Diva’s Stone Heart build WvW [Video]
As any other condi class, you will be bursting enemies down slowly.
is that intended feature or just a contradiction?
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards
Hi Diva, very interesting build.
But I think this will be more tanky with the nearly the same condi DPS:
Also, this build mentioned to use different attunements, but mostly in Earth sure
As any other condi class, you will be bursting enemies down slowly.
is that intended feature or just a contradiction?
Every condi spec of any class killing enemies pretty long in comparison with direct damage builds, for the cost of much more survivability.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Hi Diva, very interesting build.
But I think this will be more tanky with the nearly the same condi DPS:
Also, this build mentioned to use different attunements, but mostly in Earth sureAs any other condi class, you will be bursting enemies down slowly.
is that intended feature or just a contradiction?Every condi spec of any class killing enemies pretty long in comparison with direct damage builds, for the cost of much more survivability.
Thanks for your comment. I will look into the build link you posted, also, sometimes I switch my attunements too while playing my build, it just naturally happens lol and i’m always happy to see more people trying different stuff. :-)
I am completly new to guild wars. Frieds tried to get me to GW2 for a long time :-). Now they made it.
I stared as an elementalist and just made LvL21 …
I am a tactician and strategist. Played DAOC years ago.
I always try to play diffrent and surprise my oponents. I hate copied cooky cutter builds and always try to smash them :-). I design characters myself.
First i had been thinking on the cepter, then came to the staff ele as i usually am a totally supportive player and like long range, and looked at signet based. When thinking and playing with the builder i turned away from heavy water going fire. (Earth and not making it complicated is my base). My build is some kind of hybrid going more power then condition damage and i would like to try conjures for burst damage.
I think i still miss a lot of things and will adapt the build but it is a similar direction of a non squishy ele that makes glass cannons whine.
I just enjoyed finding your posts of Stone Heart elementalist after reding all that stuff from D/D and attunement swaping elementalists. Of course i did see that starting in another attunement ist good :-).
So my build i like to try will have the base you have but also be quite diffrent. It swaps out some condition damage for direct damage (still burning evrything of course) and don´t use a signet going earth armor and cleansing fire + flame axe (fast atacks, might stacking, evade, burning and leap). So i have two cleansing fire at hand that will burn oponents.
Interesting build, will definately give it a try!
Plus that video was fun to watch, you could r eally see the increasing desperation of those thieves x)
Mono attunement build… shudder. At least you’re trying something different, that I can at least appreciate, but your opponents in all the fights are… terrible is being nice.
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net
I am completly new to guild wars. Frieds tried to get me to GW2 for a long time :-). Now they made it.
I stared as an elementalist and just made LvL21 …
I am a tactician and strategist. Played DAOC years ago.
I always try to play diffrent and surprise my oponents. I hate copied cooky cutter builds and always try to smash them :-). I design characters myself.
First i had been thinking on the cepter, then came to the staff ele as i usually am a totally supportive player and like long range, and looked at signet based. When thinking and playing with the builder i turned away from heavy water going fire. (Earth and not making it complicated is my base). My build is some kind of hybrid going more power then condition damage and i would like to try conjures for burst damage.
I think i still miss a lot of things and will adapt the build but it is a similar direction of a non squishy ele that makes glass cannons whine.
I just enjoyed finding your posts of Stone Heart elementalist after reding all that stuff from D/D and attunement swaping elementalists. Of course i did see that starting in another attunement ist good :-).
So my build i like to try will have the base you have but also be quite diffrent. It swaps out some condition damage for direct damage (still burning evrything of course) and don´t use a signet going earth armor and cleansing fire + flame axe (fast atacks, might stacking, evade, burning and leap). So i have two cleansing fire at hand that will burn oponents.Greetings
Glad to know you found my build interesting, surely some tweaks could be done to suit your playstyle more like you said of flame axe one even tho it won’t be as great as our existing meta builds but you can taste every bit of being an ele Also, I wanted to play a full condi ele so I came up with this sorta thing. Keep me posted what new you come up with, preferably with some video to watch
Interesting build, will definately give it a try!
Plus that video was fun to watch, you could r eally see the increasing desperation of those thieves x)
I know right!! I hate thieves !! One of them added me to party later and asked what I was running lol
After the update i think stone heart builds are going to be big.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
After the update i think stone heart builds are going to be big.
i don’t… mainly because the problem is that earth attunement is not an attunement anyone wants to spend much time in, even defensively.
I think stone heart is more of a conjure weapon trait, but then, conjures suck balls.
that said, i think earth will be a thing in HOT. but only because everyone gets a free 3rd line, and earth is debateably the best out of fire/earth/air for PVP so it will get used.
Am i the only one around here thinking that earth water arcane , written in stone heavy signet (heal, earth and air at least) build would be huge ?
Cause yeah, i dont think that earth stone and diamond skin are good trait
It does the job well :-)
Am i the only one around here thinking that earth water arcane , written in stone heavy signet (heal, earth and air at least) build would be huge ?
Cause yeah, i dont think that earth stone and diamond skin are good trait
Nope, I’ve been looking at a Written in Stone build myself. I personally view Diamond Skin and Stone Heart as poor traits that have limited use based on some scenarios whereas a WiS build could be a better all around alternative.
Not getting crit is nice, but when you eventually leave Earth, it’s gone and the low health threshold of Diamond Skin always made me shy away from it.
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net
I am levling up and folowing my friends in WvW. I can´t use the build now and with my poor gear i realy take huge hits. By not reacting fast eough i usually go down (and then always think why didn´t i hit 9 fast or 5 and so on ^^) But thats the way it is with a newbie. I am shure i will get them in the future :-).
What is a fact. I usuall don´t have earth up. I am in fire (sometimes going to water). Thats because i give support to my comerades (Fire field and blowing Phönix in). Earth is usually the last one to go in and so i will get the full critical on being surprised annyway ;-). I need some ranged AE support in earth gg
As utility i currently use cleansing flame (which is realy useful, signet of air and arcane shield. Have to look at my skill points. Don´t have to much at the moment.
Now i am 80 (crafting guide ftw) an my friends sponsored me an exotic rabid set + traveler rune. I am running to get more traits now to finish my build.
Well it seems the signet builds get hit hard with the upcoming changes. Its sad to weaken it. Well for the build i imagined all is there .. Just in earth major there are now two traits i want.
See here: