Former top 50 spvp engi main.
Why are you keep playing WvW?
Former top 50 spvp engi main.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Every time I play it these days I wonder why as well.
The metagame has always been poor, but the combat used to be alright when you could find remotely even numbers. That’s gone now, so I find myself sticking to PvE most of the time.
Crowfall will never work because it uses unity. It’s kitten engine.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Well roaming is still fun. I never liked zerging. Freedom of playing what I want and flexible gearing is enjoyable. There are some too powerful things (e.g. dura rune, condi crono in dire/trailbalzer) I would prefer WvW goning lower scale fights more. Running as duo meeting 10+ 80% of the time is bad.
Well i am not playing much anymore, because of broken condi low skill, this is boring me very fast, game is ruined for me.
Well i am not playing much anymore, because of broken condi low skill, this is boring me very fast, game is ruined for me.
Same here, playing less and less lately. I can last about 10 – 15 minutes before getting totally disgusted with the current condi crap. Worst state the game has ever been in IMO.
[ZzZz]Zombie Coast, [CERN]When Zergs Collide
Tarnished Coast
The reward tracks are great to replicate Dungeon loot when you don’t enjoy pugging for dungeons. I wouldn’t have even tried WvW if I hadn’t needed the Gift of Battle for my legendary, and now I spend a lot of my free GW2 time there, joining in roaming zergs and blobs.
For the memes.
because pve is solely grinding once you got to level 80
Every other game instance feels static and I’ve done it all many times besides PvP mostly.
WvW actually changes with builds/ tactics as the meta shifts and also different people who cycle in and out. And it’s pretty amusing when for ex a troll comes from an opposing server and team chat lights up with people kitten talking for an hour or so.
After that you find a tag to go roll over some kittenty condi huggers or find a few people kittening around taking a tower or whatever. It’s a lot more interesting than running around DS 5 times a day.
(edited by Me Kill You.9035)
Dailies, and reward track bonuses. The rest isn’t worth it.
If you fight hard with your server, you’ll get to a stale tier, where you get destroyed every night.
If you fight hard with your guild, they’ll eventually get destroyed everynight, or start server-hopping to find the “best fights”.
If you happen to get past all that, and don’t move to Blobgate, then you will be farmed by Blobgate.
These are the facts, whether you agree or not.
The dailies are fun… the rest… not so much.
PvE design applying to WvW is currently the biggest issue from a roamers perspective.
I had to fix this. I’d really like to encourage ANet treat all the formats as one to balance, and just change PvP amulets to reflect PvE stats.
Things would be a lot easier to manage. And a lot less cheesy. Zero-tell damage, perma-boons, passives, etc. could all get deleted.
This week has been the best matchup I’ve played in since joining TC. We’re having even groups duking it out for 10+ mins/smaller groups coordinating to take down much larger groupd and its just amazing. Great fights every evening this whole week.
WvW is the same of 4 years ago.
There is no reason to play in it.
This week has been the best matchup I’ve played in since joining TC. We’re having even groups duking it out for 10+ mins/smaller groups coordinating to take down much larger groupd and its just amazing. Great fights every evening this whole week.
Agreed.. I’m on CD and it’s been quite a fun week for a change. At least this week we don’t have one of the huge servers sandbagged down to us… and some real fun fights. Roaming/havoc has even been a lot of fun
Because I occasionally need to be reminded how much I hate PvP and how apparently bad I am at it.
The WvW/sPvP crowd is really good at making me aware of that fact.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
Actualy i do not know… i think i need holidays of WvW… maybe it is the veteran WvW player illness
Just waiting on crowfall tbh
cough It’s a scam cough
I’d worry more about Mark Jacobs scam with Camelot Unchained mainly because Mark Jacobs is involved (never forget Trials of Atlantis or disastrous direction of Warhammer).
Crowfall is in a good spot with all things considered (not optimized, no persistence yet and still runs/feels pretty good while being in Alpha but has a playable client). But who knows where it’ll end up as funding seems to be the recurring issue over there. Crowfall could really take off or just be another MMO dud.
Crowfall is just in a unique spot since if you want to get hands on with QA/player testing months in Alpha, it offers a very different MMO development perspective experience.
GW2 doesn’t even offer that unless you are hand chosen.
(edited by Artaz.3819)
simple answer is i still find it fun.
i play WvW cuz….
…im in for the kill
….doin it for the thrill
such a depressing tone on the song like WvW
Gate of Madness
Right now.
1) Easy dailies
2) sense of community
That’s about it, otherwise its completely boring and the match ups need to be fixed. The imbalances of world populations and linkages across the board are insane.
To hunt thieves preferably the Maguuma thieves
I take periodic breaks. Right now I’m back in the game due to wanting to spread my particular brand of madness again, hang out with friends and get into some good fights. I’ve been enjoying my return against HoD and CD.
