Aquatic Benevolence - new grandmaster trait
This is just the first of many traits that we’ll be revealing. Tune into Ready Up tomorrow ( for more information on what’s coming!
We’ll be talking about all of the new elementalist traits, one of them in particular being ‘Stone Heart’.
See you there,
Yeah ,Nice,Cool,Swag,Yolo
Don’t make us to be disappointed, i dont want playing-like-suffer-but-try-to-enjoy next half year.
I re-read the blog post and that skills seems even more lackluster than I initially thought:
25% healing power increase to all heals to allies. So lets see: when you have 500 healing power (300 from trait – 200 from gear) you will have an effective healing power of 625 for all heals that affect allies.
That does the following
Water blast: 497 – 528 ( +6,23%)
Geyser (total): 2798 – 2891 ( +3,3%)
Healing rain (the regen granted from it): 2304 – 2496 ( +8,3%)
Healing ripple: 1551 – 1614 ( +4.0%)
Soothing mist: 1049 – 1112 ( + 6.0%)
Cleansing wave: 1800 – 1925 ( +6.9%)
Cone of cold: 899 – 939 ( +4.4%)
Water trident: 1946 – 2071 ( + 6.4%)
Water field blast finisher: 1420 – 1445 ( + 1,7%)
Regeneration: 192 – 208 ( +8,5%)So you get something like +5% effective heal on allies. I doubt anyone will ever notice that – especially not yourself, since the ele itself is excluded from that trait effect. Given the very low radius of most spell/trait effects (180/240 radius) your allies would literally have to stand on top of you to get the effect.
I suppose you are much better off taking powerful aura or cleansing water (especially in WvW to get that double cleanse on every tick of healing rain)
Hmm maybe I read it wrong but I was reading it like a strength in numbers or empowered allies trait. Strength in numbers affects the guardian empowered allies doesn’t buff the warrior.
This is just the first of many traits that we’ll be revealing. Tune into Ready Up tomorrow ( for more information on what’s coming!
We’ll be talking about all of the new elementalist traits, one of them in particular being ‘Stone Heart’.
See you there,
April 15th is a month away. Is there still a chance we can get this first trait announced changed to something useful. Its total garbage and nobody will ever use it. Seriously might as well not of even wasted your time making it in its current form. Some tweaks though could make it useful.
who in the world will ever equip a GRANDmaster trait which won’t give him/her aaaany benefit at all? o.O
we have been asking for improved self sustain….and we get turned into buffslaves? sounds legit.Correct version would’ve been: “aquatic benevolence: +35% healing to caster, +25% to allies”. This is something I might consider to equip, not their version :\
This made me laugh so hard. Ummm ever heard of what they did to guardians? They’ve been making us defensive buff bot slaves. Take a look in our vitality line… One of our grandmasters (and arguably the other as well) are for party benefit, and not the guardian.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
They created fresh air and evasive arcana, what could go wrong?. Yeah so water doesn’t get an amazing trait. Is not like we don’t have reasons to get into water anyways.
Can you people honestly think that adding 25% more healing to ele self healing would be balanced?
Also am I the only one who has been hearing the cries for more team support and less zerker meta? And now people complain when Anet actually listens?
who in the world will ever equip a GRANDmaster trait which won’t give him/her aaaany benefit at all? o.O
we have been asking for improved self sustain….and we get turned into buffslaves? sounds legit.Correct version would’ve been: “aquatic benevolence: +35% healing to caster, +25% to allies”. This is something I might consider to equip, not their version :\
This made me laugh so hard. Ummm ever heard of what they did to guardians? They’ve been making us defensive buff bot slaves. Take a look in our vitality line… One of our grandmasters (and arguably the other as well) are for party benefit, and not the guardian.
And now ask yourself – how many guardians take this trait (Battle presence) ? Despite the fact that it is actually very good (142 heal per second to allies in 600 range for a guardian with 500 healing power, this seems a lot better than the combined heal the ele could achieve using the aquatic trait)
Can you people honestly think that adding 25% more healing to ele self healing would be balanced?
Also am I the only one who has been hearing the cries for more team support and less zerker meta? And now people complain when Anet actually listens?
The fact is: people have not been asking for more team support (there are currently a lot of option for a support loving player to go fully supportive). They have asked for more REASON to go for team support. Currently I have yet to hear a compelling reason that would make people go support/control in PvE.
(edited by Columbo.5924)
The fact is: people have not been asking for more team support. They have asked for more REASON to go/add team support. Currently I have yet to hear a compelling reason that would make people go support/control in PvE.
Got it in one. As it is, there is STILL no reason to take this perk. I don’t need to heal anyone 9 times out of 10 on my ele. I still do in the incredibly desperate scenarios. But you know what? That one in a thousand shot is STILL not worth taking this trait over.
