Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!
I have over 200k karma on a character…does that mean i can now use the 200k karma with my other characters? :O
Correct. All currencies in the wallet will be account bound.
Thank you so much for the confirmation ^^
I just chugged 3 mils worth of karma. I can’t feel my index finger.
Oh man pray for me i’m about to do the same. Got a full stack of jugs plus another 60 and three full stacks of vials.. This is going to suck.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
Will there still be a Karma cap of a million? (or so I’ve been told there was one, sitting on hundreds of different kinds of karma jugs in bank so I don’t overcap and incase my alts need karma)
Will there still be a Karma cap of a million? (or so I’ve been told there was one, sitting on hundreds of different kinds of karma jugs in bank so I don’t overcap and incase my alts need karma)
I can confirm that there is no Karma cap of million. I’ll even provide you a screenshot, if you wish (can’t right now, at work =3)
Will there still be a Karma cap of a million? (or so I’ve been told there was one, sitting on hundreds of different kinds of karma jugs in bank so I don’t overcap and incase my alts need karma)
I can confirm that there is no Karma cap of million. I’ll even provide you a screenshot, if you wish (can’t right now, at work =3)
First I have to say that the wallet is a great feature for dungeon tokens and the account wide karma is pretty nice as well.
However, removing the ability to deposit gold into the bank just sucks hard.
Like many players, I don’t want to lose larger amounts of gold by a single misclick, so I keep most gold in the bank.
But now I’m forced to create my own guild bank to keep my gold secured? Just because the exact same functionality has to be removed from the account bank? Seriously, this is step backwards and I don’t wanna know how much gold people will unnecessarily lose because of this new “feature”.
zenleto, as Tyria evolves they’ve found a new magical bank system where all your currency stuff automatically and magically will be sent to (because they thought all these various and heaps of different currencies are too much of a hassle for the poor adventurers). Despite being magical (and Tyrian.. something like “human”) doesn’t always mean everything and everyone is considered adequately and as the magic has boundaries the downside is all your characters have to share the same pool where to store and get their needed currencies from.
I really hope you’ll find a way to accept what now sounds game breaking for you.Bah! Humans, what are they good for!
I’ll probably end up just playing one of my 30 exclusively but that’ll hurt my altoholism. Not going to make any decisions until the update anyway.
The guild bank is definitely an idea to keep only a certain stipend but I gotta ask… WHY is this a gamebreaker? Why not just….not use the cash you didn’t earn with that character? I am genuinely curious, as I cannot see how your fun is impacted by this in any way?
Its just a “thing”. Everyone has one, this one is mine. I can’t really explain it more than that.
Ah. Fair enough!
I’m going to benefit in multiple ways. Stacks of not only tokens, but also karma. I keep all my karma jugs so that I can transfer karma to other characters later if I want to buy one of the few weapon sets (or rare skins) for them. It doesn’t happen often, but it was useful enough to save my portable karma so I could transfer it whenever I needed it.
Now I can just blow through my stacks of karma on anyone without worrying about wanting to buy something on someone else later. I’ll probably get three bank tabs out of this update.
This is an absolutely fantastic update, ANet. To learn that there’s no limits on the amount of tokens that can be stored too? Well, that’s just above and beyond my expectations! I am puzzled as to why Pristine Fractal Relics are not included though. Hopefully we can get an answer to that soon.
I do sympathise with people like zenleto who have a “thing” though. I have my own “things” that restrict the way I play GW2. Hopefully you’ll get used to it in time, since I very much doubt this system will become opt-in.
nice, i just bought extra slots for my bank for nothing ^^
i’m not complaining of course, just feels like a waste now…had i known earlier…
That’s nothing, I bought another character too cause i didnt have enough slots left in my bank (kitten this hoarding)…. LOL
You too? Haha. I had to create a new mule character to hold all of those Celestial recipes since I haven’t decided yet which characters will be my final level 400 crafters. XD
What about Skill Points? Are they counted as currency? You spend them at Miyani..
Big thanks to Anet. This new system brings a lot of benefits that far outweigh the drawbacks. Best feature ever.
Having read the thread, I’ve just created a one-person guild to be able to manage my gold myself. My guildmates will be doing the same thing.
I’m not happy about having to deal with this because the design did not take into account an option that allows players to manage their gold on a character by character basis. Not happy about having to create a one-off guild, nor manage it in order to handle something that was already easily managed via current game mechanics. Not happy that “new and improved” breaks something “tried and true”.
However, I’ve learned over the decades that many developers make changes they THINK are good without understanding the entire impact on their system, their customers and most importantly, their customers’ experiences.
Any intuitive change to a complex system will inevitably leave that system worse off.
Given the dev responses here, it is clear, again, that I and my guildmates are a minority that will just (continue to) be ignored. We are mostly happy with 90% of this addition. The last portion goes in the “things that ANet does that makes us grind our teeth” bucket.
-Happy for those that _are_100% satisfied with this change.
Clarity: see posts on this and related threads concerned about being able to keep gold separated from one large collection/spending pool.
(edited by goldenwing.8473)
As someone who spent gems to buy bank vault slots to store tokens recently, I think the wallet for tokens of all sorts is a great idea, and thank you.
As someone who’s been MMO gaming for over a decade, as well as an adult who knows the difference between a checking account and a savings account, I think combining the cash balances of all of an account’s characters together with the savings in the personal vault in one place is a blunder. It takes away a feature important to many players. In marketing speak (Kano model), it breaks the game’s ability to deliver an unstated but important customer need.
Old school players in MMOs tended to have each character earn its own way in the world, and look down on players who used the resources of higher level characters to “twink” lower level characters with items and consumables they could never have earned on their own.
Although the feature has fallen into disuse, an important game a decade ago put all items a customer had in their possession when they died into a bag, on the ground, at that location, which had to be retrieved in person. People playing that game rapidly learned to keep essentially all their money in their bank — and maybe not to wander around the world in their best gear, either. Customers who learned that hard lesson, albeit in a different context, are very likely to emotionally feel uneasy walking around with their entire life savings.
Although the rules in GW2 are very clear, and each member of my family has their own account linked to their own credit card, it has been very common since the beginning of MMOs for a parent to create a character for, say, a 5 year old child to play with, so they can see what mommy and daddy do. Some MMOs treated this as a selling opportunity and made it possible to buy another account and transfer the “guest’s” character to that account. This change makes it possible for a 5 year old pushing buttons to spend a thousand gold in less time than it takes to change a diaper or answer the door.
Oh, and it doesn’t take a 5 year old: soon after GW2 released during a period of severe Trading Post lag I bought something expensive, was told the purchase had failed, retried the purchase, was told it had failed again, and bought it a third time. I ended up owning all three. What if those had been precursors, or worse, a legendary? That problem is avoided if I keep only enough for my major purchase on the character making the purchase, and leave the rest in the bank.
This could have been detected in a focus group or otherwise exposing the feature to a diverse panel of customers before the implementation was past the point of no return.
(edited by bewhatever.2390)
Consider my post and bewhatever’s post merged.
( I had maxed out my bank vault tabs within the first 2 months.) If ANet had offered even more bank slots for gems, I would have bought those as well.
That, however, is a separate issue from gold.
Having read the thread, I’ve just created a one-person guild to be able to manage my gold myself. My guildmates will be doing the same thing.
I’m not happy about having to deal with this because the design did not take into account an option that allows players to manage their gold on a character by character basis. Not happy about having to create a one-off guild, nor manage it in order to handle something that was already easily managed via current game mechanics. Not happy that “new and improved” breaks something “tried and true”.
However, I’ve learned over the decades that many developers make changes they THINK are good without understanding the entire impact on their system, their customers and most importantly, their customers’ experiences.
