Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
FSP/FR/UW Round 2
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
To all Far Shiverpeaks people, we just want you to know that yesterday night [XxX] transfered back to Gandara before the incoming paid transfer. We had lot of fun playing alongside with you guys and it has been a week of awesome fights! Thanks to all the one involved and to all Fsp guys who welcomed us this week.
Good luck!
Was fun having you guys around, best of luck on Gandara, and have fun
3 wvw kills
The moment we or FR put a fight in EB, you just go for the BL… indeed good, you’ll win and you’ll win by a lot. But when the faction with the biggest numbers rely on guerrilla tactics, you know they’re bad and cheap.
That doesn’t explain why we still have a queue on EB if supposedly our masses went for the BL from EB?
And why you guys are suddenly complaining about numbers and such when we still have the same queues as a few weeks back when you were all still positive about us?
Hate much because you can’t stand loosing anymore and try to blame it on numbers now?
Yes we might have gained a few but I also see a lot less of you guys around so maybe you should look at your own server’s population and take that into account as well? You might have actually less active wvw players around than a few weeks back which makes you perceive we have grown gigantically?
You speak of hate and stuff, your post is so full of it its painfull to read.
I suggest you take a small break have a good glas of whatever you fancy and chill a bit.
Bragging rights go to the 1st i guess, but it can turn you into a P"§$ really fast.
I just read you lost XXX, that will hurt you some im sure, they have been a good Guild, and a worthy opponent.
We have asked our ppl to keep it Civil, perhaps you guys see to that too, those kind of posts seem to attracht trolls, with a tendency to kitten to much.
We have higher number, yes.
not due some new guilds (XxX already left to a higher tier server) and other bigger ones left even earlier but mainly due the preiovus week victory a lot of true casuals jumped in www and are having some fun.
Our gruop is 5-10 bigger than usual, while two weeks ago we were 5-10 smaller.
Next week it will probably be FR and GH, we can probably try to resist as we did in w1 with DZ, and wait for RoS then, with paid transfer, the situation should be stale and we can have our fun in the tier we deserve.
GM and Commander of Leoni Bianchi [Lion]
Piken Square
The moment we or FR put a fight in EB, you just go for the BL… indeed good, you’ll win and you’ll win by a lot. But when the faction with the biggest numbers rely on guerrilla tactics, you know they’re bad and cheap.
That doesn’t explain why we still have a queue on EB if supposedly our masses went for the BL from EB?
And why you guys are suddenly complaining about numbers and such when we still have the same queues as a few weeks back when you were all still positive about us?
Hate much because you can’t stand loosing anymore and try to blame it on numbers now?
Yes we might have gained a few but I also see a lot less of you guys around so maybe you should look at your own server’s population and take that into account as well? You might have actually less active wvw players around than a few weeks back which makes you perceive we have grown gigantically?You speak of hate and stuff, your post is so full of it its painfull to read.
I suggest you take a small break have a good glas of whatever you fancy and chill a bit.
Bragging rights go to the 1st i guess, but it can turn you into a P"§$ really fast.
I just read you lost XXX, that will hurt you some im sure, they have been a good Guild, and a worthy opponent.
We have asked our ppl to keep it Civil, perhaps you guys see to that too, those kind of posts seem to attracht trolls, with a tendency to kitten to much.
you must be reading in a different language then me…
our server gets called cheap and bad with false reason and holska replied in a maybe somewhat kitteny, but in no way hatefull manner…
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
(edited by Wicked.5479)
Just out of curiosity did UW get some new guilds? Because yesterday evening i have seen some new tactics of UW (spawning camping our spawn with a massive 40+ zerg.) and i haven’t seen this before by UW.
Nope we’re losing guilds all the time, we were just bored and tried something new :|
Doesn’t matter, Had badges.
Although there was alot of hate when i meteor shower’ed your trebs :X
Just out of curiosity did UW get some new guilds? Because yesterday evening i have seen some new tactics of UW (spawning camping our spawn with a massive 40+ zerg.) and i haven’t seen this before by UW.
