NP possibly looking for new home
Just to clarify, RoS is NOT a super server, the amount of Transfers we got and the players already present make us a Tier 4-5 Server at best and that is what we are aiming for.
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
Try Kaineng, I wouldnt consider it bandwagoning due to recently being T8. Its on the way up, yes but this has a lot to do with our new alliance and WM as well.
whisper Ethersin or Kiridono, check out for our vent info (Sorry yea we use vent)
(edited by Littlefeather.8623)
I have to echo what Phetid says. Please don’t go to NA. I want to meet you again, no matter what side of the battlefield you guys are on.
Try Kaineng, I wouldnt consider it bandwagoning due to recently being T8. Its on the way up, yes but this has a lot to do with our new alliance
whisper Ethersin or Kiridono, check out for our vent info (Sorry yea we use vent)
Lol, that’s bandwagoning dude .
Ruins of Surmia
Try Kaineng, I wouldnt consider it bandwagoning due to recently being T8. Its on the way up, yes but this has a lot to do with our new alliance
whisper Ethersin or Kiridono, check out for our vent info (Sorry yea we use vent)
Kaineng is he biggest bandwagon server ATM.
Give Anvil Rock a try. We have never been bandwagoned and we have a solid core of players that have been here since day one. We have a server wide Teamspeak also.
I am pretty sure Far Shiverpeaks can claim to be a bandwagon-free server, as we were the first EU server to nose-dive 20 places in the rankings when the first round of server hopping started.
The better question is do bandwagons go both ways. We commonly accept that you can join the bandwagon by transferring to a bandwagon server, but can you also join the bandwagon by leaving a non-bandwagon server? You could recruit for your server by appealing to non-bandwagon people… unless not being part of the bandwagon becomes the new bandwagon.
Would love to have you on Northern Shiverpeaks Server. Everyone thought we would get rolled this week because we had a few guilds transfer to Kain last week. But ask the AR and BP boys, they are in a dogfight. It has been the most even matchup I’ve been apart of in a long time! Most of us here are original NSP members and we welcome all new guikd who want to help us move up and compete!
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
Would love to have you on Northern Shiverpeaks Server. Everyone thought we would get rolled this week because we had a few guilds transfer to Kain last week. But ask the AR and BP boys, they are in a dogfight. It has been the most even matchup I’ve been apart of in a long time! Most of us here are original NSP members and we welcome all new guikd who want to help us move up and compete!
Yup this is one of the best matchups GW2 has seen, im lovin it!
I have to echo what Phetid says. Please don’t go to NA. I want to meet you again, no matter what side of the battlefield you guys are on.
I agree. NP is a lot of fun.
Blos moved nearly three months ago from Rof to FAR SHIVERPEAKS and I’ve to way it was a wise move.
The server host a wonderful www community, lot of mutual respect and organzation, no “superlady” guilds. In short a wonderful atmosphere where a 15-25 man group can really make the difference.
You have seen us playing against you for some weeks. Our numbers and organizaitions have improved even more since that time.
We have no nightcappers’ guilds so hardcore tiers are quite away from us but, with few exception, in CET Prime Time we tend to be the top scorer.
On the really positive side, unless you really want to go to EB with all your guild, you will rarely find any queue except maybe in one border for 10’
So, choose Far Shiverpeaks as your new home, we want dedicated guilds who wants to be part of a larger community, not server hoppers :-P
GM and Commander of Leoni Bianchi [Lion]
Piken Square
(edited by Ciuffo.6384)
Try Kaineng, I wouldnt consider it bandwagoning due to recently being T8. Its on the way up, yes but this has a lot to do with our new alliance
whisper Ethersin or Kiridono, check out for our vent info (Sorry yea we use vent)
Lol, that’s bandwagoning dude .
IDK, It might be bandwagoning, but a few weeks ago that was surely not the case at all.