Will not hold my breath for stone heart.
The trait doesn’t really appeal to me for any scenario, will wait and see though.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
This is just the first of many traits that we’ll be revealing. Tune into Ready Up tomorrow ( for more information on what’s coming!
We’ll be talking about all of the new elementalist traits, one of them in particular being ‘Stone Heart’.
See you there,
It’s the elementalist version of that Guardian trait that pops a bunch of vit but on the earth tree isn’t filterspace it?
Oh please let me be wrong.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
I wouldnt take it myself, but I could see some very group friendly people getting really good use out of it.
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry
Ok, now that we have seen “Utility and Support” (and I sadly have to say that I’m a bit underwhelmed) – let us please have a look at the promised damage options. Currently that is undoubtedly the strength of an ele and boosting the strengths might be a better idea than trying to cover its weaknesses.
Me: Sweet, more support for those of us who like trying out healing builds!
Everyone else: Healing useless, trash trait, why try?
Me: ;_;
We’re never going to change the status quo with that attitude. Granted, one trait isn’t going to accomplish that, but it’s like this playerbase has a disdain for players who dare to experiment.
Pretty sure these changes will work better with the changes they are also making to rune, gear and the like. Might want to take a more wait and see approach, than a reactive, based on limit knowledge one.
lol heart of stone. Let me guess. Gain invulnerability for 1.5sec on eath attune?.
Pretty sure these changes will work better with the changes they are also making to rune, gear and the like. Might want to take a more wait and see approach, than a reactive, based on limit knowledge one.
But more often than not things will stay kitten if they look kitten beforehand. and
would like to say hello
Or better yet. Heart of stone. Become inmune to control effects while attuned to earth. Oh the churning earths…
Or better yet. Heart of stone. Become inmune to control effects while attuned to earth. Oh the churning earths…
Or your background music changes to “rolling stones – heart of stone” permanently and you start to feel like a mafia boss.
Guys guys, seriously, the post is in this thread one page back.
It is “Stone Heart”, not “Heart of Stone”.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
This trait is clearly specialized for high healing power builds, and perhaps to be taken with aquamancer’s alacrity trait as well.
As long as the elementalist has good sources of condition removal from their skills, and sturdy defense, a 1200-ish healing power ele (in pvp) can get around 300-ish more healing power from this with cleric’s amulet.
If I’m not wrong, doing 4 heal skills in a row (say, evasive arcana’s heal, healing ripple trait, water trident and cleansing water or geyser and healing rain) would be more or less worth an extra heal. With aoe regen from elemental attunement, and possibly revamped healing sigils and healing runes, and we would probably get almost 2 extra heal skills worth of this.
The effectiveness of this trait will probably rely on how much healing and heal effects you can stack in a single builds.
And for those who don’t like that role, of course, there’s still 4 other gm traits to be revealed.
Guys guys, seriously, the post is in this thread one page back.
It is “Stone Heart”, not “Heart of Stone”.
That is all Anets fault, they named that trait incorrectly !
Do you like the sound of the 80’s? Enjoy “Foreigner – Heart turns to stone”
lol heart of stone. Let me guess. Gain invulnerability for 1.5sec on eath attune?.
Inb4 this is actually what the trait will do.
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards
lol heart of stone. Let me guess. Gain invulnerability for 1.5sec on eath attune?.
Inb4 this is actually what the trait will do.
I have a feeling we’ll get +300 Toughness (like the guardian +300 vit) with Stone Heart, while attuned to Earth
As has already been stated this trait is a bit lack luster because:
1. Does not impact your own survivability
2. Does not impact blast finishers in water fields
I read the trait as “my buddies will heal themselves for 25% more”. If that’s not the case and it only boosts the Elementalist’s healing power, then I’d add yet another reason for lack-luster trait:
3. A pure healing role is not a viable role in GW2
This is just the first of many traits that we’ll be revealing. Tune into Ready Up tomorrow ( for more information on what’s coming!
We’ll be talking about all of the new elementalist traits, one of them in particular being ‘Stone Heart’.
See you there,
Thanks for the response…truly appreciate it.
However, I still feel that a trait that has no practical use shouldn’t be added to the game in the first place. The fact that other traits are added as well doesn’t change the fact that there’s exactly 0 use for healers in this game.
I don’t get the hate for this new GM trait. Ive been playing as a semi support ELE and I’m looking forward to more healing power!
I don’t get the hate for this new GM trait. Ive been playing as a semi support ELE and I’m looking forward to more healing power!
And you realize this trait won’t boost the healz from blasting your waters…. and this trait won’t boost your self healz…. so…. ??
