Who is tired of the T1 drama?

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

Because you aren’t part of the propaganda machine trying to shake accusations off your own server?

The motivations are inconsequential. Whether we are the first to do it isn’t even the problem, the problem is if an organized 2v1 is inherently wrong or against what is acceptable in WvW. If you want it to be, go do something about it. Until Anet speaks up about what is or isn’t allowed, everyone who tries to paint any server on the moral high ground and condemn other servers has no basis whatsoever.

Yes, this includes accusations of BG stacking, or spying, or whatever. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those, just like there’s nothing inherently wrong about 2 servers teaming up. But when you only select one of those things and single out TC and JQ for your condemnation, then you are clearly a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with a 2v1 either.

There is an awful lot wrong with fixing matches to trade wins so you can guarantee first and second place.

A 2v1 against JQ to ensure that they finish 3rd place due to their easier schedule isn’t fixing a match? Such double standard…

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


My proof is actually the photos and videos I provided above which include multiple instances of BG and SoR attacking and successfully taking each others objectives.

Dude. Even I am embarrassed for you at this point. I am going to assume you just didn’t look at any of those links, and that even though none of them link to mos, that you misread every single one of them. Or maybe you looked at them but thought nobody else would.

But at this point dude, you really need to pick something else. I am sure there are tons of matches you can lie about BG organizing a 2v1 on, but you are really honest to goodness trying to say that BG and SoR were allies.

Pictures show nothing since there were pictures showing that BG allied with SoR to hit JQ in S1 along with TS. Videos show nothing. Right now I can go to a map and record video and by like HEY no 2v1 occurring. You have to look at the overall picture. And the overall picture is that 2v1 happens. And BG and SoR allied with each other to focus JQ hence a 2v1. Plain and simple.

I’m embarrassed that you are a part of the BG community. Like you trying hard to prove things that are true it is just plain shameful to your own community because it makes your community look really bad and hence more hate towards BG when there are actually some good guilds and people on BG.

In the same light that FA + SBI tried to 2v1 HoD in terms of focusing HoD stuff this week. It happens stop trying to erase the past. They were allies for a bit against HoD. Allies can mean a lot of things. WWII, Germany was allied with USSR but then Germany turned on USSR. There are different levels of alliance.

You need to pick something else beside playing the victim card for BG. Here is a start complain to ANet that a swiss style system doesn’t work well for a 6 server league match up tournament.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

Because you aren’t part of the propaganda machine trying to shake accusations off your own server?

The motivations are inconsequential. Whether we are the first to do it isn’t even the problem, the problem is if an organized 2v1 is inherently wrong or against what is acceptable in WvW. If you want it to be, go do something about it. Until Anet speaks up about what is or isn’t allowed, everyone who tries to paint any server on the moral high ground and condemn other servers has no basis whatsoever.

Yes, this includes accusations of BG stacking, or spying, or whatever. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those, just like there’s nothing inherently wrong about 2 servers teaming up. But when you only select one of those things and single out TC and JQ for your condemnation, then you are clearly a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with a 2v1 either.

There is an awful lot wrong with fixing matches to trade wins so you can guarantee first and second place.

A 2v1 against JQ to ensure that they finish 3rd place due to their easier schedule isn’t fixing a match? Such double standard…

It is called the BG standard. When it happens to you it is bad and you don’t benefit it is bad when it happens to everyone else and you benefit it is good.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

Because you aren’t part of the propaganda machine trying to shake accusations off your own server?

The motivations are inconsequential. Whether we are the first to do it isn’t even the problem, the problem is if an organized 2v1 is inherently wrong or against what is acceptable in WvW. If you want it to be, go do something about it. Until Anet speaks up about what is or isn’t allowed, everyone who tries to paint any server on the moral high ground and condemn other servers has no basis whatsoever.

Yes, this includes accusations of BG stacking, or spying, or whatever. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those, just like there’s nothing inherently wrong about 2 servers teaming up. But when you only select one of those things and single out TC and JQ for your condemnation, then you are clearly a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with a 2v1 either.

There is an awful lot wrong with fixing matches to trade wins so you can guarantee first and second place.

Says you and…who else exactly? Why should anyone accept your judgement of what is right or wrong?

There is essentially no difference between a 2v1 and “match manipulation”, especially when the 2v1 is carried out against the strongest server. Why would the 2 even team up if they cannot do better than if they did not? The 2v1 is EXACTLY to ensure that the colluding servers do better than they would if they did not collude. The only thing that changes is scale – you can 2v1 in an open field fight, you can 2v1 a fortified objective to break it, you can 2v1 a server for a week, or you can 2v1 an entire server for a whole season. Who decides where the line is drawn for what is acceptable or not? If there isn’t a line, what makes some of those 2v1s acceptable while others not?

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: SonofNoob.3102


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

Because you aren’t part of the propaganda machine trying to shake accusations off your own server?

The motivations are inconsequential. Whether we are the first to do it isn’t even the problem, the problem is if an organized 2v1 is inherently wrong or against what is acceptable in WvW. If you want it to be, go do something about it. Until Anet speaks up about what is or isn’t allowed, everyone who tries to paint any server on the moral high ground and condemn other servers has no basis whatsoever.

Yes, this includes accusations of BG stacking, or spying, or whatever. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those, just like there’s nothing inherently wrong about 2 servers teaming up. But when you only select one of those things and single out TC and JQ for your condemnation, then you are clearly a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with a 2v1 either.

There is an awful lot wrong with fixing matches to trade wins so you can guarantee first and second place.

A 2v1 against JQ to ensure that they finish 3rd place due to their easier schedule isn’t fixing a match? Such double standard…

It is called the BG standard. When it happens to you it is bad and you don’t benefit it is bad when it happens to everyone else and you benefit it is good.


Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

Because you aren’t part of the propaganda machine trying to shake accusations off your own server?

The motivations are inconsequential. Whether we are the first to do it isn’t even the problem, the problem is if an organized 2v1 is inherently wrong or against what is acceptable in WvW. If you want it to be, go do something about it. Until Anet speaks up about what is or isn’t allowed, everyone who tries to paint any server on the moral high ground and condemn other servers has no basis whatsoever.

Yes, this includes accusations of BG stacking, or spying, or whatever. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those, just like there’s nothing inherently wrong about 2 servers teaming up. But when you only select one of those things and single out TC and JQ for your condemnation, then you are clearly a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with a 2v1 either.

There is an awful lot wrong with fixing matches to trade wins so you can guarantee first and second place.

A 2v1 against JQ to ensure that they finish 3rd place due to their easier schedule isn’t fixing a match? Such double standard…

It is called the BG standard. When it happens to you it is bad and you don’t benefit it is bad when it happens to everyone else and you benefit it is good.


Is anyone not BG crying about it? Nope hence the new gold standard.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

Because you aren’t part of the propaganda machine trying to shake accusations off your own server?

The motivations are inconsequential. Whether we are the first to do it isn’t even the problem, the problem is if an organized 2v1 is inherently wrong or against what is acceptable in WvW. If you want it to be, go do something about it. Until Anet speaks up about what is or isn’t allowed, everyone who tries to paint any server on the moral high ground and condemn other servers has no basis whatsoever.

Yes, this includes accusations of BG stacking, or spying, or whatever. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those, just like there’s nothing inherently wrong about 2 servers teaming up. But when you only select one of those things and single out TC and JQ for your condemnation, then you are clearly a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with a 2v1 either.

There is an awful lot wrong with fixing matches to trade wins so you can guarantee first and second place.

Says you and…who else exactly? Why should anyone accept your judgement of what is right or wrong?

There is essentially no difference between a 2v1 and “match manipulation”, especially when the 2v1 is carried out against the strongest server. Why would the 2 even team up if they cannot do better than if they did not? The 2v1 is EXACTLY to ensure that the colluding servers do better than they would if they did not collude. The only thing that changes is scale – you can 2v1 in an open field fight, you can 2v1 a fortified objective to break it, you can 2v1 a server for a week, or you can 2v1 an entire server for a whole season. Who decides where the line is drawn for what is acceptable or not? If there isn’t a line, what makes some of those 2v1s acceptable while others not?

