Leader of The Ethereal Guard
25 minute 3-way fight over Bluewater supply camp (after that hilarious 3-way fight in Bluelake tower)…
Thanks for the fun, guys. That was pretty hilarious.
That fight was hella nuts. Never has one camp supervisor seen so much devoted action on his behalf.
I give up.
you’re really bad at this.
Since my original question posted less than an hour ago, I’ve had eight Guumas reply referencing my posts.
I’d say that’s pretty good, actually. =)
Wearing your logically flawed argument like a badge of honor, nice! Respect!
Ah someone brought up my name. That’s sooo cute that it makes me chuckle. Please continue with the chest thumping on all sides. I am entertained. Poor Mag is all big and bad when they outnumber peeps, then completely fall apart when they move up a tier and have to face equal or more numbers on a nightly basis. If any of you wanna check the threads while they are in tier 3, I am sure it will tickle your fancy.
It’s almost like SBI does the exact same thing!
(edited by saiyr.3071)
That [WäR] guild from Maguuma is really annoying…
Especially that Duke that’s riding on a Buffalo
I haven’t seen these guys at all… Are they even playing this matchup?
I’ve seen Sabrina, Duke, and Hektor everywhere this week. Haven’t seen Lu Bu or the others in awhile, though.
I’ve seen Sabrina, Duke, and Hektor everywhere this week. Haven’t seen Lu Bu or the others in awhile, though.
Haven’t seen you either, come to think of it, and I know you’re out there… Must just be crossing time zones, unless you’re in EB. I’ve been staying well away from there this week.
I’ve seen Sabrina, Duke, and Hektor everywhere this week. Haven’t seen Lu Bu or the others in awhile, though.
Haven’t seen you either, come to think of it, and I know you’re out there… Must just be crossing time zones, unless you’re in EB. I’ve been staying well away from there this week.
He was in CD last night, hammering stuff.
He was in CD last night, hammering stuff.
Relax… Wasn’t an accusation. Just surprised because normally I notice that he’s on, and I hadn’t seen him since the weekend. Granted I wasted most of my time in green last night killing SBIs breakouts.
I’ve seen Sabrina, Duke, and Hektor everywhere this week. Haven’t seen Lu Bu or the others in awhile, though.
Haven’t seen you either, come to think of it, and I know you’re out there… Must just be crossing time zones, unless you’re in EB. I’ve been staying well away from there this week.
I’ve been in CD a lot, eternal a bit. I generally go to bed before 3 my time, so it’s probably a time zone thing.
We actually take out all of out jerkiness on forums. In game we’re angels.
Please tell that to the nice Maguuma folks who felt it was hilarious to Knockback me out of the jumping puzzle entrance immediately after I jumped in and was on the ground.
I understand the chest having blueprints means it’s valuable to enemies as well as your team, so I don’t cry foul very loudly. Except when someone says “we’re angels” and your server has their share of . . . mmm, not-nice . . . behavior.
Like any other server, really. Mind you, I’ve been having a blast dying a lot in WvW so far on this matchup. Sometimes even CD gets a turn killing me along with yaks I’m escorting
We actually take out all of out jerkiness on forums. In game we’re angels.
Please tell that to the nice Maguuma folks who felt it was hilarious to Knockback me out of the jumping puzzle entrance immediately after I jumped in and was on the ground.
I understand the chest having blueprints means it’s valuable to enemies as well as your team, so I don’t cry foul very loudly. Except when someone says “we’re angels” and your server has their share of . . . mmm, not-nice . . . behavior.
Like any other server, really. Mind you, I’ve been having a blast dying a lot in WvW so far on this matchup. Sometimes even CD gets a turn killing me along with yaks I’m escorting
Oh, that’s just CAMP. They camp jps. I don’t think anyone should complain about pvp in a pvp zone, jp or not.
We actually take out all of out jerkiness on forums. In game we’re angels.
Please tell that to the nice Maguuma folks who felt it was hilarious to Knockback me out of the jumping puzzle entrance immediately after I jumped in and was on the ground.
I understand the chest having blueprints means it’s valuable to enemies as well as your team, so I don’t cry foul very loudly. Except when someone says “we’re angels” and your server has their share of . . . mmm, not-nice . . . behavior.
Like any other server, really. Mind you, I’ve been having a blast dying a lot in WvW so far on this matchup. Sometimes even CD gets a turn killing me along with yaks I’m escorting
We’re nice, but killing in the JP is normal and should be done. Sorry, but you are not entitled to blueprints.
He was in CD last night, hammering stuff.
Relax… Wasn’t an accusation. Just surprised because normally I notice that he’s on, and I hadn’t seen him since the weekend. Granted I wasted most of my time in green last night killing SBIs breakouts.
Oh I know, was just saying where he was, and what he was doing with his Hammer of Maguuma. He really needs to rename it, like Hammer of the Bacon Gods.
We’re nice, but killing in the JP is normal and should be done. Sorry, but you are not entitled to blueprints.
Oh, that’s just CAMP. They camp jps. I don’t think anyone should complain about pvp in a pvp zone, jp or not.
Please note, I do understand the blueprints are important to not get for free. But there’s killing in the JP and basically avoiding a fair fight. They didn’t even chase me, they just waited for me to come back as I thought they were running it. Nope.
I wanted the achievements, not just the blueprints or badges. If I wanted blueprints, I’d buy them. If I wanted badges I’d just do other things like man arrow carts. I just wanted to do the achievements while it looked like everyone else was busy on major fights over the keeps.
We’re nice, but killing in the JP is normal and should be done. Sorry, but you are not entitled to blueprints.
Oh, that’s just CAMP. They camp jps. I don’t think anyone should complain about pvp in a pvp zone, jp or not.
Please note, I do understand the blueprints are important to not get for free. But there’s killing in the JP and basically avoiding a fair fight. They didn’t even chase me, they just waited for me to come back as I thought they were running it. Nope.
I wanted the achievements, not just the blueprints or badges. If I wanted blueprints, I’d buy them. If I wanted badges I’d just do other things like man arrow carts. I just wanted to do the achievements while it looked like everyone else was busy on major fights over the keeps.
So, you wanted a free pass in a WvW Area? CAMP, keep killing him and I shall supply you with a lifetime supply of Bacon, nice crispy bacon.
But there’s killing in the JP and basically avoiding a fair fight.
I don’t think PvP (and more specifically, WvW) is right for you.
So I took our wise SBI master’s advice and started skirmishing with 3 people on SBI BL. We kept picking off people from a strung out group of 15 until SBI all hid inside the tower with arrow carts.
Expert skirmishing SBI.
We actually take out all of out jerkiness on forums. In game we’re angels.
Please tell that to the nice Maguuma folks who felt it was hilarious to Knockback me out of the jumping puzzle entrance immediately after I jumped in and was on the ground.
I understand the chest having blueprints means it’s valuable to enemies as well as your team, so I don’t cry foul very loudly. Except when someone says “we’re angels” and your server has their share of . . . mmm, not-nice . . . behavior.
Like any other server, really. Mind you, I’ve been having a blast dying a lot in WvW so far on this matchup. Sometimes even CD gets a turn killing me along with yaks I’m escorting
Don’t worry, we do it to our guys too. People get really ticked off apparently.
And we’ve been out and about a little disheartening that people haven’t noticed us Duke, we’re not trying hard enough.
We’re nice, but killing in the JP is normal and should be done. Sorry, but you are not entitled to blueprints.
Oh, that’s just CAMP. They camp jps. I don’t think anyone should complain about pvp in a pvp zone, jp or not.
Please note, I do understand the blueprints are important to not get for free. But there’s killing in the JP and basically avoiding a fair fight. They didn’t even chase me, they just waited for me to come back as I thought they were running it. Nope.
