Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]
(edited by Pink Ninja Man.4375)
Article on Guild Claiming Upgrades
Post thoughts and opinions on the new upgrade system for guilds here.
Adding link to Points of Interest episode on Guild Claiming Upgrades
(edited by Pink Ninja Man.4375)
“Cloaking Waters
Availability: Castle
The fountains in the castle’s courtyard grant stealth to allies."
Wait What ?
“Cloaking Waters
Availability: Castle
The fountains in the castle’s courtyard grant stealth to allies."Wait What ?
They actually already mentioned this as a thing, however they also announced an airstrike for the Castle too that wasn’t put in this post. The post also has a few errors such as the emergency waypoint in the passive area and the hardened gates being for all objectives not just walled ones.
I wanna know if there are 3 levers in each objective, or how do you pick what active you want to use. Hopefully you don’t just have to use all 3 at once with one lever pull. Anyhow some of these changes are things players have been asking for so it’s nice to see that ArenaNet is paying attention to request and now has implemented them and has a way to implement more in the future easily.
I wanna know if there are 3 levers in each objective, or how do you pick what active you want to use.
You choose which active upgrade you want to slot, it takes a few minutes to be ready and then the lever can activate it. You can’t choose on the fly which one to use or use more than one. I was confused on the quesion. I was trying to answer that you can’t use multiple things from one tier but original questions was really about the three separate tiers.
(edited by Tofu.1978)
There are 3 levers at each objective, except camps which only have 2 tiers and thus 2 levers.
When I read the turtle skills I was actually expecting a turtle transformation like the Centaur, but I guess that may have got a bit to Ninja Turtles in a daredevil hands :P
When I read the turtle skills I was actually expecting a turtle transformation like the Centaur, but I guess that may have got a bit to Ninja Turtles in a daredevil hands :P
Skill 5—A giant spirit turtle splashes into the ground with such force that it launches nearby enemies and grants stability and protection to allies.
Great A’Tuin
Wow this is pretty sweet.
Cool one’s I like:
Questionable ones:
(edited by Johje Holan.4607)
I love the recognition that guilds are important and giving us more options and decisions to make while defending.
But, I think that in a vacuum all of these upgrades and abilities skew things too far onto the defending side. It is already very tough to take a T3 tower or keep that is defended competently. With these upgrades it might be near impossible.
So my question, is there a set of upgrades or abilities coming for the attacking side? Something to even the odds?
For example defenders get an emergency temporary waypoint, perhaps give the attackers a temporary waypoint jammer?
It feels like the defenders get to play Chess with all these choices and abilities while the attackers are playing Checkers still, “See gate! Attack gate!”
Ok just read through it all and sounds really interesting — lots of stuff for all types of game play. Some of the stuff, like hardened siege came right from feedback here, I recall the suggestion (just not who, sorry!).
Only thing I’d beg: those nefarious quaggans used to nuke out siege all over the map (not just in garri) when they were active and it was determined to be a bug. Please, if possible, double check that none of these new effects do the same. Nothing more frustrating than watching siege get destroyed by an invisible bug/side-effect.
Otherwise, looking forward to it, sounds like a lot of fun!
Edit: Sorry one key question: How does the claim/unclaim work? Is there a timer that will time out if a guild doesn’t activate anything after a period of time? I’m just wondering how it will work with troll guilds that claim a keep and don’t do anything to it — just let it sit there, preventing anyone else from upgrading, etc. Will there be a way to have a timer/expiry on it if they don’t use/activate anything?
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Look, I understand what you are trying to do, and I think most of these upgrades sound kind of fun, but I strongly disagree with upgrades such as the Dune Roller. I don’t want open field battles to revolve around players getting insane buffs that will allow them to steamroll other players.
Wonder if this means gvg guilds never leaving guild halls. I am not gvg and I personally don’t like the changes. I can’t imagine what the fighters think …..
(edited by Liston.9708)
I have mixed feelings about this.
And as EFWinters said, I hope that these banners will not become a thing in open field fights. They sound a little bit too strong. Especially some skills in the centaur and turtle one.
So my question, is there a set of upgrades or abilities coming for the attacking side? Something to even the odds?"
I would like to think the banners can be used offensively, also the Char Car is offensive. Yes they can also be used defensively and there is more defensive focus with these upgrades but that is normally what a defensive fortification is for.
Look, I understand what you are trying to do, and I think most of these upgrades sound kind of fun, but I strongly disagree with upgrades such as the Dune Roller. I don’t want open field battles to revolve around players getting insane buffs that will allow them to steamroll other players.
Looks like they only give the banner or transformation to one person on a decent cooldown, so don’t expect to see full zergs of transformed players like in EotM.
Regarding the banners in open field fights, I think these will be awesome for commanders. Most of their ability seem to be support based or zone control, also the breakerbar or whatever will help them stay on their feet when pushing. It will depend on how much damage the abilities do or heal that will determine how strong they are. Unfortunate downside, expect to be focused if you are holding the banner so maybe better not on the commander because if he dies you lose leader and banner (depending on banner mechanics).
(edited by Pink Ninja Man.4375)
Look, I understand what you are trying to do, and I think most of these upgrades sound kind of fun, but I strongly disagree with upgrades such as the Dune Roller. I don’t want open field battles to revolve around players getting insane buffs that will allow them to steamroll other players.
Looks like they only give the banner or transformation to one person on a decent cooldown, so don’t expect to see full zergs of transformed players like in EotM.
PER supply camp.
(oops, sneaky edit)
ANet being trolling.
Happy September fools days everyone!
“Hardened Siege
Availability: Walled Objectives
Cannons, mortars, and oil pots can only be damaged by siege weapons.”
Siege should NEVER be invulnerable to player attacks, especially some of these particular pieces. Cannons can fire so frequently and do so much damage to large areas, it gives too much of an edge to force players to try and build something in time to take it out. Similar issue with mortars. They are already in annoying to reach locations. By making it so the few attacks that can hit them, don’t, is just going to give far too much of a defensive edge.
Good job anet trying to give kitten casual players (they consider true wvw players) like DocGotGame some gimmick so he can actually win a fight.
don’t really like most of the buffs, but some of them are way to OP imo.
-Invulnerable dolyaks
makes it impossible for weaker servers to counter the stronger servers by depleting their sups
-hardened gates
creating an invulnerable wall and gate is just ridiculous, no further information required
-hardened siege
Cannons can insta kill balli+AC only way to counter then is by making a treb in the distance→ really slow playstyle and requires alot of sups per objective. this will make it harder for striketeams and low populated servers to cap towers
-emergency waypoint
endless keep/castle fights can be the most exciting experience in WvW. opening a WP for a period of time, no matter wether the keep gets contested or not will result in the assaulter getting rekt while having even numbers and only possible to cap if you heavily outnumber the enemy.
Also the Banners are questionable, i personally just really dislike unfair advantages in open field fights.
“Hardened Siege
Availability: Walled Objectives
Cannons, mortars, and oil pots can only be damaged by siege weapons.”Siege should NEVER be invulnerable to player attacks, especially some of these particular pieces. Cannons can fire so frequently and do so much damage to large areas, it gives too much of an edge to force players to try and build something in time to take it out. Similar issue with mortars. They are already in annoying to reach locations. By making it so the few attacks that can hit them, don’t, is just going to give far too much of a defensive edge.
The operators aren’t invul though….
-Invulnerable dolyaks
makes it impossible for weaker servers to counter the stronger servers by depleting their sups-hardened gates
creating an invulnerable wall and gate is just ridiculous, no further information required-hardened siege
Cannons can insta kill balli+AC only way to counter then is by making a treb in the distance-> really slow playstyle and requires alot of sups per objective. this will make it harder for striketeams and low populated servers to cap towers-emergency waypoint
endless keep/castle fights can be the most exciting experience in WvW. opening a WP for a period of time, no matter wether the keep gets contested or not will result in the assaulter getting rekt while having even numbers and only possible to cap if you heavily outnumber the enemy.Also the Banners are questionable, i personally just really dislike unfair advantages in open field fights.
There is a cooldown on the dolyaks so not every one is invulnerable and you have to use a active spot for it and some of the other ones are nicer, in my opinion.
Hardened Gates, I think you mean Invulnerable Fortifications, is only temporary (probably no more than 30 sec) with a long cooldown.
Hardened Seige, there are other counters including just attacking the player on the siege which is has always been quicker than destroying the siege. Now you just have to keep a few players putting down aoe’s to keep them from getting used or kill them with siege.
Waypoint does seem strong, maybe they should limit it to only so many players can come through it, like Mesmer portal. But with a long cooldown this can be played around with feint attacks.
Jarixx and Rampage, you mind explaining why you feel this way? Just saying this is a troll accomplishes nothing and clearly it is not. I’m sorry you feel that WvW is only about open world fights as well, it is about more that just that.
so roaming are basically getting killed now, correct?
I knew you guys would kitten this up and make roaming already worse than it is. Why not just rename WvW to BlobvBlob already since you obviously aren’t doing a kitten thing about it ?
Few things on the list were ideas that been floating around the forums in the past.
Few things on the list were ideas that been floating around the forums in the past.
I know the no player damage to cannons and oil and no player damage to doors were suggested on the forums a while back not sure about the rest.
Also how is roaming dead? Maybe you have a different opinion of roaming than I do but the banners seem good for 5 to 10 man roaming groups to help with fights, and they will be able to defend much better now waiting for reinforcements. If you are talking about 1-5 man roaming I don’t see much that will affect that.
-Invulnerable dolyaks
makes it impossible for weaker servers to counter the stronger servers by depleting their sups-hardened gates
creating an invulnerable wall and gate is just ridiculous, no further information required-hardened siege
Cannons can insta kill balli+AC only way to counter then is by making a treb in the distance-> really slow playstyle and requires alot of sups per objective. this will make it harder for striketeams and low populated servers to cap towers-emergency waypoint
endless keep/castle fights can be the most exciting experience in WvW. opening a WP for a period of time, no matter wether the keep gets contested or not will result in the assaulter getting rekt while having even numbers and only possible to cap if you heavily outnumber the enemy.Also the Banners are questionable, i personally just really dislike unfair advantages in open field fights.
There is a cooldown on the dolyaks so not every one is invulnerable and you have to use a active spot for it and some of the other ones are nicer, in my opinion.
Hardened Gates, I think you mean Invulnerable Fortifications, is only temporary (probably no more than 30 sec) with a long cooldown.
Hardened Seige, there are other counters including just attacking the player on the siege which is has always been quicker than destroying the siege. Now you just have to keep a few players putting down aoe’s to keep them from getting used or kill them with siege.
Waypoint does seem strong, maybe they should limit it to only so many players can come through it, like Mesmer portal. But with a long cooldown this can be played around with feint attacks.
i’m not saying that there are no ways to counter it, but i think the guildbuffs should be just a small extra reward, but i feel like these upgrades are out of proportion. WvW guilds are all about teamwork, being a significant threat with small numbers. No mindless blobguilds/serverguilds that get extra important because they can trigger these buffs
Maybe I missed it, but will the old buffs still be available as well?
Also, if a guild has claimed a holding but has no buffs/upgrades running or has not had buffs running for a period of time, will their claim release? If not, it should. A lot of times guilds claim locations, but don’t keep buffs running, and fail to move their claim to something that’s not important/likely to flip quickly. All the cool new upgrades won’t do any good if nobody from the claiming guild is properly managing their claim(s), which you can rest assured will happen on many servers.
Few things on the list were ideas that been floating around the forums in the past.
I know the no player damage to cannons and oil and no player damage to doors were suggested on the forums a while back not sure about the rest.
Also how is roaming dead? Maybe you have a different opinion of roaming than I do but the banners seem good for 5 to 10 man roaming groups to help with fights, and they will be able to defend much better now waiting for reinforcements. If you are talking about 1-5 man roaming I don’t see much that will affect that.
Also the 100 supply drop and the yaks are the other two that I recall people talking about. Maybe not invuln yaks lol but NPC buffs to them has been mentioned a lot.
Roaming will never die if you ask me.
Rip wvw combat god bless ppters amirite ANet
-Invulnerable dolyaks
GG anet Now I’ll never be able to get the coolest title in this game Ohh wait..
i’m not saying that there are no ways to counter it, but i think the guildbuffs should be just a small extra reward, but i feel like these upgrades are out of proportion. WvW guilds are all about teamwork, being a significant threat with small numbers. No mindless blobguilds/serverguilds that get extra important because they can trigger these buffs
These buff is no way need a zerg to ‘trigger’ them. You can have a simple small guild (I would guess even a 1 man guild) and have these upgrades. Yes having more numbers in your guild will allow you to claim an objective easier however you can only claim one per map.
Also I believe the old buffs will still be in and no longer time based but permanent once unlocked, at least that is how I read the first big guild article that talked about guild claiming. They could have been refering to these new ‘buffs’ though as once unlocked it looks like they stay unlocked.
Unclaiming would be nice and some sort of auto-unclaim would be nice if a guild wasn’t using any buff. I don’t think there should be a vote because then if your guild wants buffs for a specific reason but the server blob or main guild wants something else they will just kick your guild out even though you were using it as intended.
Maybe I missed it, but will the old buffs still be available as well?
Also, if a guild has claimed a holding but has no buffs/upgrades running or has not had buffs running for a period of time, will their claim release? If not, it should. A lot of times guilds claim locations, but don’t keep buffs running, and fail to move their claim to something that’s not important/likely to flip quickly. All the cool new upgrades won’t do any good if nobody from the claiming guild is properly managing their claim(s), which you can rest assured will happen on many servers.
Buffs are no longer on a timer, they remain until the objective is flipped.
However, does not address whether a troll guild can claim, put up zero buffs, and players have no way of fixing, other than letting the structure flip. Also no mention of whether there will be an easy claim/unclaim ability (one would hope so).
“Hardened Siege
Availability: Walled Objectives
Cannons, mortars, and oil pots can only be damaged by siege weapons.”Siege should NEVER be invulnerable to player attacks, especially some of these particular pieces. Cannons can fire so frequently and do so much damage to large areas, it gives too much of an edge to force players to try and build something in time to take it out. Similar issue with mortars. They are already in annoying to reach locations. By making it so the few attacks that can hit them, don’t, is just going to give far too much of a defensive edge.
The operators aren’t invul though….
So what? Group aoes you for a bit, you back off, and then you get back on it. They build siege to take it out, you get on another piece of siege, they have to run over there and build siege to take it out, repeat cycle.
So what? Group aoes you for a bit, you back off, and then you get back on it. They build siege to take it out, you get on another piece of siege, they have to run over there and build siege to take it out, repeat cycle.
So, you want to be able to destroy the siege so you can afk while the door get’s knocked down? This is what attacking and defending need more of, some interactive gameplay that goes on while the wait for a door or wall gets knocked down.
“Hardened Siege
Availability: Walled Objectives
Cannons, mortars, and oil pots can only be damaged by siege weapons.”Siege should NEVER be invulnerable to player attacks, especially some of these particular pieces. Cannons can fire so frequently and do so much damage to large areas, it gives too much of an edge to force players to try and build something in time to take it out. Similar issue with mortars. They are already in annoying to reach locations. By making it so the few attacks that can hit them, don’t, is just going to give far too much of a defensive edge.
The operators aren’t invul though….
So what? Group aoes you for a bit, you back off, and then you get back on it. They build siege to take it out, you get on another piece of siege, they have to run over there and build siege to take it out, repeat cycle.
Have to run from spawn though if you die and nobody around … WPs being removed from Hills/Bay and going to south towers/garri. I imagine the emergency WP has a really really long reset timer.
-Invulnerable dolyaks
GG anet Now I’ll never be able to get the coolest title in this game
Ohh wait..
Ahhh haha I’ll be a yakslapper when HoT launches
“Hardened Siege
Availability: Walled Objectives
Cannons, mortars, and oil pots can only be damaged by siege weapons.”Siege should NEVER be invulnerable to player attacks, especially some of these particular pieces. Cannons can fire so frequently and do so much damage to large areas, it gives too much of an edge to force players to try and build something in time to take it out. Similar issue with mortars. They are already in annoying to reach locations. By making it so the few attacks that can hit them, don’t, is just going to give far too much of a defensive edge.
The operators aren’t invul though….
So what? Group aoes you for a bit, you back off, and then you get back on it. They build siege to take it out, you get on another piece of siege, they have to run over there and build siege to take it out, repeat cycle.
Those spots are always hot when I play – gave up on cannons long ago as they are nuked first…..
Are we gonna have access during this beta to all these upgrades from guild claim? And access to EB to check out SM upgrades too maybe?
A few points on anti-griefing measures for guild claiming:
Some of this looks interesting, although it’s effectively the same strategy of giving more toys, this time focussed on defence. Doesn’t do anything to address the problems at the core of the game mode… but we already knew that what’s packaged with the HoT release wouldn’t, so that’s no surprise.
It’s going to make defense while outmanned a bit easier, and defense with even numbers trivial. That may push play towards cap and hold a little more, and that’s about it.
That may push play towards cap and hold a little more, and that’s about it.
I’m pretty sure this is how this game mode was always supposed to be played.
So what? Group aoes you for a bit, you back off, and then you get back on it. They build siege to take it out, you get on another piece of siege, they have to run over there and build siege to take it out, repeat cycle.
So, you want to be able to destroy the siege so you can afk while the door get’s knocked down? This is what attacking and defending need more of, some interactive gameplay that goes on while the wait for a door or wall gets knocked down.
So, you want to be able to afk in a structure and never worry about it being taken, let alone attacked? I’m not saying remove siege, I’m saying don’t make it faceroll. How about a claim buff that makes siege is more tanky, how about while manning siege you get increased dmg resistance and stability, how about a remote operate area that lets you man the siege without being right on it, and so on.
Wait, so even guilds that unlocked previously fortified transport but don’t have enough people with HoT won’t be able to claim?
So what? Group aoes you for a bit, you back off, and then you get back on it. They build siege to take it out, you get on another piece of siege, they have to run over there and build siege to take it out, repeat cycle.
So, you want to be able to destroy the siege so you can afk while the door get’s knocked down? This is what attacking and defending need more of, some interactive gameplay that goes on while the wait for a door or wall gets knocked down.
So, you want to be able to afk in a structure and never worry about it being taken, let alone attacked? I’m not saying remove siege, I’m saying don’t make it faceroll. How about a claim buff that makes siege is more tanky, how about while manning siege you get increased dmg resistance and stability, how about a remote operate area that lets you man the siege without being right on it, and so on.
Um…. you just said the defender would have to back off and switch siege. That isn’t afking that is actively defending.
Also in another thread in the Desert Borderlands Stress Test section of the forum a dev mentioned that this test was actually mainly for testing of these new Guild Claiming Upgrades so we get to see them in action very soon
A few points on anti-griefing measures for guild claiming:
- Guilds without Guild Halls will not be able to claim objectives.
- Guilds with the most players at the objective at the time of capture will have first priority.
- Empty guild upgrade slots can be slotted by anyone (who has unlocked the appropriate upgrades), however the owning guild still reserves the right to overwrite a slotted upgrade with a different one.
Thank you! That’s awesome.
Article on Guild Claiming Upgrades
Post thoughts and opinions on the new upgrade system for guilds here.
Thoughts: anet is doing their best to destroy WvW as a serious large scale PvP mode. Its just another trend to cater to casuals.
So what? Group aoes you for a bit, you back off, and then you get back on it. They build siege to take it out, you get on another piece of siege, they have to run over there and build siege to take it out, repeat cycle.
So, you want to be able to destroy the siege so you can afk while the door get’s knocked down? This is what attacking and defending need more of, some interactive gameplay that goes on while the wait for a door or wall gets knocked down.
So, you want to be able to afk in a structure and never worry about it being taken, let alone attacked? I’m not saying remove siege, I’m saying don’t make it faceroll. How about a claim buff that makes siege is more tanky, how about while manning siege you get increased dmg resistance and stability, how about a remote operate area that lets you man the siege without being right on it, and so on.
Um…. you just said the defender would have to back off and switch siege. That isn’t afking that is actively defending.
Also in another thread in the Desert Borderlands Stress Test section of the forum a dev mentioned that this test was actually mainly for testing of these new Guild Claiming Upgrades so we get to see them in action very soon
I know very well what I said, I’m just responding with the same exaggerated claim you wish to make. Destructible siege doesn’t mean an attacking force doesn’t need to actually pay attention or that they’re going to be able to instantly blow it up. And even if they did, there’s still ACs and other things that can, and should be, built. If a defending force isn’t utilizing all at their disposal, then who’s fault is it…
The amount of siege and PvE bullsittery that just got announced just makes me want to quit the game tbh. We won’t know how it’ll work until release since ANet doesn’t do a PTR, but hey…
One thing that I note is that anet got rid of all the cool environmental weapons from WvW cause of the effect on fights but now they’re adding even more overpowering abilities that will make taking a defending tower or keep close to impossible.
Just more PvD.
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