Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: BeloSan.1765


VS = old players + arbostone + canadians (nightcappers)

But i don’t care anymore since i’m sick of frenchies and fight outnumbered everytime 2 : 10.
Is a good thing we lose and back to fight against desolation and others in the 4-5-6 position. At least we will fight 1 : 1.
Play outnumbered all the day 24/7 is stupid and make no sence, expecially after nightcapping.

Sayonara and hope we will never see you again. Oh and tier 1 or tier 10 matter zero, you gain nothing and you lose nothing in wvw, pvp in this game is only to kill time and have fun.

Priceless !

Vizunah Square

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: MoonSpell.4512


VS = old players + arbostone + canadians (nightcappers)

But i don’t care anymore since i’m sick of frenchies and fight outnumbered everytime 2 : 10.
Is a good thing we lose and back to fight against desolation and others in the 4-5-6 position. At least we will fight 1 : 1.
Play outnumbered all the day 24/7 is stupid and make no sence, expecially after nightcapping.

Sayonara and hope we will never see you again. Oh and tier 1 or tier 10 matter zero, you gain nothing and you lose nothing in wvw, pvp in this game is only to kill time and have fun.

african canadiens plz !
and AS …. xD

just love this game, once when u reached N1 ( or u wasn’t there?), how you did it? by dominating the prime ? JUST LOL !!!

if ur server is geetting bored, or giving up…. now we hear about the fun in each Ts.

seriously now : what the point of ur post after all? tell us that u’r loosing cause u got ONLY outnumbered ? ok then gg for ur extremly good game play, and have fun with that.

~~ MoonSpell ~~ Guardien [FM][GC][VS]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358


VS = old players + arbostone + canadians (nightcappers)

But i don’t care anymore since i’m sick of frenchies and fight outnumbered everytime 2 : 10.
Is a good thing we lose and back to fight against desolation and others in the 4-5-6 position. At least we will fight 1 : 1.
Play outnumbered all the day 24/7 is stupid and make no sence, expecially after nightcapping.

Sayonara and hope we will never see you again. Oh and tier 1 or tier 10 matter zero, you gain nothing and you lose nothing in wvw, pvp in this game is only to kill time and have fun.

took 1 week….

Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: MoonSpell.4512


Moonspell, any chance you post a video with an even number fighting or even you being less?
Don’t take it as a flame, I liked your video but as far as I saw you were more than them in round 1 and 2 and round 3 you had defending sieges + you were more…
Hoping to see more of your videos since I love watching pvp videos

i posted that video just to show them the lack of communication they got, 3 raids getting whiped in 7 mins, and no one telling the others that we outnumber them there.

and must keep in mind the clipping, we can’t see them all

but yes i’ll post another later, hope just to find some time

~~ MoonSpell ~~ Guardien [FM][GC][VS]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


So much drama here.. I really liked the first week in T1 specially the last few days when VZ made a come back and we needed to actually work to keep up and win but this week (sure you can blame holidays) it’s plain boring since VZ just night caps everything till the morning wich makes it really boring to fight. During the day/evening the fights are really nice and it’s prette balanced (1 moment vz leads the next sfr). Now it just feels like different tiers again where 1 server leads and the other 2 just kitten about. Not sure if that’s fun for you guys but since wvw is 24/7 it’s totall valid.

I hope it’s true that this is just a holiday result if not I rather be in T2 or even in T3/T4 since having to actually fight and win/lose with a few k points is the most awesome thing imo.

See you on the field!

T1 has pretty much always been about 1 server dominating the other 2. Sometimes it’s 2 servers dominating 1, but usually 1>2.

And since that’s not going to change anytime soon, I could care less about T1. T2 is T1 for me. T1 is limbo.

proof of canadians on VS + high pop at night!
screenshot of our teamspeak server at 5 AM

To me it only shows a screenshot of a TS server… You might as well made a screenshot of a Dutch TS server and say “look, only dutch ppl on VS”. I also don’t see a timestamp anywhere…

Don’t get me wrong. I never said anything about VS having canadians nor do I really care, but if you’re going to post a screenshot to prove your point you should make a better one… one that actually has some more proof than just some french ppl and 2 Canadians on a random TS server with no timestamp.

That is if you actually want people to shut up about the canadian stuff… Which I also want, even if it’s true, who cares. It’s been like 4 months already. Why should anyone care about it at this point. We all know it’s not against the rules, so who cares if it’s true or not.


The last time i looked at matchups we were 0,4 Points in Front of you, now we are 20K and more.
And dont worry our Visit in t1 will be at least max 2 weeks, then we´ll give our Place to Arbor or deso, maybe it could be blacktide. We´ll see.

And its not a secret that we dont like pushed servers like BT,SFR and others.

Well I assume you have a decent amount of players in WvW right? BT has like 30-40 players total during the day. These 30-40 just hop between maps a little bit and during primetime we only have 1 map with a queue and 1 other with decent amount of players (no queue), all other maps are basically empty – maybe 2 players lol.

Nobody is playing atm. It’s just waiting for T2. It’s also due to holidays and a lot of people are on vacation.

I don’t care to go to T1, let Arborstone or Desolation go there lol.

I also think people are starting to quit GW2 because they realize it’s a yoyo-effect. VS is always in T1 and all other servers rise and fall hard, making place for other servers that rise and fall hard. It really wouldn’t surprise me if in 3-6 weeks SFR will be in the same position as BT is now and some other server will be where SFR is now and BT was before. Ofcourse the people on SFR now will be like “nehnehneh brag brag brag, we’re #1!!!! blabla” just like a lot of ppl on BT were doing as well. But when they see they’re losing power, some people will leave for another server and it happens all over again.

When you’re top position in T1, people can only leave, not join.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


Appears that next week will see another national server in T1, the Germans this time. I dont know if Vizunah has Canadians or not(never fought them) but I’m pretty sure the Germans dont have any overseas allies that speak the same language,.

The closest would be several Dutch and as a rule they dont team up that well with the Germans :-p

Should be interesting to see how that goes next week, hope to see less accusations of hacking/cheating though. Every server seems to have hackers, even the lower tier ones. Best to report and move on, hope that they will get banned.

Had loved to see Blacktide fight both Elona and Vizunah but that doesnt seem likely :-(
Dont know Seafarers all that well.

Good luck to all though! and Blacktide, once Xaoc and RG get back Im sure youll rise again!

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: smitske.4912


Our 24/7 zerg is legitimate, because it is composed of EU players only. Seriously, shame on SFR if you do not stay 1st all weeks.

Please stop trolling with this.. What is the distinction between a different time zone player and a nolife nightcapper (no offence here it’s only to make it clear) that plays the same time on a 24/7 server?
Is the jobless or nolifer player time much worth than the others or what?
If the nightcap is legit so is the different time coverage…if it Is not so let’s go on with all the other crap about u noskilldroids are only a 200zerg that steamroll everything and die as mobs where in same numbers etc etc

Because a person doesn’t replace six. Our hours of night not a substitute for a primetime even if we have good presence.
It is not a question of numbers, but a question of equity and fairplay relative to local timezone of EU ladder.

Could you stay in T1 on a single timezone ?
The answer is no, you have so nothing to do in T1 EU. Other legit server wait to move up.
It is you who are in wrong, does not give us the fault.

Who died and named you boss? Why are you the one to decide what “legit” is?

That’s my point of view on equity and fairplay, people are free to participate.

You are French so I will let it slide you don’t know the right words, you mean hypocrisy and it is only allowed if we win. VS is only T1 due to their extreme night capping, which is valid for sure, but don’t whine when U get capped at other times. With equal force VS often fails. Proving that one night you got your kitten beaten does not mean you aren’t the number 1 server at night capping, at present. And also the number one server which you guys obviously still are and also deserve for your very good covering.

u’r going to make me cry
i remember few nights/mornings, waking up at 5 am, to try to deff some of our points…. it was against BT with xaoc, being at bp with …. 10 players ( WOOOOWWW !!!) vs that zerg that passed d1, and turned around getting every single siege we got…. they kept turining around ( don’t know why, farming us as we try to rez once they move to another door, just having fun, afraid of our zerg coming by?) 30 mins, with all the /t " need help" 15 players after all….
we got havily night capped by every pushed server that passed by T1, but they give up soon, not cause we outnomber them, but cause they got bored…. PvD is fun for 2?3?4? weeks then? they’ll leave….
u don’t know what are you talking about by " vs night cap" t’ill u come with us, it’s an OP that we need to worke it up, to see who can stay up at night, who will wake up early morning, who will lead… and yes, here we try our best.

and yes, i already posted a video of our fight vs SFR, and i’ll post another ( later when i got home from work) to show you how we only zerg, and we’r no-skill-no-brain zerg!

have a nice day !

My reaction is not to make you cry its to say you should stop your pathetic crying. Be humble in defeat, be gracious in victory, don’t boast in victory and whine in defeat. Like I said you guys should really stop whining about being beaten at time you aren’t there because that is your own strategy, don’t whine if you get beaten at your own game. I should ask you guys if PvDooring is fun. I also haven’t said anything about no brain zergs, you see those everywhere.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: AshDown.4013


Am from VS. There is less than 2% Canadians. I have a lot of screenshot of myself playing at 4,5,6 am and just 3/4 players in fortified tower we could resists 15/20 players. We don’t need Canadians for now. Last week when we took back 25k in a night against SFR, i was there and it was a very hard night, but no Canadians. But we also have really amazing leaders. I have a lot of respect for all leaders in VS.

Moreover, the guild we mostly fight (and fear) against this weak : Prx. Where are they from ? Obviously, we can night cap them easily.

I swear we are playing with honor and we are working everyday to have a good organisation. The first things you should do if you wanna improve yourself : teach your PUG. They are useless. Ours aren’t cause we trust them and help them. We love every single of ours players in Vizu. There is no pug in VS. Only Vizunians. That’s why we keep motivation for a long time.

