Wall of text inc but i see the state of the game mode at an alarming point and would like to have a discussion about it with you guys
Yes, it did. The initial idea was awesome and worked out for the first linking and i dont blame Anet for it – we all voted for it in the first place.
But what we see now is that people use the linking only to bandwaggon to the higher servers (speaking for EU).
I know that a major income of Anet is the transfers and this “problem” might be 2013 but, imbalance and bandwaggoning didn’t feel that bad till the people started abusing the linking system.
I wonder how many people of the original “low tier servers” are still playing on their original servers. It really cant be that much anymore that we can justify the linking system in its original purpose.
What could be possible solutions?
1. Stop linking low tier servers with top tier servers (!) instead make links between the lowtier servers. Link 3-4 at same time, i dont see the problem. Just add for example the top linked low tier servers to the bottom ones – and done. The majority of the guys playing on these servers played there because they wanted to avoid the top tier blobs and enjoy sitting on unattacked waypoints :p
2. Consolidate 1 more tier in eu – for example? – abbadon + millers sound + Drakkar // augury rock + Jade sea // 1 more eu server to gunnars.
I would even go so far to say its time for a merges instead of linking. The majority of the low tier servers are completely dead after the linking anyway at least people could build communities again which is the only reason that wvw wasnt completely dead btw.
Getting more and more random and bandwaggoned WvW feels like at its last drops, which might not be true yet, but as said, it feels like. People are panic transfering to the most populated server/(s) and everything below tier 2 feels like stone age wvwers trying to keep their servers alive.
3. Expand the kitten transfer penalty time….. 7 days ? like whats gonna stop someone to even think about that “penalty” if it stays 7 days.. make it 1 – 3 month! We voted for linking every 2 Month – people shouldnt have time to change servers before every new linking! Whats the point (initial idea) that people transfer to the old low-tier servers then? The idea before was to fill those servers right?
People should think before they press the buttons and it shouldnt be so kitten easy to hop like a bunny from server to server.
4. Make gem differences higher. Although i think right now 1800 gems are “enough” transfering to a lower tier server should cost less, if you really want to make these more active again – I have to admit i don’t believe myself anymore that people want to join low tier servers to make the server itself “alive”. So I would put more effort into merging and locking transfers or making it harder to transfer.
All in all I dont see the point of transfering to medium servers at all. We all know that WvW wont get an influx of a suddenly 500k people joining the game mode and filling the low tier servers. The times are gone. So i would simply, propose again – Merges.
Its sad to see people abused linking so hard and the idea behind it failed – but dont make a mistake and wait too long again with actions. Give some purpose for people to play on the server that they are instead of bandwaggoning around.
I’m very well aware that these proposals are against any way of Anets idea of earning more money – but lets face it: If things with the population stay as they are right now, the game mode will just die out faster.