WvW ecosystem is collapsing again.
The lower tier servers that feed the upper tiers are being swallowed up in this Beta event of forced transfer…that destroys community for the sake of brining all players into a frenzy tank feeding.
This is similar to dumping the small fry into the big tank with no protection…
Everything is eaten…and then there is no ecosystem to feed the bigger tank because the smaller populations that naturally evolved upwards…is eaten in one whole shot.
Vicious cycle…that needs to be broken.
There is a simple & elegant solution imho.
Player Driven…yet…ANet Controlled
Possible Solution – Short version 3.8
Change Core Base Map Mechanic
Players choose 1 Globe to represent
Old Servers are Transformed into Globes
Globes are re-named after their Old World Server’s Name
Each Globe can own 1-4 map(s) in WvW
Old & New maps can be swapped in for variety
Players are allowed to enter & visit any Globe from a list of all NA and EU Globes
Players will have a limit on how many globes they can enter & visit per week
Limit can vary from 0-3 Globes
Globe Limit would be set to Zero during SuperBowl Event
SuperBowl Event Globe participants have their – Globe Limit = 1
All Other Globes not fighting in the SuperBowl Event are closed
Home team is shown in random order the Top 1-3 Enemies attacking them to help them target who to attack
Normally – Higher Ranked Globes earn less points attacking Lower Ranked Globes
During Gladiator SuperBowl Event – All Globes earn equal points
NA Gladiator NA SuperBowl – #1 vs 2 vs 3 vs 4 vs 5 vs etc…ANet to decide
NA Gladiator EU SuperBowl – #1 vs 2 vs 3 vs 4 vs 5 vs etc…ANet to decide
ANet Core Base Map Controls
Easily Manage the WvW Universe by Increasing or Decreasing
1) Globe Visit Flag – Max Number of Globes ANY player can visit per week
2) Globe Full Flag – Max Number of players that can actively be on a Globe
………..Seat Allocation: Home = 45%, Enemy = 45%, ANet = 10%
3) Guild Full Flag – Max Number of players a Guild can have as members
4) World Full Flag – Max Number of players a Globe can have as representors
ANet can prevent un-fair matches & stop players from trying to game the system by adjusting these Core Base Map Flag Numbers
Time Zone/Language Label & Off-Peak Capping
Globes are Labeled after a Time Zone. This Time Zone Mechanic is only a Label
Communities Form around this Label
Also, there is a Language mechanic to help properly Label a Community that forms for each Globe
New Players before choosing a Globe…are shown the Language preference distribution of its population…primary & secondary Languages of players for the Globe
Local & International Communities Form around Globes using these Labels
Off-peak capping issues addressed by players forming Enemy Alliances with International Globes to attack Invaders to your Local Globe
Time Zone & Label Mechanics Do Not prevent players from doing anything in WvW
Automatic & Manual Upgrades
Home Globe Map(s) – Automatic & No Cost
Enemy Globe Map(s) & EBG – Manual & Cost Based (Gold / Karma / WvW Points)
Allows for a Weak Home Globe to rebuild after repeatedly being wiped with minimum effort
Manual & Cost based Upgrades provide a natural mechanism that allows territory expansions to slow down or to collapse…if no effort is put into keeping the expansion moving forward
Highly Organized Globes are kept challenged in their conquest to expand, but Weak Home Globes are offered a sanctuary to recover when overwhelmed
Yours truly,
Possible Full Solution – Google Search – Reboot Base Map Mechanic
(edited by Diku.2546)