But anyway, GG BT your serv is amazing we had great fight and it was really fun. Hope you will come soon ! I have a lot of respect for everyone who can go in D1 it means your are amazing players (except RUINS).

With all my respect to each opponent.
Azaltir, speaking only for myself, FM in the GC alliance.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Filedroit.1265


That is if you actually want people to shut up about the canadian stuff… Which I also want, even if it’s true, who cares. It’s been like 4 months already. Why should anyone care about it at this point. We all know it’s not against the rules, so who cares if it’s true or not.

You do not get the difference between having Canadians or not having Canadians on a EU server, do you ?

I won’t explain it to you, cause it would be like saying you’re juste an i…t.

I am very pleased that Elona will be back in T1, where they belong. hope they will do what it takes to stay there this time.

I mean a german-french alliance would be nice for everyone. Canadians would be able to take a break.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Appears that next week will see another national server in T1, the Germans this time. I dont know if Vizunah has Canadians or not(never fought them) but I’m pretty sure the Germans dont have any overseas allies that speak the same language,.

The closest would be several Dutch and as a rule they dont team up that well with the Germans :-p

Should be interesting to see how that goes next week, hope to see less accusations of hacking/cheating though. Every server seems to have hackers, even the lower tier ones. Best to report and move on, hope that they will get banned.

Had loved to see Blacktide fight both Elona and Vizunah but that doesnt seem likely :-(
Dont know Seafarers all that well.

Good luck to all though! and Blacktide, once Xaoc and RG get back Im sure youll rise again!

It will be an honor to fight a legitimate server in T1 again, welcome back guys !

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: MoonSpell.4512


Am from VS. There is less than 2% Canadians. I have a lot of screenshot of myself playing at 4,5,6 am and just 3/4 players in fortified tower we could resists 15/20 players. We don’t need Canadians for now. Last week when we took back 25k in a night against SFR, i was there and it was a very hard night, but no Canadians. But we also have really amazing leaders. I have a lot of respect for all leaders in VS.

Moreover, the guild we mostly fight (and fear) against this weak : Prx. Where are they from ? Obviously, we can night cap them easily.

I swear we are playing with honor and we are working everyday to have a good organisation. The first things you should do if you wanna improve yourself : teach your PUG. They are useless. Ours aren’t cause we trust them and help them. We love every single of ours players in Vizu. There is no pug in VS. Only Vizunians. That’s why we keep motivation for a long time.

But anyway, GG BT your serv is amazing we had great fight and it was really fun. Hope you will come soon ! I have a lot of respect for everyone who can go in D1 it means your are amazing players (except RUINS).

With all my respect to each opponent.
Azaltir, speaking only for myself, FM in the GC alliance.

no azaltir, you don"t speak for yourself only !
but, badly they don’t (want?) to understand/listen to that

~~ MoonSpell ~~ Guardien [FM][GC][VS]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Meryt.9823


T1 has pretty much always been about 1 server dominating the other 2. Sometimes it’s 2 servers dominating 1, but usually 1>2.

Doesn’t this give at least a hint of what the 2 should have been doing over Xmas?

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Jomg.9061


Several things make Vs N°1, canadian is not one of them.

-Vs population is young, 15-25, lot’s of student, so when come vacation time, they got numbers, and they can afford to not sleep. Even without vacation they already got high number because of this.
-They manage in the past month to get their pug extremely organize and therefore they’re motivated.
-On top of that, they got nolifer commanders who play for 12-16h straight
-French are just better at McM than other country, that’s true since Daoc, both Vs and As have demonstrate that.

Pervx [DEX]

(edited by Jomg.9061)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358



VS TS3 server is public. you can check by yourself . Many SFR/BT/AS players already visited it. I will not post the ip here for obvious reasons. if you want it you will get it .

Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

(edited by tita.6358)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


That is if you actually want people to shut up about the canadian stuff… Which I also want, even if it’s true, who cares. It’s been like 4 months already. Why should anyone care about it at this point. We all know it’s not against the rules, so who cares if it’s true or not.

You do not get the difference between having Canadians or not having Canadians on a EU server, do you ?

I won’t explain it to you, cause it would be like saying you’re juste an i…t.

I am very pleased that Elona will be back in T1, where they belong. hope they will do what it takes to stay there this time.

I mean a german-french alliance would be nice for everyone. Canadians would be able to take a break.

Why would it matter if there were non-EU players on EU servers? I know enough people that live in Europe and play on NA servers. I don’t see anyone here cry about that.

Why would you discriminate people based on where they live and want to play? Maybe you don’t like to play with people from all over the world and just want to play with the people in your own little bubble, but that doesn’t mean everyone should be forced to do the same thing.

If I want to play on an NA server and ANET hasn’t put in any restrictions for that then I should be able to do so. If there was a Japanese server in Gw2 and I would want to play with Japanese people, why would YOUR opinion of Japan stop ME from playing with them.

