NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

tornado form
the “superior rune of lyssa” does not grant all boons when entering tornado form.
Conjuring fiery great sword does.
The combination of mist form, rune and lyssa, and tornado would be a nice build concept. Doesnt work in multiple ways.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Broran.6318


two tooltip errors ive found both the septor 1 skill on air and the dagger 5 skill on earth are tooltiped as charged skills (mulitple stages for the airs damage value press and hold for the earth function acording to tooltip) yet both seem to be ordenary channels the air shows no increase in damage per tick over its channel and the earth is a press and wait imobile till it goes off skill

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Superior Sigil of Battle is no longer granting 3 stacks of might on attunment swap. Using a D/D build and it doesn’t matter if the sigil on in my main hand or my off hand. I am also aware of the ICD on sigils and have confirmed it to not grant any might at all.

It’s working for me in WvW. Are you sure you guys were testing in combat? I wasn’t able to reproduce.

two tooltip errors ive found both the septor 1 skill on air

Updated everything up to this point except ^ because I didn’t see it in time to test today.

Yaaay for being able to edit the front again!

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Yeroc.7516


I am not a PVPer. I on,y play PVE and I cannot get it to work. Anets support is also a joke. This does seem to be isolated to me and they are just telling me to deal with it.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


So…you were testing this while in-combat?

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Yeroc.7516


Yes, I have been testing in combat.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: dbgfeller.8120


ride the lightning

it’s supposed to go to the target, if there is no target it’s supposed to go straight ahead.

unfortunately, about 50% of the times I use it without a target, I ride the lightning to a random creep nearby, even behind me! I think this is a bug, because I don’t want the lightning to randomly pick an aim sometimes, and sometimes to go straight ahead.

If it’s supposed to go straight ahead (without a target), it should go always straight ahead.
If it’s supposed to always go on a target, it should randomly pick a target if the player didn’t choose a target.

I hope you get what I wanna tell you

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


You need to turn auto-targeting off dbgfeller, if you have already then it is bugged but I’ve personally not had that happen with auto-targeting turned off.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rasy.6375


ride the lightning

it’s supposed to go to the target, if there is no target it’s supposed to go straight ahead.

unfortunately, about 50% of the times I use it without a target, I ride the lightning to a random creep nearby, even behind me! I think this is a bug, because I don’t want the lightning to randomly pick an aim sometimes, and sometimes to go straight ahead.

If it’s supposed to go straight ahead (without a target), it should go always straight ahead.
If it’s supposed to always go on a target, it should randomly pick a target if the player didn’t choose a target.

I hope you get what I wanna tell you

That’s not a bug, that’s autotargeting doing that. If you turn auto targeting off it always will go straight ahead, unless you pick a target.

e: beaten

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jeff.8024


Mist FormFunction bug
Mist Form is not properly affected by Cantrip Mastery. Although the tooltip is updated to show the the recharge reduced from 75 seconds to 60 seconds, the actual recharge remains at 75 seconds when the ability is used.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


I’m hoping this is a constructive thread but is there a corresponding thread where Anet actually acknowledges these issues and posts progress on resolutions?

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Yes, I have been testing in combat.

I dunno then, can anyone else reproduce this? I tried it in PvE as well and am getting might stacks like I should. I have this sigil in my offhand dagger, and am using D/D.

What specifically are you using it with? Maybe it’s a weapon/hand related issue.

Mist FormFunction bug
Mist Form is not properly affected by Cantrip Mastery. Although the tooltip is updated to show the the recharge reduced from 75 seconds to 60 seconds, the actual recharge remains at 75 seconds when the ability is used.

This has been on the front for weeks.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Veon.4679


Here’s what I know that isn’t on the list:
- Grounded trait (+20% damage vs knocked down and stunned) does not work (EDIT: possibly only with Updraft)
- Elemental Surge + Arcane Wave has infinite range to your target
- Ride the Lightning + Aeromancer’s Alacrity (-20% air recharge) only doesn’t work out of combat



Elemental SurgeFunction bug
Applies only 2 seconds of chill instead of 3 when using Arcane Wave.

Looks like 3 seconds to me. It counts down 2s, 1s, 0s.

Here’s a short video for Surge:

(edited by Veon.4679)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh Mitchell.1596

Josh Mitchell.1596

Ride the Lightning, Mist Form and Tornado break certain disguises in PvE. (Tested in Briarthorn in Caledon Forest, will test elsewhere)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Micro Hard.3601

Micro Hard.3601

“Bountiful Power — Function bug
Supposed to do more damage for each boon on you, but stability doesn’t count for increasing damage.”

It is not ONLY stability. EVERY boon does not give any bonus damage at all. (Unless it is hidden in the character stats, but it is not visible.)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Setsunayaki.4907


I work a lot with Elementalist Glass Cannon Builds and Elementalist Support Builds. They are my main.

The Question I have:

If Healing Rain is supposed to last nine seconds, does this count for the Duration of the Water Field that it generates? The water field duration feels more like the Regeneration Duration because I combo my Geyser with Arcane Skills for the Blast Finisher, then Combo Healing Rain with the #2 Skill on the Staff Earth, and sometimes I hit it, and sometimes I don’t. This is me TESTING IT alone for the duration.

