How low has your server gotten Tequatl?
to let you know guys there’S option to automaticly move from overflow to main server and it dosnt matter how many people are on main u will get in there anyway. I wont tell u solution here but i guess many people already know about that
It just bypass queue
Only if there’s already someone you know on the main server, however. So, basically, only for big guilds. And if there’s too much people on, it won’t work either.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Just because Arenanet or someone posts here claiming their server defeated it, doesn’t make it true. They are most likely just saying that to get people to stop complaining about it.
TC did it 3 times, BG did it twice and many others did it. Not sure how hundreds could lie in unison on public forums? There’s nothing to complain about except if you’re too much used to mashing button 1 while akitteng in a safe spot.
Pls tell me that you are being sarcastic. There are videos of Teq being beaten by almost every server that got him.
Tee See
we killed it a fourth time now TC : )
Gratz to all who have succeeded at this. Now, the big question: once the thrill of victory wears off, will you keep at it?
Hell yes! 150 people working together in this event is something awesome to be part of.
There are also the achievements… Running around with Sunbringer is one way to prove to the PUGs on my home server that they need to join our TS.
Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working.
to let you know guys there’S option to automaticly move from overflow to main server and it dosnt matter how many people are on main u will get in there anyway. I wont tell u solution here but i guess many people already know about that
It just bypass queue
Joining on a party member already in the main map…. the problem is there is a hardcap on the main map that cannot be bypassed.
JQ just got him down to 1-2% with the night crew at 4am. We were so close.
JQ just got him down to 1-2% with the night crew at 4am. We were so close.
I literally cried a little there.. :-/
Tequatl was defeated on an overflow comprised mostly of people from Sanctum of Rall, some TC (like myself), JQ, and I think some Blackgates. There were I think 70 of us in Raidcall at one point.
JQ just got him down to 1-2% with the night crew at 4am. We were so close.
I literally cried a little there.. :-/
Same happened on our server (Elona Reach). We got him down to a point where you couldn’t see any HP left. It must have been pixels… We even got some of the achievements you only get when you actually defeat him. Still, the event failed… Must have been a very close one…
I feel with you. Next time we (your server and ours) will get him!!! Good luck!
Tequatl was defeated on an overflow comprised mostly of people from Sanctum of Rall, some TC (like myself), JQ, and I think some Blackgates. There were I think 70 of us in Raidcall at one point.
was a blast!!
Best I saw was 90 percent yesterday on an overflow. Still hoping for HP reduce or time increas or that they increase the rewards so it’s worth to stay online 8-9rs waiting only at one map(so you won’t get in an overflow) to be lucky to maybe get one try where he gets defeated or lover than 75 percent.
Edit: And I always leave if af 75 percenf of time(remainint time 11 min 15s) it is only about 2-3 hp damaged and not 25 percent damaged. Then I know it already is fail.
(edited by Luthan.5236)
any eu servers trying it today?
Congrats to SoR on the Kill, and to everyone who’s killed him.
3 Kills here and still nothing but a rare or 2 for loot.
Overflows actually correct the problem of low pop servers, you essentially get a full map of people who are all trying to guest in and actually do the event. 90% of em actually WANT to succeed, whereas home servers suffer the whole afk etc problems.
Deso just killed him for third time. Got flawless defence and 2 min left.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
elonareach now offically did it with 1:35 left
at least first german server to do it
A lot of fun when you get into a good map with motivated people, thanks to everyone who was part of the kill about 2 hours ago on Desolation.
However, it’s immensly frustrating for those stuck in overflows or on servers with people afk’ing. I think I’m the only one of my guild and on my friends list to actually get it for now.
Any NA servers currently grouping up to take him down?
We need Jesus in FA.
We need Jesus in FA.
Jesus is called Deximus and resides on Desolation.
On most servers if you actually didicate a few hours to the fight, it is easy to get in main right after it ends and then you can be in main for the next couple attempts.
Sure you can`t get in if you`re waiting until the last minute but that means you aren`t coordinating with the raid and probably not on voice chat anyway.
Any NA servers currently grouping up to take him down?