It’s like forcing french players to play only on french servers and Germans to play on German servers.

If you can’t understand where I’m coming from then you’re the i…t

T1 has pretty much always been about 1 server dominating the other 2. Sometimes it’s 2 servers dominating 1, but usually 1>2.

Doesn’t this give at least a hint of what the 2 should have been doing over Xmas?

Xmas has nothing to do with it. It has been like this almost since the start of the game.

There have been more unbalanced games in T1 than balanced ones

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

(edited by Centrix.4065)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


-Vs population is young, 15-25, lot’s of student

I saw that you’re on AS, and i’m not fully agree, we have lot’s of student but the average age on teamspeak is about 25 or even 30 years old.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: PRXKV.1296


Congrats to VZ on the win. Im saddened that BT is moving down, we get excited when Redguard is around.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


Blacktide, our Nightcrew isnt as big as you think.
We´re less then the first Time we reached T1.
There a no Queues on all Borderlands till 20,21:00 and even then only 5 Minutes except Eternal Battlegrounds.

Centrix, Timezones.
These make a huge different.

@Miporin, are you kidding me? Last time we played against in T2, Elona,Riverside,Blacktide you were as much as our two Servers together because of Xaoc, RG and others.

So pls dont complain about lag zergs..

@AshDown – PRX is a Guild from NA, Sea of Sorrows

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Is this a Coincidance? Nope. AS transfered to Vizu. Stop hiding in lies.

Nice show, really funny ! But all french speaking community know two things :

- The most important thing for AS in the world is ……….. beat VS
- The most important thing for VS in the world is ………… beat AS

Some people in each side have hate from 10 years ago …

If one day AS and VS players merge in the same server, then war is over for you.

Well I would almost believe you, but AS and Vizu allied against BT, the last week AS was in tire 1. They did not so for the course of the week. But the last 3 hours Vizunah Square 100% dedicated themself to kill Blacktide, and they went side by side with AS zergs, not killing each other, to our keep to destroy it.

If you guys hate each other so much, this sort of alliance (temporary as it may have been) is not possible.

And to those that say, state only facts, this is one. VS, AS, BT know this happened the last 3 hours of the VS-BT-AS battle.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Why would it matter if there were non-EU players on EU servers?

For obvious reasons of equity and fairplay in WvW.
We are on EU ladder, it’s not multi-timezone like US ladder. That’s why this timezone problem does not exist their homes but here.
A person who joined friends is acceptable, but an massive migration that has the sole purpose of crushing easily the T1 is not.

(edited by Qwixx.5923)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Is this a Coincidance? Nope. AS transfered to Vizu. Stop hiding in lies.

Nice show, really funny ! But all french speaking community know two things :

- The most important thing for AS in the world is ……….. beat VS
- The most important thing for VS in the world is ………… beat AS

Some people in each side have hate from 10 years ago …

If one day AS and VS players merge in the same server, then war is over for you.

Well I would almost believe you, but AS and Vizu allied against BT, the last week AS was in tire 1. They did not so for the course of the week. But the last 3 hours Vizunah Square 100% dedicated themself to kill Blacktide, and they went side by side with AS zergs, not killing each other, to our keep to destroy it.

If you guys hate each other so much, this sort of alliance (temporary as it may have been) is not possible.

And to those that say, state only facts, this is one. VS, AS, BT know this happened the last 3 hours of the VS-BT-AS battle.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


Why would it matter if there were non-EU players on EU servers?

For obvious reasons of equity and fairplay in WvW.
We are on EU ladder, it’s not multi-timezone like US ladder. That’s why this timezone problem does not exist their homes but here.
A person who joined friends is acceptable, but an massive migration that has the sole purpose of crushing easily the T1 is not.

I understand, but if people didn’t pay attention to the regions (or if there wasn’t any NA/EU server distinction) then more EU guilds would be playing on NA servers and more NA guilds would play on EU servers. So it would probably balance out better.

- So no:
[EU] Blacktide
[EU] Seafarer’s Rest
[NA] Sea of Sorrows
[NA] Sanctum or Rall

- But instead, just:
Seafarer’s Rest
Sea of Sorrows
Sanctum or Rall

But I guess it’s just the way it is… Can’t do much about it now.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

(edited by Centrix.4065)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Why would it matter if there were non-EU players on EU servers?

For obvious reasons of equity and fairplay in WvW.
We are on EU ladder, it’s not multi-timezone like US ladder. That’s why this timezone problem does not exist their homes but here.
A person who joined friends is acceptable, but an massive migration that has the sole purpose of crushing easily the T1 is not.

I understand, but if people didn’t pay attention to the regions (or if there wasn’t any NA/EU server distinction) then more EU guilds would be playing on NA servers and more NA guilds would play on EU servers. So it would probably balance out better.

- So no:
[EU] Blacktide
[EU] Seafarer’s Rest
[NA] Sea of Sorrows
[NA] Sanctum or Rall

- But instead, just:
Seafarer’s Rest
Sea of Sorrows
Sanctum or Rall

But I guess it’s just the way it is… Can’t do much about it now.

