[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13
hi phoenix!!! Which earrings, rings use you?
Very interesting guide indeed. Gave me enough motivation to pick up my Elementalist again! And so far I am loving the D/D play after previously only really testing the staff.
In fact, this is the second guide to motivate me to really trying out a class in a whole different way, the other being brutality’s crit hammer guide for the guardian.
I am only 42 and still planning my end gear, considering the P/T/V from AC as my armor. But I am wondering, do those stats mix well with say knights daggers, and Sapphire earrings and amulet? I got one Ancient Karka shell I might use as well, but what orb to place in it? For rings… I think I will need to get some Fractals going and get some Ascend items there, would the “all stats” ones be advised?
- Charles Fort
Hey Excala, fellow D/D Ele on Fort Aspenwood (though im a 20 Earth + Earth runes person).
I usually play in Oceanic prime time and being a nuisance there. But it was good to finally see you in action on the Weekend, and even fought along side you for a brief moment in front of overlook (until you went in up on the walls and being a headache to our enemies). :P
[coVn] Witches I Chaotic Good
Fort Aspenwood
With our cantrips selected properly for what you are doing, you can shed P/T/V quite a bit if you want to go more damage. I wouldn’t recommend it full time, but it is the reason I keep two gear sets. Never go full glass cannon as a bunker ele unless you enjoyed getting insta gibbed. You can, however, sacrifice some toughness/heal power/whatever to increase crit damage and crit chance significantly, while still keeping your health in the mid 19k
Of course, I can do this a bit easier than some people I see with what they are running because I dont use any + condition damage whatsoever. I am under the opinion through hundreds of hours of play as well as testing, that it is nearly worthless for an ele because we cant keep enough stacks on enough targets to make the trade off worthwhile.
Many of the points in this thread are why ele’s need a nerf. Mainly “You don’t ever have to aim or target anyone and can run around rolling your face on the keyboard.”
I hate people saying that because an ele has 4 elemental aspects they require more brain capacity to play. That might be true if they were squishy and you were in any danger of taking damage or having to aim at people. >.>
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
Many of the points in this thread are why ele’s need a nerf. Mainly “You don’t ever have to aim or target anyone and can run around rolling your face on the keyboard.”
You couldn’t be more wrong. You do have to aim, you do have to target, you do have to selectively use abilities, and you have more of them to make a decision about compared to other classes. All the while having less damage and health pool.
The reason why most ele’s are going this way is because it is really the only effective way to roll in most situations.
Hey, I wonder if anyone could give some advice on facing shatter/burst mesmers. Currently I find them to be most difficult to face 1v1. At least if you meet a good one.
The problem is that they can have some insane control and burst. Yes, I am very well aware of dodging the clones in time. However my biggest problem is their control. Daze/stun from pistol, imobilize from S#2 (which is somewhat easier to get out of) and then the daze from shatter. There’s only a limited amount of dodges you can do and in the mean while you try to kite around and heal up, the illusions do some nasty damage while you get an other daze or stun.
Many of the points in this thread are why ele’s need a nerf. Mainly “You don’t ever have to aim or target anyone and can run around rolling your face on the keyboard.”
I hate people saying that because an ele has 4 elemental aspects they require more brain capacity to play. That might be true if they were squishy and you were in any danger of taking damage or having to aim at people. >.>
I strongly disagree. While this build is very nice, it is not the only class to have a very solid build. I have played my Memser and Guardian a lot, adn they too have very strong builds. I suspect more classes have very good builds also.
- Charles Fort
@paleeshi. Take a look at the discussion I made one or two pages before this one. There are even a Mesmer guide link where you can find a lot about it. Personaly after reading through all that stuff and playing a mesmer myself I realy got better at killing them. I would dare to say that the key to defeat them easly is to just know what they’re going to do, and in that case you HAVE to at least see some of them playing. Once you get it, you can properly break their chain by Dodging/Dazing (Air 3)/Cantriping (easiest way, but still cost you a cantrip).
(edited by Wolf Fivousix.4319)
I’m using a survival build like yours and I have some trouble in choosing the ascended rings, since there are no rings centered on healing power.
Which couple of rings do you suggest me to pick?
Royal Signet of Doric + Lost Seal of Usoku (PTV seems always a solid choice, but is +1360 hp enough to compensate the decrease of healing power?)
