Obsidian Sanctum space for large battles
Thanks for bringing this out and involving the community into this guys, pretty much all we ever wanted. Lets build this addition together and wield out any potential treats to the system. I have several questions as of right now, hopefully you have the time to answer them.
Q1: How does the overflow work? Is it possible to fight against other servers? Is it combined with EU and NA or just one specific region?
Q2: Will there be any advantages to get on the map? Such as a King of the hill thing that grants buffs, or will it be one giant pit to fight on at equal grounds?
Q3: Will GvGs be supported on this map without interference of staff members and QQing from others?
Q4: Would ArenaNet have any plans on supporting the GvG scene in general after the release of the map? Such as supporting Teams, building features for competing GvG Teams?
Q5: Can you enter the map from the good ’ol WvW UI Panel? Will there be portals for it in major cities / Border Waypoints too?
Q6: Can you place siege on the map? Or is it limited to player skills and teams only?
Q7: Will there be new specialized Commander Tags? Or the option of using a tag for your party / guild only?
Q8: What will the max players be on a map from one server?
Q9: Where do you base the applications on from joining the BETA? Are anyone able to join or those heavily invested into WvW / GvGing? How many players from each guild are able to join up?
Q10: Will there be open space areas with plenty of room to muster GvG (i.e. like the south camp on a borderland)?
Q11: What do you view under ‘We want the best WvW experience’? What is the goal of WvW and what would be the best WvW experience with the addition of this map?
Quite a lot, will drop more later. Hopefully you have the time to reply, that would be much appreciated!
Awesome news for those that GvG I’d love it if it was an arena like battle area.
A Colosseum type arena would be sweet!
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Thank you, anet. Even the fact that you can enter the JP from anywhere makes this unexpected and completely welcome.
Thanks for bringing this out and involving the community into this guys, pretty much all we ever wanted. Lets build this addition together and wield out any potential treats to the system. I have several questions as of right now, hopefully you have the time to answer them.
I think you’ve meant to post it in https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/Edge-of-the-Mists-FAQ/
That’s very nice. I don’t see it as something that is ‘top priority’, but it sure will make WvWvW more interesting as end-game and lets not forget Arenanet is giving this to us without asking money for it. Thanks!
Yeh I cant w8 for this, it’s such a shame that this couldn’t have been sooner though, since it would have given some of us guilds something to do while queuing for 3 hours for WvW on Reset for the League.
Like was previously mentioned in a post above it would be awesome if the guesting restrictions could be lifted for this area for possible inter tier GvG’s (“Organised Battles”).
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
All for new areas but, simple question – Why put it in a jump puzzle? Why not just create a new separate map that could be expanded in the future if it is popular?
All for new areas but, simple question – Why put it in a jump puzzle? Why not just create a new separate map that could be expanded in the future if it is popular?
i dont understand your complaint here, they are already expanding the JP to add this coliseum, what makes you think they wont expand it even further down the road?
im glad they are adding it to the JP, the obsidian sanctum will be my to-go place for brawls and fun
Great news.
Now if the Obsidian Sanctum space could grow into a GW2 version of DAOC’s Darkness Falls (ie: a PVP dungeon that also offers high-end PVE content), I’d be one happy customer.
Great news.
Now if the Obsidian Sanctum space could grow into a GW2 version of DAOC’s Darkness Falls (ie: a PVP dungeon that also offers high-end PVE content), I’d be one happy customer.
oh god please no
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
Devon you folded in the end then ?
Red Guard
I hope the terrain in there get improved. It has horrible lighting and poor terrain.
All for new areas but, simple question – Why put it in a jump puzzle? Why not just create a new separate map that could be expanded in the future if it is popular?
i dont understand your complaint here, they are already expanding the JP to add this coliseum, what makes you think they wont expand it even further down the road?
im glad they are adding it to the JP, the obsidian sanctum will be my to-go place for brawls and fun
As was discovered when SAB2 was released, lag and jumping puzzles are not great bed partners.
Will this new area be separate enough so that the lag does not bleed over into regular wvw maps?
Stay frosty! Keep it tight!
As described it will be on the OS map which is now separate so it shouldn’t make any difference to other maps. If it is popular though players wanting to do the jump puzzle may find themselves having to queue and there will no doubt be a degree of lag introduced to a jump puzzle which many many players already dislike because it is in a pvp area.
Just saw this post for the first time, and I must say this is awesome. Very happy the GvG-ers will be getting a playpen, so they can stop taking up queue slots for the WvW-ers that want to get some work done.