If there was a international ladder, but this is not the case.
There is a US for NA players and EU for EU players, we must respect that for fair competition.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperdermix.2640


Right now if you take a look at matchups you can see that “1-country” servers dominate, they got a huge advantage in communication. EU servers just take turns in Tier 1 because ppl seem to join the server that’s doing best.
Anyways, quite impressive that Vizunah Square has been all the time in Tier 1. I wish Far Shiverpeaks gets back to T1 one day ^^.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Red Guard, play against us when we have holidays and the same amount of players.

What are you talking about? Do you want us to cancel our holiday celebrations so we can log on to fight you (without even knowing who you are)?

I am sure a fight could be arranged if you are so eager to have one.

I don’t quite understand how you say you have “same amount of players” now because of the holidays when all we run are guild groups with 20-25 people the majority of the time.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

(edited by Intigo.1653)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Filedroit.1265


That is if you actually want people to shut up about the canadian stuff… Which I also want, even if it’s true, who cares. It’s been like 4 months already. Why should anyone care about it at this point. We all know it’s not against the rules, so who cares if it’s true or not.

You do not get the difference between having Canadians or not having Canadians on a EU server, do you ?

I won’t explain it to you, cause it would be like saying you’re juste an i…t.

I am very pleased that Elona will be back in T1, where they belong. hope they will do what it takes to stay there this time.

I mean a german-french alliance would be nice for everyone. Canadians would be able to take a break.

Why would it matter if there were non-EU players on EU servers? I know enough people that live in Europe and play on NA servers. I don’t see anyone here cry about that.

Why would you discriminate people based on where they live and want to play? Maybe you don’t like to play with people from all over the world and just want to play with the people in your own little bubble, but that doesn’t mean everyone should be forced to do the same thing.

If I want to play on an NA server and ANET hasn’t put in any restrictions for that then I should be able to do so. If there was a Japanese server in Gw2 and I would want to play with Japanese people, why would YOUR opinion of Japan stop ME from playing with them.

It’s like forcing french players to play only on french servers and Germans to play on German servers.

If you can’t understand where I’m coming from then you’re the i…t

You didn’t get it.
I don’t discriminate anyone. Try to pay attention, and not imagine thing i have never said.
I was wondering if you understand the difference between having people from NA, or other timezones, and not having those people.

As far as i know Vizunah square is a “regional” server with no NA notable presence.

When YOU ask who cares or if it matters about those Canadians, YOU should realize that you are insulting those guys, those who are playing nights and days, day after day, night after night, because they are nokitten#8230;Canadians. I wish there were (would be…?)

If we speak only about game, or E-sport, i would say that i’m amazed about what they do, about their dedication, even if I do not understand how they manage to play that much…This is beyond my comprehension, but that’s not the point here, it would be too long and too complexe to speak about who plays video games in each country and why…

Try to show some respect for their effectiveness. And…If you do not…you are just a bad looser, trying to find an excuse…Making a fool of you in front of everyone else.

That’s too bad.

Otherwise, one more time, i am very pleased with the Elona’s comeback. 8-)

(edited by Filedroit.1265)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GrandMechantLoup.8201


Is this a Coincidance? Nope. AS transfered to Vizu. Stop hiding in lies.

Nice show, really funny ! But all french speaking community know two things :

- The most important thing for AS in the world is ……….. beat VS
- The most important thing for VS in the world is ………… beat AS

Some people in each side have hate from 10 years ago …

If one day AS and VS players merge in the same server, then war is over for you.

Well I would almost believe you, but AS and Vizu allied against BT, the last week AS was in tire 1. They did not so for the course of the week. But the last 3 hours Vizunah Square 100% dedicated themself to kill Blacktide, and they went side by side with AS zergs, not killing each other, to our keep to destroy it.

If you guys hate each other so much, this sort of alliance (temporary as it may have been) is not possible.

And to those that say, state only facts, this is one. VS, AS, BT know this happened the last 3 hours of the VS-BT-AS battle.

Perfect example … our version :

Only ONE VS commander wanted to ally with AS during 3 hours … and … he failed because many other didn’t want and prefered focus AS and helped BT.

The proof : hundred drama pages here where AS commander complain to be backstab another time by VS.

T1 fight with AS is the most difficult for VS because our people take more attention to drama and forget strategy and rational victorious choise.

That is the reason why VS is better when AS isn’t in T1.

@ Centrix

Yes you are right but it’s still annoying to see nonsense about yourself. BT was been accused to have oversea players and we haven’t believed that because we know who are our opponent. That’s why, You are considered by us as the most powerful server have been in T1 since the game release because we know that you are mostly EU and Russians. You know how much sacrifice and dedication T1 cost when you don’t have oversea people.

( sorry for my bad english )

jade sea, EU

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


Nice try but no we still haven’t Canadians on VS. Maybe one day your dream will be true but not for now.
Is it so embarassing to be beaten by french (and Belgium and Swiss) people that you have to find some sort of excuses and make up some storys about Canadians ?

