Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: juicifruitz.6251


Tonight TOG paid Homage to Mag’s Flame Ram God on YB BL at Astral with a couple from NOVA looking on


Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I didn’t care that they were there. It was just weird. I’ve never seen an opposing server there before.

There are a few hills that you can easily jump up to get into the spawn area. It could be fixed with a minor landscape alteration, but no-one particularly cares due to the invulnerable buff + tons of guards inside.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I didn’t care that they were there. It was just weird. I’ve never seen an opposing server there before.

There are a few hills that you can easily jump up to get into the spawn area. It could be fixed with a minor landscape alteration, but no-one particularly cares due to the invulnerable buff + tons of guards inside.

It has nothing to do with that. There is no jumping or glitching involved. We just do it for fun. That’s how Maguuma rolls.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


What is up with North West Tower’s gate? Its funky as hell. In IOJ BL yesterday, our golems couldn’t damage the gate (out of range) and all of our players could jump through it by stacking on the gate and using any leap skill.

This is not the first time I’ve seen this happen and it is always a t3 upgraded North West Tower (reinforced gate + fortified walls).

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310


Anyone from Yak’s or IoJ want to duel seen as there nothing better to do atm.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: RiKShaw.8795


Isle of Janthir and Yak’s Bend own one camp each at the time of this post.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Isle of Janthir and Yak’s Bend own one camp each at the time of this post.

Maguuma slacking off, again.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


What is up with North West Tower’s gate? Its funky as hell. In IOJ BL yesterday, our golems couldn’t damage the gate (out of range) and all of our players could jump through it by stacking on the gate and using any leap skill.

This is not the first time I’ve seen this happen and it is always a t3 upgraded North West Tower (reinforced gate + fortified walls).

Look at this nice guy try and save face. You know it was the superior tactics of Maguuma hackers.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Teel.9036


Looks like a week of Maguuma vs. Yaks. Hopefully there’s fight left in IoJ so this isn’t another boring week

<Wow this is way off!

IOJ is the big dog here, T3 dropping down with a huge Oceanic presence that will tick high during non NA peak time. Do not under estimate them.

I am looking forward to a fresh matchup and killing the self proclaimed “All mighty skilled” server of Maguuma. Here is to good fights to come… bring it on!

So laughing at this 2 days old comment right now lol

Teelie l VoTF

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


To whoever the thief was that I 1v1ed by the dredge minutes ago I’d like to say great fight and if you could Pm me (Zerhoth) that’d be great because I’m curious of your build and armor.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

(edited by Zerhoth.1528)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: eye floater.7140

eye floater.7140

Yak’s have numbers, but no clue how to use it. It’s the same as ever, except it’s equal numbers now. IoJ is a unicorn, they simply just don’t exist. It feels like no one is trying, I honestly don’t blame you. But when Maguuma fought outnumbered, we bared our teeth, and played it smart. These guys… meh

Would people please stop acting like there’s actually that much strategy in WVW?
“We bared our teeth and played it smart”. Really? Wtf does that even mean? How exactly did you “bare your teeth”, because there is no exhaustion in virtual worlds, so that phrase really doesn’t mean anything. The most it could mean is you didn’t retreat.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Bad lines getting criticized itt


Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


GuardianOMS = Miss Bunzy

Generally awesome person. Translates badly in print.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Yak’s have numbers, but no clue how to use it. It’s the same as ever, except it’s equal numbers now. IoJ is a unicorn, they simply just don’t exist. It feels like no one is trying, I honestly don’t blame you. But when Maguuma fought outnumbered, we bared our teeth, and played it smart. These guys… meh

Would people please stop acting like there’s actually that much strategy in WVW?
“We bared our teeth and played it smart”. Really? Wtf does that even mean? How exactly did you “bare your teeth”, because there is no exhaustion in virtual worlds, so that phrase really doesn’t mean anything. The most it could mean is you didn’t retreat.

Wow, did you really just make the mistake of taking those cheesy lines seriously? And more importantly, you didn’t even understand them? Woah.

But you’re right, there is no strategy to WvW. Just bang your faces against a gate and see how far that gets you. It worked for many servers, I’m sure it’ll work for you too (it wont). But seriously, as long as you’re having fun, that’s all that matters. I honestly just wish you guys played smarter, not harder. In the long run, it’ll work to your advantage.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


GuardianOMS = Miss Bunzy

Generally awesome person. Translates badly in print.