Any intuitive change to a complex system will inevitably leave that system worse off.
Given the dev responses here, it is clear, again, that I and my guildmates are a minority that will just (continue to) be ignored. We are mostly happy with 90% of this addition. The last portion goes in the “things that ANet does that makes us grind our teeth” bucket.
-Happy for those that _are_100% satisfied with this change.
I don’t understand this post. Why do you need a one man guild to manage your gold? If you didn’t know that you could deposit gold in your bank, you do now. And if you have so much gold that you hit the gold cap, I don’t know what to say…other than you have way too much gold and should send me a couple thousand to get myself a legendary.
Would it be an idea to implement a “gold bag” that player could give their characters if they want to? This gold bag would collect the gold per character and would only allow to store the gold in the token wallet by a right click on that bag.
Players that appreciate the new token wallet will not need to “give” this gold bag to their characters, but players that prefer to collect the gold per character could easily do so (by checking).
The gold bag would act like an inventory bag with its own place and can be checked (gold per character) and unchecked (gold goes directly into the token wallet) just like the player wants it.
Having read the thread, I’ve just created a one-person guild to be able to manage my gold myself. My guildmates will be doing the same thing.
I’m not happy about having to deal with this because the design did not take into account an option that allows players to manage their gold on a character by character basis. Not happy about having to create a one-off guild, nor manage it in order to handle something that was already easily managed via current game mechanics. Not happy that “new and improved” breaks something “tried and true”.
However, I’ve learned over the decades that many developers make changes they THINK are good without understanding the entire impact on their system, their customers and most importantly, their customers’ experiences.
Any intuitive change to a complex system will inevitably leave that system worse off.
Given the dev responses here, it is clear, again, that I and my guildmates are a minority that will just (continue to) be ignored. We are mostly happy with 90% of this addition. The last portion goes in the “things that ANet does that makes us grind our teeth” bucket.
-Happy for those that _are_100% satisfied with this change.
I don’t understand this post. Why do you need a one man guild to manage your gold? If you didn’t know that you could deposit gold in your bank, you do now. And if you have so much gold that you hit the gold cap, I don’t know what to say…other than you have way too much gold and should send me a couple thousand to get myself a legendary.
The reason was already mentioned multiple earlier posts.
Would it be an idea to implement a “gold bag” that player could give their characters if they want to? This gold bag would collect the gold per character and would only allow to store the gold in the token wallet by a right click on that bag.
Players that appreciate the new token wallet will not need to “give” this gold bag to their characters, but players that prefer to collect the gold per character could easily do so (by checking).
The gold bag would act like an inventory bag with its own place and can be checked (gold per character) and unchecked (gold goes directly into the token wallet) just like the player wants it.
Or there could just be an general option that is set that either keeps gold on each character or deposits directly to the collective wallet.
With an option to override the don’t deposit (as you said) with a click to deposit. (Perhaps on the paper doll screen.)
An advanced option would allow this deposit/don’t deposit to occur on a character by character basis.
(edited by goldenwing.8473)
I don’t understand this post. Why do you need a one man guild to manage your gold? If you didn’t know that you could deposit gold in your bank, you do now. And if you have so much gold that you hit the gold cap, I don’t know what to say…other than you have way too much gold and should send me a couple thousand to get myself a legendary.
The ability to store gold in the bank goes away. What you used to have in the bank is added to what was in your inventory (and the inventory of all the characters on an account), and the total of all of those appears in the inventory of each character on the account. Make sense now?
I don’t understand this post. Why do you need a one man guild to manage your gold? If you didn’t know that you could deposit gold in your bank, you do now. And if you have so much gold that you hit the gold cap, I don’t know what to say…other than you have way too much gold and should send me a couple thousand to get myself a legendary.
The ability to store gold in the bank goes away. What you used to have in the bank is added to what was in your inventory (and the inventory of all the characters on an account), and the total of all of those appears in the inventory of each character on the account. Make sense now?
I suppose, but all that means to me is “I’ll have to pay more attention when clicking through a merchant’s inventory.”
I don’t see any reason to be up in arms about it.
Finally I can free up those 4 bank tabs of Arah tokens… And 2 tabs of other tokens, lovely <3
Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes….It was just on time.My bank was getting filled more and more with curemcies.
Thank you Anet for the wallet.
I don’t understand this post. Why do you need a one man guild to manage your gold? If you didn’t know that you could deposit gold in your bank, you do now. And if you have so much gold that you hit the gold cap, I don’t know what to say…other than you have way too much gold and should send me a couple thousand to get myself a legendary.
The ability to store gold in the bank goes away. What you used to have in the bank is added to what was in your inventory (and the inventory of all the characters on an account), and the total of all of those appears in the inventory of each character on the account. Make sense now?
I suppose, but all that means to me is “I’ll have to pay more attention when clicking through a merchant’s inventory.”
I don’t see any reason to be up in arms about it.
With how often the TP lags and glitches on me recently since the Aetherblade patch, this new “gold feature” worries me.
For people who worry about making a mistake they may simply add an option to have a confirmation message when you spend more than Xgold where you can set X to whatever amount you like in the option.
So if it’s all core tokens & currencies (none of the holiday things)… are Pact Victory Tokens counted? Or are those one of the neglected currencies like Pristine Fractal Relics? Other than the missing currencies already posted about, this seems like an amazing change.
Besides the removal of banking Coin, of course, that seems pretty darn unnecessary.
Hi guys,
I’d just like to take a moment to make sure everyone on the thread is on the same page looking at the same problems. Several members of the community have raised serious and valid concerns about the change eliminating players’ ability to store gold in their personal banks. Again, these are serious and valid concerns.
These concerns are:
(1) It is no longer possible to “securely” store gold. This is a real issue and will make aspects of the game more stressful and less enjoyable for many players.Many players are concerned from a gold security standpoint about accidental expenditures either from merchants or the trading post. This and other similar threads are filled with anecdotes (and this has happened to me as well) of click or trading post malfunctions, which the system is prone to, leading to accidental spending. Personally, I am as a player concerned about this change because I, like many members of the community, keep my gold reserves secure in my vault and take out what I need when I go to make large purchases. This is not a trivial issue. I have personally accidentally overspent by up to 10g due to some combination of latency, client, and server issues that regardless of root cause resulted in unintentional large and irreversible gold expenditures.
(2) Many players liked being able to keep character gold individual. This functionality has been destroyed. Many players prefer to keep cash separate on separate characters. Personally, I am among these. Many players like being able to keep track of each character’s progress; many players like being able to ensure that each of their characters are net gold positive. Yes, there is a convenience feature to being able to access all gold at all times. That is not the issue, and players are not arguing that there is no benefit. We are arguing that there is a basic functionality that has real benefits to many players that is being unceremoniously removed from the game.
(3) Many players liked being able to centrally store gold. This functionality has been destroyed. Many players prefer to keep gold separate from all of their characters and like being able to centrally deposit that gold. Many players on this and other threads have mentioned, for example, being able to save up large amounts of gold. Personally, I’m working towards assembling the gold necessary to put together an Incinerator on my necromancer. The way that I go about saving up large quantities of gold is to simply stuff it into the vault when I have it in a reasonably large amount. This is a way that I can structure my play to let me keep what I’ve earned without worrying about whether or not I’m going to intentionally or accidentally (i.e. this is a self-regulating behavior) spend the progress I’ve made towards my goal. The current proposed wallet system destroys any ability players have to separate out their gold. All of it is available for spending at any time. It is important to me, and many players, to be able to “put my gold away” and save it. Many players like me are upset that we are losing this function. This function allowed for a more pleasant, less stressful, more fun gaming experience. This is not an unreasonable or trivial concern. Given the emphasis that’s placed on large expensive endgame systems, this is also a nontrivial portion of gameplay overall.