I just woke up and am starting it up on BG, hurry before theres 200 people
Any NA servers currently grouping up to take him down?
I just woke up and am starting it up on BG, hurry before theres 200 people
Sounds like its already full and Im not native BG.
Tequatl down on Abaddons Mouth[GER
(edited by Mathew.4879)
Piken Square just downed him! 17:32!
Grats to everyone! LOVE YOU <3
Piken Square just did it.
Unfortunately I didn’t capture event bar, but we had like 1:30 left – the best result afaik.
(edited by Nighthawk.6453)
Piken Square killed Tequatl in 13 minutes. Blob leader Batareika, SPRT guild
Seafarer’s Rest community (on Overflow Server), just made it..
Best effort from UW yet.. got Teq to 30%.. just needed a few less deaths at the start of phase 1, once the turrets got organised on the cleansing things vastly improved… another minute 45 seconds and UW would of tasted dragon ears this night
tequatl done at seafarer’s with 2.38m still to go
gg guys xD
BG just downed him again.
Tequatl was defeated on an overflow comprised mostly of people from Sanctum of Rall, some TC (like myself), JQ, and I think some Blackgates. There were I think 70 of us in Raidcall at one point.
Yup, well done SOR and everyone else. Best quote of the night goes to whoever was commanding and suggest a SOR field trip to get fire powder. OMG the elementals lol. That was a fantastic fight and excellent coordination. We had 110 in Raidcall when we dropped him like a tonne of bricks
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
(edited by Soren.9316)
We had 200+ in teamspeak today on TS. It’s pretty insane…
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Any overflows forming up that can invite people? Servers are too hard to get in.
JQ just got him down to 1-2% with the night crew at 4am. We were so close.
Will you guys be trying again tonight? I might stay up and help out. You guys got a lot further then the prime time crew.
SF got him to 50% earlier, hopefully we can keep chippin down at him tomorrow.
It’s totally killing me that I haven’t been there fighting with you guys. I keep getting punted to overflow.
Crossing my fingers I’ll be able to get into the zone for tomorrow’s big push.
You gotta get some guildie or party memebers in there so you can join!
[url=https://] [/url]
Bg got him again..nice job guys. Having a leader to direct is pretty important.
We just got him on an overflow with TKS guild.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
from what i hear 85%ish
wvw server, i doubt anyone will bother with this boss within 2 days anymore
[Teef] guild :>
Seafarer’s kill:
(edited by Jetres.7245)
Blackgate is up to 6 now. We are about to stop counting now.
omg, fix the overflow issues
some of us are trying to organize here…
(edited by Ewon.5903)
I hope TC has a few more shots at him tonight, I’m so happy to see you day guys getting him down, but have had 0 luck in the overflows at night time.
See ya in voice comms tonight and best of luck to all TC (and other servers) until then.
crystl desert just got him to 7%!!!!! that was after our previous run at 50%!!!! LETS DO THIS CD!!!
JQ just beat him.
I hope TC has a few more shots at him tonight, I’m so happy to see you day guys getting him down, but have had 0 luck in the overflows at night time.
See ya in voice comms tonight and best of luck to all TC (and other servers) until then.
We shall. I will play tonight and I will let you know if I can get in so that I can try to get you in, too.
Congratulations to JQ for beating Teq! I have a few good friends over there ^^
And keep trying, CD! You can do it!
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Just because Arenanet or someone posts here claiming their server defeated it, doesn’t make it true. They are most likely just saying that to get people to stop complaining about it.
TC did it 3 times, BG did it twice and many others did it. Not sure how hundreds could lie in unison on public forums? There’s nothing to complain about except if you’re too much used to mashing button 1 while akitteng in a safe spot.
Pls tell me that you are being sarcastic. There are videos of Teq being beaten by almost every server that got him.
Let me try to explain to you what he means.
He’s saying that a lot of these non-top tier servers beating Teq and even a few Overflows are just TKS or BG guilds gaming the overflow system to get essentially instanced runs at Teq.
Not exactly a victory for “X Server” when “Y Server” did all the fighting.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.