The intial transfering guilds (from different tiers) had different reasons for transfering to Kaineng, now that it is looking to become a T1 contender, I guess people can call it bandwagoning, but for example my guild Rethesis, we chose a T8 server only to bring it up, and fight the fight, (not to bandwagon to top tier like others have done) to earn our way up again. And this is what it looks like is happening right now.
would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to reply either here on through PM. would also like to give a massive thanks to all the players that have given us in NP shout outs and compliments. means alot coming from other servers that we are noticed. we are currently exploring our options and trying to reach a decision as there are a wide range of avenues we are exploring. thanks everyone for keeping the thread on topic and spam free.
much love Twiggy (NP)
Yea im aware of that lol. Thought id extend a invitation as they have asked for potential homes instead of choosing one outright. Am i being thick?
BTW, sorry, you weren’t. It was me who was being thick. I never saw an express “please send us offers” statement so I was speaking in general.
Good luck on whatever you decide.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
Seafarer’s rest is an EU server that could very well use your time coverage. The advantage of it is that you won’t get bored during your playtime, as Vizunah has night coverage as well, so you won’t have to resort to PvD in order to get something to do in WvW. It’s still a medium sized realm, so you won’t get the feel of a full realm, but there is often a small queue for WvW. It’s not big, but it shows that there’s a very active WvW community, one that has managed to hold his own against full servers. Your guild would be extremely welcome. I came to SFR myself 2 months ago, and I can say the realm is very friendly in general, so not just in WvW.
I can’t really tell you much about borderlands, but in EB, there are often 2 commanders that respect each other and can work together, but there are of course others as well. I can’t tell you about alliances, as I’m not such an active wvw’er.
Good luck with the choice.
NSP seems like a natural home for NP, it’s right there in the name!
plus we need the help =)
Northern Shiverpeaks
I know TC would be happy to welcome you! And I doubt there is more fun to be had than can be found on TC! Great community, active wvw that is just lacking a little coverage to make us a real contender! No matter where you choose GL:HF!
Sea of Sorrows
As far as I am aware NP, despite name, are not a “Night” guild.. more of a late primetime.
Honestly, I would not recommend GH to you. I am probably alone in that as every server wants to have their numbers boosted with amibitions of high tier, but one of the reasons I say it is because I would rather see the ladder sort itself out after recent problems as quickly as possible – and that means spreading the numbers.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
Pm me or evilzara in game were from borlis pass, t5/6 were competitive and we have awesome commanders!
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Honestly, I would not recommend GH to you. I am probably alone in that as every server wants to have their numbers boosted with amibitions of high tier,
There are those who welcome all newcomers also having future months in perspective – securing a healthy, thriving server for both the ‘natives’ and the ‘comers’ so that we still have enough people around when the general GW2 playerbase declines and there are no server merges or they come too late.
The more populated PvX servers will be the most enjoyable in the long run.
If you already haven’t made your mind up, consider Yak’s Bend. We have a lot to offer including a free 1000 slot Mumble, the Yak’s Bend Alliance, Weekly Commander meetings, Karma Trains and a professional and courteous community.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Might also be worth noting that we were voted people’s favorite opponent (albeit a small survey), but nonetheless this just alludes to my previous statement about our fun and outgoing community!
Sea of Sorrows
I know TC would be happy to welcome you! And I doubt there is more fun to be had than can be found on TC! Great community, active wvw that is just lacking a little coverage to make us a real contender! No matter where you choose GL:HF!
The benefits of moving to TC goes beyond WvW. It’s what ensures the server will be stable for the long haul. I would suggest those looking for a permanent home investigate TC, simply because the overall population will not shift, no matter the score. When they start merging servers sometime down the line, you can be assured that TC won’t be affected.
It’s kind of nice to see people out everywhere you go, at any hour of the day, in pve. It’s just an added perk to our server.
I don’t think it would be possible to be called a bandwagoner if you joined SBI… what are you bandwagoning, the ride down the tiers?
But seriously, come. We need people.
SBI…because no one gets on a rollercoaster for the ride up
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
Were not exactly mid trier but Darkhaven would welcome you. I don’t normally like to try to recruit other guilds from other servers but a EU guild such as the one you described would help our morning presence out a lot.
