Call to Arms: We want your WvW videos!
We are creating a video that showcases everything that is great and fun about WvW
I’d submit video’s of what I personally think was the very best and most fun about WvW, which were the orbs.. but they got removed
If this is because you have new content coming… thanks in advance!
We’ve been very disappointing by the lack of content or announcements for WvW this year, but this feeling will just make new content even more welcomed, as it has been quite unexpected!
If this is because you have new content coming… thanks in advance!
We’ve been very disappointing by the lack of content or announcements for WvW this year, but this feeling will just make new content even more welcomed, as it has been quite unexpected!
They are probably just thinking of adding useless giant poisonous flowers in the merk camps in EB. Oh wait…
May i ask the developers for what purpose this video is being used?
Marketing? Gamescon? A teaser to be put onto the front page?
This is an important point. If these videos are gonna be used for commercial purposes (i.e. trailers, a viral campaign), ANet absolutely has to make that clear in the disclaimer, and after they do so, have to acquire the consent of the submitters to use the video in that capacity.
We lack a little bit information here. Personally I would refrain from partaking in this campaign until this is made clear.
How about copyrighted music streamed through a legal and paid service?
IE: SPotify, Wimp, Itunes
No copyrighted music that doesn’t belong to ArenaNet. Doesn’t matter how you acquired/streamed it.
Mark, for those of us whose original recordings either dont include ArenaNet’s music, or have had music streaming while the recording was going, could you make some of the soundtrack available for us to use in lieu of the music in our existing videos?
I do good yes?
Holy kitten. Thats awesome. Did everyone really just sit there while the ram was being built and leave him alone?
Yes. G-kicks would’ve been given if we couldn’t pull this off.
Friend Gismor – 80 Revenant
“Always outnumbered, never outgunned.”
May i ask the developers for what purpose this video is being used?
Marketing? Gamescon? A teaser to be put onto the front page?
This is an important point. If these videos are gonna be used for commercial purposes (i.e. trailers, a viral campaign), ANet absolutely has to make that clear in the disclaimer, and after they do so, have to acquire the consent of the submitters to use the video in that capacity.
We lack a little bit information here. Personally I would refrain from partaking in this campaign until this is made clear.
Yeah, that struck me as a little odd. This part in particular, emphasis mine:
Aidan TaylorShare them with us and the creators could be included and credited in our video compilation!
1) Okay, we know it’s a video compilation.
2) Could? What is this compilation for? Is it commercial? Is it for marketing?
You’re asking us to do all the leg work here but not providing us any details on what we’re doing it for, or even a guarantee that we’d even be credited for it. And.. by Tuesday? Good lord.
And then of course the disclaimer:
(If you submit your own work you will give us permission to use it publicly, if you submit work created by others ArenaNet will contact the creator to ask for permission.)
It’s for public use then. Got it. Still vague! Still being obscure! Why can’t you tell us exactly what this is for?
Look, I understand the people’s sentiment on this request. Heck, even I, who only played WvW for 2 years have switched to PvE.
But do you guys honestly think that the toxicity is helping the matter? Hopefully they say what the request is for, but if not, let it go. It’s not worth the stress to you or them.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
I’ve got a great team put together that is working on a video for you, I can’t say when exactly it will be ready but I expect it will be soon.
We can’t talk about what exactly the video is right now. Once the development of the video reaches a state where we, as a team, are comfortable talking about it, we will.
Some of your requests are under development. What those are and when they will be completed, I can’t say at this time for reasons mentioned above.I will try to keep you updated on the progress of this video but time constraints prevent me from reading, much less posting on this forum.
This needs some type of award, bravo!
I have come to appreciate over time, to some extent, the position of the ANet employees who have to interact with us. Like any employees they are subject to the demands of managers, managers who are likely out of touch, or have never been in touch, with their product. I’m sure lots of us could relate. Obviously, publicly contradicting the message sent, or ideas generated, by that particular brain trust within the company means risking your employment. I’m also fairly certain that there are people working within ANet who agree with many of the things that are said here. However, their agreement and acknowledgement can only likely serve to perhaps risk their jobs and not much else. As has been stated a number of times before by different people on the forums, the best path forward is to vote with your wallet. Either you stop playing the game entirely, or you dial back your gem store purchases to send a message to the correct people.