In short you make your buddies heal better. If that works for them, then why did they need you in the first place?
lol heart of stone. Let me guess. Gain invulnerability for 1.5sec on eath attune?.
Inb4 this is actually what the trait will do.
I have a feeling we’ll get +300 Toughness (like the guardian +300 vit) with Stone Heart, while attuned to Earth
Or if just turns your heart to stone and you immediately die since you no longer have a functional heart that pumps blood to the rest of your body.
lol heart of stone. Let me guess. Gain invulnerability for 1.5sec on eath attune?.
Inb4 this is actually what the trait will do.
I have a feeling we’ll get +300 Toughness (like the guardian +300 vit) with Stone Heart, while attuned to Earth
I was thinking that but that is super bunker when you already get +120 attuned to earth. Going 30 points in further would make 300 toughness do nothing really.
My creative juices are thinking maybe a flat damage reduction when struck in melee range? Something along the lines of what flame barrier does but defensive. That is just my quick thinking of a earth trait for survivability, in earth. Longer your in melee range the more the damage reduction goes up(stacks with protection of course). This would cover d/f, d/d, s/d, users pretty well when you are going aggressive and s/f users ranging would be covered when melee closes in on them.
Just my guess anyway we will see tomorrow though what they have come up with. I am willing to bet something will be called OP and claims of Ele being the new FOTM will follow.
What’s wrong with healing my allies?
I interpreted Aquatic Benevolence as:
This trait contains a new mechanic that will increase all healing to allies by a percentage without affecting the character doing the healing.
Nearby allies (not including yourself) will receive a buff that increases incoming healing by a certain percentage.
Since the percentage wasn’t specified, perhaps it’s variable, such as the closer you are to the elementalist, the higher the percentage.
Aquatic Benevolence has the highest of all outgoing healing effects currently in the game, sitting at a solid 25% healing power bonus when supporting allies
The skill will also apply healing. It could either be direct or a heal over time, but since it also puts a buff on allies, I’m guessing it’s a heal over time. The coefficient on this skill will use 25% of your healing power.
In short, I think the skill is basically Soothing Mist, except it doesn’t apply to yourself, it’s a much stronger heal and it also increases healing received by a percentage.
What’s wrong with healing my allies?
Nothing, but it is largely unneeded. This would be a great trait if healing others actually did anything in a fight.
Sure, occasionally a heal can be useful but overall, you can make do with people’s own heals and 0 healing power party heals.
Stone heart will prob be a passive obsidian flesh proc or something
“This trait contains a new mechanic that will increase all healing to allies by a percentage without affecting the character doing the healing. Aquatic Benevolence has the highest of all outgoing healing effects currently in the game, sitting at a solid 25% healing power bonus when supporting allies”
After reading this a second time it almost seems like the healing bonus is an AoE group buff (like spotter for instance) that will effect not only your outgoing healing, but other allies. For instance if you have this trait equipped and you and another ele stack on each other and you cast geyser he’ll receive a healing bonus, but you wont. But if he casts geyser, you will receive the healing bonus, and he wont.
Of note, the quote also says “all healing to allies”. As such, if it provides a spotter-like buff, maybe engineers and guardians can be more effective with their healing abilities on their allies as well, rather than just the ele’s heals.
I guess we’ll still need some more information, but it won’t really matter that much if support still takes a big back seat to other specs.
who in the world will ever equip a GRANDmaster trait which won’t give him/her aaaany benefit at all? o.O
we have been asking for improved self sustain….and we get turned into buffslaves? sounds legit.Correct version would’ve been: “aquatic benevolence: +35% healing to caster, +25% to allies”. This is something I might consider to equip, not their version :\
This made me laugh so hard. Ummm ever heard of what they did to guardians? They’ve been making us defensive buff bot slaves. Take a look in our vitality line… One of our grandmasters (and arguably the other as well) are for party benefit, and not the guardian.
I am glad you are blessed with the ability to laugh. The traits you are referring to do not affect the ability of my Guardian to break invaders into smithereens and to do so takes little to no effort, very low level of skills and a very modest gold investment (just a few exotics and a bunch of rares).
On the other hand, my almost-full-ascended Elementalist which has the so called “high skill cieling”, takes four time the effort to fail thrice as much into the most basic fights because of the low hp pool, paper armor, zero mobility, modest damage, zero sustain…. and after two years waiting for game changing mechanics that put us back into competition the first GRANDmaster (not an adept, not a major…a GRAND!!!!) they show us is completely useless in 1vs1 scenarios?
I am not saying that is completely useless in any kind of scenarios possible: I am saying that A.Net “priority list” is completely off track when compared to Elementalist’s forum population’s one, and this is beyond bad.
