Is WvW really a war between worlds?
I made a similar thread and none of your suggestions were on my list but I like the lower non siege damage to doors. Some of my suggestions would indirectly fix your suggestions so they were no longer issues. Have a look. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/How-to-Fix-World-Vs-World-1/first#post3622950
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
While you share my views on some points I still think that what needs to be adressed is the rewards for grabbing structures, karma, xp, loots, cash and wxp. Remove or lower the wxp reward and we’re fine, imo that is.
If you want to get rid of karma trains, you obviously need to get rid of karma althogether from taking objectives. Of course that wouldn’t be fair to those who don’t karma train.
Instead it would be ideal if karma and other rewards you get from taking objectives is scaled up or down depending on how many enemy players are trying to defend. Where you get almost nothing for taking an empty keep or whatever, but more then we get now for taking a heavily defended one.
Would also love to see karma added to killing enemy players to give people more incentive to go out and fight eachother. instead of hiding behind your walls.
Backdoors were great in warhammer online, not sure why we don’t have some here…
I like all of your ideas, would definitely improve the wvw experience…
I like it the way it works now. I don’t want anything changed. Rewards are just fine.
Idk if people want to karma train around then its not really for me to tell them they shouldnt be.
I still meet plenty of people roaming around, plenty of guild groups, and yeah some massive pug zergs, but I dont see a problem with that.
They could do something to make it easier for smaller group to cap stuff perhaps, but “nerfing” large groups sounds unnessesary.
Gunnar’s Hold
what i like to see: lessless reward for taking towers, keeps etc and more for killing somebody. maybe random karma potions from enemy players, a little glory (or lvling books) and maybe pvp rank points.
Just the WvW
What I want to see…
“Scale rewards to amount of players completing same objective”
to prevent griefing
“Scale rewards to amount of time engaged”
(in combat time, siege time, damage taken, damage dealt, amount of healing)
So that if you are soloing a camp and a zerg comes, you get full reward, the zerg gets 5% or less of the reward.
change all dem maps up tis borin’. All da secrets been discovered. Revamp. Add another color, group dem servers up in colors every week and let the mayhem begin anew and improved!!
The term “Karmatrain” is used to describe the actions of a blob moving as one taking towers, keeps, supp camps and sentries for easy rewards without any real effort more then time invested. To me that’s PvE and it has nothing to do with world vs. world.
Imo it should be about fighting others players, not npc’s, for those rewards. And the reward I’m talking about is Wxp, karma is just a bonus and it is fine as it is. Sure go ahead and flip stuff for easy karma if that’s what you want but Wxp shouldn’t be the reward for that.
That’s ofc my take on it all, and apparently there’s some others who think alike and some who disagree.
I’m curious to know what people think about the current situation and what they would suggest to change things up, to make it better for those who prefers fighting other players. Many have suggested rewards for defending and I agree on that, though as it is right now it’s way more rewarding to just wait until the attackers have left the map or logged off before they move in to grab the stuff back, rinse and repeat. I really don’t like that.