(4) Many players, myself and my guildmates included, feel forced to create and expend influence on creating personal guilds to re-gain the gold storage feature that has been destroyed in this patch. This is the step I and my guildmates will be taking to restore our peace of mind when it comes to gold saving and security. This is a ludicrous step that we are in effect being forced to take given this feature’s implementation. It is unfortunately an abuse of the guild system and the guild vault mechanic. It is also extremely annoying and inefficient. (I must now put together 1500+ guild influence, either by buying it or consuming suitable guild influence boosters, such as from Zhaitan/Claw Island kills.) This will also result in a proliferation among personal guilds. It annoys me that I will need to switch guilds to access my personal gold reserves after this patch, however I have no alternative given the implementation of this design.
(continued in next post)
GM of [KyA] Established 2002
(continued from previous post)
(5) The core thrust of these concerns revolves solely around the gold storage and centralization mechanic, and the fact that players no longer have the OPTION of choosing how to store their gold. Players like me are not arguing that there shouldn’t be a wallet. Far from it. I have explorable tokens, fractal relics, and WvW tokens spilling over multiple bags. Players like me are celebrating and happy about the Wallet in terms of addressing these also very real problems—we’re impacted by them too! However, the way that this has been implemented leaves no room for players to choose how to manage their own gold reserves in the same ways they have both since launch and across multiple years (in my case, over a decade) of MMO gaming.
(A) Do not remove the gold deposit to bank function, but keep the entire remaining implementation of the Wallet mechanic. This would in effect keep the “opt-in” current system of the banking system. Players who do not actively want to store their gold centrally have no need to do so. This preserves player choice, and allows those of us who want the system to continue to secure and store our gold with dignity and ease, which will not be the case if we are forced to use personal one-account guilds at nontrivial expense to re-create the same base functionality that has been removed. Players who do not wish to store gold in the personal bank are not impacted by this design. I am struggling to see the downside to this from a player perspective.
(B) Create an option for whether gold is stored in the wallet or stored separately across characters. This would be the ideal option, and would allow players to play the game the way they want it to. I’m assuming that this would create some minor technical challenges. As a player, however, I am much more concerned with my gameplay experience than with the potential behind the scenes work.
© Create an option for whether personal bank gold storage is enabled or not. This would literally allow different customers (those in the “I want my gold stored account wide with no controls via wallet” segment as well as the “I want the option to store my gold in a secure vault” segment) to have exactly the gameplay experiences they want without impacting each other in any way.
(D) If there are severe coding difficulties, allow players to purchase “gold bullion” items that are bought in 1g, 5g, 20g, 50g, 100g, 1000g increments, account bound, that sell to merchants for the exact same amount that they are bought. This is an incredibly crude, rough way that personally I find a significant step down but would allow players to store gold in a very safe way. Again, many of us would simply prefer to be allowed to keep the existing deposit gold to bank system.
- * *
I believe that these concerns are valid and have a real impact on the level of stress and enjoyment that many players like me have in this game. Given their seriousness, I believe that it is not unreasonable to request both serious consideration and an equally thoughtful response from the developers. This seems even more of a reasonable request given the (at least to outsiders) apparent simplicity with which many of these issues could be resolved without impacting other players who enjoy the new system and without damaging its implementation in any reasonably discernible way.
Thank you for your consideration.
Best regards,
Matipzieu, GM of KyA / Blackgate
Established 2002
GM of [KyA] Established 2002
It is not my case but:
What about the people who used to have things separated for each character because maybe,the father plays the warrior,the sister the mesmer and the brother the necro so each one could play his own character ?
Will they need to note any single thing they had not to use the other one gold or tolken etc ?
I am saying this because may be some will encounter this problem and may be it is zenleto.6179 ’s issue…
I personnaly think that this change is great but can’t help thinking about the people in this case.
(edited by mons.1386)
Karma cap is at 1 billion.
