Bloodlust [merged]

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Why not just make it so that the outnumbering server can’t claim the bloodlust buff? Its bad enough when they have 3 times or more people than you do. Do they really need the extra stats? If your opponent has outmanned buff, you can’t claim bloodlust. Simple solution that gives the lesser servers a fighting chance.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Arigilos.2806


well to be completely honest your not getting replies from the devs because that would encourage your rash behavior.

1. the gvg community needs to go anyhow the sooner the better

2. it wont have much effect at all if the guild was worth anything to begin with

3. no the buff has not been around long enough to demonize it yet. sorry you and your pals gunna have to wait till there is actual data

4. wvw was never about balance its about tactics on a large scale and structure capturing your open field fights and gvg where a kittened squirrel frog offspring of it

in conclusion i think its about time this pretend wvw community that’s complaining about this just stops. your like 1/100th of the wvw community and just because you 30 or so people spam forums with the same posts over and over doesn’t mean you have tons of folks backing you. even if you did this is what we all signed up for it was fairly obvious from beta that it was a siege using fort capping kinda game play and if you don’t like it sorry but to bad

Yeah I know don’t you just hate that GvG community that only makes up all of the guilds dedicated to WvW and have an effect on the score. If only they would find a different game to GvG in. A game focused on guild battles. Some game with a title that sort of describes GvGs. But besides that, I mostly agree with you on 3 and 4. The reason I dislike your post is because you don’t believe in improving something that already exists. Ex: GvGing in WvW. Ex: Updates to content to make it better (the buff). Why would you ruin something in the game that people find fun when you don’t need to? The key word was game, something meant to be fun. I can somewhat understand why you think what you do though if you come from one of the lower tier servers where GvGs aren’t as frequent and guild groups don’t participate in WvW activities, but your sour attitude towards it isn’t needed (which is a bit hypocritical coming from me).

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kaamau.5341


well to be completely honest your not getting replies from the devs because that would encourage your rash behavior.

1. the gvg community needs to go anyhow the sooner the better

2. it wont have much effect at all if the guild was worth anything to begin with

3. no the buff has not been around long enough to demonize it yet. sorry you and your pals gunna have to wait till there is actual data

4. wvw was never about balance its about tactics on a large scale and structure capturing your open field fights and gvg where a kittened squirrel frog offspring of it

in conclusion i think its about time this pretend wvw community that’s complaining about this just stops. your like 1/100th of the wvw community and just because you 30 or so people spam forums with the same posts over and over doesn’t mean you have tons of folks backing you. even if you did this is what we all signed up for it was fairly obvious from beta that it was a siege using fort capping kinda game play and if you don’t like it sorry but to bad

WvW is what you make of it, any portion of any activity that takes place in there is as valid as any other, open field combat on a larger scale will always take place in this game mode. This is simply because large groups of people are moving from location to location to siege and defend. These groups are bound to run into each other and attack each other. What GvG did is larger scale open field combat, but rather in a controlled environment. So it is part of WvW because it exactly replicates something that will happen and will happen often. sure its more controlled and more fair then these battles normally are. But what is wrong with players going out of their way to create something where they can test them selves and give themselves a greater challenge? Isn’t what the majority of players play this game for? a challenge?

And finally. You should have more respect for guilds in this community. The put in hours and hours of time into WvW NOT doing GvG and probably putting in more time that your self. So to put them down in a such a way just shows you lack respect for those who put in their time FOR your server.

Fort Aspenwood

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


well to be completely honest your not getting replies from the devs because that would encourage your rash behavior.

1. the gvg community needs to go anyhow the sooner the better

2. it wont have much effect at all if the guild was worth anything to begin with

3. no the buff has not been around long enough to demonize it yet. sorry you and your pals gunna have to wait till there is actual data

4. wvw was never about balance its about tactics on a large scale and structure capturing your open field fights and gvg where a kittened squirrel frog offspring of it

in conclusion i think its about time this pretend wvw community that’s complaining about this just stops. your like 1/100th of the wvw community and just because you 30 or so people spam forums with the same posts over and over doesn’t mean you have tons of folks backing you. even if you did this is what we all signed up for it was fairly obvious from beta that it was a siege using fort capping kinda game play and if you don’t like it sorry but to bad