Now, on topic, I’d be of a mind to encourage people not to support this request. Yeah, people have made some great videos, people really like the game and what they’ve managed to accomplish in it. However, it would seem to me a self-defeating exercise for the community to cooperate with the request. Part of the issue we face is ANet resources dedicated to the more casual player-base aspects, and a business model that seemingly relies on continually gaining new players to maintain revenue, while not addressing the bleeding of users out of the end game (WvW). From what I’ve read, China is not the end of the expansion, and the focus on new markets will probably continue at least for the next 2 – 3 years (last part is a guesstimate). A promo video for WvW is a band-aid solution to a systemic problem and assisting in its production is a clear contradiction to everything the community has been requesting for the last two years. In other words, the solution is not simply bringing in players to replace those who quit, it’s about addressing aspects of the game which destabilize the player base.
As much as I try to understand the position of the ANet employees and temper my comments accordingly, I have a hard time understanding why a little clarity wasn’t added here, just as a matter of simple human courtesy. I’ve been actively reading the forums since beta and asking for a favour in a vague manner from a group which on a daily basis maligns the way in which information is doled out is going to have a predictable result. Either engage the community with some transparency or continue with the communication black-out, at this point anything else comes across as patronizing.
Have a pleasant day.
^ This x 1,000,000.
Agreed. If they can not or will not engage us in a transparent dialogue regarding the multitude of issues with WvW and bring about substantive improvements to this game mode in alignment with what the community requests, then better to simply continue with their silence and neglect.
Coming to us asking for assistance in creating what is very likely going to be used as a marketing tool (PAX is just around the corner; no wonder the short notice and rush to get these videos by next Tuesday) is condescending and perfidious in the extreme. It amounts to, “We’ll ignore you for two years but as soon as we need your help we’ll come begging for a favor from you.”
Sadly, it’s likely going to work. They’ll receive enough submissions from those who are taken in by their promises of being publicly credited for their videos to put together some kind of montage. They’ll then roll it out as an example of the SUPER-AWESOME-FRAGALISCIOUS game play that is WvW which – for only $xx.xx – you TOO can be a part of. I pity the poor souls who are going to buy the game on the promise contained in this deceitful ploy, only to discover it was a lie when they come to realize that WvW is utterly neglected.
For the rest of us who are a bit older and have experience working in corporate America (or corporate anywhere, for that matter), this is nothing more than pure, unadulterated PR BS spin while enticing their customers to do their grunt work for them with vague promises of “credit”. At least they’ve finally achieved transparency; because it’s so easy to see right through what they’re attempting.
To all of you who may be a bit younger and/or may be considering submitting a video, I don’t fault you; just realize you’re being used by a corporation. If that sits well with you, then by all means submit your videos. Understand, however, this isn’t going to improve WvW; not even indirectly.
They’ve been making money for the past two years and just recently launched in the biggest market in the world, China. Yet we haven’t seen any substantial improvements to the fundamentals underlying the WvW game mode for two years. A few WvW videos trotted out at their dog-and-pony shows won’t change that.
(edited by Kraag Deadsoul.2789)
Best wvw video
Second best
Èl Cid
Èl Cid
ive been inactive for the last month or 2.. summertime and wvw is dying out wich is normal..
but after long neglect from anet on wvw with their “soon” and NO communication from their part on anything that will come or whatever.. we got nothing to look forward to
wake the fk up anet… u think ignoring us and then asking for videos to show the good and fun side of wvw only… ye right
maybe us the community should create a video with everything wrong and bugged in wvw… maybe with enough pressure u will finaly do something about it.. but meh not gonna happen before 2017… or maybe soon who knows
go focus more on spvp and see how fast ur game will die
have fun trying to bring ppl in with ur great video
u lost me here and im sure many other customers
I have an awesome video in production, please allow some more time past the Aug 12 deadline. I’ll have it done soon. I promise. completely neglect the WvW community,you lie,you do not communicate,unless you want something from Us,you do not implement new things,yet You want Us to make videos about WvW for You ? Look up some major guild names,use google and make your own kittening vid.
(edited by Caedmon.6798)
Can we get some clear information.
Or is that too much to ask? completely neglect the WvW community,you lie,you do not communicate,unless you want something from Us,you do not implement new things,yet You want Us to make videos about WvW for You ? Look up some major guild names,use google and make your own kittening vid.
Well they don’t have my permission to use any of my videos and it is to be assumed the same of any other videos (by law), so they have to either make their own or ask us. And they can’t go and make their own because all the bad aspects of WvW will shine in it. Guild videos of fighting other guilds are the best for what they want, if only ANET to player relations hadn’t become so toxic. As they say, you rip what you sow.
Well Anet you’ve asked us for videos, and you’ve received our responses.
Those who are giving you one last chance are submitting videos whilst others are asking why do you want them?!
So what will these videos be used for?!
Which stage are you at?
I’m currently on stage 4…
Where’s Lordkrall?
Can’t blame the guy, event the best politicians would avoid trying to defend against all that is being said here.
Ahh he’s probably hibernating til this blows over lol. Anet, you done messed up!
In all seriousness though, I hope management sees this thread and takes note on how their goodwill among the WvWvW playerbase has gone down the kittener. We can say “Hey it’s summer so there will be less people playing.” This may be true but with how stagnant the mode has been, whatever players come back probably will not be staying long. So WvWvW’s problems can’t be danced around much longer.
Does anyone remember UT2004 where players made custom maps?
Since it’s very unlikely anyone from anet will answer this question, here’s my completely 100% certified unfounded speculation:
1) PAX Prime starts in Seattle, WA on August 29, 2014; a stone’s throw from Anet’s offices in Bellevue, WA.
2) The 2 year anniversary of the launch of GW2 is August 28th, 2014; coinciding nicely with the start of PAX.
They likely want some videos to showcase the various game modes of GW2 in a positive light to drum up sales. The fact they asked the WvW community to help them in this endeavor demonstrates the depth of the disconnect between the company and the community. The shear audacity to come to us asking for help after two years of neglect means either:
A) Our concerns are not being escalated up the corporate hierarchy by those charged with that responsibility. Which means higher-ups truly have no clue how bad it really is down here in the trenches.
B) Upper management is very aware of the community’s mood, but just doesn’t give a kitten.
C) They give a kitten from the rank-and-file devs up to middle management, but the execs could care less because the metrics they rely on to tell them where the game is making money paint WvW as an underperformer from a profit standpoint (flawed metrics, by the way, as has been described in detail in other posts which have most likely been deleted by now). Thus there is no budget nor full-time staff dedicated to WvW; so they need our help in making it look like Everything Is Awesome!
I to believe that it’s trying to drum up the hype, but I think it might be because other games are slated to be released soon (like Archerage); though that game is turning out to be a pay to win disaster so I don’t think they’ll have to worry about it.
In all honesty though, they obviously aren’t asking for them to sit and watch over popcorn, they wan’t them to showcase the game for some purpose. It’s my personal opinion that the community should not comply with it given they have essentially neglected a lot of what the community has been telling them and asking for.
You scratch our back, we scratch yours.
Honestly,No one should give them any kittening vids,its just a disgrace how they suddenly make a thread asking for vids not saying why or how.While having neglected us for 2 years.Im sorry to say but youre a kitten fool if you make a vid for these people who has done absolutely Nothing for the game mode you Like to play.
Since it’s very unlikely anyone from anet will answer this question, here’s my completely 100% certified unfounded speculation:
1) PAX Prime starts in Seattle, WA on August 29, 2014; a stone’s throw from Anet’s offices in Bellevue, WA.
2) The 2 year anniversary of the launch of GW2 is August 28th, 2014; coinciding nicely with the start of PAX.
They likely want some videos to showcase the various game modes of GW2 in a positive light to drum up sales. The fact they asked the WvW community to help them in this endeavor demonstrates the depth of the disconnect between the company and the community. The shear audacity to come to us asking for help after two years of neglect means either:
A) Our concerns are not being escalated up the corporate hierarchy by those charged with that responsibility. Which means higher-ups truly have no clue how bad it really is down here in the trenches.
B) Upper management is very aware of the community’s mood, but just doesn’t give a kitten.
C) They give a kitten from the rank-and-file devs up to middle management, but the execs could care less because the metrics they rely on to tell them where the game is making money paint WvW as an underperformer from a profit standpoint (flawed metrics, by the way, as has been described in detail in other posts which have most likely been deleted by now). Thus there is no budget nor full-time staff dedicated to WvW; so they need our help in making it look like Everything Is Awesome!
Could also have something to do with the Trial Account data-mined stuff too.
^ This x 1,000,000.
Agreed. If they can not or will not engage us in a transparent dialogue regarding the multitude of issues with WvW and bring about substantive improvements to this game mode in alignment with what the community requests, then better to simply continue with their silence and neglect.
Coming to us asking for assistance in creating what is very likely going to be used as a marketing tool (PAX is just around the corner; no wonder the short notice and rush to get these videos by next Tuesday) is condescending and perfidious in the extreme. It amounts to, “We’ll ignore you for two years but as soon as we need your help we’ll come begging for a favor from you.”
