Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
We are not planning on adding a new currency to handle Ascended items in WvW.
Bring on the purples with badges, thanks, I got 9k I didnt spend yet just waiting! 1k each would be a good price IMO.
Yeh I could live with 1k.
Although considering Legendary takes 500 badges.
500 for a lessor bit of kit would be nice.
And then when/if they add full ascended armour it can be 1kea
2500 badges would be extremely inappropriate.
I estimate you can get 250 per 8 hours, meaning that 2500 would be 80 hours of pure zergbusting.
10 fractals, on the other hand, is no more than 10 hours, max.
8 Hours Primetime maybe.
But I’m nightcrew commander for low tier NA server (night crews which are desperately needed to play) and I can only get about 150 during my entire shift.
150 Badges daily (and thats me commanding at head of zerg) is pretty bad if the cost was 2500.
Couple of weeks for a single item.
Should I ignore capping objective and let my servers score failtrain because I want to farm the other servers for badges?
Objective towers give 10badges maybe?
We are not planning on adding a new currency to handle Ascended items in WvW.
So we can use badge of honors. Any info when i can buy these items?
I love bacon too. And, we are hustling to make this a reality. Just remember to listen to George Michael. “You’ve gotta have faith.”
o thank you! hoping to see something in May or June
2500 badges would be extremely inappropriate.
I estimate you can get 250 per 8 hours, meaning that 2500 would be 80 hours of pure zergbusting.
10 fractals, on the other hand, is no more than 10 hours, max.
8 Hours Primetime maybe.
But I’m nightcrew commander for low tier NA server (night crews which are desperately needed to play) and I can only get about 150 during my entire shift.
150 Badges daily (and thats me commanding at head of zerg) is pretty bad if the cost was 2500.
Couple of weeks for a single item.
Should I ignore capping objective and let my servers score failtrain because I want to farm the other servers for badges?Objective towers give 10badges maybe?
That’s not that bad – a couple weeks for a single item. If you don’t do fractals, you’re looking at a month or more, for a single item.
We are not planning on adding a new currency to handle Ascended items in WvW.
So we can use badge of honors. Any info when i can buy these items?
So why has it taken so long? Its been months.
We are not planning on adding a new currency to handle Ascended items in WvW.
So we can use badge of honors. Any info when i can buy these items?
So why has it taken so long? Its been months.
I bet something stupid happened and the NPCs are in the game right now and its just that no one has noticed them, and he’s just trolling us til we figure it out.
(I can dream right?)
Be warned guys. People received perma bans in the past for buying stuff with currency other than gold. I’d suggest you submit an in-game ticket before buying from those merchants (if they exist). You never know……..
I figure they recently changed how many badges drop in wvw significantly and new items take time to generate and test for viability. There is likely a lot of balance going on behind the scenes for new WvW exclusive ascended items.
could be the start of ascended armor only found in WvW but who knows till then.
Gotta have faith guys
I’m hoping for 20 laurels + x number of wvw badges (~300-500). please?
Why would laurels be included exactly? This needs to be a WvW only way to get them. So badges+nothing or less badges+gold. unless you want to trade 30 badges for a laurel or something, I would be ok with that.
Why would laurels be included exactly? This needs to be a WvW only way to get them. So badges+nothing or less badges+gold. unless you want to trade 30 badges for a laurel or something, I would be ok with that.
Given that I can get 1 laurel a day in PvE, yet even I (a fairly poor WvW player) can get 60+ badges in an evening, I’d want the exchange to be more around 250 to 1 for badges to laurels.
Why would laurels be included exactly? This needs to be a WvW only way to get them. So badges+nothing or less badges+gold. unless you want to trade 30 badges for a laurel or something, I would be ok with that.
Given that I can get 1 laurel a day in PvE, yet even I (a fairly poor WvW player) can get 60+ badges in an evening, I’d want the exchange to be more around 250 to 1 for badges to laurels.
Fractals take 30 minutes for a decent group. 10 fractals = 5 hours, a week and a half, and 1 item, right?
So a week and a half of 3-4 hours a day in WvW would probably net you around 500 badges if you were an average player on a middle tier server. So I use this as means to say 1000 badges is a bit high, but acceptable. You on the other hand want 7500+ badges per item, which is effing ridiculous. How did you even come to that number?
You can complete laurels in wvw… everything is available. Except the dungeon or frac or area specific.
crafting, killing type, kill count, vet, champion, ambient, aquatic, forge, … need me to keep going?