Solaria + Lunaria (a little bit of everything, but is it too “little”?)
Seal of the Khan-Ur + Mellaggan’s Whorl (the only rings with healing power, besides Solaria/Lunaria, but +100 Precision seems out of place in my build)
Ralena’s Band + Vassar’s Band (huge bonus to condition damage, good toughness, decent vitality, but +36 Precision seems a complete waste of stats)
(edited by Zartheon.5874)
Arcane shield is really useful against harder mobs like champions or high level fractals, where each hit takes a large chunk of your hp.
I personally just buy knights accessories right off the auction house and use valkyrie orbs at the moment. Sometimes I use clerics accessories with those valkyrie orbs too.
Its definitely a matter of choice, personally you can use PVT armor, clerics, or knights. Usually I run knights most of the time because I do not need the extra healing power, and am used to avoiding damage whenever possible. You do get much more damage using valkyrie or berserker jewels as someone had mentioned earlier in this thread.
I have considered it, but I personally like those might stacks I get from attunement swapping:]. I can see the potential applications with energy sigil in PvP, where dodging may be more vital. The only problem with dodging more often is that your also outputting less damage overall, because you will be more tempted to dodge and avoid it instead of tanking it + dealing damage back
:D np
I use primarily knights accessories, and sometimes clerics\
Try placing valkyries or berserker rings in the accessories, it really helps alot with damage.
:D. I remember those times, they were fun=]
Pretty sure the enemy team hated me:(
D/D eles do have a decent amount of access to condition damage, but condition damage does tend to be usually inferior to regular damage (power, precision, crit damage). Since power affects both your regular damage and critical damage and does damage instantly, I prefer regular damage. It does get mitigated by armor though, whereas condition damage does not.
I think that having the option to not target people brings up more options in combat, making it more fun and complex. For instance, I don’t have to use RtL on enemies and use it to escape situations whenever I want, or attack enemies that are invisible , etc.
Sometimes adding a target to those situations makes your skills hit much easier, for instance fire2 or water2. When it comes to PbAoE spells, it doesn’t matter if you have a target or not, but rather your positioning (fire4, earth4, etc)
The only way to kill a mesmer is to be aggressive, as they have the advantage at range, whereas you have the advantage in melee range. Always avoid the shatters as much as possible, you can see it coming if you fight your enemy’s and its clones at mid range distance. Shatter requires the clones be within point blank range of you to explode. Another thing to watch out for is there staff2 ability, which teleports them back relative to you. You must save your gap closers until they use that ability, and then force them to burn off their utilities. When you see a cripple on you from a clone, dodge asap, because an impending shatter strike (Leap+Blurr frenzy+shatter) is going to occur. Mesmers can easily output over 10k damage in a shorttime frame, so you have to be mindful when the shatter strikes going to occur. You will be immobilized when it happens, so swapping to water attunement+dodging is an automatic counter. A good mesmer however would strike right after you swap to water attunement, leaving you vulnerable
Also if possible kill the mesmer’s clones with your AoE while trying to harass them at the same time. Clones do damage via explosions, and phantasms can hurt alot if they aren’t dealt with early on
I prefer the ascended items that have critical damage on them first off, since critical damage is hard to come by.
As to stats, and what options are available, I prefer either:
Power, toughness, critical damage
All stats, + critical damage
Power, precision, critical damage
Personally I like power,toughness, crit damage rings and the new ascended all+ stats and crit damage (triforge pendant).
Backpack I use power, toughness, crit damage
I also made an elementalist guild if you guys wanna join =p. Pm me on forum or in game and I’ll send you an invite
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]
My fractal team would like to see me with S/F, should I take them with P/V/T stats ? And what sigils in it ?
Are you going a bit more damage her now DaPhoenix? Glad to see it
If your doing high level fractals, PVT armor is a must have. Vitality tends to shine alot more the harder fractals levels get. You don’t want to be downed in one shot by a boss or by trash mobs as a dead elementalist is not a very useful one.
For fractals, I use all weapon types and pick the one tailored to each situation. For instance, at the grawl final boss, S/F tends to shine the most due to air4, earth 5, and the ability to constantly break his shield quickly using any of your auto attacks (asides fire).
