Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


An alliance can’t fall apart if it doesn’t exist. Do you folks enjoy fantasy land instead of the real world or something?

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


QQ moar btw we don’t have an alliance but we make calls based on the available information and score such as this event where we fought to GIVE Maguuma Garrison (See image)

The reason I am posting this is to try to alleviate some of the tinfoil hatting. Did we infact only fight Ehmry at one point to allow Garrison to fall to Maguuma who was a much smaller force and not Ehmry? Yes… Why did we do it though? Because Ehmry had 2 Trebs hitting the wall and it was going to force Maguuma to instantly need to defend and Maguuma was using flame rams and would just have been pushed out. It was not due to an alliance. I think people see this stuff and assume it means alliance but don’t understand that the leaders of large guilds on all servers make decisions based on a broader strategy than just who to kill.

PS: Ehmry if you stopped being little lamers and trying to push over Ruins and onto Greenlake every 10 minutes I wouldn’t have people fighting you off the Ruins.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Reicor.6912


It all makes you wonder, since we lost ascension bay to Maguuma. During their assault, our forces were cut off from a mass group of tarnished coast guys near our border. Don’t worry though, while you are at each others throats we will strike back and it will be glorious.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


Again.. stop letting your zerglings attack GL every 10 seconds. If you stayed west we would stay east and it would be maguuma crying about things right now not you.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Edewen.8304


Stop pushing you so you can push us? Brilliant. Because we haven’t witness countless times today, the flood of 40 TC coming over the bridge with trebs set up on the island.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Apfelsaft.3194


It all makes you wonder, since we lost ascension bay to Maguuma. During their assault, our forces were cut off from a mass group of tarnished coast guys near our border. Don’t worry though, while you are at each others throats we will strike back and it will be glorious.

Yes, we (TC) finally pushed into Redbriar (after probably 4-5 hours of a tug of war at the ruins between RB and GL mind you) as Maguuma was taking Ascension Bay, you’re completely right about that. At the same time, we were also busy up north taking Stargrove and Dawn’s Eyrie from Maguuma. We were taking advantage of a larger conflict on the other side of the map, it isn’t part of some cryptic alliance between Mag and TC, it’s just decent strategy.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


By the logic of a lot of people in this thread, there must be a pact between Mag and Ehmry now, considering the big dual pronged DB assault.

Except, you know what? Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not the case. It was two teams working at a target they both wanted. Funny how that works without any need for conspiracy.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: mynnna.9280


Yeah and not long after EB took DB, we were routed turning around and attempting to take DB ourselves, after EB had done the hard work of clearing the defenses.

But hey guys, alliances!!!

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Psh! That was clearly misdirection meant to throw us off your trail. We all know what really happened! Admit it!

(Satire. I say this people I think some people here might actually not get it.)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Drium.8509


The ‘alliance’ only lasted a couple of hours while EB was clearly in the lead. Then fighting resumed at full force, TC took the lead through superior playing (congratz to them, it was awesome). And now Maguuma is in the lead.

Comes and goes. There’s no conspiracy or lasting alliance here.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


The potential points tend to swing upwards to one side for a bit, then the pie equalizes (that is, it tends to split at around 200-250 each), then it happens again where another server makes a large push and holds for a while. It’s a pretty consistent pattern. EB’s just getting edgy because Mag’s playing really well tonight, getting their upswing where TC had theirs for a lot of the day, and will catch them sooner or later if they maintain pressure over the week.

But here’s the thing…I know EB can play harder. And I’m saying this as someone from TC. They have that potential if they really plan out their assaults the way that their opponents have been.

Honestly, I don’t think we could have asked for much of a better match up. No matter who wins or loses, I think we can agree it’s all been pretty good fighting.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Drium.8509


I agree, EB can do better. Unfortunately a lot of them are too busy crying conspiracy to play well.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Drium.8509


<Insert accusations that EB is terrible and currently playing for second place, kitteno.>

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


who enjoyed that whole fiasco at the eternal battlegrounds jumping puzzle tonight? i did

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


who enjoyed that whole fiasco at the eternal battlegrounds jumping puzzle tonight? i did

What happened?

I wasn’t in Eternal tonight.

You can’t just post that and not give details.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Auwyn.9740


As a European playing on a US server, the criticisms of myself and my Euro compatriots are ridiculous.

I reject, quite firmly that the majority of people on E.Bay are Euros, nightcapping. Having played when you Yanks are asleep, I can certify that the “nightcapper’s” use of my beautiful language is as barbaric as the people who play during peak time. Neglect of “U’s” Confusion between “Z’s” and “S’s” that kind of thing.

Quite frankly they are insomniac nerds. So don’t be so disrespectful as to call them Europeans.

With regards to the alliance. It is evident that there has been some level of cooperation between TC and the third placed team. When E.Bay were being steamrolled in EB yesterday, there was virtually no exchange of assets between TC and the third placed team. The map around us stayed pretty constant. Now that doesnt mean that there was universal co-operation or that there was no fighting between the two, but it was insignificant compared to what happened elsewhere.

Personally, I was bored stupid last week. Getting steamrolled isnt fun, but getting it back is. Even when you are getting steamrolled, there are things you can do which you cant when you are owning 98% of the map.

From the heart of my bottom, I would like to thank TC and the third placed team for the enjoyable weekend so far. Long may it continue.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Hix.8925


There was no exchange of assets between TC and Mag because TC kept fighting Mag off

That’s allowed, right?

Why don’t you look at EB right now and see what the so called alliance is doing

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Auwyn.9740


As predicted from the outset, sweetcheeks. Once the third placed team served their purpose…well, they go back to being the third placed team.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Silker.3261


and now we are being spawned camp with arrowcarts and what not. Looks like the night crew went to sleep. Where’s our morning crew?


Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Alandrian.5431


Wow this is really funny post there is more complaining about the whining then there is actually whining.

1. OP stated alliance between 2 servers against 1 before match even started, Reason unjustified. (he should be Flagged for unsportsmanship).

2. EB had people who stay up later and took everything before going to bed. (why wouldnt we).

3. TC & Mag take everything back when they start in the morning. (that is what they are suppose to do to get points)

4. A few EB complained there was an alliance on here because of the OP.

5. People keep saying back and forth about the alliance but when started playing everyone was about even. But Mag was loosing by a small amount but sometimes getting the most points.

6. Got into Mag borderlands last night fended off a huge attack by mag at Ab then had to fight at RB from a huge TC attack.

Not a combined attack otherwise we would have lost RB but TC should have taken north towers in staid of going after a few Eb fighting TC in the ruins.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Drium.8509


Wow this is really funny post there is more complaining about the whining then there is actually whining.

1. OP stated alliance between 2 servers against 1 before match even started, Reason unjustified. (he should be Flagged for unsportsmanship).

2. EB had people who stay up later and took everything before going to bed. (why wouldnt we).

3. TC & Mag take everything back when they start in the morning. (that is what they are suppose to do to get points)

4. A few EB complained there was an alliance on here because of the OP.

5. People keep saying back and forth about the alliance but when started playing everyone was about even. But Mag was loosing by a small amount but sometimes getting the most points.

6. Got into Mag borderlands last night fended off a huge attack by mag at Ab then had to fight at RB from a huge TC attack.

Not a combined attack otherwise we would have lost RB but TC should have taken north towers in staid of going after a few Eb fighting TC in the ruins.

1. Cool story bro, except that the post was made several hours after EB established its solid lead and took the Orbs. Look at the time it was posted, because next time I’m not going to hesitate reporting you for trying to spread false information and getting someone banned for your mathematical mistake.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Alandrian.5431


Banned? Do you know how to read? If you dont know what trowing a flag is in Sports i guess you need to watch some TV every sport has them.

IF you dont know what sarcasm is, its not meant to be read as is but laughed at usually given away by something that doesnt belong there like (unsportsmanship).

Mathematical mistake? I saw this post up on the first day when someone pointed it out there was no night time yet.

(edited by Alandrian.5431)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Fel.8195


Here is the reality:

95% of all players in WvW, do not even read these forums. They don’t think about server alliances, they look at the map and decide what to hit based on what the other two servers are doing.

We went through this last week, with the Maguuma/DB alliance rumors. That was just another rumor, since DB completely owned Maguuma’s map for nearly the entire week.

It boggles my mind that people think they could actually get word out to the entire server, and coordinate four maps (and the numerous zergs + guild groups on each map) to work with another server.

It does not work. I don’t expect the rumors to ever stop during WvW… but the entire discussion is really just a waste of time.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Elmy.5201


Ok, so wow the misinformation in this thread.

Guarantee you, until this morning when this thread was mentioned, the majority of Tarnished Coast players had no f’in idea that we were in any kind of supposed alliance. I didn’t. My guild leader didn’t. At least, in Eternal Battlegrounds. I am in the guild that usually has a solid presence in EB when our warleader is on (EP).

When our warleader is on, there is a significant difference in our tactics and strength due to people that flock to him. And he’s actually intelligent. He logged in early this morning. (5 AM?) and the presence of the other 2 servers started dwindling, and with our leader in (I will refer to him by his name at this point, Odinzu), ours made a massive push.

We do actively defend our points. So just because Maguuma doesn’t regularly cap our points, it doesn’t mean they aren’t trying. It means that we foil them probably at least 50% of the time. You should understand this yourselves as the same thing happens to you (EB).

Our borderlands are commanded by others who are for the most part unassociated with us. And they seem to be doing a decent job, although it does appear they have been struggling more lately than the 24h match ups.



Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaizz.7306


Ok, I’m from Ehmry, and honestly, I think most of us are happy as to whats going on. Last week we got placed again Fergussons and Borlis Pass. That was the most boring week ever. We took everything because Borlis didn’t really fight back at all, and FC… oh my… they didn’t play WvW until 3 hours before the match switch. I’m actually glad to be placed against 2 other servers that are well known for having a large WvW/PvP oriented population, while Ehmry is more casual PvE ppl. Not saying we’re bad, but it’s interesting. I don’t like it when one server completely dominates another. Yesterday was fun, all 3 of us were pretty much even.
Now that I’ve gone to sleep, I’m seeing TC is taking a very commanding lead. So this is gonna be a fun day. I know me and my guild have been curious about something. Ppl are whining about the 2 servers “ganging up” on us, but I really don’t think theres as much communication as ppl are panicing about. I do, however, think TC either has a REALLY great organized defense, or theres a spy! O_O It’s a joke, we know theres not, but it’s funny how our guild (GH) broadcasted we were attacking one area, while we really attacked another, and one of our scouts saw the fake area being heavily fortified with tons of TC’s, yet the area we were really attacking (We were attacking the bay from 2 fronts) had literally no defenses.
It’s fine though, gives us something to do. I must say, TC, you guys have a LOT of ppl that play alot, and as for the secret overnight playing… that was 1 night, it happens almost every week at the reset because ppl ain’t got kitten to do. Meanwhile, I notice TC has been hard at work every night lol

GL everyone! This is really going to be a fun week!

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Siphon.4592


Taking a moment from the whole is there an alliance or not discussion, I think there might be one thing we can all agree on – we all hate bots, right? Well I know in our last week’s match (EB here) there were 20-30 EB bots in the EB Borderlands harvesting the Scritt area 24/7. There were also a bunch underwater near one of the Quaggan areas. I would have liked nothing more than to let Ferg or Borlis in to harvest bots and apply dome much deserved repair bills, but there was no way to communicate that. This time however there may be some people listening via this discussion.

So, if you see bots from your team in large numbers why not throw it out there on this thread for the competition to “take care of” the problem. Don’t name names or use screenshots, just throw out the location – we don’t want this thread locked. I would throw out the first offering, but we’re getting our butts kinda kicked and I have yet to see a bunch of EB bots this time around. If I do, I’ll post the location.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


At any rate, this is the closest match I’ve seen since the game launched. If anything, we should be discussing how best to double-team Tarnished Coast now, since they are 15k in the lead with Maguuma and Ehmry virtually tied. TC is proving to be good at locking a team out of the borderlands, giving them an enormous advantage in points from towers.


Incidentally, 15k may not sound like much of a lead, but at +100 points every 15 minutes, it will take almost 38 hours to catch up to Tarnished Coast in score now.

Ehmry or Maguuma COULD potentially come out #1 still. Or is this a “battle for 2nd place” already?

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Doc.6175


I’ve been in Eternal Battlegrounds over 4 hours now and I’ve seen Blue(Mag) take one tower and one supply camp from Green(Tarnished Coast). Green has yet to move into Blue’s territory.

Even if you don’t have some alliance, you’re definitely working together well enough to try and push us around and we aren’t even in first. Current 400 points a head of 3rd and it’s been 2v1 in EB since Friday. GG for a close match so far I guess.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: chreescawks.6517


This thread is ridiculous, from all three sides.

Character: Chrees, Asura Elementalist
Guild: Sea of Stars [SoS]
Server: Ehmry Bay

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: nefloyd.5689


You must have missed the part where TC owned ALL of EB and had about 10 ballistae/arrows/catapult parked outside our Maguuma gate. We certainly retook our share when we could.

Paranoid conspiracy theorists need to just hush

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Auwyn.9740


Yeah, the honeymoon is definitely over and the Goomas are filing for divorce

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: gloombot.3519


Lol. There was no alliance. Definitely with no one I talked to (Maguuma)
It was an idea hatched by 1 person and probably followed by him alone. Sure, Ebay was the main target when they had the lead. Now TC is. That’s simply how it goes. I was on all last night to help the Maguuma late night defense and let me tell you, we had like 10-15 active people, tops from 2am PST to about 7am PST. (Eternal Battlegrounds)

The times I made it into Ebay turf (which was being dominated ALL night by a second entire zerg owned by TC) I saw maybe equal numbers. 10-15. Maybe they had more but I never saw them.

Meanwhile, TC had 2 full zergs (30-50+/ea). One constantly sieging and taking points from Ebay while another stepped on us seconds after every attempt to take a supply camp or tower. Then, they proceeded to spawn camp us with siege the rest of the night. I’m just throwing this out here for all the crazies who still think there was ever an alliance – there wasn’t. There’s just such a thing as bigger threats and primary targets. Sometimes those coincide, so that’s where you deliver most of your aggression.

Chill on the whole Alliance thing – we ain’t friendly.


Doom Bot – One Man Riot [iRez] – Maguuma – Guardian

(edited by gloombot.3519)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

OP is the worlds biggest tool for making this thread.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: tarian.5190


TC and Mag aren’t in an alliance, they’re just both not attacking anyone but EB. Despite the fact that TC is still taking the lead heavily, Mag is still not interested in taking any of TC’s stuff. There’s no alliance here kids, obviously.

What are you willing to sacrifice?

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


OP has successfully trolled every EB player. I must congratulate him on his services.

Hope we can fight TC and EB again in the future. TC fights are, as always, a blast and EB seems to be up to the task.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Eolirin.1830


There really is no alliance; Maguuma’s been taking our stuff frequently, where they can, when they can. They’ve been giving us a bit of trouble on our BL tonight, even. A pack of SFD were being extremely obnoxious at Dreadfall Bay. Strong tactics, but really annoying to deal with; I respect how good the stacking play was, especially since they managed to kill a larger force that was reinforcing itself, multiple times, but also hate. So much hate. ;p Well played guys.

So to the extent that we haven’t lost much, it’s been because we’ve been pretty decent at holding our stuff, not for a lack of them trying.

Also, there’s a certain order to the maps, and where we (and Maguuma for that matter) push out from, and what we try to take first. If Ehmry happens to own those areas, they’re going to get hit. For example: when you take one of the keeps that’s next to the enemy spawn it is going to get pincered. Which is why we made a concerted effort earlier to let you guys take Dreadfall rather than Maguuma, though you weren’t able to hold it long enough to prove an adequate diversion :P That three way turned into a real mess. And Maguuma was holding our attention enough to prevent us from even trying to take back SH, which we would’ve really liked to have done.

(edited by Eolirin.1830)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


There is no alliance.

There are just some agreements between a couple major guilds.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Eolirin.1830


I can assure you that’s not happening either. The major guilds in TC and the major guilds on Maguuma have been mercilessly slaughtering each other.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Barro.6827


Notice this is for Eternal Battleground only
I am one of the few that lead in Eternal Battleground for Tarnished Coast. I first want to say I enjoyed fighting with both Mag and EB, the fights are pretty fun and you do keep us on our toes. As for the situation for the whole alliance, there is none. What is happening is more of a “Pick the (weaker) force”. I mean weaker as in territories in Eternal Battleground only. There is no communication from Mag or EB to TC as far as I know.

EB unfortunately took SM and the lead early. Mag and TC fought back and saw we could back EB into a corner. In doing so, we would have more time to recover and regroup if we lost Mendon and keeps both enemies in one area. My decisions to stay in EB’s land sometimes is because its not worth splitting your resources at two different fronts until I finished my goal beforehand. I have lead attacks on Mag and they have poached on us.

Couple of times, Mag and EB have attack SM from different sides and made good pushes. When I was leading, I was able to fend off one and then focus on the other. You both been wonderful opponents and made WvW fun for me again. I rather have a more fair ground than a completely steamroll. Last week, it was disheartening to log in and play WvW due to the point differences. Now, I can’t wait to lead and have my airlines appear from no where to drop bombs and wipe everyone out.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Kyomu.8012


Note to Conspiracy Theorists: EB is not the only map there is! As a TC player said above, Maguuma and TC have been fighting like crazy on TC borderlands. Tonight was really fun even though we (SFD) were using some “interesting” tactics! There’s no alliance, at least from our point of view I think – kicking the crap out of each other is fun for all sides.

On a general note:
You do realize that making and breaking alliances, be they formal, informal, etc. is … kinda part of the way the three-sided system works? If people are going to get butthurt every time it even LOOKS like there’s a teamup, it’s going to get tiresome. We have a lot of great commanders on all sides who are not going to shy from using tactics that some people might not like. That’s how war works! It’s not always honorable, and expecting your enemy to fight you on your terms is just naive and silly.

Props to TC for bringing on the fights tonight too, I had a great time!

[SFD] – Maguuma

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Eolirin.1830


Yeah, interesting tactics all right. shakes fist

We’ll get you back for that, eventually

Oh, out of curiosity, are you guys able to maintain near constant stability buffs while in that death ball? I’m still a bit unclear on what does and doesn’t obey the 5 person AoE limit; if you can maintain stability, I’m not sure there’s a non-siege counter to that, and I think that tactic maybe needs a bit of a nerf. If you can’t, then there’s a way around it, and, annoying as it is to deal with, I’d be upset if they took it out.

(edited by Eolirin.1830)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Kyomu.8012


Yeah, interesting tactics all right. shakes fist

We’ll get you back for that, eventually

Oh, out of curiosity, are you guys able to maintain near constant stability buffs while in that death ball? I’m still a bit unclear on what does and doesn’t obey the 5 person AoE limit; if you can maintain stability, I’m not sure there’s a non-siege counter to that, and I think that tactic maybe needs a bit of a nerf. If you can’t, then there’s a way around it, and, annoying as it is to deal with, I’d be upset if they took it out.

Honestly, that particular one I don’t know – I came into the battle towards the end of that tactic being used, and just followed directions to stack up without really knowing why. As a Guardian I’m used to just using my own stability-givers so I didn’t really notice. Maybe someone who was there earlier could chime in, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t!

[SFD] – Maguuma

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: ariod.1078


Sorry but maguuma has something to prove it seems (and they aren’t doing a very good job of it! :P )

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


I’d like to comment on the whole situation here. First off, I don’t know about you all, but my timestamp on the OP just says ‘2 days ago’, so I can’t confirm or disconfirm anything. What is in very little dispute is that the thread was started within very little time of the game actually starting (relative to a week long match). I know I was online by 9:30 EDT friday, and the thread had already been made and replied to several times.

Do I honestly believe that either server managed to get the memo out to every wvw-er out there? No. As many have alluded to, it’s very hard to get a zerg organized. However, it would surprise me very little if most of the major players (guild leaders, people with commander books, the randoms who actually try to cajole the zerg) do at least check the forums for server rankings, the que time charts, and maybe even this sort of thing.

I’m not going to say that TC and Mag haven’t fought. But the honest truth is that just the rumor of an alliance can be a big deal. WvW is nothing if not the example of many small things that add up to one big thing. Each person can only carry 10 supply, yet trebs get built, and gate get repaired. Each 15 minute tick is insignificant compared the the score that can be accrued in a week, but we live and die 15 minutes at a time.

Was there an absolute alliance in place? No. But each time someone in charge of their 2 man team, 5 man group, guild, or zerg has made a decision this weekend, the idea of the alliance has been in their minds. The uncertainty of whether or not we should attack a potential team mates’ camp has been there. Sometimes, the determination to disprove such an alliance has been there.

Maybe the rumor of the alliance hasn’t spread far and wide on TC or Mag, but it’s been on everyone’s lips (keyboards?) on EB, and that alone is detracting from enjoyment and feeding our “victim complex.” Is this a petition to change anything at all about this week? Absolutely not. But I would like everyone to at least think for a moment about how this premature alliance offer has affected the game thus far. Now we have to try to sort out if/how much the deck was stacked against us, and TC has to at least wonder how much of their lead they really earned.

Before you flame me for “crying” just try to see it from our perspective. This is the first week Ehmry Bay has made it out of the bottom third on the server rankings and less than 3 hours into the matchup (perhaps even before (perhaps!)) two old war buddies are already publicly declaring intent to join forces to smack us down ‘just in case’, regardless of the truth of it.

All I’m getting at, is at least try to get decent feel for how the match is going before politicking too hard. I’m glad we’re getting a good fight. There’s been nary a second of WvW I haven’t enjoyed this weekend, but let’s try to keep things in perspective.

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.2691


I don’t think there’s an honest-to-God alliance between TC and Mag, but it seems the majority of my fellow EB players do. It’s interesting to see how much it affects how the game plays out. Was on EB border tonight, and we were pushed all the way back to the garrison by TC on one side and Mag on the other, and it was pretty much all anyone was talking about, despite the fact that there were plenty of crossed swords between greenbriar and bluelake, and champ’s was changing hands every few minutes. Nobody wanted to do anything but fight over Astral and Arah’s the whole time, saying that we were fighting 2v1 etc, etc.

Finally pushed out and blitzed Eth Hills and the orb there, held it for a while until TC took Longview and I decided to get some sleep. But yeah, I’d honestly just chock it up to the two other sides going after us because the only place on the other side they could have attacked was the tower outside each others’ spawns, so all the serious attacks went after us in the hope of taking the northern towers to give them some depth against us for their keeps.

It’s a good fight, and I’m enjoying myself. That said, if two sides DID consciously decide to gang up on another side and not attack each other, that would be really, really weak unless it was one of those “one side controls 90% of the map monday through sunday” kind of deals.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Frankly at this point, unless we feel like fighting for second, there needs to be an alliance between Emmy and Mag because TCs night presence is ridiculous compared to both of ours.

Whoever says Emmy has a better night presence then TC is just flat out lying. They are virtually sweeping every zone around 5 AM PST when Emmy seems to die off for the night. During the day we have decent fights, but at night TC is just clobbering us all through sheer numbers.

I will say that there is SOMETHING fishy going on though. TC is selectively avoiding Mag at night even though they could easily wipe out a lot of their camps with minimal effort and instead are working on wiping whatever last few places Emmy has on the map.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Dwok Immortalus.2763

Dwok Immortalus.2763

Frankly at this point, unless we feel like fighting for second, there needs to be an alliance between Emmy and Mag because TCs night presence is ridiculous compared to both of ours.

Whoever says Emmy has a better night presence then TC is just flat out lying. They are virtually sweeping every zone around 5 AM PST when Emmy seems to die off for the night. During the day we have decent fights, but at night TC is just clobbering us all through sheer numbers.

I will say that there is SOMETHING fishy going on though. TC is selectively avoiding Mag at night even though they could easily wipe out a lot of their camps with minimal effort and instead are working on wiping whatever last few places Emmy has on the map.

Tonight will be the first night we see ‘nightcapping’ really deal damage if it happens. Maguuma and TC have no trouble over the weekends, but on weekdays, the populations drop significantly at night.

What I worry, is that with TC in the lead by a significant margin now, we’ll get a large number of ‘free win’ transfers again. I’ve already seen the queues much higher than normal.

Dwok, the Undying
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server

(edited by Dwok Immortalus.2763)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Drium.8509


Let’s face it; OP here. If my goal was to wreck EB’s morale with this amazing psychological warfare trick, it surekittenworked. =D

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


Drium: lol

To EB players – there was no alliance that was acknowledged or spoken about in /team chat.

The fun thing about psychology is that people look for reasons for everything. For example, when TC folk came online on Saturday to a deficit in the score there was a lot of push back to prevent the previous week’s results from happening again.

I, as one of the people on TC, came to the forums to check the queue times of each servers. I noticed that EB’s patterns were similar to TC’s pattern (and to Mag’s) so that brought hope but that first morning where EB took almost everything…

That really caused a shift. People stayed up a bit later. People got on a bit earlier. All of that was done to prevent the same situation once more.

Mag and TC have fought for awhile now. We are old and familiar enemies. We fight all the time. For awhile on Friday I was in Eternal and it seemed to me, as a TC player, that it was EB and Mag who were allied. But, of course, they weren’t. What I experienced on the map is a single view of the overall map. It just ‘felt’ like it at the time.

We lost SM on Friday because we had to defend the Southeast from Mag and the North from EB. EB broke through first then Mag broke through. Finally, in the lord’s room, we had both EB and Mag rushing at our deployed siege weaponry.

That’s been the tune since – fighting off EB and Mag. The priority on Saturday was take back everything since we had lost almost everything. I think there were a couple of things not taken.

But, all of that to write that at no time did I see a single /team message about we have an alliance with Mag. There wasn’t a need: who controlled most of the map? EB did.

EB got pushed all the way back.

During the primetime, EB wasn’t able to recapture their losses fully (they got back some stuff) but TC managed to stay ahead. But, then again, that’s how it was on Friday night as well during primetime.

I was curious to see if EB would reclaim everything the next morning but they didn’t. Why? Well, as I wrote, people as a group and without specific leadership to the effect but more as a general goal stayed up later and got up earlier into the fight to keep what was owned.

With EB’s confidence shaken and the ghost of an “alliance” haunting some people I’m guessing that the ghost grew really scary and people started believing it. If people continue to try and blame a non-existent alliance they’ll spend more time typing about it or not bothering to log in because why should they? There’s an alliance! Or they may just kill NPCs in the maps instead of trying to fight. Or they may break early if attacked and a single person from the other server shows up because.. It’s the ALLIANCE attacking!

Morale is a funny thing.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Edewen.8304


EB has been alliance free clearly if you watch the map. But there are more maps then EB and frankly when you witness firsthand enemies stand next to each other but attack only your camp * on mag border *, Then denying is pointless. Was it as wide spread as it seemed, probably not, but even the one morning had EBs morale down so low we had no queues last night.

The alliance existed even if only for that one day. But even if there is not, the general pattern, at least on Mag borderlands is painful. Both sides send their full zergs at EB until we do not hold ANYTHING and only then do they fight each other outright. You can claim all your little skirmishes that you want, but 5 people sniping supply camps is NOT attacking one another.

Oh and stop putting Trebs on top of garrision’s vista, seriously, your can’t defend against it at all and makes the outer walls of keeps pointless. This is not working as intended, it is a reportable exploit. Shame on you Mag. Shame.

ps. All thieves exploiting on any side must be reported. Exploiting and one shotting from stealth is not cool.

(edited by Edewen.8304)