Its pretty much our weakest time. Don’t decide right away though.
i’d scout some servers before any type of move.
Also, I know I shouldn’t do this considering were enemies but Henge of Denvravi and Gates of Madness are the servers were fighting. May also check them out. I have major respect for both and enjoy fighting them. ^.^
Hope I could help.
I would like to echo Acium’s comments and add that we (Darkhaven) do have an alliance established that communicates very well. We have a dedicated teamspeak channel for the inter-guild communication.
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend
Oceanic, Asian and Euro Guilds: Tarnished Coast Wants YOU!
With the end of free transfers it’s time to bust a decision on your GW2 future.
What do you want for the future of your game and for your guild?
- Stability? Our player-base is possibly the most stable of ANY server. Players love it here – few players come to TC and want to leave.
- A friendly playing environment? Absolutely! We don’t tolerate trolls, sledgers and abuse on WvWvW. When you play on our server the player base know that everyone is there to have fun and enjoy the game.
- A decently competitive playing environment? We are currently in T2 and have got here through our players tenacity and ability to learn and play together. We have not got here through big transfers.
- Organization? We have a 10000 slot mumble with admin rights and private space for each individual guild. We also have regular guild meetings due to an extremely stable guild alliance that is very productive.
Our tenacity and never say die attitude are not empty promises. We have earned such a reputation through our opponents. - We were voted at the end of 2012 by our opponents as the most respectable/enjoyable/tenacious server to play against. … 012/page/4
- Blackgate veterans coined the term ‘Zombie Coast’ for our WvWvW population because of our ability to consistently keep fighting against superior numbers.
- Respected guilds from SoR like Choo and from BG like HB have highlighted the skill level of some of our WvW guilds like Pink on a regular basis and emphasized on the great skirmishes.
But the server is always full!!!?
Our whole server population is working towards accommodating guilds to transfer. - We will be doing regular blackouts (mass logouts) twice a day up till the 28th to accommodate guilds being able to get all their members in. On top of that we will consistently update possible interested parties on times when the server is not full. (Server Blackout Thread).
- Are you sick of really long wait times to get into WvWvW? You wont have that problem on TC except at the reset. If you’re on Oceanic or Asian or Euro timezones, you can get home from work, log on and get in straight away.
*Are you tired of running around in a massive zerg and not really learning advanced game play? Maybe you’d like to slap on your commander tag and see what it’s like but don’t have the opportunity on your server? Well TC is the place for you!
*On TC learning new aspects about game tactics and game physics is a constant.
If you are a guild who is looking for the ‘next’ Tier 2 server whether it be Kaineng or Magumma or FA or DB; Please consider for a second to join a server that is already in Tier 2 and continue to help establish them as a strong force in Tier 2.
So if you play in GMT time zone form GMT 0 – GMT 14 and are looking for a new home you should seriously consider Tarnished Coast!
If you think the Tarnished Coast might be the place for you whisper me or mail me in game.
Oceanic, Asian and Euro Guilds: Tarnished Coast Wants YOU!
With the end of free transfers it’s time to bust a decision on your GW2 future.
What do you want for the future of your game and for your guild?
- Stability? Our player-base is possibly the most stable of ANY server. Players love it here – few players come to TC and want to leave.
- A friendly playing environment? Absolutely! We don’t tolerate trolls, sledgers and abuse on WvWvW. When you play on our server the player base know that everyone is there to have fun and enjoy the game.
- A decently competitive playing environment? We are currently in T2 and have got here through our players tenacity and ability to learn and play together. We have not got here through big transfers.
- Organization? We have a 10000 slot mumble with admin rights and private space for each individual guild. We also have regular guild meetings due to an extremely stable guild alliance that is very productive.