I wanted the achievements, not just the blueprints or badges. If I wanted blueprints, I’d buy them. If I wanted badges I’d just do other things like man arrow carts. I just wanted to do the achievements while it looked like everyone else was busy on major fights over the keeps.
Rally for some buddies in map chat clear the JP finish it and be on your way. Every server has campers some more than others, it’s all part of the game. 10 achievement points would get you the +5 kittenery armor or anything, so be patient.
My question was why are you claiming that you like playing outnumbered in small skirmishes when you actually take active steps in-game to gather lots of folks around you?
There are certain things that are really important to do in WvW for the integrity of your team and by executing them correctly, you inevitably get alot of people following you.
I used to go into completely dead borderlands all the time without a tag, invite the 2 or 3 dudes getting spawn camped and tell them to call target on me so theres a big red target over my character’s head. Then I explain what we can do with our numbers and where we are going and off we go.
When you update your position and direction of travel in map chat so other players are aware of your presence and what you are doing, people start tagging along when you get stuff done. Within 2 hours of doing this I will always have a zerg. It is the same with Tsarazi, hes just less…diplomatic about it.
I like having just enough numbers to adequately fight open field, which means I’m looking to have enough group swiftness for 100% uptime and enough anti immobilize and stability that my team has unconditional freedom of movement. If I get enough numbers that I consider overkill or I feel there is an over concentration of force in one place, such that we are losing territory everywhere else, I try to split the team on the move.
I think we have traditionally been good at doing impromptu splits but when we went to tier 3, the size of the zergs there were much bigger than in tier 4 so we naturally had to roll around in larger groups (and still cover group swiftness, anti immobilize and stability). On reset nights in tier 3 it was common for a 40 man enemy zerg to go after a supply camp.
In going back to tier 4, the same thing works except it should in theory be easier since we fight teams that aren’t nearly as big.
I can’t speak for Tsarazi but I like fighting slightly outmanned too because it forces your team to pay attention. Your team cannot just roll into an enemy team smashing their “1” button with no stability up. Half your team can get downed in a frozen ground/ring of warding but if you have such an enormous numbers advanage you can just keep throwing bodies at the problem to get a cheesy rally and everyone is back up again.
Nobody learns anything, people get lazy and they don’t think about what they are doing. They don’t think about their positioning in relation to their teammates and do not understand the absolutely devastating consequences of being overextended and getting downed. In a fair fight thats the kind of thing that rallies 6 or 7 downed enemies and you are done. Rez and run back.
Its better when your opponents test you, but its bad to turn people away. Its better if they follow and learn and become confident enough to split away their own team when we have over-concentration of force.
I don’t use my tag anymore and am out of WvW for the time being, but recently I’ve felt that the tag is more of a liability than anything else. It allows you to ignore things like effective communication in map chat, so that people on private voice comms or no voice comms do not know where you or what you are doing and cannot plan around it.
With a tag up, you can ignore map chat to your detriment and people just beeline to the blue icon. Nevertheless, if you are being proactive and communicative, people will inevitably follow you. At some point I’d like to think that when we have too many people in one place, at least 1 person will take the initiative without me asking all the time, to split a second team off so we have more map control. Tsarazi is not the type of player that ignores map chat and he understands its importance, even when you are running a full team on voice comms. I sometimes had people copy typing what I say in voice comms and if someone else has control of the situation, I will copy type what they are saying too.
But it doesn’t matter if you have the tag up or not when it comes to gaining numbers. People see you get stuff done and they will follow you.
(edited by Besetment.9187)
So I took our wise SBI master’s advice and started skirmishing with 3 people on SBI BL. We kept picking off people from a strung out group of 15 until SBI all hid inside the tower with arrow carts.
Expert skirmishing SBI.
You’re really living the dream there…
Seen the guild [War] on Mag before, just not all the time! Also looking for any kind of open field ground practise for my guild, around 15v15 to whatever number both sides can bring during SEA night timezone would be great! We’d love to practise our open ground! Drop me a pm/mail!
Rekka has been trying to get guild vs guild practice in all week. If you see my character in game, hit me up and I’ll get the [ME] guys to spar with you. I’m not really interested in winning or chest thumping. The reality is that alot of people need more experience fighting in open field and you only get that by playing against competent players in equal numbers. We should share TS info too so we can voip server hop and talk about what we do right and wrong. Its better if our opponents are very strong because it makes us very strong too.
Seen the guild [War] on Mag before, just not all the time! Also looking for any kind of open field ground practise for my guild, around 15v15 to whatever number both sides can bring during SEA night timezone would be great! We’d love to practise our open ground! Drop me a pm/mail!
If only you could be NA
Talked to [Me] before but the timezone difference is really iffy… Yeah we do need the practise badly as its quite hard to find anything more than 15 enemies in one area, open ground during our timezone haha. We both decided that it would be near impossible for us to get a good timing on the weekday T_T
Perhaps if Mag forum warriors did not post such jerksish posts more would be willing to fight club. But I can only assume that if one acts like a jerk on the forum, one will act like a jerk in the game.
So you won’t come to a fight club because of mean words on the internet? This is something we have done numerous times this week and last, and with previous servers and have received no bad rep or negative light for. Sigh.. this is what we get for making bad names for ourselves. Ah well, the SBI and CD that aren’t so thin skinned will keep us company.
Thanks SBI for all the fun and fights on Mag BL. We had a blast¡
You are welcome. I spent the biggest majority of my WvW day on Mag providing y’all with badges. I am still getting stitched and bandaged….and Vi still owes me cookies, btw.
My favorite part was when you guys started the breakout and we saw siegerazer coming and we’re like “oh kitten!” But then we continued fighting while dodging razer, arrow carts, and a cata from the tower. Mumble was great. “SIEGERAZER, NO!” “WTH JUST HIT ME?!” ahahaha
I’m afraid Vi can’t pay you in cookies, he only has golems left.
We’re nice, but killing in the JP is normal and should be done. Sorry, but you are not entitled to blueprints.
Oh, that’s just CAMP. They camp jps. I don’t think anyone should complain about pvp in a pvp zone, jp or not.
Please note, I do understand the blueprints are important to not get for free. But there’s killing in the JP and basically avoiding a fair fight. They didn’t even chase me, they just waited for me to come back as I thought they were running it. Nope.
I wanted the achievements, not just the blueprints or badges. If I wanted blueprints, I’d buy them. If I wanted badges I’d just do other things like man arrow carts. I just wanted to do the achievements while it looked like everyone else was busy on major fights over the keeps.
So, you wanted a free pass in a WvW Area? CAMP, keep killing him and I shall supply you with a lifetime supply of Bacon, nice crispy bacon.
I didn’t want a free pass. You’re not reading correctly. I wanted a fair darn fight (or in my case, it would be unfair but still) rather than a “no, GTFO” before I could even stand up from the landing.
Edit: To be more clear? If they ambushed me inside the place on the platforms and used knockback to mess me up, or such, I wouldn’t be complaining as loud. I’d swear, say “that was a Richard move guys” and go away. Even now, after it got clear I was not “allowed” in there? I moved on and got my butt handed to me about four times trying to defend a tower.
But I can handle having to defend myself in the JP itself. Heck, I’ve done so in the past, until people came and forced me out. I just don’t want to have a chance of an engagement to require me to round up people who won’t just laugh it off and go “jumping puzzle? Get back to zerging”.
But there’s killing in the JP and basically avoiding a fair fight.
I don’t think PvP (and more specifically, WvW) is right for you.
Don’t I know it. Fair fights, pffft, who needs those?
Seriously, I know I suck on toast at PvP engagements. And i’m a ranger, so that’s two strikes right away. You don’t need help winning.
(edited by Tobias Trueflight.8350)
Seriously, I know I suck on toast at PvP engagements. And i’m a ranger, so that’s two strikes right away. You don’t need help winning.