Staff is great when you need to kill a large number of trash mobs , and also shines by traiting water12 (aura share) with air1, and the earth3 magnetic aura. Magnetic aura is extremely useful in instances such as the dredge final boss, where you can reflect his mines back at him. You could do the same thing with S/F
D/F is a good alternative to D/D, as it provides much more defense while in turn sacrificing mobility. You really don’t need to use either S/D or D/D in higher level fractals, focus tends to be a much better option all around (level 20+ fractal). A dagger offhand doesn’t offer as much because most bosses are defiant and are immune to crowd control abilities most of the time (such as against updraft, earthquake, etc.) rendering your skills less useful.
The reason why focus is so great in fractals is because you get 2 very useful skills, earth5 and air4. Earth5 can be channeled while rezzing an ally, and be then used with mist form to provide yourself with invulnerability for 6-7seconds. Air4 is just useful everywhere where projectiles can 1 hit you if your vitality and toughness is too low.
:P I’ve been using more damage for sometime already =]. I have like 4 armor and weapon sets, lol.
pm me if you wanna join my ele guild
(p.s. i need more bank space for myself :P)
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]
Ok, but what stats of Scepter and Focus. Power, Precision,Crit or P/T/V ?
Interesting, do you go PVT weapons in fractals as well? I am not ready to push me Ele into fractals quite yet, but I want to give it a shot once I hit lv80 and get some exotics. Just wondering what to aim for, like the runes and trinkets and weapons. (Current plan is boon duration runes, at least 2 water and 2 monk, and I will see if I go 20% might or 10% generic boon on the last ones)
And like you said, Valks might be nice in my ring slots due to more crit damage and vitality and keep the sapphire earing for a bit more healing.
And in a month I guess I can start thinking about an Ascend amulet :P
Sorry if I keep nagging you, but still trying to figure out how much in each stat is useful in each situation. And since I am not quite level 80 yet due to work taking a lot of time, I have not been able to test it all myself yet
But, I am having a blast in WvW despite being a bit undergeared and leveled!
- Charles Fort
Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/nsjBRAiNZ?feature=watch you can see Elementalist on 50/70+ fractals. I can see he use jewelry for power/prec/crit (ascended power/prec/cir/vit) and what i can see there is sigil of bloodlust.
Interesting, thanks!
- Charles Fort
guys im quite confused on wich ascendet is better for me. i got soldier armor from AC, Buff duration runes and Soldier Dagger with corruption and battle sigil. i previosly had sapphire jewel wich Ascendet should i get? i got 9% crit rate so crit damage seems useless to me.
@Gio Attunement change gives you fury as well as auras so you’ve 29% crit which is still low but makes critting possible
what ring/back/neck should i get then? tought/power/critdamage? or power/prec/crit/vit?
After leveling a Mesmer to 80 and getting shredded multiple times by an Ele, I think it’s time I start playing this class and see what it’s all about. If nothing else, it just looks like a ton of fun to play.
Thanks for this great guide. I also subscribed to your YouTube channel.
I personally just buy knights accessories right off the auction house and use valkyrie orbs at the moment. Sometimes I use clerics accessories with those valkyrie orbs too.@Scarn
Its definitely a matter of choice, personally you can use PVT armor, clerics, or knights. Usually I run knights most of the time because I do not need the extra healing power, and am used to avoiding damage whenever possible. You do get much more damage using valkyrie or berserker jewels as someone had mentioned earlier in this thread.@tisme
I use primarily knights accessories, and sometimes clerics\@Ozymandias
Try placing valkyries or berserker rings in the accessories, it really helps alot with damage.@Zartheon
I prefer the ascended items that have critical damage on them first off, since critical damage is hard to come by.As to stats, and what options are available, I prefer either:
Power, toughness, critical damage
All stats, + critical damage
Power, precision, critical damagePersonally I like power,toughness, crit damage rings and the new ascended all+ stats and crit damage (triforge pendant).
Backpack I use power, toughness, crit damage
I also made an elementalist guild if you guys wanna join =p. Pm me on forum or in game and I’ll send you an invite
Seems like you joined me in using knights and crit damage gear instead of the clerics I see! Welcome to the darkside!