I think we even lost a guild in the last weeks, not sure tough :P
We do have some numbers, we just aren’t able to maintain them through the day, thats what we have to work on if we, somewhen, want to keep up with other servers.
Nope we’re losing guilds all the time, we were just bored and tried something new :|
Well that explains alot but don’t do it again. Its anoying as hell :P
Nope we’re losing guilds all the time, we were just bored and tried something new :|
Well that explains alot
but don’t do it again. Its anoying as hell :P
you’re talking about the Sunday-Evening fight on FS borderlands?
If so, it wasnt planned that way
we originally wanted to invade FR borderlands but ended up fighting FS more than FR for whatever reason FS didnt go for Hills when we presented it to them as a gift with keeping FR busy at bay… but well… so we went to FS borderlands and were actually surprised how easy and fast we managed to cap Hills then Garrison and the NE Tower
Can we PLZ stop using dumb invurnable spots
If you cant pay for repairs, go play spvp…
To all Far Shiverpeaks people, we just want you to know that yesterday night [XxX] transfered back to Gandara before the incoming paid transfer. We had lot of fun playing alongside with you guys and it has been a week of awesome fights! Thanks to all the one involved and to all Fsp guys who welcomed us this week.
Good luck!
I would just like to say it was pleasure to have you with us. It may have been short lived, but I think you taught our server a few things, and hope you have plenty of success in whichever server you choose. I just hope to see you on the battlefield again in the future when we move up.
Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.
Seriously Far Shiverpeaks, you should have some kind of breaks while invading our borderland some times. All I wanted to was make some food and eat, but nooooo you had to keep bombarding our bay with Trebs from Briar and Vale.
Was a lot of fun to defend our border tonight. Hopefully you hit it again like that soon.
Its a shame we are going to drop a tier next week (even though we gain points!).
PS. Fort Ranik, was fun to fight with you guys also. But you should take out the Pot of Oil out before porting golems in.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
You can still remain is T7, at the expense of FR
The ratings are quite close actually, only 10 points difference between you and FR.
They have lost a lot today.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Fun matchups imo these last weeks against UW RoF Dzag and now FR, enough bigger battles and enough smaller battles not many blowouts either, will probably take some time till GH and RoS have passed before we have these matchups again and see what the closure of the transfers creates on other servers around our tiers.
(edited by LionZero.3479)
It’s always fun to fight UW, I believe after a month (or more?!) of fighting we have grown on to eachother’s skin! It will be weird to be in a matchup next week without you guys, let’s keep our fingers crossed that the fleeing Blacktide guilds won’t mess up the tiers too much and our fun with it..
I sincerely hope that the end of free transfers is the salvation of WvW, it remains to be seen.
Dear UW,
if you need 10+ people to bring down 1 ele…dont /laugh, just walk away in shame
that you always need a small zerg
Don’t talk about a whole server when u experience this kind of childish behavior.
The schools r out so we have lots of kids playing wvw atm.
Cilag – Gaurdian
[RAIN] Wolfs Rain
I have really enjoyed the fights with FR and UW the last 2 weeks i think we are 3 pretty
equal servers we just out numbered you at the right time and the right place,so that must mean we are getting better
Nilamus (warrior)
sometimes i dont understand FS…
we’re on FR borderlands and hit bay with a treb, but instead of fighting FR we fight FS that try to take Briar instead of going for hills?
and then even some of you try to use poor methods like bugging into briar (caught one of your mesmers)…
That sort of thing happens often.
Yesterday we had a small group on FR BL trying to retake lake after the french took it from us, and in comes a bunch of UW’s from the island to fight us
It’s not a prefect world
Luna Solares – Mesmer
happens to me like always when im on FR border XD
yes every server has tactical geniusses like that…
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
what`s up with the guys from FR Apokaliptik Warriors or whatever (APOS) ?
you finally found out how to portal bomb and now you use it in EVERY situation ?
20 people portal bombing 2 players a few times in a row is kinda overkill and lame.
