Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Yup, not over till its over. Nice to see our WvW guilds out in force tonight<3
Kudos to AR guys in Gandara BL’s tonight attacking Hill just kept coming back time and time again was relentless, I am really bad at noticing guild tags but you know who you are gg guys and girls!
Pikey organised Guilds did good work during prime time again tonight, our night service lads gonna be busy getting the score balanced in our favour again. this match up is being very useful for gandara as it is making us gradually get more organised. We are still a far cry from the organisation in the dedicated WvW guilds in Pikey land as that’s not the way gandara rolls but our PUG’s are definitely improving.
What a night that was epic fights all rnd on AR bl you guys just kept coming at that hole in the garrison wall at one point only less than 12 of us where covering that gap due to pressure being applied on the west side and by god it was hard fought for and in the end you deserved to get it back
Also id like to mention the fellow AR mesmer who repeatably handed me my kitten south of hills gg i was rightfully outplayed lol
(edited by Axle.5182)
Many good fights at Gandara, gj guys
AR with numbers and cunning attacks on different fortifications and Gandara with wave after wave pushing us out own borderland make that evening full of action
good luck
(edited by Khrums.3765)
So many good guilds in piken, really cool, love to fight this server. Some stress but funny when they start to regroup, really good fights.
@sorry bad english
Roubi [LdF]
(edited by Arkaos.4502)
Lost my golem on teleport to lions arch for new build. Sad face.
Lost my golem on teleport to lions arch for new build. Sad face.
Ya, it was reported you’d built one, and after our initial grumbling about a new build, we had a little chuckle about it ;P
Even i stayed up all night! For Bessie ya’ll know. It’s getting really close. This last day is going to be one hell of a fight!
Annoyed at Anet, coz their updater has screwed me again. Won’t load the last 3% of the build so having to re-install for the 20th time since Lost Shores. Hope you all had fun without me, not too much fun mind!
Big challenging fights yesterday night between us and Piken / Gandara .
Thanks a lot guys
Big challenging fights yesterday night between us and Piken / Gandara .
Thanks a lot guys
Definitely been better fights recently. But feels like you AR are just resting a bit currently, or might just be me. But none the less, has been a good ending of the week, and gonna be fun seeing who gets 2nd and 3rd (I have a hunch).
So, right now me and my guild mate’s fra [NNF] was defending Greenbriar in Gandara borderlands! Really good time’s with the red Gandara, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a little AR group fly into the tower some how, all from the guild [LDF] (Larmes do Feu), and cap the tower while we are busy defending the gate (shame on us for not looking at lord room), but still. So, this look like hack to me, and I can send some screenshots (Anet don’t want us to post SS about stuff like that here).
Anyway, any know this guild, or is from it, that would care to explain what you just did before we report the entire guild for hacking?
Edit: We got Video footage of the mesmer flying in as well, one my m8’s was frapping the defence
is it means that we are angels ?
Please let us know and give us link for the video .
we don’t need to use hacking to fight you guys .. But maybe you could use hack to kill us
Just have a fun
So, right now me and my guild mate’s fra [NNF] was defending Greenbriar in Gandara borderlands! Really good time’s with the red Gandara, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a little AR group fly into the tower some how, all from the guild [LDF] (Larmes do Feu), and cap the tower while we are busy defending the gate (shame on us for not looking at lord room), but still. So, this look like hack to me, and I can send some screenshots (Anet don’t want us to post SS about stuff like that here).
Anyway, any know this guild, or is from it, that would care to explain what you just did before we report the entire guild for hacking?
Edit: We got Video footage of the mesmer flying in as well, one my m8’s was frapping the defenceis it means that we are angels ?
Please let us know and give us link for the video .we don’t need to use hacking to fight you guys .. But maybe you could use hack to kill us
Just have a fun
So you are bassicaly denying the use of hacks, even thou your commander Adycan is well aware of the fact, and confirmed the hacking mesmer… interesting… talking about hack to win?
So, right now me and my guild mate’s fra [NNF] was defending Greenbriar in Gandara borderlands! Really good time’s with the red Gandara, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a little AR group fly into the tower some how, all from the guild [LDF] (Larmes do Feu), and cap the tower while we are busy defending the gate (shame on us for not looking at lord room), but still. So, this look like hack to me, and I can send some screenshots (Anet don’t want us to post SS about stuff like that here).
Anyway, any know this guild, or is from it, that would care to explain what you just did before we report the entire guild for hacking?
Edit: We got Video footage of the mesmer flying in as well, one my m8’s was frapping the defenceis it means that we are angels ?
Please let us know and give us link for the video .we don’t need to use hacking to fight you guys .. But maybe you could use hack to kill us
Just have a fun
So you are bassicaly denying the use of hacks, even thou your commander Adycan is well aware of the fact, and confirmed the hacking mesmer… interesting… talking about hack to win?
Actually, there was not any denying in that post at all looking through it. Mostly it seems like they just want to see the video of themselves capping.
I don’t know the commander “Adycan” this is not a [LdF] .
I mean just, maybe you could use “hacking” or “cheat” to try to kill us (joke inside)
So guys , today this is the end of the current match up . I hope to see you on the Battlefield. Good Luck Piken / Gandara , very good fight level together , thanks for that .
Thanks : [DT] ,[BOON],[XXX] , and other .. for the fight yesterday night ..
Have a fun
(edited by Maarh.7251)
Getting ready for round 3?
HHoooo Yes Next week will be very hot , I guess ..
So you are bassicaly denying the use of hacks, even thou your commander Adycan is well aware of the fact, and confirmed the hacking mesmer… interesting… talking about hack to win?
Adycan never play on Borderlands, he is only on Eternal Battlegrounds, it was a good try, retry
(edited by SaruTen.9531)
This is quite fun to see some of you guys crying about h4xXzor, i’m not saying anyone had cheated or anything but come on… you guys didn’t loose this week because of h4x.
So plz stop complaining about cheaters & possible hack/exploit users, you have a problem with someone ? pm him/her ask for explanation and then if your observations were true, maybe a post on the forum to prevent this to happen again.
I hope to see a great WvW round next week, with maybe some of the Piken & Gandara guilds fulll LineUp coming back from hollydays !
Commander Ezekiel The Adept
Leader of Underworld Battalion [WvW]
Proud Soldier of Gandara
Your name rings a bell…didn’t you used to be on Underworld?
Commander Ezekiel The Adept
Leader of Underworld Battalion [WvW]
Proud Soldier of GandaraYour name rings a bell…didn’t you used to be on Underworld?
I did indeed And I miss it greatly… didn’t really want to leave tbh, but then Russians got involved, etc. etc. and then there I was :P When I did go back out of nostalgia and homesickness, there was no one there I recognised, and the only ones who recognised me were saying I was a traitor and this that and the other :’( hence I am still on Gandara.
Heheh not much my zerg control can do against a bunch of people all on voice comms and coordinating skills and classes though – Randoms don’t tend to listen well…
Nice to see someone remembers me (hopefully for the right reasons)
From Me
is it means that we are angels ?
Please let us know and give us link for the video .we don’t need to use hacking to fight you guys .. But maybe you could use hack to kill us
Just have a fun
Can’t post video here, or link, since moderator’s don’t want it on the forum, and all ready got some of my post deleted about that case! I don’t say we loose to AR cause of hack, it’s been a good and fun week and you deserve the win. But when we in the middle of a defend, with arrow cart’s everywhere, a gate up and gandara outside hammering their head at the gate, it’s annoying a single player (Which you apperntly know of, you might been part in the attack and would care to explain how suddenly 6-8 players got into our tower??) ruin an entire siege battle with something that for all we saw, and from what I hear my guild m8 says he can see on the video, is hack, is going up on these forum’s so the serve can handle it! it’s not a matter of winning or loosing, it’s a matter about fun and fair figthing, which most on AR have been giving me plenty of! But if you don’t remove the rotten able in the basket, it can spread fast to the other able’s in the basket!
Me, and and all major PvP guilds on Piken I’d gues, would like you guy’s to report any hackers from our side aswell I’m certian, cause they spoil the fun!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Sure , we want same thing , fun and fair figthing , so anyway I agree 100% . we are against the hacking, we will be vigilant about that .
Hope to see you on the battlefield
Good afternoon
I want to say i hada great time last evening on Eternal Battlegrounds in the treb wars with my pikey comrades.I hope we gave you ARs a hard time in the Klovan/WC/SM triangle while u were trying to siege us down from Stonemist and we kept countering with eles,trebs and counter siege.
Good job to all the pikeys that fought valliantly despite being outnumbered and most importantly having no commander until midnight.It took a lot of will and persistance to take the fight back to SM even if we didn’t have enough man power to do some real damage on inner.
Good fight all both Pikeys and Augurys.
We’re usually pretty slack friday evening as we have our meeting, and prepare for the reset, so I’d imagine Gandara will tip us for 2nd, but who really cares, we’ve done enough to ensure its the same matchup next week and it’s not like it’s a desperate fight at the end to see who wins, as AR won this week along time ago from a score point of view.
Annoyed at Anet, coz their updater has screwed me again. Won’t load the last 3% of the build so having to re-install for the 20th time since Lost Shores. Hope you all had fun without me, not too much fun mind!
I was always having problems with the installer when I had to download a large patch (Halloween, Lost shores) I always ended up downloading the entire game again.
I contacted support and go this answer that fixed my problem and I hope it helps you as well
sorry all for the incoming wall of text
At this time, I would like you to try an alternative method of downloading Guild Wars 2. What this will do is bypass the installation of Guild Wars 2 and just force the download. The downside to this is that Guild Wars 2 isn’t technically “installed” to your computer. That means to remove it, you just delete the folder instead of using “Add/remove” or “Programs” in control panel. To do this:
1. Locate the file “GW2setup.exe” and copy it.
2. Navigate to a new folder like C:\Guild Wars 2 and place “GW2setup.exe” in this folder.
3. Rename “GW2setup.exe” to “GW2.exe”
4. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
5. Rename this shortcut to “Guild Wars 2 Port Test.”
6. Right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties.”
7. Edit the “Target” line to include /clientport 80 at the end.
Note: Please make sure /clientport 80 is outside of the quotes
Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” /clientport 80
Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe /clientport 80”
8. Once completed, click “Ok” to save your changes.
If you get an error trying to save, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try step 7 again.
9. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Port Test” and try connecting again.
Thanks Oblivious, i’ll give that a try 2 hours after reset when they throw us out of WvW for another silly PvE update.
Good fights this week Piken even had que’s again for one evening in some of the maps so almost recovered from its hangover.
Despite techincal issues (anet serious error ftl) making me miss Wed’s night action (which i heard was pretty good) been invovled in alot of battles before and since So many backs to the wall stuff, valiant defending and brutal assaulting despite generally being up against it numbers wise.
Been slighty impressed with a handful of gandara individuals that i often see around, some guild names are memorable, and love fighting your zergs even if we have no chance when severely lacking number, or a minimal chance… we will make you work for it.
Cheers for the fights
Now looking forward to killing Bob… not his guild just Bob The Baldy
Kind Regards
Good fights this week
Piken even had que’s again for one evening in some of the maps so almost recovered from its hangover.
Despite techincal issues (anet serious error ftl) making me miss Wed’s night action (which i heard was pretty good) been invovled in alot of battles before and since
So many backs to the wall stuff, valiant defending and brutal assaulting despite generally being up against it numbers wise.
Been slighty impressed with a handful of gandara individuals that i often see around, some guild names are memorable, and love fighting your zergs even if we have no chance when severely lacking number, or a minimal chance… we will make you work for it.
Cheers for the fights
Now looking forward to killing Bob… not his guild just Bob The Baldy
Kind Regards
Moa slotted, just for him ;P
Moa slotted, just for him ;P
OMG! Best plan ever! Vanz! Moa! Slot it!
I want to say i hada great time last evening on Eternal Battlegrounds in the treb wars with my pikey comrades.I hope we gave you ARs a hard time in the Klovan/WC/SM triangle while u were trying to siege us down from Stonemist and we kept countering with eles,trebs and counter siege
Good job to all the pikeys that fought valliantly despite being outnumbered and most importantly having no commander until midnight.It took a lot of will and persistance to take the fight back to SM even if we didn’t have enough man power to do some real damage on inner.
Good fight all both Pikeys and Augurys.
I was the commander who got called there, still kinda bummed we couldnt get it :p You AR guys completely forgot about your westgate for a while, but I couldnt get enough people to move there ._.
Nice fights though, yes.
(edited by quenoz.3859)
2 asura from Baka guild. One is a mesmer, another is a thief. Been fighting you for last few hours (t3 armour human female thief). Just amazed at the amount of stealth you had, was great fun.
About this hack story and [LdF].
Giving our name and saying we hack on a public forum with no proof is quite ridiculous and acting like a child.
Not our fault if the 2 others factions have just been ridiculous in this tower, if you dont know how we’ve done it and if your first reaction is to think we hack, we can do nothing for you.
If you dont want to accept you made crap on this tower and prefer to think we hack, dont be surprised if you dont succeed in this game.
I will speak with this Aldycan, wich i dont know, who sounds to speak for us, but i guess he never say that.
Its a blast to play against piken, every night we have to handle 4 or 5 good guilds in the map we are. We feel really lucky to fight this server, it’s just hard to finish a guild vs guild fight against your server without add, but that the game.
Sad to see this kind of accusation from a good server like this one, hope just a few have reactions like this.
@sorry bad english and faults.
[LdF] Roubi
(edited by Arkaos.4502)
dear lord man!
100g mercenary fee. Will it be Gandara or AR!
Only offer 10g Gandara, his french is kitten.
C’mon, no set prices, make things interesting, lets have a bidding war
100g mercenary fee. Will it be Gandara or AR!
Pls go to Vizunah Square. I have 30 silver for u =)
Quoting video’s a month old, lol. Member was dealt with a day after that video was released. Please find more credible evidence to back up your accusations next time, otherwise you just get to made to look a fool<3
TortunHackers in Smug get smacked with the kicking stick… or urrrr boot. Hate exploiting/hacking of any kind… hate hate hate!
Feelings about hackers are mutual between servers. Every server has them, and its every servers responsibility to find them, and deal with them if they can.
Quoting video’s a month old, lol. Member was dealt with a day after that video was released. Please find more credible evidence to back up your accusations next time, otherwise you just get to made to look a fool<3
evidence of 1 player not full server as he said
Good match. Thanks for all fights and good luck in round 3.
PS. Haha! Vanz! thats briliant idea! im going slot Moa specially for Sacrx too ]:→
Yes, go to Viz square, they are in sore need of some help after learning that not having the night time all to themselves meant they had to L2P and got roundly thrashed this week.
This is fun! Glad to see Gandara taking it up a notch. I see almost every Gandaran WvW player online tonight and it shows in the score! I hope we can have this insane pressure more often! It’s awesome tho. Red beats green.. muhaha!
Thanks for all the great matches and good luck in the next one!
Gandara: 1
Augury Rock: 1
Piken Square: 0
TortunHackers in Smug get smacked with the kicking stick… or urrrr boot. Hate exploiting/hacking of any kind… hate hate hate!
Feelings about hackers are mutual between servers. Every server has them, and its every servers responsibility to find them, and deal with them if they can.
Irony is Anet just removed my post because it’s off topic despite responding to posts about hackers and certain guilds. lol
If they spent more time fixing the exploits we’d all be happy bunnies.
Match Up is almost over and I ain’t signed on yet. Popped on earlier this morning to check the score but haven’t been back since. Actually debating doing reset since Gandara suffers on reset and the folks wanting to be organised get stressed out as a result
So the green server is going to beat the red server after all. nothing new then!
Bop… mmmm mmmm mmmm bop…de wop de mmmmm bop…
yep, using cheats is offtopic. But cheaters don’t know about it anyway =)
GL and HF next week
VII, TUP and Necrosis please go die in a fire before reset! No dont, was kidding <3 These three guilds have alone added more to my repair bills than every server since launch. Well organized and hitting like kittenload of trucks.
Last night of match up was amazing with some good fights happening on every map and on multiple locations on every map. Think Piken will be even stronger next week with the strong guilds back, and we start to see on Gandara that we are lacking such groups. Thank god for XxX
To the guardian I duelled around Astralholme Gandara BG. Well played! I felt bad for finishing you. After a good fight like that you didnt deserve that.
Now for Round 3!
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