This said, even if the other four grandmaster traits are epic (which I doubt, at this point), putting Aquatic Benevolence as their promotional flag was a nuclear marketing fail.
Now again seeing the “new mechanic” part, I think we really will have to wait till tomorrow to figure out what this means.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
lol heart of stone. Let me guess. Gain invulnerability for 1.5sec on eath attune?.
Inb4 this is actually what the trait will do.
I have a feeling we’ll get +300 Toughness (like the guardian +300 vit) with Stone Heart, while attuned to Earth
We already have a trait that does something like this and another one that ups the toughness when channeling.
This is just the first of many traits that we’ll be revealing. Tune into Ready Up tomorrow ( for more information on what’s coming!
We’ll be talking about all of the new elementalist traits, one of them in particular being ‘Stone Heart’.
See you there,
lets hope its not as lackluster and useless to us as “Aquatic Benevolence” because no grand master should should have NO use to the owner.
lol heart of stone. Let me guess. Gain invulnerability for 1.5sec on eath attune?.
Inb4 this is actually what the trait will do.
I have a feeling we’ll get +300 Toughness (like the guardian +300 vit) with Stone Heart, while attuned to Earth
I hope not. If we got such a trait bonus it should affect ALL our attunements. not just 25% of us. Maybe it will be something like Diamond Skin but for Direct damage
this trait might be ok if your a damage spec and NOT a healer spec. I guess you could still deal out decent damage and not be dropping completely worthless heals on your party. The old saying a dead ele does no damage holds true with this trait tho, a dead ele doesnt heal his team for jack kitten either
powerful auras has “no use to the owner” either if your talking about pure what does it do for me , but I have used it and liked it once in a while.
this trait might be ok if your a damage spec and NOT a healer spec. I guess you could still deal out decent damage and not be dropping completely worthless heals on your party. The old saying a dead ele does no damage holds true with this trait tho, a dead ele doesnt heal his team for jack kitten either
Seeing as it has ZERO affect on us, it is going to be rather average. It should increase Ele healing as well. 50% would be very helpful for us.
aquatic ben. not bad. very useful for wvw, especially in regroup scenario.
don’t complain pls, tomorrow they ll show us other gm traits. judge their work by one example is nonsense
Worst trait ever. Looks like the “NEW EXCITING ROLE” eles are getting is being pure support. Isn’t ele supporty enough? We desperately need help in solo play, and just plain helping OURSELVES survive (after all can’t support anyone if you’re dead). Looks like I’ll be switching to war for good where solo play is actually encouraged rather than spat on. Maybe even necro with the new incredible personal survivability gm they are getting.
Even on the support front it’s not that great. Main source of heals from ele is just other people blasting your water fields. This won’t effect healing from that to any meaningful degree, even if you are blowing arcane wave and arcane brilliance at the same time. I’d rather just take the other gm to clear conditions on others and myself.
Furthermore these new grandmasters are particular kitten ing for ele since GM traits are about the only good traits we DID have (EA, fresh air, diamond skin), while we are outclassed in lower traits and pure stats by a lot. So while other classes can stand to gain a lot, we really don’t stand to gain anything, especially with mediocre gms like Aquatic Benevolence. Unless the description of “Stone Heart” reads “you gain the base stats of warrior” I don’t have much hope at this point.
Endless Petrification Tonic
(edited by Jabberwock.9014)
What’s wrong with healing my allies?
Nothing wrong with it at all Psycho, as long as you are doing everything else too. We’ve all been in a Wvw mixup where water fields make a big difference. With a staff for example, I think as long as an ele doesn’t stay in water and goes into earth, air, and fire also, and lays down chills, stuns, cripples, immobilizes, and aoe, they are doing alright. It certainly helps however if the aoe does some real damage, which is why I won’t ever see this trait.
lol heart of stone. Let me guess. Gain invulnerability for 1.5sec on eath attune?.
Inb4 this is actually what the trait will do.
I have a feeling we’ll get +300 Toughness (like the guardian +300 vit) with Stone Heart, while attuned to Earth
+300 toughness yummy
And all that protection.
i m rly curious about new Air and Arcane gm traits. they are must be rly g1 to beat fresh air/EA or at least be equal.
mmm, shinies?
(edited by OneManArmy.9732)
Since I was ninja’d.
How about take a guess for new air trait.
Name: Overcharge.
Description: Whenever you critical hit you build up charges. After you have X charges. You body overloads grating you 4x(just to make it fun) damage on your next attack.
(edited by elprimo.4398)
i m rly curious about new Air and Arcane gm traits. mmm, shinies?
better than fresh air or EA I do believe in Anet but thats just too much
you post in the same time i was editing my post