3 wvw kills
sounds like good fun tbh, something i would do with my guild for fun XD
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
sounds like good fun tbh, something i would do with my guild for fun XD
heheh, yeah it was funny the first time
3 wvw kills
sometimes i dont understand FS…
we’re on FR borderlands and hit bay with a treb, but instead of fighting FR we fight FS that try to take Briar instead of going for hills?
and then even some of you try to use poor methods like bugging into briar (caught one of your mesmers)…
We as FS players also didn’t understand the commander. So most of us didn’t even followed him.
Dear UW,
if you need 10+ people to bring down 1 ele…dont /laugh, just walk away in shame
that you always need a small zerg
Don’t blame only uw do, i can imagine even some people of our server or any of the others servers doing the same.
Or running from a 1vs1 fight too guards and using laugh while they should be ashamed or they running back at camp/guards vs 1vs1 fights and when u leave them to continue your travels they follow u and when u attack them again they running back to there so beloved camp/guards.
It sucks but every server has those people how enoying it can be.
sometimes i dont understand FS…
we’re on FR borderlands and hit bay with a treb, but instead of fighting FR we fight FS that try to take Briar instead of going for hills?
and then even some of you try to use poor methods like bugging into briar (caught one of your mesmers)…
We as FS players also didn’t understand the commander. So most of us didn’t even followed him.
Tactic seems weird indeed from the commander, but sometimes fs groups just likes to fight invaders :P
Can remember my group zerging into a siege from uw on a french tower at fr border while the french were defending the tower.
Was 1 big chaos but fun hehe
Dear UW,
You have a guild member in AiT (or something like)who plays as an Asura Mes or thief
and seems to have the ability of perma stealth,who managed to block us taking the supply camp next to DB last night,i managed to target him for short periods but not to report him.
Before i cry Kitten cheating MFSOB can someone tell me if this legit and possible with a player on his own.
I was under the impression a 11 second stack is the limit.
Nilamus (warrior)
Perma stealth is possible (surely out of combat, quite easily manageable ~50s in combat with only a few seconds downtime), also if someone’s stealthed they don’t contest the location so you can capture it despite the cloaked enemies.
believe me it stayed Red and there were at least 20 of us (FSP) who can vouch for that and were searching for him.
Nilamus (warrior)
Culling issue then, if the ring blinked, and if it stayed enemy all the time then there must have been someone else but the cloaked player.
gotta say UW taught FS one thing, the reaction time on their homeborder got alot better than a few weeks ago
I gotta say, the last 2 days were some of the most thrilling for WvW in probably weeks. FR and us have been within 1k points of each other the entire time, and it is still undecided as to who will prevail. Yet after spending 7 hours in fighting today, I can’t feel but disappointed to see that now, when UW needs its players the most, is the time we have the least online. Outmanned in EB, FS dominated our entire third for the bigger part of the afternoon, and unable to get enough people onto another border to make a difference, I feel powerless to change the outcome of the matchup. I will keep working, and try as hard as possible to beat the french. I think we can, I know we can.
Whatever happens, we are finally parting ways with FS. I like to think it’s been a learning experience for both servers, and wish you the best of luck in your future trials. I wish that, when we next face you on the battlefield, our servers will be on more equal ground and we will prove tougher to beat.
Charr Guardian
47k kills and counting
Culling issue then, if the ring blinked, and if it stayed enemy all the time then there must have been someone else but the cloaked player.
There was no one else and this Dude was totally invisable and moving and hiding after being hit by AA and AOE,he was also in the throne room after we took DB.
Nilamus (warrior)
Seems the party is in FS border so far tonight. Huge numbers from both FR and UW. Enjoyed trying to put up defences against both sides. I would have to question the tactical thinking of UW though. They are extremely tight with FR for second but they seem to be avoiding FR altogether, you would think you should be targetting FR to reduce their points tick and make a gap. I see some blue on UW map but not a hint of red on FR map.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Seems the party is in FS border so far tonight. Huge numbers from both FR and UW. Enjoyed trying to put up defences against both sides. I would have to question the tactical thinking of UW though. They are extremely tight with FR for second but they seem to be avoiding FR altogether, you would think you should be targetting FR to reduce their points tick and make a gap. I see some blue on UW map but not a hint of red on FR map.
As someone who is somewhat involved in “tactical decisions” I can tell you the sole reason, for what you are telling here, is FS and FR fighting all of their battles on our border the entire week lol.
Since reset we have been almost forced to stick to defending, although I noticed FS either became lazy or lost a lot of their people.. you guys had CRAZY numbers almost the entire week, but the last 2 days I hardly spot a big FS zerg anymore.. the fight is somewhat even now, not like the first few days where we were continiously outnumbered and dominated 20vs100 lol.
I kinda had to laugh with the comment saying UW outnumbers FS all the time, whatever makes you sleep at night tho. :P We lack the numbers.. if you really do play WvW a lot you notice we only have 1 big WvW guild.. ÄÄ. Where I can name multiple guilds from FS.. BloS, lion, XxX (moved to another server I heard), GUM, list goes on and on..
We haven’t lost anyone.
Those crazy numbers was in the weekend.
Believe it or not but we don’t have the hordes of people you think we might have.
Yes on average more than you but not enough to have the upper hand 24/7.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Seems the party is in FS border so far tonight. Huge numbers from both FR and UW. Enjoyed trying to put up defences against both sides. I would have to question the tactical thinking of UW though. They are extremely tight with FR for second but they seem to be avoiding FR altogether, you would think you should be targetting FR to reduce their points tick and make a gap. I see some blue on UW map but not a hint of red on FR map.
As someone who is somewhat involved in “tactical decisions” I can tell you the sole reason, for what you are telling here, is FS and FR fighting all of their battles on our border the entire week lol.
Since reset we have been almost forced to stick to defending, although I noticed FS either became lazy or lost a lot of their people.. you guys had CRAZY numbers almost the entire week, but the last 2 days I hardly spot a big FS zerg anymore.. the fight is somewhat even now, not like the first few days where we were continiously outnumbered and dominated 20vs100 lol.
I kinda had to laugh with the comment saying UW outnumbers FS all the time, whatever makes you sleep at night tho. :P We lack the numbers.. if you really do play WvW a lot you notice we only have 1 big WvW guild.. ÄÄ. Where I can name multiple guilds from FS.. BloS, lion, XxX (moved to another server I heard), GUM, list goes on and on..
Perhaps you can quote me the line in my post where I said UW outnumbered FS. FS doesn’t have any big wvw guilds, we have a number of guilds (about 7-8) that are medium sized and whose numbers vary depending if they are hosting a guild event etc.
SPGR were out in big numbers tonight for UW. In general we have greater numbers, but we have similar sized populated servers so maybe you guys need to do more to get the pve players into it.
My point about your tactics is valid. It looks like you won’t catch GH in the rating, but if you have any hope of staying in tier 7 you need to focus FR. As I explained your tactics earlier were a little mystifying. You both had huge zergs in our border ( I would guess half of both server’s entire wvw population at the time). I enjoyed fighting FR on our border. They were aggressive, organised and were tactically good. UW on the other hand rarely engaged either side. Whenever FS and FR got in a brawl you guys would head to other side of map to cap something. We just happened to catch you at Sunnyhill and then at our Garrison when we disengaged from FR and returned to defend. If you have given up on staying in tier 7 fine. If you just want to have some enjoyable fights then stop playing as you are, relying on other 2 servers in matchup to engage each other before capping something on other side of map. Otherwise I don’t know what you are trying to achieve.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Dear UW,
if you need 10+ people to bring down 1 ele…dont /laugh, just walk away in shame
that you always need a small zerg
So you run a DD Ele and found a few Uw Randoms that dont know how to deal with it?
And then you come here to polish your Ego, and boast how good you are?
Did i get that right?
As for the laugh part, today i got Roflstomped by 30 ppl and 10 stopped to laugh at me, all Fsers, ya fun times.