… leveling, jp, sidekicked…
You can complete laurels in wvw… everything is available. Except the dungeon or frac or area specific.
crafting, killing type, kill count, vet, champion, ambient, aquatic, forge, … need me to keep going?
… leveling, jp, sidekicked…
Can you get 1 item every week and a half doing dailies like people who PVE and do fractals?
All we want is an equal playing field for PVP players and PVE players like Anet said they originally wanted, play the game how you want to play and still be able to get all the best gear at the same rate as everyone else and all that. Why are you against that idea?
Can you get 1 item every week and a half doing dailies like people who PVE and do fractals?
All we want is an equal playing field for PVP players and PVE players like Anet said they originally wanted, play the game how you want to play and still be able to get all the best gear at the same rate as everyone else and all that. Why are you against that idea?
Because hes a PvE’er in disguise and wants to continue to be superior to us WvW lot so he can scoff and eat lemon cake back in his forum section about how many shinies he has more than us plebs.
We should storm PvE castle a take all their loots.
Whos with me?
I figured this would have been priority. Thought this game was to be more siege focused than pve. Which don’t get me wrong they are doing well for the most part in both areas, but the same rewards should be available to all types of game play. Forcing others to play other parts of the game just to stay competitive in the opposite spectrum will end up hurting their player population.
Well you can do daily / monthly in wvw this leads to a means of getting ascended gear.
As it is, no Ascended items can be obtained without at least some WvW.
It’d be nice if the next Ascended slot released, helms or something, were WvW-exclusive. Either that or all Ascended gear is available in WvW. PvE shouldn’t hold priority over other game modes, especially to the point of not letting WvW have a reward exclusive to it (outside of standard Invader skins).
As it is, no Ascended items can be obtained without at least some WvW.
It’d be nice if the next Ascended slot released, helms or something, were WvW-exclusive. Either that or all Ascended gear is available in WvW. PvE shouldn’t hold priority over other game modes, especially to the point of not letting WvW have a reward exclusive to it (outside of standard Invader skins).
While I don’t disagree with you, I would not want any ascended item to be WvW exclusive unless it could only be used in WvW. That would force PvE player to join WvW to farm content rather then playing WvW. This possibly could be good for some servers but I think it would hurt quite a few as well.
I don’t see how/why this would take a lot of time to implement. Put in a new sales NPC with badge/gold requirements for ascended gear… aaannnddd done.
As it is, no Ascended items can be obtained without at least some WvW.
It’d be nice if the next Ascended slot released, helms or something, were WvW-exclusive. Either that or all Ascended gear is available in WvW. PvE shouldn’t hold priority over other game modes, especially to the point of not letting WvW have a reward exclusive to it (outside of standard Invader skins).
While I don’t disagree with you, I would not want any ascended item to be WvW exclusive unless it could only be used in WvW. That would force PvE player to join WvW to farm content rather then playing WvW. This possibly could be good for some servers but I think it would hurt quite a few as well.
I think he wants justice/revenge for being forced to do fractals to get specific ascended gear.
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
We are not planning on adding a new currency to handle Ascended items in WvW.
Well there goes my theory. Sadly this won’t be the last time I’ll be wrong about something, but I’m man enough to admit it!
Thanks for the clarification Devon and probably killing pages worth of speculation.
I think badges are fine. You are right in he short term, but say 6 months down the road we will all have an over flow of laurels in the same way as we now have an overflow of badges.
My expectation has been that each ‘play type’ is getting some ascended gear.
We have Fractals with backpacks/rings
Dailies provide Amulets/rings/accessories
Guild Missions provide accessories
I kinda figured WvW would provide say weapons, with them also being bought by laurels from dailies so those that do not want to do wvw have another option, just like us WvW folks can get the other stuff from dailies.
Then maybe have the ascended armor from dungeon token combinations, and of course laurels.
Random speculation of course.
I love bacon too. And, we are hustling to make this a reality. Just remember to listen to George Michael. “You’ve gotta have faith.”
I appreciate the response, but I’m confused as to what the roadblock is… I’m admittedly not a programmer or anything, but it can’t be too hard adding a new merchant to WvW spawns.
I imagine there is some opposition from the PvE team because of some notion that being able to get ascended stuff from WvW would be ‘too easy’ and thus devalue the PvE endgame content they’ve been pushing.
See: ‘welfare epics’.