Well.. This screenshot was taken 04:08 gmt+1 this night/morning.
Maybe not canadians. But you sure got a lot of players and get a lot of points during the night.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


Wait… WHAT?! How am I insulting Canadians if I say that I don’t care if they play on VS or not…?

1) If they do play on VS, I am simply saying that it’s fine by me and that they are welcome in the EU ladder.
2) If they are not on VS, then it’s fine as well.

Please explain how this is insulting?

You telling me that I’m insulting them kinda gives the impression that they ARE in fact on VS… But like I said, I don’t care if they are or not. To me players are players, it doesn’t matter to me where they live. It’s just a country. It’s just ground. We live on the same planet.

I’m in a Russian guild, but I’m not Russian. And just like I explained above “I don’t care that they are Russian”. Am I insulting them as well? If you think I am, then I am worried about the way you think about people that don’t live in the same country as you.

@ Centrix

Yes you are right but it’s still annoying to see nonsense about yourself. BT was been accused to have oversea players and we haven’t believed that because we know who are our opponent. That’s why, You are considered by us as the most powerful server have been in T1 since the game release because we know that you are mostly EU and Russians. You know how much sacrifice and dedication T1 cost when you don’t have oversea people.

VS currently is the only server I would be proud of beating, if we ever got to fight you again with full force :P. You guys work hard, with or without Canadians. I still can’t imagine how much free time your players seem to have. It’s insane.

When I was on Far Shiverpeaks I have to admit I kinda hated your guts, but now I have come to respect VS, even though there are still some things that bug me about some of your players. But hey, that’s with every server right?

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

(edited by Centrix.4065)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Filedroit.1265


@Centrix. My goodness ! you don’t get it at all…This is peculiar. Quite very odd.

You do not insult any Canadian , cause there are not( as a group, or an organized structure). But you are insulting the Vizunah player, DEPRECIATING what those player do by playing at night( and day) while players from another timezone ( playing at the same time) plays during their day or their primetime on a EU server. Do you get it ? This is the difference. The nigth crew is working at night, quite simple to understand, don’t you think ?
The question is : Do You depreciate their achievement in purpose ?

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: MoonSpell.4512


some of the fights of the 26/12

just hope to see the RG once again in t1 ! it was so fun playing against you, and learning from you as well…

~~ MoonSpell ~~ Guardien [FM][GC][VS]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Talel.2879


SFR player here; okay so maybe Vizunah does extremely well during night time (maybe they do got Canadians maybe they don’t), they still beat both servers during our ‘primetime’. I have nothing but respect for VS, last week SFR was like 40-50k point in front of VS and they managed to even the scores, they even got in front (even though we won in the end). This week VS was clearly the better one, people from SFR and BT should stop complaining and just play the game because it won’t solve ANYTHING…

Talel – Warrior – Gatekeepers of Desolation [GoD]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


Good two matches guys looks like we will get a new match and thread this next week.

BT its been fun best of luck in Tier 2 next week.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


You bored Viz? Nothing else to do but to try to kill a morphed Dolyak/Moose/Ram at north camp on BT BL? =D
Welcome to T1.

Red Guard

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Jackie.1829


If there was a international ladder, but this is not the case.
There is a US for NA players and EU for EU players, we must respect that for fair competition.

What fair competition? What is fair about one server having a night force while the other doesnt.

What does it matter if the night force of one server is EU while the night force of another server is NA, all that matters is that they are on at the same hours fighting over an objective no?

Or is it because some french players for unknown reasons are able to play at 4am etc that other servers must now force their population to wake up at obscure hours to compete.

You talk about “fairness” but you forget that this is WvW. Nothing about it was ever meant to be “fair”. There is nothing fair about one server having double the population of another server during a given hour, which is exactly what Vizunah has been doing since game launch.

So, no use talking about fairness in WvW, it doesnt exist. Nobody has ever really won anything because of skill, just numbers.

GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Nobody has ever really won anything because of skill, just numbers.

I beg to differ. I witnessed lots of battles, in which a group of smaller numbers won over an overwhelming number of enemies by using clever tactics.
And for the trolls: No, I do not mean us/my guild excusively. There were many instances in which enemy servers groups used skill to win/hold objectives against bigger numbers.

Red Guard

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


What does it matter if the night force of one server is EU while the night force of another server is NA, all that matters is that they are on at the same hours fighting over an objective no?

Wow, of course not… this is not a international ladder… but EUROPEAN LADDER on a ranked game. To believe that you are blind on SFR.
In the case of a world cup occurring in EU, what would NA teams thinking if they were to go in EU the same day of the match, undergoing the jet lag ?

What you do not understand is that before these migrations, primetimes had took place simultaneously on all servers, the night on one was also in the others, it was fair. Now our night team are for the most part a day team, they tire to play longer to counter your multi primetimes…
And do not forget that is holidays here, do not rely at this week.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Khimael.4932


some of the fights of the 26/12
just hope to see the RG once again in t1 ! it was so fun playing against you, and learning from you as well…

Wish I was there
Well, GG to you all (except the whiners :-p) !!!

