Changing WvW Match Reset Times
Only have to pay extra in USA if the person worked more than 40hrs in a week. Doesn’t matter what days it is
That only works if that’s all your paying them to do and they don’t depend on any other parts of the team for any of their work. It’s better to do a reset when as many people as possible are around for ‘ohkitten’ scenarios, which are more common than you think. They are just usually easy to fix/turn into ‘this will do’ scenarios as long as you have the right person there to fix it.
At the end of the day they should put reset on wednesday because it also starts with a ‘w’ and then we can have sweet “WvW WEDNESDAY” events. Instead of “WvW… Friday?” events.
We’ve had patches on the weekend before. Obviously they have people working or at least available on the weekends.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
They should move the reset to 2 AM for NA, let’s see how much you will complain then -_-
Perhaps you should trying staring at a screen for 3 or 4 hours while waiting in queue to log into WvW which many of us have to do if we cannot get in at reset time. How many EU players will sit staring at their screen for 3 hours at 12AM waiting to get into the game? Aside from the obvious answer, which would be to separate reset times for each continent, they need to fix the queue to make it more obvious when you have 60 seconds to hit that “Travel” button which you’ve already been waiting on for obscene amounts of time.. Easiest queue fix would be to extend the amount of time you have to hit the “Travel” button and also have an audible indication that your turn to travel has finally arrived. This is something that should have been fixed a long time ago, as an audible indication would allow people the freedom to attend to other household activities while they wait. It appears many in this forum are happy with leaving things “as-is” because the Americans are finally getting shafted.. Really? Why not push for a solution that benefits everyone which in reality would actually be more beneficial to EU servers? If we had separate reset times, EU could reset at 5PM also, no?
I don’t get all the EU people hating on the US. You can’t tell me you EU people don’t want a reset at 7pm rather than 12pm, right? Shouldn’t we all be sitting here advocating for a split reset time rather than arguing?
I don’t get all the EU people hating on the US. You can’t tell me you EU people don’t want a reset at 7pm rather than 12pm, right? Shouldn’t we all be sitting here advocating for a split reset time rather than arguing?
And “all the EU people” can’t understand why the US people feels like it is much more of a problem now that it negatively effects them than it was when it didn’t.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
You do however assume that they work on Saturdays in the first place
What? no I don’t.
my point is that with the current reset time, someone at Anet is already working extra hours Friday evening. Two extra hours at the end of the day on Friday is the same cost as two extra hours Saturday afternoon.
These people will all be on salary anyways. I highly doubt Anet has to pay them overtime for working Friday late, or Saturday.
Horrible idea
At least blast the news in another means of communication for at least 2 weeks before this sort of change is implemented like a giant news flash in WvW maps or something.
Many people that play wvw don’t check the forums, messing with reset times with this short of a notice for the next week can yield nothing but bad results.
We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible. In the meantime, this change will make things better for European players, who have been dealing with a very inconvenient time since launch.
you give us 3 days notice with only a pinned thread in 1 forum and expect wvwers to magically know this info?
If you guys want to change reset times, fine. But PLEASE PLEASE make this info more readily available through other means, via in game methods.
We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible. In the meantime, this change will make things better for European players, who have been dealing with a very inconvenient time since launch.
Why not move it even earlier Devon?
Midnight isn’t a great time for the EU and it’s going to destroy any hopes of Guilds able to get in together in NA. Move it back another 4 Hours and EU can play in Primetime and the initial “Reset Rush” might actually thin a bit by the time NA gets home from school/off work.
We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible. In the meantime, this change will make things better for European players, who have been dealing with a very inconvenient time since launch.
Thank you for you looking into this. I am safe to say all everyone wants is to be able to play with theirs guilds at reset, regardless of being NA or EU.
Like I said, my main concern is
why in the bloody hell are you giving us only a 3 day’s heads up on this info? no one considered the logistics of “hey, we pin 1 thread in the wvw forum for 3 days with no in game notification, all the wvwers will know this info, it’ll be fine?”
Please PLEASE delay this for another week and make this info more readily available.
Like I said, my main concern is
why in the bloody hell are you giving us only a 3 day’s heads up on this info? no one considered the logistics of “hey, we pin 1 thread in the wvw forum for 3 days with no in game notification, all the wvwers will know this info, it’ll be fine?”
Please PLEASE delay this for another week and make this info more readily available.
So what if they delay it one week and people happen to be away for that one week? They will still miss the information.
There will always be people missing information, and they will always find out sooner or later.