Yeah I know don’t you just hate that GvG community that only makes up all of the guilds dedicated to WvW and have an effect on the score. If only they would find a different game to GvG in. A game focused on guild battles. Some game with a title that sort of describes GvGs. But besides that, I mostly agree with you on 3 and 4. The reason I dislike your post is because you don’t believe in improving something that already exists. Ex: GvGing in WvW. Ex: Updates to content to make it better (the buff). Why would you ruin something in the game that people find fun when you don’t need to? The key word was game, something meant to be fun. I can somewhat understand why you think what you do though if you come from one of the lower tier servers where GvGs aren’t as frequent and guild groups don’t participate in WvW activities, but your sour attitude towards it isn’t needed (which is a bit hypocritical coming from me).

i come from a server where the GVG community is pretty toxic to the server though we did just get to say bye to one such group. alas im not allowed to name and shame but the reason i come off as kinda sour is because the circumstances have indeed soured me

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: etsmith.9025


The design of the orbs is very short sighted and mismanaged. All Anet did was design a reward for having the most players on any given map.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


Kaamau.5341: WvW is what you make of it, any portion of any activity that takes place in there is as valid as any other, open field combat on a larger scale will always take place in this game mode. This is simply because large groups of people are moving from location to location to siege and defend. These groups are bound to run into each other and attack each other. What GvG did is larger scale open field combat, but rather in a controlled environment. So it is part of WvW because it exactly replicates something that will happen and will happen often. sure its more controlled and more fair then these battles normally are. But what is wrong with players going out of their way to create something where they can test them selves and give themselves a greater challenge? Isn’t what the majority of players play this game for? a challenge?

And finally. You should have more respect for guilds in this community. The put in hours and hours of time into WvW NOT doing GvG and probably putting in more time that your self. So to put them down in a such a way just shows you lack respect for those who put in their time FOR your server.

well i guess first off i must qualify my statements. i have been a avid wvw player since beta. i literally bought this game for wvw and couldn’t be happier with the current system and the direction its heading in. gvg does not replicate anything that occurs in wvw it is literally just a formal blob meeting. allbeit the blobs are indeed smaller and controlled but its just a mini zerg there’s not really any sport in it but who am i to judge that aspect. what i will say is it indeed directly affects wvw and poorly i might add. one it over inflates the egos of those who participate in such activites and it sepperates the the player bases. your fun as you so call it may very well be fun but it was not offered hinted at or even so much as mentioned when you bought this game therefore it should be expected that the game performs how it was advertised as a strategic siege placing tower/keep cappin rvr game type. if i go out and buy something lets say a a steak. i buy this steak with every intention of eating it after i cook it to my desired liking i go ahead and wear it as a hat now sure im having fun but does it make me right? and should the rest of the steak eating community have to now wear it as a hat? no is the answer i would choose. the simple solution here is find a game with the things you like in it already don’t try and make games change for you

(edited by cimon.5798)

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Hipster.1264


This is about the bloodlust buff not GvG. Maybe you got famed by the GvGing crews that often that you hold a grudge, but please use your brain and think about the buff twice.
The buff as it is rewards the server with bigger coverage, more players and buffs them even more.- Like everyone was telling anet before. It sure killed GvG in the same breath, but it will also kill “normal” WvWing what you like to play.

Mirajane Grauwind Necro

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


i disagree is all i can really say man sure yea the buff rewards the people that have it but the biggest server out there is not always necessarily the one with the buff and it changes frequently. also it really does give small groups something fun to do now and again. now i d agree the way it rolled out was bad with the lag and whatnot. but kill wvw no i doubt it highly this game has way to many people dedicated to fighting the good fight to worry about that over a buff that can be removed easily

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Was guna stick with guild wars as my main game for years as no other MMO’s really appealed to me, but with every patch things have gotten worse. Wildstar actually looks amazing by comparison now.

Im on the winning server atm and im bored to death, the buff is far too OP and as others have said the stronger server just gets stronger. Probably didnt need a brain surgeon to work that one out though. Roll on WvW leagues -.-

Victrixx [xVx]

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


The main issue with bloodlust is GVG. It’s not about who wins or lose because it’s already a fact that the server with more coverage and numbers will win.