I would expect that when they finally do some to WvW they will require an absurd amount of badges, some gold, and possibly some sort of new, rarer, badge as well. Oh, and you’ll only be able to buy the rings for at least 6 months. The earrings probably won’t get added until at least two more ascended pieces are released and the necklaces will remain under the province of the laurel system.
Edit: So, scrap the additional currency idea. But perhaps you would enlighten us as to what some of the obstacles blocking the path are Devon?
WvW players always get the shaft.
Maybe go one step further and make ascended weapons only in WvW
Make the PvErs WvW for 3 months just like WvWers had to PvE for jewelry.
We will see ascended gear when those who are only doing their dailies have met the minimum amount of time to get all their ascended gear.
Why do I say that? Many people have been saving their badges since the beginning, including myself. Day 1 when this gets released, they will have all of their ascended gear out of the gate. Many people will cry about doing all those fractals or dailies and how they had to invest time while the WvW crowd got them right away. Allowing all the daily/fractal people to put in their time and get their ascended gear holds the whining to a minimum at least.
I’m think either the next patch or the patch after that will be our ascended gear patch. It doesn’t take that much work to put in a vendor that sells ascended gear for currency. It’s already done they are just biding their time.
When it finally does get put in it will most likely be simultaneous with even newer ascended gear, like weapons, that are not available in WvW for months more themselves, so they can keep the time gated treadmills as the only way to be the farthest along.
My expectation has been that each ‘play type’ is getting some ascended gear.
This would be totally antithetical to much of their design philosophy from the beginning. Which is play the way you want, and still get equal rewards in any game mode, not being forced to do parts of the game you do not like in order to progress maximally.
Make all items available in all avenues, the only thing that needs to be balanced is the amount of effort to get them should be fairly even relative to each mode.
Maybe if JP gave only siege (and continue coins) and not badges or blue/greens it would end PVErs in the JP and make badges a proper currency for gear.
Anet we would like to have equal chances with pve. Like in pvp , we would like to be able to get all armors with badges , most weapon skins ,all trinkets and why not, something exclusive (armor – weapon skin).
Why WvW is so much down to the corner????
As much as I’d love to be able to obtain ascended items for my millions of badges, I also know that this isn’t something that was expected from Arenanet to put in the game for now. If you’ve done your daily every other day and all your monthlies you could spend a week doing fractals. Do 2 daily fractals every day, which should only take about 2 hours and you already have your rings and backpack.
I’ve spent a week doing my daily fractals and now I have a sniney backpack… never going in PvE, ever ever ever again!
The idea to make ascended armor or weapons only available in WvW would mean we’d have more queues but also more PvE-scrubs badge-training on enemy servers, which means more badges for an organised group
Maybe make a special sort of infusion once you introduced ascended to WvW: +1% Damage to enemy players, or even 0.5% as far as I’m concerned, it could only add up to 6% or 3% respectively and would only be a fake-gift to WvW players to make them feel better. Anyhow It would be something to spend my badges on!
^ You forced yourself through something you didn’t want to do for gear, that is why I left other games. A lot of people won’t do it anymore, even if its just for a week, 2 hours a day, or for a month. It’s a dangerous precedent to give in to, because what happens when they release an even longer PVE grind, that they try to make you go along with. You say you won’t ever go in PvE again, but you did this time. At some point you just say its enough and don’t do it.
Anet sold this game on variety of playstyles and not forcing you into stuff. Now it seems they are going back on their word. People need to make themselves heard and suggest what will keep them playing the game and supporting Anet. Not just bow their head and trudge through something if its not enjoyable to them. As that just creates bitterness eventually leading to going elsewhere.
(edited by Pendragon.8735)
Fractals take 30 minutes for a decent group. 10 fractals = 5 hours, a week and a half, and 1 item, right?
So a week and a half of 3-4 hours a day in WvW would probably net you around 500 badges if you were an average player on a middle tier server. So I use this as means to say 1000 badges is a bit high, but acceptable. You on the other hand want 7500+ badges per item, which is effing ridiculous. How did you even come to that number?
1 fractal may take 30 minutes but the group of 3 you have to do or 4 to maximise the rewards takes a lot longer. A very good group may speed run 3 fractals in 30 minutes but it would have to be a lot more than a decent group.
1 fractal may take 30 minutes but the group of 3 you have to do or 4 to maximise the rewards takes a lot longer. A very good group may speed run 3 fractals in 30 minutes but it would have to be a lot more than a decent group.