Sadly, it’s likely going to work. They’ll receive enough submissions from those who are taken in by their promises of being publicly credited for their videos to put together some kind of montage. They’ll then roll it out as an example of the SUPER-AWESOME-FRAGALISCIOUS game play that is WvW which – for only $xx.xx – you TOO can be a part of. I pity the poor souls who are going to buy the game on the promise contained in this deceitful ploy, only to discover it was a lie when they come to realize that WvW is utterly neglected.
For the rest of us who are a bit older and have experience working in corporate America (or corporate anywhere, for that matter), this is nothing more than pure, unadulterated PR BS spin while enticing their customers to do their grunt work for them with vague promises of “credit”. At least they’ve finally achieved transparency; because it’s so easy to see right through what they’re attempting.
To all of you who may be a bit younger and/or may be considering submitting a video, I don’t fault you; just realize you’re being used by a corporation. If that sits well with you, then by all means submit your videos. Understand, however, this isn’t going to improve WvW; not even indirectly.
They’ve been making money for the past two years and just recently launched in the biggest market in the world, China. Yet we haven’t seen any substantial improvements to the fundamentals underlying the WvW game mode for two years. A few WvW videos trotted out at their dog-and-pony shows won’t change that.[/quote]
Wow, both great posts. I’ve been thinking these same things and wondered how others couldn’t see through all this transparency. Thank you both for restoring my faith in humanity.
aidan or mark:
if you are bound by your NDA to not disclose the reason(s) you want footage, please ask your supervisor to comment on it for us. if he cant, please tell him to ask his supervisor to comment. basically, if you work for anet and you cant do anything about this thread, get your boss to read it too.
please go up the chain of command.
because anet’s upper management needs to understand how bad anet’s relationship with the wvw community has gotten.
This, so much. The reason devs don’t respond is because of all the red tape. There is the nondisclosure agreement and devs have to have their posts approved. It’s a no win situation at this point. The only hope is that upper management loosen their grip and let the devs communicate with us.
aidan or mark:
if you are bound by your NDA to not disclose the reason(s) you want footage, please ask your supervisor to comment on it for us. if he cant, please tell him to ask his supervisor to comment. basically, if you work for anet and you cant do anything about this thread, get your boss to read it too.
please go up the chain of command.
because anet’s upper management needs to understand how bad anet’s relationship with the wvw community has gotten.
This, so much. The reason devs don’t respond is because of all the red tape. There is the nondisclosure agreement and devs have to have their posts approved. It’s a no win situation at this point. The only hope is that upper management loosen their grip and let the devs communicate with us.
I wouldn’t worry too much. With all of the flak they’ve been getting over lack of communication, something is going to break. Whether that be the silence or the remaining WvW playerbase’s interest in the game.
Thing is that for all of the strict moderating of this forum, upper management has to know about it to tell the mods to remove all the negative stuff! There is no way they dont know!
Or are the staff so scared that they want to remove everything before upper management realises things are desperately wrong here and get in trouble to not meeting their unrealistic goals?!
Or is WvW not doing so well in China, that they want to show how it used to be in the hopes the players there stay a little longer to buy gems?
Had anyone got an update on the China servers? Last time the queues were in the thousands, wonder what it’s like now….
Coming to us asking for assistance in creating what is very likely going to be used as a marketing tool (PAX is just around the corner; no wonder the short notice and rush to get these videos by next Tuesday) is condescending and perfidious in the extreme. It amounts to, “We’ll ignore you for two years but as soon as we need your help we’ll come begging for a favor from you.”.
You know this explanation is so plausible!
We know they have been working on WvW SO much that they cant talk about it.
They have been working on WvW SO much that they forgot to do a presentation for WvW for PAX whilst making the presentation for PvE Living Story. It’s an easy thing to forget whilst you are working with such dedication on WvW.
So in a last ditch effort they try to get all the source material of fights, laughs and silly bits from the people who actually care about WvW!
(edited by DevilishLyx.2340)
they need our help in making it look like Everything Is Awesome!
Oi, stop stealing my quote! :@
Also the official video is here:
Honestly,No one should give them any kittening vids,its just a disgrace how they suddenly make a thread asking for vids not saying why or how.While having neglected us for 2 years.Im sorry to say but youre a kitten fool if you make a vid for these people who has done absolutely Nothing for the game mode you Like to play.
