The departure of ND, MERC, & VOTF from SoS
So ultimately, WvW isn’t about server pride or loyalty. It’s just a group of guilds versus another group of guilds. They just happen to represent a server at a specific moment, but is far less reflective of its entirety.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
SoR got a ton of guilds just a couple weeks ago, they don’t need help. TC needs more help then SoR.
Beast mode
So ultimately, WvW isn’t about server pride or loyalty. It’s just a group of guilds versus another group of guilds. They just happen to represent a server at a specific moment, but is far less reflective of its entirety.
Ultimately, Guild Wars 2 is about having fun. What you conceive as fun may not be what others do. I am sure you can respect that.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
SoR got a ton of guilds just a couple weeks ago, they don’t need help. TC needs more help then SoR.
Against JQ and the new stacked BG, we need all the help we can get.
So ultimately, WvW isn’t about server pride or loyalty. It’s just a group of guilds versus another group of guilds. They just happen to represent a server at a specific moment, but is far less reflective of its entirety.
Ultimately, Guild Wars 2 is about having fun. What you conceive as fun may not be what others do. I am sure you can respect that.
Touché. Afterall, a game is just a game. The reasons by which we justify our actions always fall under our right to have fun. I’m just questioning those people who made me believe in server pride and loyalty and history and all that before.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
I think if the guilds are going to transfer Kaineng would have been a better choice for them.
SoR got a ton of guilds just a couple weeks ago, they don’t need help. TC needs more help then SoR.
Against JQ and the new stacked BG, we need all the help we can get.
You haven’t even fought BG in how long? Yet you claim we are stacked. Oh well, have a great night!
Beast mode
I think if the guilds are going to transfer Kaineng would have been a better choice for them.
Now that SoS guys all migrated to BG
We have two competitive Tier 1 servers. SoR is there but it’s going to look like SBI did without the coverage. Then we will have Kain and SoS battling it out in Tier 2 with TC being there but…not actually there due to lack of coverage.
If they migrated to Kain it would help even out the fight between BG and Kain, and things would probably stay the same for longer until SoS drops out and either BG or Kain moved up. It would be pretty boring.
Now the ideal scenario is that we have 3 of the same T1 servers with the same coverage and 3 T2 servers with the same coverage.
I think if the guilds are going to transfer Kaineng would have been a better choice for them.
No way why don’t JQ guilds do it??? JQ is pretty much the reason for guilds moving due to how stacked your coverage is…
With BG moving up and SoS going down eventually, there will be bigger coverage gap between tier 1 and 2. It will make tier 1 more competitive at least. The servers may change but the pool of players remain much the same.
In the longer run, it will be better for Kaineng and SoS as they don’t have to worry about european coverage anymore. A more balanced matchup is actually coming for tier 2 once BG moves up.
I think if the guilds are going to transfer Kaineng would have been a better choice for them.
No way why don’t JQ guilds do it??? JQ is pretty much the reason for guilds moving due to how stacked your coverage is…
And what was the reason JQ stacked? Its just a recurring theme here. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again don’t expect the result to be different.
This is a case of Tier 1 entitlement. Even after JQ “stacked” their server SoS was still stronger than every other server after JQ. Ah but once you get a taste of T1 victory, that isn’t good enough. The prospect of eventually dropping a tier and no doubt achieving victory there just doesn’t seem that enticing. Does Amarathy think MERC would lose all their gains after they log off in a Tier 2 match in the same fashion that they do against JQ? Of course not. Sure these guilds were having fun in T4/T3 a few months ago but the thought of moving backwards and having fights just as good as those old ones? Sorry, they crave the limelight now.
This is a case of Tier 1 entitlement. Even after JQ “stacked” their server SoS was still stronger than every other server after JQ. Ah but once you get a taste of T1 victory, that isn’t good enough. The prospect of eventually dropping a tier and no doubt achieving victory there just doesn’t seem that enticing. Does Amarathy think MERC would lose all their gains after they log off in a Tier 2 match in the same fashion that they do against JQ? Of course not. Sure these guilds were having fun in T4/T3 a few months ago but the thought of moving backwards and having fights just as good as those old ones? Sorry, they crave the limelight now.
I don’t wanna name names, nor am I qualified to judge anyone else, but it sure doesn’t seem like the guild that Jedahs used to run. It is their prerogative I know, it just leaves a sour aftertaste after everything that Jedahs said and done for the server. Of all the guilds leaving SOS, this is the one I’m most disappointed about.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Well good for ND and Merc as they worked hard in WvW the past few months.
BG is a prime candidate for Oceanic WvW guilds to transfer to as BG has very good Amer coverage and ok Euro.
SoS has a good mix of many different guilds but lacks a strong presence in euro which SoR and JQ now has. Ultimately it became unfun for WvW rounds against them and I feel T2 should be more fun (though we need to make space for T1 via BG who has the best chance of going to T1).
I remember hawking commander orders out for jedahs a while back and trying to herd them WvW cats around (we are much better these days) and Merc and ND will be sorely missed!
See you around.
You are the only one who has talked something sensible in the thread. Other than that, everyone else seems to be just kittening about without knowing one bit about SoS’s history.
With BG moving up and SoS going down eventually, there will be bigger coverage gap between tier 1 and 2. It will make tier 1 more competitive at least. The servers may change but the pool of players remain much the same.
In the longer run, it will be better for Kaineng and SoS as they don’t have to worry about european coverage anymore. A more balanced matchup is actually coming for tier 2 once BG moves up.
I’m not so sure we’ll (SoS) be able to stay in T2, or even T3 after all the smoke settles. Losing Agg and FoE made us totally uncompetitive in T1, losing MERC, ND and VoTF will kick us out of T1 and make it an uphill battle in T2, and losing the AoI alliance (ATac, Work, OnS, VI, DR) leaves even more question marks. It’s not a pretty picture, but I hope we don’t tank as bad as SBI and IoJ did. If we do I guess it will be the biggest losers tier….lol.
With BG moving up and SoS going down eventually, there will be bigger coverage gap between tier 1 and 2. It will make tier 1 more competitive at least. The servers may change but the pool of players remain much the same.
In the longer run, it will be better for Kaineng and SoS as they don’t have to worry about european coverage anymore. A more balanced matchup is actually coming for tier 2 once BG moves up.
I’m not so sure we’ll (SoS) be able to stay in T2, or even T3 after all the smoke settles. Losing Agg and FoE made us totally uncompetitive in T1, losing MERC, ND and VoTF will kick us out of T1 and make it an uphill battle in T2, and losing the AoI alliance (ATac, Work, OnS, VI, DR) leaves even more question marks. It’s not a pretty picture, but I hope we don’t tank as bad as SBI and IoJ did. If we do I guess it will be the biggest losers tier….lol.
You will be fine.
Tysm is holding a workshop this weekend and have plans to portal bomb and trash talk all that resist might CoronBales leet tactics.
Nm you guys are kittens
If SoR isn’t recruiting, they probably should.
Kaineng got a thread up. JQ had their old one up earlier.
It would be nice to see a third server get stacked for Tier 1. Maybe some servers should work out their coverage times and make a deal and decide on who to stack.
I hope We get a guild transfer we need all the help we can get. please consider transferring to our server’s we’ll gladly welcome you guys with open arms.
Guild: None Mercenary
SoR since day 1
Been SoS since head start. Don’t intend to move. I’m actually looking forward to playing in a lower tier and leave all this puppy nonsense behind.
I’m almost 90% sure VoTF is heading to EU since that’s where the hardcore competitive guilds are (where HB & Red Guard are originally from)
VoTF has already gone against the guilds on JQ, BG, and SoR so if they transferred to any of the other T1 servers then they wouldn’t really be facing anything new. Desolation would be a good choice for them since Vizunah Square has some super tough guilds.
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
I need to write this down to keep it straight in my head…so lets add it up…
Leaving from SoS we have:
Agg, FoE, MERC, ND, VoTF, ATac, Work, OnS, VI, and DR. That makes 10?
Tysm is still here I guess. And I have no comment about them. The guild that runs the community site is leaving…no point in me posting there anymore? Correct me if I am wrong.
I will not spend my time or money to swap servers for a 4th time. I never told my guild this….I wonder if they already knew? I cannot WvW with Tysm…so that means no more WvW? I have no interest in the PvE. What a wonderfully bizarre situation to be in. I’m right back where I started. So, forsooth, Good bye I guess.
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
I’m almost 90% sure VoTF is heading to EU since that’s where the hardcore competitive guilds are (where HB & Red Guard are originally from)
VoTF has already gone against the guilds on JQ, BG, and SoR so if they transferred to any of the other T1 servers then they wouldn’t really be facing anything new. Desolation would be a good choice for them since Vizunah Square has some super tough guilds.
We do fine at Prime time and have enough queues as it is and they have faced Vizunah before with SFR. As I expected though the end of free transfers doesn’t stop guilds from hopping at least the ones without good reason, you may have read the drama in Tier 2 here in the EU.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
VOTF seems like the kind of guild that immensley enjoys gvg combat ( and who can blame them, it is BY FAR the most important and prestigious of situations to be in during wvw.
. . .Not just because I am on SOR, but also for the overall wvw health, i believe VOTF’s next home should be SOR. Also, im ukrainian
so i can finally chat with someone…
I think we don’t have any Ukrainians, not 100% sure though
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Bandwagoning guilds will bandwagon. News at 11.
I’m simply amazed at the amount and level of kitten stroking happening here. Hopefully someone handed out enough knee-pads for this thread…
If you feel a certain guild should come to your server, the best way is still to approach them directly, and TALK to the, most definately not theorycrafting server population based on assumptions on a forum…
I’m sad to see SoS disappear like that, we always had great fights and I truly enjoyed all our clashes. Best of luck, whether you buckle up and sit tight or find a new home.
Strike Force [SF]
Really hope a guild would consider FA. We are right there for being competitive in T2
Fort Aspenwood
VoTF is the jewel of all the guilds leaving sos so far, will be interesting to see where they land.
That’s still assuming they do leave. Going with the current rumormill though, and say they do transfer, SoR makes the most sense to me as the best destination in the NA bracket, with a big maybe for Kaineng. I still say they end up moving back to the EU servers thoughWithout wanting to sound like I am trying to recruit, Kaineng would be an excellent destination for any EU guild. It has an NA and Oceanic/SEA that is equal to if not stronger than BG, which is why we did so well against them in previous weeks. However we literally have nothing during EU, and HB gets to plaint the whole map in a boring 4-6 hours against little to no resistance. If we had even 1 major EU guild I rekon we could have beaten BG during the first couple of weeks and would we well on our way to T1.
Just from playing tonight however we are seeing the transfers taking effect and running into 4 big guilds where there used to be only 2 is making things tough, especially in gaining back ground after the EU time zone.
I’ll still be really interested in seeing how this plays out. I think this does a lot to solidify Kaineng’s position in T2 which I think is fantastic given the quality of the fights going on. Past reset night we are never queued and entire guilds can hop map as they please. That in itself is reason enough for me to never want to be in T1 ^^
Income evolution for the past 2 weeks shows Kain only has the advantage during Oceanic where you get to paint the whole map in a boring 4-6 hours against little to no resistance.
Why are you taking shots against Kaineng in a thread that got nothing to do with Kaineng?
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
So ultimately, WvW isn’t about server pride or loyalty. It’s just a group of guilds versus another group of guilds. They just happen to represent a server at a specific moment, but is far less reflective of its entirety.
Depends on the guilds in your server. Some guilds are more patience and will work with the server, recruit guilds, and slowly improve. Others would jump ship to T1. You don’t know which guild would do what, so it is all luck. That’s the sad part of the current state of wvw.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
Really hope a guild would consider FA. We are right there for being competitive in T2
You guys are going to get stomped in T2, luckily for you it should only be for a week before you drop back down to T3.
Since this thread is not inviting to constructive and healthy discussion, it is now closed.
Thank you for your understanding.