WvW is so lagy.
This is insane. Its like my character has 2 – 3 seconds of delay on all of his actions. I just cant play and its been like this since the latest patch!
118 ping at this moment, average 121!
This is insane. Its like my character has 2 – 3 seconds of delay on all of his actions. I just cant play and its been like this since the latest patch!
118 ping at this moment, average 121!
You’re lucky this week I’ve seen lag in the 600 to 5,000 range. Never really saw lag like this until this week.
This is insane. Its like my character has 2 – 3 seconds of delay on all of his actions. I just cant play and its been like this since the latest patch!
118 ping at this moment, average 121!You’re lucky this week I’ve seen lag in the 600 to 5,000 range. Never really saw lag like this until this week.
5000 in generous. There’s fights at garrison and I’m still lagging getting out of spawn
Maybe we can get a moderator to fix the spelling on this enormous thread necro.
Very lag in WvW!!!
so laggy in wvw… please fix anet or atleast acknowledge there is a problem….
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie
guys use less AOE casters :P that would solve the lag probably.
less calc to handle = less lag.
Is this a kittening joke? How is it still this bad?
I literally can’t weapon swap until like 10-15 seconds after I press it.
Big fight in JQ bay tonight. So, I decided to roam around and hit camps to avoid the lag. When trying to take a camp I could not activate a skill when the fight was taking place in bay
Wow that lagg issue is a real problem!
after the change with conditions i didn’t had that laggy situations in wvw.
skilllag while fighting big blobs where manageable.
Its that worse that i hear in ts every everyone shouting “lagg spike”. screen freezes for 1-5 seconds.
I hop its just a performance test that you run on the new wvw map which is coming!
You realy need to fix that please.
Holy eff ANet, this is absolutely insane. Please fix this. By far the absolute worst sustained lag I’ve experienced in a very long time.
If you have time and see this please post in this thread im trying to get everyone to post in up in the support forums : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/MASSIVE-Server-Skill-Lag-in-WvW-since-patch/first#post4923090
[Syn] Syndictive
All of us have followed you foolishly,
Now rage ensues the community,
Endless deteriorating of this game is cruelty.
Today we rebel with mutiny!
So i’ll end this thing with some ranting,
Unrelentlessly rubbers are banding,
Constantly blobs are chanting,
Kittening skills are confused,
So read the caps to conclude.
It was almost unplayable yesterday on Gunnars hold EB, insane lag spiken when the zerg fights started. And no it was not always like this. I havent seen this type of lag in way over a year.
Lag really got a lot worse as of late – even in Obsidian Sanctum, where there are 3-4 people maximum in my matchup (yeah, pretty deserted), my client frequently experiences lagspikes (like a 5 second delay between Buttonpress and Weaponswap).
This is almost nonexistent on PvE maps for me, and seems to be limited to GW2 in general.
Edit: i also wonder what the Ping/Average Ping in the UI is supposed to say. If i were to believe it, i would have an average ping of 60-70, which definetly isn’t true. Yesterday i saw a ranger between Anza and Speldan, tried avoiding him by swimming into the lake, and just as i passed under the bridge between mendons and red’s mainkeep, i suddenly found myself in downed state between Anza and Speldan again. Thats easily more than 15,000 Ingame Units away. Couldn’t fire any abilitys either (and people kept “porting around” and/or running in straight lines – typical lagspike effects), all while the Options claimed my Ping to be around 60-70 o_ô
(edited by phirefox.2568)
Posted this elsewhere but will post it here as well, since this thread got the initial Anet’s response.
This is quite strange, a year ago I posted a video I uploaded about skill lag. And it was almost exactly a year ago (March 30, 2014). Here’s the video:
Anet actually fixed the skill lag issue within a few weeks after that post.
So I uploaded a new vid showing the skill lag, hopefully they can fix the issues this time as well.
Fingers crossed. The issue seems to happen whenever 3 servers are in close vicinity, even if 1 server stands off to the side while 2 others engaged each other. I love WvW but I dread any 3-way battles right now. Please fix Anet, thank you.
There is a 15 page thread I. The bug forums and one in the technical forums with dev resposes. They had a simple adjustment suggestion that solved the problem for many folks I know (I have not had the skill lag hit me) and the solution suggest a problem with how many videos card or crrtain gpu’s are working with the change, implying it is not the change itself that is the problem. I am not suggesting there is not a change Anet can make to resolve the issue, but it does appear to be solving everyone’s problems.
fps drop isn’t the same as skill lag. Skill lag is server-side. Always have been, and always will be.
fps drop isn’t the same as skill lag. Skill lag is server-side. Always have been, and always will be.
A fair bit of the discussion I saw evolved skill lag. As well, I have had guildies and friends, suggest to me that it solved their provlem. I was simply offering it as a suggestion to those it may help. If you do not want to go through and try it, by all means, don’t try it, it was just a suggestion.
This my friend is indeed server lag. Doesn’t have anything to do with FPS.
I had some similar problems since a couple weeks. I guess I am lucky since I did not run into such massive skill lag. As for me, the lag would usually be around 2 second delay during massive fights (don’t know if the fact that my computer is a bomb helps on skill lag, but atleast I know my FPS is not a problem, nor is my ping ^^ ).
Gave up playing as rubberbanding and massive skill lag kills any fun. Not my connection either.
Same, haven’t played for about 2 weeks now, other then grabbin my daily chest.
Get this thread post in all server community site and ask everyone who’s in WvWvW exp this lag to post in this thread. It seems Anet keep thinking is user end issue instead them.
The lag is horrible… unplayable most of the time.
one is the only number you can ever use
i wanted to use my two but in wvw i cant even use my one
i was told that theres a way i could fix the lag
but id need a new computer and updated drivers
one is the only number you can ever use
i wanted to use my two but in wvw i cant even use my one
i was told that theres a way i could fix the lag
but id need a new computer and updated drivers
Chedder, have you run the TraceRoute as suggested in Anet’s “Lag/Latency” guide?
It seems that players from all over the world, including most NA players, are being routed through the same IP address in France, & seeing the majority of their problems start there. The IP address is , so if you run Anet’s Diagnostic Test, check to see if you are being sent through that IP, especially if you are located in an area (or continent) where there should be no reason that you would be sent through a French IP to get to your servers.
PS – this same IP address was popping up in player complaints on these forums the last time that Skill Lag was unbearable, roughly 1 year ago.
Yeah lag still going on, yesterday my ping jumped from 40 to 1400 when enemy zerg approached in wvw. When spawning, before getting to the enemy, everything was fine.. as soon as I was near enemy, skill lag and rubberbanding started [EU, Aurora Glade]
Yeah lag still going on, yesterday my ping jumped from 40 to 1400 when enemy zerg approached in wvw. When spawning, before getting to the enemy, everything was fine.. as soon as I was near enemy, skill lag and rubberbanding started [EU, Aurora Glade]
EU Gunnars, same here. As soon as the larger fights start the lag begins. Nothing to do with my fps, the server just cannot seem to handle something that is going on. Quite easy to see if you made gw2, pretty sure they keep all kinds of monitoring tools right?
I see AG is not falling under the DL hate, we at gunnars getting focussed on because somehow they hate us :P
so basically this is how i noticed the lag happens even in a 40 vs 25+ situation. we will say A is 40 and B is 25+. server A stacks up and gets ready to push, server B stacks and gets ready to counter. now server A hits stability to push. bam lag for 15 seconds, after 15 seconds you are free to use all skills till everyone pops stability again. this has been happening everytime a large group uses stability it seems. has anyone else noticed this?
so basically this is how i noticed the lag happens even in a 40 vs 25+ situation. we will say A is 40 and B is 25+. server A stacks up and gets ready to push, server B stacks and gets ready to counter. now server A hits stability to push. bam lag for 15 seconds, after 15 seconds you are free to use all skills till everyone pops stability again. this has been happening everytime a large group uses stability it seems. has anyone else noticed this?
I’ve noticed the same thing, in T1 with blob fights doesn’t matter what the numbers are however numbers does affect the intensity of the lag, the intensity is at it’s worse when numbers are anything from 35 to 90 players per blob.
Now for the actual lag, i’ve noticed my ping spikes when either blob is in the vicinity of the other (for example from the opposite side of the bridge inside bay is blob A, and blob B is on the other side of the outer gate either NE or South) then the common side effects occur, such as rubberbanding players making it hard to stack on the commander and noticeable skill lag. Skill lag reduces slightly as soon as the blobs are closer together, depending on the size of the respective blobs, during engages/aoe bombs etc there is a delay of 3-5 seconds for some skills, sometimes its only 2 seconds, sometimes you can spam it for 5-10 seconds and come up with nothing. During the entire fight my ping has spiked high, but strangely not high enough to actually cause this type of lag. having 300-400ms should not cause a delay in skills of up to 10 seconds.
My theory is that because of the extra calculations for stability there may be some sort of server instability when it has to deal with that many extra numbers, before it was a single duration stacked buff that could be spread among allies/yourself, now it’s a boon that stacks not only duration but intensity, meaning there’s calculations for stacks coming off from CC, going up, falling off from durations, being pulled from boon rips, being spread from aoe stab (guardian shouts) to allies.
So say every one in the blob has not used stability as of yet, but slowly players from the AoE parties (ele’s/necro’s/thieves/rangers etc) start using their skills when they’re engaging with chill/static etc. as a counter to that a few enemy players use their stability (boom, tiny bit of lag), and this may happen multiple times vice versa (pirateship meta) until the melee train make a move, so players get caught, they use stab and we get short bursts of lag. Now when the melee train finally pushes and tries to peel the onion or push right through the enemy blob, we have atleast 30 players using stability all at once, the enemy being pushed, your allies doing the pushing. All of this adds up to a very laggy situation.
Now this is all just speculation but it makes sense when you compare the varying levels of lag we’re getting in these fights, it adds up to how much stability is being used at different times of a fight, and i’ve noticed it at it’s worse when either melee group is pushing and causing eachother to pop stability.
Let me know what you think, if anyone else has had this same speculation from experiencing then I think we’re pretty much confirming that the stab change is to blame. Besides that the lag has been around ever since that last patch, so it really just makes too much sense.
Today i had a ping 3k+. c’mon anet whats up?
Yeah I never login to these forums anymore but please for the love of god at least say you’re aware of this server lag in WvW, it’s absolutely unbearable right now
Let me know what you think, if anyone else has had this same speculation from experiencing then I think we’re pretty much confirming that the stab change is to blame. Besides that the lag has been around ever since that last patch, so it really just makes too much sense.
Well it was lagging before too… Its just way worse. Yesterday was my worst trip to EB in a long time. Unplayable. People where warping all over the place and even when not in a zerg, everything was delayed. Not just plain 2-3s delays, but completely random with a 50% chance of not working at all. Skills with a cast time? Uuuuuuugh… Couldnt even 1v1 anyone.
The really funny part?
EoTM worked perfectly before I joined EB. I suppose that shows Anet priorities -_-
Let me know what you think, if anyone else has had this same speculation from experiencing then I think we’re pretty much confirming that the stab change is to blame. Besides that the lag has been around ever since that last patch, so it really just makes too much sense.
Well it was lagging before too… Its just way worse. Yesterday was my worst trip to EB in a long time. Unplayable. People where warping all over the place and even when not in a zerg, everything was delayed. Not just plain 2-3s delays, but completely random with a 50% chance of not working at all. Skills with a cast time? Uuuuuuugh… Couldnt even 1v1 anyone.
The really funny part?
EoTM worked perfectly before I joined EB. I suppose that shows Anet priorities -_-
I don’t ever go to Eotm, but you’re saying there’s not lag there? So it’s just the WvW servers that have been neglected all this time, and yea this stab lag is recent, but there has always been a general skill lag for over a year now mostly in 3 way blob fights, or any fights in SMC. Which goes to show how bad the server instability was before this recent patch, which just made it 10x worse. And from the lack of response from Anet about it we can expect no updates any time soon™
Let me know what you think, if anyone else has had this same speculation from experiencing then I think we’re pretty much confirming that the stab change is to blame. Besides that the lag has been around ever since that last patch, so it really just makes too much sense.
Well it was lagging before too… Its just way worse. Yesterday was my worst trip to EB in a long time. Unplayable. People where warping all over the place and even when not in a zerg, everything was delayed. Not just plain 2-3s delays, but completely random with a 50% chance of not working at all. Skills with a cast time? Uuuuuuugh… Couldnt even 1v1 anyone.
The really funny part?
EoTM worked perfectly before I joined EB. I suppose that shows Anet priorities -_-
I don’t ever go to Eotm, but you’re saying there’s not lag there? So it’s just the WvW servers that have been neglected all this time, and yea this stab lag is recent, but there has always been a general skill lag for over a year now mostly in 3 way blob fights, or any fights in SMC. Which goes to show how bad the server instability was before this recent patch, which just made it 10x worse. And from the lack of response from Anet about it we can expect no updates any time soon™
Over a year? Not for me. There has been the occasional times after an update. Then they have generally sorted out in a few days. Nor have I had folks on my server mention it outside of large 3 way fights.
Let me know what you think, if anyone else has had this same speculation from experiencing then I think we’re pretty much confirming that the stab change is to blame. Besides that the lag has been around ever since that last patch, so it really just makes too much sense.
Well it was lagging before too… Its just way worse. Yesterday was my worst trip to EB in a long time. Unplayable. People where warping all over the place and even when not in a zerg, everything was delayed. Not just plain 2-3s delays, but completely random with a 50% chance of not working at all. Skills with a cast time? Uuuuuuugh… Couldnt even 1v1 anyone.
The really funny part?
EoTM worked perfectly before I joined EB. I suppose that shows Anet priorities -_-
I don’t ever go to Eotm, but you’re saying there’s not lag there? So it’s just the WvW servers that have been neglected all this time, and yea this stab lag is recent, but there has always been a general skill lag for over a year now mostly in 3 way blob fights, or any fights in SMC. Which goes to show how bad the server instability was before this recent patch, which just made it 10x worse. And from the lack of response from Anet about it we can expect no updates any time soon™
Over a year? Not for me. There has been the occasional times after an update. Then they have generally sorted out in a few days. Nor have I had folks on my server mention it outside of large 3 way fights.
On my server it’s everyone even outside of 3 way fights. It’s enough when any blob is on the map and all the skill lag things start. Guilds cancelling theire raids already and our commander playing other games.
On my server it’s everyone even outside of 3 way fights. It’s enough when any blob is on the map and all the skill lag things start. Guilds cancelling their raids already and our commander playing other games.
Same here.
When I first started WvW, there were barely any lag (and most of the lags came from my side), then there was an update which brought lags and lags and lags… Afterwards, everything was far better, I haven’t had lags in weeks! Yet today I tried to play (haven’t played last week)… It’s really unplayable. One out of ten skills works, I’m not able to fight properly… Seriously, there is a serious problem with WvW now, and this time I’m sure it’s not on my side…
Son of Elonia.
So it is heaven now That is the only 1 working skill
and borderlands are now full of zone blobs cos it is the only way to play with this lag and then lag is even higher! But still can spam 1. skill so ppl keep blobing
and that again and again.
Whatever was introduced in the stab change patch broke wvw.
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow
I rarely post on the forums, but this just has to be said. Since the stability changes lag has been horrendous. Even on borderlands with barely any people on, roaming is virtually impossible. People porting, skills not working or bugging out, even auto-attack doesn’t even work properly. I checked everything on my side and nothing is causing lag, connection is great and internet speed top notch. Other games play just fine.
So please revert the stability change or upgrade your servers, just do something as more and more people don’t even bother going into wvw anymore because playing with lag is no fun.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
All-time worst ping last night, 2400. Only near enemy and during fight. No fps or network problem. Pretty please fix this before ppl decide to play solitaire instead. Even that’s more interesting than waiting for skills to finally pop.
Maybe a lag fix will be part of the Expansion. That would, honestly, be about the only way I could recommend the expansion to anyone, at this point.
Or you can buy it in the gem store. This month, only 1800 gems
Let me know what you think, if anyone else has had this same speculation from experiencing then I think we’re pretty much confirming that the stab change is to blame. Besides that the lag has been around ever since that last patch, so it really just makes too much sense.
Well it was lagging before too… Its just way worse. Yesterday was my worst trip to EB in a long time. Unplayable. People where warping all over the place and even when not in a zerg, everything was delayed. Not just plain 2-3s delays, but completely random with a 50% chance of not working at all. Skills with a cast time? Uuuuuuugh… Couldnt even 1v1 anyone.
The really funny part?
EoTM worked perfectly before I joined EB. I suppose that shows Anet priorities -_-
I don’t ever go to Eotm, but you’re saying there’s not lag there? So it’s just the WvW servers that have been neglected all this time, and yea this stab lag is recent, but there has always been a general skill lag for over a year now mostly in 3 way blob fights, or any fights in SMC. Which goes to show how bad the server instability was before this recent patch, which just made it 10x worse. And from the lack of response from Anet about it we can expect no updates any time soon™
Over a year? Not for me. There has been the occasional times after an update. Then they have generally sorted out in a few days. Nor have I had folks on my server mention it outside of large 3 way fights.
On my server it’s everyone even outside of 3 way fights. It’s enough when any blob is on the map and all the skill lag things start. Guilds cancelling theire raids already and our commander playing other games.
I am not referring to now. I was specifically referring to the claim that it has been lime this for a year or more in the post I quoted.
It’s awful, something needs to happen in the future, otherwise I can’t see it improving for HoT.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
<— troll:
As some1, who plays lockdown mesmer from time to time, I vote for removing stability. So the server doesn’t have to deal with the additional staby stack calculations and I can interrupt freely^^
Exchange the boon with swiftness^^
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Problem is when you still diddnt fix lag on blob fights adn then introduce stab changes, which leads to more calculations per player and so more “lag” due to the lack of power of the servers or not good implementation. 3 possible solutions, try to optimize the code (if possible), upgrade servers or reduce population per map (which will make impossible with current population on servers)
The lag since stabi update has gone out of control, the game has become unplayable, guilds are loosing patience and will no longer raid.
I will soon loose patience also and stop logging in, because WvW cannot be enjoyed as it is.