The fact that you have to go this far to justify it should be a good indicator. I am not sure I have heard anybody try to justify win trading before in any context.

Another good indicator is the trolls above you trying their best to say that pictures and video aren’t proof. The one fail troll seems to be trying to imply that I faked the videos despite them being dated on upload. The other one is trying to say that when one server is attacked by two servers, it is the exact same as two servers attacking only that server and making an agreement between each other to let each server have a win every other week, without any actual contest happening.

But you say I am the one judging it is wrong. Really, it is more so the guilty parties trying to make it sound like it is not as awful as it is. The two top ranked servers going into season 2 were worried they wouldn’t finish first and second, so after losing one match they teamed up to fix matches, trading wins every other week without fighting to guarantee their top finish.

I mean kitten . It speaks for itself.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Chunky Milk.2130

Chunky Milk.2130

“The two top ranked servers going into season 2 "

It’s like you actually believe BG didn’t tank in advance to squeeze in guilds.


Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


“The two top ranked servers going into season 2 "

It’s like you actually believe BG didn’t tank in advance to squeeze in guilds.

Chunky you are going to need to very carefully explain how losing a match squeezes in guilds, let alone losing multiple months of matches on end.

Or tell me the guilds that got squeezed in, I will ask them how it helped them.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

Because you aren’t part of the propaganda machine trying to shake accusations off your own server?

The motivations are inconsequential. Whether we are the first to do it isn’t even the problem, the problem is if an organized 2v1 is inherently wrong or against what is acceptable in WvW. If you want it to be, go do something about it. Until Anet speaks up about what is or isn’t allowed, everyone who tries to paint any server on the moral high ground and condemn other servers has no basis whatsoever.

Yes, this includes accusations of BG stacking, or spying, or whatever. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those, just like there’s nothing inherently wrong about 2 servers teaming up. But when you only select one of those things and single out TC and JQ for your condemnation, then you are clearly a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with a 2v1 either.

There is an awful lot wrong with fixing matches to trade wins so you can guarantee first and second place.

Says you and…who else exactly? Why should anyone accept your judgement of what is right or wrong?

There is essentially no difference between a 2v1 and “match manipulation”, especially when the 2v1 is carried out against the strongest server. Why would the 2 even team up if they cannot do better than if they did not? The 2v1 is EXACTLY to ensure that the colluding servers do better than they would if they did not collude. The only thing that changes is scale – you can 2v1 in an open field fight, you can 2v1 a fortified objective to break it, you can 2v1 a server for a week, or you can 2v1 an entire server for a whole season. Who decides where the line is drawn for what is acceptable or not? If there isn’t a line, what makes some of those 2v1s acceptable while others not?

The fact that you have to go this far to justify it should be a good indicator. I am not sure I have heard anybody try to justify win trading before in any context.

Another good indicator is the trolls above you trying their best to say that pictures and video aren’t proof. The one fail troll seems to be trying to imply that I faked the videos despite them being dated on upload. The other one is trying to say that when one server is attacked by two servers, it is the exact same as two servers attacking only that server and making an agreement between each other to let each server have a win every other week, without any actual contest happening.

But you say I am the one judging it is wrong. Really, it is more so the guilty parties trying to make it sound like it is not as awful as it is. The two top ranked servers going into season 2 were worried they wouldn’t finish first and second, so after losing one match they teamed up to fix matches, trading wins every other week without fighting to guarantee their top finish.

I mean kitten . It speaks for itself.

OK. It speaks for itself. TC and JQ are guilty, BG are the victims and have always been. We’re bullying BG now because we’re terrible, terrible people. Here is the key question:

What can you do about it.


other than cry

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


Another good indicator is the trolls above you trying their best to say that pictures and video aren’t proof. The one fail troll seems to be trying to imply that I faked the videos despite them being dated on upload. The other one is trying to say that when one server is attacked by two servers, it is the exact same as two servers attacking only that server and making an agreement between each other to let each server have a win every other week, without any actual contest happening.

I have already explained the reason for the 2v1 against JQ that week and the approximate length of it in one of my earlier posts. The 2v1 was to ensure JQ finish 3rd place and that was accomplished during the first half the week.

Since you mentioned dates of your videos, I decided to look them up. The one on twitch says it’s on DAY 7. The other 2 videos are dated on 10/23/13 which is on a WEDNESDAY. The dates on YOUR VIDEOS BACK UP MY DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENED THAT WEEK.

Seriously, I don’t think you actually played Week 1 of Season 1. Before I discuss anything with you further about week 1 of season 1 when BG planned the 2v1 against JQ, I need proof that you actually played that week. Without proof you played that week, anything you say, I am just going to consider as trolling or made up nonsense.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Chunky Milk.2130

Chunky Milk.2130

“The two top ranked servers going into season 2 "

It’s like you actually believe BG didn’t tank in advance to squeeze in guilds.

Chunky you are going to need to very carefully explain how losing a match squeezes in guilds, let alone losing multiple months of matches on end.

Or tell me the guilds that got squeezed in, I will ask them how it helped them.

I don’t get much in the know for WvW politics these days, I could really care less. Whatever a server does to get me fights, be it roaming or big ol’ blob fights, I’ll be happy.

But watching BG’s scores tank before the season, and then the talk of the obvious blackouts over on the matchup site were exactly what BG did for season 1, I know, I was there on BG when they did blackouts to get COIN over from EU and that’s when I left for JQ.

I really don’t have much for “server loyalty” or any of that BS but what BG does to win is a common occurrence.

>Convince guilds they are underdogs by tanking a few matchups in a row.
>Discuss transfers
>Blackout to get guilds in
>Rinse repeat.


Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

Because you aren’t part of the propaganda machine trying to shake accusations off your own server?

The motivations are inconsequential. Whether we are the first to do it isn’t even the problem, the problem is if an organized 2v1 is inherently wrong or against what is acceptable in WvW. If you want it to be, go do something about it. Until Anet speaks up about what is or isn’t allowed, everyone who tries to paint any server on the moral high ground and condemn other servers has no basis whatsoever.

Yes, this includes accusations of BG stacking, or spying, or whatever. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those, just like there’s nothing inherently wrong about 2 servers teaming up. But when you only select one of those things and single out TC and JQ for your condemnation, then you are clearly a hypocrite.

There is nothing wrong with a 2v1 either.

There is an awful lot wrong with fixing matches to trade wins so you can guarantee first and second place.

Says you and…who else exactly? Why should anyone accept your judgement of what is right or wrong?

There is essentially no difference between a 2v1 and “match manipulation”, especially when the 2v1 is carried out against the strongest server. Why would the 2 even team up if they cannot do better than if they did not? The 2v1 is EXACTLY to ensure that the colluding servers do better than they would if they did not collude. The only thing that changes is scale – you can 2v1 in an open field fight, you can 2v1 a fortified objective to break it, you can 2v1 a server for a week, or you can 2v1 an entire server for a whole season. Who decides where the line is drawn for what is acceptable or not? If there isn’t a line, what makes some of those 2v1s acceptable while others not?

The fact that you have to go this far to justify it should be a good indicator. I am not sure I have heard anybody try to justify win trading before in any context.

Another good indicator is the trolls above you trying their best to say that pictures and video aren’t proof. The one fail troll seems to be trying to imply that I faked the videos despite them being dated on upload. The other one is trying to say that when one server is attacked by two servers, it is the exact same as two servers attacking only that server and making an agreement between each other to let each server have a win every other week, without any actual contest happening.

But you say I am the one judging it is wrong. Really, it is more so the guilty parties trying to make it sound like it is not as awful as it is. The two top ranked servers going into season 2 were worried they wouldn’t finish first and second, so after losing one match they teamed up to fix matches, trading wins every other week without fighting to guarantee their top finish.

I mean kitten . It speaks for itself.

