Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Haha, that Blackdevil guy so full of himself! But yeah, it takes incredible amount of skill to spam ae`s running with your 24 buddies. Can`t wait to experience your roaming qualities first hand, badboy…
Buka, lol. You guys are scrubs. I saw your mesmer’s post about ‘’gvg build’’. Was funny to see him talking about gvg as roaming scrub. He had no idea what he was talking about.
But ahwell, when we face kodash I wouldn´t mind dueling or 1v2ing anyone of your guild.Are you really suggesting that gvg, or in fact ANY combat, in gw2 is not just spam? There are very few times in any part of the game that you dont just spam everything. There are exceptions but they are rare. Dont pretend 20vs20 is some skillful arena. It isnt. Not that 5v5 or 1v1 is particularly skillfull either. It is spam too. But slightly less than 20vs 20
Actually it´s funny that you mention this. Because basically what you are saying is:
‘’everything in this game is skillless, because i’ve done it all and i was all pro in everything’’.
Otherwise you could never know that everything is spamming 1 and skillless. That must be making you a super pro pvper. I’d love to fight you some time or see a video and learn from the ‘’real pro’s’’ like you.
“Basically” what you think I am saying is stupid. I never said anything like that. At all. I am just someone trying to make an argument to maybe improve the game for people who dont like blobbing all day. People will have different views and I get that. What this IS about is the maps only rewarding guild blobs and nothing else. Because they are too small and because of the aoe cap. The new map is an opportunity to change this, and to make roaming more viable and not just have more blobbing all day every day.
You have a real chip on you shoulder in this thread. Calm down dude. It is ok that some people dont think going around in 20 man blobs spamming aoe’s is skilled. Some people think it is skilled and engaging gameplay. That is fine. Opinions are a good thing.
If you like blob v blob – whether in the field or set up as a gvg – then more power to you. I just dont want this to be the only overpowering thing in wvw.
RIOT was selected:
Looking forward to streaming it as much as possible!
I think they picked the wrong RiOT
Haha, that Blackdevil guy so full of himself! But yeah, it takes incredible amount of skill to spam ae`s running with your 24 buddies. Can`t wait to experience your roaming qualities first hand, badboy…
You haven’t met RedGuard before, have you? You’re in for a world of hurt.
On-topic – ANet is collecting guild information until tomorrow afternoon. I guess we’ll see access to the new map sometime in the week following that.
Yeh, I am sure he is quaking in his boots. lol
What this IS about is the maps only rewarding guild blobs and nothing else. Because they are too small and because of the aoe cap. The new map is an opportunity to change this, and to make roaming more viable and not just have more blobbing all day every day.
You have a real chip on you shoulder in this thread. Calm down dude. It is ok that some people dont think going around in 20 man blobs spamming aoe’s is skilled. Some people think it is skilled and engaging gameplay. That is fine. Opinions are a good thing.
If you like blob v blob – whether in the field or set up as a gvg – then more power to you. I just dont want this to be the only overpowering thing in wvw.
Hey, you were the one barging in calling guilds players " running right next to some leader spamming aoe and auto attacks". Dont get so defensive when someone calls you out.
Fact is most of the good 20 man guilds are comprised of players who were good at 5 man play or solo roaming. You can fault the map or the AoE cap for hindering small groups, but to go ahead and criticize players who play in a guild raid is not really relevant to any point you are trying to make.
I am confident that there are quite a lot of players in the large guilds who will critique the map for things it will lack with regards to small scale. But to expect that to be listened to isnt likely.
Nor is it likely that how the map is designed even matters. I am guessing the overflow does not contribute to score, because it is an overflow, hence there is no winning on the objective front. Small groups trying to ninja things will be pointless as objectives are pointless. All thats left is fighting in your small group, but the main hindrance to that is AoE cap and that aspect will not be alleviated with the new map.
Haha, that Blackdevil guy so full of himself! But yeah, it takes incredible amount of skill to spam ae`s running with your 24 buddies. Can`t wait to experience your roaming qualities first hand, badboy…
Buka, lol. You guys are scrubs. I saw your mesmer’s post about ‘’gvg build’’. Was funny to see him talking about gvg as roaming scrub. He had no idea what he was talking about.
But ahwell, when we face kodash I wouldn´t mind dueling or 1v2ing anyone of your guild.
I play since realease and I have had plenty of opportunity to meet you RG wannabes in smallscale environment. My experiences have been very disappointing to say the least. “Pathetic” would suit the actual performance of your buddies probably better. I bet they were all running gvg builds, ha?
Sorry, dude, but I`m laughing quite hard about your big mouth, when in the past you guys couldn`t even handle smallscale fights when outnumbering the opponent.
Keep on dreaming, wannabe. And please post more videos running through pugs to show off your incredible skills.
As I said before, can`t wait to experience your qualities first hand.
@ Jackie:
Sorry, but this is just not true. There are some gvg guilds (VcY and BuLL for example) that love doing smallsclae and field quite good players. But RG not so much, at least that`s what I experienced roaming gw2.
Most good players consider gvg a downgrade to roaming cause individual skill do not shine through as much. I have experienced quite the opposite: Most bored gvgers who consider themselves good players go roaming or tpvp cause of boredome.
Best regards
(edited by Moon.6371)
Well this thread is derailing quickly. Can you have your kitten ing contest somewhere else?
Are there any updates from guilds that have gotten in yet? Would like to see how new destructible objects work. As far as I recall, they only talked about bridges. Are there more?
Beta hasn’t actually started yet.
Sorry to disappoint. :p
“Basically” what you think I am saying is stupid. I never said anything like that. At all. I am just someone trying to make an argument to maybe improve the game for people who dont like blobbing all day. People will have different views and I get that. What this IS about is the maps only rewarding guild blobs and nothing else. Because they are too small and because of the aoe cap. The new map is an opportunity to change this, and to make roaming more viable and not just have more blobbing all day every day.
You have a real chip on you shoulder in this thread. Calm down dude. It is ok that some people dont think going around in 20 man blobs spamming aoe’s is skilled. Some people think it is skilled and engaging gameplay. That is fine. Opinions are a good thing.
If you like blob v blob – whether in the field or set up as a gvg – then more power to you. I just dont want this to be the only overpowering thing in wvw.
If you don’t want replies like this, then don’t say kitten like ‘’Guil… or no, BLOB vs BLOB aka 20vs20 is skillless’’, while you never did it yourself.
Btw, this last post is just you trying to avoid getting pointed at the kitten you said before. Putting the problem in my hands wont help you with that.
@ Moon
Funny you bring up my old guild. I never said anything about Red Guard, did I? I was talking about my personal skill, not the ones that team players of RG had in roaming.
We weren’t built for ‘’small scale’’ and even if you saw 4/5 guys running around, then we were just trolling about. It’s not that we were gonna play hardcore with specs and builds based on each other for 5 man groups if we just had a raid after that or were about to start a raid before that.
I’d love to see you gathering 20 guys and beating us in that ‘’skillless blob fights’’ you guys mention all the time. Many tried, many failed.
You know what’s also funny? There are some really good roamers in votf. Did they beat us? No they didn’t. Did any USA ’’top’’ guild beat us, even with the 0.5 sec delay we had constantly? Nope they never did.
VcY and good roamers? Lol you gotta be kidding me. If that’s what you call ’’good’’ then you must be FG level.
Yes BuLL got some good roamers and ‘’smale scale’’ people. Funny thing is, they never beat RG in a GvG.
I always like it when roamers compare smale scale to GvG’s and say you need more skill in roaming than in a GvG. Most of them, like you, never did a gvg so you don’t even have the rights to say anything like that and when they actually face a 20 man group, they seem to lose every time while they are ‘’much more skilled’’ than those 20 guys beating everyone.
Oh and don’t worry, I’m on riverside. Maybe next week I’ll get to duel you or face some of these ‘’super skilled’’ people of buka. Till then, keep your big talk out of GvG unless you actually faced some real guild.
Yay, looking forward meeting you for some fights. Sorry, I am not in the mood to write wall of text and derail the thread any further just to answer your desperate attempts to proof your capabilities in this very thread.
Have fun & good luck!
i demand streaming for this one a kind dueling contest!!
What’s rather desperate is:
Insulting someone, saying his old guild is skillless, insulting a whole guild, avoiding facts and arguments of the one you insulted and then calling him desperate ‘’because you’re not in the mood to say something useful back’’
Ahwell, nice try putting the blame on me dude. Keep on dreaming for anet to bring out small scale stuff in WvW.
[RP] -Roleplaying Pirates- got in
thanks anet xoxo
“See ye at worlds edge!”
(edited by Webley.1295)
Based on the posts in this thread the guilds chosen seem to be only eager at streaming and getting “popular”. Most ppl that have reported getting in are just scrubs and will most likely provide anet with the exact feedback anet wants ( rather than giving honest and truthful feedback). Thats what I ment.
Because it is so unlike us to criticize Anet and the new things they implement.
well that escalated quickly…
“Basically” what you think I am saying is stupid. I never said anything like that. At all. I am just someone trying to make an argument to maybe improve the game for people who dont like blobbing all day. People will have different views and I get that. What this IS about is the maps only rewarding guild blobs and nothing else. Because they are too small and because of the aoe cap. The new map is an opportunity to change this, and to make roaming more viable and not just have more blobbing all day every day.
You have a real chip on you shoulder in this thread. Calm down dude. It is ok that some people dont think going around in 20 man blobs spamming aoe’s is skilled. Some people think it is skilled and engaging gameplay. That is fine. Opinions are a good thing.
If you like blob v blob – whether in the field or set up as a gvg – then more power to you. I just dont want this to be the only overpowering thing in wvw.
If you don’t want replies like this, then don’t say kitten like ‘’Guil… or no, BLOB vs BLOB aka 20vs20 is skillless’’, while you never did it yourself.
Btw, this last post is just you trying to avoid getting pointed at the kitten you said before. Putting the problem in my hands wont help you with that.@ Moon
Funny you bring up my old guild. I never said anything about Red Guard, did I? I was talking about my personal skill, not the ones that team players of RG had in roaming.
We weren’t built for ‘’small scale’’ and even if you saw 4/5 guys running around, then we were just trolling about. It’s not that we were gonna play hardcore with specs and builds based on each other for 5 man groups if we just had a raid after that or were about to start a raid before that.
I’d love to see you gathering 20 guys and beating us in that ‘’skillless blob fights’’ you guys mention all the time. Many tried, many failed.
You know what’s also funny? There are some really good roamers in votf. Did they beat us? No they didn’t. Did any USA ’’top’’ guild beat us, even with the 0.5 sec delay we had constantly? Nope they never did.VcY and good roamers? Lol you gotta be kidding me. If that’s what you call ’’good’’ then you must be FG level.
Yes BuLL got some good roamers and ‘’smale scale’’ people. Funny thing is, they never beat RG in a GvG.I always like it when roamers compare smale scale to GvG’s and say you need more skill in roaming than in a GvG. Most of them, like you, never did a gvg so you don’t even have the rights to say anything like that and when they actually face a 20 man group, they seem to lose every time while they are ‘’much more skilled’’ than those 20 guys beating everyone.
Oh and don’t worry, I’m on riverside. Maybe next week I’ll get to duel you or face some of these ‘’super skilled’’ people of buka. Till then, keep your big talk out of GvG unless you actually faced some real guild.
Don’t pretend most of gvg isnt just on the leader calling stuff and on builds which synergise/have the right composition. The actual players in those fights could be good or bad. It is really irrelevent. There is no target acquisition or anything of that nature. It is just – spam ur kitten now – type thing. The leader needs a ton of skills to do this effectively. The everyday guy in the guild needs no special skills beyond gear/a build which synergises. That is it. You could take the worst player in gw2 right now and train him to be as good as almost any gvg solider within a week
Still I want to see a video of you, so I can comment your gameplay.
Because , as your signature says, [Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
So this is either meant as joke, which is immature and not funny as kitten, or you actually are a good player, know whats up and know every way of PvP in this game whereas you mastered them all.
That’s, again, how you’re talking.
there is a pretty awesome function the forum does offer for private chat. it is called “send a pm”. the benefits are:
- noone can read what you write
- the own immature behavior is locked into a private session
- the threads stay clean and everybody can have constructive conversations
- the forum admins have less work to do
I literally have a video of fighting 1v2 against 2 thieves from your guild while playing a staff ele myself, in the end they both ran away at sub 20% hp. Elite roaming squad? Nah. You guys are good for ppt and being a nuisance, but not an elite roaming squad lol
Fine, the answers improve.
More clues, several of the Shadows use “support” kind builds. I am one of these who uses a"support" kind build and for sure that I will not kill several specific builds. If your performance skill related to roaming/ninjaing is based on killling an elusive character it is your problem, and it is ridiculous (as valuing a GvG guild by valuing just one player).
As I said the best small scale group we have fought was none of you (RG or VOTF) (and several Shadows have killed much many of yours in single encounters, by the way), it was a small french guild called EVO.
But EVO, or you, can not do what an elite roaming/ninja squad can do, as control all the supply routes in a frontier, cap a whole map with just 6 guys, cap during ticks the same stronghold from enemies again and again, entertain a blob for hours in a lost place….
Roaming/ninja squads it is not just about runing, capping camps and killing a couple of randoms in the middle, it is much more and you did not noticed it yet.
And yep, we do fine in terms of ppt and several others.
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows.
PD: Dear VOTF and RG, you do fine in GvG and other activities, but do not try to convince anybody that you are top in roaming/ninja squads, it is not the case.
(edited by Haltair.3062)
RIOT was selected:
Looking forward to streaming it as much as possible!
Arrogant kitten got selected, nice to see that Anet does not care about that.
Not sure who you are; but let’s just be friends.
Don’t pretend most of gvg isnt just on the leader calling stuff and on builds which synergise/have the right composition. The actual players in those fights could be good or bad. It is really irrelevent. There is no target acquisition or anything of that nature. It is just – spam ur kitten now – type thing. The leader needs a ton of skills to do this effectively. The everyday guy in the guild needs no special skills beyond gear/a build which synergises. That is it. You could take the worst player in gw2 right now and train him to be as good as almost any gvg solider within a week
You just don’t know what are you talking about. If that’s what your experience of GvG, well, feel sorry for you to be part of mediocre team. Top GvG teams do not operate like what you are describing.
Still I want to see a video of you, so I can comment your gameplay.
Because , as your signature says, [Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
So this is either meant as joke, which is immature and not funny as kitten, or you actually are a good player, know whats up and know every way of PvP in this game whereas you mastered them all.
That’s, again, how you’re talking.
Get over yourself. I don’t care how “super pro awesome” anyone is as long as they do an effort for honest combat.
That doesn’t mean you stomp them if they’re worse than you, it means you stomp them if they’re worse than you and decide to fight only with the help of some buddies.
Player vs. Player requires respect from both sides. I honestly have a lot of respect for someone who goes off on his own instead of joining the blob, while he/she might not be experienced at all. If I encounter people like that I don’t stomp.
I’ve no idea where this thread ventured off to. The info from Strike Force will be sent off today. We’re ~240 members, WvW-focused, and… yeah. Hope to work with/fight with the rest of you to get this polished for release.