Whether which server actually has it seems to have little effect against a smart commander who thinks, and troops who know how to follow or recognize the battlefield.

Seems to me like it’s being used as a scapegoat to justify another server’s win. A situation in denial.

However, since GVG was and is a REALLY AWESOME part of GW2 – unofficial gameplay. I’m sad to say, I’ll miss it more than playing strict ppt and following how this game is supposed to play.

Will bloodlust kill wvw? No, it’s like swimming, you follow the rules, and that’s wvw with blood lust. But sometimes, floating around is fun too – which doesn’t really make you win in wvw, like gvg’s but is relaxing and fun too.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


I just ALT F4 to avoid stomps if all do the same to break the system arena net will be forced to kill the new system…

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Try capping it yourself with 15-20 people running between all the points, meanwhile you are out numbered like always and just barely holding on to towers and retaking those you have lost only to know its only a matter of time before they are lost again…

Aha. That is an interesting thing to say. Because if that happens you’ll be alleviated 15-20 enemy players on the map. Which means the system is working as intended.


yall dont realize that if 30 ppl wanna camp those points, thats 30 ppl not defending or taking anything on the map…

This coming from a server that has people EVERYWHERE at all times… Give it a rest dude… you guys are like kitten roaches.

TC is not the biggest zerg server in our current matchup with FA/DB

Did you happen to see FA’s zerg in EB this evening?

Crazy Leg

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


As a solo/duo roamer, the new terrain is cool and I’d love to try fighting in it, but it seems that we ran into nothing but 5-15 man groups roaming the capture points. After two days of playing with the bloodlust bonuses I’m not impressed, nor am I particularly motivated to enter WvW anymore. I don’t think I’m the only person from my (T1) server that isn’t enjoying the new patch. For the past two nights we’ve had the outmanned buff on at least one map during NA prime time.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Drigan.7382


Try capping it yourself with 15-20 people running between all the points, meanwhile you are out numbered like always and just barely holding on to towers and retaking those you have lost only to know its only a matter of time before they are lost again…

Aha. That is an interesting thing to say. Because if that happens you’ll be alleviated 15-20 enemy players on the map. Which means the system is working as intended.


yall dont realize that if 30 ppl wanna camp those points, thats 30 ppl not defending or taking anything on the map…

This coming from a server that has people EVERYWHERE at all times… Give it a rest dude… you guys are like kitten roaches.

TC is not the biggest zerg server in our current matchup with FA/DB

Did you happen to see FA’s zerg in EB this evening?

I know my 26 HOPE are intimidating when we have 5 pugs or so with us, but I think you’re having flash backs to Mags minion zerg though considering we run tagless. Thank you for posting this though because now we have another entertaining quote to discuss on our guild forums.

Spirit Of Faith [HOPE]
Fort Aspenwood –

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kyuzo.4675


After spending so much timing carefully working out what trinkets and armor to use and spending an enormous amount of time doing fractals and other (completely uninteresting to me) content. We eventually end up with our characters set up to our satisfaction. Then the bloodlust buffs are introduced to negate all that time and effort by handing the most populous servers huge (frankly unprecedented) stat bonuses which are ridiculously OP. It seems like such a strange thing to do to WvW. The amount of stat bonus just seems so out of line with every sigil, rune, infusion or really any other item that it seems like they gave it no thought at all or it is a deliberate attempt to trivialize WvW. It certainly has taken away my desire to log on and play.

[AD] Devona’s Rest

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

At three stacks that’s 900 total stat points. That’s like deciding to play without amulet, jewelry and accessories. Or for those on the winning side having double! Awesome! That this even made it into the game is mind-boggling.

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


As to adding it to the general capping of the points, we’ll have to consider that pretty carefully before we make any changes.

Ahh .. you mean like you did for the bloodlust buff. Got it.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Why everybody keeps forgetting the Power of the Mists? I have pointed out before why it is also a BAD game mechanism, as it adds more survivability for the winning side.

Robust gives you up to +10% bonus to vitality, based on how many points your server has (305800 server points gives max +10% bonus) and also up to +10% bonus to healing power ( with 439240 server points).