Would it be an idea to implement a “gold bag” that player could give their characters if they want to? This gold bag would collect the gold per character and would only allow to store the gold in the token wallet by a right click on that bag.
Players that appreciate the new token wallet will not need to “give” this gold bag to their characters, but players that prefer to collect the gold per character could easily do so (by checking).
The gold bag would act like an inventory bag with its own place and can be checked (gold per character) and unchecked (gold goes directly into the token wallet) just like the player wants it.
Or there could just be an general option that is set that either keeps gold on each character or deposits directly to the collective wallet.
With an option to override the don’t deposit (as you said) with a click to deposit. (Perhaps on the paper doll screen.)
An advanced option would allow this deposit/don’t deposit to occur on a character by character basis.
I’d personally prefer to keep the bank gold thing, but call it a savings account. After putting in as much gold as you want, you can set it up so a percentage of gold you get from that point on from the TP, selling to NPCs, etc goes straight into the bank. Will build up over time, and players will have a nest egg to turn to if need be.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
It is not my case but:
What about the people who used to have things separated for each character because maybe,the father plays the warrior,the sister the mesmer and the brother the necro so each one could play his own character ?
Will they need to note any single thing they had not to use the other one gold or tolken etc ?
I am saying this because may be some will encounter this problem and may be it is zenleto.6179 ’s issue…I personnaly think that this change is great but can’t help thinking about the people in this case.
Well they shouldn’t be sharing an account in the first place (seeing as it violates the rules), and Anet will not support account sharing. So that’s their problem, not Anet’s if they decide to put their account at risk.
OT: I’m happy for the currency wallet. Finally a useful change that has been needed since launch. One thing I do not like though, is the gold becoming account wide. I kept gold in my bank so I didn’t burn a hole in my pocket wanting to spend it. I also kept certain amounts of coin on each character as a spending limit to stop me from spending all my gold.
Now all my characters are going to have access to all my gold all the time. Which is a bad thing and causes people to start wasting gold more often cause they have it available all the time now. The bank was a nice way to deposit gold so you could keep so much gold in a “savings account” for something you were working towards.
Sorry but this seems like a step backwards now. And if I want to keep the gold just on my characters, I can’t log on them. Otherwise once I log on them, it is going to transfer to account bound. So basically if I don’t want to use this feature, I can’t log into the game at all. So guess it’s just time to say goodbye.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)
It is not my case but:
What about the people who used to have things separated for each character because maybe,the father plays the warrior,the sister the mesmer and the brother the necro so each one could play his own character ?
Will they need to note any single thing they had not to use the other one gold or tolken etc ?
I am saying this because may be some will encounter this problem and may be it is zenleto.6179 ’s issue…I personnaly think that this change is great but can’t help thinking about the people in this case.
That is a much harder thing to argue since sharing accounts is against the TOS (or was that the EULA … one of them anyway).
You too? Haha. I had to create a new mule character to hold all of those Celestial recipes since I haven’t decided yet which characters will be my final level 400 crafters. XD
I have a mule that is holding 10,000 zhaiftaffy, recipes, helms and 1000’s badges of honor until i find the time to sort out what to do with them
QOL updates are always welcome. Thanks Anet!
You too? Haha. I had to create a new mule character to hold all of those Celestial recipes since I haven’t decided yet which characters will be my final level 400 crafters. XD
I have a mule that is holding 10,000 zhaiftaffy, recipes, helms and 1000’s badges of honor until i find the time to sort out what to do with them
The Zhaitaffy I sold for gold. Recipes are being stored on my mule. I converted all of the festival helms from the Living Story into PvP versions so they could be stored (as I didn’t particularly like the aesthetics on my existing characters).
Badges of Honor can now be stored in the upcoming Account Wallet; sadly, I already converted mine to 4 Gifts of Battle. XD Ah well.
What about Skill Points? Are they counted as currency? You spend them at Miyani..