Does the Condition Removal actually work as stated on that skill? It feels like it ends at 5.25 seconds and does not run for the full nine seconds.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avatara.1042


- Elemental Surge + Arcane Wave has infinite range to your target

What do you mean by that?

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Veon.4679



What do you mean by that?

The target that you have selected will get hit by the Surge’s effect even if it’s out of range of Arcane Wave. You can hit with it from as far as you can go while still keeping your target.

In my example video I chill the thief NPC from a pretty long distance, where he is not hit by the actual Wave.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: silvermember.8941



The point of the thread is to simply post things that might be bugs NOTHING MORE and NOTHING LESS. Acknowledging them is irrelevant and serves not real point. The goal is to direct them to the issues.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleden.9386


The trait, Powerful Auras, does not work with auras granted from the Arcane Resurrection trait. Intentional?

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Come on guys, we can do it! A few more and hit the 100 mark! Push harder!

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avatara.1042



What do you mean by that?

The target that you have selected will get hit by the Surge’s effect even if it’s out of range of Arcane Wave. You can hit with it from as far as you can go while still keeping your target.

In my example video I chill the thief NPC from a pretty long distance, where he is not hit by the actual Wave.

That is interesting. Might have to do it to randomly burn people in wvwvw :P

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dante.1508


Wow i never realised the ele had so many issues i knew had a few but Wow, that is a lot..

I really miss Guildwars 1 Ele, this Guildwars 2 ele is a pale shadow to those…

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wildclaw.6073


Come on guys, we can do it! A few more and hit the 100 mark! Push harder!

Just add all the incorrect cast times on the tooltips. I have the exact list I measured at home, but here are some examples from memory:

Claimed: 1s
Actual: 1.4s

Chain Lightning, Water Blast, Stoning
Claimed: 0.75s
Actual: 1.36-1.38s

Ice Shards
Claimed: 0.75s
Actual: 1s

Dragon’s Claw, Lightning Whip
Claimed: 0.5s
Actual: 1.1-1.15s

Vapor Blade
Claimed: 0.5s
Actual: 1s

There is no consistency at all between the listed cast times and the actual time it takes to cast spells.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Augcliffe.1342


I’m too lazy to read all the posts and I’m sure this is mentioned, but….
The auto-attack on air attunement goes off when it’s near an enemy whether I tell it to or not. Also, the animation for the auto-attack sticks and won’t go off until you force another animation (like earth armor).

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Man, i just started leveling my Elemental again (finally l80 on my guardian), my god at all the bugs that are still waiting to be fixed. I really have to wonder, if even half of the skills posted got fixed would the class truely be UP in general? (or perhaps even a bit OP!).
It’s the simple ones that get me (or should i say the ones that look simple), the 2 criticals instead of 5 from Arcane power, burning retreat only lasting 4 seconds and not 6 etc – basically all the ones that are just different in timings/numbers. How have at least these not been fixed in all this time?.

Anyways, great list now Rainshine- it looks like nearly all skills are bugged in some way or another .

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atsuma Lawliet.5829

Atsuma Lawliet.5829

Not sure if this is a bug, but I’ve been able to use null field to consistently end mist form prematurely on elementalists. Since it’s not a boon per say this strikes me as a possible bug. I think I’ve also been able to use GS #3 to end it, but I’m not as sure on that one, due to the difficulty to hit with it.

Keep in mind I’ve never played an ele, so it could be them doing something while in the field or it ending while in the field, it is a big field, but it seems to end immediately when it goes up.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: MaXi.3642


before some time Signet of Restoration got nerfed on use heal and increased per cast heal…

tooltip shows 202 heal per cast, im getting 150 heal per cast, bug? no healing stat, no conditions on me…

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: steffakasid.2941


The listed Dragon Tooth “bug” regarding the blast finisher:
I like how it behaves because it enables me to buff myself using Ring of Fire. So not sure if this is a bug or maybe intended?! Even it could not be used in this way to trigger combo fields from other players…

Mia Sutzu
Anima Immortalis [AI] – – Elona Reach [DE]

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Looks like I have some testing/updating to do tonight Thanks guys, keep ’em coming!

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: DJRiful.3749


Churning Earth — Function bug
If you cancel Churning Earth, the skill goes on full recharge instead of the 4s.

From the look of it, Churning Earth tooltip may be correct but not the function. Hold and Release is not working in this case.

Stormïe ~ Tarnished Coast | My little monster <3 –

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arc.9374


Piercing Shards – Function bug or Tooltip error
Only adds 10% damage to vulnerable enemies while in Water Attunement, instead of the 20% the tooltip states.

edit Appears to be some weird interaction with Piercing Shards/Lingering Attunements. It works as described when in Water Attunement with Vulnerability up, but does not behave as expected during the 5s of lingering Water attunement/vulnerability when switching to another element.


(edited by Arc.9374)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

design issue.
DOWN State Grasping Earth causes self CC.