We should just have mass ignored that topic, like they do with ours. They are just going to use those videos to show others how amazing wvw game mode is. IT IS a great concept but after 2 years still full of bugs/glitches and stuff we are not allowed to do and talk about on forums, hence why i wont use that word.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
be careful guys the infraction and deletion bots are on duty in this thread.
oh and here´s a nice wvw video
Anet, infracting players does not fix your game !
Maybe we should create a “Call to Arms: We want your bugs and 3rd party program software videos” and post this kind of videos in it. Also letting other people know what the purpose of it is, something Anet refuses to do.
No transparancy – No video from me.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Hey Anet didn’t you expect a kittenstorm after ignoring the WvW community for 2 years?while searching for a video whichever purpose (hey wvw is fine come play)
I’ve found a funny pic on:
Yes Anet the WvW community playing/communicate “underground” because you don’t care.
IMO you’ll get only boring videos with no copyright music
We have received your request an actively acknowledge your need for WvW videos.
we are currently looking into ways to make said videos with our remaining active gw2 wvw guild teams. Please be aware that at this time we are unable to discuss these developments and are unable to provide the videos at the requested timetable.
We ask that anet bare with us as our developer filming teams continue their efforts to bring about all the changes need to construct said video in a timely fashion.
It is our hope that we bring to you the very best of our filming but until such time has arrived , we will continue to work in the background an avoid any an all requests until we feel confident that the video is both forthcoming an flowing with Greatness.
so in closing
When the time is right an we feel that the video passes with flying colors (Meets the requirements of all of Active WvW Guild Wars Players ) then we will feel comfortable sharing said Video with the rest of what’s left of the wvw Dev team.
with warmest regards
Tarnish Coast Defender
Proud Member OF “TSF” The Shining Force.
hey Anet, here i bring u some sik plays from my POV thief))))))))DD)
I could post a vid, but once you see one T1 map queue zerg running over a lone escort (or map completer) you have seen them all.
Slightly dismayed to find that the players are not taking the high road here.
Come on guys, this is a perfect opportunity to post vids showing how the multi-colored commander tag works.
Needs more videos showing how Tier 2 Obsidian Sanctum is more popular than sPvP arenas, and that private arenas are used for WvW GvG practice by people that won’t follow the upcoming esperts conquest tourney.
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.
I know we’re not supposed to post here but mail them, but i’ll share them here as well.
On a fun side, my “this is why we hate professions” compilation (incomplete atm):
On a “more serious” side, a casual clips “WvW tribute”:
More infos in videos descriptions
Former member of WSR and AG.
Ram finishing an ANet Dev: this one ?
Not really, what part of “Video should be 720p or better” you didn’t understand?
- All is vain. -
[Scnd] Second Law
Somebody wants his unwanted child to look pretty for the neighbours.
i suggest to close this.
Somebody wants his unwanted child to look pretty for the neighbours.
i suggest to close this.
No, please keep it open until at least Tuesday. The hypocrisy here is delicious. Had this been a player-created thread with this amount of negativity/toxicity, it would have been locked then deleted before getting past the first page.
Because it’s Anet asking us for a favor, though, they apply a double-standard, keep it open, and going on 4 pages now. Funny how we ask for stuff and those threads get deleted and the posters infracted. They ask for stuff, and the thread stays open.
I’m sure they would love to close it, but they won’t because they need those precious videos to white-wash the previous two years of WvW neglect for PAX and whatever promotions they’re tying into the 2 year anniversary of the game’s launch. I predict that come Wednesday, though, this thread will – woosh! – disappear without a trace.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] raiding in WvW as Dolyak’s!
Formerly: Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
i dnt think this video is gonna be awesome…
i dnt think this video is gonna be awesome…
Nah, I am sure there are some that would like to get credited, so they sent videos to the adress. However all of the core WvW-ers won’t be fooled no matter what the video is… it’s likely to fool people that want to play a RvR game to buy GW2 though.
And it’s funny so many people, that I have never seen on the forums previously, came here to tell the dear anet staff how much we “love” what they are doing for us and the way they communicate with us.
well this was up to page 5, i guess that’s another 5 infractions
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I suppose this will give me my first infraction but still gotta say, they are more willing to infrac and remove posts rather than actually respond or give a hint of what they are going to use the footage for. Tbh, I got the game because of the WvW aspect of it and I’m just sad as many people are that such a wonderful aspect of the game is neglected heavily. And no Anet, you can’t take my videos to show how OP warriors are
The Soloblade
Gotta say… I love killing the people trying to make video’s for this thread