Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: I Deschain I.4623

I Deschain I.4623

What was it again? Was there someone afraid that Vizunah would cap everything on New Year’s Eve? Now let’s see who’s leading with over 10k points…

3rd player NA to reach Diamond Invader (WvW Rank 6445+) on 10/29/14.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


lol there was some discussion in map chat last night about how much whining Viz would throw up on the forums….

Basically when nightcapping suits viz its fine, when it doesn’t its soooooo unfair. Interestinglt there was no shortage of vizblob last night – just for once there were sufficient sfr and er to counter them. Oh noes the doors fought back…..

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


So let me get this straight VS…

Last week with Xmas holidays , you won by 100K and all was fine.
Now, because of one day, you gush and whine on the forums?!
Are you serious?

It’s fine that you cover the night with unemployed and students, and when other servers try to compete with you through alternative ways, you whine again?

What should other servers do in your opinion to compete with you? Quit their jobs? Live off social welfare?

Really now…

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

(edited by Grok.6714)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


1) 22-29 december ->
Best result for Vizunah for all 7 days id between Midnight and 7 am.

2) 15-22 december ->
4 nights of 7 (during the weekend SFR Owning the others 2 servers for 48 pratically).

3) 8-15 december ->
4 days best result is between Midnight and 8 am.

4) 1-8 December ->
The beginning of nightcapping

Bytheway this game is 24×7 with no limitation for Geographic area or Language (in SFR there are some French/German/Spanish Guilds) so if you want to discuss on nightcapping and NA guilds do not discuss the game but the rules.

See ya on battlefields you will find me with [OSC] tag

This is valid for the local time of the ladder and EU players, but now i’ll let you look over your US and RU players:

- US primetime: US EST 6pm to 12am (CET 00H00-06H00/03H00-09H00).
- US nighttime: US EST 12am to 6am (CET 06H00-12H00/09H00-15H00).
- RU primetime: RU MSK 6pm to 12am (CET 15H00-21H00).
- RU nighttime: RU MSK 12am to 6am (CET 21H00-03H00).

Also you complain about russians, a part of russia is in Europe so technically they could be European (as in continent) players too. Since they don’t have russian servers its only logical they play at the european servers.

I’m not saying they aren’t, but two timezones is already an advantage, then three…
So please, stop talking about our nightscaping whereas you have this huge advantage over us…

You are the one whining whole the time and saying its unfair, stop whining when you lose and stop accusing others of pvdooring etc because it is what you do yourself. If you keep whining the nightcapping arguements to counter you will stay. Your nightcapping was also a huge advantage against others, does not mean it is not fair.

We whine out something worthwhile.
Nightscaping is part of the game, whereas a multi timezones is a misuse of rules.
You have this huge advantage over us, and the only thing you find to reply is our nightscaping ? LMAO.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: smitske.4912


1) 22-29 december ->
Best result for Vizunah for all 7 days id between Midnight and 7 am.

2) 15-22 december ->
4 nights of 7 (during the weekend SFR Owning the others 2 servers for 48 pratically).

3) 8-15 december ->
4 days best result is between Midnight and 8 am.

4) 1-8 December ->
The beginning of nightcapping

Bytheway this game is 24×7 with no limitation for Geographic area or Language (in SFR there are some French/German/Spanish Guilds) so if you want to discuss on nightcapping and NA guilds do not discuss the game but the rules.

See ya on battlefields you will find me with [OSC] tag

This is valid for the local time of the ladder and EU players, but now i’ll let you look over your US and RU players:

- US primetime: US EST 6pm to 12am (CET 00H00-06H00/03H00-09H00).
- US nighttime: US EST 12am to 6am (CET 06H00-12H00/09H00-15H00).
- RU primetime: RU MSK 6pm to 12am (CET 15H00-21H00).
- RU nighttime: RU MSK 12am to 6am (CET 21H00-03H00).

Also you complain about russians, a part of russia is in Europe so technically they could be European (as in continent) players too. Since they don’t have russian servers its only logical they play at the european servers.

