Who is tired of the T1 drama?
To all the trolls of all servers, please stop. It is not funny.
Moderators, one more post for the trashcan.You know that all the discussion is being held in this single thread right? (All other threads got deleted)
You know what gonna happen if this thread get deleted right? (More countless threads about it flooding this forum)
You know you’re making a bad request right? (If you don’t want to read about it, you can just skip this thread)
The OP made a thread on how people are tired of the bickering of T1. That is the whole point of it, and yet all the following post are bickering of T1. Do you see the irony?.
Over and over the moderators have been deleting post because ¨we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum". What makes you think this post will be the exception?
To all the trolls of all servers, please stop. It is not funny.
Moderators, one more post for the trashcan.You know that all the discussion is being held in this single thread right? (All other threads got deleted)
You know what gonna happen if this thread get deleted right? (More countless threads about it flooding this forum)
You know you’re making a bad request right? (If you don’t want to read about it, you can just skip this thread)
The OP made a thread on how people are tired of the bickering of T1. That is the whole point of it, and yet all the following post are bickering of T1. Do you see the irony?.
Over and over the moderators have been deleting post because ¨we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum". What makes you think this post will be the exception?
Honestly, the best course of action would be to keep this thread open. BG QQ’ers won’t stop making new threads. It’s better to consolidate them all into one place instead of letting them flood the front page.
And knock it off.
You and the trolls from TC and JQ
BAITness when you have others servers telling you to stop embarrassing yourself it’s time to take stock.
Please stop posting, your not making your server look better.
The WvW Community has spoken.
Had I known you were the WvW community and not an old SoR player I would have tried harder to impress you.
(edited by BAITness.1083)
I would have tried harder to impress you.
Please don’t.
You have been posting consistently now for 6+ hours…
It’s time to let it go BAITness…
and breath.
They don’t want you to be rewarded because you “cheated” to win the ranking you’ll have at the end of the season. That’s actually the only thing Anet can do without stepping in a even bigger mess…
Now I ask: Will this make JQ/TC stop 2v1ing BG?
The answer: No
If this ruckus on the forums DOES actually elicit a response like this from ANet, I have very little doubt that BG will be 2v1ed for as long as it remains in T1.
Sir or madame, I don’t have to give a lick of “proof” – that burden is entirely on you. Your first post in this thread was talking about how commanders NOT on your server were doing such and such for such and such reasons.
Proof please.
What I’ve given you is what I’ve seen (having been there in the chat when a representative purporting to be from BG was INITIATING the buying process, which you claim never happened. I was there, and didn’t see you, but BG never did that. Interesting.
I’ve given you a perspective from servers that somehow have to continue to play, tearless, when they are hopelessly outmatched because of population imbalances (as you are right now), often as a result of either BG buying, or the knockoff effect of other servers doing the same thing as they copy what the #1 server did to get to be on the top.
Let me offer you another bit of perspective – IF it turns out that Blackgate implodes after the season as a result of this (and don’t scoff it off – others have), and you choose to continue to play after that, which of the two choices available to you will you pick?
Will you bandwagon to another server that you think will place high the next time there is a season, possibly hoping to capitalize on “I was on Blackgate when it was still great”?
Or will you ride the ruin of it down to the bronze tiers, and learn how to defend your entire map with five people against a zerg of 40+ and roamers taking back the occasional camp you manage to capture?
You may want to consider that if there is enough ill will towards BG, the 2v1ing may not stop with the season. You may just find yourselves being pushed downward week after week after week.
I know that you’re still at the point where you can’t imagine tier three servers being able to even touch you, but even if the 2v1 doesn’t work that week, there’s always the next one. And the next.
Good luck with that ticket to ANet.
Wait I am sorry, are JQ and TC denying these things now? I thought they were still bragging about it.
The burden of proof isn’t on me if they are admitting it. I can link you earlier posts in pretty much any topic right now – it is flooded with them bragging about it. If you are really going to feign ignorance to that level (god I hope you are feigning) I will link them for you when I wake up.
But no, the burden of proof is on you, telling me things are happening. You tell me you see people initiating the buying process. I challenge you to do simple math. Calculate how much gold it would cost to move a 60 person guild. You are telling me that BG not only afforded moving multiple guilds over, but managed to pay them for their time as well. But you can’t even name the guilds? Surely we bought a lot. You have lots of names to pick from. Right?
What JQ and TC are or aren’t denying doesn’t matter to me in the slightest. You seem to still be operating under the delusion that I’m from one of those servers. As I replied to you when you alluded to that earlier: check my sig.
Who said I couldn’t name guilds? Where did I saw that Blackgate paid people for their time above the transfer costs? You seem to be taking a lot of liberties with conditions that YOU set. You “challenge” me? I challenge you right back – submit your ticket to ANet for the “violation of the CoC”. ANet is the final judge, not you. If nothing changes, you were wrong. QED
The argumentum ad hominem (that either I’m ignorant or feigning ignorance because only what you say can be right despite all of the various unrelated people demolishing your “proofs”) is a tactic of desperation where you will, based on how you’ve quoted great swathes of posts and then replied to only a smidgen of what they contain rather than the whole, you will pick to find the tiniest inconsistency and then crow proudly, proclaiming the entire point and indeed position to be fundamentally flawed as a result.
You, with a biased opinion and personal stake in the outcome, proclaim that others are in violation of the Code of Conduct. Loads of people, some with stakes some without, have countered every point you’ve cared to make. And you demand proof rather than offer it?
And your links have already been shown to validate the story of your detactors, not your own point.
So? What have you got?
My apologies our “drama” keeps spilling over into the official forums.
Actually it’s more like BG’s drama… I don’t see any chest-thumping from the two others double teaming BG.
Or maybe i’m not reading the forums enough…
You aren’t reading the forums enough, I see just as many Jade Coast posts antagonizing the BG forum trolls. If everyone would just stop trying to troll one another, maybe there could actually be a “fair” tournament.
Instead we get BG chest thumping posts which lead the Tarnished Quarry posters to antagonize BG with the kittened #BGTears posts, which just starts the whole two part cycle over again.
Unfortunately this is never going to stop due to the anonymity of the internet, but one can hope. I just hope JQ/TC win this tournament and get over this grudge they have against BG so we can actually have a fair match up next tournament, instead of trading wins with each other.
If BG posters stopped making threads, they will stop getting trolled. It isn’t TC/JQ making threads left and right to mock and belittle BG. It’s BG who keeps making these qq threads, irritating everyone because they’re sounding like a broken record. Honestly, if you want to talk about a 2v1, take it to
Don’t create multiple threads, talking about the exact same thing. Condense the tears into one place, please.
I’m on SBI, I read these forums. A few weeks ago TC and JQ both posted forums about crying that BG and the other server were 2v1’ing them. Don’t know how they were doing it to both of them on the same week. Sounds like 1v1v1 to me.
I have seen several JQ and SoR cry baby posts over the past year in T1, and now I am seeing TC ones as well, so it isn’t only BG.
The majority of the whiners in these forums are from T1. Find a way to win, and don’t cry win you lose. I have watched JQ, BG, and SoR trades wins, over and over, for along time (well before season 1 started, and killed SoR). Season 2 might end up killing other servers, we will see.
as a bg player I dont believe this is what anet had in mind
not seeing the issue – JQ is attacking BG keep and TC are stacking and about to hit them.
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