Tarnished Coast: Bringing the Butter to you (no pants allowed)
Only RvR game worth playing right now. If that changes, I am gone.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
I play it because it’s fun and my server is hilarious / pub-friendly / good enough to win fights. I also really like the triumphant armor skins and it’s way better than PvP S6.
I play it because it’s fun and my server is hilarious / pub-friendly / good enough to win fights. I also really like the triumphant armor skins and it’s way better than PvP S6.
Kinda hoping we wind up against SBI. Woo! Could have we have a server marriage ceremony inside the garrison of the other server we are against? Those are the best.
Tarnished Coast: Bringing the Butter to you (no pants allowed)
Kinda hoping we wind up against SBI.
Woo! Could have we have a server marriage ceremony inside the garrison of the other server we are against? Those are the best.
Looking at the weekly projections we could see each other as early as next week! We haven’t been opponents for years now since TC’s original climb to T1. I’m sure we’d find time and ways to mash each other and our opponent up in all sorts of places.!
Well i am not playing much anymore, because of broken condi low skill, this is boring me very fast, game is ruined for me.
Same here, playing less and less lately. I can last about 10 – 15 minutes before getting totally disgusted with the current condi crap. Worst state the game has ever been in IMO.
Ahka, I sent you a PM. Just have a curious question.
Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency
I play to build arrowcarts, and to shoot said arrowcarts.
Preferably at things that don’t like arrowcarts
Because when it is good it is truly amazing.
with the server im on this bs is once again making me want to quit the game when you see your server getting tag teamed constantly when your server get little to no help at all .
I was on your server. The problem isn’t server linking. Your server won the last few weeks. It is your server’s lack of enough guild organization to support the militia. Your server had FOUR guilds leave in the last month or two. And it won’t change anytime soon since the server is Full.
If you want to have fun again in WvW, I recommend finding a guild to run with and possibly transferring to a lower tier server.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I play because I actually enjoy it. There you see that new invader over there, you wave, maybe bow then JI into them and get 10k burn ticks while they panic and hit all the buttons. That always make me happy.
I am “That” guy you have all heard about.
1,073 precursors forged and counting.
Sometimes i play full bunker druid and i build ballistas and arrow carts in camps, so i can kill things with my full minstrel full bunker herald of immortality druid.
Roaming in groups less than 3.
Solo roaming.
Spawn camping.
Going balls deep on a zerg alone and seeing if I can down someone and escape.
….. And Elementalist.
I liked the combat in BDO. If it wasn’t such an endless gear-grind, I’d probably be playing that. Although, I heard it has its own balance issues in WvW-style gameplay.
To hunt thieves
preferably the Maguuma thieves
How can you find them? They seem to scurry into their tower so fast these days.
I liked the combat in BDO. If it wasn’t such an endless gear-grind, I’d probably be playing that. Although, I heard it has its own balance issues in WvW-style gameplay.
That game didn’t have balance problems at all.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I liked the combat in BDO. If it wasn’t such an endless gear-grind, I’d probably be playing that. Although, I heard it has its own balance issues in WvW-style gameplay.
That game didn’t have balance problems at all.
I’m assuming sarcasm doesn’t translate well over the internet…
I play wvw because i love the RvR aspect of the game. There is nothing else out there at the moment that promotes this type of play. Also whenever i go back to another mmo it becomes apparent that they can’t top the responsive combat system of gw2 so they always seem clunky. So even with all their flaws in this game mode, they have still beat their competition.
LOCK – Tarnished Coast
I play wvw because i love the RvR aspect of the game. There is nothing else out there at the moment that promotes this type of play. Also whenever i go back to another mmo it becomes apparent that they can’t top the responsive combat system of gw2 so they always seem clunky. So even with all their flaws in this game mode, they have still beat their competition.
It’s true. For all its flaws, GW2 still has the best system going at the moment. It manages to be tactical (combo fields, aoe and terrain abilities like walls, conditions + boons) while still being fast and fun. It still feels like an action game where you dodge and reposition to win.
I liked the combat in BDO. If it wasn’t such an endless gear-grind, I’d probably be playing that. Although, I heard it has its own balance issues in WvW-style gameplay.
That game didn’t have balance problems at all.
I’m assuming sarcasm doesn’t translate well over the internet…
eww, well they nerfed the aoe there cause was to easy to stack damage, still guilds there could or can make wizards ivencible by a guild “as in protected character”option avaliable.. yeah pvp… i quitted when noticed my guild was doing that…
How else will I finish my Daily when the PvE ones are annoying?
Because I enjoy it.
After many hours of both playing WvW and browsing the forums, I’ve pretty much concluded that I’m in the minority for this.
I don’t care about score. I don’t care about winning, fights, PPT, KDR or otherwise. I don’t care about defending or capturing or what ever else.
I enjoy WvW because I enjoy socializing with server and guild mates. I enjoy that I can roam, I can scout, I can zerg, I can do what ever my heart desires without anyone or anything to tell me to do otherwise. I can play what ever class I want, I can play what ever build I want, I have nearly total freedom.
There are things in WvW that frustrate me, sure, but I don’t expect it to be perfect. Much like I do with a lot of things in life, I take WvW for what it is and I look on the bright side. What’s the point of always being upset? If you have constructive criticism, give it. Make a thread with ideas and be sure to consider all the variables. Your thoughts may or may not be heard by ANet but if it slips under their radar it doesn’t mean they hate you, they hate WvW and they’re not listening.
People are such drama queens. Yes, WvW has problems and yes, ANet doesn’t do a very good job at maintaining balance or keeping our interest. But at the end of the day, it’s still just a video game and it isn’t here to be a substitute for happiness. Enjoy it for what it is and give feedback where necessary instead of pouring your hopes and dreams in to a better future for the game (and probably your life) then getting mad with ANet and the world because things didn’t pan out the way you imagined they would.
This. I completely agree. Pretty much the same reasons for me.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
I play wvw because i love the RvR aspect of the game. There is nothing else out there at the moment that promotes this type of play.
Yes there is, ESO. Its RvR system is superior to WvW in fact. However its combat is not as fluid as GW2 though. On the plus side it has far more dev attention paid to it than WvW and has senior devs working directly on it.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I play wvw because i love the RvR aspect of the game. There is nothing else out there at the moment that promotes this type of play.
Yes there is, ESO. Its RvR system is superior to WvW in fact. However its combat is not as fluid as GW2 though. On the plus side it has far more dev attention paid to it than WvW and has senior devs working directly on it.
This is what I’m going to be checking out this weekend, it’s free to try until april 18th. It’s funny was watching some videos last night of builds for zerg busting, and there are aoe bombs in the game that allow a small groups to ambush and demolish big zergs with the right timing.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
I play wvw because i love the RvR aspect of the game. There is nothing else out there at the moment that promotes this type of play.
Yes there is, ESO. Its RvR system is superior to WvW in fact. However its combat is not as fluid as GW2 though. On the plus side it has far more dev attention paid to it than WvW and has senior devs working directly on it.
This is what I’m going to be checking out this weekend, it’s free to try until april 18th. It’s funny was watching some videos last night of builds for zerg busting, and there are aoe bombs in the game that allow a small groups to ambush and demolish big zergs with the right timing.
Honestly doesn’t look too bad from the video. Anyone played ESO? How would you compare it to gw2 wvw?
I have a dream – Our Anet Senpai will make WvW Great Again!
WvW Forum is more competitive than WvW
Honestly doesn’t look too bad from the video. Anyone played ESO? How would you compare it to gw2 wvw?
Its factionally based rather than server based, this allows multiple campaigns with different rulesets, for instance 1 campaign is only for players not at max level, some campaigns run for 3 months, some run only for a week.
A campaign is run on 1 huge map much bigger than any of the WvW maps. The map is lattice based so each objective you take adjacent to your other objectives mean you can waypoint to it. If you take an objective behind enemy lines you can’t waypoint to it directly but you can set up mobile waypoints (which are bought like siege) for dead players to respawn at.
You have a home campaign but you can guest to other campaigns.
There is siege but there is no supply so you don’t build it, you just set it up and use it and it can get damaged and destroyed. Siege is much harder to use against individual players than WvW siege, its made to be used against objectives and other siege, as it should be. Siege is bought using gold or the pvp currency alliance points.
Combat is less fluid than GW2 and the combos are less easy to use. Combat is generally more chaotic than organised GW2. TTK is generally much shorter you have to really watch yourself and spec the right way.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Honestly doesn’t look too bad from the video. Anyone played ESO? How would you compare it to gw2 wvw?
Its factionally based rather than server based, this allows multiple campaigns with different rulesets, for instance 1 campaign is only for players not at max level, some campaigns run for 3 months, some run only for a week.
A campaign is run on 1 huge map much bigger than any of the WvW maps. The map is lattice based so each objective you take adjacent to your other objectives mean you can waypoint to it. If you take an objective behind enemy lines you can’t waypoint to it directly but you can set up mobile waypoints (which are bought like siege) for dead players to respawn at.
You have a home campaign but you can guest to other campaigns.
There is siege but there is no supply so you don’t build it, you just set it up and use it and it can get damaged and destroyed. Siege is much harder to use against individual players than WvW siege, its made to be used against objectives and other siege, as it should be. Siege is bought using gold or the pvp currency alliance points.
Combat is less fluid than GW2 and the combos ae less easy to use. Combat is generally more chaotic than organised GW2. TTK is generally much shorter you have to really watch yourself and spec the right way.
^pretty much this :\
Gw2 siege gameplay isactually very weak, its just Alliance Battle from Gw1 with walls arround the shrines, u cap a shrine ppt starts counting and u leave to another shrine, it could be way much better.
WvW needs to envolve to something.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
Because ANet forces me to play it for more than 8 hours for the track if I wanna get the Gift of Battle for my leggies.
I used to enjoy playing WvW at night on Deso, there was always lot of people or a decent amount of players.