OK. It speaks for itself. TC and JQ are guilty, BG are the victims and have always been. We’re bullying BG now because we’re terrible, terrible people. Here is the key question:

What can you do about it.


other than cry

Like I said, I would have a lot more time for crying on the forums if you guys would stop lying on the forums. I mean crap I could have like 10 topics by now if I wasn’t so preoccupied with the trolls trying to fling bs. I even started an outline between replies:

Topic: Sad
points: super sad, want to have good wvw fights but don’t want to give doubleteamers something to do, eotm fights suck srsly wtf
conclusion: sosad

I was thinking I could expand it but I keep getting distracted.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


But of course I am applying my own interpretation to CoC, it is all I can do. I think win trading to guarantee first and second does sound like a really safe bet for manipulating the rankings of a ladder though.

ANet’s interpretation > your interpretation.

When ANet suspends JQ and TC’s wins, feel free to quote this back at me and I’ll admit you were right about violations to the CoC.

I read the PvP section of the CoC as very clearly talking about SPvP, not world versus world. I’m totally comfortable with being told I’m wrong by an ANet representative.

Of course ANet’s interpretation is the one that matters. Just like you said. Until they say something though, all I can do is speculate. Right now I speculate that rules against PvP match manipulation mean you can’t organize a 2v1 and trade wins to secure first and second place in a wvw tournament.

If that interpretation is wrong though, then WvW has a much bigger problem than my being bummed I didn’t get it right.

Stretching PvP to cover WvWvW is exactly that – a stretch.

Honestly, I know it sucks. I know that looking forward and knowing that this will happen to you for the rest of these matches sucks.

If and until ANet decides to intercede, there’s nothing you can do about it. And they won’t, and they shouldn’t.

Hopefully when it’s all over you guys will be able to redefine yourselves as a server such that people will be interested in what Blackgate does, rather than just being sardonically amused that the most obviously prolific of match manipulators has had their ego bruised.

When season two is over, there will be the analysis threads and people will post their views. You should post then. You should also read the other posts.

Especially the ones that aren’t commiserating with you. And before you say “unfair” in regards to how you are collectively being treated, just for kicks try to work out what the collective you have done to evoke that from others.

And knock it off.

That is just it. BG didn’t do anything. You and the trolls from TC and JQ are trying to justify 2v1 win trading match fixing scheme to give yourselves first and second. You and those like you come here and accuse BG of being some scumbag of a server. But you never bring any proof.

The only proof there is, is JQ and TC giving the middle finger to ANet and their tournament, fixing matches and trading wins at the expense of the other four servers in the league so they can get 50 extra tickets they won’t spend until next season.

All that because JQ and TC didn’t finish in first place, for the first time in over two months.

I’m not getting first or second. Check the tagline, dude. I’m also not trolling you.

Match fixing – if you’re going to call people taking paper keeps off of each other match fixing, then I’m going to call buying people and guilds from other servers in anticipation of a wvw season match fixing, since it is a) calculated to give your server an advantage it wouldn’t otherwise have during the matches and b) detrimental to the servers you entice players away from.

BG did plenty, but it doesn’t even have to answer for it. Partly as a result of enmity it’s generated by very selfish actions against the community as a whole, it is now experiencing… what it is experiencing.

The only thing unique to Blackgate’s current situation is, it’s going to trend downward. Those of us on other servers are used to a certain amount of up and down, but BG has been sitting up top for so long that it’s bought into it’s own myth and blithely brushed over its own history of callous disregard for the effects its actions have had on others.

It’s clear you’re unwilling to accept this, or unable to imagine a GW2 where Blackgate isn’t on top. But here you are. What are you going to do about it?

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Another good indicator is the trolls above you trying their best to say that pictures and video aren’t proof. The one fail troll seems to be trying to imply that I faked the videos despite them being dated on upload. The other one is trying to say that when one server is attacked by two servers, it is the exact same as two servers attacking only that server and making an agreement between each other to let each server have a win every other week, without any actual contest happening.

I have already explained the reason for the 2v1 against JQ that week and the approximate length of it in one of my earlier posts. The 2v1 was to ensure JQ finish 3rd place and that was accomplished during the first half the week.

Since you mentioned dates of your videos, I decided to look them up. The one on twitch says it’s on DAY 7. The other 2 videos are dated on 10/23/13 which is on a WEDNESDAY. The dates on YOUR VIDEOS BACK UP MY DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENED THAT WEEK.

Seriously, I don’t think you actually played Week 1 of Season 1. Before I discuss anything with you further about week 1 of season 1 when BG planned the 2v1 against JQ, I need proof that you actually played that week. Without proof you played that week, anything you say, I am just going to consider as trolling or made up nonsense.

Wait are you saying that a 2v1 changes every single day of the matchup? That is not really a 2v1 at all then is it? That seems kind of like hitting whoever shows up? Also I am in one of the videos! I am the handsome charr.

Once again, anybody stretching the truth to try and say BG and SoR could stomach an alliance between each other needs to pick an easier target to lie about.

Also, tell the other guy that I didn’t just make the videos up. I don’t know how he thinks I pulled that off, but he thinks very highly of me.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: zbone.6287


as a bg player I dont believe this is what anet had in mind



Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Chunky Milk.2130

Chunky Milk.2130

I dont believe this is what anet had in mind


There’s more than one exit, and BG’s blob could split and easily take out those scary pieces of wood with a two pronged flank pushing TC and JQ together, but I guess looking clueless on the steps is a good alternative.


Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


But of course I am applying my own interpretation to CoC, it is all I can do. I think win trading to guarantee first and second does sound like a really safe bet for manipulating the rankings of a ladder though.

ANet’s interpretation > your interpretation.

When ANet suspends JQ and TC’s wins, feel free to quote this back at me and I’ll admit you were right about violations to the CoC.

I read the PvP section of the CoC as very clearly talking about SPvP, not world versus world. I’m totally comfortable with being told I’m wrong by an ANet representative.

Of course ANet’s interpretation is the one that matters. Just like you said. Until they say something though, all I can do is speculate. Right now I speculate that rules against PvP match manipulation mean you can’t organize a 2v1 and trade wins to secure first and second place in a wvw tournament.

If that interpretation is wrong though, then WvW has a much bigger problem than my being bummed I didn’t get it right.

Stretching PvP to cover WvWvW is exactly that – a stretch.

Honestly, I know it sucks. I know that looking forward and knowing that this will happen to you for the rest of these matches sucks.

If and until ANet decides to intercede, there’s nothing you can do about it. And they won’t, and they shouldn’t.

Hopefully when it’s all over you guys will be able to redefine yourselves as a server such that people will be interested in what Blackgate does, rather than just being sardonically amused that the most obviously prolific of match manipulators has had their ego bruised.

When season two is over, there will be the analysis threads and people will post their views. You should post then. You should also read the other posts.

Especially the ones that aren’t commiserating with you. And before you say “unfair” in regards to how you are collectively being treated, just for kicks try to work out what the collective you have done to evoke that from others.

And knock it off.

That is just it. BG didn’t do anything. You and the trolls from TC and JQ are trying to justify 2v1 win trading match fixing scheme to give yourselves first and second. You and those like you come here and accuse BG of being some scumbag of a server. But you never bring any proof.

The only proof there is, is JQ and TC giving the middle finger to ANet and their tournament, fixing matches and trading wins at the expense of the other four servers in the league so they can get 50 extra tickets they won’t spend until next season.

All that because JQ and TC didn’t finish in first place, for the first time in over two months.

I’m not getting first or second. Check the tagline, dude. I’m also not trolling you.

Match fixing – if you’re going to call people taking paper keeps off of each other match fixing, then I’m going to call buying people and guilds from other servers in anticipation of a wvw season match fixing, since it is a) calculated to give your server an advantage it wouldn’t otherwise have during the matches and b) detrimental to the servers you entice players away from.

BG did plenty, but it doesn’t even have to answer for it. Partly as a result of enmity it’s generated by very selfish actions against the community as a whole, it is now experiencing… what it is experiencing.

The only thing unique to Blackgate’s current situation is, it’s going to trend downward. Those of us on other servers are used to a certain amount of up and down, but BG has been sitting up top for so long that it’s bought into it’s own myth and blithely brushed over its own history of callous disregard for the effects its actions have had on others.

It’s clear you’re unwilling to accept this, or unable to imagine a GW2 where Blackgate isn’t on top. But here you are. What are you going to do about it?