Our tenacity and never say die attitude are not empty promises. We have earned such a reputation through our opponents.- We were voted at the end of 2012 by our opponents as the most respectable/enjoyable/tenacious server to play against. … 012/page/4
- Blackgate veterans coined the term ‘Zombie Coast’ for our WvWvW population because of our ability to consistently keep fighting against superior numbers.
- Respected guilds from SoR like Choo and from BG like HB have highlighted the skill level of some of our WvW guilds like Pink on a regular basis and emphasized on the great skirmishes.
But the server is always full!!!?
Our whole server population is working towards accommodating guilds to transfer.- We will be doing regular blackouts (mass logouts) twice a day up till the 28th to accommodate guilds being able to get all their members in. On top of that we will consistently update possible interested parties on times when the server is not full. (Server Blackout Thread).
- Are you sick of really long wait times to get into WvWvW? You wont have that problem on TC except at the reset. If you’re on Oceanic or Asian or Euro timezones, you can get home from work, log on and get in straight away.
*Are you tired of running around in a massive zerg and not really learning advanced game play? Maybe you’d like to slap on your commander tag and see what it’s like but don’t have the opportunity on your server? Well TC is the place for you!
*On TC learning new aspects about game tactics and game physics is a constant.If you are a guild who is looking for the ‘next’ Tier 2 server whether it be Kaineng or Magumma or FA or DB; Please consider for a second to join a server that is already in Tier 2 and continue to help establish them as a strong force in Tier 2.
So if you play in GMT time zone form GMT 0 – GMT 14 and are looking for a new home you should seriously consider Tarnished Coast!
If you think the Tarnished Coast might be the place for you whisper me or mail me in game.
Cut ‘n’ Paste impersonal recruitments are absolutely the way to go
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem
Oh dear, I must say these news really made me sad.
NP are not only disciplined and coordinated force, but also bunch of really nice people I always liked to play with.
I hope you will eventually change your minds as it would be great loss for RoF.
If you decide to transfer, I wish you good luck finding new home
Screw NP, we want even more nice people like you on GH! Come over while it’s free!
Oh dear, I must say these news really made me sad.
NP are not only disciplined and coordinated force, but also bunch of really nice people I always liked to play with.
I hope you will eventually change your minds as it would be great loss for RoF.
If you decide to transfer, I wish you good luck finding new home
Screw NP, we want even more nice people like you on GH! Come over while it’s free!
That’s probably a bad way to recruit NP on their thread 0_o
Good luck guys always had fun with u guys
After this recruiting frenzy, here i am as well. RoS would welcome you, you will not jump tire, hopefully not gonna have to fight FoW again, and you already know lots of the guilds ( as opponents until now ). The community is very nice old and new alike and we now have the numbers to face the battles ahead.
I know there are people from us closer to your guild, but i thought it would be nice to extend the welcome on the forums as well. Whatever you chose good luck !
Ruins of Surmia
If you want to be on a server with a lot of options TC is it. We are making blackouts to accommodate guilds that want to transfer together. Our wvw pop is great (never long queues if any) but having more night coverage would be a big bonus to us. Community-wise there is a reason TC is recommended by sooo many. We are a fun, skilled group always making ourselves better. You wouldn’t regret the move here. GL wherever you choose NP – from the sounds of it whomever gets you will be lucky to have you.
Why don’t you guys try to prove yourself and join the bottom server Eredon Terrace instead of being like the rest who join a server in a lower tier that is winning.
Dragonbrand could use more coverage in the gap between NA and Oceanic
Mag,TC,CD, and FA are also very good choices
Come to SOS. We can always use more NA players. We are currently the number 1 server in the game (and have been for some time), and can always use dedicated players. We have 24/7 coverage, and are constantly adapting our strategies to fit against our opponents. No matter if you’re wanting to keep your current guild, or merge into another— Im sure we can easily find a place for you.
So why should you guys thinking about coming here? One reason. With the free transfers gone your next server may be your last chance to move as a guild. Why settle for being stuck in mid tiers forever, when you could instead come to the top and see for yourself what all of the fuss and fun is about—- so here is hoping to fighting with you soon!
thank you for the offer gunners well look into it
no way, fighting you guys is 2 much fun
go for tier 5-6 and hope we can grow further and met you there :p
Well sad to see you go, but one goes where he thinks he suits best.