Double the time, then. Even the worst pug should be able to finish fractals in an hour. And it’s not a week and a half, because you can try again at level 20, or go with an alt (and have about one in three chance of having random ascended drop directly from a chest).
One hour of PvE and one hour of WvW should reward you the same amount. Stop treating WvW players less than PvE players.
ParaldaWind’s “sense of entitlement” crits for 500000.
My expectation has been that each ‘play type’ is getting some ascended gear.
This would be totally antithetical to much of their design philosophy from the beginning. Which is play the way you want, and still get equal rewards in any game mode, not being forced to do parts of the game you do not like in order to progress maximally.
Make all items available in all avenues, the only thing that needs to be balanced is the amount of effort to get them should be fairly even relative to each mode.
It is how it is set up now, they break down the play as you want barrier by having the fall back laurel currency. You never have to do fractals or guild missions, all you ever have to do is the daily/monthly. As long as everything they add has laurels as their currency it is still within their design philosophy.
Well you can do daily / monthly in wvw this leads to a means of getting ascended gear.
it’s been 4 months since laurels have been released, doesn’t take too much thinking to figure out that even if you did every daily and monthly since release you still don’t have enough for all jewelry, on the other hand you’ve had 6 months of being able to do it casually and i’m betting you have all that you need
I love bacon too. And, we are hustling to make this a reality. Just remember to listen to George Michael. “You’ve gotta have faith.”
Crap so I have to save badges instead of blowing them on armor for my alts?
Well you can do daily / monthly in wvw this leads to a means of getting ascended gear.
it’s been 4 months since laurels have been released, doesn’t take too much thinking to figure out that even if you did every daily and monthly since release you still don’t have enough for all jewelry, on the other hand you’ve had 6 months of being able to do it casually and i’m betting you have all that you need
Yeah I have 8 chars. Got a long way to go I guess I could have dropped the infusions, my bad!
you can complete your monthly and dailies in wvw to get laurels to buy accended items so i honestly dont see much difference excluding a once/day chance of getting something after lvl 10 fractals… so only thing i see anet being able to do is a once/day capture stonemist chest
Laurels as a way to buy WvW gear? No! No! No!. Horrible idea. It needs to be WvW only
The issue right now is there is a huge discrepancy between how long it takes to get gear:
Laurels: Depends on the item, but let’s say 20 days including the monthly
Fractals(Rings only): 10 days by doing level 10 or RNG beforehand
Guild Missions: (Accessories only) Once all missions are unlocked this will take 2 weeks for a total of maybe 6-8 hours.
It is how it is set up now, they break down the play as you want barrier by having the fall back laurel currency. You never have to do fractals or guild missions, all you ever have to do is the daily/monthly. As long as everything they add has laurels as their currency it is still within their design philosophy.
That would be fine if it didn’t take 30 or 40 days to get an item via dailies vs a week of running dungeons.
I love bacon too. And, we are hustling to make this a reality. Just remember to listen to George Michael. “You’ve gotta have faith.”
hmm George Michael, yes I am hearing him, though the song I’m hearing IS a little bit different from yours.. heh :P
On a more serious note..
I am looking forward to this, and do believe you guys will get it done.. now.. seeing we’ve had to wait so long, I wonder if it will somehow be “extra special” when it does happen??
Sort of like, we appreciate your semi-patience in this, so we got you a pressy! <3
“Hope is the dream of a waking man.” ~ Aristotle
I love bacon too. And, we are hustling to make this a reality. Just remember to listen to George Michael. “You’ve gotta have faith.”
o thank you! hoping to see something in May or June
on a serious note though, didn’t they say in november that we’d get ascendeds in wvw also cause it was a mistake putting them only in fractals? How can it possibly take 6 months to add a couple of (already existing) items to badge of honor traders?
I hope you realise that adding full ascended gear isn’t so simple as what your puny mind believes it to be. The accessories have already made all the dungeons easy mode along with all other PvE content, except maybe fractals but thats only because of the 2-shot agony mechanic.
A full set of ascended gear and weapons will mean ALL content has to be scaled up a little and maybe even hardmodes in dungeons to be added, so don’t be too much in a rush for a full set lest the game be easy mode for a large amount of time until they add more content.
LOL @ all you with the mindset from World of Warcrafts PvE vs PvP discussions.