Khimael ~ Fëar Morniëo ~ Vizunah Square

(edited by Khimael.4932)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


@Centrix. My goodness ! you don’t get it at all…This is peculiar. Quite very odd.

You do not insult any Canadian , cause there are not( as a group, or an organized structure). But you are insulting the Vizunah player, DEPRECIATING what those player do by playing at night( and day) while players from another timezone ( playing at the same time) plays during their day or their primetime on a EU server. Do you get it ? This is the difference. The nigth crew is working at night, quite simple to understand, don’t you think ?
The question is : Do You depreciate their achievement in purpose ?

No, I don’t think you get it lol…

I don’t depreciate VS players, because I don’t believe there are organized Canadian groups on VS. Did you not read the 2nd part of my post?

VS currently is the only server I would be proud of beating, if we ever got to fight you again with full force :P. You guys work hard, with or without Canadians. I still can’t imagine how much free time your players seem to have. It’s insane.

Can’t you see that this is a compliment?

Let me try to clarify one more time. I will not believe any claim by non-VS players of there being organized Canadians on VS until concrete evidence is presented. Just like how I will not believe any claims about bigfoot until there is evidence. (yes I really had to resort to a childish example to try to make sense to you…. jesus)

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

(edited by Centrix.4065)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


we can do an agreement if you french don’t want to fight US guild or you are tired to wake up at 4am.

we freeze www at 2am, and we start again at 2pm. maybe in that 12 hours we fight only for camps or we fight only in EB.

is ok? think that is fair.
we can let every servers take the whole homeland or we just freeze the situation at 2am.

sUk Clan

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Zaid.1902


some of the fights of the 26/12

just hope to see the RG once again in t1 ! it was so fun playing against you, and learning from you as well…

Find it funny How you make a vid of killing the same nubs over and over and over again?
And to be fair dint see any good guilds in the vid either just randoms following a commander?

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Nobody has ever really won anything because of skill, just numbers.

I beg to differ. I witnessed lots of battles, in which a group of smaller numbers won over an overwhelming number of enemies by using clever tactics.
And for the trolls: No, I do not mean us/my guild excusively. There were many instances in which enemy servers groups used skill to win/hold objectives against bigger numbers.

Holding some objective isn’t winning, wiping enemy zerg isn’t winning. Winning means that you win whole kitten.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Xuro.5861


When the FS server was in tier 1 I used to play against VS and hated it. After not playing WvW ever since we are matching them as SFR (transfered here when it was still tier 5) I decided to give it a try and I was within an hour remembered why I left any WvW match against VS in the first place.

The only time they will fight me outside the zerg is:

a) They outnumber me three to one.
b) They run a bunker build.
c) They have NPC’s to back them up.

In every tier I had epic 1vs1 fights several times a day but I have never seen one with a VS player. Whenever I’m winning one of two things happens;

1) They alt + f4 (even after the recent changes).
2) They run and come back with more.

I have never encountered such a cowardness except from them and it’s the reason I dropped from WvW in tier 1 on FS and I will do so again when SFR ends up another two weeks in tier 1.

Any other tier provides epic battles in WvW at times, but tier 1 against VS is just a sad state of “PvP.”

You can call me a hater or whatever you want, but that’s how I see it and seeing our WvW population changes, I am not alone on this matter. I hope we drop back to tier 2 soon.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Filedroit.1265


@Centrix. My goodness ! you don’t get it at all…This is peculiar. Quite very odd.

You do not insult any Canadian , cause there are not( as a group, or an organized structure). But you are insulting the Vizunah player, DEPRECIATING what those player do by playing at night( and day) while players from another timezone ( playing at the same time) plays during their day or their primetime on a EU server. Do you get it ? This is the difference. The nigth crew is working at night, quite simple to understand, don’t you think ?
The question is : Do You depreciate their achievement in purpose ?

No, I don’t think you get it lol…

I don’t depreciate VS players, because I don’t believe there are organized Canadian groups on VS. Did you not read the 2nd part of my post?

VS currently is the only server I would be proud of beating, if we ever got to fight you again with full force :P. You guys work hard, with or without Canadians. I still can’t imagine how much free time your players seem to have. It’s insane.

Can’t you see that this is a compliment?

Let me try to clarify one more time. I will not believe any claim by non-VS players of there being organized Canadians on VS until concrete evidence is presented. Just like how I will not believe any claims about bigfoot until there is evidence. (yes I really had to resort to a childish example to try to make sense to you…. jesus)

I would see that as a TRUE compliment if you wouldn’t have said that :

That is if you actually want people to shut up about the canadian stuff… Which I also want, even if it’s true, who cares. It’s been like 4 months already. Why should anyone care about it at this point. We all know it’s not against the rules, so who cares if it’s true or not.

If you speak the truth you don’t talk about Canadians. Who cares you said…? Who cares ? I am sure the lonely guy in the wood who has been called Bigfoot cares !
Either way, when you do so, you depreciate the work done by guys at night who work during the day. As you said, it’s insane…Maybe it was just a wrong way to make a compliment, but it was the same than saying i play for fun, i do not play for the ladder, i do not hide behind walls, in a tower, or in a laggy zerg…They have a bunker build, they outnumber me, they have have NPC’s to back them up ( so funny just above) and all that kind of crap. Excuses in order to depreciate your opponent.
Anyway…Good game, and welcome back to Elona. Hope you guys are going to rock !

(edited by Filedroit.1265)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


The word “insane” was used in a complimentary way, just like how “wow, that’s sick” doesn’t mean that whatever you’re talking about is actually sick/ill/diseased. I was simply saying it was incredible. It’s people like you who make me want to take the compliments back and who let other people depreciate VS’s work. You might not even realize that.

I’m not even going to try to explain it anymore. Either you’re kittening with me on purpose or there’s a serious language-barrier here that doesn’t allow us to understand each other.

And like the Chase & Status song goes “It’s no problem for me, but it’s a problem for you”


- edit

And yeah, there are a lot of nutcases out there who just blame others for whatever, but if you’re going to criticize everyone, even the ones that give you compliments or tell the whiners to stop whining then you deserve this treatment

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

(edited by Centrix.4065)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


Clearly some misunderstanding there.

Good luck to BT to get it’s forces back.
And good luck to GF/Nug. It seems we always fought you for T1 whether you were on Fsp or BT so I guess you’ll be back soon.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


The fights were fun while it lasted =)

Maybe we’ll see you back in T1, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon :P

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Half of my guild transfered to other server already, so guess i’m in the same boat (no it isnt a ‘go to winning server’ change, but for completely other reasons). They are fighting Elona Reach now.

I can tell you one thing vizunah square. Playtime is over. The German Copy of Vizunah hardcore madness is there. They fight like vizu, flee like vizu, zerg like vizu, hack gates like vizu, deploy zergs only on other zerg after they entered a building rather then doing it at first rate, they build tons of siege, they use trebs as easy ‘way in’, they have 3x 80 zergs in EB, they have strong nightcapping, …

Perfect copy of vizu, perfect enemy for vizu. No more easy wins, because of numbers I’m glad i’m out of this t1 ‘not fun’-gameplay. Lets hope Elona/Vizu battle forever, so all other servers can have ‘real fun’.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GrandMechantLoup.8201


Half of my guild transfered to other server already, so guess i’m in the same boat (no it isnt a ‘go to winning server’ change, but for completely other reasons). They are fighting Elona Reach now.

I can tell you one thing vizunah square. Playtime is over. The German Copy of Vizunah hardcore madness is there. They fight like vizu, flee like vizu, zerg like vizu, hack gates like vizu, deploy zergs only on other zerg after they entered a building rather then doing it at first rate, they build tons of siege, they use trebs as easy ‘way in’, they have 3x 80 zergs in EB, they have strong nightcapping, …

Perfect copy of vizu, perfect enemy for vizu. No more easy wins, because of numbers I’m glad i’m out of this t1 ‘not fun’-gameplay. Lets hope Elona/Vizu battle forever, so all other servers can have ‘real fun’.

Ho ! you are new ! We have already fought against Elona. : f
They were the first opponent won week matchup against us ( FS won first daily matchup before )

And we are excited because this time we are in vacation too. ; D

jade sea, EU

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Nobody has ever really won anything because of skill, just numbers.

I beg to differ. I witnessed lots of battles, in which a group of smaller numbers won over an overwhelming number of enemies by using clever tactics.
And for the trolls: No, I do not mean us/my guild excusively. There were many instances in which enemy servers groups used skill to win/hold objectives against bigger numbers.

Holding some objective isn’t winning, wiping enemy zerg isn’t winning. Winning means that you win whole kitten.

I was replying to what I considered to be a general statement. Read the last few paragraphs of his post again… I thought he was talking generally.

And in respect to winning as you describe it… in my opinion there is no winning in this WvW then. ‘Winning’ a WvW cycle by points, i.e. having the most points on the moment of reset, means nothing because you get nothing from/for it (except some get a warm and fuzzy feeling in their heart).
In my opinion, there is no ‘whole kitten’ to win, or even ‘half a kitten’ for that matter. However, holding objectives until the enemy gives up (especially against bigger numbers by the means of clever tactic/good strategy/good organisation (i.e. skill), to come back to the topic of the post that I replied to originally), wiping enemy zergs (especially against bigger numbers… see above) until they don’t come back to get wiped I consider wins.
Some could argue even holding objectives isn’t winning, because if you/your zerg/your guild logs off, another different group of enemies appear and take the objective in seconds; so what was won there… and who won (considering the enemy could log and a group of your server could claim the objective again)?
So all that is win in the end per my definition, is the direct confrontation against even/or bigger numbers and the victory in that particular moment (until the enemy doesn’t return for more spanking).

Red Guard