Wish you a nice future in WvW at least as brilliant as the one you had on RoF.
Lidia Stoneheim [Warp]
p.s. kitten i’m gonna miss Chris’ “stack stack, stack..stack on me!”
Ring of Fire
Come join the fun
Stop by our community forums
Blank Oversteen 80 Sylvari Warrior
2nd in command of [LK] The Light Keepers – HoD
Have you thought about trying blackgate? They are very organized and definitely need more numbers.
Crystal Desert is a great choice (yeah I know I’m biased lol). We have a great balance between PvE and WvW, and some pretty strong alliances in the latter. The matchups are always fun/challenging (really, who wants to walk over everyone/be walked on).
If you have questions, send me a mail/pm!
(JQ) Jade Quarry
Guild Founder of KarmaGaming [KA]
Eventhough i’m sad to see the chance of NP leaving RoF i still have to say that the server who has the luck of recieving NP will get a group of fun players and a team that brings a unique and very effective style into wvw. You may not see them all the time on the map but you’ll notice when they are
NP as the peacekeep I salute to you
as a commander you have my respect
as a friend you have my thanks
Join Yaks Bend. They have a very good core. Need a little help. Likeable people. Would be nice if they got some love so they can get back to stomping around T4/3.
ps I am from Maguuma.
Eventhough i’m sad to see the chance of NP leaving RoF i still have to say that the server who has the luck of recieving NP will get a group of fun players and a team that brings a unique and very effective style into wvw. You may not see them all the time on the map but you’ll notice when they are
NP as the peacekeep I salute to you
as a commander you have my respect
as a friend you have my thanks
Hopefully our bid for them to join Underworld is successful, they can join us in our GvG matches against RoF so they won’t move to far away
Also means we have more familiar players in our tier, the blacktide guys can go back up and leave us play for fun guys down here to duel and enjoy ourselves :P
Eventhough i’m sad to see the chance of NP leaving RoF i still have to say that the server who has the luck of recieving NP will get a group of fun players and a team that brings a unique and very effective style into wvw. You may not see them all the time on the map but you’ll notice when they are
NP as the peacekeep I salute to you
as a commander you have my respect
as a friend you have my thanksHopefully our bid for them to join Underworld is successful, they can join us in our GvG matches against RoF so they won’t move to far away
Also means we have more familiar players in our tier, the blacktide guys can go back up and leave us play for fun guys down here to duel and enjoy ourselves :P
Would hardly make sence as they want bigger challenges and joining a server that will be stuck in the same tier as Rof doesn’t really seem like much of a change to me.
Would also be a bit odd that out of all the servers they choose one of the two we will be facing.
thank you for the offer gunners well look into it
no way, fighting you guys is 2 much fun
go for tier 5-6 and hope we can grow further and met you there :p
hopefully will meet you guys again soon for some more epic fights, and some nice loot bags
Eventhough i’m sad to see the chance of NP leaving RoF i still have to say that the server who has the luck of recieving NP will get a group of fun players and a team that brings a unique and very effective style into wvw. You may not see them all the time on the map but you’ll notice when they are
NP as the peacekeep I salute to you
as a commander you have my respect
as a friend you have my thanks
thanks man thats a great post, well miss you if we go my dutch brother, tell sheep i love him <3 and you <3
hopefully will meet you guys again soon for some more epic fights, and some nice loot bags
Possibly farmed together this time o/
Dragonbrand seems like a natural home for NP, it’s right there in the name!
add us db server
db server fight wvw step by step
we do not have elevator to t1
we fight every tier and let them know what"s db server and earn members from other server
that"s db sever ^^
Human Elementalist
Hime Hime [TFV]
NP is the abbreviation for Nerd Pickles…a movement to rally Crystal Desert together. It’s a sign. — Crystal Desert is you server destination!