I’m not saying they aren’t, but two timezones is already an advantage, then three…
So please, stop talking about our nightscaping whereas you have this huge advantage over us…

You are the one whining whole the time and saying its unfair, stop whining when you lose and stop accusing others of pvdooring etc because it is what you do yourself. If you keep whining the nightcapping arguements to counter you will stay. Your nightcapping was also a huge advantage against others, does not mean it is not fair.

We whine out something worthwhile.
Nightscaping is part of the game, whereas a multi timezones is a misuse of rules.
You have this huge advantage over us, and the only thing you find to reply is our nightscaping ? LMAO.

Yea it beats your strategy hence it is worthwhile. Nightcapping is indeed part of the game and so are multi time zones, look at America they have to deal with that too because America is so big, also there isn’t a single rule that says it isn’t allowed. If it wasn’t allowed they should prohibit transfers between NA and Europe and once again technically spoken russians are part of Europe, at least partially. There is nothing unfair here it is just you whining because you lose against it and don’t like that, the same can be said about nightcapping by servers that lose due to heavy nightcapping.

Nightcapping is also a huge advantage over servers that do not have nightteams the fact u failt to acknowledge that sais more about your hypocrisy than anything else. We lose so it isn’t fair we win because of it so it is all okay. Shows how pathetic some are.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


So let me get this straight VS…

Last week with Xmas holidays , you won by 100K and all was fine.
Now, because of one day, you gush and whine on the forums?!
Are you serious?

It’s fine that you cover the night with unemployed and students, and when other servers try to compete with you through alternative ways, you whine again?

What should other servers do in your opinion to compete with you? Quit their jobs? Live off social welfare?

Really now…

It was a small taunt in response to your the Christmas day.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


1) 22-29 december ->
Best result for Vizunah for all 7 days id between Midnight and 7 am.

2) 15-22 december ->
4 nights of 7 (during the weekend SFR Owning the others 2 servers for 48 pratically).

3) 8-15 december ->
4 days best result is between Midnight and 8 am.

4) 1-8 December ->
The beginning of nightcapping

Bytheway this game is 24×7 with no limitation for Geographic area or Language (in SFR there are some French/German/Spanish Guilds) so if you want to discuss on nightcapping and NA guilds do not discuss the game but the rules.

See ya on battlefields you will find me with [OSC] tag

This is valid for the local time of the ladder and EU players, but now i’ll let you look over your US and RU players:

- US primetime: US EST 6pm to 12am (CET 00H00-06H00/03H00-09H00).
- US nighttime: US EST 12am to 6am (CET 06H00-12H00/09H00-15H00).
- RU primetime: RU MSK 6pm to 12am (CET 15H00-21H00).
- RU nighttime: RU MSK 12am to 6am (CET 21H00-03H00).

Also you complain about russians, a part of russia is in Europe so technically they could be European (as in continent) players too. Since they don’t have russian servers its only logical they play at the european servers.

I’m not saying they aren’t, but two timezones is already an advantage, then three…
So please, stop talking about our nightscaping whereas you have this huge advantage over us…

You are the one whining whole the time and saying its unfair, stop whining when you lose and stop accusing others of pvdooring etc because it is what you do yourself. If you keep whining the nightcapping arguements to counter you will stay. Your nightcapping was also a huge advantage against others, does not mean it is not fair.

We whine out something worthwhile.
Nightscaping is part of the game, whereas a multi timezones is a misuse of rules.
You have this huge advantage over us, and the only thing you find to reply is our nightscaping ? LMAO.

Nowhere does it say multi time zones are a misuse of the rules. Nowhere.

The only post you’ll find is one stating where the datacentres are based.

Poor frenchies – don’t like a taste of their own medicine. Still thats what comes from a mediocre server with a large nightcapping crowd…..

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Upperground.6849


Dear forum warriors, please stop destroying this topic.
We had a nice start here. You are starting to ruin it.
Last week was really poor topic full of trolling. Try to do with dignity, both losing AND winning!

Be factual.
Don’t be ignorant

The very first time you start the game you will be asked to select your home world. Although by default we display the worlds that are hosted in your regional data center, you are free to select a home world from either region at this time. So if you are a European player who prefers to play on the North American worlds, please feel free to do so.

Some servers have more people able to play during night than others, it is only fair there are multiple ways to sustain 24/7 war. Luckily Anet realises this.
Whether you agree with 24/7 war is another point.

All servers are legit t1. We are having good fights.
t2 was boring for SFR, we got in t1 without PRX.
PRX are nice ppl and they decided to try our server out and were welcomed.

We have an open community, sadly we had to lock it down a bit because of certain poor VS individuals.
The world is what you make of it. Sadly enough a lot of ppl think it is fun to annoy oponents in many not so gentle ways.
This is still a game, not war. Just like sports are not war. Play fair. Be nice. Be ladies and gentlemen.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Nightcapping is indeed part of the game and so are multi time zones

Everywhere the people will tell you that if you can not set up a nightscapping force with your own EU players, then you have nothing to do in T1 EU, it’s simple…
VS and ER have external assistance ? No, they deserve their place in T1.


look at America they have to deal with that too because America is so big, also there isn’t a single rule that says it isn’t allowed.

US ladder have to deal with that because they have multi timezone in their original ladder, they can not whine about it.
But we can, because we have not multi timezone on our original ladder.


Nightcapping is also a huge advantage over servers that do not have nightteams

Yes, and this is why they are not in T1 but in T2, T3 etc…


the fact you failt to acknowledge that sais more about your hypocrisy than anything else

Hypocrisy ? You just don’t want to understand it because you enjoy to be in T1.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


Could you just stop writing post like these Qwixx ?
You would do a great favour to the server.

Thanks in advance.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714



SFR got to T1 without ANY night-force, without ANY PRX !

And claiming that VS has no external help is WRONG again:

This is what Troma said on other forums:

“yes, some guilds (few, between 50 and 100 people) came from another french server to help a little. Because we lost a lot of people/commanders with Blacktide/Arborean wars.”

Get your facts straight and stop posting crap on forums. You are one of the most annoying, counter-productive, flame-baiting, trolls I have ever laid eyes upon!

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: smitske.4912


Nightcapping is indeed part of the game and so are multi time zones

Everywhere the people will tell you that if you can not set up a nightscapping force with your own EU players, then you have nothing to do in T1 EU, it’s simple…
VS and ER have external assistance ? No, they deserve their place in T1.


look at America they have to deal with that too because America is so big, also there isn’t a single rule that says it isn’t allowed.

US ladder have to deal with that because they have multi timezone in their original ladder, they can not whine about it.
But we can, because we have not multi timezone on our original ladder.


Nightcapping is also a huge advantage over servers that do not have nightteams

Yes, and this is why they are not in T1 but in T2, T3 etc…


the fact you failt to acknowledge that sais more about your hypocrisy than anything else

Hypocrisy ? You just don’t want to understand it because you enjoy to be in T1.

You must be so full of yourself that is my view of how it should be so everyone should do that or they do not play fair, newsflash you do not determine what is fair and what is not Arenanet does and as far as Arenanet is concerned it is fair you are just a very sore loser. Maybe you do not belong in T1 because you cannot mobilize people in different timezones huh? See what I did there, that is the poor reasoning you make. Also once again russia is part of EU partially so stop complaining about them, serverwise they belong to EU, they origonally belong to EU ladder or is doing wvw forbidden for russians because not all europeans can play at that time? (hence also for us because russians cannot play at our time?)

Believe me I don’t care what tier I am in as long as WvW is active, you just make up rules that suit you for who belongs in T1 and who does not which is extremely arrogant. Like someone else linked Arenanet allowed this so this is not cheating, just like nightcapping isn’t, you can’t set the rules because you are being beaten by something.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Nowhere does it say multi time zones are a misuse of the rules. Nowhere.