I’d be very interested in seeing your gear breakdown and see how similar it is to the one I posted in your thread earlier, a full breakdown I mean with a list of stats/which pieces are what. Something along the lines of this (and yea that’s my gear breakdown currently):
Berserker pieces:
shoulder, gloves, boots, daggers and the jewels in my accessories.P/V/T:
chest, pants, headpiece, ascended ringKnights:
amulet, earrings (just a reminder all the jewels are berserkers)P/T/Crit damage:
ascended ring and backpiecethis results in the following stats:
health – 16375
armor – 2400
attack – 2800
crit – 27%
crit damage – 49%
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net
I’d be very interested in seeing your gear breakdown and see how similar it is to the one I posted in your thread earlier, a full breakdown I mean with a list of stats/which pieces are what. Something along the lines of this (and yea that’s my gear breakdown currently):
Berserker pieces:
shoulder, gloves, boots, daggers and the jewels in my accessories.P/V/T:
chest, pants, headpiece, ascended ringKnights:
amulet, earrings (just a reminder all the jewels are berserkers)P/T/Crit damage:
ascended ring and backpiecethis results in the following stats:
health – 16375
armor – 2400
attack – 2800
crit – 27%
crit damage – 49%
+1 I would like to see his set armor and stats etc…
Thank for your guiding.
I’ve used your build in sPVP for a week, and I’ve got a question:
How to survive when vs. a thief or a warrior, both of them can make damages more than 10k in a short time. Even if you use Mist Form, the thief will chasing you by pressing Heart\Heart\Heart….It’s really annoying.
Bonus question, do any of you guys have experience with 4x Runes of Altruism and 2x Water/Monk?
- Charles Fort
Bonus question, do any of you guys have experience with 4x Runes of Altruism and 2x Water/Monk?
Yup. I run a similar offensive setup (6/6 PVT, Knights daggers, Berzerker Jewels, no Ascended because I’m a lazy newb) that I’m still refining but two things I’m dead set on are:
1. Ether Renewal
2. 4x Superior Altruism 2x Superior Water
Ether Renewal’s 8 ticks and 8 condition removals over 3 1/2 seconds is just to good IMO. I play on Jade Quarry and our Wv3 opposition seems to run a lot of condition builds so I’ve had to adjust for that. I’ve only 400 healing power and Signet of Restoration just feels…weak. I don’t even like it in PvE.
My favorite thing about Ether Renewal is you can cast it during Mist Form. Low health and dying to conditions? No problem. Heals you, removes conditions and you’re invulnerable. Plus you can swap to Water for more heals then to air for a quick escape all the while.
The 3 stacks of Might from 4 Superior Altruism runes goes so well with this. I would rather the extra damage than 10% more boon duration. Plus it buffs people around me which is kind of big with this d/d build anyway.
I wouldn’t run 4 Altruism with a Signet of Restoration build myself, using the signet kind of defeats the purpose of the passive heal on spell cast. Altruism 4 set doesn’t trigger from the signet passive for anyone wondering.
This build is amazing! Thank you for all the detailed information. I recently just switched my build to yours after running a staff forever. It’s so nice having more survivability.. It was quite annoying being squishy most of the time.
I do have a question for you: Since you can buy ascended gear with laurels now, which ones do you think would be best for this build?
I’m a new lvl 80 D/D ele. I really enjoy this class and how dynamic the gameplay is. I really appreciate the depth of this guide and found it quite helpful tho once hitting 80, I went in a different direction as far as gear and, to some extent, my build.
Instead of the 0/10/0/30/30 and getting all PVT gear I went with 0/10/10/30/20 and a couple PTV and a lot of power/precision/condition damage.
For how fast paced the gameplay is, my damage output just doesn’t seem to match up. Did I gear up wrong? I usually PvE but, occasionally do a bit of sPvP. I was in one today on my mesmer and went up against a D/D and this guy had the burst damage of a thief or a warrior. I’d never seen anything like it.
I really want to stick with this class but I feel like I’ve hit a wall. I’m obviously doing something wrong. I could really use some help.
I’m a new lvl 80 D/D ele. I really enjoy this class and how dynamic the gameplay is. I really appreciate the depth of this guide and found it quite helpful tho once hitting 80, I went in a different direction as far as gear and, to some extent, my build.
Instead of the 0/10/0/30/30 and getting all PVT gear I went with 0/10/10/30/20 and a couple PTV and a lot of power/precision/condition damage.
For how fast paced the gameplay is, my damage output just doesn’t seem to match up. Did I gear up wrong? I usually PvE but, occasionally do a bit of sPvP. I was in one today on my mesmer and went up against a D/D and this guy had the burst damage of a thief or a warrior. I’d never seen anything like it.
I really want to stick with this class but I feel like I’ve hit a wall. I’m obviously doing something wrong. I could really use some help.
guy might have been running 0/20/0/30/20, or even 20/20/0/30/0 to be bursting like a thief.
guy might have been running 0/20/0/30/20, or even 20/20/0/30/0 to be bursting like a thief.
Thanks, I’ll give those a try. What about gear? I get that PVT really helps with survivability but is there enough damage with that gear to stack it that much?
guy might have been running 0/20/0/30/20, or even 20/20/0/30/0 to be bursting like a thief.
Thanks, I’ll give those a try. What about gear? I get that PVT really helps with survivability but is there enough damage with that gear to stack it that much?
I don’t go that way, but I know quite a few eles who like to play the engineered expectations game.
They go GC and equip D/D, and trick people into gearing up to fight long-term, only to burst them down and run instead.
It’s not my thing, so I’d ask around.
I think I sorted it. switched out all my rampager pieces for berserker, kept the couple PTV ones, got a little more toughness in my trinkets with zerker gems. and kept the 0/10/10/30/20 build.
kind of a newb mistake with all the condition gear. damage ticks too slow when you’re that squishy. Now I have really nice DPS with some survivability. I have to stay on my toes a little (which is what I like about this class) but can take a few hits without it taking a big chunk of my health. Most fights now are quick enough and I’m moving around so much there isn’t time for me to take too much damage anyway.
Went with something similar in sPvP and was pretty happy with that as well, tho that side of it still needs adjusting.
Heres my gear set I usually use and its respective stats, since everyone always asks :P.
Also will put more analysis since everyone likes to theorycraft
I use full knights armor usually. Sometimes I’ll run PVT armor in fractals with Clerics accessories w/ 3% crit dmg jewels if I need to survive more often. I use full berserkers with rubies (2% critical damage, 14 precision, 20 power) if I know I won’t take any hits from the enemies.
Valkyrie jewels in all spots. (Power, Vitality, 3% crit damage).
Karka shell b/c its better than all other accessories
The following from ascended rings:
1. +All stats rings, +5% crit damage
2. Power, precision, +8% crit damage (for berzerker build setups)
3. Power, Toughness, +8% crit dmg ( for knights setup)
I am running ring 1 and ring 3 atm
For amulet, I am running ascended triforge amulet. I calculated the amount of stat returns you get for each of the ascended items. Triforge is superior in every regard, as you get 300 total stats +6% crit dmg with 4% MF which is always nice (as with all +all stat items).
IIrc, any stat/stat/stat ascended amulet adds up to 294 (with no critical damage). Any items with stat/stat/crit damage totaled up to ~210 w/ 9% critical damage. A 3% critical increase from ascended for a trade off of 90stats is not worth it.
Analysis on stat returns from Triforge and in general
Precision is also calculated to be worth about 1/2 the value of power (power and critical damage have the same amount of value) (see reddit links on my thread, on page 1, at the bottom of my last edit). It also has less of a return due to the perma upkeep of fury (20% critical chance + all the time). Its still good on knights armor though because the toughness stat is highest among 3 stats.
Power=Critical damage > precision, where ~20 power =1 critical damage point
Condition damage < Power, even though both give the same % stat return (100 power gives 7.5% damage increase). This is b/c power scales with both precision and critical damage, condition damage does not. Also condition damage tends to be mediocre against bosses, calculated at 66% efficiency or less iirc from threads I’ve read (due to conditions lasting shorter duration time frames against bosses). In addition, condition damage is easily removed anyways, whereas direct damage is immediate. Also must factor in the fact that condition damage ignores armor.
Healing power is subjective, with a stat return depending on whatever healing spell your using. I believe someone had made an analysis on how much returns healing power does on each spell here:
Do note that healing power has crap stat returns as mentioned by lots of people, and is especially crappy for classes like warrior who have access to only one or maybe two healing methods. Elementalists have regeneration, regeneration x6 (from staff water5’s field), passive healing (from water attunement casts), Signet of restoration/utility skill, evasive arcana, water 5, water 2, water attunement swap etc.
Vitality is something you need only if you really need it. Its value is dependent on how much you think more HP is worth. I find myself happy at ~15k HP, as I can react to burst attacks from thieves in ~0.5 seconds (thieves take 1.5seconds at the mininum to spike ~13k damage at my armor level). If you have lag or problems like that, or your reaction isn’t <1 second, vitality might be something you’d like more. Vitality is also great for fractals too at the high end levels, where agony takes off a humungous chunk of your HP, but usually in between fairly long intervals thereby giving you enough time to heal up.
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]
Toughness has diminishing returns, as it has an inverse relationship ( Y/X relationship, where the X refers to armor, and Y refers to a bunch of damage calculations that I don’t recall). Armor is the final stat you care about when your talking about reducing damage. It helps out alot when you stack armor heavily, as this reduces all incoming damage against you making it much easier to survive. It is good for both short term and long term situations (i.e. situations where you jump in and jump out due to many enemies, or sustained battles against a few enemies/bosses). Vitality tends to shine in situations in short term situations, and healing power in long sustained situations.
Therefore I rank toughness > healing power / vitality most of the time.
Power is just all around awesome, and has noticeable effects in damage, so as critical damage.
If I had to currently rank stats right now, in terms of both my playstayle in offense and defense, it would be
14k~15k HP vitality
Power=Critical damage=Toughness>Precision~Healing Power>Condition damage
Because I can already get condition damage anyways from stacking might (fairly easy to achieve as D/D, not so much as staff or S/F, S/D, D/F, etc). 25 stacks of might ~850 power and condition damage. Vitality has a perceived value depending on how much you want more max HP, I would rank it below toughness, critical damage, and power though.
Thieves that spam heart heart heart after the initial spike must be dodged. Let them burn out their initiative while you use up your dodges, or pop air3 shocking aura to counter. You can also use earthquake (earth4) right after a dodge roll. Also don’t forget about cantrips (mist form and lightning flash) are great ways to avoid them too.
Altruism rune does only shine with ether renewal (3stacks of might, 10seconds + 7 seconds from boon effects). Cast time of ether rewewal is at 3.5? seconds, which means it takes at the mininum 18.5 seconds to almost contiously upkeep 3 stacks of might. I think 15% boon duration from having 2x superior monk and 2x superior water outweighs 3 stacks of might upkeep.
Plus its not like your always going to use your heal when its not on CD.
I hope this answers all your questions about stats.
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]
is the HP regen from the Dolyak rune affected by Healing stats?
Discovered this guide a while ago and elementalist became fun again, haha.
I’m currently level 41, and wondering if a pair of level 80 exotic berserker daggers I have stored away (they’re the non-precursor ones shaped like a sai) will be suitable for general PvE/Dungeons/Fractals usage, or if I should go soldiers for them along with the armor? Do I lose too much stat potential if the weapons are berserker?
Either way, if it doesn’t really matter too much, then I already have a pair of daggers waiting for me which I won’t need to transmute, haha.
@daphoenix: I see you already use the ancient karka shell and triforge, how bad are celestial ring(solaria and lunaria) against berserk/valkyrie, I mean does it worth the investment? with soldier/knight armor(probably knight as celestial give you more defensive stats).
Oh boy, just finished getting all the gear you recommended at first and now it all changes!! Where do we grab the knights armor set from? Did you change your daggers from the Ghastly Daggers?
Still loving my Earth/Air build with D/D really high crit chance without boons is 56% and when i pop Shocking Aura it goes to 76% and with that i can cause Burning, Vul and Chill while getting Might from Dagger.
My build is:
Fire(10) : V
Air(30): I, IX, X
Earth(30): III, VI, XII
I spend most of my time in Air for the speed buffs and the damage buffs. Of course can go to Earth or Water if needed. Generally i start with Arcane Power and go into RTL followed quickly by Updraft and then LT I then pop Shocking Aura for the crit bonus and then just wail on them. Got several options to get away with RTL and Mist Form
Oh boy, just finished getting all the gear you recommended at first and now it all changes!!
Where do we grab the knights armor set from? Did you change your daggers from the Ghastly Daggers?
Knights (pow/prec/tough) can only be crafted, I think. Luckily, exotic crafted light armor doesn’t look too bad (unlike medium armor, haha), but I know the look isn’t for everyone.
You can also have knight gear from Sorrow Embrace and Arah
Thanks for the very thorough guide, Daphoenix. I just started working with a D/D ele and am enjoying it very much.
Note that there’s a typo in your guide. You mention Arcane Blast in your first tier skills in the “leveling up” section. I’m pretty sure you mean Arcane Wave, as it’s a first tier skill and a Blast finisher. Arcane Blast is a tier 3 skill and is a Projectile finisher.
Also, I know you’ve written that stats on gear doesn’t really matter while leveling, but I’m kinda curious what you and others found to be most useful at mid levels when you only have two stats on gear. Narrowing down to Power primary gear, the readily available mixes are Power/Vitality, Power/+Healing, and Power/Precision. Is the defense really necessary in those mid levels, or would more damage output with Precision make the most sense until mobs get harder in the late level zones?
I know I can probably just feel it out as I go, but I can’t play the game right now, but have access to forums, so I thought I’d get people’s thoughts.
Hmmm guys, thought about some build items and need advice about high end dungeon/fotm
What do you guys think about the Sorrow’s Embrace Full PVT set with full runes of the forge? Don’t have the chance to field test this set yet, but im forseeing alot of protection ongoing.
Coupled with D/D or D/F during fractal, should have great survivabality. Rest of the accessories should be able to go something slightly more offensive to compensate.
Thanks for the very thorough guide, Daphoenix. I just started working with a D/D ele and am enjoying it very much.
Note that there’s a typo in your guide. You mention Arcane Blast in your first tier skills in the “leveling up” section. I’m pretty sure you mean Arcane Wave, as it’s a first tier skill and a Blast finisher. Arcane Blast is a tier 3 skill and is a Projectile finisher.
Also, I know you’ve written that stats on gear doesn’t really matter while leveling, but I’m kinda curious what you and others found to be most useful at mid levels when you only have two stats on gear. Narrowing down to Power primary gear, the readily available mixes are Power/Vitality, Power/+Healing, and Power/Precision. Is the defense really necessary in those mid levels, or would more damage output with Precision make the most sense until mobs get harder in the late level zones?
I know I can probably just feel it out as I go, but I can’t play the game right now, but have access to forums, so I thought I’d get people’s thoughts.
well i’m lvl 42 at the moment, and i leveled D/D from lvl 1 ; levels 1-20 is really tough ‘cause you don’t have enough traits and your stats like vit/tough are very low , but it’s doable (frost bow and lesser elemental here helps Alot!)
30-40 it’s better , i got lvl 30 blue trinkets with tough/vit and a full green lvl 35 armor with pow/prec and i’m doing very good , i rarely get downed thanks to Cantrips and i’m using “soothing disruption” water trait that grants you regen and vigor by using cantrips, and you dmg is very high with all that crit% (with fury i’m at around 50%) i also got green lvl 35 pow/vit daggers.
Hope this helps
Thanks, Robyz. Gotta play around with it a bit more. Your split between power/prec and tough/vit seems like a good compromise while still in 2 trait gear. I’ll try it at next my next gear update in a few levels.
Thank you for making this guide, it’s helped immensely. One thing I thought is worth mentioning. Between page 1 (the original spec) and page 9, you’ve kept the build but changed your focus on gear substantially from PVT/Clerics to Knights/Berserkers. Someone viewing the guide for the first time isnt getting the full picture so my suggestion would be to update your guide to reflect the gear choices you’ve made over time. That’s valuable information there that might get overlooked. I know I did
Thanks again-
Angus the Black – 80 War
Adrich – 80 Thief
Thank you for making this guide, it’s helped immensely. One thing I thought is worth mentioning. Between page 1 (the original spec) and page 9, you’ve kept the build but changed your focus on gear substantially from PVT/Clerics to Knights/Berserkers. Someone viewing the guide for the first time isnt getting the full picture so my suggestion would be to update your guide to reflect the gear choices you’ve made over time. That’s valuable information there that might get overlooked. I know I did
Thanks again-
I agree. I just finished getting all the armor you described in page 1.. and now just seeing that your gear has changed, but I’m not complaining at all. I love the AC armor. The stats are really good and I’m loving the survivability.
Did you change your daggers from the Ghastly Daggers?
To add to this question, I would like to know if there’s any point in using sigl of minor corruption? There’s no explanation for it in the guide, and it seems more logical to maybe use the bloodlust sigil or something like that.
Which infusions do you recommend btw?
(edited by Dedalus.3065)