When this is cast with no target is cast on the ele doing nothing but effectively CC’ing the ele.

The effect can not be interrupted and generally auto targeting has to be turned off to effectively use RTL.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tenebram.8975


First off.. gotta say this is a fantastic thread

An issue I’ve noticed primarily with chain lightning but with any staff auto attack, you can get continuous obstructed messages despite having a clear line of sight.. even being a few feet away from the target, level ground, and no enviromental objects between you its like the attack hits an invisable wall. Mostly happens when attacking moving targets but not always.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


I’m sorry I’ve been such a slacker on this thread the past few days guys, been stuck with some overtime this week. =/ At the worst this will be updated by Tuesday (my next day off) but I sincerely plan to do this tonight if I don’t end up just going straight to bed.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: MasterDeere.3417


Got hit by Wild Strike while in mist form.

Ele have soooooooo many bugs

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: MasterDeere.3417


Powerfull Aura dont work if you get aura on yourself using combo

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Wonder if the patch fixed anything? I know this sounds pessimistic, but the patch probably increased the number of bugs…

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Congratulations, Magnetic Grasp is now broken… You use it, sit in mid-air for several seconds until you are hit before can do anything. Hoozah!

Edit: I tested it 10x in row vs Svanir in sPvP setup.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atlas.6901


I did not see this one in the list, so apologies if it’s already been mentioned in the thread:

Mist Form: Mist Form and the 20% reduced Cantrip recharge trait in the Water line do not work together. When you use the trait, the tooltip for Mist Form reflects that the cooldown is 60 seconds (down from 75 seconds), but if you activate the ability, the CD is actually still 75 seconds.

(Very frustrating, because I would otherwise use the trait in several builds…)

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arc.9374


Lingering Elements is apparently not working when combined with any of the +10% damage while attuned to <element> traits. That is to say, when you swap out of one attunement, the bonus 10% damage from the previous attunement will not apply if you have it traited.

Tested using Air Training and Internal Fire.


NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Looking at this seemingly endless list of problems it’s not hard to see why Eles are generally regarded as the weakest profession in the game.
Come on ANet, this is pathetic… It seems like they have a grudge against Eles or something. Most of these are stupidly simple issues that look like they would take 15 mins to fix all of…

But back on topic…

Evasive Arcana:
After dodging, the resulting spell in any attunement creates a blast combo finisher. Its doesn’t say anything about it making a blast combo finisher in the tooltip.

Fire: Flame Burst, normally not a combo finisher.
Water: Cleansing Wave, normally not a combo finisher.
Air: Blinding Flash, normally not a combo finisher.
Earth: Only the Churning Earth skill is actually meant to be a blast combo finisher.

I’m not sure if this is intended, it is sure nice to have more combo finishers while using a staff, but still might be a bug, if only a tooltip bug.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Micro Hard.3601

Micro Hard.3601

I am pretty sure there is an internal cooldown on combo finishers in combo fields Arcanorum Ignis. But I am not 100% sure. Casting both the arcane blast and wave at the same time do not provide both combo finisher buffs. Although, if I am wrong, then I guess we can add that to the list of bugs.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

After the halloween patch:

Vapor form (downed skill) doesn’t last 3 seconds. 1-2 seconds max.
Ride the lightning is EVEN MORE BUGGED HOW CAN THIS BE? Now it goes straight down instead of arcing when used in the air. Meaning you cant even go over distances you can NORMALLY JUMP. This is kittened up.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

Final shielding is bugged since the halloween patch. It gives the arcane shield at 10% not 25% making it extremely useless.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Vapor form atm lasts way to short

To the guy a couple of posts ago, healing rain the combo field should also last 9 secs, which is doesnt.. Alrdy been confirmed

Also about the evasive arcana, the effect at the end counts as blast finishers cause in fact they arent the spells mentioned in the description.. They have the same animation yes, but in my opinion giving the effects a different name then the spells would make alot more sense

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avatara.1042


I am pretty sure there is an internal cooldown on combo finishers in combo fields Arcanorum Ignis. But I am not 100% sure. Casting both the arcane blast and wave at the same time do not provide both combo finisher buffs. Although, if I am wrong, then I guess we can add that to the list of bugs.

Arcane Blast is a projectile finisher or whatever it is called. Its combo finisher is to stack Vulnerability on the target.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

Churning earth goes on the normal cooldown when interrupted instead of the interrupt cooldown (which is about 4 seconds?). This sucks.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Micro Hard.3601

Micro Hard.3601

Arcane Blast is a projectile finisher or whatever it is called. Its combo finisher is to stack Vulnerability on the target.

Anything that states “combo finisher” in a combo field, will present some form of effect. Maybe I should have added something like that ring of fire to specify. When casted 1 after the other with a short interval you’d gain 6 stacks of might. Casting both simultaneously gives 3.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Micro Hard.3601

Micro Hard.3601

Also I think you are confusing combo finishers with combo fields and how they work. Although there are different combo finisher types, what they actually do is based off of what kind of combo field it is casted in.