So long Jade Quarry
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Strike Force – JQ
i used to be like 12hrs wvsw never saw them.
But good luck!!
(edited by Macondo.4827)
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Amen. I have seen nothing but great things from emp since they little chest thumping group in their guild left to be big fish in a small pond. I can say I look forward to playing with them on maps for now on and it was nothing but dread before. They handle wvw in a manner of professionalism and respect to all players that was not seen in a long time from that guild.
Getting a bit crowded on the Dragonbrandwagon ain’t it?
1) It’s commonly known as Dragonwagon. Not Dragonbrandwagon.
2) Dragonbrand is climbing the ranks because of good players. You can have a full server and still lose a WvW match. Quality over Quanitity.
3) See you soon.your a kitten if you think db is climbing the ranks due to skill. its the mass of coverage. nothing else.
You’re the same if you think any server has climbed the ranks due to skill, rather than coverage.
Wait whats Omen? Is it that guild that runs like 10 people and exploits?
Lethal Banner One (Warrior), Lethal Rektt You (Rev), Lethal Loot Bag/Lethal Rekt You (Guard)
lol im pretty sure I still have multiple pictures of even their officer core exploiting towers (they were kicked then re invited 2 days later) oh omen. I feel bad for the guys you picked up on JQ our guild recently took in a few of them as they felt you guys had no honor and backbone actually putting up a fight when the fight came. Only saw omen ever in force when we would be winning.
Getting a bit crowded on the Dragonbrandwagon ain’t it?
2) Dragonbrand is climbing the ranks because of good players. You can have a full server and still lose a WvW match. Quality over Quanitity.
3) See you soon.Rotfl
really? most of dragonbrand are really kitten, insane coverage above tier yuo are is only what brought you up. I miss Kaineng really, they were far more comptetive than DB ..Tell that to the 9 or 10 of us that held off the 30 man zerg that golem rushed through TCBL Hills yesterday. We wiped them in the lords room with no siege.
“30+ zerg inc”
-“Who is it?”
-“Ok, I need 10 guys to help wipe these TC real quick”This happens all to often against TC zergs. So often that “It’s ok, it’s just TC” has become a popular response to zerg call outs in map chat.
funny, there are those on TC with the same attitude towards DB
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
Just to make everyone aware, just like when Noodles forced EMP to split up, so has OMEN. Some players have chosen to stay with us after all on JQ. Good on ya’ to those that stayed. Maybe we can roll you into other guilds now instead.
So who else choose to stay and push with JQ no matter how hard it will be beside us [Ge]?
from Bulage[Ge]
Sf aos a good chunk of emp DA HzH Bpa TkG FoO PvP SG SICK JQQ (<3 calm little buddy) MoG vWv FIRE WPAK PACT vH KE DC PRX/WARD
Lots and lots of other guilds These are just the ones that I can think off hand atm. We are not leaving JQ quarry for life yo.
Good luck to those moving servers, I hope you enjoy the game.
Good luck to those remaining on their servers, I hope you enjoy the game.
I’m sorry but I cannot respect a guild who leaves a server just because they aren’t winning anymore, let alone to the “next t1 server”.
I don’t wish OMEN luck, I wish them all possibilities of misfortune when they depart. I know that all guilds who move servers are not bandwagoners, but in this instance OMEN is 100%, undeniably a bandwagon guild.
I, myself, am not of JQ (SoR, in fact), but that doesn’t stop me from utterly despising you guys.
Farewells should not be in order, as you don’t deserve them. I see no wrong in DB welcoming you guys, but yeah. Fling all the ‘umadbros’ you want. You get no kudos for your move from me.
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~
Perhaps thing have changed but DB was use to b carried by it vastly superior numbers of ocieanic players
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Perhaps thing have changed but DB was use to b carried by it vastly superior numbers of ocieanic players
Before you bash something, get informed 1st. DB has basically no Oceanic players, I think you meant SEA
DB since Headstart
Perhaps thing have changed but DB was use to b carried by it vastly superior numbers of ocieanic players
Before you bash something, get informed 1st. DB has basically no Oceanic players, I think you meant SEA
Then I guess things have changed. DB use to have a huge ocieanic force and a very weak NA and euro force. In not saying they weren’t good player.
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
I’ve played on JQ since beta. I’m proud of my server community and I won’t leave for another server. I certainly won’t trash the JQ community, berate officers of your own guild, steal the guilds money and leave for another server, actively try to recruit out of the guild you betrayed and talk down and belittle the folks that chose community over narcissistic ego…
…unlike some I could mention.
From my perspective, the departure of the bandwagoners and egomanical freaks is a wonderful thing. I’ve never felt more closely connected with the community that remains, or within our own guild. I’ve come to love these people. And from that, I have more fun than ever.
Think about it, what do you get for being ranked #1? Nothing. Do you know what I want most? Fun fights with a community that isn’t full of fair-weather friends or kittens. I wish more people would remember what JQ was like back when HoD was #1. Those were some of the best days ever. Then came the massive bandwagoning transfers as we went #1. JQ was still a good place, and I’m loyal either way, but a lot got lost with the influx of fairweather kitten warriors.
I would rather have the #1 NA community than the #1 NA WvW ranking. I actually think we can have both. But if not, so what? I want great fights with great people. And after the behavior of some of the people who have jumped to DB’s ship, I can tell you must certainly that I would kitten on DB if it was on fire.
No wonder they left. Why stay when your own server mates call you fairweather kitten warriors? ROFL.
They left without any warning, no reasons why and decided not to show up that reset because of them leaving. So they are assigned a map and they dont tell us they wont be there untill reset happens. Its disrespect on there part. If they would have been upfront and honest things could have been diffrent but how they left is just sad and cowardly. Sorry for my rant best of luck Omen.
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”
Perhaps thing have changed but DB was use to b carried by it vastly superior numbers of ocieanic players
Before you bash something, get informed 1st. DB has basically no Oceanic players, I think you meant SEA
Then I guess things have changed. DB use to have a huge ocieanic force and a very weak NA and euro force. In not saying they weren’t good player.
Its definitely SEA, NNK is a big SEA guild.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Best of luck, we fought a lot of battles with you. I hope DB is strong enough to take out SoR, so we can have a good server in first place.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
Perhaps thing have changed but DB was use to b carried by it vastly superior numbers of ocieanic players
Before you bash something, get informed 1st. DB has basically no Oceanic players, I think you meant SEA
Then I guess things have changed. DB use to have a huge ocieanic force and a very weak NA and euro force. In not saying they weren’t good player.
Its definitely SEA, NNK is a big SEA guild.
It was dragonbrand but this was a while ago. I use to command on yak’s in eternal and u could see nothing but DB after 3am est till about 10am. But doesn’t really matter I guess as it seems to have changed.
Ps this was back when DB was flipping between tier 4 and 5
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Might be the timezone difference but we haven’t had any real Oceanic coverage before now. However, we do have incredible SEA coverage
DB since Headstart
I c what u are saying now. I just always lumped them together into ocieanic
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Getting a bit crowded on the Dragonbrandwagon ain’t it?
1) It’s commonly known as Dragonwagon. Not Dragonbrandwagon.
2) Dragonbrand is climbing the ranks because of good players. You can have a full server and still lose a WvW match. Quality over Quanitity.
3) See you soon.
Does this mean your NA troops will stop running from us now?
- Blackgate
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Omen, you have seen yourself s how the JQ community treats you when you leave, not a single ounce of respect for exi & omen who pushes every single day keeping JQ ppt up. Btw why bother to criticize omen when they field only 10 guys with hacks & we are the worse of emp with only 20% of emp, so nothing more to read here & move along.
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Omen, you have seen yourself s how the JQ community treats you when you leave, not a single ounce of respect for exi & omen who pushes every single day keeping JQ ppt up..
Drama much? Only sounded like 1 or 2 JQ posters to me. Just remember, only a small pct of players post here, vast majority are playing the game.
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it?
AHA! It was all TW’s fault.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Omen, you have seen yourself s how the JQ community treats you when you leave, not a single ounce of respect for exi & omen who pushes every single day keeping JQ ppt up. Btw why bother to criticize omen when they field only 10 guys with hacks & we are the worse of emp with only 20% of emp, so nothing more to read here & move along.
Orly, EXI left with OMEN as well? Guess they are the same time zone.
The only thing I know for certain is, can we steal Jayne??? How about time sharing? We need more fun in T1!
Sorry my heart belongs to TC
But I can come into the T1 thread and stir up some nonsense .. sure
Back off, bub, she’s ours.
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Be real for once Lee.
SF has never avoided a fight, in fact for the last month we’ve been picking maps with the hopes of getting lucky and fighting TW all night. We love those guys as it’s the best SoR has to offer during N/A primetime
For you to think we picked maps to avoid them just shows how far away from reality that you and noodles were.
Strike Force – JQ
No bagses for us
Oh good, just what we needed…
Don’t get me wrong yay more people but I really don’t want to be T1
I know OMEN was primarily a pvx guild, but any staying on JQ that like to wvw and especially those that have wvw’d with SG and myself shoot me a pm if you’re looking to wvw.
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]
Looks like some raging people here are forgetting who have been on JQ and fought through the days of HoD and SoS day in and day out. That’s all I’ll say about RE/EMP.
As a person with an odd schedule, it was a blast fighting with you guys during EU time. The group of EXI, OMEN and FIRE that held every little of the tick, tooth, blood and nail, was awesome. /salute
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Be real for once Lee.
SF has never avoided a fight, in fact for the last month we’ve been picking maps with the hopes of getting lucky and fighting TW all night. We love those guys as it’s the best SoR has to offer during N/A primetime
For you to think we picked maps to avoid them just shows how far away from reality that you and noodles were.
I run with TW when I can and tbh, guilds do tend to avoid them completely.
Silly me. And here I thought it was because of NNK and throngs of people that came to ride on their coattails. Guess I was wrong.
NNK is probably one of the few guilds I have respect for on DB. they have stuck with DB for… ever. I just hope that when DB collapses (lets face it, it will happen like it does to pretty much every server that gets bandwagoned) that NNK stays on DB. true showing of server pride.
Maguuma is now top of t3, only because everything above us has imploded or dissolved into our enemies above us. as soon as i saw BG closing in on JQQ, i knew JQ would begin to die, here we have the first sign of panic. how will this effect the tiers? who knows. looking forward to all the juicy drama, tier shifting, and speculation due to point evolution in the coming weeks.
Despite of all the new transfers to Dragonbrand our community and WvW culture has stayed in-tact. No guilds stepping on eachother’s toes, no delegating shifts, no alliances, no drama, no egos, no poison. They have been nothing but respectful and have assimilated well with how Dragonbrand has always functioned.
If/When we do implode, which many of you are hoping we do for some odd reason – i’m sure those who have been on Dragonbrand from the start will remain on Dragonbrand (I know EA, Duel, UhOh, TG, a good portion of BP, TFV and NNK are mainly comprised of Dragonbrand loyalists). We’ve been there, done that – and will gladly do it again. T1, T8 and everything between – we will remain. I’m pretty sure I can speak for most of Dragonbrand when I say, We’re not concerned.
Just wanted to tell you TG hasnt been on DB since the start :/
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
I run with TW when I can and tbh, guilds do tend to avoid them completely.
We don’t. We love clashing with TW. Although we don’t exactly seek them out either. We run our map and if TW happens to be on it and we cross paths then it’s go time. We’ve had our share of wins and wipes against them, but it’s almost always fun. As much as their forum warriors get under my skin sometimes, you have to respect them on the field. Squaring off against TW always means you have to put on your big boy pants and be on your game, and I’m all for that (wearing big boy pants).
[KnT] – Blackgate
Awesome! More Oceanic DB Avtr can destroy on Mondays and Tuesdays…. Prepare to die !
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Be real for once Lee.
SF has never avoided a fight, in fact for the last month we’ve been picking maps with the hopes of getting lucky and fighting TW all night. We love those guys as it’s the best SoR has to offer during N/A primetime
For you to think we picked maps to avoid them just shows how far away from reality that you and noodles were.
hopefully you’re trolling when you say that TW is the best SoR has to offer as we have plenty of amazing guilds and players available.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Dear Jade Quarry,
Omen Gaming Community (Omen) is moving to another server. We really enjoyed our time with JQ and the memories we will keep about the epic people we have met there. I would like to give props to those that followed Silverback Rayleigh/Ultima Hyperion during our passes through WvW and for the PVE community that helped us to find bounty NPCs during a rush time of countdowns.
So why Dragonbrand?
Coz it’s still dominating now? And might continue to dominate for a few more weeks. They are probably vegetarians.
Not sure I would call an 8k lead on a Thursday night (and 3rd place PPT) dominating…but meh
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Be real for once Lee.
SF has never avoided a fight, in fact for the last month we’ve been picking maps with the hopes of getting lucky and fighting TW all night. We love those guys as it’s the best SoR has to offer during N/A primetime
For you to think we picked maps to avoid them just shows how far away from reality that you and noodles were.
hopefully you’re trolling when you say that TW is the best SoR has to offer as we have plenty of amazing guilds and players available.
I am not trolling.
You are right SoR has several great guilds.
In this commanders opinion TW is the best out in the field out of all of them. But that should take nothing away from the rest of the SoR guilds.
Strike Force – JQ
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Be real for once Lee.
SF has never avoided a fight, in fact for the last month we’ve been picking maps with the hopes of getting lucky and fighting TW all night. We love those guys as it’s the best SoR has to offer during N/A primetime
For you to think we picked maps to avoid them just shows how far away from reality that you and noodles were.
hopefully you’re trolling when you say that TW is the best SoR has to offer as we have plenty of amazing guilds and players available.
I am not trolling.
You are right SoR has several great guilds.
In this commanders opinion TW is the best out in the field out of all of them. But that should take nothing away from the rest of the SoR guilds.
Ok I wont kill you then I respect that opinion then.. TW is pretty legit. I mean they are no Wondo, but they do in a pinch.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Silly me. And here I thought it was because of NNK and throngs of people that came to ride on their coattails. Guess I was wrong.
NNK is probably one of the few guilds I have respect for on DB. they have stuck with DB for… ever. I just hope that when DB collapses (lets face it, it will happen like it does to pretty much every server that gets bandwagoned) that NNK stays on DB. true showing of server pride.
Maguuma is now top of t3, only because everything above us has imploded or dissolved into our enemies above us. as soon as i saw BG closing in on JQQ, i knew JQ would begin to die, here we have the first sign of panic. how will this effect the tiers? who knows. looking forward to all the juicy drama, tier shifting, and speculation due to point evolution in the coming weeks.
Despite of all the new transfers to Dragonbrand our community and WvW culture has stayed in-tact. No guilds stepping on eachother’s toes, no delegating shifts, no alliances, no drama, no egos, no poison. They have been nothing but respectful and have assimilated well with how Dragonbrand has always functioned.
If/When we do implode, which many of you are hoping we do for some odd reason – i’m sure those who have been on Dragonbrand from the start will remain on Dragonbrand (I know EA, Duel, UhOh, TG, a good portion of BP, TFV and NNK are mainly comprised of Dragonbrand loyalists). We’ve been there, done that – and will gladly do it again. T1, T8 and everything between – we will remain. I’m pretty sure I can speak for most of Dragonbrand when I say, We’re not concerned.
Just wanted to tell you TG hasnt been on DB since the start :/
I know. Meant to put them with BP as “good portion of.”
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Omen, you have seen yourself s how the JQ community treats you when you leave, not a single ounce of respect for exi & omen who pushes every single day keeping JQ ppt up. Btw why bother to criticize omen when they field only 10 guys with hacks & we are the worse of emp with only 20% of emp, so nothing more to read here & move along.
So you left because other guilds were not pushing? When we all were? And if you want to talk to TW I will get them personally HzH has been fighting them for most resets now, and it only makes us better. and btw having a little fun seems deadly to you guys. Drunk night is SF’s thing and they still control a map, but seeing RE leave only lets me relize the EMP that were actually loyal to server. Have a good day
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Omen, you have seen yourself s how the JQ community treats you when you leave, not a single ounce of respect for exi & omen who pushes every single day keeping JQ ppt up. Btw why bother to criticize omen when they field only 10 guys with hacks & we are the worse of emp with only 20% of emp, so nothing more to read here & move along.
So you left because other guilds were not pushing? When we all were? And if you want to talk to TW I will get them personally HzH has been fighting them for most resets now, and it only makes us better. and btw having a little fun seems deadly to you guys. Drunk night is SF’s thing and they still control a map, but seeing RE leave only lets me relize the EMP that were actually loyal to server. Have a good day
But on drunk nights we easily hold our own and more.
Lethal Banner One (Warrior), Lethal Rektt You (Rev), Lethal Loot Bag/Lethal Rekt You (Guard)
Orly, EXI left with OMEN as well? Guess they are the same time zone.
Hi Flake, former officer of Exitializ here. I say “former” since EXI as it was first started in JQ has been dissolved, and the majority of its members has been integrated with the Omen gaming community. This was a very difficult collective decision, as we have been resistant to any sort of merger or server transfer until recently, when IRL issues swallowed up the guild’s leadership. In order to keep whatever semblance of community we had left intact, the decision to merge and transfer to DB was made.
I do not speak for what was EXI but personally, it’s hard to speak ill of the people we’ve run with in JQ – working with Indevar, Waha, Tanna, Andyguo, Kada, Charles, and other Oceanic/SEA commanders was a blast, and Jed, Wok, Ben, I Am Not A Commander et al. have made our odd forays into other time zones very memorable. Save for a very vocal minority that has recently affected our members’ desire to join WvW, my assessment is that the JQ community is resilient and awesome, and is still a good choice for guilds looking to fight the good fight. I am confident that with a little soul-searching and reorganization, JQ has what it takes to remain in T1 for the foreseeable future.
In any case, thank you so much people of JQ for never giving up despite the odds stacked up against the community; it was your tenacity that kept us going until the end.
P.S. We have a few members who have opted to remain in Jade Quarry. I would appreciate referrals to guilds that accept non-native English speakers and that are active during early Oceanic-mid European timezones.
Orly, EXI left with OMEN as well? Guess they are the same time zone.
Hi Flake, former officer of Exitializ here. I say “former” since EXI as it was first started in JQ has been dissolved, and the majority of its members has been integrated with the Omen gaming community. This was a very difficult collective decision, as we have been resistant to any sort of merger or server transfer until recently, when IRL issues swallowed up the guild’s leadership. In order to keep whatever semblance of community we had left intact, the decision to merge and transfer to DB was made.
I do not speak for what was EXI but personally, it’s hard to speak ill of the people we’ve run with in JQ – working with Indevar, Waha, Tanna, Andyguo, Kada, Charles, and other Oceanic/SEA commanders was a blast, and Jed, Wok, Ben, I Am Not A Commander et al. have made our odd forays into other time zones very memorable. Save for a very vocal minority that has recently affected our members’ desire to join WvW, my assessment is that the JQ community is resilient and awesome, and is still a good choice for guilds looking to fight the good fight. I am confident that with a little soul-searching and reorganization, JQ has what it takes to remain in T1 for the foreseeable future.
In any case, thank you so much people of JQ for never giving up despite the odds stacked up against the community; it was your tenacity that kept us going until the end.
P.S. We have a few members who have opted to remain in Jade Quarry. I would appreciate referrals to guilds that accept non-native English speakers and that are active during early Oceanic-mid European timezones.
Hey mate, if they like ze WvW I’m more than happy to have them run with us. Who knows what could eventuate.
DB, there’s some old wisdom that you should really take to heart when it comes to [RE] — just remember if they’ve done it to others, one day they WILL do it to you.
Selwynn Swiftblade, Guardian
E m p ë r i u m [EMP] ~ J a d e Q u a r r y
DB, there’s some old wisdom that you should really take to heart when it comes to [RE] — just remember if they’ve done it to others, one day they WILL do it to you.
isn’t this thread about omen?
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Omen, you have seen yourself s how the JQ community treats you when you leave, not a single ounce of respect for exi & omen who pushes every single day keeping JQ ppt up. Btw why bother to criticize omen when they field only 10 guys with hacks & we are the worse of emp with only 20% of emp, so nothing more to read here & move along.
Still so kitten I see lol. I just hope your egos eventually get over being trashed by an entire server for being Menaaces. I also still can’t help but laugh each time I find a new guild you TRIED to get to come with you by trash talking JQ or bribes. You RE bunch are a cancer and a cesspool on your community and its just a matter of time before Wagonbrand catches on. The reason Omen is being treated this way is they could have done this in a private setting with the server where more people would see but they choose to make a public spectacle of this. Rather than have it actually mean something so in a way we are just giving them what they want.
I am happy to see some of Omen are staying and look forward to working with you in the field. In the early hours at work I always have a blast working with you guys and the other SEA/Oceanic guilds you guys do wonderful work for the server and despite what others may have said before leaving JQ respect and loves you for it.