Ah… I see the problem, now…. Put the toast down and play with your full attention and you’ll do much better. Food and PvP don’t mix very well.
Seriously, I know I suck on toast at PvP engagements. And i’m a ranger, so that’s two strikes right away. You don’t need help winning.
Ah... I see the problem, now.... Put the toast down and play with your full attention and you’ll do much better. Food and PvP don’t mix very well.
Lies, eating bacon and playing GW2 makes you play even better.
I think I have a problem with bacon. *drools*
Seriously, I know I suck on toast at PvP engagements. And i’m a ranger, so that’s two strikes right away. You don’t need help winning.
Ah… I see the problem, now…. Put the toast down and play with your full attention and you’ll do much better. Food and PvP don’t mix very well.
Lies, eating bacon and playing GW2 makes you play even better.
I think I have a problem with bacon. drools
Maybe this is the fair fight he was looking for… Your bacon vs. his toast. You two duel, while the rest of us enjoy some breakfast.
Earlier this week Maguuma came into SBI BL and took garrison. This particular event, there were somewhere between 10 and 15 SBI defending and what appeared to be 30 to 40 goombas (affectionate term) attacking. The attack came from the SW outer gate, and into the west inner gate. We (SBI) took out a good chunk of the attacking zerg, at various choke points, but we were still overwhelmed in the end, and mag got in and up onto the roof near the vista.
I was the underleveled shortbow thief that was shooting at the cieling chasing the masses of red tags I could see up there.
Someone from Maguuma tried to party with me. I didn’t accept at the time, because we were in the middle of defending the garrison, but they stopped trying to party after the fight was over when I would have been happy to party up to talk. Not sure if this was an attempt at talking (hey, got some tips for you… or you suck, just give up on WvW… etc) or if this was an attempt to track me. If it was to talk (even to tell me to give up) I’d still like to know what you wanted if that was you. If it was just to track me, sorry I didn’t accept, but that’s why I don’t do cross-server party during a fight…
The Mag person probably doesn’t read these forums, but thought I’d toss it out there anyway.
Seriously, I know I suck on toast at PvP engagements. And i’m a ranger, so that’s two strikes right away. You don’t need help winning.
Ah… I see the problem, now…. Put the toast down and play with your full attention and you’ll do much better. Food and PvP don’t mix very well.
There is no toast, mind you. It’s just the self-censoring of what I would be saying if I was permitted.
No, the problem isn’t toast. It’s either primarily the lack of any kind of skill or being a ranger. It being the fact both exist is possible, indeed it is probably the root of it.
Seriously, I know I suck on toast at PvP engagements. And i’m a ranger, so that’s two strikes right away. You don’t need help winning.
Ah… I see the problem, now…. Put the toast down and play with your full attention and you’ll do much better. Food and PvP don’t mix very well.
Lies, eating bacon and playing GW2 makes you play even better.
I think I have a problem with bacon. drools
Maybe this is the fair fight he was looking for… Your bacon vs. his toast. You two duel, while the rest of us enjoy some breakfast.
I’ll allow him to bring 2 friends as well, Butter and Jelly.
Earlier this week Maguuma came into SBI BL and took garrison. This particular event, there were somewhere between 10 and 15 SBI defending and what appeared to be 30 to 40 goombas (affectionate term) attacking. The attack came from the SW outer gate, and into the west inner gate. We (SBI) took out a good chunk of the attacking zerg, at various choke points, but we were still overwhelmed in the end, and mag got in and up onto the roof near the vista.
I was the underleveled shortbow thief that was shooting at the cieling chasing the masses of red tags I could see up there.
Someone from Maguuma tried to party with me. I didn’t accept at the time, because we were in the middle of defending the garrison, but they stopped trying to party after the fight was over when I would have been happy to party up to talk. Not sure if this was an attempt at talking (hey, got some tips for you… or you suck, just give up on WvW… etc) or if this was an attempt to track me. If it was to talk (even to tell me to give up) I’d still like to know what you wanted if that was you. If it was just to track me, sorry I didn’t accept, but that’s why I don’t do cross-server party during a fight…
The Mag person probably doesn’t read these forums, but thought I’d toss it out there anyway.
The invites probably stopped because you can’t select people to invite when they’re dead :\
If you’re talking about the same thing I’m thinking about, the numbers seemed much more even than that, from my side. Which is why you were able to wipe us when we first entered. We got lucky with a mes that stayed in and was able to portal us up to the top, really, and then a second force came in… So, yeah…. Maybe by the end it was at those numbers
Can’t remember who tried to party, though it was mentioned in mumble at the time, IIRC. Some of that fight was epic, but sometimes only by the fails (yours and ours, both)
Earlier this week Maguuma came into SBI BL and took garrison. This particular event, there were somewhere between 10 and 15 SBI defending and what appeared to be 30 to 40 goombas (affectionate term) attacking. The attack came from the SW outer gate, and into the west inner gate. We (SBI) took out a good chunk of the attacking zerg, at various choke points, but we were still overwhelmed in the end, and mag got in and up onto the roof near the vista.
I was the underleveled shortbow thief that was shooting at the cieling chasing the masses of red tags I could see up there.
Someone from Maguuma tried to party with me. I didn’t accept at the time, because we were in the middle of defending the garrison, but they stopped trying to party after the fight was over when I would have been happy to party up to talk. Not sure if this was an attempt at talking (hey, got some tips for you… or you suck, just give up on WvW… etc) or if this was an attempt to track me. If it was to talk (even to tell me to give up) I’d still like to know what you wanted if that was you. If it was just to track me, sorry I didn’t accept, but that’s why I don’t do cross-server party during a fight…
The Mag person probably doesn’t read these forums, but thought I’d toss it out there anyway.
The invites probably stopped because you can’t select people to invite when they’re dead :\
Ah. I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the info!
If you’re talking about the same thing I’m thinking about, the numbers seemed much more even than that, from my side. Which is why you were able to wipe us when we first entered. We got lucky with a mes that stayed in and was able to portal us up to the top, really, and then a second force came in… So, yeah…. Maybe by the end it was at those numbers
Can’t remember who tried to party, though it was mentioned in mumble at the time, IIRC. Some of that fight was epic, but sometimes only by the fails (yours and ours, both)
The numbers I gave were what I recall from the end. I do think the numbers were smaller at the beginning as you say.
And yes, mistakes were made on both sides, but it was a purring-kitten good fight! I had a lot of fun with that one
And yes, mistakes were made on both sides, but it was a purring-kitten good fight! I had a lot of fun with that one
I was the ranger on the first AC we built up top. It was an awful lot of fun until you guys took my toy away. And you killed my poor drake, Giggles!
I’m not sure why Mag commanders are wishing that CD and SBI would play less well. Isn’t it more fun to play against a better opponent?
I’ve enjoyed playing against several SBI groups, and I wish they would keep coming back because they are solid. Unfortunately, there’s this trend where SBI has a ton of people on our BL and we’ve mostly abandoned it, I pop on my tag and get about 2/3 SBI’s numbers, wipe SBI once, wipe them with even numbers next time, and then continue wiping them with more and more players following me until Mazergma either has a queue following me around the map or SBI gives up.
Some of the confrontations have been extremely interesting. I enjoyed SBI’s pushes on Mag BL tonight, but it gets quite boring when SBI leaves and then sends “havoc squads” to flip camps and waypoint back to spawn as soon as they see an invader coming after them. SBI, much like CD, seem allergic to PvP.
Hmmm well that has not been my experience or perception at all. when you focus our BL it is always with large numbers that is very hard to defend against. We have sent small groups to havoc MAG BL and which I enjoy doing because for awhile at least we get more even battles. That is until you pull all your forces and out-man us 5to1 and zerg us down everywhere you can find us. Even with greater numbers we have put up some really good fights IMO.
