Actually they DID advertise it as " Large scale PvP" and stated that was what the players asked for and was giving us when they discussed the results of the surveys they used to create this game. They specifically told us the players asked for large scale PvP, that they heard us and they were giving it to us. So YES, they not only advertises it as large scale PvP, they outright told us that is what they were giving us and why many bought the game.
Raiding castles is still nonstop PvP if implemented properly. Players fighting other players over objectives = WvW. " nonstop PvP action" should be players fighting other players nonstop over objectives. I am not sure what you are understanding that to be.PvD undefended structures on the other hand has no place in a PvP game mode, nor should it be rewarded.
I was there in the beginning too… Yet, many things changed since then in WvW, PvP and PvE, so it feels more relevant to look at what they advertise now, instead of sticking to what they used to advertise, even if I understand the disappointement.
As much as I understand their official site, the main focus of WvW seem to be taking on and holding objectives (and thus, PPT). And in the process, you may encounter opponents, thus have PvP. Not necessarily in a big scale, by the way.
If no player defends an objective, then you can take it on your own, just by opening it, and fighting the NPCs. That’s more or less impossible to avoid in a 1 week persistent map. It’s hard to have a sufficient amount of players any time, everywhere.There’s here a slight difference with using objectives as an excuse to do (I exaggerate on purpose) blob vs. blob (what many ppl understand as “large scale PvP”) in the middle of a field, with no interest in camps, keeps or towers. And there’s such a biais currently in WvW, as I stated in another post, where I related 2 comms blob vs blobbing in the field amongst green objectives (we play red) and not caring about our red towers and camps being taken over. We were players who took those objectives, and raised them to T1, and we were disgusted.
In a nutshell, and from what I understand from updates and official site, ANet expects players to focus on objectives, ways to take them, upgrade them, get benefit from them, and hold them ; and have large scale PvP at various stages of the process.They do not expect players to focus on looking for a big crowd to fight in some kind of large scale courtyard ; and not care much about objectives which would be mere “PvE gimmicks”.
Since you have been here as well, you would know that the reason players moved to the field and stopped messing with the objectives and caring about the score was due to the Arrow cart damage increase on players and the rewarding of PvD. Winning became an embarrassment, not something players were proud of. Players started out in the objectives and caring about the score, but due to Anets decisions, they changed that. Anet has to change the way they treat WvW for players to care again.
They moved away from the arrow carts, and if they want players to return to the objectives they need to change siege vs player and the way it is rewarded. The focus should be on players fighting other players over objectives and to get it to return to that they need to make necessary changes to correct the problems otherwise it will never change and only go downhill from there long term. Currently die fast, go back and PVD undefended structure have your zerge jump on siege inside objectives and not fight = WIN. That has to change if they want players to care about winning again.
There are multiple ways to accomplish that easily. One, for example, would be to use the objectives to just “BUFF” the fights, not score on it’s own. Instead the objective gives players the most loot and PPK while fighting over it instead. That way the objective is actually MORE valuable than it is currently, but doesn’t actually do score points on it’s own without players doing something to earn it. If you only score points and get loot while fighting other players over yaks, towers, sentries, camps, keeps then the objectives actually matter, it is not an embarrassment to win, and players are willing to fight over them as they should have been all along. Players fighting in the fields and not caring about the score or objectives is due to the game being broken and needing to be fixed, not because they players are actually doing something wrong. Fix the game and players will play it and enjoy it that way.
Every time you make kitten up like statistics and make lump assumptions of who did what and why, you just look like an idiot and invalidate any argument you may have.
I’m getting real tired of seeing you talk like you speak for every kittening player in the game… And making up bullkitten about the maps being the reason players were lost or gained, it’s just kittening rediculous.
Hey I’ve been here since obt1 and I left the game right when HOT came out TOO… Guess WHAT…. IT wasnt due to kittening DBL…….. I came back later TOO… Guess what… it wasnt because of kittening ABL..
I don’t know why I’m surprised though… Coming from KILL who spews nonsense daily in WvW about if you aren’t on a melee train class and not on TS you don’t deserve to WvW and are inferior to KILL…. Such ego’s.
Yea.. Not sure who kittened in your cheerios but No need to " invent" stats. They should outright email poll past and present WvW players over a certain rank and stop assuming what people want and don’t want. They can actually get back old players if they find out why they left and address the issues.
Here this may help you get a grasp on how this came about:
Not speaking for every player of course, only the ones who I asked specifically what it would take to get them back to the game, which happen to be quite a few. One of my multigame RL college guilds ( over 2,000 members) actually are in numerous guilds on many servers both Eu and NA servers on this game, and the other guilds I am in here also have quite a few players that were affected by this. I play this with real friends and family, so yes I do care whether or not my friends are happy with the game, even if we disagree with what will make “us” happy to play it. ( Get this.. I don’t actually mind going to the DBL so much, but those I want to play with DO mind is the issue and they left the game over it. Enough of my friends left the game over it that we would no longer play this game and have to find a new game to play together if this isn’t resolved). I do not recall ever saying you came back for the ABL, so sure whatever your reason for coming back is your reason, not everyone else’s. I never left, but have plenty of friends and family who did, and will do so again if they bring the DBL back.
I primarily play Necro, not a melee class, but will switch if we are short heavies as needed since I play for the team ,not about just doing whatever I want. What classes and builds are played depend on party composition so you can have a properly formed squad, so I change according to what is needed. Every player should be on voice coms however, for communication purposes so they know what is happening in the game and do not miss 99% of the calls made.
I do not recall ever calling anyone " inferior". In fact, I am the one who says people should be nicer to " uplevels" and help them rather than discourage them. Everyone was new at some point. If you ever get to a point that you don’t think you need to evaluate what you are doing or have room for improvement and listen to criticism, you have gotten to the point you should / uninstall and find a new hobby.
Not sure what got your undies in a bunch, but I think you may be a tad mistaken about what you think is going on here.
(edited by lil devils x.6071)