Here is some information on BG and TC.
I don’t find your information to be very accurate. Speaking as someone who’s actually on the server, I can tell you that Tarnished Coast is well below average. I mean, like, flat-line territory here. It’s a miracle we’re even in the tiers at all. We’re so bad, there should be a tier just for us, where we just fight ourselves. Even then, we’d probably manage to lose.
Lemme give you some examples of our “tactics”…
- We use feng shui to determine siege placement. Rather than have our siege be strategically advantageous, it’s more important that it compliment and enhance the space, as well as keep out evil spirits. Flame rams, being the most decorative siege, are most ideally employed at focus points (usually someplace up high) and nowhere near a door. This ensures the proper flow of Qi.
- We have zergs dedicated to hunting neutral mobs in order to “cleanse” the map of “apathetic energies”, and also in case they’re spies. We need at least 20 of our number to do this. Any less, and we run the risk of a random deer wiping us.
- We like to rain treb fire on our own keeps, “just in case”. And because… spies. Sadly, due to our feng shui placement strategy, we often miss. But we keep trying anyway, because it’s the effort that counts, right?
- Our roleplayers have an ongoing competition over who can make the most dramatic and evocative death emote. If you’re fighting someone from our server, and they suddenly just stop doing anything, it’s likely because they’re typing out an emotionally riveting description of their character’s final breath. No, really, we take roleplay that seriously.
- Several of our Commanders are now using our server’s voicecom to provide a psychic hotline service. After all, times are tough; gotta make the coin wherever you can, right? And if you’d like to set up a reading with Madame Commander Jadon or any of our other talented psychics, please contact PiNK for available spots on the schedule.
- Gary Busey plays on our server. He is our strategic mastermind.
…Really, when it comes right down to it, we’re so bad that, if Tarnished Coast is able to hold anything for any period of time at all—or, heavens forfend, actually take something from you—it’s a very strong indicator that there’s something about your own server’s performance that’s deeply and tragically flawed.
My recommendations: if you mean to invade our Borderlands, come in disguised as animals. As long as you avoid our Apathy Negation Zerg, you should be able to traverse the whole of our map freely and unmolested. Also, if attacked by us, simply use the sleep emote. Especially if you’re a Charr or an Asura. We are powerless against its cuteness, and will stop on the spot to go ’d’aaaaaw’ and try to snuggle you.
Good luck! But honestly, our opponents don’t need it.
(edited by Hydrophidian.4319)