I’m sorry I’m a hard read, its all that kibble n bits I’ve been eating before WvW. Turns me into some kind of animal…. awooooooooooo!

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


No strategy in WvW?

I watched Yaks build 17 catapults in exactly the same position over a period of 2 hours yesterday in a valiant effort to take south west tower on their own borderlands with a force of 30 or more guys.

Don’t you say those things.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Hubris.7039


You can’t argue with success, I guess.

Grats to Maguma.

This week will provide us with a lot of training on how to coordinate defense when outnumbered. I guess we need to look on the positive side of this situation.

Next week’s not looking any better. After that I hope that Yak’s can settle back in and have some fun.

I’m not complaining, but this week has just not been any fun at all. I don’t expect anything to be handed to me, but this just feels like it’s too much. I don’t even feel like playing WvW at this point.

Hopefully things will balance out again soon.

Wiideus – Elementalist
Officer – War is Hell [WAR]
Yak’s Bend

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I’ve seen worse (on Maguuma too). Some people are just newbies like we had yesterday in that disastrous NE tower push. But if you get them in voip, take some time to explain how its supposed to work, then they don’t stay newbies for very long.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: russia.9057


This week will provide us with a lot of training on how to coordinate defense when outnumbered. I guess we need to look on the positive side of this situation.

Well you would need to be outnumbered first.


Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


What happened to Yak’s nigtcappers? I’d imagine they would at least take back their own BL.


Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: russia.9057


Isle of Janthir and Yak’s Bend own one camp each at the time of this post.

YB got their act together and took a tower.



Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: DANGRYdan.8392


Tonight TOG paid Homage to Mag’s Flame Ram God on YB BL at Astral with a couple from NOVA looking on

Always remember Camp Ramalot

[RED]Tigurius Rex – Maguuma
Become an Asuran multi-tool thief

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


Good luck YB. I know it can be hard when you fight a server with so many people 1v1 but think of it this way.

At least you aren’t IoJ.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


You can’t argue with success, I guess.
I’m not complaining, but this week has just not been any fun at all. I don’t expect anything to be handed to me, but this just feels like it’s too much. I don’t even feel like playing WvW at this point.

Hopefully things will balance out again soon.

Understandable. But also understand that fighting in these conditions is what makes you stronger. You learn more from your defeats than your victories, and each one will help you and your server grow, until those mistakes are in the past. For example, I’m hoping the Yaks that tried to take east keep yesterday learn the importance of contesting a keep when you are attacking it. Mistakes like that rarely matter or happen when you’re on the winning end, so there’s rarely a chance to improve.

But now you’ve got a big opportunity to learn here, take advantage of it. There are many people in Maguuma that are willing to help and teach you guys some defensive strategies. Feel free to send me a PM and I’ll hook you up with someone.

Edit: It’s ironic that the guild you are in called War is Hell.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


You can’t argue with success, I guess.
I’m not complaining, but this week has just not been any fun at all. I don’t expect anything to be handed to me, but this just feels like it’s too much. I don’t even feel like playing WvW at this point.

Hopefully things will balance out again soon.

Understandable. But also understand that fighting in these conditions is what makes you stronger. You learn more from your defeats than your victories, and each one will help you and your server grow, until those mistakes are in the past. For example, I’m hoping the Yaks that tried to take east keep yesterday learn the importance of contesting a keep when you are attacking it. Mistakes like that rarely matter or happen when you’re on the winning end, so there’s rarely a chance to improve.

But now you’ve got a big opportunity to learn here, take advantage of it. There are many people in Maguuma that are willing to help and teach you guys some defensive strategies. Feel free to send me a PM and I’ll hook you up with someone.

Edit: It’s ironic that the guild you are in called War is Hell.

I agree with you. From an IoJ perspective, a lot of our remaining player base is learning to do things, organize ourselves, and just get better without the help of a million commanders to lead zergs around in circles. We’re learning to play without commanders and more individuals are actually getting better at WvW instead of mindlessly following a zerg around.

IoJ commander

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


Wait a minute…I’m confused here…Was there a wealth of server transfers lately to Maguuma? It was not more than 3-4 weeks ago when they cut a side deal with Yak’s to get 2nd place when Ehmry Bay proved too much for them and they still lost…BAD!

I do not know about any guild that may work on there own. But …

The core WvW teams of Yaksbend Alliance were asked to do this Twice by Ebay and we said no thank you. And…we always will, we do not TEAM up with any one.

Please do not say things like this about a server when you have nothing to back it with. Or do not rep for a large Alliance or team set. or loose , for Bad or Good has never cut a SIDE DEAl with any one. And we make it public when asked to do so, and nice like tell people every time no thank you when they come to our mumble…and many do try this. I also know for a fact (see our web site that Maguuma commanders come to speak with us on,that MAGUUMA CORE teams, (not what is going on now) has never has done this ether and never will.

Thats why even though you people that troll and talk crap here(not all of Maguuma posters)we on WvW core teams Like to play with and will always respect Maguuma for this.

Yes…sigh…even Bunzy..I cant believe I just said that…>_> thats about it for this comment.

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/
“Winter is Coming”

(edited by Honnor.6295)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Toxophile.6215


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


You can’t argue with success, I guess.
I’m not complaining, but this week has just not been any fun at all. I don’t expect anything to be handed to me, but this just feels like it’s too much. I don’t even feel like playing WvW at this point.

Hopefully things will balance out again soon.

Understandable. But also understand that fighting in these conditions is what makes you stronger. You learn more from your defeats than your victories, and each one will help you and your server grow, until those mistakes are in the past. For example, I’m hoping the Yaks that tried to take east keep yesterday learn the importance of contesting a keep when you are attacking it. Mistakes like that rarely matter or happen when you’re on the winning end, so there’s rarely a chance to improve.

But now you’ve got a big opportunity to learn here, take advantage of it. There are many people in Maguuma that are willing to help and teach you guys some defensive strategies. Feel free to send me a PM and I’ll hook you up with someone.

Edit: It’s ironic that the guild you are in called War is Hell.

I agree with you. From an IoJ perspective, a lot of our remaining player base is learning to do things, organize ourselves, and just get better without the help of a million commanders to lead zergs around in circles. We’re learning to play without commanders and more individuals are actually getting better at WvW instead of mindlessly following a zerg around.

This is what I like to hear! You guys just gotta keep at it. Support each other, help each other, teach each other, and most importantly, have fun. More cheesy lines time: Remember that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. We learned the hard way how to get along without commanders, and in the end, it made the little guys stronger and not so dependent on a blue marker. Maguuma thrived because of its community even in the face of impossible odds. It’s my belief that any other server can do it too.

We know what it’s like to be the underdog, don’t worry, we’re rootin’ for ya!

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

Maguuma has been used to this since day one. We are all broke, but despite getting our teeth kicked in, we love to play. Did Yaks/IoJ never face match ups like this?

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

Maguuma has been used to this since day one. We are all broke, but despite getting our teeth kicked in, we love to play. Did Yaks/IoJ never face match ups like this?

From an IoJ perspective, no. Only a few weeks ago we were fighting SoR and BG in T3!
The leaving guilds and the sudden destruction of our WvW base has had a big effect on our sever, IMO.

IoJ commander

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

If you really think we field 100 on every map…

Going to try to help yaks here – the reason home BL defense is so important is because the defenders advantage lets you lock it down pretty easily. When it is locked down, you just freed up “100” people to leave that map and go elsewhere. Leave 5 behind for camp groups/derping around. You just turned only 1 map queue into two maps worth of control~

Then you can use that take those 100 people off of the map they take next, again leaving 5 people. If something goes down on home bl or second bl, you recall a chunk to clean it up, and then keep moving forward. You need to communicate so you don’t have things like 30 yaks on mag BL for hours with only spawn tower to show for it.

WvW isn’t that complicated if you just start asking why you’re taking the thing you’re taking. Most of the times yaks/ioj’s targets really confuse us because they have no long term worth. On Ioj borderland they golem rushed our west keep, and in exchange traded us garrison AND east keep. The rush failed on outer and they were left with no keeps.

(edited by Pinko.2076)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

Maguuma has been used to this since day one. We are all broke, but despite getting our teeth kicked in, we love to play. Did Yaks/IoJ never face match ups like this?

From an IoJ perspective, no. Only a few weeks ago we were fighting SoR and BG in T3!
The leaving guilds and the sudden destruction of our WvW base has had a big effect on our sever, IMO.

Yes Sarg, we have many times, thats what got us going months back. But we got Complacent last few weeks and will fix that. Thank you for asking.

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/
“Winter is Coming”

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Pretty sure you are telling them stuff their guys already know. I’m 100% sure people like Spetrix know this. If there was some way to channel his vision directly into the brains of every YB player 24/7, we would be screwed. Unfortunately, people are going to screw it up from time to time, because mobilizing hundreds of people to act in concert and adapt quickly to rapidly changing circumstances is very difficult.

We have some terrible moments where everything goes wrong and the system collapses. Remember “the” opener…

Ehmry remembers it all too well. I still have nightmares about it.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

Maguuma has been used to this since day one. We are all broke, but despite getting our teeth kicked in, we love to play. Did Yaks/IoJ never face match ups like this?

From an IoJ perspective, no. Only a few weeks ago we were fighting SoR and BG in T3!
The leaving guilds and the sudden destruction of our WvW base has had a big effect on our sever, IMO.

Dudebro, what happened to our duel?!

Seems like a running theme with these servers then. Lose a few times, after winning for so long, and they bail. So sad.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

Maguuma has been used to this since day one. We are all broke, but despite getting our teeth kicked in, we love to play. Did Yaks/IoJ never face match ups like this?

From an IoJ perspective, no. Only a few weeks ago we were fighting SoR and BG in T3!
The leaving guilds and the sudden destruction of our WvW base has had a big effect on our sever, IMO.

Dudebro, what happened to our duel?!

Seems like a running theme with these servers then. Lose a few times, after winning for so long, and they bail. So sad.

Haha! I’ll be on a little later on so add me or send me a PM/mail and we could set something up! I’m assuming that you’re a… Guardian???? lolololol ignore that awful joke.

IoJ commander

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Pretty sure you are telling them stuff their guys already know. I’m 100% sure people like Spetrix know this. If there was some way to channel his vision directly into the brains of every YB player 24/7, we would be screwed. Unfortunately, people are going to screw it up from time to time, because mobilizing hundreds of people to act in concert and adapt quickly to rapidly changing circumstances is very difficult.

We have some terrible moments where everything goes wrong and the system collapses. Remember “the” opener…

Ehmry remembers it all too well. I still have nightmares about it.

It was a weird episode. One moment, Maguuma was near collapse, and the next, total domination. Ebay was a strange server. Not sure what made them so rabid against Maguuma.


Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

Maguuma has been used to this since day one. We are all broke, but despite getting our teeth kicked in, we love to play. Did Yaks/IoJ never face match ups like this?

From an IoJ perspective, no. Only a few weeks ago we were fighting SoR and BG in T3!
The leaving guilds and the sudden destruction of our WvW base has had a big effect on our sever, IMO.

Dudebro, what happened to our duel?!

Seems like a running theme with these servers then. Lose a few times, after winning for so long, and they bail. So sad.

Haha! I’ll be on a little later on so add me or send me a PM/mail and we could set something up! I’m assuming that you’re a… Guardian???? lolololol ignore that awful joke.

It’s a support guardian so can’t do kitten in a 1v1. I’ll most likely be on my mesmer. If you don’t catch me today feel free to PM any time I’m on.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

If you really think we field 100 on every map…

Going to try to help yaks here – the reason home BL defense is so important is because the defenders advantage lets you lock it down pretty easily. When it is locked down, you just freed up “100” people to leave that map and go elsewhere. Leave 5 behind for camp groups/derping around. You just turned only 1 map queue into two maps worth of control~

Then you can use that take those 100 people off of the map they take next, again leaving 5 people. If something goes down on home bl or second bl, you recall a chunk to clean it up, and then keep moving forward. You need to communicate so you don’t have things like 30 yaks on mag BL for hours with only spawn tower to show for it.

WvW isn’t that complicated if you just start asking why you’re taking the thing you’re taking. Most of the times yaks/ioj’s targets really confuse us because they have no long term worth. On Ioj borderland they golem rushed our west keep, and in exchange traded us garrison AND east keep. The rush failed on outer and they were left with no keeps.

