I’m not saying this isn’t possible, but I want you to understand exactly what that suggestion means. It would mean completely rebalancing the Ranger.
The Ranger is designed to have a pet. If the pet was taken away or didn’t do damage, then it wouldn’t be a Ranger anymore. Does that make sense?
The only reason Rangers lose damage is because the AI is not currently what it ought to be. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we should completely redesign the Ranger and get rid of the pet.
Hi Allie, and thank you for your replies.
I do believe that you are understanding us incorrectly about the pet damage. We are aware that pets are suppose to be 30 percent of our damage and that is our class mechanic. What we are trying to explain to you is that no other class has to give up damage for their class mechanic. A warrior has 100 percent of his/her damage. When their class mechanic fills up they have 115% damage. They use their skill and they are back to 100 percent damage for a few seconds until their class mechanic (adrenaline) fills up again.
What we are asking for is for the ranger to have full control over their damage, 100%, just like the warrior. Let the pet do 15% damage. The time it takes for a pet to reach it’s target, stop, run animation, and begin it’s attack is the same amount of time it takes a warrior to fill it’s adrenaline bar. This puts us on even grounds with other classes. When a warrior uses his adrenaline it performs a special attack/move. when we hit our f2 the pet stops, runs an animation, performs the animation (whether it’s a heal, fear, call for a second hyena(or was it wolf? can’t remember now)) then it runs to the target, performs an animation again, then it attacks. During all of this, the warrior would have filled up his adrenaline bar already and continued doing his/her 15% extra damage. The pet is still doing damage, but now the ranger will have full control of their 100% instead of only 70% while an AI that doesn’t work does 30%, plus we lose out on damage because everyone’s class mechanic ADDS to their damage, not brings them up to 100%, their mechanic raises them above 100%
You see, this puts us on equal footing with other classes when it comes to damage. Telling us that we have to split our DPS with out class mechanic is the same as saying that warriors have to start off with a 30% reduction in damage until they fill up their adrenaline, once adrenaline is filled up then the warrior can do 100% of their damage. first bar being 10%, second bar 20% and third bar is 30%. Then warriors will only have 100% damage instead of the current 115% damage. Do you understand where we’re coming from now? Pets are still in, pets are still doing damage, at a lower percentage, if they ever hit, but ranger’s will not be handicapped when it comes to DPS. We will be on even footing with all other classes in this aspect.