You continue to make claims without providing proof. Show me the guilds BG bought. Surely they bought a lot in season 2, since they were getting their butts kicked leading up to it. Can you at least show me one so I can ask them about their harrowing experience?

Also, this is another person saying that BG could never handle losing when it is literally all that BG has done for months. It is much more so that JQ and TC can’t handle losing literally one match.

I am not kidding. That was the first match BG won in 10 weeks.

All this crap about BG deserving what it is getting is the two servers spreading their BS to justify their cheating. If you are starting to buy into the negative things they are saying, I challenge you to prove them for these trolls. They are not willing to, but you might be.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


as a bg player I dont believe this is what anet had in mind


They have thought of this, hence, the reason why there are 3 entrances out of the spawn area. I don’t know what to say to the people just sitting in the main entrance instead of using the other 2 entrances.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


Another good indicator is the trolls above you trying their best to say that pictures and video aren’t proof. The one fail troll seems to be trying to imply that I faked the videos despite them being dated on upload. The other one is trying to say that when one server is attacked by two servers, it is the exact same as two servers attacking only that server and making an agreement between each other to let each server have a win every other week, without any actual contest happening.

I have already explained the reason for the 2v1 against JQ that week and the approximate length of it in one of my earlier posts. The 2v1 was to ensure JQ finish 3rd place and that was accomplished during the first half the week.

Since you mentioned dates of your videos, I decided to look them up. The one on twitch says it’s on DAY 7. The other 2 videos are dated on 10/23/13 which is on a WEDNESDAY. The dates on YOUR VIDEOS BACK UP MY DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENED THAT WEEK.

Seriously, I don’t think you actually played Week 1 of Season 1. Before I discuss anything with you further about week 1 of season 1 when BG planned the 2v1 against JQ, I need proof that you actually played that week. Without proof you played that week, anything you say, I am just going to consider as trolling or made up nonsense.

Also I am in one of the videos! I am the handsome charr.

That is not proof. I could say I’m the chubby asura in the video. I need solid proof you actually participated that week because you know nothing of what happened that week.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Another good indicator is the trolls above you trying their best to say that pictures and video aren’t proof. The one fail troll seems to be trying to imply that I faked the videos despite them being dated on upload. The other one is trying to say that when one server is attacked by two servers, it is the exact same as two servers attacking only that server and making an agreement between each other to let each server have a win every other week, without any actual contest happening.

I have already explained the reason for the 2v1 against JQ that week and the approximate length of it in one of my earlier posts. The 2v1 was to ensure JQ finish 3rd place and that was accomplished during the first half the week.

Since you mentioned dates of your videos, I decided to look them up. The one on twitch says it’s on DAY 7. The other 2 videos are dated on 10/23/13 which is on a WEDNESDAY. The dates on YOUR VIDEOS BACK UP MY DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENED THAT WEEK.

Seriously, I don’t think you actually played Week 1 of Season 1. Before I discuss anything with you further about week 1 of season 1 when BG planned the 2v1 against JQ, I need proof that you actually played that week. Without proof you played that week, anything you say, I am just going to consider as trolling or made up nonsense.

Also I am in one of the videos! I am the handsome charr.

That is not proof. I could say I’m the chubby asura in the video. I need solid proof you actually participated that week because you know nothing of what happened that week.

My name is Hyade as you can see in my signature and I am in the last video. I am having a hard time taking you seriously at this point though, as you are asking me to suspend my experience of fighting SoR all out, because a troll said it didn’t happen and then disappeared.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


OK. Here we go.

You think win trading is not OK. Take it up to Anet. Escalate it. Make things happen.

Can’t? It’s happening. You can’t do anything about it. Deal with it, or cry and amuse all the other 23 servers.


I would love to spend time crying but I am spending too much time correcting the TC and JQ propaganda machines that are trying to get people to believe they aren’t the first scumbags to do this.

I wonder, how high is your horse exactly?

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The fact that you have to go this far to justify it should be a good indicator. I am not sure I have heard anybody try to justify win trading before in any context.

Another good indicator is the trolls above you trying their best to say that pictures and video aren’t proof. The one fail troll seems to be trying to imply that I faked the videos despite them being dated on upload. The other one is trying to say that when one server is attacked by two servers, it is the exact same as two servers attacking only that server and making an agreement between each other to let each server have a win every other week, without any actual contest happening.

But you say I am the one judging it is wrong. Really, it is more so the guilty parties trying to make it sound like it is not as awful as it is. The two top ranked servers going into season 2 were worried they wouldn’t finish first and second, so after losing one match they teamed up to fix matches, trading wins every other week without fighting to guarantee their top finish.

I mean kitten . It speaks for itself.

The amount of effort you use to prove points that are already proven wrong shows how much you and BG are trying to make BG a victim. Videos show nothing cause it can be taken at any point in time. JQ and TC open field each other in W3 so your point is? If BG + SoR fought each other then I guess JQ and TC aren’t 2v1ing BG. If what JQ and TC have done is considered 2v1 then BG + SoR in S1 against JQ is considered 2v1. There are pictures posted by other people showing that BG was allied with SoR. Even someone who was on SoR said so too. That is proof. I never implied fake guess you need to sharpen up. A video only shows a limited view unless you have a video that shows 24/7 what happens at every time zone overall for that entire match. Which you don’t so a video proves nothing. People in the match up who actually played then knows what happens. If SoR and BG worked together to 2v1 JQ 1 day that is 2v1. A video can show BG fighting SoR later on but that proves what? SoR fought BG on Wed? JQ and TC fought each other in EB during on day in open field in W3. We just don’t take objectives. Your point?

If it was just one win explain how if you were in JQ or TC’s position you can stop SoS from taking 2nd place and BG can’t be 3rd (since oh no 2v1). After W1 BG wins by a large margin. W2 BG wins by 30k over TC. BG wins JQ by 30k+. So server shouldn’t focus or 2v1 based on those results? Man might as well not have a tournament. Just give BG free rewards every 3 months to prevent QQ threads.

2v1 is 2v1. That is how it works. BG 2v1 = ok. JQ 2v1 = bad. TC 2v1 = bad. #bglogic

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


You continue to make claims without providing proof. Show me the guilds BG bought. Surely they bought a lot in season 2, since they were getting their butts kicked leading up to it. Can you at least show me one so I can ask them about their harrowing experience?

Also, this is another person saying that BG could never handle losing when it is literally all that BG has done for months. It is much more so that JQ and TC can’t handle losing literally one match.

I am not kidding. That was the first match BG won in 10 weeks.

All this crap about BG deserving what it is getting is the two servers spreading their BS to justify their cheating. If you are starting to buy into the negative things they are saying, I challenge you to prove them for these trolls. They are not willing to, but you might be.

Sir or madame, I don’t have to give a lick of “proof” – that burden is entirely on you. Your first post in this thread was talking about how commanders NOT on your server were doing such and such for such and such reasons.

Proof please.

What I’ve given you is what I’ve seen (having been there in the chat when a representative purporting to be from BG was INITIATING the buying process, which you claim never happened. I was there, and didn’t see you, but BG never did that. Interesting.

I’ve given you a perspective from servers that somehow have to continue to play, tearless, when they are hopelessly outmatched because of population imbalances (as you are right now), often as a result of either BG buying, or the knockoff effect of other servers doing the same thing as they copy what the #1 server did to get to be on the top.

Let me offer you another bit of perspective – IF it turns out that Blackgate implodes after the season as a result of this (and don’t scoff it off – others have), and you choose to continue to play after that, which of the two choices available to you will you pick?

Will you bandwagon to another server that you think will place high the next time there is a season, possibly hoping to capitalize on “I was on Blackgate when it was still great”?

Or will you ride the ruin of it down to the bronze tiers, and learn how to defend your entire map with five people against a zerg of 40+ and roamers taking back the occasional camp you manage to capture?

You may want to consider that if there is enough ill will towards BG, the 2v1ing may not stop with the season. You may just find yourselves being pushed downward week after week after week.

I know that you’re still at the point where you can’t imagine tier three servers being able to even touch you, but even if the 2v1 doesn’t work that week, there’s always the next one. And the next.

