How to make WvW better

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


It is obvious that WvW isn’t living up to the hype. I am sure it is not fun for a large majority of people on both the winning side and losing side. How about people give their ideas on how to make it better. Keep in mind, you can’t make the changes so outrageous that an out-manned buff turns a group of 5 people into wrecking machines. Here are mine:

1. Less expensive upgrades for losing servers. I don’t know about you but silver is pretty hard for me to come by. I am less likely to put a siege weapon down if I know it will get destroyed five minutes later when the zerg gets there. They would have to have a special tag that only lets them be placed when the servers are losing. Maybe let them take less supplies to build also.

2. War is expensive. Being the winning server takes its toll on your army. If one side is totally dominating, siege weapons start to decay do to the corruption associated with such a large Empire. Decay rates should be based on where they are located. In a keep, not so much. In open lands, a little faster (esp near spawn points). I predicted this in beta. Giving people a week or two weeks to set-up siege weapons would just get out of control. I would suggest making siege weapons cheaper in general to counter decay rates.

3. Allied servers. It is obvious some servers are larger than other. They are also getting larger by the day because everyone is flocking to them. I am not really sure how to do this right. One of the benefits of being on a normal size server is there is little to no wait on queue times. If two or more servers were grouped together, that would be lost. Maybe give priority to the main server but allow people in the larger servers to join in. It would of course be in a different bracket. Again, how do you handle when the population is full. Do you just boot the other server to allow people from the primary to join? I guess that is the only real way to do it. Maybe do some combination of the two. Pair really small servers together. Allow high servers to fill in the gaps. Of course, you might have problems with people from other servers not caring, but not much you can do about that.

4. Anti-zerg populations. This one probably won’t be popular, but how about raise and lower the population caps based on how many people are on each side. Prime time, server populations are higher. 3am, they lower to make it fair. If the other two servers don’t have anyone, well, I guess no one is WvW that week. Maybe if you allowed allied servers, it won’t be so bad.

The only other solution is to have 3 WvW servers. The queues would be huge though.

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: Nameless.2703


In response to number 1: No, then the upgrades would just be EVERYWHERE. And pretty soon people are going to start having more money. Number 2: You could always just destroy those siege weapons… interesting idea though, but it wouldn’t change much. Number 3: There’s a cap to how many people can play WvW. The real issue is what happens in those non-prime-time hours, and allied servers wouldn’t help that much. It would just make queues in prime time longer. Number 4: Limiting anything based on what time it is is stupid. Sometimes lots of people want to play at 3 am for whatever reason. Now, altering balance based on how much opposition there is… that’s a better plan.

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Another would be to expand WvW even more, have 6 servers fighting each other

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: Lonewolf.5869


1) Remove ALL PVE from map, i think there is enough pve crap around outside WvW

2) The orbs take them out, why give the dominating side a 15% bonus… when they can win without it? make it so depend on how much you own of map, if wipped you get an orb buff if completely demolished you get 2. this way you get some kind of 10% bonus to fight back with

3) take out all NONE PVP out of the maps, events, mobs, jumping puzzle, stupid skill points and vistas everything, we here to fight servers, not environment

4) FIX COMMANDER, make his chat different Color, make commander have a real 20 man squad, as it stands its completely useless

5) Make sure no server can have more than 10% of amount of players of lowest server (in WvW) if server A has 50, then server B and C cant have more than a maximum of 55 players. that’s it more queues empty grounds TOUGH fix the balance of the servers and people interest in WvW, not punish everyone else by making them hugely outnumbered and ruin it for everyone

there is much much more to be done, i tbh dont think there is hope for it or the game all together, but its a blessing that its F2P so can wait a month or 2 see if anything been fixed, if not another fail MMO, nothing new

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: Yshyr.8709


There is a much easier way to fix wvw. Arena Net could make a list of every player by how many kills they have and how much time they have spent in wvw (include time spent in queue). Now split this list into 3 or 4 lists based on the time of day played. Now take those three or four lists of people and spread them out onto every server evenly with forced transfers. Turn off server transfers. Like magic you have balanced wvw populations.

Now sit back and listen to the cries about forced transfers from all the people complaining previously about unbalanced populations and wvw.

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: Hexd.4796


Change the way points are calculated so forts are not 100% of your point tally and include things such as player kills (weighted by pop. balance), siege weapon destruction, escort/denial of supply, and capture of control points.

This would help promote PvP and small group tactics, and give players another way to benefit their server.

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: purplestone.8364


Change the way points are calculated so forts are not 100% of your point tally and include things such as player kills (weighted by pop. balance), siege weapon destruction, escort/denial of supply, and capture of control points.

This would help promote PvP and small group tactics, and give players another way to benefit their server.

+1 this exactly

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: Geekcrux.1245


If one world is dominating, why can’t the other two worlds be automatically aligned. Make it so they cannot attack each other. Make it so both sides can retreat into each others keeps if they need to escape.

If the match up is so unbalanced that a single world can control every poi, then just combine the two underdogs into 1 team and make it 2v1 on each’s borderlands.

For example, if world 1 is dominating completely, then allow world 2 and 3 to spawn at the Northern location in both world 2 and 3’s borderlands. When this alliance happens, the two underdogs will have their world colors merged into a single color. This should only happen after world 1 has controlled the maps long enough to guarantee that nothing would take the lead from them.

The two worlds that were forced to ally would have their score divided based on a percentage calculated from the amount of time each world spent playing. So if world 2 had 75% of the population (based on time spent playing), then they would get 75% of the overall score.

In real world wars IoJ and SoS would have formed an alliance by now. They would have an iron clad alliance based on survival.

How to make WvW better

in WvW

Posted by: purplestone.8364


If one world is dominating, why can’t the other two worlds be automatically aligned. Make it so they cannot attack each other. Make it so both sides can retreat into each others keeps if they need to escape.

If the match up is so unbalanced that a single world can control every poi, then just combine the two underdogs into 1 team and make it 2v1 on each’s borderlands.

For example, if world 1 is dominating completely, then allow world 2 and 3 to spawn at the Northern location in both world 2 and 3’s borderlands. When this alliance happens, the two underdogs will have their world colors merged into a single color. This should only happen after world 1 has controlled the maps long enough to guarantee that nothing would take the lead from them.

The two worlds that were forced to ally would have their score divided based on a percentage calculated from the amount of time each world spent playing. So if world 2 had 75% of the population (based on time spent playing), then they would get 75% of the overall score.

In real world wars IoJ and SoS would have formed an alliance by now. They would have an iron clad alliance based on survival.

no thanks then you just have wows AV or winter grasp, ill pass