If you just want to have some enjoyable fights then stop playing as you are, relying on other 2 servers in matchup to engage each other before capping something on other side of map. Otherwise I don’t know what you are trying to achieve. Snip
Like you guys did vs DZ?
Nope Uw doesnt back down, you may not like how we play, but its entirely up to us.
(edited by Atlanis.1473)
UW on the other hand rarely engaged either side. Whenever FS and FR got in a brawl you guys would head to other side of map to cap something.
Ow yeah, we just sit at home behind our computer waiting for you two servers te engage.
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold
as far as i see it UW took a very smart decision and tried to sneakcap multiple towers while we were busy with FR.
sadly for UW though that FR didnt really push that hard after the failed attempt on bay, therefor we had enough manpower to repel other attacks aswell.
if bay had fallen we would have been in big trouble.
also the chances of UW staying in this tier is near 0, so im sure they wanted to show us on our own turf that they are still a strong force.
i really liked the attack you did on garrison where we had to pull 2 guildevents from other borders to help out. (i was the guy on the mortar spreading fire everywhere btw )
i hope UW will gain more guilds and people from pve because it has been fun playing against you.
im quite certain that you will find your way back up the tiers soon enough again.
untill we meet again,
Kengo Miyazawa
norn warrior
commander and leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
p.s our guild only has about 15 active players and on average we have abou 5-8 people together in wvw, so we arent that big.
im glad however that we made an impact enough to get mentioned
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
UW on the other hand rarely engaged either side. Whenever FS and FR got in a brawl you guys would head to other side of map to cap something.
Ow yeah, we just sit at home behind our computer waiting for you two servers te engage.
Was that sarcasm?
I was referring only to earlier this evening on FS border. It’s a legitimate tactic to take advantage if 2 other servers are engaged in a large stalemate. As I have said I found it amusing because I couldn’t understand it given the ranking/score situation. If you wanted second then leaving FR border alone and bringing your zerg to a border that already had 2 large zergs fighting in isn’t a tactic I can understand. If you have resigned yourself to dropping to tier 8 then why not be more aggressive and engage either FS or FR to have some good fights. The only reason there was a battle with UW is because we disengaged from FR and decided enough is enough with your sneaky capping. It just so happened that FR started to drop numbers after that.
It’s probably for the best that our servers part ways for a while, for although there is respect there I think it’s safe to say we are probably sick of the sight of each other by now.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
UW on the other hand rarely engaged either side. Whenever FS and FR got in a brawl you guys would head to other side of map to cap something.
Ow yeah, we just sit at home behind our computer waiting for you two servers te engage.
Was that sarcasm?
I was referring only to earlier this evening on FS border. It’s a legitimate tactic to take advantage if 2 other servers are engaged in a large stalemate. As I have said I found it amusing because I couldn’t understand it given the ranking/score situation. If you wanted second then leaving FR border alone and bringing your zerg to a border that already had 2 large zergs fighting in isn’t a tactic I can understand. If you have resigned yourself to dropping to tier 8 then why not be more aggressive and engage either FS or FR to have some good fights. The only reason there was a battle with UW is because we disengaged from FR and decided enough is enough with your sneaky capping. It just so happened that FR started to drop numbers after that.
It’s probably for the best that our servers part ways for a while, for although there is respect there I think it’s safe to say we are probably sick of the sight of each other by now.
i assume you joined on the border later because we had a full retreat from FR BL because UW had a huge force knocking on our garrison door after they swiftly took hills.
only after we repelled that for about 40 minutes FR joined the party.
the attacks UW did were far more threatening then the FR ones imo.
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
UW on the other hand rarely engaged either side. Whenever FS and FR got in a brawl you guys would head to other side of map to cap something.
Ow yeah, we just sit at home behind our computer waiting for you two servers te engage.
Was that sarcasm?