You know why we haven’t seen any ascended gear in WvW yet? Because it’s a kittening drag to get in PvE and nobody would do Fractal anymore if we could get them in PvP. Why do you think the Fractal weapons skins have like a 0.001% probability to drop? Because it’s the only reason to go there once you have the rings that take less than two weeks to get, if you don’t RNG them earlier as a reward on daily chest.
Amulets and Earrings can already be earned from dailies inside WvW, guild activities are just that and cant be branded as “PvE”. Either do them or don’t.
Unlike WoW, PvE in GW2 is just a mindless grind (obnoxiously dull) to get the wanted gear for even more mindless WvW blobbing which is the considered end-game. TPvP is the equivalent to Arena in WoW, but in GW2 you can take a newly created character and be on the same level as someone who has played for months.
I am ok with not being able to get ascended via WvW as long as the gear can’t be used in WvW.
im against adding accended to badge venders i can get anywhere from 200-500 badges a day depending on how active i am
fractals yes you can get accended items from it but its not that impressive its a chance to get a ring and chances are if you get one its not the ring you need/want
if they made it so you could get a daily chest from say capturing stonemist keep that would even it out and pull servers together to try and take it
If they don’t make the conversion comparable to how long it takes to get laurels, all that’s going to happen is the daily farmers are going to farm WvW instead.
As it stands, you can get 1 piece of ascended every month, absolute best case. more likely, it’ll be a month and a bit for each one. To kit out a character with what’s available now, we’re looking at a minimum of 6 months of doing dailies. (180 laurels + 100 ecto).
We are not planning on adding a new currency to handle Ascended items in WvW.
So we can use badge of honors. Any info when i can buy these items?
Sweet. You guys rock. Please don’t go crazy on the badge price though. Some support professions don’t make that many badges. I think 2 or 3 stacks would be a fair price for 1 item. Given the ease of getting pink bits via fractals the same ease should apply in WvW. Please don’t have the +50 ecto prices like the laurel vendor.
Given WvW is in The Mists, it would make sense for vials of mist essences etc and ascended drops to occur in WvW also.
I love bacon too. And, we are hustling to make this a reality. Just remember to listen to George Michael. “You’ve gotta have faith.”
There’s a fine line between having faith and just going to another game that treats it’s PVP players with some respect. TBH the WvW updates have set the game back instead of moving it forwards. Firstly the change to orange swords encouraged the current zerg playstyle, then the wxp changes further re-inforced this. Now you need a significant amount of supply just to siege a tower or keep because of the AC changes.
So given Anet’s track record recently I can’t imagine the introduction of ascended items to WvW will be anything other than a complete pain in the butt to get.
Seriously how hard can it be to throw the average WvW player a bone and put a vendor in that charges say 500 badges per piece, don’t go adding + gold or such being as you make next to nothing in WvW these days if you buy siege and do an upgrade or two.
I love bacon too. And, we are hustling to make this a reality. Just remember to listen to George Michael. “You’ve gotta have faith.”
There’s a fine line between having faith and just going to another game that treats it’s PVP players with some respect. TBH the WvW updates have set the game back instead of moving it forwards. Firstly the change to orange swords encouraged the current zerg playstyle, then the wxp changes further re-inforced this. Now you need a significant amount of supply just to siege a tower or keep because of the AC changes.
So given Anet’s track record recently I can’t imagine the introduction of ascended items to WvW will be anything other than a complete pain in the butt to get.
Seriously how hard can it be to throw the average WvW player a bone and put a vendor in that charges say 500 badges per piece, don’t go adding + gold or such being as you make next to nothing in WvW these days if you buy siege and do an upgrade or two.
The problem here is that I could get a full set inside of two weeks in WvW, whereas doing the laurel stuff, I’m looking at 6 months. Not what I would call balanced.
EDIT: the bold is because I personally am not a particularly good WvW player, and I still get badges at a rate that would result in my kitting out all my alts in ascended gear inside of a month or two. As opposed to few years of doing dailies.
I also firmly believe that the badge conversion should be comparable to dailies, instead of the fractal return. To get badges, you do nothing you wouldn’t otherwise in WvWvW. To get dailies, you do nothing you wouldn’t otherwise be doing in PvE. Fractals is a grind, grind, grind deal, and very much going out of your way to get something.
TL:DR make the conversion of badges to ascended a number high enough to resemble the reward of 1 laurel a day, with a bonus 10 per month. If you want ascended at the speed of grinding fractals, go grind fractals.
(edited by stale.9785)
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