@ Kitty, thank you and we know and apply all these things. But when we move the 100( for us its about 55) people you are talking about, they are still hitting our BL its not like that team just stoped playing our BL , and Mags on MBBL when we get there, And Mags on IoJ BL, And full Mags on Eternal when we get there at the same time…also on YBBL the 70 Mags that are Still on our BL(Yes I and Spect and other leaders go count the enemy).

Its not Maguuma’s fault nor do we think ill of your Core team because of it. You guys did not ask for what has happened this week and we know it. But, Maguuma just has way more peeps to hold each BL now, thats just the way it it is. So we will D up, and fight the rest of the week when we can NA prime and kill each other. I hope as Sarg and some GOONS have said that you guys get to hold your new transfers if you want, and they dont just bail on you guys next 10 days. If so Yaksbend Alliance guilds will cheer the non Trolls of Maguuma all the way up. If not and they Bail…And we dont want them ether unless they intend to pick a server and stay put then we will see you guys in a bit")

PS@ Basement! Hey:) And thank you. Spect’s will be back in next week we hope. We miss him also he is getting set up for University Term. I will give him your best. , nice to see you fly by brother.

Fight well guys.

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/
“Winter is Coming”

(edited by Honnor.6295)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I don’t bother logging in at times like this. When one server can field over a hundred on every map, why bother? Yeah, maybe we could have some success on a single map. Maybe a second even. In the end though, I’m left with a huge dent in my cash and a few hours of some higher ticks. Whoopee.

If ANet would remove the stupid penalty for death in WvW I would be on a whole lot more.

Maguuma has been used to this since day one. We are all broke, but despite getting our teeth kicked in, we love to play. Did Yaks/IoJ never face match ups like this?

From an IoJ perspective, no. Only a few weeks ago we were fighting SoR and BG in T3!
The leaving guilds and the sudden destruction of our WvW base has had a big effect on our sever, IMO.

Dudebro, what happened to our duel?!

Seems like a running theme with these servers then. Lose a few times, after winning for so long, and they bail. So sad.

Haha! I’ll be on a little later on so add me or send me a PM/mail and we could set something up! I’m assuming that you’re a… Guardian???? lolololol ignore that awful joke.

It’s a support guardian so can’t do kitten in a 1v1. I’ll most likely be on my mesmer. If you don’t catch me today feel free to PM any time I’m on.

My crithammer guardian might have to lay some beatdown on you!

IoJ commander

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


PS@ Basement!

Rebel, this is your new name.

My crithammer guardian might have to lay some beatdown on you!

I am nothing if not receptive to a beat down.

wait, ew

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


PS@ Basement!

Rebel, this is your new name.

He new what I meant, and he knows, I know who he is. Trust me.

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/
“Winter is Coming”

(edited by Honnor.6295)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Still stealing it.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchmango.5690


hey guys from HELL and RAWR and CT on Yaks PM Dutchmango i wana set up some duels with you guys. hope you all have been enjoying my rangers NO dance when i kill you guys


(edited by Dutchmango.5690)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


fight back please


All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


Dearest Maguuma,

We at FA are not happy about you rising through the tiers. We feel as if fighting maguuma is equivalent to punching our brother in the spleen. You are putting us in a very tough spot maguuma. It’s going to be extremely difficult to meet our lovers in the field of battle.

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Roughneck.2509


Good, you can have our transfers then.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Roughneck.2509


But not WaR and SM, they’re keepers.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: shoognite.2106


Dearest Maguuma,

We at FA are not happy about you rising through the tiers. We feel as if fighting maguuma is equivalent to punching our brother in the spleen. You are putting us in a very tough spot maguuma. It’s going to be extremely difficult to meet our lovers in the field of battle.

We will love you softly…May our anime princesses and princes make sweet love on the battlefield

Jaquan “Shoognite” Jenkins
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


fight back please

For the 97th time….we are not home right now our WvW server base is at work and most of Yaks is NA prime. Our EU teams are on, few and the brave that have all been on Yaks from start.

We will get home at about 5:pm server time you have to wait.

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/
“Winter is Coming”

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


It’s interesting to see that IoJ will soon go back to fighting our eternal enemies, ET.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons