SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Pain train leaves the station tonight sir!

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


Jed, you are forbidden to enter WvW and you know why. Trust your people – they know what to do – you taught them well.

Get to work and stop reading forums!

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


But I finished two classes last night! Mommy said I can join in on the fun today!!

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


Wish I could be playing but it is nice to see SBI with the late-game second wind again =)

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Valiev.3428


That last score update was motivating.

Hopefully everyone has their power back on, and we’ll finish this match up right.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: alanis.6094


Anyone have a score update for the JQ vs. SBI match?

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Mjolniir.2541


10/31/2012 1:38 PM EST


I am the punishment of God… If you had not
committed great sins, God would not have sent a
punishment like me upon you." ~ Temüjin ~

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: aopGodfather.1825


@ VOLKON.1290

ZZZZZZ… You obviously missed that he said October 27th… LOL!

Edit: Just to be sure… That was 4 days ago!

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Kayla.2498


Last day of Halloween event starts the few days left for this match as well, bring on the battles!


Kyzrael / Vyzrael – Mesmer / Guardian
Crimson Sky [Sky] Stormbluff Isle

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


SBI is like Seattle Slew-2 weeks in a row they are closing like a door

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: zoobaby.7804


SBI is like Seattle Slew-2 weeks in a row they are closing like a door

What I think happened last week and I see it again this week:

Fri-Sun – all three servers push hard, by then of the weekend in North America game is essentially tied.
Mon – SBI and other server take off for some reason, likely to catch up on sleep or gold farm. One server continues to play hard gets a good lead.
Tuesday – Turn around day. SBI is recharged from day off, starts rolling again. Though in last place.
Wednesday – Climbs to second place, pushing for more may take first place by midnight pst.
Thursday – Either has or takes first place and grows lead
Friday – ABC…Always Be Closing

SBI native and Altoholic
[Rage] Smelly Tree Sap — Band Camp Babe — Bannned Character--Spooner

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Fitz.7169


It always starts with us taking over our entire borderland, then it just starts a snowball for the other WvW maps.

If this keeps up we will have cought up with BG in a few hours. I expect during primetime JQ and Bg will start fighting harder and we will lose some of our holdings but once our night crew comes on we will regain them again. This all happened last week.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Ehhhh, ladies and gents don’t get too kitteny. Let the maps tell the tale

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Kayla.2498


A score update for those at work, before I head to bed Had many great & fun battles on the field today


Kyzrael / Vyzrael – Mesmer / Guardian
Crimson Sky [Sky] Stormbluff Isle

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: zoobaby.7804


True Jed, was not said in kitteniness. All the servers can and will put up good fights regardless of scores.

SBI native and Altoholic
[Rage] Smelly Tree Sap — Band Camp Babe — Bannned Character--Spooner

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Judas.5432


See, Esoteric? What did I tell you? :-P


And we hit like it, too.

Judas – Kaineng
[CO] Cryptic Omen

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: SKuDDer.1860


Well it is easy to take the lead when JQ avoids attacking you :P Personally I enjoy the 2-to-1 odds. You would think by now JQ would learn you always screw them over in the end.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


More conspiracy theories from BG about 2 vs 1, shocking………….

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


JQ has been absent for the most part the past couple of days in Eternal. I noticed tonight they even had outmanned buff well past 6 PM PST.

It’s a shame JQ is a ‘no show’. We basically ignore them here on SBI and hit BG nonstop. Why? We want first. Taking BGs points and adding them to our own is more efficient than taking JQs points. Meanwhile, JQ hits our supplies and attempts at QL from time to time, but they simply lack the manpower. We repel their attacks and focus BG once again.

JQ seemed to eventually give up; harassing supplies from time to time, but nothing major. I can only imagine: JQ sitting in lowlands with their force thinking to themself “Let’s not piss anyone off right now, we’re at least getting our one-third share of points”

It’s been a great match. BG came out swinging hard with their turtle tactics. It caught many of us at SBI off-guard. But we’ve adapted. We’ve found out how to repel the attacks. Today alone, I’ve seen LotD come into EB and push hard with their turtle. We repel it 2-3 times, and they leave. Strategy not working? Try a new one, don’t give up !

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


JQ only has 6-7 big guilds (“big” meaning they’ll field 20 or more in borderlands at a time"), and this is just not cutting it in this matchup. We’re losing because we just don’t have enough coverage.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: melchiz.7182


JQ only has 6-7 big guilds (“big” meaning they’ll field 20 or more in borderlands at a time"), and this is just not cutting it in this matchup. We’re losing because we just don’t have enough coverage.

That’s patently false, sir. JQ is losing because it’s imploding the same way every bandwagon WvW server has before it.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


The 2 weaker servers alied vs BlackGate and we still holding them IM LOVING IT, i guess JQ will be out this week to tier 2 what will you do after that?

Is it funny to doble team against stronguer server knowing u dont stand a chance in normal 1v1v1?


SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Derpnoob.2875


Forest is somewhat right we have about 100ppl tops in our ts rest are pugs just having fun, although they did get in the way a couple times one being we had a planned attack to go for the orb and a pug took it. oh well


SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


JQ also has a huge group of players from the east coast. There are far more important things to deal with in the east coast than online games at the moment. That’s if they can even get online due to the power outages.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: alanis.6094



While you were posting that, JQ sent an Omega Golem and 3 other Golems to DFB in JQBL, and about 40 people with them. You aren’t getting double teamed.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Ok we will push u on lower lands so they can take that, oh wait … nvm
I only see no agression on u 2, just attacking us and some guild comanders from your servers just said u are teaming… I think teaming is boring in my opinion, but if there is alternative u just have to do it…

(edited by kefro.9312)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: stratgan.2638


The 2 weaker servers alied vs BlackGate and we still holding them IM LOVING IT, i guess JQ will be out this week to tier 2 what will you do after that?

Is it funny to doble team against stronguer server knowing u dont stand a chance in normal 1v1v1?

Hi there. Just something to point out. It doesn’t matter how you get the win, as long as you get it. There is no such thing as 1v1 in a 3 way horse race. If you want to be number 1, you got to use a bit of politics, and less arrogance :P, Just saying.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641



JQ also has a huge group of players from the east coast. There are far more important things to deal with in the east coast than online games at the moment. That’s if they can even get online due to the power outages.

worth repeating

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


Not many of the people I respect are using “lol” and “ftw” and “u”. But that’s me, an old guy in an old people guild in an old people server.

We are obviously double teaming BG. We just barely stopped a JQ 3-4 golem rush in SB-BL Garrison Lord Room. We managed to survive and res the Lord…but they still got our orb to reset.

Not to mention the …you know… scores ?

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


the QQ has begun on BG.. the talk and attitude from day 1 is different now

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Kalemar.4873


Would love a score update.

Kalemar (80 Guardian) [COTD]
Tarnished Coast

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


Score update: we’re almost there. A few more ticks

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Rraarrww.3894


BG posters are making the entire server look bad. I’m not from any of these servers but I enjoy reading the updates for the T1 matchups. I’ve never seen more arrogant posting from 1 server as much as I’ve seen BG posters in these threads.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Treble.1563


Is it funny to doble team against stronguer server knowing u dont stand a chance in normal 1v1v1?

Whatever happened to:


A nice balanced match is better than wining


For blackgate its simple, a balanced match is better than wining and we are having fun.
Nice working bnet and keep us marked as full

Oh how quickly your tone changes when you actually have a balanced match on your hands.

BG posters are making the entire server look bad. I’m not from any of these servers but I enjoy reading the updates for the T1 matchups. I’ve never seen more arrogant posting from 1 server as much as I’ve seen BG posters in these threads.

For the record, most of Blackgate are actually pretty great and respectable people with a great community.

Ignore the non-factors like kefro and Katostrophe.

S U M E T A L [ Warrior ][ S/Wh + Ham ][ Zerg Shout Support ]
M O A M E T A L [ Necromancer ][ Staff + D/F ][ Power DS/Wells ]
Y U I M E T A L [ Engineer ][ 3kit P/S ][ Havoc Roam ]

(edited by Treble.1563)

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Kalemar.4873


BG posters are making the entire server look bad. I’m not from any of these servers but I enjoy reading the updates for the T1 matchups. I’ve never seen more arrogant posting from 1 server as much as I’ve seen BG posters in these threads.

I agree. I’m not a part of any of these servers either, but enjoying the read. This is better (much better) than reality TV.

Kalemar (80 Guardian) [COTD]
Tarnished Coast

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


Drama to the max.. enjoying the QQ-ing keep it up guys !!

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: BMW.2951


Wait. Who is still in the lead vs the #1 and #2 server Rraarrww.3894?

Oh thats right. Beastgate is

Good day

Character- [KnT] Masta Yodaa
Asura Thief
Server- Beastgate

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Rraarrww.3894


I figured but sometimes it only takes a a couple to make everyone look bad. I just don’t understand the 180 some of those BG posters have taken. I wish our matches were this good when HOD was #1.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


SBI and JQ fighting each other mostly in EB as BG is mostly non existent or weak on most fronts


SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Treble.1563


Yeah, it’s a great match so far. Anyone who doesn’t see that and expects their server to blowout the others is a tool.

Those BG posters are the loud minority. I watched how some of the BG leaders rebuilt that server from an initial disaster, so I have nothing but respect and admiration for them. So I just lol at the few at BG who like to talk all the time, since all of our servers have those kinds of people.

S U M E T A L [ Warrior ][ S/Wh + Ham ][ Zerg Shout Support ]
M O A M E T A L [ Necromancer ][ Staff + D/F ][ Power DS/Wells ]
Y U I M E T A L [ Engineer ][ 3kit P/S ][ Havoc Roam ]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Rraarrww.3894


Who cares who’s still on the lead. We’re not talking about who’s winning, we’re talking about the horid attitudes some of the BG posters have here.

BTW I’m from HOD, we weren’t as arrogant as BG seems to be even as we dominated most matches. So you can save the “who’s winning” talk for someone that cares.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

Who cares who’s still on the lead. We’re not talking about who’s winning, we’re talking about the horid attitudes some of the BG posters have here.

BTW I’m from HOD, we weren’t as arrogant as BG seems to be even as we dominated most matches. So you can save the “who’s winning” talk for someone that cares.

anyways score update


Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Cakoluchiam.6901


Whoa awesome. This matchup looks really good right now; congrats on the comeback, Stormbluff! From our match a couple weeks ago, I knew you guys were worthy opponents, and it’s good to see you holding up to those expectations : )

Gryphonix – 80 Ranger, Blackgate [BBG][EC][FS]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Alumisoul.9072


BG’er here. This is the closest matchup of any of the tiers currently.

Bravo to SBi for kicking it into high gear. It’s been a good week of fights despite all the stupid forum drama from ALL sides. Yes…ALL sides.

Anyway… GGs!

Deadi – LVL 80 Guardian
Blackgate – Team Nemesis [nem]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


A bit part of why matches were not like this when HoD was #1:

1) JQ and SBI hated each other vehemently. Neither server cared to 2v1 HoD in fear the other would backstab (which happened often; this is why JQ and SBI hate each other so much) That seems to have relaxed a bit, and we’re not at each other’s throat AS MUCH anymore.

2) At SBI, we dreaded coming in to see everything green for the simple reason that we had kitten for EU coverage. We’ve adapted. We’ve gained some EU tz presence, but its still lacking. Overall, we’ve come to accept we’ll have to work a bit harder in NA primetime and keep morale up.

Morale is key. SBI morale stays strong despite the kittentorms that come our way.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Angelx.1258


Am I the only one who’s enjoying this match? I’m from BG btw since day 1, this is the funnest & one of the tightest match for me. I’m enjoying it, props to all 3 servers.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Kayla.2498


Checking on wvw score board at work so just sharing can’t wait to be on the field later


Kyzrael / Vyzrael – Mesmer / Guardian
Crimson Sky [Sky] Stormbluff Isle

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Rraarrww.3894


Who cares who’s still on the lead. We’re not talking about who’s winning, we’re talking about the horid attitudes some of the BG posters have here.

BTW I’m from HOD, we weren’t as arrogant as BG seems to be even as we dominated most matches. So you can save the “who’s winning” talk for someone that cares.

anyways score update

Thanks for the update. Looks like a great match

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Stenia.9623


Am I the only one who’s enjoying this match? I’m from BG btw since day 1, this is the funnest & one of the tightest match for me. I’m enjoying it, props to all 3 servers.

I agree very fun match, last week was also like this between SBI/IoJ/JQ was amazing

“Jade Quarry overstacked in TKG timezone”

Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Who cares who’s still on the lead. We’re not talking about who’s winning, we’re talking about the horid attitudes some of the BG posters have here.

BTW I’m from HOD, we weren’t as arrogant as BG seems to be even as we dominated most matches. So you can save the “who’s winning” talk for someone that cares.

I’m wondering if you realize a large portion of HoD WvWguilds moved to Blackgate…. SO Blackgate players in WvW have a high likelihood of being from HoD.

I don’t remember BG trash talking this much in the forums either until a few weeks ago when the surge of transfers hopped on over.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]