SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
SoS Vs JQ Vs BG 18/01-25/01
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
Why has this thread even digressed into the definitions and semantics of what “militia” is or is not?
That’s a thread for another time and place. Whatever servers want to call the non-guilded, players from small guilds, single players from different guilds running together, it’s up to them.
Trying to say this is derogatory, that is demeaning, we do this on X server, we call that on Y server is just as good as banging the table and forcing someone to like the same brand of beer that u drink.
If the players on the particular server know what term is used and how it is used, that is up to them.
You don’t expect BG, SoS or JQ or any server for that matter to simply adopt what you as a server think should be the correct definition. What’s with all this high horsing around, telling other servers what they should be calling?
Militia here. How is it derogatory? We’re not part of the main forces that run around the areas doing major things. We are small groups that do our own thing that helps towards the server’s overall goal, whether hit and runs, harassing reinforcements and the occasional “Did we just beat that [XYZ] zerg of 20 people with just 1 party?”.
The first definition utilizes the term “ordinary civilian.” So for GW2, it would imply that un-guilded players are less skilled/trained than guilded ones, which is not true.
GW2 already has a term for this. who has lost his/her warband. This means everyone who doesn’t have a guild gets to have a thrilling backstory about how they ended up alone!
Uh what?
A military force of civilians to supplement a regular army in an emergency.
A military force that engages in rebel activities.
Am I the only one who uses Google for definitions?
Either way the first definition matches what a majority of small guilds do. They join the larger zergs and follow commanders around.
As for what my guild does, you can call us Special Ops.
I’m entertained, I’m going to just start calling everyone (I give up they keep editing b a s kitten , it’ll make things easier on the brain. – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
(edited by Jedbacca.6297)
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
GW2 already has a term for this. who has lost his/her warband. This means everyone who doesn’t have a guild gets to have a thrilling backstory about how they ended up alone!
That term only applies to Charr, you goofy bookah.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
Spent some time last night in EBG and what great fights we had, I wanted to give a shout out to RG from JQ, we at KnT have never faced you until last night, and holy cow you guys are spot on. I really just wish that culling issues can be dealt with. It sucks to have such good fights and i cant see half of you until its too late. Please Arena Net fix it!
Seriously though it was a blast, you got the better of us a few times, but we learned your tactics and started watching you and eventually like the 7th time we engaged RG we were able to break your line. Super tough and very well cordinated though guys. I can see why other guilds have fits with you. Hell we outnumbered you too for the most part. Much respect guys and looking forward to fighting you again.
Dunno if you realise but we were 15 guys. Even mentioning word culling is kinda wierd :P…
Yesterday was great fun EB day, but today seems more boring turtle style so far, hope it changes.
Dunno if you realise but we were 15 guys. Even mentioning word culling is kinda wierd :P…
Yesterday was great fun EB day, but today seems more boring turtle style so far, hope it changes
No I get it, he thought that it had to be culling because he died so fast.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
Rg, come to TC and help us destroy those filthy rallians. Everytime they take over our keeps overnight they leave all the toilets dirty and drink our beer. This must not stand!
The correct definition of a random zerg isn’t a Militia it is a BEARFORCE!!!
Most used quote in last nights shenanigans, “Woah, that’s culling…are we winning?” – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Last night on our VOIP on BGBL:
“Ten JQ hitting north hills. Never mind, they retreated.”
“Jade Quarry are easily startled, but they will be back, and in greater numbers.”
“Jade Quarry always run single file, and use culling to hide thier strength and numbers.”
“And these guild strikes, too accurate for Jade Quarry, only Sea of Sorrows are this precise”.
I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of bags all dropped at once…
Somewhere around Durios, lighting up some poor bugger trying to be rezzed with an epidemic and 20 bleeds on him
KnT Blackgate
Great fights all, Hang tough BG if you can hold rating this week the false ratings in T2 will subside a little and give you breathing room.
Welcome to the servers all those I have not met before, thanks for bringing the fight.
Can we get an update on the score?
Update on score.
(edited by Ashlov.3819)
Calling them zerg, or calling them pugs, now that’s demeaning!
Meh. You read what you want into it. Zerg is 4 letters and easy to spell, militia is 7 and easy to misspell. When you’re typing fast, the easier, shorter word is preferable. Plus, ‘zerg’ is a word that cuts across languages by now with a common gaming meaning. Militia – not so much.
I dont give a kitten what the group of random people I belong to is called. I dont care. It isn’t demeaning, it doesn’t make me less of a good player being called a militia or a zerg or a PUG (yes I am one, I very rarely join an organized group that has TS). I don’t think anyone of us care really. Stop worrying about things that are trivial at most.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Okay now, the convo got hijacked, was funny for a bit, and now on to other stuff. I am partial to blame, so I take it on the chin, but mostly it is Jebacca’s fault, i blame him most.
So happy hunting all, MAY THE CULLING BE WITH YOU!!!
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
ONE on me! BEARFORCE on me!
ok, I accept that diversion into not so funny territory was my fault.
I actually prefer blob to zerg. That was the phrase used tonight on EB when we were asking for and giving intel on where a particular large group of same guild enemy players were
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
Yesterday was great fun EB day, but today seems more boring turtle style so far, hope it changes
Yesterday was a holiday for a lot of NA players, thus a lot of late night NA guilds got on early to play with their EU time slot brethren. So whatever guilds your encountering now are normal to that time slot.
Was it one of those times where you go, “AAAAahaaaaaaaaaaHHHHhhhh! Kittens, run!….Ooooh”?
It was more like “Stei! Stei! We’ve losts everything in EB and they’re in our keep!!!”
“RG is on the way.”
“It’s too late. It’s too late! It’s… nevermind. RG is here. Everything fine now.”
I literally saw them save the keep, opened my map to see where to head next, and they must have hit SoS so hard at our keep that the game just gave us Bravost, Langor and Danelion back out of respect.
LMAO… SO been there! Wow, is that what we (I) sound like Stei? :-)
Was it one of those times where you go, “AAAAahaaaaaaaaaaHHHHhhhh! Kittens, run!….Ooooh”?
It was more like “Stei! Stei! We’ve losts everything in EB and they’re in our keep!!!”
“RG is on the way.”
“It’s too late. It’s too late! It’s… nevermind. RG is here. Everything fine now.”
I literally saw them save the keep, opened my map to see where to head next, and they must have hit SoS so hard at our keep that the game just gave us Bravost, Langor and Danelion back out of respect.
LMAO… SO been there! Wow, is that what we (I) sound like Stei? :-)
No comment
BG you guys are confusing me, you hold absolutely nothing on the JQ BL’s, not a supply camp, keep, nothing… nor do you use siegerazer to get you own keep. Instead you run all the way over to our keep and attack that instead.
Why would you waste you time doing such a thing?
RG is happier than a pig in slop at the moment, they are overwhelmed with the # of SoS they can run around and massacre to their hearts content.
Also we refer to our non-grouped, non-ts users on JQ as ‘Da Boyz. IE.. "Mance it’s going to take us all day to ninja this keep, turn on your pin and rally up ’Da Boyz!" (Alot prefer to be called Honey Badgers, but a zerg of honey badgers might be equally as scarey as an Orcish horde!)
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]
(edited by Mance.5640)
Shout out to EMP, AoS, TTU, SF, VwV, and everyone else on BGBL this evening, it was top notch playing. Keep up the good work everyone.
(edited by Tsquared.2384)
Good job everyone! EMP had a blast holding down JQB borders today!
Update on score!
Great fight on SoS Borderland, we had an epic fight at SunnyHill! Great Job after from JQ for that push on Garrison! We, HGBQ, had an amazing evening tonight with everybody on the map!
Leader of Helis Galonia [HGBQ]
Jade Quarry
(edited by Ackim Macaldom.8596)
Much respect for SOS and Blackgate, you all make coming out to fight worth while. Also for all you MERC people, i dont think i have ever been killed more by your push than anyone save War Machine.
NiteJack the portal slave of EMP ( or rawnoodles)
RG is happier than a pig in slop at the moment, they are overwhelmed with the # of SoS they can run around and massacre to their hearts content.
Also we refer to our non-grouped, non-ts users on JQ as ‘Da Boyz. IE.. "Mance it’s going to take us all day to ninja this keep, turn on your pin and rally up ’Da Boyz!" (Alot prefer to be called Honey Badgers, but a zerg of honey badgers might be equally as scarey as an Orcish horde!)
RG is happier than a pig in slop at the moment, they are overwhelmed with the amount of empty towers and keeps they can pvdoor every night* There, I fixed it for you.
Tarnished Coast.
a pvdoor post in a T1 thread?
that is fresh.
Hopefully everyone enjoyed our ultimate defense here at JQB Borders!
i dont know about anyone else but i kinda feel used =/ need more mesmers for EMP plz, at the very least so i can take a break =)
Doing great this week JQ! Lets keep this momentum up!
Leader of Empërium [EMP]
Jade Quarry
i dont know about anyone else but i kinda feel used =/ need more mesmers for EMP plz, at the very least so i can take a break =)
We are learning to flog our mesmers, hard. Good work!
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
Doing great this week JQ! Lets keep this momentum up!
Aye. And with the top guilds from other worlds coming into JQ, it has been hell fun.
UPDATED————————- see below
(edited by me im not.9357)
Really? Pat is like the best commander in SOS…
Patone gets banned rather more than usual I hear, but everytime he goes missing in action, the entire server feels it. We get actually worried when we hear rumors like this seeing that we do realize how valuable he is to the server. I heard someone even say he wants to be a commander because he was inspired by him. I really would doubt any of the legit wvw guild leaders would do this to him as he is very reputable although sometimes controversial.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
BG is always open pat :P
Pat is back, we’re still not sure what went down. If it was just a rumor someone started, if something really did go down and someone was just hoping they got him banned and he didnt, or what… but the important thing is hes here. ONE reporting to the field.
I have a question for the SoS commanders, at what point numbers wise should a guild get in contact with you guys, like 10,20,30 on a map?
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
I have a question for the SoS commanders, at what point numbers wise should a guild get in contact with you guys, like 10,20,30 on a map?
whenever you want, we have a few guilds who field only 10, or 15.
You are more than welcome
I have a question for the SoS commanders, at what point numbers wise should a guild get in contact with you guys, like 10,20,30 on a map?
whenever you want, we have a few guilds who field only 10, or 15.
You are more than welcome
10-30 people is an entire hit squad. youre more than welcome here.
I have a question for the SoS commanders, at what point numbers wise should a guild get in contact with you guys, like 10,20,30 on a map?
whenever you want, we have a few guilds who field only 10, or 15.
You are more than welcome
Screw that! Contact us when you have 2-5 people and are willing to do things like take supply camps/yak slap/ninja towers etc! The more coordinated self-driven people the better, zergs are good but can’t hold down supply camps everywhere.
If you feel like your group can do something that would help the cause let a commander know.
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC]
I have a question for the SoS commanders, at what point numbers wise should a guild get in contact with you guys, like 10,20,30 on a map?
whenever you want, we have a few guilds who field only 10, or 15.
You are more than welcomeScrew that! Contact us when you have 2-5 people and are willing to do things like take supply camps/yak slap/ninja towers etc! The more coordinated self-driven people the better, zergs are good but can’t hold down supply camps everywhere
If you feel like your group can do something that would help the cause let a commander know.
Is this true? I’d like to do this for me and my friends. We’re usually just a little more than a full party and I always go for flipping supply camps/luring people off of our main squad/yakslapping and escorting but I have no way of telling when the most opportune time is because I don’t want to sound imposing/self-entitled should I whisper a commander. I cannot coordinate well with large zergs and entire guild raids because of my horrible internet connection and subpar PC unit; thus I relegated myself to this job instead as it is the only viable one for me atm.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
RG is happier than a pig in slop at the moment, they are overwhelmed with the amount of empty towers and keeps they can pvdoor every night* There, I fixed it for you.
And after they Pvdoor, they slaughter the player inhabitants by the (baker’s) dozens.
Unless you repair your doors with 100% grade A player meat some environment has to be knocked to take towers and keeps. How else will they get to the meat-bags cowering behind the doors?
Last night on our VOIP on BGBL:
“Ten JQ hitting north hills. Never mind, they retreated.”
“Jade Quarry are easily startled, but they will be back, and in greater numbers.”
“Jade Quarry always run single file, and use culling to hide thier strength and numbers.”
“And these guild strikes, too accurate for Jade Quarry, only Sea of Sorrows are this precise”.
_I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of bags all dropped at once…
LOL’d hard. Looking forward to another night of gruesome battles
Great fight on SoS Borderland, we had an epic fight at SunnyHill! Great Job after from JQ for that push on Garrison!
We, HGBQ, had an amazing evening tonight with everybody on the map!
Man, your roaming squads are deadly. I was happily wandering across from garri to hills when zzzt-boom, simultaneous d/d ele bombs from nowhere. I was cursing you, but also quite impressed, lol.