Let’s assume that basic vitality is 1500, +10% to that is 150. Another +250 from defense against guards and +150 from the bloodlust. That is +550 to vitality without ANY consumables. 550 vitality means 5500 added health, which is a lot, especially on low health professions, like thief, guardian or elementalist.

Arenanet’s original philosophy was that everybody who enters WvWvW, no matter of level etc, should be on even level. Now this clearly isn’t the case.

The Power of Mists should be redesigned not to give ANY buffs to player’s stats.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Try capping it yourself with 15-20 people running between all the points, meanwhile you are out numbered like always and just barely holding on to towers and retaking those you have lost only to know its only a matter of time before they are lost again…

Aha. That is an interesting thing to say. Because if that happens you’ll be alleviated 15-20 enemy players on the map. Which means the system is working as intended.


yall dont realize that if 30 ppl wanna camp those points, thats 30 ppl not defending or taking anything on the map…

This coming from a server that has people EVERYWHERE at all times… Give it a rest dude… you guys are like kitten roaches.

TC is not the biggest zerg server in our current matchup with FA/DB

Did you happen to see FA’s zerg in EB this evening?

No, I did not. I don’t spend a lot of time in EB. That’s Troll Pug Central. I prefer to stick to the Borderlands.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Bertenburny.5103


why add pvp to wvw anet, why?
let those people play pvp & keep wvw wvw

Shiva /Haze/Glau/Mashira
Seaferer’s Rest berserker of the Mists – VOLT -

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

The decay rate of these capture points are slow enough that you can cap them one after the other (leaving zero people behind to hold) and still hold 3 simultaneously.

A zerg simply needs to run a circle from one point to the next, killing everyone in their way and capping them. This new mechanic absolutely does not require a zerg to break up into pieces. They couldn’t even get that right!

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Why did they decide to give us POWER and TOUGHNESS and all that good stuff for capping them? PLEASE don’t tell me they thought this was a good idea. No fair fights anymore.

Remove the combat buffs and replace it with Magic find, gold find, Experience and world experience in stead. It wont affect the fight, yet it will be worth capping them

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


The decay rate of these capture points are slow enough that you can cap them one after the other (leaving zero people behind to hold) and still hold 3 simultaneously.

A zerg simply needs to run a circle from one point to the next, killing everyone in their way and capping them. This new mechanic absolutely does not require a zerg to break up into pieces. They couldn’t even get that right!

It also only takes 1 person to back cap the zerg….

Crazy Leg

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Vick.6805


I don’t mind the buff, and the cap points are…ok, i guess…although I wish the terrain had used underground and water approaches to the points more.

But, I don’t think any further importance should be placed on these capture points. The buff is enough. There’s no need for capture rewards or score, IMO.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: BlankeyNinja.1065


I too hate that bloodlust gives stats.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Taldren.7523


You can seriously take your GvG complaints and stick them. WvW was made for fun, not for two elite groups running around being jerks to everyone else.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Why dont you people realize it only takes one person to back cap /decap / cap these points..

what is everyones’ major malfunction !? Let one person who enjoys PvP do the ruins…

Crazy Leg

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

well to be completely honest your not getting replies from the devs because that would encourage your rash behavior.

1. the gvg community needs to go anyhow the sooner the better

2. it wont have much effect at all if the guild was worth anything to begin with

3. no the buff has not been around long enough to demonize it yet. sorry you and your pals gunna have to wait till there is actual data

4. wvw was never about balance its about tactics on a large scale and structure capturing your open field fights and gvg where a kittened squirrel frog offspring of it

in conclusion i think its about time this pretend wvw community that’s complaining about this just stops. your like 1/100th of the wvw community and just because you 30 or so people spam forums with the same posts over and over doesn’t mean you have tons of folks backing you. even if you did this is what we all signed up for it was fairly obvious from beta that it was a siege using fort capping kinda game play and if you don’t like it sorry but to bad

WvW is what you make of it, any portion of any activity that takes place in there is as valid as any other, open field combat on a larger scale will always take place in this game mode. This is simply because large groups of people are moving from location to location to siege and defend. These groups are bound to run into each other and attack each other. What GvG did is larger scale open field combat, but rather in a controlled environment. So it is part of WvW because it exactly replicates something that will happen and will happen often. sure its more controlled and more fair then these battles normally are. But what is wrong with players going out of their way to create something where they can test them selves and give themselves a greater challenge? Isn’t what the majority of players play this game for? a challenge?

And finally. You should have more respect for guilds in this community. The put in hours and hours of time into WvW NOT doing GvG and probably putting in more time that your self. So to put them down in a such a way just shows you lack respect for those who put in their time FOR your server.

This is all great when you have three servers with fairly even numbers and coverage. The buffs would be considerably less of an impact if they were to change ownership frequently. We all know this mostly happens in Tier 1 as well, where the teams are closer in overall score. Go look at EVERY single Tier below that and you’ll see ONE server blowing out the other two. Facts DO NOT lie. I guess the Data from the Orbs fiasco wasn’t enough to tell them this was a bad idea, despite admitting just that very fact. So here we go in the SAME direction with a different DEV thinking, hey let’s just change a few things like the name and maybe it will work this time. NO, it does NOT work now and it did not work THEN. To give everyone a fair chance at success by their own hands, there MUST be a balance. The best PvP I’ve played to date was in GW1 and balance was a key factor in it’s success. Being outnumbered can still be countered with superior skill and organization. You might not win based on PPT, but open field battles can be won with far less numbers than your opposing team. Larger servers with the ability to easily field the numbers needed to cap and hold the buffs clearly have a HUGE advantage. If you can’t see that, you might want to check your kitten to see if your head might be lodged in there. If you need a visual reference to the problem at hand, see this.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

Why dont you people realize it only takes one person to back cap /decap / cap these points..

what is everyones’ major malfunction !? Let one person who enjoys PvP do the ruins…

Have you ever tried to cap three by yourself? Doesn’t work. So a little less attitude maybe? Since you don’t know what you’re talking about?

My major malfunction is I don’t like sPvP, and I don’t like fighting people in WvW that have 900 more stat points than me, which is how it’s been the last four times I tried to play. And trying to remove that stat advantage by capping means you’re not only outmanned, but missing 900 in stats. So yeah. That sound fun to you?

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Amins.3710


You can seriously take your GvG complaints and stick them. WvW was made for fun, not for two elite groups running around being jerks to everyone else.

Sounds like your application to a GvG Guild was denied…

I’m sorry.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


You can seriously take your GvG complaints and stick them. WvW was made for fun, not for two elite groups running around being jerks to everyone else.

Sounds like your application to a GvG Guild was denied…

I’m sorry.

Right? I didn’t know GvGing meant we were supposed to be jerks to everyone else. I’ve been doing it all wrong…

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Martolly.2576


but its exactly about the bloodlust,
with blood lust
1+1(+150) =/= 2
Equal skill vs. Equal skill = stat buff win.

The end.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


You can seriously take your GvG complaints and stick them. WvW was made for fun, not for two elite groups running around being jerks to everyone else.

this guy right here has it right the sole reason where even hearing complaints right now is due to the gvg community. and hes spot on gvg people are generally elitist and jerk like in nature and if you dont think so see how they act in map chats. they have for the most part ensured most people who pve wont even come into a wvw map other then for map complete

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


You can seriously take your GvG complaints and stick them. WvW was made for fun, not for two elite groups running around being jerks to everyone else.

this guy right here has it right the sole reason where even hearing complaints right now is due to the gvg community. and hes spot on gvg people are generally elitist and jerk like in nature and if you dont think so see how they act in map chats. they have for the most part ensured most people who pve wont even come into a wvw map other then for map complete

Sole reason? Try again

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


no need to try again it is literally the only reason you folks wont give it a go. they came on these forums and flooded it with their nonsense. something i have been seeing on this forum is omg the imbalance is the reason they got rid of the orbs to begin with QQ. this is not the case the only reason they got rid of them was because they were exploitable and encouraged hacking. i know you can dispute this further by saying o but i don’t even gvg or i hate gvg so why would i come here to complain if it weren’t for the fact that this buff is lame. but in all honesty there hasnt been enough time with the buff in place to call this one way or the other so it goes to reason either your a part of the gvg movement or close enough to it to try your hand at discrediting my previous statements. so i instead ask you to please try again

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Benjamin.6235


Proper capitalization and punctuation is a kindness to the reader.

[DERP] – Maguuma

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


im not so good at that for this i apologize but this is also kinda my point. i said something to someone from kitten and here you are someone who is also from kitten but not involved and your dropping some sort of random insult on my writing. it really goes to prove my point that this is a gvg complaint and folks who dont even really have a opinion are being asked to come to these forums to demonize something they have little to no understanding of. i mean what you said literally has no bearing on the discussion but here you are. i would instead ask that you don’t read what i write if it such a abomination to your eyes. otherwise feel free to chip in here and add something to this discussion

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


this is not the case the only reason they got rid of them was because they were exploitable and encouraged hacking. i know you can dispute this further by saying o but i don’t even gvg or i hate gvg so why would i come here to complain if it weren’t for the fact that this buff is lame.

That’s factually incorrect. I’m sure Habib’s post has been thrown around here many times, so you can find it if you look hard enough.

but in all honesty there hasnt been enough time with the buff in place to call this one way or the other

That I agree with.

so it goes to reason either your a part of the gvg movement or close enough to it to try your hand at discrediting my previous statements. so i instead ask you to please try again

You are the one spouting factually incorrect statements and making gross assumptions about GvGers based on your own, limited experiences. If you don’t GvG, how do you have any remote idea of how many complaints are coming from GvG and how many aren’t?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


this is not the case the only reason they got rid of them was because they were exploitable and encouraged hacking. i know you can dispute this further by saying o but i don’t even gvg or i hate gvg so why would i come here to complain if it weren’t for the fact that this buff is lame.

That’s factually incorrect. I’m sure Habib’s post has been thrown around here many times, so you can find it if you look hard enough.

but in all honesty there hasnt been enough time with the buff in place to call this one way or the other

That I agree with.

so it goes to reason either your a part of the gvg movement or close enough to it to try your hand at discrediting my previous statements. so i instead ask you to please try again

You are the one spouting factually incorrect statements and making gross assumptions about GvGers based on your own, limited experiences. If you don’t GvG, how do you have any remote idea of how many complaints are coming from GvG and how many aren’t?

well if i find that post you referenced ill come back and say i was incorrect for the reason of the original orbs removal. as for my ability to reason out that a majority if not all of these complaints are from the gvg community i think it is pretty much as obvious as the sky is blue or the grass is green. i mean for instance you say i have limited experiences. why is this? is it a assumption that since i think gvg is bad i clearly have never done it? not meant to sound snarky but if you have not noticed my grammar is quite bad. i don’t know what else to say besides i disagree with your statement here based on the fact that most of what i said is not a “gross assumption” but rather a observation of this community’s seemingly organized backlash against mechanics that were in game already. we knew for a great deal of time were coming back.

(edited by cimon.5798)

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


i think it is pretty much as obvious as the sky is blue or the grass is green

If that’s your reasoning then I don’t really have anything to say to you. Enjoy your life!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Alright nothing I’m posting here has anything to do with GvG before I get crucified by people here for my signature being that of a WvW guild leader. The last time we GvG’d was a couple weeks ago off the record for fun and priorly to that we hadn’t bothered in months and months and months.

As a person who spends 70% of their play time solo roaming, party roaming, whoever wants to come with me roaming, 10% pug commanding, 5% guild ops leading and 15% afk, I have to say I really really dislike this buff.

As a roamer you want your fights to mean something, fun, exhilaration and enjoyment are had through hard fights where every skill counts and you’re on the edge of your seat. Therefore you really want your wins to come from ‘skill’, and your losses to come from being outplayed, rather than from being outnumbered, lagged or because some random guy on a random Borderland didn’t stand in Point A long enough.
As a pug commander, you want your victories from superior tactics, strategy and from great fighting both individual and through teamwork by your group. You want to know you are doing well because of your skill and play, not because X Ipwnznoobz X on the other server didn’t baby sit Bauer’s cap point.
As a Guild group leader, you want to win because you have your allies and friends at your backs, fighting by your side and executing orders quickly and efficiently, to ensure survival and to beat the odds, not because on top of the enemy outnumbering you 2:1 they now have a lot more stats too.
As an afk person, you want to not get dc’d from the game, and hence need to come back to refresh by jumping every 5 minutes or so.

Bloodlust cheapens any feeling of elation at victory for me, and makes defeat taste more bitter; how can you feel good about winning a battle when the field was skewed from the beginning?

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Please sir, you must also be a GvGer lest you shatter one’s world view.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


this is not the case the only reason they got rid of them was because they were exploitable and encouraged hacking. i know you can dispute this further by saying o but i don’t even gvg or i hate gvg so why would i come here to complain if it weren’t for the fact that this buff is lame.

That’s factually incorrect. I’m sure Habib’s post has been thrown around here many times, so you can find it if you look hard enough.

but in all honesty there hasnt been enough time with the buff in place to call this one way or the other

That I agree with.

so it goes to reason either your a part of the gvg movement or close enough to it to try your hand at discrediting my previous statements. so i instead ask you to please try again

You are the one spouting factually incorrect statements and making gross assumptions about GvGers based on your own, limited experiences. If you don’t GvG, how do you have any remote idea of how many complaints are coming from GvG and how many aren’t?


Bi Furious [Fist] YB

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Goids.5096


This take all the fun out of WvW. I play on Drakkar Lake and the strongest server outnumbers us 10:1 during the night (because that’s how it always is, isnt it? Except when we play against lower ranked servers, than it’s the other way around). So obviously we can’t afford to have ppl on different maps to capture ruins. Before, you could snatch a keep or 2 with 5 ppl before the enemy server found you. Now with the buff, it takes 20 min to kill the lord, which gives enough time to a single enemy to keep you out. Basically, you can’t do anything anymore. I could move to a higher ranked server (which 90% of guilds will do) but I could also look for a different game. -.-

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: yesfourme.8906


The easier way to fix bloodlust is to have a different reward system:
- if you are in the winning server, you gain no bonus
- if you are in the second best server, you gain 25 points.
- if you are in the worst server, you gain 50 points.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Nergrom.7592


Where is this talk about GvG elitism coming from, the US?

Here, on the other side of the pond, GvG guilds (with a few exceptions) barely display any elitist attitude. They join a map, rake in the points and, dare I say it, usually contribute more to point totals than the randoms.

And when the time has come for the GvG, they move over to the windmill during offpeak hours and duke it out for about 1 hour of their entire WvW week.

There is no calling for people to leave the map, there is no calling randoms trash, but there’s a small vocal minority of randoms calling GvGers trash.

So why is there so much hate on something that usually doesn’t interfere with anything? Most of the time if these people wouldn’t be able to GvG, they would’ve logged off instead of helping out during that 1 hour so it’s not that lack of resources influences it. GvGs are moved if servers are full, to not hinder WvW, so capacity issues can’t be it…

Maybe it is based on region, but if that’s the case why would these people call out for blood when a large part of the GvG community are team players and generally helpful people?

It sounds more like people enjoy taking away other people’s fun, or not realising that everybody can have different tastes and in an open environment like WvW there is space to cater to that taste. This is true for those elitist GvGers as it is for elitist randoms or WvWers.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I had no idea how bad this was going to be.

All I can say is that Anet doesn’t seem to have a clue what pvp is, as WvW is a joke of a game now.

Being outmanned was bad enough with the buff being next to worthless, but buffing the other team at the same time is good how again? People are flat out not even logging into WvW.

All this is doing is confirming for people to search for other games that provide pvp.
And yeah, the gvg stuff is taken out, while PAX continues to gloat over spvp as an e-sport.

GW2 in 2012 = Vanilla/BC. GW2 in 2013 = Cata. (If you love PVP, and pay attention to subs, you’ll understand).

You’re going downhill fast with these mind-numbing changes.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


This is what I use the outmanned buff for: Farming ore/plants/trees/mobs with the magic find.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


We should make a petition regarding the removal of buffed stats with Bloodlust. Then again, would it help?

Team Aggression [TA]

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


This is the game you’ve created now: 1 team has 3 stacks. They play thief and mesmer exclusively.

GG kittenOL

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]