NA T1 needs more balance

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

You play on a zerg server and pretend that BlobGate’s wins are about skill.

If skill mattered then all the other servers with groups that actually do what you “claim” to do would have a chance at T1. That can’t happen as long as stacking is the most important element of match play.

If your “skill” mattered you could go to any server and move them up to T1. But even you know that’s not possible.

That says everything.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

You play on a zerg server and pretend that BlobGate’s wins are about skill.

Where exactly did you get this idea? You’re full of assumptions. I think Blackgate has some of the worst players I’ve ever been on the same server with lol.. I said we have a lot of smaller groups that take objectives, I never said that our blobs were good or that any of those smaller groups besides my own are good. I honestly don’t know who has skill on that server. No offense to any of the larger groups there, but I haven’t seen anything that impressed me.

If skill mattered then all the other servers that do exactly what you “claim” to do would have a chance at T1. That can’t happen as long as stacking is the most important element of match play.

If your “skill” mattered you could go to any server and move them up to T1. But even you know that’s not possible.

That isn’t true because skill is not the only factor, its honestly such a silly statement for you to even try to make. Coverage is also a factor, it doesn’t mean Blackgates blobs are any bigger than TC’s blobs during prime time, it just means that Blackgate has more coverage in other time zones as well.

As far as servers with skilled players goes, no server has any kind of monopoly on skilled players. Every server I’ve been to has been infested with no-talent players running with blobs – but they’re necessary to have. The only two servers I’ve ever seen with skilled pugs ever have been Maguuma and Fort Aspenwood, both of which are now over run with pretty bad players/guilds these days.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
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NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Eval.2371


You can thank the Anet leak of server matches for this cluster kitten. BG, used the info to get stacked for free. Now Anet has moved on and considers the issue fixed.

So did TC.

There was a lot of TC guilds that left to DB, Mainly to try and stop TC from becoming tier 1. Backwards logic. Don’t ask me to explain it. We may have gained a few groups but we lost a lot of our regular guilds to DB.

Even with what we gained, TC still lacks coverage off peak. Every day we come back to a devastated home bl, and a few towers/camps in eb. When I head off at the end night its the very opposite.

As for all the skill and blob talk in here. It’s all subjective. I’ve seen black gate going on that they are winning out manned fights when its 35 black gate group vs 15 or so TC and I’ve seen it the other way around too. So I don’t believe either side.

We are all tier one. We all blob, we all run havok, we all put up siege and hide behind it. We all have good and bad players. We all have a pile of players that act like they are twelve years old. So get over your selves.

Coverage wins WvW. Not blobs, not 4 arrow carts per person, not disruptive or skilled havok. Until they change the current setup, the server with the most consistent coverage wins the match up.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

(edited by Eval.2371)

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

As for all the skill and blob talk in here. It’s all subjective. I’ve seen black gate going on that they are winning out manned fights when its 35 black gate group vs 15 or so TC and I’ve seen it the other way around too. So I don’t believe either side.

Feel free to watch some of my stream from time to time. I have recorded several times of our 5-7 man group wiping groups of 15+ in towers. Sure it doesn’t happen all the time, but it does happen enough. I can’t speak for the rest of BG but I know I’ve won a bit of out manned fights with my group.

Were all tier one. We all blob, we all run havok, we all put up siege and hide behind it. We all have good and bad players. We all have players that act like they are twelve years old. Get over your selves. Coverage wins WvW. Not blobs, not 4 arrow carts per person, not disruptive or skilled havok. Until they fix that the server with the most consistent coverage wins the match up.

It is a mix of all of those things that win the long match – that is correct. That said, even when they make the coverage not matter as much, Blackgate will still be winning because we still generally have the stronger NA in T1.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
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NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Are people really transferring to ET? If that’s the case then nothing Anet will ever do will matter. Because people truly are stupid.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Josh XT.6053

Josh XT.6053

Are people really transferring to ET? If that’s the case then nothing Anet will ever do will matter. Because people truly are stupid.

Yes people are really transferring to ET which is stacking Blackgate even more. They shouldn’t have linked any of the T1 servers with other servers.

Asphyxia [XT] – Fort Aspenwood Roamer
Twitch Stream – AsphyxiaXT
My Builds at

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Are people really transferring to ET? If that’s the case then nothing Anet will ever do will matter. Because people truly are stupid.

No Anet is brilliant.

Every server linking can be unlinked.

ET gets stacked?

Simple unlink.

It’s a clever way of spreading out the population, without the population realizing it

And if people insist on moving after the unlinking, well more money for Anet to spend on, (cross fingers), WvW and the game.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: rchu.8945


What Tier is JQ in now?

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Locking host servers and leaving guests open with no time frame for re-linking is pretty lame. It was hinted every 3 months, but that was not concrete and will NEVER work since it is only around 100g to transfer. It needs to be every 2-4 weeks or not all.. It also needs to be a bit smarter than 1+24 2+23 etc… On a side note, if Glicko is no longer maintained on guests, how will relinking ever work? Their pop has changed too….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


and will NEVER work since it is only around 100g to transfer.

Hrm, interesting. So you’re saying that the cost to transfer is too inconsequential to make a meaningful change for WvW?

Maybe they get folks to move to the lower tiered servers, then separate the servers that are over-stacked — or ultimately find balance by getting folks onto the lower pop servers — and then they change the transfer policy — where it costs something that is consequential, like $50 each time (in gems or money, that’s not a small sum to jump ship without seriously considering how much work is involved — grinding money to get gems will take longer than a day in this case).

OR they create a new transfer token in the shop that you’re only able to buy with cash — thus generating money for Anet and still making it consequentially significant in fee so that it actually forces players to evaluate leaping around. You can, ofc, gift the token to another player though.

I think you make a valid point that the cost to transfer should at least take effort to obtain — or money. And then maybe get folks sticking it out with their servers and willing to put in the effort to push upward.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Are people really transferring to ET? If that’s the case then nothing Anet will ever do will matter. Because people truly are stupid.

Spot on, its why Anet needs to look at ways of stopping stacking. For a start they could review server linkages far more often than every 3 months.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Locking host servers and leaving guests open with no time frame for re-linking is pretty lame. It was hinted every 3 months, but that was not concrete and will NEVER work since it is only around 100g to transfer.

With the current system they need to raise the transfer cost to a flat price at the highest level and redo server linkages at least every month.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: fishball.7204


T1 needs JQ and DB since the other servers don’t have enough Australians/Asians to sustain healthy WvW activity during OCX/SEA for themselves or their opponents.

It doesn’t matter how close the scores are when your server is dead 6 hours a day. Every day. Literally ticked 500 reset night in OCX vs TC/YB.


NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


And to think that when all those guilds left BG months ago, everyone of them were sure that BG would die and fall down the tiers. T1 would be a happy place with the might “I’ve always been in T1” JQ, TC “for the toast” and “Siege” Bends.
Now all of them are just a shadow of their former self, while Beastgate reigns absolute.
Funny how life is.

No one respects wins that are derived from blatant cheating (using stolen information to manipulate server ranking algorithms).

They are basically the Lance Armstrong of servers.

honestly, BG is owning mainly because ND guild returned to BG.
Any server that ND joins, you can be sure that they will become twice as strong.
10 ND members led by Hasax can take out 2-3 times their size easily.

Hilarious. Is that why their 20 player ND guild group would run away from Cloud Fly when he had only 30 people on him?

The only time they would ever engage was when they had a map blob, the rest of the time they would just PvD and run away. Maybe they weren’t being lead by Hasan at that those times but they didn’t get the name Always Die without a reason.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476


T1 needs JQ and DB since the other servers don’t have enough Australians/Asians to sustain healthy WvW activity during OCX/SEA for themselves or their opponents.

It doesn’t matter how close the scores are when your server is dead 6 hours a day. Every day. Literally ticked 500 reset night in OCX vs TC/YB.

That’s the problem you need absolute coverage to win against BG atm. Its a scoring issue which is why everyone has been asking for it to change for years. Winning just because of a coverage gap.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: azyume.6321


Untrue. Smaller groups are just as much to blame as the zergs. Last night on YB BL, we had 2 smaller groups and 1 blob on the map and we managed to take almost the whole map over because the 2 smaller groups would go taking towers and camps while the blob would attack keeps to draw the enemies. Most of our PPT was from that map in particular lol.

Wouldn’t matter if was a map blob or several smaller guilds. YB border was pretty much dead anyway as you can see on the below screenshot which the time was 20:40 PST.

YB don’t have the pop for tier 1 nor do JQ for the matter. TC is a t1.5 server, while BG is the only true tier 1.

Right now we have a bunch of tier 2 or semi tier 2 servers being throw against BG which is being stacked even harder and can be demoralizing for the long run.


Guardian Commander
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: fishball.7204


T1 needs JQ and DB since the other servers don’t have enough Australians/Asians to sustain healthy WvW activity during OCX/SEA for themselves or their opponents.

It doesn’t matter how close the scores are when your server is dead 6 hours a day. Every day. Literally ticked 500 reset night in OCX vs TC/YB.

That’s the problem you need absolute coverage to win against BG atm. Its a scoring issue which is why everyone has been asking for it to change for years. Winning just because of a coverage gap.

I don’t care about the scores, I just want people to fight with and against during OCX/SEA which frankly doesn’t happen at all with TC/YB. All these band aid fixes to PPT mean nothing when you guys can’t even muster up 15 people to defend your garrison, what is even the point of being in T1? Just go away and let servers with real players during those timezones play together rather than create fake coverage by pulling overtime and mashing PPT to make it close through gimmicks.

BG/JQ/DB = 1 24 hour tier. The other 9 can be 6 hour WvW servers with the other 18 hours locked and thus no night capping. All happy ok?


NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

T1 needs JQ and DB since the other servers don’t have enough Australians/Asians to sustain healthy WvW activity during OCX/SEA for themselves or their opponents.

It doesn’t matter how close the scores are when your server is dead 6 hours a day. Every day. Literally ticked 500 reset night in OCX vs TC/YB.

That’s the problem you need absolute coverage to win against BG atm. Its a scoring issue which is why everyone has been asking for it to change for years. Winning just because of a coverage gap.

I don’t care about the scores, I just want people to fight with and against during OCX/SEA which frankly doesn’t happen at all with TC/YB. All these band aid fixes to PPT mean nothing when you guys can’t even muster up 15 people to defend your garrison, what is even the point of being in T1? Just go away and let servers with real players during those timezones play together rather than create fake coverage by pulling overtime and mashing PPT to make it close through gimmicks.

BG/JQ/DB = 1 24 hour tier. The other 9 can be 6 hour WvW servers with the other 18 hours locked and thus no night capping. All happy ok?

Not at all. BG has 24 hour coverage. JQ and DB do not. JQ has OCX and Sea primarily and NA is their weakest timezone.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

(edited by lil devils x.6071)

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: fishball.7204


All I know is it’d be a lot more fun for JQ/BG’s OCX/SEA if they were fighting each other than servers with no players during those timezones. PPT has nothing to do with it nor do other timezones.

TC is pretty much useless outside of eN and YB is YB.


NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

All I know is it’d be a lot more fun for JQ/BG’s OCX/SEA if they were fighting each other than servers with no players during those timezones. PPT has nothing to do with it nor do other timezones.

TC is pretty much useless outside of eN and YB is YB.

There are a few servers that have OCX populations, even in T3, they are just not strong enough in other time zones to make it to tiers to fight other OCX. What would create more balanced coverage would be to examine the exact population numbers and most important, precisely when they play and merge populations to balance out the different time zones rather than trying to merge over rank, and just overall population. Timezone coverage would be a much better way to measure for mergers and from what I saw with the mergers, they actually merged heavy OCX servers with heavy OCX servers and heavy NA servers with heavy NA servers.. which makes no sense at all.

YB and TC deserve to fight each other… TC is YB 2.0, but YB will probably always hold the siege humping and bad fights award. LOL

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

(edited by lil devils x.6071)

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Locking host servers and leaving guests open with no time frame for re-linking is pretty lame. It was hinted every 3 months, but that was not concrete and will NEVER work since it is only around 100g to transfer.

With the current system they need to raise the transfer cost to a flat price at the highest level and redo server linkages at least every month.

or limit the frequency of transfer to be a period longer than the re-linking so one cant stack / re-stack constantly……

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

Locking host servers and leaving guests open with no time frame for re-linking is pretty lame. It was hinted every 3 months, but that was not concrete and will NEVER work since it is only around 100g to transfer.

With the current system they need to raise the transfer cost to a flat price at the highest level and redo server linkages at least every month.

or limit the frequency of transfer to be a period longer than the re-linking so one cant stack / re-stack constantly……

They just wont play if they cant play with their guild/ friends. Limiting things like that always result in players leaving the game just to play together due to Friends, family and Guild > game.

People play games to play with those they enjoy playing it with. If they cannot do that on one game, they play a game they can.

This suggestion always ends in running off players from the game.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

i really dont care. ive been destroying bg for the last week and having tons of fun. the score has no bearing on this. im on tc, playing eu weekdays, and played some sea this weekend.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


T1 needs JQ and DB since the other servers don’t have enough Australians/Asians to sustain healthy WvW activity during OCX/SEA for themselves or their opponents.

It doesn’t matter how close the scores are when your server is dead 6 hours a day. Every day. Literally ticked 500 reset night in OCX vs TC/YB.

That’s the problem you need absolute coverage to win against BG atm. Its a scoring issue which is why everyone has been asking for it to change for years. Winning just because of a coverage gap.

I don’t care about the scores, I just want people to fight with and against during OCX/SEA which frankly doesn’t happen at all with TC/YB. All these band aid fixes to PPT mean nothing when you guys can’t even muster up 15 people to defend your garrison, what is even the point of being in T1? Just go away and let servers with real players during those timezones play together rather than create fake coverage by pulling overtime and mashing PPT to make it close through gimmicks.

BG/JQ/DB = 1 24 hour tier. The other 9 can be 6 hour WvW servers with the other 18 hours locked and thus no night capping. All happy ok?

like we have a choice where we are matched up…. also, you realize yb beat jq last week right? Not that the score/placement was a big deal – just shows JQ is strong when you play and everyone else would be bored….. Now YB / JQ link might compete with BG (assuming there is also TC + someone else as well)

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Locking host servers and leaving guests open with no time frame for re-linking is pretty lame. It was hinted every 3 months, but that was not concrete and will NEVER work since it is only around 100g to transfer.

With the current system they need to raise the transfer cost to a flat price at the highest level and redo server linkages at least every month.

or limit the frequency of transfer to be a period longer than the re-linking so one cant stack / re-stack constantly……

They just wont play if they cant play with their guild/ friends. Limiting things like that always result in players leaving the game just to play together due to Friends, family and Guild > game.

People play games to play with those they enjoy playing it with. If they cannot do that on one game, they play a game they can.

This suggestion always ends in running off players from the game.

if they are really friends and family – can’t they can coordinate when and where to move? but that was what came to mind and could indeed have drawbacks.

Either way, the current linking is just plain stupid – lets allow people to get around full on host by allowing people on the guest for such a small cost…. If the linking changed every 2-4 weeks – maybe it is fine as is as that cost could add up quickly….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: BobMctavish.7249


why is bg focusing tc,..
seriously tc got the fewest people in this match, they should attack that other guy

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: drcraig.9403


The other tiers in NA looks great.
So close and exciting!
But T1…look at the huge difference in score.
2nd and 3rd place depends largely on who BG decides to side with =/

LOL…get a clue please. Beastgate doesn’t choose to side with anyone> If I recall in Season 1 & 2 of WvW Beastgate didn’t side with anyone and demolished the competition. It wasn’t until Season 3 that they lost and that’s because 2 servers ( not naming names) teamed up and traded wins. Like i said, get a clue.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Aurika.6751


The other tiers in NA looks great.
So close and exciting!
But T1…look at the huge difference in score.
2nd and 3rd place depends largely on who BG decides to side with =/

LOL…get a clue please. Beastgate doesn’t choose to side with anyone> If I recall in Season 1 & 2 of WvW Beastgate didn’t side with anyone and demolished the competition. It wasn’t until Season 3 that they lost and that’s because 2 servers ( not naming names) teamed up and traded wins. Like i said, get a clue.

The double team was season 2.

Sladi [TW]

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: drcraig.9403


The other tiers in NA looks great.
So close and exciting!
But T1…look at the huge difference in score.
2nd and 3rd place depends largely on who BG decides to side with =/

LOL…get a clue please. Beastgate doesn’t choose to side with anyone> If I recall in Season 1 & 2 of WvW Beastgate didn’t side with anyone and demolished the competition. It wasn’t until Season 3 that they lost and that’s because 2 servers ( not naming names) teamed up and traded wins. Like i said, get a clue.

The double team was season 2.

Was it? My memory isn’t what it used to be. I guess my main point was BG never needed to team up to win, if they in fact cared about winning.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: ventusthunder.5067


The solution to this is clear, just overstack a third server and also run around in 50 man blobs. Duh.

collector of liquid aurillium

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


BG has been strong for about three to four weeks. It is very difficult to draw long term conclusions about any tier with such limited data.

That said, I would unlink ET from BG on the next match and do a three way link in some way. Let BG stand on its own for a few more weeks and see if lowering their population even slightly helps even the matches out.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Lol the biggest zerg does always win. Everyone has small groups getting objectives but it is the servers with the biggest amount of zerg players that win the matches.

BlobGate has the most amount of zerg players therefore they win. When JQ had the most amount of zerg players, they won. And the next server that stacks the most will win.

If ANET ever gets the courage to penalize stacking then WvW will be interesting and people can talk about skill. Until then, zerg on.

Mmm nope. Coverage and “the most zerg players” are not one in the same and coverage is how the week is won. Not lso not so long ago, YB would win matches by mostly having smaller groups that would PvD and bunker and the other severs who had guild groups and regular pugmanders had little to fight.

Whispers with meat.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I really wish people would stop whining. We wanted the old bl’s back and we got them. We wanted stability changes and we got them. We wanted something to be done about the lack of players in wvw and we got it. We’re going to get a change to how scoring is done because we want it.

People whine about leaked patch notes like it’s some kind of insider trading that needs the SEC to investigate. No, it’s not. Everyone saw the leaked notes. Everyone had the same chance to take advantage of that information. If your server didn’t that’s your problem, not Anet’s and most certainly not the players on other servers.

I’m really not sure what people expect at this point?

I agree. This is beta people. A.Net is using us to figure out what to do by looking at reams of data.

Round 3.5 years late though……

At least they are trying. What other company would actually try to fix things this late in the game?

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: mulzi.8273


I find it amazing that BG was coming in dead last for months. MONTHS. Getting absolutely smoked in scoring (mainly due to YB back/night capping playing the PPT game). Then, for 3 weeks BG reversed the tables and its suddenly the ‘no one can compete with BG’ argument? People are raging against the coverage BG has now. Well didnt YB have that same covered for months while they were winning by 100k points each week? Where did they go? They are still there, only now when YB/TC/etc zone away to try to back cap something without contention, its no longer easy, as everything is in contention. Everything is contended now for the most part. No more taking structures and letting the night autoupgrade them so they get be tiered out and sieged to the hilt.

If there is a coverage problem, I believe its due to other servers losing people due to those not wanting fights and getting frustrated that 80% of PPT comes from fighting and contended structures now, rather than PvD. So just like BG folks who quit WvW when it was a ktrain/siege fest, now the YB/TC/etc folks are quitting WvW because its about fights and PvD has been neutered.

All these WvW changes did was reenforce the mentality of certain servers: which like to fight and which like to ktrain .

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Well didnt YB have that same covered for months while they were winning by 100k points each week? Where did they go? They are still there, only now when YB/TC/etc zone away to try to back cap something without contention, its no longer easy, as everything is in contention.

All these WvW changes did was reenforce the mentality of certain servers: which like to fight and which like to ktrain .

YB lost a few decently sized guilds just before the merger to TC. BG’s core population tends to sit dormant until a change wakes them up (BG falling into T2, new WvW patch, etc). BG also got the far more active T8 server even if it was only a slight bump.

Then the servers got locked. Not many are interested in transferring to a T8 server especially when they are temporarily mated with larger populations with one exception ET. Only ANet knows for sure but ET has almost certainly seen several bandwagon transfers to their server. This happens every time there is a dominant server with new rewards in the mix.

Add it up and we have this situation… an old school T1 sized population against the modern smaller size populations. YB is still the #2 or #3 server at least with the current scoring system. It is difficult to know for sure since YB is a weekday server that performs worse on the weekends.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I find it amazing that BG was coming in dead last for months. MONTHS. Getting absolutely smoked in scoring (mainly due to YB back/night capping playing the PPT game). Then, for 3 weeks BG reversed the tables and its suddenly the ‘no one can compete with BG’ argument? People are raging against the coverage BG has now. Well didnt YB have that same covered for months while they were winning by 100k points each week? Where did they go? They are still there,

No they aren’t, all the guilds that took YB to T1 have left, mainly for TC. This is then coupled with the fact that BG clearly still has a large dormant WvW population which never left the server and which came back for the recent WvW changes. Plus transfers to ET of idiot players wanting to ride the bandwagon.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: TorquedSoul.8097


I find it amazing that BG was coming in dead last for months. MONTHS. Getting absolutely smoked in scoring (mainly due to YB back/night capping playing the PPT game). Then, for 3 weeks BG reversed the tables and its suddenly the ‘no one can compete with BG’ argument? People are raging against the coverage BG has now. Well didnt YB have that same covered for months while they were winning by 100k points each week? Where did they go? They are still there,

No they aren’t, all the guilds that took YB to T1 have left, mainly for TC. This is then coupled with the fact that BG clearly still has a large dormant WvW population which never left the server and which came back for the recent WvW changes. Plus transfers to ET of idiot players wanting to ride the bandwagon.

BG is a perfect example of why Anet needs to enforce a hard population cap.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Was it? My memory isn’t what it used to be. I guess my main point was BG never needed to team up to win, if they in fact cared about winning.

And BG is the only server in GW2 that stacked it into oblivion. Neither SoR, nor TC, nor HoD, nor JQ, nor DB ever had the wvw population BG had. Was it in S1 when BG filled their EU (which was pretty big at that time) with Red Guard and two other EU guilds? BG is pretty good at gambling with wvw numbers and getting transfers by faking their own death.
Even after OnS, TW and all the others transfered off, they are the biggest server.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


BG is a perfect example of why Anet needs to enforce a hard population cap.

This is pretty much it.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Ven Zehn.6573

Ven Zehn.6573

Pretty sure everyone complained about JQ having the biggest population for a while, long long ago. Every server has the potential to pull those numbers into WvW (key word “potential”), but if their communities don’t care for WvW, and they don’t have guilds/players that promote WvW on their servers, then yea, it won’t be likely for the servers to get the same numbers showing consistently.

Do you think, maybe, just maybe, the people in Blackgate WvW because they like it, and those who join the server, do so because they see it as something they want? People were transferring to Blackgate even when we were getting 3rd place, even when we dropped to t2 randomly, and even after we got 3rd place in season 2 (and yes, I’m sure some came due to the war council, but I don’t think any of those guilds stayed long, could be wrong, but who knows, I’m just another random player).

How bout trying to create a welcoming and happy place in your own servers, where people would want to join you.

Maybe a real life example could help: Company A smiles at all their employees, gives them donuts, and asks them about their lives, Company B asks that you put in overtime without extra pay, and doesn’t even know you just got married. Which company would you want to work for, which would you want to stay with?

This isn’t something Anet can fix alone, this is something that each community has to do themselves.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Dhemize.8649


Pretty sure everyone complained about JQ having the biggest population for a while, long long ago. Every server has the potential to pull those numbers into WvW (key word “potential”), but if their communities don’t care for WvW, and they don’t have guilds/players that promote WvW on their servers, then yea, it won’t be likely for the servers to get the same numbers showing consistently.

Do you think, maybe, just maybe, the people in Blackgate WvW because they like it, and those who join the server, do so because they see it as something they want? People were transferring to Blackgate even when we were getting 3rd place, even when we dropped to t2 randomly, and even after we got 3rd place in season 2 (and yes, I’m sure some came due to the war council, but I don’t think any of those guilds stayed long, could be wrong, but who knows, I’m just another random player).

How bout trying to create a welcoming and happy place in your own servers, where people would want to join you.

Maybe a real life example could help: Company A smiles at all their employees, gives them donuts, and asks them about their lives, Company B asks that you put in overtime without extra pay, and doesn’t even know you just got married. Which company would you want to work for, which would you want to stay with?

This isn’t something Anet can fix alone, this is something that each community has to do themselves.

BG is known to buy coverage (thank the super serious war council that treats it like a full time job lol) and PvD at off hours while humping siege at all other times. If the people on their server liked WvW so much why was it dead for the longest time? “Hibernation” is another way of saying “not overly stacked so not going to try”. Oddly, a lot of the forum warriors feel they’re proving something when the time for measuring individual server strength has long passed. Either way, that pedestal they think they’re standing on is now being shared. Lol

It would be nice to see a decent fight when I return but I get the impression that it’ll be the same old blob or hide tactics BG uses. I hear ET is at least willing to split into smaller groups/roam for actual fun.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Pretty sure everyone complained about JQ having the biggest population for a while, long long ago. Every server has the potential to pull those numbers into WvW (key word “potential”), but if their communities don’t care for WvW, and they don’t have guilds/players that promote WvW on their servers, then yea, it won’t be likely for the servers to get the same numbers showing consistently.

Do you think, maybe, just maybe, the people in Blackgate WvW because they like it, and those who join the server, do so because they see it as something they want? People were transferring to Blackgate even when we were getting 3rd place, even when we dropped to t2 randomly, and even after we got 3rd place in season 2 (and yes, I’m sure some came due to the war council, but I don’t think any of those guilds stayed long, could be wrong, but who knows, I’m just another random player).

How bout trying to create a welcoming and happy place in your own servers, where people would want to join you.

Maybe a real life example could help: Company A smiles at all their employees, gives them donuts, and asks them about their lives, Company B asks that you put in overtime without extra pay, and doesn’t even know you just got married. Which company would you want to work for, which would you want to stay with?

This isn’t something Anet can fix alone, this is something that each community has to do themselves.

BG is known to buy coverage (thank the super serious war council that treats it like a full time job lol) and PvD at off hours while humping siege at all other times. If the people on their server liked WvW so much why was it dead for the longest time? “Hibernation” is another way of saying “not overly stacked so not going to try”. Oddly, a lot of the forum warriors feel they’re proving something when the time for measuring individual server strength has long passed. Either way, that pedestal they think they’re standing on is now being shared. Lol

It would be nice to see a decent fight when I return but I get the impression that it’ll be the same old blob or hide tactics BG uses. I hear ET is at least willing to split into smaller groups/roam for actual fun.

Ignorance at its finest. I’ve seen you post a lot, and from the biased of your posts I can only assume you’re from YB. and all yb does is what? Back cap, pvd dead timezones and run from fights.

more salt please

Ignorance at it’s finest.

All that matters in this game is stacking all time zones. Skill need not apply. Zerg on BlobGate…. Zerg on.

If ANET ever gets a clue.. (not gonna happen).. then they will penalize players that stack to win. Until then, WvW isn’t any different than it was 3 years ago when it failed HARD. It’s a numbers game, that’s all. These bandaid changes they put in place are just smoke puffs blowing up your you know where so they can steal our transfer money.

Skill just doesn’t matter because ANET refuses to do what is truly necessary. And what really sux is it’s not the tech that is a problem but the lack of creativity and foresight from the designers.

WvW….. still boring, still useless…, and only for mindless zerglings.

(edited by Grim West.3194)

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

We need another tournament so BG can get 2v1’d again. The only way to deal with a stacked server is to 2v1 it. But the only incentive to do that is in a tournament.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

We need another tournament so BG can get 2v1’d again. The only way to deal with a stacked server is to 2v1 it. But the only incentive to do that is in a tournament.

Not the only way. ANET could do something right for once and hire some decent RvR designers who understand more than the zergling mentality.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Pretty sure everyone complained about JQ having the biggest population for a while, long long ago. Every server has the potential to pull those numbers into WvW (key word “potential”), but if their communities don’t care for WvW, and they don’t have guilds/players that promote WvW on their servers, then yea, it won’t be likely for the servers to get the same numbers showing consistently.

Do you think, maybe, just maybe, the people in Blackgate WvW because they like it, and those who join the server, do so because they see it as something they want? People were transferring to Blackgate even when we were getting 3rd place, even when we dropped to t2 randomly, and even after we got 3rd place in season 2 (and yes, I’m sure some came due to the war council, but I don’t think any of those guilds stayed long, could be wrong, but who knows, I’m just another random player).

How bout trying to create a welcoming and happy place in your own servers, where people would want to join you.

Maybe a real life example could help: Company A smiles at all their employees, gives them donuts, and asks them about their lives, Company B asks that you put in overtime without extra pay, and doesn’t even know you just got married. Which company would you want to work for, which would you want to stay with?

This isn’t something Anet can fix alone, this is something that each community has to do themselves.

BG is known to buy coverage (thank the super serious war council that treats it like a full time job lol) and PvD at off hours while humping siege at all other times. If the people on their server liked WvW so much why was it dead for the longest time? “Hibernation” is another way of saying “not overly stacked so not going to try”. Oddly, a lot of the forum warriors feel they’re proving something when the time for measuring individual server strength has long passed. Either way, that pedestal they think they’re standing on is now being shared. Lol

It would be nice to see a decent fight when I return but I get the impression that it’ll be the same old blob or hide tactics BG uses. I hear ET is at least willing to split into smaller groups/roam for actual fun.

Ignorance at its finest. I’ve seen you post a lot, and from the biased of your posts I can only assume you’re from YB. and all yb does is what? Back cap, pvd dead timezones and run from fights.

more salt please

Ignorance at it’s finest.

All that matters in this game is stacking all time zones. Skill need not apply. Zerg on BlobGate…. Zerg on.

If ANET ever gets a clue.. (not gonna happen).. then they will penalize players that stack to win. Until then, WvW isn’t any different than it was 3 years ago when it failed HARD. It’s a numbers game, that’s all. These bandaid changes they put in place are just smoke puffs blowing up your you know where so they can steal our transfer money.

Skill just doesn’t matter because ANET refuses to do what is truly necessary. And what really sux is it’s not the tech that is a problem but the lack of creativity and foresight from the designers.

WvW….. still boring, still useless…, and only for mindless zerglings.

If you were right, then BG must have a poor KDR and a weak NA.

Here are some links for you to check up on that:

Hyade and his flamethrower

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Lol. Really? You actually think that KDR matters when you have overwhelming numbers?

Tell me oh wise one, how does a group of 6 kill anyone in a zerg before they die?

Nothing has changed in this game since launch. Numbers win… that is all. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.

Transfer to a low pop server and prove me wrong….. HAHAHAHAH…. yeah right.

Zerg players always hide behind their numbers and they never win on a low pop server. Why is that?

(edited by Grim West.3194)

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Lol. Really? You actually think that KDR matters when you have overwhelming numbers?

Tell me oh wise one, how does a group of 6 kill anyone in a zerg before they die?

Nothing has changed in this game since launch. Numbers win… that is all. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.

Transfer to a low pop server and prove me wrong….. HAHAHAHAH…. yeah right.

Zerg players always hide behind their numbers and they never win on a low pop server. Why is that?

You just ran out of excuses bud. It is okay to be wrong, but good form to accept it.

Hyade and his flamethrower

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Prove me wrong. Transfer to a low pop server and win..

You won’t, and we all know it.

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Prove me wrong. Transfer to a low pop server and win..

Yep. You won’t and we all know it.

I already proved you embarrassingly wrong with those links. You can resort to personal attacks if you need to. The numbers on those sites speak for themselves.

Hyade and his flamethrower

NA T1 needs more balance

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Lol, you proved nothing except that you have never played anywhere except on a zerg server. When has a low pop server (or even medium pop) EVER won T1?

Come on.. it must have happened at least once to prove that your links matter… just once…..

Game, Set, Match.

Stacking wins, that is all.