Good luck with that ticket to ANet.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: HARDOFREADING.7298



OK. It speaks for itself. TC and JQ are guilty, BG are the victims and have always been. We’re bullying BG now because we’re terrible, terrible people. Here is the key question:

What can you do about it.


Not exactly true…The fact I/We have chosen not to cheat is because there’s such a thing as Honor. The pathetic troll attempts….the sickening lack of scruples….the bogus attempts to justify cheating… they are what they are…but make no mistake about it….If I choose to exploit/cheat…There will be NOTHING that can save the Borderlands & EBG.
Whole zergs will be strolling unopposed into places you thought were secure by means that will illicit hacking cries from now until you grow up.
At a certain point my respect for the constituency/the engine/the format, and Fighting with honor will be out the window. I reserve the right to cheat in kind by whatever means that pleases me at the time.
You can run your mouth…you can spew nonsense…you can ACT like you’re suddenly talented. There are people that work for anet that know what’s possible for a very very few of us to make happen.Whether or not I choose to release a fraps showing what’s possible is going to depend on what kind of discipline is handed down later today.
Send this entire post to Devon cuz I kid you not when i say…as ugly & unfair as this weekends shenanigans have turned out to be…wvw is going to be 100x uglier if there isn’t a penaty for tc/jq’s collusion. If not…everyone across all servers will be in every keep/tower/spawn across all 4 maps and you’ll be patching an absolute kitten ton of exploits.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Sir or madame, I don’t have to give a lick of “proof” – that burden is entirely on you. Your first post in this thread was talking about how commanders NOT on your server were doing such and such for such and such reasons.

Proof please.

What I’ve given you is what I’ve seen (having been there in the chat when a representative purporting to be from BG was INITIATING the buying process, which you claim never happened. I was there, and didn’t see you, but BG never did that. Interesting.

I’ve given you a perspective from servers that somehow have to continue to play, tearless, when they are hopelessly outmatched because of population imbalances (as you are right now), often as a result of either BG buying, or the knockoff effect of other servers doing the same thing as they copy what the #1 server did to get to be on the top.

Let me offer you another bit of perspective – IF it turns out that Blackgate implodes after the season as a result of this (and don’t scoff it off – others have), and you choose to continue to play after that, which of the two choices available to you will you pick?

Will you bandwagon to another server that you think will place high the next time there is a season, possibly hoping to capitalize on “I was on Blackgate when it was still great”?

Or will you ride the ruin of it down to the bronze tiers, and learn how to defend your entire map with five people against a zerg of 40+ and roamers taking back the occasional camp you manage to capture?

You may want to consider that if there is enough ill will towards BG, the 2v1ing may not stop with the season. You may just find yourselves being pushed downward week after week after week.

I know that you’re still at the point where you can’t imagine tier three servers being able to even touch you, but even if the 2v1 doesn’t work that week, there’s always the next one. And the next.

Good luck with that ticket to ANet.

Wait I am sorry, are JQ and TC denying these things now? I thought they were still bragging about it.

The burden of proof isn’t on me if they are admitting it. I can link you earlier posts in pretty much any topic right now – it is flooded with them bragging about it. If you are really going to feign ignorance to that level (god I hope you are feigning) I will link them for you when I wake up.

But no, the burden of proof is on you, telling me things are happening. You tell me you see people initiating the buying process. I challenge you to do simple math. Calculate how much gold it would cost to move a 60 person guild. You are telling me that BG not only afforded moving multiple guilds over, but managed to pay them for their time as well. But you can’t even name the guilds? Surely we bought a lot. You have lots of names to pick from. Right?

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


Sir or madame, I don’t have to give a lick of “proof” – that burden is entirely on you. Your first post in this thread was talking about how commanders NOT on your server were doing such and such for such and such reasons.

Proof please.

What I’ve given you is what I’ve seen (having been there in the chat when a representative purporting to be from BG was INITIATING the buying process, which you claim never happened. I was there, and didn’t see you, but BG never did that. Interesting.

I’ve given you a perspective from servers that somehow have to continue to play, tearless, when they are hopelessly outmatched because of population imbalances (as you are right now), often as a result of either BG buying, or the knockoff effect of other servers doing the same thing as they copy what the #1 server did to get to be on the top.

Let me offer you another bit of perspective – IF it turns out that Blackgate implodes after the season as a result of this (and don’t scoff it off – others have), and you choose to continue to play after that, which of the two choices available to you will you pick?

Will you bandwagon to another server that you think will place high the next time there is a season, possibly hoping to capitalize on “I was on Blackgate when it was still great”?

Or will you ride the ruin of it down to the bronze tiers, and learn how to defend your entire map with five people against a zerg of 40+ and roamers taking back the occasional camp you manage to capture?

You may want to consider that if there is enough ill will towards BG, the 2v1ing may not stop with the season. You may just find yourselves being pushed downward week after week after week.

I know that you’re still at the point where you can’t imagine tier three servers being able to even touch you, but even if the 2v1 doesn’t work that week, there’s always the next one. And the next.

Good luck with that ticket to ANet.

Wait I am sorry, are JQ and TC denying these things now? I thought they were still bragging about it.

The burden of proof isn’t on me if they are admitting it. I can link you earlier posts in pretty much any topic right now – it is flooded with them bragging about it. If you are really going to feign ignorance to that level (god I hope you are feigning) I will link them for you when I wake up.

But no, the burden of proof is on you, telling me things are happening. You tell me you see people initiating the buying process. I challenge you to do simple math. Calculate how much gold it would cost to move a 60 person guild. You are telling me that BG not only afforded moving multiple guilds over, but managed to pay them for their time as well. But you can’t even name the guilds? Surely we bought a lot. You have lots of names to pick from. Right?

What would be the point of naming and shaming again? You BG apologists would simply try to white-wash as you do with everything. And you say your competition is dishonest. HA!

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Sir or madame, I don’t have to give a lick of “proof” – that burden is entirely on you. Your first post in this thread was talking about how commanders NOT on your server were doing such and such for such and such reasons.

Proof please.

What I’ve given you is what I’ve seen (having been there in the chat when a representative purporting to be from BG was INITIATING the buying process, which you claim never happened. I was there, and didn’t see you, but BG never did that. Interesting.

I’ve given you a perspective from servers that somehow have to continue to play, tearless, when they are hopelessly outmatched because of population imbalances (as you are right now), often as a result of either BG buying, or the knockoff effect of other servers doing the same thing as they copy what the #1 server did to get to be on the top.

Let me offer you another bit of perspective – IF it turns out that Blackgate implodes after the season as a result of this (and don’t scoff it off – others have), and you choose to continue to play after that, which of the two choices available to you will you pick?

Will you bandwagon to another server that you think will place high the next time there is a season, possibly hoping to capitalize on “I was on Blackgate when it was still great”?

Or will you ride the ruin of it down to the bronze tiers, and learn how to defend your entire map with five people against a zerg of 40+ and roamers taking back the occasional camp you manage to capture?

You may want to consider that if there is enough ill will towards BG, the 2v1ing may not stop with the season. You may just find yourselves being pushed downward week after week after week.

I know that you’re still at the point where you can’t imagine tier three servers being able to even touch you, but even if the 2v1 doesn’t work that week, there’s always the next one. And the next.

Good luck with that ticket to ANet.

Wait I am sorry, are JQ and TC denying these things now? I thought they were still bragging about it.

The burden of proof isn’t on me if they are admitting it. I can link you earlier posts in pretty much any topic right now – it is flooded with them bragging about it. If you are really going to feign ignorance to that level (god I hope you are feigning) I will link them for you when I wake up.

But no, the burden of proof is on you, telling me things are happening. You tell me you see people initiating the buying process. I challenge you to do simple math. Calculate how much gold it would cost to move a 60 person guild. You are telling me that BG not only afforded moving multiple guilds over, but managed to pay them for their time as well. But you can’t even name the guilds? Surely we bought a lot. You have lots of names to pick from. Right?

What would be the point of naming and shaming again? You BG apologists would simply try to white-wash as you do with everything. And you say your competition is dishonest. HA!

I really do not get the difficulty in being able to name these purchased guilds. You would think it would be common knowledge.

