Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Tom.3487


No (established) AG guilds play EB in primetime we are all on BL’s vs the other servers guilds and i speak for alot of us when i say that. EB is where the randoms/PUGS/Smallmans hang out and from what your video shows your pushing into the random blob and saying on the forum LOLOLOL we wipe anyone please zerg more.

But you wont fight FURY as a guild somewhere in the map organised open field.

Gratz you got a video so have the rest of us, but no kudos from me until you stop trolling forums with empty promises and impressive videos to the un-experianced and knowledgable eye.

I guess you can farm me some more whilst im in the BL queue like the rest of us

++ Just watched the full video 90% is you hitting static blobs who don’t know your coming aka they was fighting others or again are PUGS trying to seige something again this wont happen vs a guild.

(edited by Tom.3487)

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


As said many times before, we’ve met in the field. But that ends up in nemesys QQ’ing on forums about numbers, because we usually run with more guildmembers than XXX does.

Then as you apparently don’t like nemesys why keep bugging him and belittling XxX who have done a lot to integrate themselves into our community if you don’t like their play style?

There are plenty of other guilds who would be happy to GvG if they want to.

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


++ Just watched the full video 90% is you hitting static blobs who don’t know your coming aka they was fighting others or again are PUGS trying to seige something again this wont happen vs a guild.

So when FURY aren’t in GvG they sit idly by and let groups run by and take keeps?

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Maltra.7890


All that talk, why dont u guys join in on the gvg’s that are being organised this thursday between all the servers?

Sorry, we are moving.

Maltra XxX

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


++ Just watched the full video 90% is you hitting static blobs who don’t know your coming aka they was fighting others or again are PUGS trying to seige something again this wont happen vs a guild.

So when FURY aren’t in GvG they sit idly by and let groups run by and take keeps?

Yes, we at FURY love our campfires.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

*Hands everyone a can of petrol to trow on the fire!

Let it burn!

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Jacky Nipper.3846

Jacky Nipper.3846

Hm we found some XxX group on BB border one or two days ago, pretty easy to wipe them with our small NR grp, they never showed up again to fight. I dont think there is some point talking to them anymore, calling them for GvG, they wont do it since they are scared, period.

Jacky Nipper – Necro Raiders [NR]
Aurora Glade

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: culogordo.9413


Maltra, regarding the youtube vid u recently post im wondering how do u manage to use Greatsword, axe+warhorn and axe+axe while being in combat and withouth opening equipment window to equip/unequip. Would be a nice tip to improve my perfomance O_o

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Tom.3487


++ Just watched the full video 90% is you hitting static blobs who don’t know your coming aka they was fighting others or again are PUGS trying to seige something again this wont happen vs a guild.

So when FURY aren’t in GvG they sit idly by and let groups run by and take keeps?

I didnt say that, simply the video shows how they are smashing stacked up blobs to bits / cut to next blob / rinse repeat.

Im simply stating that wouldnt be so easy to do in the BL’s vs other ORGANISED groups.

let me put it into something everyone will understand, if i was manchester united would i choose to play against another premiership team every day in the chance you might win or loose or would i aim specifically for matches vs Division 3 & pub teams…

The fact you refuse to GvG resembles nicely to the statement i just put above with the football teams

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: jaimy.4108


*Hands everyone a can of petrol to trow on the fire!

Let it burn!

Have any marshmallows for me?


Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Maltra, regarding the youtube vid u recently post im wondering how do u manage to use Greatsword, axe+warhorn and axe+axe while being in combat and withouth opening equipment window to equip/unequip. Would be a nice tip to improve my perfomance O_o

It’s called ~
You know when someone activates all his skills in the correct order withing fractions of seconds, instantly smashing you trowing out the right combo’s while using consumables swapping weapons to a third set, swapping a complete armor set within a second when out of combat for a fraction. its all ~ baby!
oh and ~ are frowned upon a bit, and against anets rules.
Then again, ppl who can’t play.. use ~

@ jaimy, i burned them ..But i do have miniature ego’s to put on sticks, and im glad to share

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


As said many times before, we’ve met in the field. But that ends up in nemesys QQ’ing on forums about numbers, because we usually run with more guildmembers than XXX does.

Then as you apparently don’t like nemesys why keep bugging him and belittling XxX who have done a lot to integrate themselves into our community if you don’t like their play style?

There are plenty of other guilds who would be happy to GvG if they want to.

Educate yourself, this nemesys is the one who started drama, who was QQ’ing about “oh you had 4 more people then we did, thats why you beat us! wehhhh wehhh!” or “wehhh i saw another guild tag during that fight, you all teamed up on us! wehhh!!”

Doing this, next to talking trash about FURY and other AG guilds, we’ve grown a bit annoyed by his big mouth and the lack of backing it up with actions. Now i don’t care how they are within your community and it has nothing to do with this.

My point has been made, see you all tonight.

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: jaimy.4108


@Merlin Dyfed Avalon

Darn,, I’ll guess Ill take some popcorn for the soap then,, some awsome cliffhangers in forum drama’s.

  • Darn the quoting broke *

(edited by jaimy.4108)

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Haltair.3062


Sadly though, it seems that nowadays the only solo-ers you see are merely those that got left behind by their blob

Not always mate, not always… We have several roaming and ninja very specialized guilds in BB. I do not find the same in Gandara or Aurora… Perhaps I did not meet them…

Best regards,

Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows

Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]

(edited by Haltair.3062)

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Stukov.5978


Nice, i didn’t play during during weekend and the first thing i see of this match-up is a BB’s mesmer from [AKGL] glitching inside sunnyhill and putting a portal inside.


Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: loseros.5912


In open field? Impossible. I don’t know what pugs you fight, but the ones i fight against hit hard. Just because they can revive each other and have larger numbers, you can’t fight them and wipe them.

i show u in the video of tomorow.

Impaciently waiting to see it and learn from it ^^ (i will count them too :P)

Count them.

These aren’t the pugs i used to fight agains. Those i fight charge at me and don’t stack to ress people In fact, they charge me, cause they’re moar than me.

Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80

(edited by loseros.5912)

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Dius will roll guild only somewhere tonight ourselves, not sure where. Hoping to see a few guild groups out. I doubt we’ll win against you due to a numbers problem (No! This isn’t a ‘blobbing’ accusation or insult, merely tht your guilds can run larger numbers by em selves). We’ll field about 10ish, 15 if we have a good day hope to see ya’ll out there o7

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Tom.3487


Dius will roll guild only somewhere tonight ourselves, not sure where. Hoping to see a few guild groups out. I doubt we’ll win against you due to a numbers problem (No! This isn’t a ‘blobbing’ accusation or insult, merely tht your guilds can run larger numbers by em selves). We’ll field about 10ish, 15 if we have a good day hope to see ya’ll out there o7

We need more like you to break the blob, people only blob i believe as they cannot win vs the numbers any other way!

+5 or so people fair play its still a fight but 10 vs 30 will be boring.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: tygorn.7193


5.44 AM.
40+ blob of Kiss and Aurora glade + 10 golems for take EB gandara keep against 5 of us in the whole map. So now you should to stop to be hypocrite and whine about blobbing when u demonstrate to do the same gameplay that you are complaining.

Well, it was 12 KISS,about 6 randoms and 8 half dead golems to be precise.

Man, u should to learn to count. Im sorry to ruin ur dreams but with 26 people u can take just supplycamps, if u dont believe that, look what is happened 1 hour ago at gandara garrison with ur golems fail army. (still against 8-10 gandara players oummanned) gg.

40+? our ts channel must have terrible culling then. I am proud that we have impressed you so much that you figured we had to be with 40+ people. Sadly for you, we can cap a supplycamp with less than 26 people. Apparently the same goes for your eb keep.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Mishima.2986


Thanks for the fun yesterday Night in BB Garrison, was pretty epic

Ty in BB BL we are the one and only guild… only tp save garrison not our skill. Congrats to FURY and the blob of randoms of Aurora awesome moves inside the lord room.

Sorry but the randoms in BB are pretty bad and a little bit cowards. The funniest hour of this week for me.


ty all.

[DsD] Disidentes – WvW retired guild leader.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


Dius will roll guild only somewhere tonight ourselves, not sure where. Hoping to see a few guild groups out. I doubt we’ll win against you due to a numbers problem (No! This isn’t a ‘blobbing’ accusation or insult, merely tht your guilds can run larger numbers by em selves). We’ll field about 10ish, 15 if we have a good day hope to see ya’ll out there o7

Much respect!
FURY has grown quite a bit, and on official events we get about 30 if not more people online and we don’t feel its right to tell guildies they cannot join us in the field. Depending of what we are doing tonight, there is a chance we will split up if we have the numbers. So if you see us, don’t hesitate to attack

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream:
All names start with Para

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: drongas.4189


and u all still say u not blobing? u runing 3 small group 20-30. but when come time to fight u appear in 1 place in same time. i say u it BLOB :P

we 25+- u 50+-. ofc i understand u, its hard fight again gandarian pugs in same numbers



I’m kill you’r bessies

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Maltra.7890


Maltra, regarding the youtube vid u recently post im wondering how do u manage to use Greatsword, axe+warhorn and axe+axe while being in combat and withouth opening equipment window to equip/unequip. Would be a nice tip to improve my perfomance O_o

I let someone which is smartest than me (Merlin Dyfed Avalon) drive your attention on the equipment box always open on the top right side of the screen.
He will probably be able to explain you also why you can not see in a video the mouse arrow . ( No mouse?! Maybe another ~ Merlin? )

Maltra XxX

(edited by Maltra.7890)

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Matt.7413


To XXX and Nemesyss – Grow up you baby!

Chill out brotha!
Look at the bright side of it, while being dead so often against us you’ve the privilege of watching the whole fight without being so focused trying to run away as usual, and all of this before Nemesys uploads a new video.
You can even rotate the camera to have your own personal director’s cut!


You’re still yet to face us nevermind kill us! Your leader won’t face us because we are a so called “blob”

[HeX] Officer | Aeyana | Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


To XXX and Nemesyss – Grow up you baby!

Chill out brotha!
Look at the bright side of it, while being dead so often against us you’ve the privilege of watching the whole fight without being so focused trying to run away as usual, and all of this before Nemesys uploads a new video.
You can even rotate the camera to have your own personal director’s cut!


You’re still yet to face us nevermind kill us! Your leader won’t face us because we are a so called “blob”

Give it up THEY DON’T WANT TO GvG with you and to be honest I wouldn’t subject my guild mates to your attitudes either.

Leave them alone!

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Noosfer.4875


@ Mishima.2986

A couple of weeks more full of charges and our randoms will realize that dying is not that painful in this game. They are just a but shy, but they are starting to follow you in those crazy charges that end up working xD


Single-handed Mexican-Vietnamese mercenary. Now fighting for Piken Square, tomorrow, who knows?
Tons of chars. If only one day I manage to guess how to play any of them, I will post it here

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Jacky Nipper.3846

Jacky Nipper.3846

and u all still say u not blobing? u runing 3 small group 20-30. but when come time to fight u appear in 1 place in same time. i say u it BLOB :P

we 25+- u 50+-. ofc i understand u, its hard fight again gandarian pugs in same numbers

There is for sure on your mini map only 25+- green dots and dead players icons, right? And we can see more than 50 red tag in your pictures as well, right?
…fail troll

Jacky Nipper – Necro Raiders [NR]
Aurora Glade

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


and u all still say u not blobing? u runing 3 small group 20-30. but when come time to fight u appear in 1 place in same time. i say u it BLOB :P

we 25+- u 50+-. ofc i understand u, its hard fight again gandarian pugs in same numbers

There is for sure on your mini map only 25+- green dots and dead players icons, right? And we can see more than 50 red tag in your pictures as well, right?
…fail troll

We all know Necro raiders runs 50 people every night.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

WvW is not a safe place for toys

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: drongas.4189


rly? dont feed troll. go away build some ac or treb. cya



I’m kill you’r bessies

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Kuper.2641


Props to Gandara for the April Fools Joke. We were told of the joke pretty quickly on AG after we seen the Forum post mentioned earlier. It did make me laugh, I like the added touch of everyone in pink.

Last night in the Lords Room on BB Garrison was pretty amazing, filled my bags in about 10 minutes, hearing shouts of ‘WP OPEN WP OPEN!’ and then ~20 BB appearing inside right on top of us with more pouring through every gate. That battle mush have gone on for 40+ minutes until it seemed we had pulled the entire Spanish Armada there until it was too much and was the highlight of the match-up for me

[VII] Seventh Legion
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Tom.3487


Thanks for the fun yesterday Night in BB Garrison, was pretty epic

Ty in BB BL we are the one and only guild… only tp save garrison not our skill. Congrats to FURY and the blob of randoms of Aurora awesome moves inside the lord room.

Sorry but the randoms in BB are pretty bad and a little bit cowards. The funniest hour of this week for me.


ty all.

I had to sell up 6 times in the fight with my personal merchant, 40 minutes of bag spam and 450 kills BB garrison (200 Badges)

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Jacky Nipper.3846

Jacky Nipper.3846

LMAO look at the green dots and look at what he is trying to say in the quote.

according to his “black lines drawing” skill, FURY members counts each 2 times, and the green dots…meh just forgot :P

Jacky Nipper – Necro Raiders [NR]
Aurora Glade

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Raeyne.5086


I miss civilised competition. All this trolling and flaming is a little unfortunate, given how well the guilds and competitors could get along. It can be very difficult to see things from the opponents point of view, but remember that most people are playing the way they feel is the best for them, their guild and server, and aren’t purposely playing to upset anyone. There will be conflicts in a war based event, naturally, it’s what it’s all about, but there’s no need to insult them for it… They’re all playing the game. The players make the game, let’s make it a game with a good community of players that get along, at least!

Some of the best times I’ve had while commanding have been in battles against XxX and Dius (Two of my favourite guilds of all time, in fact!) and they do things very differently to each other. I can see why XxX wouldn’t be interested in organised GvG, it doesn’t suit their tactical style. That doesn’t make them any less of a force, it’s just how they play. I still remember commanding a fight that went on for a fair while against XxX that nearly made my heart give up from the adrenaline.

The same goes for Baruch Bay, there have been some fantastic moments in the battles against them in the past, as well.

And moving on to this YOLO thing. I don’t get the hate… It was a community server event, by the sounds of things (I wasnt there, I literally got back from holiday late last night and didnt touch wvw), and these are the things that people remember from the communities they work with. Props for celebrating april fools and making an event out of it. Sure, there are times when you look at a blob the size of a small city and you cant help but think “Why?” But this time there certainly seemed to be a reason.

I know this will fall on many deaf ears, but I would definitely like to see more of
“Awesome fight with [x] vs [y] earlier!”
“Yeah, your [z] tactic was awesome!”

and a lot less of
“Lol u only win cos u blob lulz lulz omgwtf /testosteroneoverload”
“wtf circumstantial screenshot ur all noobs!”

I hope to be on the field a lot more this week, since I’ve been pretty busy the past week and a half and have barely been able to make it out for some repair bills! I look forward to some good fights and some good fun, and hope that every time I pay for repairs… It’s not because of how air-headed I can be.

Commander Taranius Vier – Guardian
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Just a tiny teaser video of Project YOLO :P made by our very own Branwulf

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: multivira.7925


I miss civilised competition. All this trolling and flaming is a little unfortunate, given how well the guilds and competitors could get along. It can be very difficult to see things from the opponents point of view, but remember that most people are playing the way they feel is the best for them, their guild and server, and aren’t purposely playing to upset anyone. There will be conflicts in a war based event, naturally, it’s what it’s all about, but there’s no need to insult them for it… They’re all playing the game. The players make the game, let’s make it a game with a good community of players that get along, at least!

Some of the best times I’ve had while commanding have been in battles against XxX and Dius (Two of my favourite guilds of all time, in fact!) and they do things very differently to each other. I can see why XxX wouldn’t be interested in organised GvG, it doesn’t suit their tactical style. That doesn’t make them any less of a force, it’s just how they play. I still remember commanding a fight that went on for a fair while against XxX that nearly made my heart give up from the adrenaline.

The same goes for Baruch Bay, there have been some fantastic moments in the battles against them in the past, as well.

And moving on to this YOLO thing. I don’t get the hate… It was a community server event, by the sounds of things (I wasnt there, I literally got back from holiday late last night and didnt touch wvw), and these are the things that people remember from the communities they work with. Props for celebrating april fools and making an event out of it. Sure, there are times when you look at a blob the size of a small city and you cant help but think “Why?” But this time there certainly seemed to be a reason.

I know this will fall on many deaf ears, but I would definitely like to see more of
“Awesome fight with [x] vs [y] earlier!”
“Yeah, your [z] tactic was awesome!”

and a lot less of
“Lol u only win cos u blob lulz lulz omgwtf /testosteroneoverload”
“wtf circumstantial screenshot ur all noobs!”

I hope to be on the field a lot more this week, since I’ve been pretty busy the past week and a half and have barely been able to make it out for some repair bills! I look forward to some good fights and some good fun, and hope that every time I pay for repairs… It’s not because of how air-headed I can be.

I agree with your sentiments here.

The reason there are a lot less
“Awesome fight with [x] vs [y] earlier!”
“Yeah, your [z] tactic was awesome!”
type posts is that there is a lot less reason to make those posts as you don’t really get into a lot of awesome fights anymore. Tactics are very much absent in most of the fights, or the tactics are pretty much irrelevant due to a big disparity in numbers.

Speaking from the perspective of a small scale group: At the moment we measure how well we do in a fight by ‘how long can we keep it up till we need to flee / die’ and that doesn’t really lead to either side being very impressed with the other. The opposing side knows they’re going to win and are just annoyed by it taking a little longer than usual, and our side just thinks “well they should have killed us sooner than that, we did pretty well”.

The only ‘fair’ fights we have are against groups of randoms that just happen to be split off from their main group and those fights are generally not exactly tactical marvels. I feel sorry for the person in charge in our guild (usually climbatize) during WvW because he puts a lot of energy into making the right tactical decisions when it will pretty much always lead to us wiping eventually anyway.

Simply put, there’s not a whole lot of impressive gameplay going on from any side that I’ve witnessed, as there’s simply not a lot of opportunity for it, although there’s an AG guild that does seem to kill us off rather swiftly in general. N something or other, I’m not too good with those tags.

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: jaimy.4108


@ Raeyne.5086

Totally agree with you, +1 from me.

Still hope to see you on the battlefield, never had the chance to see you play when I was still a member of AG. But who knows what the week will bring


Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Nemesys.7251


and against anets rules.
Then again, ppl who can’t play.. use ~

so i cant switch weapon with my mouse and the bag open on the right part of my screen?
is against eula play the game with 10 finger 2 ear 2 eyes and 1 mouth?
i need cut something from me?

Nem Bloodworthy[XxX]

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


You guys are silly. Barbra Streisand this Barbra Streisand that, then some QQ how no one wants to do GvG, but you guys only do 20vs20 or 25vs25.. Which is borderline zerg itself, isn’t it? I challenge you to do some 10vs10 against us and show some invidual skill instead! Or are you too afraid that your testicle formation and skill number 1 spammage isn’t going to help you out there? :>

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Nemesys.7251


the fun thing is we have 2 ex kiss in guild now they are playing more than 1 month with us and now they can see the truth with our eye.
As i said guild need to have a playstyle if u dot kitten all the week no point play only for 1 hour with few number.
Kiss remember the fight of the other night?were we wiped u all in the middle of 80+fs?
we all saw and hear your streaming,i say only rofl go regroup more and search for us:/
and the fun thing is hear TOO MANY from a guild who have less number than any other enemy guild.

Nem Bloodworthy[XxX]

(edited by Nemesys.7251)

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Jacky Nipper.3846

Jacky Nipper.3846

I agree with your sentiments here.

The reason there are a lot less
“Awesome fight with [x] vs [y] earlier!”
“Yeah, your [z] tactic was awesome!”
type posts is that there is a lot less reason to make those posts as you don’t really get into a lot of awesome fights anymore. Tactics are very much absent in most of the fights, or the tactics are pretty much irrelevant due to a big disparity in numbers.

Speaking from the perspective of a small scale group: At the moment we measure how well we do in a fight by ‘how long can we keep it up till we need to flee / die’ and that doesn’t really lead to either side being very impressed with the other. The opposing side knows they’re going to win and are just annoyed by it taking a little longer than usual, and our side just thinks “well they should have killed us sooner than that, we did pretty well”.

The only ‘fair’ fights we have are against groups of randoms that just happen to be split off from their main group and those fights are generally not exactly tactical marvels. I feel sorry for the person in charge in our guild (usually climbatize) during WvW because he puts a lot of energy into making the right tactical decisions when it will pretty much always lead to us wiping eventually anyway.

Simply put, there’s not a whole lot of impressive gameplay going on from any side that I’ve witnessed, as there’s simply not a lot of opportunity for it, although there’s an AG guild that does seem to kill us off rather swiftly in general. N something or other, I’m not too good with those tags.

TDA guys you have our respect, we meet you very often out of main grp, that N something is NR – Necro Raiders, but I think you killed our grp sometimes as well.

Jacky Nipper – Necro Raiders [NR]
Aurora Glade

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Many plush griffins have died this day.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Tom.3487


the fun thing is we have 2 ex kiss in guild now they are playing more than 1 month with us and now they can see the truth with our eye.
As i said guild need to have a playstyle if u dot kitten all the week no point play only for 1 hour with few number.
Kiss remember the fight of the other night?were we wiped u all in the middle of 80+fs?
we all saw and hear your streaming,i say only rofl go regroup more and search for us:/
and the fun thing is hear TOO MANY from a guild who have less number than any other enemy guild.

You mean you pushed into the back of KISS whilst they was fighting the FSP zerg? its more your style (from seeing your videos) dont make something sound better than it actually is matey

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Nemesys.7251


no i mean is fun hear all that audio where 30+kiss flee always from us,where kiss want regroup and search for us or where the commander of kiss turn off the commander tag after the wipe,or where we hear we was too many when we was less than u all,next time put a password on the streaming so we cant hear all that thing:/ or dont do it.

Nem Bloodworthy[XxX]

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Nemesys.7251


and now i leave the forum to u all forumers if someone want,come get us we pay well in wxp and lootbag,if u want come to hunt us with 50 its ok too,with no culling we can see you and move more fast than u.

Nem Bloodworthy[XxX]

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: crawy.1074


Dedicating for Blob lover XxX who refuse to do GvG because of their play style ….
Cheers for BB! how much wxp did you have when you got us?

Meydey – warrior || Xpoo – elementalist || Aliga Ponpon – mesmer
Aurora Glade
Crawy’s youtube channel

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Missy.7356


Dedicating for Blob lover XxX who refuse to do GvG because of their play style ….

Sigh…. these comments are getting boring.. or you hoping by baiting enough that Nemesys will bite and come play silly games too?
Im sure that if you ask nicely there are a lot of Guilds on Gandara that do like this type of play style, or try something different from your 25+ and do some smaller 10v10 unless ofc thats not your play style

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Corran.4957


So funny reading all these. Especially XxX and their “playstyle”. They moan about Fury/Kiss or Fury/Unity working together when the XxX playstle is the exact same thing as them guilds do together.

Playstle steps as follows:
1) A fight is engaged where 2 sides are fighting each other
2) Said sides are focused on each other
3) Flank the 2 engaged sides and get some easy kills
4) – XxX mainly – Oh look we are amazing we beat greater numbers then we got, honest them other 50 people hitting them before we arrived dont exist!

I wont mention that XxX choose to go to Noob-Land (EB) to do it also.

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: drongas.4189


Fury/Kiss or Fury/Unity

wrong and wrong. must be Furiss and Furnity. (sry cant stop taunting)

hey stop that guild crap. wvw not only around guilds, i know alot of AG ppl with who i can fight fair near windmill. they have skill and brain. we laught on both our servers. why u cant shut up and use some respect, like couple month before when ag and gandara be best friends? ur “bad words” demoralize others in ur/our server

p.s. sry bad eng


I’m kill you’r bessies

Gandara Vs Baruch vs Aurora

in WvW

Posted by: Spears.5381


Seriously, everyone stop whining about XxX please and focus on the match up again…
They said you can find them in EBG and fight them, so don’t insult them or anything like that.

Could we please turn this topic back into a WvW topic instead of talking bad about XxX or other guilds please?
I’m sure everyone is getting pretty tired of it, except the forum trolls, who seem to only want to cause trouble.

Engineer Spears – Gandara