They are obviously character-bound due to what you also get from Miyani being character-bound (e.g. crystals, bloodshard, etc.)
Back on wallet topic, thank you this feature really made my day, and the convenience this will grant 99% of your player base far outweighs the personal problem of those who for some reason want to keep separate accounts for their characters, imho.
This will clear up so much needed bank space due to dungeon tokens, karma pots I couldn’t decide which char should get, etc.
To have it all pooled for use across my account, lovely!
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Now all my characters are going to have access to all my gold all the time. Which is a bad thing and causes people to start wasting gold more often cause they have it available all the time now. The bank was a nice way to deposit gold so you could keep so much gold in a “savings account” for something you were working towards.
Sorry but this seems like a step backwards now. And if I want to keep the gold just on my characters, I can’t log on them. Otherwise once I log on them, it is going to transfer to account bound. So basically if I don’t want to use this feature, I can’t log into the game at all. So guess it’s just time to say goodbye.
Don’t sound so dramatic, you should embrace this QoL change and definitely not quit the game over it. Give it a little time once the patch goes live and see how much more convenient everything will be. And seriously, if you need that savings account, start a personal guild and get your own vault there where you can mimic that feature, but other than that, you cannot blame Anet for you not being able to burn through the gold in your pocket…
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

karma as well? can finally use all those thingymajiggy’s and not take up more bank space. we’re gonna have so much space we might not know what to do with ourselves!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Will we get a new window or a tab to view how much gold and tokens we got? And if, is there a chance we could get a cute little screenshot of that? =D
is. amazing!DDD can't wait for this.
karma as well? can finally use all those thingymajiggy’s and not take up more bank space. we’re gonna have so much space we might not know what to do with ourselves!
I’d still stock them and only use when sitting on 95% karma boosts
is. amazing!DDD can't wait for this.
karma as well? can finally use all those thingymajiggy’s and not take up more bank space. we’re gonna have so much space we might not know what to do with ourselves!
I’d still stock them and only use when sitting on 95% karma boosts
Yep. The only difference now is that I don’t have to carefully ration them out to characters after they make big karma purchases. I can just store them all up, just pick a character, then use some boosters/banners and slug all those puppies down.
I’d still stock them and only use when sitting on 95% karma boosts
The only difference now is that I don’t have to carefully ration them out to characters after they make big karma purchases. I can just store them all up, just pick a character, then use some boosters/banners and slug all those puppies down.
agreed. don’t get me wrong, i’m definitely using them with full boosts as well. but like Zaxares said, we don’t have to be careful on who we choose to use it.
it’s more of a convenience thing for me, in addition to saving space. for example, my Asura Guard has a karmic infusion ammy. so i plan to use him to take all the gulps. and i need to get obsi shards, but my Asura Guard doesn’t have map access to Orr yet (though i could just run him there). so my Norn Guard (yes i love teh Guard), who is my main, can pop over to orr and use the karma that i consumed with my Asura.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I love the idea of this update, especially account-bound karma, but I do think we should still be able to deposit gold into the bank (which is account-bound anyway). I personally like to keep day-to-day character funds and stored funds for a rainy day separately, and I’m sure I’m not the only person who likes to save up gold in a separate chunk for a particular reward.
Thx a lot A-net! This will be best improvement since I joined (12/2012)!!!
Great! Great! Great!
Just want to express my gratitude for this feature, Thanks anet!
ITT : Insane drama queens performances. Don’t miss it !
On topic : Ty Anet, great update.
Good news! Hoozah!
And although I have red some valid points about gold issues, I must say I am generally very pleased with the change.
It’s things like these (the support and implementation of idea’s) and the “living world” that is starting to set GW2 aside from any other MMO.
Keep at it!!
After I read all these nice updates for the queens jubilee, I did something I thought I never would do. I bought 2800 gems to give some support to the game. After all these awesome updates lately I thought they deserve more support from me.
great update Anet.. Thanks.