam shortbow2 Thief
- Condition spam necro(maybe would be higher up if AoE limit was removed)
…umm are there any other classes?You have absolutely no clue how to play a necro then.
Oh I did not mean 10vs10 or 10vsLess. I was talking about 10vsZerg fights. Dunno if you’ve ever seen one.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
To Anet devs.
Hope you are happy, everyone discussing how unbalanced the different professions are.
You are so far away from the guys that have made GW1. I can’t recognize the previous quality anymore.
You do realize that there is very little (if any) consensus in this thread, right? If everyone has a different opinion of what the top 3 classes are then guess what, the game is pretty well balanced.
Let’s not forget that you are supposed to die from time to time in a video game. If someone kills you, instead of complaining about the skill being nerfed, why don’t you just adapt? And maybe stop running into arrow cart fire.
I’m surprised by these lists…
Thieves #1? They don’t offer anything to the zerg (and that’s all WvW is these days). They make reasonably good scouts, but no better than Rangers (unless you honestly think a 100% stealth thief is scouting in stealth at a snails pace). Really outside of roaming the thief doesn’t do much of anything except take small camps or keep swords up on gates which the Ranger can do just as well.
Mesmers are downranked? I know confusion was nerfed and all, but do you find most mesmers running confusion builds outside of when they’re roaming and dueling? Most I run into are running full tank non-condition builds or shatter.
And Eles are somehow downranked when 99.9% of them ran staff in zergs? They still bring all the fields which zergs rely on.
I’d expect the list to look closer to this:
EngineerWarrior and Ranger value is kind of dependent if you put more value in AE stuns or Water field I suppose. Engineers are hard to kill and provide blasts but little else but they could swap with thief too.
Engis actually have great support skills as well as good cc when built properly they can provide amazing support for your melee
Os guild
1. Warrior
2. Necro
3. Ranger or Elementalist
1. Thief
2. Mesmer
3. Guardian
4. Ele
5. Necro
6. Warrior
7. Engi
8. Ranger
I do agree that guardians are powerful, especially with the staff/s/s combo build I’ve been trying since the patch, but I still don’t think we can go toe to toe with a lot of the classes without winning just by wearing them down. It really makes guardian less threatening, but in small group combat staff really shines right now.
Mesmers are nearly as dangerous as they were before because honestly confusion wasn’t killing many people anymore anyway, I hope at least.
I didn’t notice any difference fighting Ele’s.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
You guys do realize that all the Guardians are reading this thread in amusement, as they think,
“We are the best EVAAAHHH..
…… even the Devs can’t kills us.” meh
- Any profession that can man an arrow cart.
- ?
- ?
more like
1. any class who can man a superior AC
2. any class who can man a superior ballista
3. any class who can man a normal AC
Beated me to it
1: Superior AC with arrow cart mastery
2: Arrow cart mastery
3: Superior arrow cart
Joking aside
I like the new AC. I think the issue isn’t as big in lower tier. We only have 2 arrow cart defending a tower not up to 12 like on upper server. We will be complaining about Trebuchet and golem mastery very shorthly.
Ele nerf wasn’t that big lol
Os guild