Other posters here like to focus on our mistakes like the failed portal placement that put 10 of us in the middle of 40 of you…was a bad mistake….but completely fail to mention the 3 portal/push attempts by your forces in front of bay’s south gate that our smaller numbers wiped with no problem.
The groups I run with look for open field fights and enjoy them. But from my perspective Guumbas seem not to feel comfortable in PvP unless they have much greater numbers. But I am sure it seems different to you. We must seem rude when we don’t line up for your zerg to roll over I guess. o.o
When I brought in a group to skirmish on your BL yesterday we were holding our part in SE with the outmanned buff for the first 30 minutes. I prefer fighting outnumbered, however I always end up with enough people on me after about an hour that it turns into a steamroll no matter what.
If you think we aren’t comfortable with pvp then let’s get some 1v1s or 5v5s going. I have bad news if you think you can beat me in a duel.
Also, I’m not familiar with failed portal bombs at bay. It must’ve not been lead by me which is why it didn’t work. The portal in front of SE tower that got us position on the lord room in the middle of that 3 way on the other hand…
I would love to do some more fight club and get a guild grp of 5v5 or 10v10 going.
I have never claimed to be a pro PvPer nor has our guild. In fact [SBI] is an open to all guild with the goal of helping restore our server WvW after the great exodus. We welcome all levels and skills that are interested in learning more and getting better at WvW. So there are times our groups will have a lot of up levels and inexperienced players that will make mistakes.
That said, I am still very proud of my individual as well as the guild and servers improvement as a whole . We have had many battles where we held our own and even have wiped larger groups in open field combat and have many badges to prove it.
You can’t take a few instances where we failed and claim we as a guild or server always preform that way as you seem to want to do.
I participated in one of the earlier fight clubs and sought out what I think must be your best or at least one of your best eles. Lani I believe. I did NOT look for an easy target! I did not expect to win, but I wanted to learn and get better. I didn’t win in fact, but that fight went on for a very long time and I was proud I held my own for awhile.
We have a guild event tonight and maybe I can convenience some to come do some GvG.
Talked to [Me] before but the timezone difference is really iffy… Yeah we do need the practise badly as its quite hard to find anything more than 15 enemies in one area, open ground during our timezone haha. We both decided that it would be near impossible for us to get a good timing on the weekday T_T
Weekends would suit us fine. Its difficult for us to organize any sparring matches outside EU/NA time since we have hardly any players on at other times. On weekends we nerd out and go nocturnal though.
(edited by Besetment.9187)
I participated in one of the earlier fight clubs and sought out what I think must be your best or at least one of your best eles. Lani I believe. I did NOT look for an easy target! I did not expect to win, but I wanted to learn and get better. I didn’t win in fact, but that fight went on for a very long time and I was proud I held my own for awhile.
One of the runs I was on we joked that it took a small zerg to take out the ele from [Lani]
That ele is fantastic!
Don’t I know it. Fair fights, pffft, who needs those?
It’s a cruel world (v world v world) out there.
Don’t I know it. Fair fights, pffft, who needs those?
It’s a cruel world (v world v world) out there.
It could be worse. It could be Ultima Online PvP. . . .
. . . hmmm. Shard v Shard Ultima Online. —grabs a notebook marked “Terrible, Terrible Ideas” and writes it down--
Ultima Online PvP was much more fun than this
Ultima Online PvP was much more fun than this
Well of course it was . . .
. . . but you were pretty much locked into one of three-to-four builds to be competitive. I mean, once in a great while someone who was lucky or experienced could hit on something outside those three. And if you weren’t quick on the reaction then you might as well have just dropped your stuff on the ground and walked away.
It was fun. If you were any good at it. If you weren’t? It was a reason not to play.
Perhaps if Mag forum warriors did not post such jerksish posts more would be willing to fight club. But I can only assume that if one acts like a jerk on the forum, one will act like a jerk in the game.
So you won’t come to a fight club because of mean words on the internet? This is something we have done numerous times this week and last, and with previous servers and have received no bad rep or negative light for. Sigh.. this is what we get for making bad names for ourselves. Ah well, the SBI and CD that aren’t so thin skinned will keep us company.
Thanks SBI for all the fun and fights on Mag BL. We had a blast¡
You are welcome. I spent the biggest majority of my WvW day on Mag providing y’all with badges. I am still getting stitched and bandaged….and Vi still owes me cookies, btw.
My favorite part was when you guys started the breakout and we saw siegerazer coming and we’re like “oh kitten!” But then we continued fighting while dodging razer, arrow carts, and a cata from the tower. Mumble was great. “SIEGERAZER, NO!” “WTH JUST HIT ME?!” ahahaha
I’m afraid Vi can’t pay you in cookies, he only has golems left.
Nah i keep a stack of cookie on me, same for golems… ok maybe not a stack of golem :P
Earlier this week Maguuma came into SBI BL and took garrison. This particular event, there were somewhere between 10 and 15 SBI defending and what appeared to be 30 to 40 goombas (affectionate term) attacking. The attack came from the SW outer gate, and into the west inner gate. We (SBI) took out a good chunk of the attacking zerg, at various choke points, but we were still overwhelmed in the end, and mag got in and up onto the roof near the vista.
I was the underleveled shortbow thief that was shooting at the cieling chasing the masses of red tags I could see up there.
Someone from Maguuma tried to party with me. I didn’t accept at the time, because we were in the middle of defending the garrison, but they stopped trying to party after the fight was over when I would have been happy to party up to talk. Not sure if this was an attempt at talking (hey, got some tips for you… or you suck, just give up on WvW… etc) or if this was an attempt to track me. If it was to talk (even to tell me to give up) I’d still like to know what you wanted if that was you. If it was just to track me, sorry I didn’t accept, but that’s why I don’t do cross-server party during a fight…
The Mag person probably doesn’t read these forums, but thought I’d toss it out there anyway.
we were no where near 30. we only built 3 rams before running out of supply so maybe 20 tops.
Hi one thing I like to metion between CD and MaG.
I saw a guild known as NtSD or something similar to that name of the guild.
Which I found out that they are in both CD and MaG and also when SBI ppl were fight over the AP in EB BL. CD attacked us from the behind and after that the Mag attacked us. So seems like you guys are working together on WvW…
I am pretty sure NtSD are mainly in CD because I saw more on CD than MAG.
So here is my question.. CD are you that desperate to get to the second place?
I just wanted to play fair that’s allit is not that I am blaming all of CD who plays fair
I just dont like certain guild who are trying to ruin your reputation.You should probably quit posting on WvW forums if this is how you usually post. The argument is ludicrously bad. And NtSD? lol
An argument for 2v1 on the 1st place server and not the 2nd or 3rd is a very understandable argument that help balance as was intended? And what??… He got the guild tag wrong and that is ludicrous?
please dont mind ms frozen up there. honestly never even heard of this person on our server before till yesterday when i seen them running around with a commander tag.. and putting themselfs into bad positions. so half their argument of being surrounded was simply their own poor area of attack choice.
Sorry, no offense intended but who the hell are you? Frozen and Kiwi are well know and respected on SBI.
Kiwi stayed with us when most others left and have helped us stop our drop in tiers and work our way back up. There are many other guilds as well including BoTs that have help greatly and deserve credit.
But Frozen and Kiwi have earned our respect and thanks for all the good things they have done for SBI…not this trash talk!
(edited by Krash.9486)
Someone from Maguuma tried to party with me…
He probably just mashed all the buttons and pressed “P” by an accident. Must be an ele. Pay no attention.
I party enemies a lot, but it’s usually people I want to talk with and add to friends list.
Nice to see CD and MaG making friends….I just jumped down to join the party and they killed me…… =(
I haven’t played for a few days because of vacation but I can’t wait to join these fights against CD + Mag again, sure as heck beats playing DR and IoJ, I could practically 1v3 them with my underleveled alts…
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