There is no international ladder, but two separate ladder, US and EU.
Each player is assigned in one of the two ladders.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: smitske.4912


Nowhere does it say multi time zones are a misuse of the rules. Nowhere.

There is no international ladder, but two separate ladder, US and EU.
Each player is assigned in one of the two ladders.

And upperground has already proven you are WRONG.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


This is what Troma said on other forums:

“yes, some guilds (few, between 50 and 100 people) came from another french server to help a little. Because we lost a lot of people/commanders with Blacktide/Arborean wars.

another french server.
It’s not NA/RU mercenary.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: atai.1467


This is valid for the local time of the ladder and EU players, but now i’ll let you look over your US and RU players:

- US primetime: US EST 6pm to 12am (CET 00H00-06H00/03H00-09H00).
- US nighttime: US EST 12am to 6am (CET 06H00-12H00/09H00-15H00).
- RU primetime: RU MSK 6pm to 12am (CET 15H00-21H00).
- RU nighttime: RU MSK 12am to 6am (CET 21H00-03H00).

So your server is in UE Ladder with standard Time. You are a nightcapper. That is not a problem nightcapping is part of the game and always will be. Bytheway most part of RU is included in EU ladder or maybe they have a RU Ladder ?

Just a suggestion play more and post less, maybe you will be not owned so often.

See ya on battlefields you will find me with [OSC] tag

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


This is valid for the local time of the ladder and EU players, but now i’ll let you look over your US and RU players:

- US primetime: US EST 6pm to 12am (CET 00H00-06H00/03H00-09H00).
- US nighttime: US EST 12am to 6am (CET 06H00-12H00/09H00-15H00).
- RU primetime: RU MSK 6pm to 12am (CET 15H00-21H00).
- RU nighttime: RU MSK 12am to 6am (CET 21H00-03H00).

So your server is in UE Ladder with standard Time. You are a nightcapper. That is not a problem nightcapping is part of the game and always will be. Bytheway most part of RU is included in EU ladder or maybe they have a RU Ladder ?

Just a suggestion play more and post less, maybe you will be not owned so often

It shouldn’t be confused, RU players are not problematic, it’s their original ladder. But it becoming with the threesome including NA players. SFR is the only one to possess it in EU ladder now (and there were others…).

(edited by Qwixx.5923)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: murtas.2417


Oh my god, so many guys getting baited by such a bad troll.

Qwixx, I’m not impressed, you need a couple more years training in other specific forums to be a good forum troll.

I can’t even believe so many SFR taking the bait, cut the slack guys, you guys suck at forums, just play the game. :p

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Oh my god, so many guys getting baited by such a bad troll.

Qwixx, I’m not impressed, you need a couple more years training in other specific forums to be a good forum troll.

I can’t even believe so many SFR taking the bait, cut the slack guys, you guys suck at forums, just play the game. :p

Why troll ?
If you are not aware of this advantage it’s serious, however i think that will change when PRX will return of their vacancy.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: geraldbaeck.2841


Oh boy, could you please stop kittening about nightcapping. I am an Elona player and playing in the first bracket makes me proud and is a lot fun to mess with the best. There is no such thing, that forbids anyone to play after 2am CET, so get used to it.

drpink – Elona Reach – Guardian

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


Nightcapping is indeed part of the game and so are multi time zones

Everywhere the people will tell you that if you can not set up a nightscapping force with your own EU players, then you have nothing to do in T1 EU, it’s simple…

No, that’s what some VS an Elona trolls say, and no one cares about what they say

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

(edited by Chiolas.1326)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Nightcapping is indeed part of the game and so are multi time zones

Everywhere the people will tell you that if you can not set up a nightscapping force with your own EU players, then you have nothing to do in T1 EU, it’s simple…

No, that’s what some VS an Elona trolls say, and no one cares about what they say

Yes, because the third server is SFR. There is therefore no one else to complain that VS and ER. If all tiers was gathered together we would not be only ones.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Aysnvaust.7046


Once upon a time there was a thread.
It was friendly, respectfull and overall entertaining to read.
But all of a sudden trolls jumped it and poisened it with useless crap.
Some people felt the urgent need to take that challenge and so the flamewars began.
Gone was the thread, like many before and many to come….

Poke Menot
Asura Thief
Elona Reach

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


… An Error Prevented Saving: Message Body length must be less than 5001….

Pavé César !
By the way, RG had stop the game when culling was modified for a week because they could no longer zerg…

Maybe you should have played in zergs less then 80 ppl during the culling trial period. That patch made 20-25 player warbands unplayable versus larger zergs. We didn’t see the zerg, but the zerg saw us due to allied culling.
Basically it would have had no influence on our style of gaming if we were zerging, but yea…
Also Sac had his computer send in for repair, so we cut back for a week and did some small scale roaming, solo roaming, pve or general slack, which is totally fine after going mental nonstop in wvw since day 3.

Happy new year to everyone. As we say in Germany, “Glück, Gesundheit und reichen Kindersegen”.


Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Thimill.9162


Happy new yeaaaar everyone from Vizunah !

As Upperground said : “This is still a game, not war. Just like sports are not war. Play fair. Be nice. Be ladies and gentlemen.”

Sorry about Qwixx.

Soibo, Soibel, Soibon : Asura engi – guard – necro
Vizunah Square – War Legend and ex-[Run]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Jackie.1829


Everywhere the people will tell you that if you can not set up a nightscapping force with your own EU players, then you have nothing to do in T1 EU, it’s simple…
VS and ER have external assistance ? No, they deserve their place in T1.

ITT: A master of pvp telling the rest of EU they need to be unemployed or insomniacs to compete in t1.

In any case, happy new year! I look forward to playing the rest of this match up.

GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Wandred.4583


sorry for my english.
Russian players work 8-12 hours per one day..not 6 hours.
so…May we cry, when people from other server take our border, while we cant play?
this is 24/7 war. And this just game.
Happy new year!
GL and HF.
thanx Elona for fight at this night ~^

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Khimael.4932


Happy new year, and have a good game !

Khimael ~ Fëar Morniëo ~ Vizunah Square

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: CatQueen.3781


Still 9 holidays left in Russia, gl all on WWW

CatQueen | Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Cellendhyll.9341


As Upperground said : “This is still a game, not war. Just like sports are not war. Play fair. Be nice. Be ladies and gentlemen.”

Well imo being “nightcamp” by a NA force during the celebration of the NewYear is not what i’m calling fairplay. It would have been fine to me if it was an EU force because in that case it means that there dedication to the game was greater then our.

What’s happen between the 31 and the 1 is that they was (the NA) between 6 to 8 hours from new year when we were celebrating. Before that night the night forces of the 3 servers was equal or at least there was a balance between night and day forces.

(edited by Cellendhyll.9341)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Neutro.3079


Back from good time today on EBG

Elona hammered us hard for like 1 hours in a row with a 30 players group while seafarer’s rest held SM.

This group was lead by a big charr guy from Eqnx guild, followed by a lot of people from, Pray, NI and WT guilds.

Could you guys explain why you did this? You wanted to test us?

Because it only led to both teams cancelling each others, so we didn’t take anything during that time and you didn’t as well, while seafarer was stuffing SM up freely ^^


(edited by Neutro.3079)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: CatQueen.3781


Well imo being “nightcamp” by a NA force during the celebration of the NewYear is not what i’m calling fairplay.

LOL, stop cry already.

U just got the same as u did with Russians and many-many other Eastern Europe players.

During yours Christmas holidays u “nightcapped” us hard, because we don’t celebrate the Christmas and we work till the New Year.

In different countries people have different holidays at different time. When some people celebrate, the others don’t and can play, so stop this b*****t about NA already, stop cry, and go play.

CatQueen | Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Well imo being “nightcamp” by a NA force during the celebration of the NewYear is not what i’m calling fairplay.

Nobody force you watch fireworks in Stormwind

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Joe Chip.9538

Joe Chip.9538

I can’t believe that after all the time that has passed there is still people complaining about night capping. Some people just fail to deal with things. Also, if you play during the night, you will find that there is plenty of players on all three sides. Stop kittening.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Cellendhyll.9341


Well imo being “nightcamp” by a NA force during the celebration of the NewYear is not what i’m calling fairplay.

LOL, stop cry already.

U just got the same as u did with Russians and many-many other Eastern Europe players.

During yours Christmas holidays u “nightcapped” us hard, because we don’t celebrate the Christmas and we work till the New Year.

In different countries people have different holidays at different time. When some people celebrate, the others don’t and can play, so stop this b*****t about NA already, stop cry, and go play.

Can’t you kittening read ?

New year’s eve is celebrated everywere but not at the same time ! During Christmas we “nightcamp” EU maps because we were more deticated then you were – EU vs EU. We manage our time to play GW2 during Christmas (or we don’t celebrate it) and you don’t. That is fair to me because you could have done the same as an EU. My point is that if you cap during a worldwide celebration because you have 6 or 8 hours to pass before the “event” compar to the rest of player it’s unfair espacally with NA player on an EU server . I’ve never cryed about nightcamping by EU guild and actually i’ve never cryed about NA guild too but in that particular case of a worldwide event it’s an huge avantage.

As I said, if you could kittening read, the match up was fairly balance before that day and the gap didn’t move much since we all recover from our hangover. QED.

So please when someone is trying to argue stop calling it a TROLL and argue if you disagree. The main reason why this topic turn to a troll fest is because you’re to dumb to argue.

Ps : And SFR is an EU server with a lot of players who do have holidays for Xmas. So please.

(edited by Cellendhyll.9341)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Cellendhyll.9341


Well imo being “nightcamp” by a NA force during the celebration of the NewYear is not what i’m calling fairplay.

Nobody force you watch fireworks in Stormwind

That’s true but most of your players that night (for me) did watch the fireworks but 6 or 8 hours later.
It would have been fine to me if those players had skipped the fireworks to play.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


I can’t speak for the Borderlands, but past midnight CET on new years, I were still seeing a large presence of both VS and ER in Eternal Battlegrounds at least. And quite honestly, there wasn’t all that many NA players around at the time on our side (in EB at least).

We had a fairly drunk Commander running about which was somewhat hilarious, and several (buzzed and not) EU players though. But for the clashes we had, which I were present for until about 3am, the numbers looked pretty equal. Also, in VS’s case, and I don’t state this to “flame”, but as an observation; they were extremely cautious for a lot of the engagements, since me being alone at their Keep after we had captured it, kept 40-ish of them moving away from the gate simply by shooting down some Cluster Bombs. They could’ve easily broken through before our players came to defend and kill them. I at least, think the lead at the time was created more from opposition being really cautions for some reason or another, not because we had some (admittedly very skilled) NA players around. Perhaps I’m wrong though.

Here’s a screenshot taken a little bit past midnight, as the year switched to 2013, CET:


Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


I started out on Far Shiverpeaks and we had a very good setup for wvw, unafortunately we totally missed out on the need for nightcappers and VS had thought of that detail.

Ofc a lot of FS whined, i didnt as its a part of the game, and thought of it as unfair and in the end the nightcapping actually destroyed FS as a server. To bad we really had a very nice daytime setup.

VS ofc defended their nightcapping strategy and claimed it to be a part of the game. Totally justified imo

Now we are in the same situation and SFR seems to have a very good night capping team and now people. from VS, suddenly think its unfair.

This is kind of laughable, its the exact same shiat. The only difference is that SFR got even better time zone coverage then VS had back in the day.

Its very clear that arenanet want this to be a valid setup, other wise they wouldnt allow NA/RU players on EU servers.

Can people just stop destroying a very nice thread with their endless whining. Back on topic:

Had some great fights last night in VS borderland with a 5 man party, we focused on flipping supply points and killing solo roamers. But the best part was when we tracked a VS 25 man zerg for almost 50 minutes and just killed off the ones that was running last in the zerg and constantly flipping what they flipped 2 minutes earlier.

Some really nice guerilla warfare, thanks VS. See you to night on the battlefield and watch your rear. :-)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Neutro.3079


@Neutro: I’ve no idea why this “big charr” attacked you, but beside some Elonians that would prefer to punish SFR for their NA-based night-capping, there are also some Elonians that prefer to attack VS, because VS give us more rating evolution than SFR in this match.
And a match resultege with VS and SFR having a very close “new rating” would give us a good starting position for the next match.

I understand better now thanks

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Allen.1620


geraldbaeck.2841 <- said the best, +k m8

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


I can’t speak for the Borderlands, but past midnight CET on new years, I were still seeing a large presence of both VS and ER in Eternal Battlegrounds at least. And quite honestly, there wasn’t all that many NA players around at the time on our side (in EB at least).

We had a fairly drunk Commander running about which was somewhat hilarious, and several (buzzed and not) EU players though. But for the clashes we had, which I were present for until about 3am, the numbers looked pretty equal. Also, in VS’s case, and I don’t state this to “flame”, but as an observation; they were extremely cautious for a lot of the engagements, since me being alone at their Keep after we had captured it, kept 40-ish of them moving away from the gate simply by shooting down some Cluster Bombs. They could’ve easily broken through before our players came to defend and kill them. I at least, think the lead at the time was created more from opposition being really cautions for some reason or another, not because we had some (admittedly very skilled) NA players around. Perhaps I’m wrong though.

Here’s a screenshot taken a little bit past midnight, as the year switched to 2013, CET:

A screenshot proves nothing, you had income up +455 that night.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Cellendhyll.9341


Now we are in the same situation and SFR seems to have a very good night capping team and now people. from VS, suddenly think its unfair.

This is kind of laughable, its the exact same shiat. The only difference is that SFR got even better time zone coverage then VS had back in the day.

Its very clear that arenanet want this to be a valid setup, other wise they wouldnt allow NA/RU players on EU servers.

Even if arenanet want this to be doesn’t mean it’s fair …

They don’t have a better night capping team, again the matchup is balance (kittening read what we write). We discuss the fact that SFR have a NA team (and not just two guys runing around) that provide a huge avantage – no burn out (or at least less sensitive to it), special days like NYear …

Arenanet doesn’t limit the access to it servers based on a geographic location so yeah NA can move to EU server but then for a fair fight let’s get rid of the national tag (Fr, Es, De). In fact those tag keep away RU and NA players (actullay every player who don’t speak the tag language) ‘cause they assume that we don’t speak english and on the other hand some Fr think that you need to speak french (which is stupid imo). Or Arenanet could limit NA to NA servers. I mean there is a ladder specific for NA …

EU make the assumption that people speak english on the server – With that in mind, on a 24/7 game even that tag is a unfair advantage regarding to the national servers ’cause as you say they benefit from a better time zone coverage (NA/ “RU”).

Just a few more words on the NA and NA servers. I don’t remerber anyone “trolling” about RU on EU servers. I can be wrong. It’s normal for RU to be on EU servers it’s less to see NA even if again they are in their rights. What’s the point of playing on a server where you know you’re not gonna face an opponent at is full potential ?

I really would like an answer to that question, with argument and shiat. Just to make me understand the motivation behind the migration.

(edited by Cellendhyll.9341)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


VS ofc defended their nightcapping strategy and claimed it to be a part of the game. Totally justified imo

Now we are in the same situation and SFR seems to have a very good night capping team and now people. from VS, suddenly think its unfair.

Yes because nightscaping by EU players =/= Nightscaping on local time of ladder by NA players in primetime.

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


@Brutaly: You totally miss the point. Not one is whining about night-capping.

!!! WvW on servers declared as EU for EU-player only !!!!

Should there really be a need for world-wide servers (I doubt),
ANet should make a third World-Wide WvW Ranking. and block all non-EU players from entering WvW on servers declared as EU. But if there is no need for world-wide servers in world-wide ranking, NA-players should be blocked in EU and EU_players should be blocked in NA, and only the handful players from somewhere else are free to choose.

NA-Players should play on NA, and no one cares if they do night-, morning, day- evening- or whatever capping there. It is just that EU-server do not want to fight against people that have their prime-time at 3-5am.

You miss the point. They havent declared eu servers for eu only, its in fact the opposite.

Arenanet has clearly stated that that you can chose on what server to play on and as a EU guy i can, and its encouraged, play on a us server, which i do on my second account.

The only issue with this system is that the rewards should be in relation to the number of players earnign the reward, but thats an issue with nightcapping all together.

There is nothing wrong with us, aussies, south east asians, russians or any other part of the world that dont share eu time zones, to play on eu servers.

I welcome them and they add complexity, i chose to fight that complexity in wvw, some fights it in the forums.

VS ofc defended their nightcapping strategy and claimed it to be a part of the game. Totally justified imo

Now we are in the same situation and SFR seems to have a very good night capping team and now people. from VS, suddenly think its unfair.

Yes because nightscaping by EU players =/= Nightscaping on local time of ladder by NA players in primetime.

Well i had my two accounts on VS and FS when the game unofficially launched and stating that VS only had EU guys night capping is just pure bs.

It doesnt matter, i had no issues with nightcapping back then and i have no issues now either. it doesnt matter if its EU or NA, its a part of the game.

Now we are in the same situation and SFR seems to have a very good night capping team and now people. from VS, suddenly think its unfair.

This is kind of laughable, its the exact same shiat. The only difference is that SFR got even better time zone coverage then VS had back in the day.

Its very clear that arenanet want this to be a valid setup, other wise they wouldnt allow NA/RU players on EU servers.

Even if arenanet want this to be doesn’t mean it’s fair …

Nightcapping isnt fair to begin with, getting huge rewards for a really meager effort isnt fair either.

Back in the day the main argument was from VS that war isnt fair, and i agreed back then and i also think the argument is valid now.

In short suck it up and get into the game so we can have some great fights.

Nightcapping isnt fair
NA supremacy isnt fair
A small zerg versus a big zerg isnt fair
1 versus 2 isnt fair
Playing a thief isnt fair

Suck it up.

(edited by Brutaly.6257)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: smitske.4912


Brutaly pretty much nails it for 200%

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Cellendhyll.9341


No point to argue with Brutaly sadly. I guess we can all agree with that …
WvWvW is a 24/7 there is no nightcapping has itself except that it’s during the night that we cap ^^. I don’t know if you play the same game but we fight hard at night against Elona, Sfr (Na and not Na), and the past server.

When it serve your point you’re the first to bring Arenanet but you forgot to say that Arenanet meant the WvWvW to be a 24/7 match. So i guess in your logic it must be fair

(edited by Cellendhyll.9341)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


Lets hope the free x-server hopping comes to an end soon, we’ll have more clues about who is who.

Cheers from Vizu

The French Flair [FF]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Blue.7256


Whatever really.
NA or not NA, SFR players can now sleep more, while VS preffer fighting on forums. Hope you guys will burn out and see how pointless it is.
Euro players from SFR also adjusted if you must know, its not only NA you fight against. First week you brought major forces at night and proved to be a great challenge for NA who were not expecting to be overwhelmed so much. Imagine fighting on your own all the time versus hole server with only 1 guild. SFR adjusted and brought more night force, which now is slowly giving results. Your move VS.
Also Elona leveled the night field a lot, cause BT was not a distraction for French at all.
But honestly, not many people really look at those 2 holiday weeks.

[RL] Bluel
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


Now the frenchies are sad because NA players won’t join a national server, well NA isn’t just the United States so:

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Deciver.8703


So leave serwers like FR or DE and join EU one ,or just stop cry over and over how unfair this game is.