To everybody in the threads, pls move this discusson from GvG vs roamer, pls just stop posting, i can see both side of the battle, what i can tell you need to experience top level of both before start talking, Gvg has a different skillset, and roamer have a different skillset.
If you want to discuss which it’s better, open a new thread discuss it there, don’t feed the troll, keep this thread for The Edge of the mists map.
To everybody in the beta, GL hope you do your best!
“Basically” what you think I am saying is stupid. I never said anything like that. At all. I am just someone trying to make an argument to maybe improve the game for people who dont like blobbing all day. People will have different views and I get that. What this IS about is the maps only rewarding guild blobs and nothing else. Because they are too small and because of the aoe cap. The new map is an opportunity to change this, and to make roaming more viable and not just have more blobbing all day every day.
You have a real chip on you shoulder in this thread. Calm down dude. It is ok that some people dont think going around in 20 man blobs spamming aoe’s is skilled. Some people think it is skilled and engaging gameplay. That is fine. Opinions are a good thing.
If you like blob v blob – whether in the field or set up as a gvg – then more power to you. I just dont want this to be the only overpowering thing in wvw.
If you don’t want replies like this, then don’t say kitten like ‘’Guil… or no, BLOB vs BLOB aka 20vs20 is skillless’’, while you never did it yourself.
Btw, this last post is just you trying to avoid getting pointed at the kitten you said before. Putting the problem in my hands wont help you with that.@ Moon
Funny you bring up my old guild. I never said anything about Red Guard, did I? I was talking about my personal skill, not the ones that team players of RG had in roaming.
We weren’t built for ‘’small scale’’ and even if you saw 4/5 guys running around, then we were just trolling about. It’s not that we were gonna play hardcore with specs and builds based on each other for 5 man groups if we just had a raid after that or were about to start a raid before that.
I’d love to see you gathering 20 guys and beating us in that ‘’skillless blob fights’’ you guys mention all the time. Many tried, many failed.
You know what’s also funny? There are some really good roamers in votf. Did they beat us? No they didn’t. Did any USA ’’top’’ guild beat us, even with the 0.5 sec delay we had constantly? Nope they never did.VcY and good roamers? Lol you gotta be kidding me. If that’s what you call ’’good’’ then you must be FG level.
Yes BuLL got some good roamers and ‘’smale scale’’ people. Funny thing is, they never beat RG in a GvG.I always like it when roamers compare smale scale to GvG’s and say you need more skill in roaming than in a GvG. Most of them, like you, never did a gvg so you don’t even have the rights to say anything like that and when they actually face a 20 man group, they seem to lose every time while they are ‘’much more skilled’’ than those 20 guys beating everyone.
Oh and don’t worry, I’m on riverside. Maybe next week I’ll get to duel you or face some of these ‘’super skilled’’ people of buka. Till then, keep your big talk out of GvG unless you actually faced some real guild.
Don’t pretend most of gvg isnt just on the leader calling stuff and on builds which synergise/have the right composition. The actual players in those fights could be good or bad. It is really irrelevent. There is no target acquisition or anything of that nature. It is just – spam ur kitten now – type thing. The leader needs a ton of skills to do this effectively. The everyday guy in the guild needs no special skills beyond gear/a build which synergises. That is it. You could take the worst player in gw2 right now and train him to be as good as almost any gvg solider within a week
And end up with a completely dead backline before you down a single enemy?…
Soooo…. Any news on this from the guilds that got accepted?
RIOT was selected:
Looking forward to streaming it as much as possible!
Arrogant kitten got selected, nice to see that Anet does not care about that.
Not sure who you are; but let’s just be friends
I’m no-one you know. I liked your vids on youtube and twitch. Untill I saw that one you punished not such a good guild and calling them scrubs. Not everyone is a good as you and calling them names made you sound very arrogant.
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