It is not like a match will be totally screwed simply because not every single one knew about earlier reset time.
And I don’t know with your server but on my server we actually talk about new information. Just a few minutes after this thread was posted it was talked about in the WvW maps of our server, so even people that do not check the forums does get the information.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
This is disappointing news. I’m not entirely sure why you need to cater to EU players when NA players make up the majority when it comes to NA servers.
Sure, if you want to do this change for the EU servers- that’s fine.
But to impose this time on NA servers is ridiculous.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
This is disappointing news. I’m not entirely sure why you need to cater to EU players when NA players make up the majority when it comes to NA servers.
Sure, if you want to do this change for the EU servers- that’s fine.
But to impose this time on NA servers is ridiculous.
Well, since the servers are reset at the same time it is quite hard to do it on the EU server but not on the NA servers..
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Kittened if you do, kittened if you don’t. Before people were complaining about it took too long to make a change. Now people complain about them making a change quickly and say its too short notice.
If you see this, tell your servermates. I’m sure the word will get around.
We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible. In the meantime, this change will make things better for European players, who have been dealing with a very inconvenient time since launch.
Why not move it even earlier Devon?
Midnight isn’t a great time for the EU and it’s going to destroy any hopes of Guilds able to get in together in NA. Move it back another 4 Hours and EU can play in Primetime and the initial “Reset Rush” might actually thin a bit by the time NA gets home from school/off work.
Agreed. An earlier time will benefit both EU and NA until separate times is a possibility.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
Why do you(Anet) make knee jerk reactions based on a few people QQ on the forums. Did you consider how this change negatively impacts players on the North American west coast? this really throws my schedule off, I am still at work when your “new”
reset time happens. Why didn’t you post a poll question to gauge how this impacts people instead of making decisions based on forum QQ? really disappointed!
So.. doing something after 8 months is now a “knee jerk reaction”?
Of course they considered it. But why should the NA west cost be more important than the whole continent of Europe?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible. In the meantime, this change will make things better for European players, who have been dealing with a very inconvenient time since launch.
Better for EU players huh! how does this change make anything better for NA players? it does not. In fact, the change negatively impacts us. Why do you(Anet) make knee jerk reactions based on a few people QQ on the forums. Did you consider how this change negatively impacts players on the North American west coast? this really throws my schedule off, I am still at work when your “new”
reset time happens. Why didn’t you post a poll question to gauge how this impacts people instead of making decisions based on forum QQ? really disappointed!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Why do you(Anet) make knee jerk reactions based on a few people QQ on the forums. Did you consider how this change negatively impacts players on the North American west coast? this really throws my schedule off, I am still at work when your “new”
reset time happens. Why didn’t you post a poll question to gauge how this impacts people instead of making decisions based on forum QQ? really disappointed!So.. doing something after 8 months is now a “knee jerk reaction”?
Of course they considered it. But why should the NA west cost be more important than the whole continent of Europe?
Are you Anet? no then the question is not yours to answer.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Are you Anet? no then the question is not hours to answer.
So you are not actually really interested in discussion? You simply want to whine and complain about stuff that you clearly have no idea about?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I appreciate that you guys are trying to find a solution that works better for everyone, but I honestly don’t think the time that you have chosen is it.
I don’t see how two hours earlier is going to make a huge difference for EU and it is going count out a very significant portion of the NA population. Probably worse for the majority of Oceanic players as well.
(edited by Karuna.1357)
Judging by the map chat and guild chat this evening, there isn’t a single soul in the EU that isn’t thankful for this change.
Personally, coming from someone that starts work at 9am on saturday morning, I had stopped playing the reset altogether because, obviously, needing to sleep. Now I’ve been able to put the reset right back on the table. We had people in the guild who would have had to stay up until 3/4/5am in order to play (depending on the time zone) and that just wasn’t an option, of course. The time makes the reset much more accessible to everyone here.
It is, of course, regrettable that for the time being, some of NA will also be affected. I do hope they quickly find a way to split the reset times so all communities will be covered. For the time being, though, thank you for shifting the times back within reach for the majority of European players. Any change is going to upset people who have a schedule, I wish good luck for those who need a deeper solution in order to keep playing they want to play. Devon, in the small time he has been active with us here, has proven to be active in addressing issues, especially those raised within the community of players. I have every confidence he will find a medium that benefits everyone.
As an edit to my post:
I appreciate that you guys are trying to find a solution that works better for everyone, but I honestly don’t think the time that you have chosen is it.
I don’t see how two hours earlier is going to make a huge difference for EU and it is going count out a very significant portion of the NA population.
Just to bring a little contrast from this side of the pond. To the majority of European players, 11-2am is fantastic. Not as good as say… 9-12, sure, but having the start at 1:15am for some (2:15 for most) made it inaccessible. That start time had already ruled out most of the EU.
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
(edited by Raeyne.5086)
Are you Anet? no then the question is not hours to answer.
So you are not actually really interested in discussion? You simply want to whine and complain about stuff that you clearly have no idea about?
no I don’t want to discuss with you, I want an answer from Anet. bye!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Better for EU players huh! how does this change make anything better for NA players?
It only negatively affects some NA players. California is not North America.
I appreciate that you guys are trying to find a solution that works better for everyone, but I honestly don’t think the time that you have chosen is it.
I don’t see how two hours earlier is going to make a huge difference for EU and it is going count out a very significant portion of the NA population.
But it does.
It means that instead of reset being past midnight, it is now one hour before midnight.
Sure some people might be asleep by that time as well, but far fewer than at the current reset.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I appreciate that you guys are trying to find a solution that works better for everyone, but I honestly don’t think the time that you have chosen is it.
I don’t see how two hours earlier is going to make a huge difference for EU and it is going count out a very significant portion of the NA population.
This is kinda how I feel as well. You open the door for a few more EU players to hop on and play, but you essentially tossed out a good 30-40% (if not more) NA players.
Better for EU players huh! how does this change make anything better for NA players?
It only negatively affects some NA players. California is not North America.
who said anything about California? there are a few states on the “west” coast, get a map, educate yourself.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
who said anything about California? there are a few states on the “west” coast, get a map, educate yourself.
There are way more than a “few states” in Europe though. So clearly it is effecting more people positively than it effect people negatively.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
exactly why I suggested a poll. just because there are more than a few “states” does not mean there are more people. seriously open your mind to suggestions, you are not right just because its your opinion.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
(edited by The Goat.1940)
Selfish and ignorant post. How is it anyone’s fault that the game can’t support the amount of people that want to play it? We have three hour queue times on reset night. I am curious as to how you are going to spin that as being ‘my fault’. Do you propose I transfer off the server and community I have invested time and effort into, leaving behind friends, guild mates, etc. ? Absolute nonsense.
(2) Again with the nonsense about it being ‘kinda your fault’ that there are queues. There were no queues on my server until we climbed the ranks. It is not my ‘fault’ that ANET didn’t shut off free transfers for so long and allowed people to easily transfer in. You propose I leave behind friends, guild members, and community ….stupid.
It’s either your guild’s (or your own if you decided to move on your own) fault for bandwagoning or your world’s fault for bring in bandwagoners. I propose nothing other than ceasing to complain about a situation you or your world created. Anything else would be selfish – you can’t have your cake and eat it. No world has the right to accept transfer guilds left, right and center and then complain about having queues to actually play.
Or are you going to claim that your world not only never recruited a single guild to it, but in fact fiercely resisted transfer guilds in? If so, please pull the other one – it’s got bells on.
We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible. In the meantime, this change will make things better for European players, who have been dealing with a very inconvenient time since launch.
For the record, I don’t have a stake in this. I don’t WvW on reset nights, but with all due respect Devon I have to say this.
Sounds to me like it’s just a matter of time before you’re able to separate US/EU WvW server reset times. In that case why change the reset times at all?
In my opinion you would have been better served saying “We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible.” and not changing the reset time at all. This is only going to stir up hard feelings on the part of some WvW players. Especially since now if you back down, you anger some of your EU costumers and if you don’t you anger some of your NA customers.
This could have been handled so much better PR-wise, in my opinion.
exactly why I suggested a poll. just because there are more than a few “states” does not mean there ad more people. seriously open your mind to suggestions, you are not right just because its your opinion.
I am actually almost 100% sure that ArenaNet is fully aware about which areas have the most people playing. And it is indeed extremely unlikely that the west cost of the US have more players than the WHOLE of Europe put together, especially since Europe is, or at least was back in GW1s time, the biggest player base for ArenaNet.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
exactly why I suggested a poll. just because there are more than a few “states” does not mean there ad more people. seriously open your mind to suggestions, you are not right just because its your opinion.
I am actually almost 100% sure that ArenaNet is fully aware about which areas have the most people playing. And it is indeed extremely unlikely that the west cost of the US have more players than the WHOLE of Europe put together, especially since Europe is, or at least was back in GW1s time, the biggest player base for ArenaNet.
so basically you don’t know anything and just like to run your mouth to feel important?!?! got it!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
will the next major wvw change (make no mistake, this is a pretty major one) get only 1 day notice?
the next one 3 hours? 30 mins before?
Maybe it’s a ploy to get NA servers to stop stacking in the top tier, the guilds get fed up with queues and spread out to give everyone some fun and make WvW into what it should have been.
*takes off tinfoil hat
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
will the next major wvw change (make no mistake, this is a pretty major one) get only 1 day notice?
the next one 3 hours? 30 mins before?
No it is not. It will most likely be more or less forgotten in a week or two.
We get it. You are kitten because you need to visit the official forums in order to get news about the game.
No need to spam about how much it sucks.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
If it gets split per region it’s going to mess up EUs playing on NA (like myself and half of my guild) and NAs playing on EU.
We’ll deal, but we’ll be cranky. But we’ll deal.
I echo what others have said that the WvW community at large needs more than 3 days notice. I hope that ANet can sit down and have a long, hard discussion about this. I know it’s not going to be beneficial to everyone, and someone’s always going to be left out, but as long as there’s sound logic and transparency then I’m a happy camper.
We are looking into what it will take to split the times out on a per region basis and we’ll do everything we can to make that the case as soon as possible. In the meantime, this change will make things better for European players, who have been dealing with a very inconvenient time since launch.
But Devon, once this is done, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle.
Once people get in the habit of not showing up for reset night, it is going to be hard for guilds to draw them back in. By the time you split EU/NA restarts, they will become set in new habits. The old momentum will be hard to recapture.
The reset night push is one of the very unique things about GW2 WvW. And let’s be honest, zerg vs zerg fighting in WvW sucks. It takes no skill, apart from some flanking awareness on the part of a commander. The virtue of reset night is that it added a very high level of strategic, intra-guild planning on top of the lame zerg vs zerg mechanics.
If the special reset night push is killed, GW2 is going to loose something that differentiates WvW from its competitors.
will the next major wvw change (make no mistake, this is a pretty major one) get only 1 day notice?
the next one 3 hours? 30 mins before?
No it is not. It will most likely be more or less forgotten in a week or two.
We get it. You are kitten because you need to visit the official forums in order to get news about the game.
No need to spam about how much it sucks.
look at you mr. knows it all. you can’t resist. put down the keyboard hero!
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Also, not mentioned is the fact that NA people can get on whenever they do get home from work. Reset night will still be going on – and the fresh influx of players all night long might be a nice change.
Reset times should be Monday morning at 6am EST.
Mentally Disturbed – [MD]
Sanctum of Rall
Well this about kills any and all chances of any NA West coast player from making reset. Thanks Anet, i will have to find a new activity to do friday evenings then waiting in a 2 hr long queue. (if anyone tells me to Xfer to a lower populated server i will murder a quagun)
It’s not ideal but it I can understand it – having reset at 2am would be horrible. And due to the laws of physics, we live on a round world. Darn laws of physics messing up our WvW… Looks like I’m leaving work early on Fridays from now on too
I’m pretty sure that the laws of physics have nothing at all to do with ANet not separating NA and EU starting times. It might be lack of available manpower, it might be due to some sort of hard coding careless devs wrote into the software that handles the reset, or it might be something else … but it isn’t a physical problem since the server banks for NA and EU are independent of each other.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
I find it disturbing that some people (most of them … but not all … being from the U.S.) have turned this thread into NA-vs-EU bashing. The EU guys have had a totally justifiable gripe since launch and it isn’t their fault that ANet decided to toss out a crippled fix instead of a good one.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
I find it disturbing that some people (most of them … but not all … being from the U.S.) have turned this thread into NA-vs-EU bashing. The EU guys have had a totally justifiable gripe since launch and it isn’t their fault that ANet decided to toss out a crippled fix instead of a good one.
I was trying to find EU bashing, I couldn’t. can you point me in the right direction so I can be entertained by said bashing?
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows
Like i say after every bug and the complete instability of WvW and the poorly done WvW update that took forever. Good Game Anet!
Sucks for PST, only the kids get to play.
“dodging saves lives.”
Like i say after every bug and the complete instability of WvW and the poorly done WvW update that took forever. Good Game Anet!
Your forgot the WvW patch that was 75% SAB.
Tarnished Coast Server