I was referring only to earlier this evening on FS border. It’s a legitimate tactic to take advantage if 2 other servers are engaged in a large stalemate. As I have said I found it amusing because I couldn’t understand it given the ranking/score situation. If you wanted second then leaving FR border alone and bringing your zerg to a border that already had 2 large zergs fighting in isn’t a tactic I can understand. If you have resigned yourself to dropping to tier 8 then why not be more aggressive and engage either FS or FR to have some good fights. The only reason there was a battle with UW is because we disengaged from FR and decided enough is enough with your sneaky capping. It just so happened that FR started to drop numbers after that.
It’s probably for the best that our servers part ways for a while, for although there is respect there I think it’s safe to say we are probably sick of the sight of each other by now.
When we don’t attack FS, you guys seem to get bored and attack UW or FR (which of course is the normal action to do in that case). So in that scenario it’s not us, but you who decide whether UW or FR gets the second place. By bringing the fight to your border we at least decide our own faith.
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold
As someone that is also part of the decision making wether to invade FR or FS borders
We decided to go for FS borders pretty much the entire week for two reasons:
first: when invading FR borders, we also have to deal with FS that seem to fail multiple attempts on FR hills while we happily cap FR bay, to then decide to move on us and take out the freshly capped and therefor not fortified bay keep. I mean, whats the point on invading FR when you, afterall, still fight fs?
that brings me right to the second main reason, theres less FS on FS border than on any other map, and while invading FS borders FR leaves us pretty much alone.
After all, FS capping FR “for us” and we cap FS borders to have the same outcome: we gain more points per tick than FR
but as I wrote previously already:
gotta say UW taught FS one thing, the reaction time on their homeborder got alot better than a few weeks ago
u can really believe me, if we got to fight FR more on FR border than FS, we’d be fighting there more too, but you gotta admit aswell, there is no point on going to FR border when you end up defending briar against FS when you also can go to FS border and cap Hills quick and let that give you points you wouldnt get when you’d be on FR border
UW on the other hand rarely engaged either side. Whenever FS and FR got in a brawl you guys would head to other side of map to cap something.
Ow yeah, we just sit at home behind our computer waiting for you two servers te engage.
Was that sarcasm?
I was referring only to earlier this evening on FS border. It’s a legitimate tactic to take advantage if 2 other servers are engaged in a large stalemate. As I have said I found it amusing because I couldn’t understand it given the ranking/score situation. If you wanted second then leaving FR border alone and bringing your zerg to a border that already had 2 large zergs fighting in isn’t a tactic I can understand. If you have resigned yourself to dropping to tier 8 then why not be more aggressive and engage either FS or FR to have some good fights. The only reason there was a battle with UW is because we disengaged from FR and decided enough is enough with your sneaky capping. It just so happened that FR started to drop numbers after that.
It’s probably for the best that our servers part ways for a while, for although there is respect there I think it’s safe to say we are probably sick of the sight of each other by now.
i assume you joined on the border later because we had a full retreat from FR BL because UW had a huge force knocking on our garrison door after they swiftly took hills.
only after we repelled that for about 40 minutes FR joined the party.
the attacks UW did were far more threatening then the FR ones imo.
No I was at that fight if you are talking about the one where UW came through the south east gate and Maloki and her group came to reinforce what few defenders we had at the time. It highlights what is still a weakness with our server in that we often leave our own border with few defenders when there appears to be little threat, but are slow to react when a large invading force arrives. I only refer to what happened a little later. The fight with FR at Bay was great. I had guessed at the time that FR border must be largely unprotected with the numbers they had on ours. But Uw Zerg continued to stay in our border, making attempts at Sunnyhill and our Garrison only when we were busy with FR. We had to leave Bay (which FR then took) to repel UW, which we did. That’s where I would question their tactics. They allowed FR to have our Bay keep, improving FR’s score, by forcing us to defend against UW. After FR took Bay their numbers lessened. I noticed we quickly took much of the east side of Fr border. Only then did UW appear on FR border. Now I see judging by the current score that someone who leads on UW has copped on and noticed they need to focus FR to get second and have a chance of remaining in the tier.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Let’s not bicker and argue about who killed who, this is supposed to be a happy occasion :p
Luna Solares – Mesmer