Something seems fishy.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


Sir or madame, I don’t have to give a lick of “proof” – that burden is entirely on you. Your first post in this thread was talking about how commanders NOT on your server were doing such and such for such and such reasons.

Proof please.

What I’ve given you is what I’ve seen (having been there in the chat when a representative purporting to be from BG was INITIATING the buying process, which you claim never happened. I was there, and didn’t see you, but BG never did that. Interesting.

I’ve given you a perspective from servers that somehow have to continue to play, tearless, when they are hopelessly outmatched because of population imbalances (as you are right now), often as a result of either BG buying, or the knockoff effect of other servers doing the same thing as they copy what the #1 server did to get to be on the top.

Let me offer you another bit of perspective – IF it turns out that Blackgate implodes after the season as a result of this (and don’t scoff it off – others have), and you choose to continue to play after that, which of the two choices available to you will you pick?

Will you bandwagon to another server that you think will place high the next time there is a season, possibly hoping to capitalize on “I was on Blackgate when it was still great”?

Or will you ride the ruin of it down to the bronze tiers, and learn how to defend your entire map with five people against a zerg of 40+ and roamers taking back the occasional camp you manage to capture?

You may want to consider that if there is enough ill will towards BG, the 2v1ing may not stop with the season. You may just find yourselves being pushed downward week after week after week.

I know that you’re still at the point where you can’t imagine tier three servers being able to even touch you, but even if the 2v1 doesn’t work that week, there’s always the next one. And the next.

Good luck with that ticket to ANet.

Wait I am sorry, are JQ and TC denying these things now? I thought they were still bragging about it.

The burden of proof isn’t on me if they are admitting it. I can link you earlier posts in pretty much any topic right now – it is flooded with them bragging about it. If you are really going to feign ignorance to that level (god I hope you are feigning) I will link them for you when I wake up.

But no, the burden of proof is on you, telling me things are happening. You tell me you see people initiating the buying process. I challenge you to do simple math. Calculate how much gold it would cost to move a 60 person guild. You are telling me that BG not only afforded moving multiple guilds over, but managed to pay them for their time as well. But you can’t even name the guilds? Surely we bought a lot. You have lots of names to pick from. Right?

What would be the point of naming and shaming again? You BG apologists would simply try to white-wash as you do with everything. And you say your competition is dishonest. HA!

I really do not get the difficulty in being able to name these purchased guilds. You would think it would be common knowledge.

Something seems fishy.

Fishy? Not really, but dense? Absolutely.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Sir or madame, I don’t have to give a lick of “proof” – that burden is entirely on you. Your first post in this thread was talking about how commanders NOT on your server were doing such and such for such and such reasons.

Proof please.

What I’ve given you is what I’ve seen (having been there in the chat when a representative purporting to be from BG was INITIATING the buying process, which you claim never happened. I was there, and didn’t see you, but BG never did that. Interesting.

I’ve given you a perspective from servers that somehow have to continue to play, tearless, when they are hopelessly outmatched because of population imbalances (as you are right now), often as a result of either BG buying, or the knockoff effect of other servers doing the same thing as they copy what the #1 server did to get to be on the top.

Let me offer you another bit of perspective – IF it turns out that Blackgate implodes after the season as a result of this (and don’t scoff it off – others have), and you choose to continue to play after that, which of the two choices available to you will you pick?

Will you bandwagon to another server that you think will place high the next time there is a season, possibly hoping to capitalize on “I was on Blackgate when it was still great”?

Or will you ride the ruin of it down to the bronze tiers, and learn how to defend your entire map with five people against a zerg of 40+ and roamers taking back the occasional camp you manage to capture?

You may want to consider that if there is enough ill will towards BG, the 2v1ing may not stop with the season. You may just find yourselves being pushed downward week after week after week.

I know that you’re still at the point where you can’t imagine tier three servers being able to even touch you, but even if the 2v1 doesn’t work that week, there’s always the next one. And the next.

Good luck with that ticket to ANet.

Wait I am sorry, are JQ and TC denying these things now? I thought they were still bragging about it.

The burden of proof isn’t on me if they are admitting it. I can link you earlier posts in pretty much any topic right now – it is flooded with them bragging about it. If you are really going to feign ignorance to that level (god I hope you are feigning) I will link them for you when I wake up.

But no, the burden of proof is on you, telling me things are happening. You tell me you see people initiating the buying process. I challenge you to do simple math. Calculate how much gold it would cost to move a 60 person guild. You are telling me that BG not only afforded moving multiple guilds over, but managed to pay them for their time as well. But you can’t even name the guilds? Surely we bought a lot. You have lots of names to pick from. Right?

What would be the point of naming and shaming again? You BG apologists would simply try to white-wash as you do with everything. And you say your competition is dishonest. HA!

I really do not get the difficulty in being able to name these purchased guilds. You would think it would be common knowledge.

Something seems fishy.

Fishy? Not really, but dense? Absolutely.

I like to think nobody is dense enough to believe there is a bunch of secret guilds out there that only TC and JQ know about but everyone refuses to name.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Not exactly true…The fact I/We have chosen not to cheat is because there’s such a thing as Honor. The pathetic troll attempts….the sickening lack of scruples….the bogus attempts to justify cheating… they are what they are…but make no mistake about it….If I choose to exploit/cheat…There will be NOTHING that can save the Borderlands & EBG.
Whole zergs will be strolling unopposed into places you thought were secure by means that will illicit hacking cries from now until you grow up.
At a certain point my respect for the constituency/the engine/the format, and Fighting with honor will be out the window. I reserve the right to cheat in kind by whatever means that pleases me at the time.
You can run your mouth…you can spew nonsense…you can ACT like you’re suddenly talented. There are people that work for anet that know what’s possible for a very very few of us to make happen.Whether or not I choose to release a fraps showing what’s possible is going to depend on what kind of discipline is handed down later today.
Send this entire post to Devon cuz I kid you not when i say…as ugly & unfair as this weekends shenanigans have turned out to be…wvw is going to be 100x uglier if there isn’t a penaty for tc/jq’s collusion. If not…everyone across all servers will be in every keep/tower/spawn across all 4 maps and you’ll be patching an absolute kitten ton of exploits.

TL/DR: “Since we can’t beat these guys 2v1’ing us, I’ll teach everyone to glitch and hack stuff, so arena net have to work double/triple”

Friend… There are so much problems in wvw, that I wouldn’t be surprised if people actually doesn’t give a kitten about the exploits you want to teach everyone… You’ll just ruin your own game doing that, and you know it. Is winning really THAT important?

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Jeknar.6184)

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’m not going to get into the whole debate about whether 2v1 is right or wrong, but my personal feeling is that ANet is not going to outright block it from happening.

WvW is supposed to be war, and the Spring Tourney is war with an objective; to reach #1. When confronted with a foe that one cannot defeat by yourself, it only makes sense to ally with someone else to bring them down. Hence, the JQ/TC alliance to defeat BG. (For the strategy fans, this is exactly like the Wu/Shu alliance against Wei in the Three Kingdoms games by Koei.)

As the tournament rolls on, expect strategic goals to change. Maybe BG gets beaten so badly it can no longer be in the top 3, allowing SoS to sneak in. Then TC/JQ will gang up on them so they can be in 1st/2nd. And when it comes down to the final weeks, maybe the alliance gets broken as both servers jockey for the top spot. And who knows? Maybe if BG or SoS play their cards right, they could still snatch a top 3 finishing spot.

As a player, I readily admit I’d find a 2v1 quite frustrating when I’m a foot soldier on the ground, but if you step back and look at it all from a wider perspective, the political and strategic manoeuvrings going on is actually quite fascinating and entertaining to observe.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Not exactly true…The fact I/We have chosen not to cheat is because there’s such a thing as Honor. The pathetic troll attempts….the sickening lack of scruples….the bogus attempts to justify cheating… they are what they are…but make no mistake about it….If I choose to exploit/cheat…There will be NOTHING that can save the Borderlands & EBG.
Whole zergs will be strolling unopposed into places you thought were secure by means that will illicit hacking cries from now until you grow up.
At a certain point my respect for the constituency/the engine/the format, and Fighting with honor will be out the window. I reserve the right to cheat in kind by whatever means that pleases me at the time.
You can run your mouth…you can spew nonsense…you can ACT like you’re suddenly talented. There are people that work for anet that know what’s possible for a very very few of us to make happen.Whether or not I choose to release a fraps showing what’s possible is going to depend on what kind of discipline is handed down later today.
Send this entire post to Devon cuz I kid you not when i say…as ugly & unfair as this weekends shenanigans have turned out to be…wvw is going to be 100x uglier if there isn’t a penaty for tc/jq’s collusion. If not…everyone across all servers will be in every keep/tower/spawn across all 4 maps and you’ll be patching an absolute kitten ton of exploits.

TL/DR: “Since we can’t beat these guys 2v1’ing us, I’ll teach everyone to glitch and hack stuff, so arena net have to work double/triple”

Friend… There are so much problems in wvw, that I wouldn’t be surprised if people actually doesn’t give a kitten about the exploits you want to teach everyone… You’ll just ruin your own game doing that, and you know it. Is really winning THAT important?

Ruin what game? He isn’t playing, TC and JQ are standing there, the most interesting thing happening is seeing what the trolls make up on the forum.

Really though, I think the point he is trying to make is that he doesn’t see the difference between cheating by win trading and cheating by hacking. If players all started hacking as a response to their rigging matches though, I do have to say that sounds even worse to me.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


My name is Hyade as you can see in my signature and I am in the last video. I am having a hard time taking you seriously at this point though, as you are asking me to suspend my experience of fighting SoR all out, because a troll said it didn’t happen and then disappeared.

What me? I don’t spend every minute of the day on these forums. Your claims have already been refuted, the 2v1 on JQ happened until JQ was out of it just like the 2v1 last week happened until BG got what it wanted. The fact that it didn’t last the whole match doesn’t mean it wasn’t an organised 2v1.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I’m not going to get into the whole debate about whether 2v1 is right or wrong, but my personal feeling is that ANet is not going to outright block it from happening.

Something I’m wondering; the people calling foul on TC and JQ. What do they expect to happen? Mass bans?

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


I’m not going to get into the whole debate about whether 2v1 is right or wrong, but my personal feeling is that ANet is not going to outright block it from happening.

WvW is supposed to be war, and the Spring Tourney is war with an objective; to reach #1. When confronted with a foe that one cannot defeat by yourself, it only makes sense to ally with someone else to bring them down. Hence, the JQ/TC alliance to defeat BG. (For the strategy fans, this is exactly like the Wu/Shu alliance against Wei in the Three Kingdoms games by Koei.)

As the tournament rolls on, expect strategic goals to change. Maybe BG gets beaten so badly it can no longer be in the top 3, allowing SoS to sneak in. Then TC/JQ will gang up on them so they can be in 1st/2nd. And when it comes down to the final weeks, maybe the alliance gets broken as both servers jockey for the top spot. And who knows? Maybe if BG or SoS play their cards right, they could still snatch a top 3 finishing spot.

As a player, I readily admit I’d find a 2v1 quite frustrating when I’m a foot soldier on the ground, but if you step back and look at it all from a wider perspective, the political and strategic manoeuvrings going on is actually quite fascinating and entertaining to observe.

If BG managed to do that with JQ and TC attempting to rig the entire tournament, I would be pleased. On the regards of it being fascinating, the most interesting part to me is that this is literally entire servers. There is a lot of organization required in pulling something like this off, especially something that a lot of their players will be averse to. But there they stand. I would think even such a determined organization would fall at various times to the “red=dead” mentality, it seems nearly impossible to maintain. But once again, there they stand. Never tell them the odds!

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkcomet.2975


Seem like the main probleb here is….

Not all user here are BG so they never care. I got that.
What about u Anet? As dev do u care about this?

From BG player who never care about being the 1st.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


My name is Hyade as you can see in my signature and I am in the last video. I am having a hard time taking you seriously at this point though, as you are asking me to suspend my experience of fighting SoR all out, because a troll said it didn’t happen and then disappeared.

What me? I don’t spend every minute of the day on these forums. Your claims have already been refuted, the 2v1 on JQ happened until JQ was out of it just like the 2v1 last week happened until BG got what it wanted. The fact that it didn’t last the whole match doesn’t mean it wasn’t an organised 2v1.

So you are back, once again trying to spew that even though I showed you both servers fighting, it doesn’t count, because you said so. I think we both know how absurd that claim is. But I do admire your dedication to sticking with the lie after it blew up in your face.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: mango.9267


Really though, I think the point he is trying to make is that he doesn’t see the difference between cheating by win trading and cheating by hacking. If players all started hacking as a response to their rigging matches though, I do have to say that sounds even worse to me.

Really? You don’t see a difference? Like how Anet explicitly condones 2v1’ing stronger servers but bans people who exploit into towers? The slope is quite slippery on BG.

As for “win trading”, this happened last season in Silver with YB and EBay. Not only did YB and EBay double team SBI, YB let EBay hold onto its assets last minute and ended up putting SBI in third, eventually depriving SBI of a second place finish in Silver. They did the same thing to BP a week later.

Not only was Anet perfectly fine with this, but players in general applauded YB and EBay for the coordination. Sure, there were a few bitter players on SBI/BP, but no one QQ’d so much that the entire front page of this forum was effectively flooded by their tears.

I’ll let you in on a secret. WvW isn’t fair. Players from every other server have realized this long ago, and BG bandwagoners are just realizing it now. Playing for rewards is meaningless, both for the victor and loser. Have you ever considered playing WvW for fun or for the community? Like engaging in epic battles or roaming with your friends? There’s more to the game than a couple of weapon skins…

Second Child

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Really though, I think the point he is trying to make is that he doesn’t see the difference between cheating by win trading and cheating by hacking. If players all started hacking as a response to their rigging matches though, I do have to say that sounds even worse to me.

Really? You don’t see a difference? Like how Anet explicitly condones 2v1’ing stronger servers but bans people who exploit into towers? The slope is quite slippery on BG.

As for “win trading”, this happened last season in Silver with YB and EBay. Not only did YB and EBay double team SBI, YB let EBay hold onto its assets last minute and ended up putting SBI in third, eventually depriving SBI of a second place finish in Silver. They did the same thing to BP a week later.

Not only was Anet perfectly fine with this, but players in general applauded YB and EBay for the coordination. Sure, there were a few bitter players on SBI/BP, but no one QQ’d so much that the entire front page of this forum is effectively flooded by their tears.

I’ll let you in on a secret. WvW isn’t fair. Players from every other server have realized this long ago, and BG bandwagoners are just realizing it now. Playing for rewards is meaningless, both for the victor and loser. Have you ever considered playing WvW for fun or for the community? Like engaging in epic battles or roaming with your friends? There’s more to the game than a couple of weapon skins…

Reread it before trolling it.

Edit: and for your other point, the weapon skins are given out to the top 5 servers and gold league only has 6. We weren’t thinking about skins, I don’t think anybody involved in this on either side was thinking about the skins. The win trading to fix the tournament has us downright peeved, though.

Hyade and his flamethrower

(edited by BAITness.1083)

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


So you are back, once again trying to spew that even though I showed you both servers fighting, it doesn’t count, because you said so.

Its already been quite comprehensively explained why they don’t refute anything. It seems de nial aint just a river in egypt.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: mango.9267


Really though, I think the point he is trying to make is that he doesn’t see the difference between cheating by win trading and cheating by hacking. If players all started hacking as a response to their rigging matches though, I do have to say that sounds even worse to me.

Really? You don’t see a difference? Like how Anet explicitly condones 2v1’ing stronger servers but bans people who exploit into towers? The slope is quite slippery on BG.

As for “win trading”, this happened last season in Silver with YB and EBay. Not only did YB and EBay double team SBI, YB let EBay hold onto its assets last minute and ended up putting SBI in third, eventually depriving SBI of a second place finish in Silver. They did the same thing to BP a week later.

Not only was Anet perfectly fine with this, but players in general applauded YB and EBay for the coordination. Sure, there were a few bitter players on SBI/BP, but no one QQ’d so much that the entire front page of this forum is effectively flooded by their tears.

I’ll let you in on a secret. WvW isn’t fair. Players from every other server have realized this long ago, and BG bandwagoners are just realizing it now. Playing for rewards is meaningless, both for the victor and loser. Have you ever considered playing WvW for fun or for the community? Like engaging in epic battles or roaming with your friends? There’s more to the game than a couple of weapon skins…

Reread it before trolling it.

The first part, about hacking being equivalent to 2v1’ing/win trading, is addressed to him. The second part, about rewards being meaningless, is addressed to you. Who cares if JQ/TC trade wins? That’s part of 2v1’ing, and Anet has already explicitly said they condoned it. They condoned it last season with YB/EBay, and they’ll condone it this season with JQ/TC.

Second Child

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I’m not going to get into the whole debate about whether 2v1 is right or wrong, but my personal feeling is that ANet is not going to outright block it from happening.

Something I’m wondering; the people calling foul on TC and JQ. What do they expect to happen? Mass bans?

They don’t want you to be rewarded because you “cheated” to win the ranking you’ll have at the end of the season. That’s actually the only thing Anet can do without stepping in a even bigger mess…

Now I ask: Will this make JQ/TC stop 2v1ing BG?

The answer: No

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


So you are back, once again trying to spew that even though I showed you both servers fighting, it doesn’t count, because you said so.

Its already been quite comprehensively explained why they don’t refute anything. It seems de nial aint just a river in egypt.

So, for clarity’s sake.

You are saying the videos of SoR and BG attacking and taking each others objectives don’t count, because JQ lost. You are saying that SoR and BG had an alliance to work with each other in spite of their fighting with each other.

Because that really doesn’t sound like a 2v1 agreement to me. That really sounds like the servers just fought and kept fighting.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: biofrog.1568


Should just enable cross-server map chat in the WvW maps.. Sure would empty out the forums <G>

“There’s no lag but what we make.” – biofrog

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Should just enable cross-server map chat in the WvW maps.. Sure would empty out the forums <G>

You don’t know what you are asking…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Arahael.3721


To all the trolls of all servers, please stop. It is not funny.
Moderators, one more post for the trashcan.

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’m not going to get into the whole debate about whether 2v1 is right or wrong, but my personal feeling is that ANet is not going to outright block it from happening.

WvW is supposed to be war, and the Spring Tourney is war with an objective; to reach #1. When confronted with a foe that one cannot defeat by yourself, it only makes sense to ally with someone else to bring them down. Hence, the JQ/TC alliance to defeat BG. (For the strategy fans, this is exactly like the Wu/Shu alliance against Wei in the Three Kingdoms games by Koei.)

As the tournament rolls on, expect strategic goals to change. Maybe BG gets beaten so badly it can no longer be in the top 3, allowing SoS to sneak in. Then TC/JQ will gang up on them so they can be in 1st/2nd. And when it comes down to the final weeks, maybe the alliance gets broken as both servers jockey for the top spot. And who knows? Maybe if BG or SoS play their cards right, they could still snatch a top 3 finishing spot.

As a player, I readily admit I’d find a 2v1 quite frustrating when I’m a foot soldier on the ground, but if you step back and look at it all from a wider perspective, the political and strategic manoeuvrings going on is actually quite fascinating and entertaining to observe.

If BG managed to do that with JQ and TC attempting to rig the entire tournament, I would be pleased. On the regards of it being fascinating, the most interesting part to me is that this is literally entire servers. There is a lot of organization required in pulling something like this off, especially something that a lot of their players will be averse to. But there they stand. I would think even such a determined organization would fall at various times to the “red=dead” mentality, it seems nearly impossible to maintain. But once again, there they stand. Never tell them the odds!

Oh, I’ve seen some arguments on TC about the alliance at times. There are indeed a bunch of players who, as you said, ascribe to the “red=dead” mentality. I myself got attacked by a bunch of JQ players on my way to the water camp; roamers are fair game, it seems.

Ultimately I (and I think a lot of other WvW players) don’t intentionally take part in the 2v1. I mostly just hop into WvW for the karma train and my Invader kills; I attack whoever or whatever the Commander tells me to attack.

I think that BG might still be able to get a 3rd place finish if they take steps to knock SoS out of contention. Currently SoS is well placed to come 2nd due to it dominating the second tier Gold servers every time it gets put there. But if BG gets knocked out of the top 3, and then SoS gets constantly crushed by JQ/TC in its new spot, maybe BG could end up taking SoS’s former spot as the flip server.

Something I’m wondering; the people calling foul on TC and JQ. What do they expect to happen? Mass bans?

Yeah, that’s the other reason why I doubt anything would happen. What could ANet actually do as “punishment”? Revoke their points? That would cause a skritt-storm among players on the servers who, say, completed their meta by playing solely in EotM (something which ANet said multiple times was something they designed the meta around), and who would now rightly feel cheated out of their rewards.

(edited by Zaxares.5419)

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


Really though, I think the point he is trying to make is that he doesn’t see the difference between cheating by win trading and cheating by hacking. If players all started hacking as a response to their rigging matches though, I do have to say that sounds even worse to me.

Really? You don’t see a difference? Like how Anet explicitly condones 2v1’ing stronger servers but bans people who exploit into towers? The slope is quite slippery on BG.

As for “win trading”, this happened last season in Silver with YB and EBay. Not only did YB and EBay double team SBI, YB let EBay hold onto its assets last minute and ended up putting SBI in third, eventually depriving SBI of a second place finish in Silver. They did the same thing to BP a week later.

Not only was Anet perfectly fine with this, but players in general applauded YB and EBay for the coordination. Sure, there were a few bitter players on SBI/BP, but no one QQ’d so much that the entire front page of this forum is effectively flooded by their tears.

I’ll let you in on a secret. WvW isn’t fair. Players from every other server have realized this long ago, and BG bandwagoners are just realizing it now. Playing for rewards is meaningless, both for the victor and loser. Have you ever considered playing WvW for fun or for the community? Like engaging in epic battles or roaming with your friends? There’s more to the game than a couple of weapon skins…

Reread it before trolling it.

The first part, about hacking being equivalent to 2v1’ing/win trading, is addressed to him. The second part, about rewards being meaningless, is addressed to you. Who cares if JQ/TC trade wins? That’s part of 2v1’ing, and Anet has already explicitly said they condoned it. They condoned it last season with YB/EBay, and they’ll condone it this season with JQ/TC.

While I was aware that ANet is on board with 2v1s I was not aware YB and EBay had traded wins last season. I agree with you about rewards being meaningless, I edited that into my prior post. It simply says that I don’t think any of the servers involved in this are concerned about weapon skins. I do think that for some reason those 50 extra tickets are enticing enough for the leaders of these servers to organize the match rigging. Maybe they missed out on mini doly from season 1. He is pretty kitten tbh, maybe they just love doly so much they decided to screw the tournament to guarantee getting that sweet sweet doly.

Edit for the person above me, regarding both the players getting swept into it, and what ANet would do:

I guess it is important for BG to remember that the win trading happens because of only a few people. I am sure there are plenty of people that are just there to play, as it is seasons.

As for what ANet would do: I can’t imagine anything they could do that would work, but the worst would be a complete lack of response. The only thing WvW players have received since EotM is this tournament. The tournament is being rigged. To look the other way is not cool. It is the weekend though, I bet we will see something said soon. I bet it will be “match discussion not allowed.”

Which is odd since that is all WvW is. It is like having a boss subforum and saying “boss fight discussion not allowed.” What do they want us to talk about, how pretty the badges are? Yeah the topics were endlessly trolled just as bad as these ones are being trolled now, but this alternative of no discussions isn’t working.

Hyade and his flamethrower

(edited by BAITness.1083)

Who is tired of the T1 drama?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


To all the trolls of all servers, please stop. It is not funny.
Moderators, one more post for the trashcan.

You know that all the discussion is being held in this single thread right? (All other threads got deleted)

You know what gonna happen if this thread get deleted right? (More countless threads about it flooding this forum)

You know you’re making a bad request right? (If you don’t want to read about it, you can just skip this thread)

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing